Rebelsim 1.2 with Android 2.1 on UK o2 streak - Streak 5 General

Having suffered with the Rebelsim 1.1 firmware for a while I decided to upgrade the Rebelsim firmware to 1.2 using the flasher and the Android to the leaked 2.1.
Rebel simply works without having to enable the roaming!. Cool, I'll try it for a couple of days regular use and see how it performs.
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I mistakingly thought I had flashed 1.2 - but didn't complete the flashing procedure properly. I successfully flashed 1.2 last nite - and now my locked O2 Streak is now working without any problems with my Australian Optus SIM.
I would describe the Rebel Sim 1.2 as making my phone seem like its totally unlocked.
Rebel Sim 1.1 definitely sucked - but 1.2 seems like the real deal

Hi, what is the difference on this new version of 1.2. with the 1.2, have you lost your network connection? (lose network connection then need to take out sim card and put it in another phone then back to the streak) have you experience any of that with the new version 1.2 or probably less network loss? Thanks

No need to take out the Sim with 1.2 just works for me. Havent lost network connection yet
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baobaotei said:
Hi, what is the difference on this new version of 1.2.
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Autodetects apns
No roaming required = no R in status bar
Happy on auto 2g 3g
Feels more like s real unlock
Lets see how the day goes...
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Thank you guys for the reply, but which network do you use? i use AT&T on o2 dell streak but everyday i get a network lost. Probably, because im still in the old rebel sim version (not so sure which version i have) is there a way to check the version? or did this 1.2 version just came out?

1.2 jusr came out. U can upgrade it but u need a sim programmer
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baobaotei said:
Thank you guys for the reply, but which network do you use? i use AT&T on o2 dell streak but everyday i get a network lost. Probably, because im still in the old rebel sim version (not so sure which version i have) is there a way to check the version? or did this 1.2 version just came out?
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I use an o2 uk dell streak and the 1.2 is much better than the 1.1, no issues so far today... very happy streak.
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rodjordan said:
I use an o2 uk dell streak and the 1.2 is much better than the 1.1, no issues so far today... very happy streak.
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Finally I lost data connectivity, decided to give up on locked streaks and bought an unlocked one in Luxembourg with a dataplan
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rodjordan said:
Finally I lost data connectivity, decided to give up on locked streaks and bought an unlocked one in Luxembourg with a dataplan
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ok! dataplan gone, how about phone service etc? do they still work? can make do with wifi if phone service works ok.. please let me know.

Phone service was ok with firmware 1.2 and wifi always was fine. It was just the data that stopped working, no E or G or H. The second streak I bought for 99 euro with a 2 year 25 euro per month 5gb per month plan has 1.6 build 6267, and for the moment I will stay on 1.6 because all if the 2.1 roms seem to require the o2 UK version....
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Streak Question

I have a chance to buy a dell streak.. Fully unlocked from my Uncle.. Just got a quick question he got the OTA update from o2 when he was over seas.. so updated to 2.1
Now I was wondering if this phone would work on Bell Network in canada? Or is the frequency different then bells voice and 3g service..
Go to, or dells product site for the streak and compare those frequencies with your carriers, simple as that.
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kumper33 said:
I have a chance to buy a dell streak.. Fully unlocked from my Uncle.. Just got a quick question he got the OTA update from o2 when he was over seas.. so updated to 2.1
Now I was wondering if this phone would work on Bell Network in canada? Or is the frequency different then bells voice and 3g service..
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If it's the US version you will get voice and 3g on Bell. If it's the UK version you will get voice but you will not get any data. So make sure it's the US version!
I'm using an AT&T locked version on Rogers with the Rebel Simcard.
homeiss said:
If it's the US version you will get voice and 3g on Bell. If it's the UK version you will get voice but you will not get any data. So make sure it's the US version!
I'm using an AT&T locked version on Rogers with the Rebel Simcard.
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Uk version will get data but no 3g correct?
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You should get edge/2g
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Will Rebel Sim work with official froyo update??

