HD2 Android power saving APPS, worked for me - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Ive been using juice plotter to check on my huge batter drain over the last few days since installing darkstone froyo v2, ive been slowly adding different apps to control the power consumption. I understand all rooted android roms have similar issues, hopefully a combination of these apps will help.
from stock darkstone froyo (ie no power control apps) i was losing 90% of battery in 7 hours. This was with wifi/gps/bluetooth off and not much usage. I also found the phone Stopping at 93% charge when plugged in. To fix this leave it plugged in and turn the phone off for 15 mins. Reboot android and It will have reached the full 100%. I think the android rom I have has issues charging on USB so I disabled the charge on USB in the settings.
Ok here are my personal findings I have on various power saving apps.
PRICE: FREE from app store
shows a graphical chart of power consumption vs time , good for diagnosing how much extra power draw your activated features have (ie wifi, bluetooth) shows the time these features start and end at also, be it manually started or automatically.
BATTERY SAVED: 30 - 60 mins on a full battery
PRICE: FREE, Pro upgrade is minimal cost from app store (gives extra features)
I set mine to aggressive killing. this improved my battery slightly, probably increased battery by about 30mins to 1 hr on a full charge. The main thing I like with this app is the automatic, set time, multiple killing of other apps. Unfortunaly i found the app killing not to permenant as some restart again a little while after. This has minimal battery save for my programs but depending what your apps/services are consuming on terms of resources, it can save much more. The auto kill stops the phone from been bogged down, it is much quicker to respond once its stopped other apps and wakes from sleep quicker. This app also shows you a list of all current running apps and services that you can quit, switch to etc. I found stock android to have this sort of task manager feature missing.
RATING: 3.5/5
PRICE: free on XDA (donation recommended ) small price from app store.
BATTERY SAVE: about 1 hr - much Cooler running phone temp.
This app is very good as it can set you CPU speed to save battery. Mine is set to 833mhz when used, 255mhz in idle. 432mhz when the screen is off. This Saves small amounts of battery but still has a decent response and speed, also improvements on wake up from sleep. You can save more power with more conservative speeds, although your phone may be less responsive. On the flip side push up the MHz to increase speed and responsiveness of your hd2 for increased battery usage.
Upon heavy use of my phone with a high CPU speed I saw a slight battery drop with SETCPU, probably due to my CPU speed being at 1033mhz at the time.
I found that mobile web was constantly running on android. as I hadn't cleaned my email inbox fully a few emails from a month or so ago kept been synced to my phone to notify me. Once I deleted these My battery saved near to 7 hrs per full battery. I assume it was constantly downloading the old emails. So make sure you email account is maintained.
PRICE: just under £4. Cheaper from developers site
RATING: 4.5/5
This is the greatest power saving app I've used.
I've set my mobile data to automatically be off. Every half hour it will turn on for 5 mins to update emails, news, weather etc. It will also enable web when I unlock the Phone. Disable web once I've turned off the screen. It also stops syncing at night so it doesn't wake me with a notification sound. This saves me an extra 15 hrs on a full battery.
One thing I'm doing next is to stop certain apps from booting until I need them. sort of a scalpel approach as apposed to app killers kill em all method.
one issue i found is the learning curve to be quite high on tasker but it wll only take 20 mins to get the hang of how to do what i did above. Hopefully the deveoper will make an easier interface but its still very good. The power saving feature of tasker is only a small part of the tasks this phone can do. It can literally Automise most tasks for your android.
Wth all these apps my battery now lasts on average for 24hrs upon normal usage, 30hrs+ on light usage (better than my win mob) and around 18 hrs on heavy usage.
Hope this helps any one looking for a decent power app. feel free to add your experience with these and oter power saving methods for android HD2

interesting thx.. so tasker is just a automater it doesn't actually stop the apps from staying open in the background or can it? thats the thing annoying me i kill all apps then i go check and i see useless apps still running in the background and i don't want to have to uninstall the apps just to disable them from running in the background. btw did u try the text to speech on incoming calls? im thinking bout purchasing it.

