gallery directories - Epic 4G General

Anyone know how to have the gallery not scan every directory on the SD card. Right now it's showing anything that is an image anywhere.
So I see folders with all my mp3 covers, all the cache for any installed app. It's a bit much and really annoying.

make a blank file in notepad on your computer called ".nomedia"
Do not include the quotes obviously. Save it as all files, and not as a text file.
Now with your epic attached and mounted to your computer in mass storage mode, copy this file .nomedia to every directory you dont want scanned for pictures and music.

navoid said:
make a blank file in notepad on your computer called ".nomedia"
Do not include the quotes obviously. Save it as all files, and not as a text file.
Now with your epic attached and mounted to your computer in mass storage mode, copy this file .nomedia to every directory you dont want scanned for pictures and music.
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Awesome, this is great. Thank you.

this works for most things but breaks music.
if you put a .nomedia in a directory with music then the music player doesn't show music in that folder. so i still have a bunch of galleries show up with album covers in them.

hopefully a new update will allow users the ability to filter out which directories to display and such. i too am having the same issue and its very annoying.


HOW TO - Hide Certain Media Files from Music Player and Gallery (5/30/2009)

Have you ever been listening to your Britney Spears, Daft Punk or Tupac and suddenly you start hearing files that aren't music (i.e ringtones, notification sounds, etc.)? I find it pretty annoying that there is no current method to hide these files from the music player, until now.
I would like to give credit to Scheff's Blend for this idea, and after tinkering with the the doom game folder on my memory card, I found a file called ".nomedia". Within that same folder was over 100 sound files for the game doom, BUT my music player was not reading that specific folder.
I figured it had to do something with that ".nomedia" file, and coincidentally it DID.
1) Download and unzip somewhere onto your computer
2) Inside is a file called .nomedia, copy it into the directory of media files you want to hide
3) Reboot your phone
P.S. This also works for pictures and video files, BUT for newly taken pictures and videos, or music files added, a REBOOT is REQUIRED to hide them again.
Thanks. Works perfectly! I have just hidden all my MP3s
so now people with naughty pics can hide them.
I've been hiding certain pics since I got the phone. You can also just make a new folder with a "." in front of it and it will make the folder hidden.
Example: /sdcard/.data/all your ringtones, naughty pics, etc. here
Yeah, I just make a folder name it to whatever, go into astro and rename the folder to .xxxxx or whatever. Windows wont allow you (at least me) to add a . in front of folder name. But astro will.
Either way it works, but its the period that does the trick.
Even quicker, if you're a terminal kind of a person CD to the directory you want and type:
touch .nomedia
should work
Is there any way to hide it JUST from the gallery? I have tons of folder art with my mp3s that I love having in the music player but would rather not have it shown in the gallery.
You can change a name to:
Or name a folder
My ? is how do you find all the files that are not suppose to be in the Music library to rename them or move them
Most of them are named just numbers. I don't know where they are at.

