[Q] Solved! Opening a contact force closes contacts app every time - Vibrant General

Hello all,
I have one contact (that I have found so far) that I can not open in the contacts app. This happens every time. I do run Launcherpro but am not sure if that is related. Interestingly, the contacts widget does not recognize the defaults I had setup for this contact before but still pulls up the info, I just have to choose which number, email, etc... every time.
So far all other contacts are working normally as far as I know. This happens to be one of the contacts I open most frequently and is starting to get annoying.
Anyone have any idea what might be going on?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: Here is the exact error I get:
The process android.process.acore has stopped unexpectadly. Please try again. dumpstate_app_201008201916_android_process_acore.log has been saved. Use *#9900# to copy out log.

I found the exact same thing when I had set a birthday in Google Contact and did not specify the year.
I would just update the birthday to have a year even if it is just 1900.

Worked like a charm! I never would have guessed that was the problem...
Thank you!


The contacts Facebook association bug

.. is really starting to p*ss me off. I'm going to get really sick really quickly of having to re-associate all my contacts with their Facebook profiles every time the Hero decides to spontaneously delete them.
Has anyone found a workaround?
Edit: Hmmm... seems if you close all the background HTC processes like com.htc.socialnetwork.provider and com.htc.album:remote with TasKiller, it'll re-update everything when the processes start back up again.
It's still stupid!
And if you decided not to update your contact picture when you linked them, it will overwrite your specific photo anyway ! that's also very anoying if you don't want the facebook photos !
That's funny I was just logging in to report this problem. It happened to me for the first time today. It really pissed me off that for no reason all my facebook associations got deleted from contacts, rebooting the phone and killing the process didn't bring them back either. I don't even have the process com.htc.album:remote running in task killer. They need to get an improved rom out and fast, i've had this phone less than a week and i'm really starting to miss my iphone.
This happened to me today, but it was because for some reason I had been logged out of FB. Otherwise, I have not experienced this 'deletion' issue...
Does anyone know why the phone would just log you off of facebook? Is there any good way to avoid this? I hope logging on to facebook on a computer doesn't kick you off.
I'm glad I saw this thread and that I am not the only one!
It is getting very annoying but I expect it will be fixed eventually, I just hope it doesn't take too long!
This happened to me the first time yesterday. And 2 other people in this thread had it happen yesterday. Maybe it's something at facebooks end. There could be some sort of timeout and were all getting logged out at the same time.
it is very odd.
Sat here at work, there's four of us with hero's now.
one of us gets it, the other three don't.
the two G2 devices don't, and only one of the Orange Hero's gets it.
very strange.
Okay I think that I can guess what is happening here. I have the same problem with my Facebook contacts losing their picture status and albums about every 24 hours (on stock G2). I know that when I leave my browser up overnight on my Facebook page, Facebook will log me out. I presume that it is doing the same thing with this phone and suspect that HTC did not spend long enough testing the ‘people’ application to observe this. I further guess that when the phone is logged out by Facebook it does not try to sign in again, deleting the information previously retrieved when a refresh is unsuccessful. I am not a developer and don’t have any way to back all this up but if I am correct then HTC would need to implement a workaround for this behaviour in order to fix it. Probably the easiest way to do this would be to have the application:
1. Automatically sign in again (signing out if necessary) every 12 hours or so.
2. Retain previously cached data, e.g. pictures, unless explicitly deleted even when Facebook refresh is unavailable.
This doesn’t fix the problem of the now-permanently unlinked Facebook contact (as per Don Vincenzo on http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=4276194#post4276194) but it would be an improvement.
I hard reset earlier which had previously fixed it, but now it only shows that I have one Facebook contact to choose from and no one else can be linked from.
It shows it as if I have only one Facebook friend.
Very strange.
Yep had the same issues.
Ultimately I found the best cure is just to wait for the two hours before it automatically updates everything.
I've only gone through my contact list once and linked all the profiles, however I have appeared to have "lost" the link many times...
So basically don't do anything, just wait.. lol they will return
Never had this issue yet but all my facebook - contact information is also sync'd with the exchange server
I was afraid that after my master reset I would have to reassociate all of my contacts but it seems that the association is stored on google contacts too, so they just all came back again
Its been 2 days now and my associations have not come back, man that's gonna suck if it resets them every couple of days. The facebook integration was one of the main selling points for me for the phone. I sync my contacts with outlook so I don't have any under my gmail name. Is it better to import all my contacts in to gmail so it retains my facebook links? If so is there a way I can sync the contacts that are already on my phone to my gmail account from my phone?
I may or may not have found a solution, or a way of preventing it. I'm using TasKiller to close all my running processes every few hours to preserve battery life etc. I noticed that when I put some of the system processes in the ignore list, (com.htc.socialnetwork.provider for example) the Facebook problem happened again. If I don't have any processes in the ignore list, and make sure to kill them once or twice a day, my contacts stay associated with Facebook.
Last time my contacts associations disappeared, I killed all running processes, took everything out the ignore list and went into the People app, and scrolled along to the facebook updates page. I hit menu, then 'update now'. This restored everything back to the way it was.
The disassociation just happened for me again - all my contacts suddenly needed reconnecting.
This is a different problem to the one I was discussing in the other thread 'It's a wee bit buggy...', where previously available contact data (profile pic, birthday, albums etc) can now not be retrieved by the Hero once a contact is linked. This functionality has not returned since it first occurred for me, and means that, irrespective of the associations holding, only about 75% of those contacts on the device that should be able to sync actually successfully sync. From what I can tell, this could possibly be an issue with Facebook privacy settings, though why it only happened a week after having the device I'm not sure.
With regard to the associations holding after a hard reset, the People app on the device stores the Facebook association data in the 'Notes' field of the contact, which is then synced to Google Contacts. If you wipe and then re-download your contacts from Google, this info comes back with it, and the People app then sees those contacts as linked. Given this, it seems even stranger that the links get broken in the first place, as it suggests that for some reason that the data in that field is not persistent...
Have the association loss occasionally but I find if you ignore it then the association comes back after a little while.
In relation to some (but not all) friends losing associations it is due to the friend changing their Facebook application settings. My girlfriend's photo disappeared a week ago, so I got her to change her fb settings and it came back. Not sure why it happened a week ago cause she changed the setting longer ago than that, but guess it is Facebook, not HTC.
Has anyone reported this to HTC? Its happening far too frequently on my gf's (pink) Hero.
So maybe it's not the same but it's definitely related:
I've now gotten to the point where I can not view my own contact details when I'm logged into facebook. That is, if I am signed in, and I try to view my contact card, I get a crash in process "android.process.acore" (this also happens when trying to update my status). If I edit my details and make sure I'm signed out of facebook, everything is fine except that all details of all linked profiles disappear...
Can anybody else confirm this?
BTW, I noticed that if you sign out using your contact card, and then sign in again (miraculously this does work!) the People app will retry to link friends to your facebook friends, so you can "force" a resync this way...
I keep getting this issue too. What i do is go to contacts, then on to the 'updates' tab, my contact card still shows my pic and me as logged in. I then press menu and update now. This resyncs all my contacts straight away. Annoying i know but at least it recognises them again after a bit.