jay_jay_n said:
interesting thx.. so tasker is just a automater it doesn't actually stop the apps from staying open in the background or can it? thats the thing annoying me i kill all apps then i go check and i see useless apps still running in the background and i don't want to have to uninstall the apps just to disable them from running in the background. btw did u try the text to speech on incoming calls? im thinking bout purchasing it.
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yeah tasker can be made to stop indivdual programs from booting rather than app killers stop em all. tasker keeps em stopped until you want to run them of course. you have to select scripts to do this tought. The program is amazing, you can auto set your phone to go silent when you walk into work, cinema etc etc by using GPS. Auto connect to car bluetooth once you get in your car, connect it for calls then stop bluetooth once you get out. Have your phone read you your messages once you have navigator on in the car, so you dont need to touch it. send an automatic sms reply to certain people, ie work collegues if your in a meeting..... its a full automisation program, the options are endless if you know what scripts to select to get it working.
I sadly can only do basic ones but in willing to learn, there are a few tutorials online for certain tasks, im just hoping the developer will release updates to make it easier for the advanced tasks.
lol ive just read this back and BTW i dont represent the developer in anyway, i only bought the app 3 days ago. I did a bit of research on it as thought it was a bit expensive and im glad i did buy it, it depends what functionality you want with your phone i suppose. I bought it as it cures my power options and i can taunt my mates who have iphones (i received a lot of stick when it had winmob on as the main as it kept having issues and wasnt very fun for me to use).

beatts said:
yeah tasker can be made to stop indivdual programs from booting rather than app killers stop em all. tasker keeps em stopped until you want to run them of course. you have to select scripts to do this tought. The program is amazing, you can auto set your phone to go silent when you walk into work, cinema etc etc by using GPS. Auto connect to car bluetooth once you get in your car, connect it for calls then stop bluetooth once you get out. Have your phone read you your messages once you have navigator on in the car, so you dont need to touch it. send an automatic sms reply to certain people, ie work collegues if your in a meeting..... its a full automisation program, the options are endless if you know what scripts to select to get it working.
I sadly can only do basic ones but in willing to learn, there are a few tutorials online for certain tasks, im just hoping the developer will release updates to make it easier for the advanced tasks.
lol ive just read this back and BTW i dont represent the developer in anyway, i only bought the app 3 days ago. I did a bit of research on it as though it was a bit expensive and im glad i did buy it, it depends what functonalty you want with your phone i suppose.
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great thx.. yeah ive been trying to find a good app that would help make things a bit easier especially when driving and reading txt messages is a plus, if u recieve calls does tasker say aloud the caller name while the ringtone is still ringing or does it replace the ringer? ive had issues with other speech announcers.

jay_jay_n said:
great thx.. yeah ive been trying to find a good app that would help make things a bit easier especially when driving and reading txt messages is a plus, if u recieve calls does tasker say aloud the caller name while the ringtone is still ringing or does it replace the ringer? ive had issues with other speech announcers.
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Im not sure in all honestly, ive not really got around to looking into other tasks apart from battery power saving ones. ive read a few of the posts on the developers website forum and he seems very good and swift at answering questions on the apps features. He also has a suggestion page for users to add stuff. Its one of the reasons that swayed me into buying it as hes clearly spent a lot of time on the development of the app, is very active on his site and seems update the app with newer features. His site link is on marketplace with his app.

Update; I've just checked my battery as I left if off charge last night. It was 48% when I went to sleep its now 40%. This averages at 1% per hour!!! Battery usage has now increased that I'm using it.

How do you setup your tasker? I got it but have no idea how to use...

why i cant find tasker in market??

elitishtc said:
why i cant find tasker in market??
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Tut, use your head and look elsewhere

bates_1974 said:
Tut, use your head and look elsewhere
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sometimes the obvious is far away..