Album Images

Whenever I load my album app, folders appear where my pics are categorized.
The problems is that I see a huge list of folders, incluiding album art of all my music, and thumbnails of other apps. So as you can imagine, a pretty long list which takes a while to load each time.
Is there any way to choose what folder to see?
I will like to see: Cam pictures, dowload pictures and video. NO MORE.
I can´t get all the other sillion of folders out!!!
Any suggestion or idea?
Thanks in advance.
I also would like to know how to do this.
Do you have your Music in the folder sdcard/mp3/ ???
You must do that, then it works well.
Formel-LMS said:
Do you have your Music in the folder sdcard/mp3/ ???
You must do that, then it works well.
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Does it matter if the folder is sdcard/MP3?
Is it case sensitive?
EDIT I change de folder name from sdcard/MP3 to sdcard/mp3, turn off the phone, turn it on, and the same thing happens...any other suggestions?
Simply create a file and name it ".nomedia" (without quotes). Put it in every folder you don't want to be listed in Albums (or Player)
freemsk1 said:
Simply create a file and name it ".nomedia" (without quotes). Put it in every folder you don't want to be listed in Albums (or Player)
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I´ve connected my hero to my PC, enter the SD Card, enter in the folder where a I have my MP3 sdcard/mp3 an created there, with the note creator, an empty .nomedia file. But it didn´t I hacve to this for all my MP3 folders? Which programs should I use to create de .nomedia file?
I didn't create it myself, found somewhere on android forums. I've attached this file (extract it to desired folder). It worked for me
Excellent!!! It worked!!!
EDIT. .nomedia inside my mp3 folder means no infinite list of album art in the image gallery, but it also meant NO MUSIC DETECTED IN MY SD CARD!!!!!!
SO...there is no way to have both working!!!!!
Does it works also in subfolders? 'Cause otherwise it's hard to copy this file everywhere....
You do not need the album art image (jpg) to display a cover in the Musik player at all. The htc music player supports the album art as a tag in the mp3 file. That means you need an mp3tag program to add your cover.jpg (or folder.jpg) to the mp3 file directly. Afterwards you can delete the cover.jpg. Then you have clean folders with mp3 files only in it meaning that the HTC Album does not show the covers anymore but the Music player does.
A great free program for this job can be found here:
The page is german, though;-)

Album covers show up in the gallery app - Is there a way to prevent this?

Does someone know a way of hidding the album covers showing up in the gallery app? I know the way of putting a ".nomedia" file inside the music folder but that prevents the music from showing up in the music app.
Thank you for your help.
I would also like to know if there is any answer for this? It is irritating to go into gallery and sort through a couple of hundred pictures of my albums.
Embed the art into the mp3 files themselves so you con remove the JPG art files.
There is only one way I know off to stop this and it means going through your music comprehensively.
You need to edit the music files in iTunes or similar, and assign the album art to the individual music tracks rather than just copying a .jpg to the folder.
If you right click on the music file or files (you can edit more than one track at a time) and then click on 'albumart'.
you then find the file you wish to use and click okay.
EACH track then has an assigned album art picture embedded.
It takes time though, I've done 120Gb of my 300Gb of Music!!
21000 tracks and counting so far.................
Personally, I use TagRunner. Downloads the tags and art automatically (and embeds it).
IMO Weak workarounds.
Pisses me off the Gallery wont let you select specific folders.
I once dled a sign language App only to suddenly have 100+ pics in my gallery.
Id you .hide them...the App wont see them either.
Terrible setup by Android , no idea why this hasnt been addressed.
Super noob question,I can't figure out how to add music to my n1.I hooked it up to my PC,do I need software to sync up to? Thanks
class01 said:
Super noob question,I can't figure out how to add music to my n1.I hooked it up to my PC,do I need software to sync up to? Thanks
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drag and drop after you mount your sd card
Um, you guys know that you can just drop a file called .nomedia in any directory and the music/picture/video finder won't index it, right?
Yes that was discussed. but if the album art is in the same folder as the music, you dont get to listen to the music. And if you put that file in the albumthumbs folder, then the music player wont show it either.
OP is looking to eliminate it from the gallery only.
Are the music files and artwork in the same folder?
If they are you can't do anything about it.
Properly tag the files folks...
Now if the artwork is in another folder you can make a 1 byte file with the name ".nomedia" and place it in the folder.
None of the Media Scan routines will process the folder; this means in the folder images *AND* music will be ignored.
Placing the .nomedia file in whatever folder has the images (music folder or albumthumbs) will most likely prevent the album are from being seen in the music player as well.
I agree that properly tagging the music is really the best way around this. I use mediamonkey for my media management and tagging on my desktop.
SilentMobius said:
Um, you guys know that you can just drop a file called .nomedia in any directory and the music/picture/video finder won't index it, right?
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I'm doing this, when I rename the file, it vanishes. Is this right? If I try make it again, it says it can't as a file with that name exists, so I guess that's how it should be.
When I go to album, these folders are still there though. Is there a way to make it refresh?
EDIT: Okay, I rebooted and this worked