Link to Facebook Buggy

I have a TMO TP2. This does not involve the fb app but rather the built in feature to link a contact to a fb account. I've searched the forums but haven't found a similar issue described.
When I go to a contact, click Edit Contact, then click Link at the bottom under the Facebook heading, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I can't consistently reproduce the issue but I can describe some of the common themes I see. It's unfortunate because it seems to happen more often than not and it's quite annoying.
Sometimes it pulls up my fb contacts list and lets me select a fb account and it works no problem. I'm not having any problems with delinking or anything like that. It appears to be an issue pulling up the list of facebook users. In those instances, the screen flickers as it tries to pull up the fb contacts and it appears to crash or something. The screen then flickers back to edit contact. If I try long enough or wait and try a while later, it may work for the same contact.
An error is never displayed when I do this although sometimes after trying to link a contact and seeing it not work I'll go back to the home screen I'll see that touchflo 3d is launching (indicating that perhaps it crashed) or sometimes it'll even require that I tap the screen to relaunch touchflo 3d.
Another possible clue is that sometimes in my list of facebook contacts I'll see the very first contact listed as (null), (null). I have no idea if this has anything to do with why it's crashing or not but that's clearly not one of my facebook contacts.
Last possible tip is when I go to all contacts and then click on the updates and events toggle at the bottom. Again, the behavior is inconsistent but sometimes it'll pull up that screen for a couple of seconds and without touching or scrolling or anything it'll show an error with manila.exe.
Is anyone else experiencing anything like this? Anyone have a suggestion for a possible fix or what I can do to further troubleshoot? Thanks in advance.
i know this doesnt solve your problem but it might do you good to know you are not alone cos I have a similar problem as well. I use the Vodafone stock ROM and recently when i try get click the UPDATES tab from my contacts, it crashes and relaunches TFD....I think something must have gone wrong with the connection. I then asked another person to log into into face book to see if this was still going to crash the application and sadly it did. I did a hard reset and i then did a restore from my last sprite backup file (which luckily for me, was just a few hours old as i ran a back up during the day). Now i cant get my own contacts back on the update tab and even though it does not crash anymore, I cant seem to link anyone in my phone book to my facebook app. I guess there is a file that needs deleting that can fix this. Anyone got any ideas?

