[Q] Weird 3G/GSM disconnect while on USB - HD2 General

So, here's a weird one... has anyone else seen this?
(did a search, but couldn't find a thread talking about it)
I leave my HD2 connected to my work computer throughout the day... and I've noticed several times that my signal indicator will sometimes drop an recognized connection. I still have full bars, but instead of showing 3G,E,H or what have you, it just goes to the antenna sign.
When this occurs, I do actually lose data connection, and I can't even phone or SMS, and I have to unplug the phone from the computer before it will re-establish a connection.
not a huge deal... but is a bit annoying as I have to watch the icon to see if I can do anything
Radio is
ROM is Energy 23127 Aug. 28

Ryan79 said:
So, here's a weird one... has anyone else seen this?
(did a search, but couldn't find a thread talking about it)
I leave my HD2 connected to my work computer throughout the day... and I've noticed several times that my signal indicator will sometimes drop an recognized connection. I still have full bars, but instead of showing 3G,E,H or what have you, it just goes to the antenna sign.
When this occurs, I do actually lose data connection, and I can't even phone or SMS, and I have to unplug the phone from the computer before it will re-establish a connection.
not a huge deal... but is a bit annoying as I have to watch the icon to see if I can do anything
Radio is
ROM is Energy 23127 Aug. 28
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That's weird, because when I connect it, I do lose the E, 3G, etc. But it uses the Computer's connection instead, and I can still use phone and stuff.

took some screenshots so you guys can see. There is an error message that comes up when the phone disconnects, most likely because it's trying to connect to a data source to update something and can't... but I didn't have "Shake'n Save" running at the time
Screenshots are in order... first one you can see the usb connected icon, and the antenna symbol with full bars. Second shot the phone is disconnected from usb, and the phone re-aquires the signal, 3rd the phone has fully aquired a signal - still off USB, & 4th the phone is back on USB and the signal icon shows 3G with full bars again.


Data Connection goes bezerk/dead!

Hi everyone...
I have an odd problem with my ToucH HD data connection. Usually it happens by the end of the day.
When I arrive home, I disconnect HDSPA/3G and connect Wifi because my data plan comprises only 100Mb per month.
At the end of the night I disconnect Wifi and connect hSDPA/3G again, but the connection goes crazy.
Usually the weather widget still works (at first), but no other app that needs web connection. No Opera, no MSN, no mail... everything with connection error. Then even the weather widget too...
In the commManager the DataConnection is active and when i click on the H on top of the screen i can see that HSDPA is connected and there is a time counter... counting. I've even tried the "Connection wizard" (i suppose it's its name, since my TouchHD is in portuguese), then a soft-reset, but nothing. Is stays the same apparently connected, but no application being able to connect the internet. Just as if some communication layer that serves the applications had been disconnected from the HSDPA network.
The only way I have to "solve" this problem is by doing a restore of an image i created while the HSDPA connection was working. But I suppose having to do this at least once a day does not seem to be a good remedy, at least in my humble opinion.
Do you have any suggestions? I'm running the latest HTC official ROM for Europe, release Apri 7th.
Thank you in advance.

Are connection delays normal?

I am a relatively new HD2 user (just a few weeks) and I need to ask other users to know what is "normal" with the HD2.
Brief background. My HD2 shipped with 1.48. I flashed to 1.66 via HSPL, used it for a couple of weeks of perfect normal function. No connection issues, but the 1.66 ROM lacks much over Dutty's HG v.08, so I flashed to Dutty's hard reset, and then my service provider began having problems with the data network.
I am not sure what is normal for connection. When I connect via EDGE, the "E" is solid, and there is a smaller "E" in the upper right of the notification area for connections. When I cannot connect the larger "E" is grayed out/dim and the area where the small "E" would be on connection is replaced with a standard connection tower icon. In this scenario, no connection takes place.
If I go to the Wireless controls, the "Data" connection is dimmed in this event, and if I try to connect, it will give me an attempt, with double arrows, and then fail. i assume this is normal when the network is not functioning properly?
I am on a mixed network, where some areas have 3G and others have only EDGE. Should I leave the 3G switch on "Automatic" (on) or should I stay on GSM?
Normally once I get connected, if I restart, or soft-reset, the connection will be lost, and I will have to go through the process again...after some minutes (10 or so) the phone will often connect to EDGE, with the large "E" and smaller "E" and I always have all the bars, so I am sure the signal is strong.
Is this just my network, or I am I doing something wrong?
Should my phone automatically connect to my data connection on startup?
I apologize If this seems rambling. I just do not know what is normal. Coming form Symbian, my other phones always connected to my data connection on startup without being asked to do so.
I want to rule out any possible ROM issues, because I do not THINK it is related to Dutty's ROM, because I have had it work normally sometimes. What do you think?
It won't connect by itself after a reboot, but it will as soon as a program tries to get something from the internet.
The "large" logo shows the connection is available, but not connected. Once the "small" logo appears, it's connected.
kilrah said:
It won't connect by itself after a reboot, it only does if a program tries to get something from the internet.
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In this case, is the large "E" gray in the notification area, with a small tower on the right side of it?
The solid E with tower is what I said, EDGE available but not connected. Now to the "grey" one... good question. I've seen it too, but when I do and try to connect it instantly becomes solid and connects.