gallery ignore folder

Hi Guys,
I googled a way to hide folders from showing up in the gallery, because i have some folders with pictures that i do not want to see in the gallery, such as scanned documents etc.
I came across this fix of adding a blank '.nomedia' file to the folder i want ignored.
However, i then ran across this issue where adding nomedia file will delete all the media files in that folder (
Does anyone know if this has been fixed in Froyo? because i don't want to risk putting this .nomedia file and then losing all my documents.
I haven't heard of the issue of nomedia file issue but I do know that you can create any folder with a "." at the beginning and the gallery and media players will ignore it.
.photos or .scans will make the folder hidden
I've never had that probem with .nomedia either....but you can try what was posted above.
what about album arts? I want it to show up on music player, but not photo and video gallery, which it has unfortunately picked them up.
how do i turned off the display of such media files in gallery?
alienwolf426 said:
Hi Guys,
I googled a way to hide folders from showing up in the gallery, because i have some folders with pictures that i do not want to see in the gallery, such as scanned documents etc.
I came across this fix of adding a blank '.nomedia' file to the folder i want ignored.
However, i then ran across this issue where adding nomedia file will delete all the media files in that folder (
Does anyone know if this has been fixed in Froyo? because i don't want to risk putting this .nomedia file and then losing all my documents.
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I use photovault to hide images i dont want to show up in gallery. It works like a charm. It costs 1$ but it's totally worth it.
btw would it be possible to only use specified folders for media files? like putting .nomedia in the root-directory and then something like a ".ThisIsMedia" file into the videos, photos, mp3 folders?

How can I hide files from v20 music library?

SOLVED.* Hi, all. I usually have a ton of audiobooks, seminars, etc on my sd card and I listen to them via a separate and dedicated audiobook app.
It'd be so great to start my new phone with more ease/less clutter: I'm really tired of slogging through hundreds of spoken word files when I open my music player to choose music.
Any way/any player that will let me hide tracks selectively so that only my music shows up?
Thanks in advance!
Put everyday music like in separate folder. Alsoake sure player only uses that folder. For other files you need to pit a .nomedia in folder so players ignore that.
@rbiter said:
Put everyday music like in separate folder. Alsoake sure player only uses that folder. For other files you need to pit a .nomedia in folder so players ignore that.
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Thank you -- I'd never heard of the .nomedia concept before!
OhColleen! said:
Thank you -- I'd never heard of the .nomedia concept before! Could you help out with one further thing possibly? I dunno how to make one or where to get one. Feeling kinda dumb, but if you could direct me one last time, I'd be quite grateful.
I always keep separate folders, so that's done. SD card has a folder for audiobooks, and SmartAudiobooks already knows that's the root folder for those.
I also have a music folder on the sd card, and, ideally, that'd be the only folder I want a music player to look for music.
When you mentioned the .nomedia file, I looked it up and saw that google play offered some for this purpose -- but reviews all complained that those apps were useless as the sd card was not searched. So I searched on how to make one or find one elsewhere and I guess my search skills are missing something.
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You can also place a period in front of folder name to game similar result
A .nomedia file is just a blank text file but has the filename of ".nomedia", any text editor can create a new file but make sure you save it with the .nomedia filename.
Sent from my LG-H918 using Tapatalk
*SOLUTION Much heartfelt thanks to repliers!
The easiest way to do this is to download a handy app called ES File Explorer from the play store, install it, then open and go to the folder whose media you wish to hide. Once there, click the upper right dotted menu, choose new, then file, then rename the file .nomedia. At this point you are asked to rechoose the folder you wish to hide. Choose it, and you're done! SmartAudiobooks still recognizes all my audiobooks but the music app blissfully ignores them.
What's best is that ES File Explorer makes the .nomedia file work on the SD folders ... after learning about .nomedia from the helpful folks on this thread, I made the file using my desktop but I could NOT get the music player to ignore it, and had a hard time making the PC allow me to name it with nothing before the dot.
The ESFE solution was a painless breeze, and I am now a happy listener
Thanks for teaching me something wonderful, you guys!