All phone contacts suddenly disappeared

Device: Samsung Galaxy S
OS : Android 2.1
Basically I don't use google account to sync my contacts because the groups thing doesn't work the way I want it. So instead, I use Kies, which allow you to sync Outlook contact with your phone, which all worked fine.
However, last night before going to bed I sent a few sms message and everything was fine, i.e. all contacts were there. But this morning when I work up because of a text message from a strange number, which was actually from a friend of mine, so I thought he has a new number so I tried to update his contacts but when I click on "Update existing contact" my address book pops up and is ... empty.
After that, I opened my contacts and NOTHING is there.
I turned on displaying google contacts and its all fine, but when I choose phone contact, absolutely nothing is displayed.
I did absolutely nothing last night, and I don't believe I cleared all my contacts while in my sleep (because I don't even know how to do that while im awake).
Anyone has this problem before and/or know how to solve it please help .
Btw, I have been adding quiet a lots of contacts over the last 2 weeks (since last time I sync with kies) so I really need them back.
this just happened to me, nobody knows how to solve this problem?
login to you gmail account and see if they are still there

[RE-SOLVED] Gingerbread ActiveSync Calendar Sync Issue -UPDATED FIRST POST 23/08/2011

I had 2.2.1 on my phone and ActiveSync worked very well for Email, Contacts and Calendar. It would correctly 'ping' the folders, and go fetch updates when they happened.
Since moving to 2.3.3 with an official ROM (and any other ones I tested) I have always experienced an issue with the Calendar Sync portion of ActiveSync.
Email and Contacts still ping the Inbox and Contacts folders as expected but the Calendar has a mind of it's own.
Even though the Calendar folder is also pinged - it kicks off it's own independent 'Sync' request approximately every minute. And, what is worse is that after every one of these 'sync' requests it also initiates another ping on all folders Email, Contacts, and Calendar.
If I leave Calendar sync selected, multiple parallel ping requests end up clogging the server, and obviously this also has ramifications for data usage and battery draining.
I end up having to disable Calendar Sync for most of the time, only manually turning it on/off to sync any meetings I have set up or have accepted invitations to.
If you look at the attached screenshots, you can see that the date/time of the last update for Contacts is staying the same (09/08/2011 15:25) whereas the Calendar is updating every minute. This is happening even though nothing is changing on the Calendar on the server side.
Is this just me ? Or can other people please confirm that they are seeing the issue also.
EDIT: Well apparantly it wasn't just me - but there are very few people who run into this. Clearing the Email application data completely has cured the problem.
EDIT 23/08/2011:
The problem came back. And my original cure did not work. However, in troubleshooting, I realised that one of my colleagues phone's had also started doing the same - at the same time ! Tracing back I found that I had added a birthday field to one of our shared contacts (that both phones were synching) just before the issue started happening. So, having deleted/re-added/cleared data/etc. to no avail, I simply edited the contact on the server to remove the birthday from the contact and everything settled down again.
To verify the fix, I re-added a birthday record to another contact, and immediately the calendar sync started to spin again. I removed it, and immediately it settled down again.
(NOTE: This ties back to my original "fix" too as I had cleared out any suspect appointments/birthdays/anniversaries/etc during original troubleshooting, but the birthday fields were in non-"ping"ed Contact folders - so the contact records had not been refreshed on the phone until I had done a clear data and reloaded them.)
So, my suspicion is that when Android 2.3.3+ finds a birthday field on a contact it tries to add some kind of calendar event for it (I don't know where this event is, as it does not show up on the calendar as far as I can see.) Every time it asks the server to sync the calendar, it expects the server to have the same event - but when it doesn't find it, it asks for another Calendar sync again.
I also tried the same test with the Anniversary field, but that one did not appear to cause any issues.
Hopefully this will help others.
If anyone else is experiencing the issue, please report back if this fixes it for you.
And, if anyone has any ideas why the birthday field is breaking the sync, it would be great to get a full understanding.
ive been told that this was fixed in JVR
at least some calendar sync issue, do not know if this particular error...
This issue is not fixed in JVR. I loaded JVR specifically to see if it had been fixed, and it has not. I rolled back to stock JVH.