Many of us are using rebel sim to unlock our streak. So i just wanna know whether rebel sim will work if we update our streak to froyo.?? If not then plz sm1 find out a solution.. specially rebel sim team.
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Anyone who knws nethng abt dis issue???
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Perhaps someone with a little more tech knowledge should respond... but there is no reason to believe the Rebel Sim would not continue to be an acceptable solution, regardless of OS.
The function of the Sim is independent of the OS.
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CGI_Ram said:
Perhaps someone with a little more tech knowledge should respond... but there is no reason to believe the Rebel Sim would not continue to be an acceptable solution, regardless of OS.
The function of the Sim is independent of the OS.
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Based on the installation instructions for the djsteve froyo Rom there appear to be rebel sim issues. My first streak was an o2 plus rebel simply, I sold it and bought an unlocked one. Get yourself an unlock code is my recommendation.....
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No !
I just update my streak O2 UK in 2.2 and it no longer recognize my sim card.
But it worked well with my Rebel sim II in 1.6 and 2.1
It won't work, already posted that on the other post before you posted this one
There's also about 300 links on google warning that with 2.2 they knowlonger work
Here's another question:
After you upgrade to 2.2 can you still log into the market with no simcard card?
As when i upgraded from 1.6 to 2.1 i could not log in to the market using just wifi, i had no credit on my sim card and had to top up so i could log in using 3g first then log in using wifi after.

Network unlock.

Hey guys n galls, this has probably been asked many a time already. I need to get my streak unlocked from O2 uk so I can use my T-Mobile SIM
What I would like to know is there any way to unlock this without calling O2 or Dell I.e. by an IMEI unlock code generator or even an app I could use on the Streak?
I hope there is something I can do myself
Thanks in advance and merry christmas.
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Ohh well, I had a look around and have bought a rebel sim II
fig_jam_uk said:
Ohh well, I had a look around and have bought a rebel sim II
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rebel sim does not work with 2.2 though
Aye, going to do a downgrade untill they sort the FW to run on 2.2
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Just called O2 spoke to a guy who said "yes I can do that for you today sir" but once I gave him the IMEI he then told me there was another 6 months till they will provide me with the code. Ohh well will have to wait a week till my rebel sim comes.
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What kind of streak?

Hey does anyone know how u can find out what kinda of streak u have. I got my dell streak from ebay and I don't know if it was an at&t or O2 or rogers. If there a way to find out?
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all of those are locked to their respective companies. so, for example, an ATT streak will only work with ATT sim cards, and so on.. if you want more informations, look in settings/phone info for the baseband version.
When I got mine it was unlocked and the baseband is GAUSB1A131921-US. Any ideas?
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The reason I ask is when u boot the phone up it comes I up with the O2 logo and on the baseband it says US. Soon I assume that the person who owned it before me bought it unlocked in the US and install the O2 software on it since 2.2 it was available at that point and the US version wasn't. I don't even know if that's possible. And if it is, how do I if something has been done to void the warranty.
Sorry I guess should have started with this bit... I am a noob with android.
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yasir_jan87 said:
When I got mine it was unlocked and the baseband is GAUSB1A131921-US. Any ideas?
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Is there any way to check if my Streak is unlocked without using a non-AT&T SIM?

Because I don't have access to one. I'm considering selling it.
Thanks in advance.
To the best of my recollection, in order to use the unlock code that you got for the Streak you have to put a SIM from another carrier into the phone. Find a friend with T-Mobile and borrow his SIM for a minute to unlock your phone.
Dell will give you the unlock code no questions asked...just call.
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Michael95GT said:
Because I don't have access to one. I'm considering selling it.
Thanks in advance.
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Dsmwookie said:
Dell will give you the unlock code no questions asked...just call.
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You did not buy the phone new? If you did and you got it anywhere except Dell then it probably carrier locked.
I would call Dell and give the phone info, they can probably tell you if it was sold unlocked.
once my streak unlocked one time, do I still need the code for future, if I need to switch to switch carrier again. thanks in advance.
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I've had 5 different dell streaks so this is from my experience... if you're on AT&T and get "H" data, then your phone is unlocked. If you only get "3G" then your phone is locked.
H and 3G is rom dependant and has nothing to do with the lock status per se
at&t roms have the H icon disabled so it only shows 3g.
All other roms show H when HSPA is available and 3g when only UMTS is available (which is rather rare now)