Nexus One Wifi issues...

So i got my N1 today, connected it to my Wifi at home and it worked flawlessly, then i left it alone for charging, and now it won't talk to the internet anymore
i can access the routers config page via the browser, i can ping the N1 from my PC which is on the same WiFi, my Pc gets in the Internet just fine, but what's up with the N1?
I have apndroid to disable 3G and EDGE/GPRS data, but that didn't affect it earlier.
Any clues?
Does the phone show the Wifi symbol on the notification bar?
hold on it worked there for a second, loaded engadget...
then when i went to check out the android market it gave me a network error again, and the browser also won't show up any pages...
liam.lah said:
Does the phone show the Wifi symbol on the notification bar?
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yeah it does, full bars i got like 100% signal...
I downloaded keepwifi from the market, sometimes it would drop out, either because of sleep or because of some other reason.. and with the access points i'd occasionally have to turn off the wifi and then turn it back on
Running CM 5.0.2
My wifi is working now. See post h**p://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=5773148&postcount=26
Hmm, you try restarting phone and or taking out the battery for a while.... ?
Maybe even turn it to airplane mode and try.

Problems with using S200 as a 3G Modem?

Does anyone have issues using the S200 as a 3G modem?
The specific problem I am having is as follows:
I can establish a connection (either via USB connection + Internet sharing; or by Wifi Router) and the internet works (on HSPA or EDGE/GPRS depending on coverage - and accordingly there is indication of "H" "E" or "G")
But sometimes the connection just dries up... on Windows, the icon that says I have a connection (the roundish one for USB, or the wifi single bars for Wifi) gets an exclamation bar which means "no internet"
If this happens, very rarely it fixes itself (I think this happens when the phone drops the internet connection after timeout for non-usage and is able to recover the connection; but I'm not sure). But sometimes the problem occurs even in the middle of a download...
And most of the time, I have to soft reset to restore connectivity (removing and reconnecting via USB, or stopping/starting WifiRouter doesn't help).
This could possibly be an issue with my provider (but, on regular 3G modems this problem hardly ever occurs at all; but happens generally at least 1/day with my phone) but I doubt it... I don't think it's an issue with a specific ROM because I've had this problem across many ROMs.
So, if anyone has any experiences to share it might be helpful to track down the problem...


Hi everyone i have the LeeDrOiD HD V3.1.2 GB Rom on my HTC DHD and my wifi keeps droping out ? why is this ? and how can i fix this thanks.
my advice would be ( and i am no expert )
keep up to date with the [ROM]LeeDrOiD HD V3.1.2 GB tread for info and fixes
you could back up all your apps and user data then do a clean wipe and re install to the new rom and kernel
Might help
info i am on same and mine is running fine..
Why create a thread if we (Users using Lee's ROM) already talking about that in the Lee's ROM Thread? Just go back to the Thread and Read!!! Everybody is talking about that and we will find the solution, for sure Lee will fix it, just give to him sometime.
Are you sure the connection drops or it's just the WiFi icon is showing zero bar?
If the problem is the latter: I disable my phone WiFi connection, reconnect and the problem is solved.
Yeah let's hope lee fixes it quick yes I'm up to date with the Rom yes it keeps droping out and I keep need to reconnect.
Same issue here wifi icon shows zero bar even are full wipe and clean install, no drop outs with connection though
raidenxl said:
Same issue here wifi icon shows zero bar even are full wipe and clean install, no drop outs with connection though
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Yeah I get drop outs sometimes even when I'm really close to the router ? And when Im in my bed room I get drop outs all the time I used to get drop outs very rare with an old Android Rom but still was good. Now its droping out every time BUT its funny as soon as I get the drop out I quickly go to settings, wireless and networks, WiFi networks and the phone can still see the connection ? 2 of 1 bars so I quickly connect to it and 1 min later after useing the internet it drops out agian, and I do the exact thing shown find the connection I connect and bang drops out again......it seems that it can't hold a constant connection ? It's not that it loses the signal because as soon as you get the drop out you go to connect again and the signal is there you don't have to wait for the phone to find it? Another thing that is funny is this.... When it drops out you go into WiFi settings and the phone can still see the connection to the router BUT the phone never attempts to connect to the router, it only connects if you click on it.