I have seen this issue on every Gingerbread ROM to date.
so i gues he is wrong
ever thinked this might some issue on your site?
or your company server?
btw after a short google search
I was able to clear the client/server conversion error on an HTC Incredible by clearing all the data out of the calendar app using Menu/ Manage Applications. Then re-sync and the problem went away.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
$omator said:
so i gues he is wrong
ever thinked this might some issue on your site?
or your company server?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The same server works perfectly well with Android 2.2.1, Nokia MailforExchange, and WindowsMobile 6.5 -
It worked perfectly well syncing the Calendar on this phone too while it was on Android 2.2.1 - it was only when I went to 2.3.x that the problem surfaced, and it has been identical on all builds.
Regarding your other post - my phone was recently in for repair and came back completely wiped with a fresh install of the latest Vodafone approved 2.3.3
As soon as I set up the email client it immediately began to spin on the Calnedar again - so it seems very unlikely that clearing data would do anything.
trying it would hurt yes?
well all i am saying it works for anyone around you
you are aware that this version as well as jvr one got updated
maybe it needs updating on server side also to latest idk
try other server maybe
No, I'm not wrong On JVR exchange calendar sync works fine (finally).
Of course you may say that I photoshopped images, or created manually the calendar entry in my phone
Don't get me wrong. It is working for me too. I get all the appointments across.
It is just that the calendar is constantly synching for some reason.
If you look at the account sync options as I showed above, does your Calendar - last update timestamp change every minute ?
I don't use autosynchronization but my calendar entries are updated when I change something in my exchange calendar (currently my last update was around 10:00 AM). I believe it works the same way the email does - by "push". Maybe when using autosynchronization it does this constant updates? What are your email settings? It's also possible that some Exchange setting is forcing constant updates.
Following the suggestion $omator found from someone with a HTC Incredible, I did the following
1. Moved all my appointments on the server to a secondary (non-sync'ed calendar) - this step may not be necessary but I had already begun moving them anyway to see if one was corrupted.
2. Removed my ActiveSync account
3. Cleared the data from the Email application (it was showing that there was still 76K of data associated with it after removing the account)
4. Turned off the phone, and turned it back on again.
5. Added my ActiveSync account back, and allowed it to sync all content (Emails and Contacts - Calendar was still empty)
6. Once everything was settled (including calendar sync) - I moved back all my appointments to my synched calendar on the server.
7. Happy days ! No more constant synching.
Thanks again $omator for the suggestion. I am always nervous about that "Clear Data" button.
happy to hear!
and the fix i was talking about in jvr
is enabling multi calendars sync or something like that
I am using a stock JVR and have this problem as well. I also tried the solution posted but that didn't work either. Any other suggestions?
Found root cause - Contact BIRTHDAY field !
The problem came back. And my original cure did not work.
However, in troubleshooting, I realised that one of my colleagues phone's had also started doing the same - at the same time ! Tracing back I found that I had added a birthday field to one of our shared contacts (that both phones were synching) just before the issue started happening. So, having deleted/re-added/cleared data/etc. to no avail, I simply edited the contact on the server to remove the birthday from the contact and everything settled down again.
To verify the fix, I re-added a birthday record to another contact, and immediately the calendar sync started to spin again. I removed it, and immediately it settled down again.
(NOTE: This ties back to my original "fix" too as I had cleared out any suspect appointments/birthdays/anniversaries/etc during original troubleshooting, but the birthday fields were in non-"ping"ed Contact folders - so the contact records had not been refreshed on the phone until I had done a clear data and reloaded them.)
So, my suspicion is that when Android 2.3.3+ finds a birthday field on a contact it tries to add some kind of calendar event for it (I don't know where this event is, as it does not show up on the calendar as far as I can see.) Every time it asks the server to sync the calendar, it expects the server to have the same event - but when it doesn't find it, it asks for another Calendar sync again.
I also tried the same test with the Anniversary field, but that one did not appear to cause any issues.
Hopefully this will help others.
If anyone else is experiencing the issue, please report back if this fixes it for you.
And, if anyone has any ideas why the birthday field is breaking the sync, it would be great to get a full understanding.
do not forget to report it also to google
somewhere there =)
Thank you very much for this find! I too suffer from this problem since leaving 2.1 (i think). To all others: this IS a bug, even in JVR. Just about when you think deleting & recreating your exchange account solved this, this problem tends to raise its head again (sometimes after a day or so). Two independent Exchange servers cause this problem for me. The result is that the Calendar still syncs, but at the expense of a constant 10% load, halving battery life. Its even visible in the sync settings of the Exchange account; the spinning circle icon never disappears indicating the looping process. This has been reported to Google multiple times (search code.google.com) but they dont seem to mind.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
LiverpoolFCfan said:
The problem came back. And my original cure did not work.
However, in troubleshooting, I realised that one of my colleagues phone's had also started doing the same - at the same time ! Tracing back I found that I had added a birthday field to one of our shared contacts (that both phones were synching) just before the issue started happening. So, having deleted/re-added/cleared data/etc. to no avail, I simply edited the contact on the server to remove the birthday from the contact and everything settled down again.
To verify the fix, I re-added a birthday record to another contact, and immediately the calendar sync started to spin again. I removed it, and immediately it settled down again.
(NOTE: This ties back to my original "fix" too as I had cleared out any suspect appointments/birthdays/anniversaries/etc during original troubleshooting, but the birthday fields were in non-"ping"ed Contact folders - so the contact records had not been refreshed on the phone until I had done a clear data and reloaded them.)
So, my suspicion is that when Android 2.3.3+ finds a birthday field on a contact it tries to add some kind of calendar event for it (I don't know where this event is, as it does not show up on the calendar as far as I can see.) Every time it asks the server to sync the calendar, it expects the server to have the same event - but when it doesn't find it, it asks for another Calendar sync again.
I also tried the same test with the Anniversary field, but that one did not appear to cause any issues.
Hopefully this will help others.
If anyone else is experiencing the issue, please report back if this fixes it for you.
And, if anyone has any ideas why the birthday field is breaking the sync, it would be great to get a full understanding.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have exactly the same issue with GingerBread on an HTC EVO 3D, I followed your instructions to clear any Birthday info on my Exchange contacts, I will report back in a few days to see if this fixes my problem.
I only started having the sync issue when my company upgraded to Exchange 2010.
We've experienced sync issues on my company (using exchange 2003/2007) after some microsoft patches.... we still have MS engineers working to find what the heck broke the sync but without success...

[Q] Contacts disappear after searching

So i have this strange problem.
When using the people app normally there is nothing wrong, i can scroll through all my contacts and view their details.
The issue starts when i try to search for a contact:
The contact doesn't show up first, even though i've entered the full name.
When clicking that contact the details page is just blank.
When i go back to the contacts overview, all contacts are gone and it just shows a blank page.
Then also when searching a contact in the dialer, i am unable to call that contact by clicking on it.
And when searching a second time it just displays nothing..
A while ago i did a factory reset and the issue is still present.
I'm running stock 4.4.2 with root and Xposed framework on top of the Matr1x 13.5 kernel.
I thought it may had something to do with gravitybox, as it can change functionality of the dialer, but disabling it doesn't change a thing.
I'm at loss here, hope you guys can help me solve the problem.
I had a similar problem a long time ago.
But my problem happened because i really screwed up with MyPhoneExplorer.
Try checking your Google Account for the contacts. Check if they are all filled with info first.
And another question. When you reboot your device, the contacts are normal, or the problem persists?
Good old times when i used MyPhoneExplorer with my old Sony Ericsson feature phone haha.
All the contacts are there, and each and every one of them has the right information.
When i reboot or even quit the app for that matter the contacts return, but everything related to searching seems to break it..