ATTENTION! Xperia X10 battery problem SOLVED once and for all! Not kidding

Hi fellow Xperia X10 owners!
Ive got my device now for 4 weeks and in the beginning my battery only lasted for like ... 5-6 hours max ? I got so annoyed i did some research on how to solve it, and to be honest.. ive seen MANY post and MANY solutions but none of them really worked or they were not explained detailed enough to make any sense .. after many useless tweaks i got my battery to last like 12 hours, and that is by just making like 1-2 phone calls and some messages, nothing more, left aside when i made photo's or used the web... so my device was still useless.
Then i started using "advanced task killer" and the auto-kill feature, but that didnt realy solved much so i installed "task cleaner" but that didnt do much either.
Now after 3 days trying to find out what the problem is, i finally came to the solution !!!
Many post suggest using "advanced task killer" but none of them really gave the perfect settings for it, well i finally found them out myself
The settings i use : Auto Kill Level ==> Aggressive
Auto kill Frequency => When screen off
Security Level ==> Low
And now for the first time EVER! my phone can last like 3-5 days without recharging!
Additional tweaks are: 2G only
disabling WIFI and Bluethooth
disable GPS and positioning
Disabling these 3 doesnt realy make any problems since you can access them quickly by using the "networking widget" so i dont care
also put screen brightness to auto adjust and all these other minor things you hear in all the other posts, i am not going to list them once more.
Ive made some photo's for you to see for yourself
I'm a new user so i cant post links yet.. so you will have to copy it
w w w.photoshack. com /index.php?cat=26302 (kill the spaces)
I'm not trying to fool you or anything, i'm honest
(its in Dutch btw)
Time since last Charge says : 4Hr 14min 11sec
And my battery level indicates 100%
At this moment it says 5hr 9min 10 sec and i just entered the 99% zone
i didnt really made any calls or anything, i just checked once in a while how my battery was doing so it was basically running idle but i am still Very impressed!
I'il let you know how it turns out tomorrow etc, after ive made some calls and stuff
Good luck to all of you and i hope your search to happiness is finally complete!
And yes i'm dutch so dont blame my spelling ^^
Regards, clintax
thx for your info, i'll try your setting now
interesting idea, but I think we need to go through the list of what it is closing down in case you want to keep anything running. I Will test your settings and see how it does.
I was just using Kill level - aggressive with security level - medium and it was doing ok. Nothing spectacular but at least I could go all day without needing a charge or battery swap.
i was wondering. What exactly did you auto kill on advanced task manager?
I keep looking and looking there is nothing particular i want to kill.
I'll try this out and see how it goes by tomorrow. And by the way are you using helix launcher, gde or anything? Or is this the only thing you're doing?
I set the level to medium instead of low, we'll see how it goes.
I've followed all of your guidelines, but when I set ATK Auto Kill Frequency to "Screen Off", it immediately turns the screen back on after turning it off. After letting it sit and naturally time out screen off, it immediately turns the screen back on... Vicious power-draining cycle.
Is there some other tweak that I'm missing in your post?
@clintax, I'm pretty sure that the real reason that you see this improvement is because you have basically disabled all your networking facilities.
I have wifi turned on (never turn off when plugged in), GPS is turned on (which is the best because it doesnt consume any power unless some app uses it), bluetooth is off (but can turn on on request via settings widget).
My phone lasts me over 12 hours, which is sufficient to cover a normal work day, I use it in the metro to read books, I check news and feeds occasionally. I use push email so that I get instant notifications.
Personally, I dont think using task killer applications to kill apps is the only factor in the improvements you report. Usually, whenever I check my battery usage, applications+android system are usually under 5% in total.
I'm pretty sure my battery will last longer if I follow your example, but my phone wouldnt be half as useful as it is now. I really dont mind charging it overnight.
followed your instructions but didnt get help. actually, my major battery drains on radio and standby. the 2 items always takes more than 50% of the total drainage.
look forward to the comments from all of you.
Didn't see any improvements either. I usually get 25h+ without running any task killers or start auditors, with 3g always on and medium to hard usage of the phone, which I'm pretty happy with. So I think its the settings of the data and radio that drain the battery, not the applications.
As a fellow Dutchman I'll share my part
Well I've tried most stuff already on my X10 and the only stuff I can really find that drains my battery are faulty apps (or at least in combination with the X10), GPS and searching for network when I'm out of reach (which is seldom).
I've currently disabled Beautiful Widget using the Startup Auditor, because at some point it starts killing my phone by running 100% and not letting my phone go to sleep. And this is what I meant by faulty apps (or in conjunction with the phone/OS).
3G is always enabled (what would be the use of this phone if you would disable all features which makes a smartphone useful).
Network based location enabled (now using it for the Weather & Toggle app).
No taskkillers running whatsoever.
Running Helix Launcher2 as home with seven screens.
Sending 20 to 30 textmessages, browsing the internet for 30 minutes (half with wifi/ half without), some calls about 30 minutes, toying a lot on the phone two hours plus, some Google Maps navigation 15 minutes with GPS enabled.
This will get me two days of usage easily.
Oh and running R1FB001 at the moment but had these results already with the R1EA016.
well yea, i installed helix launcher yesterday but i uninstalled it right away because i didnt like it so much.
Well to be honest, before i used the agressive settings etc on ATK, i used the same settings on the rest of my device
Wich are
-Only 2G
-No WIFI or bluethooth on
-Gps off
-autosync off
-dissabled auto-update, and put it on manual
-deleted the cash of moxier, timescape, mediascape in settings->my applications, and removed there icons from the homescreen
-screen brightness on auto
I suggest you take a look at this video from sony, wich explains it more detailed
(cant post links yet)
w w w .youtube. com/watch?v=P3H--BLPQnI (kill spaces)
and my battery still drained atleast 3-4% hr if not more, it is only from WHEN i started using these settings in ATK that my battery life improved like 500%!
BTW as for what features it kills by doing so i dont know yet, but at this moment everything still works perfectly
At this moment i have 14hr 23min 31 sec and 96% battery left, i'il post another pic for you guys.
Here are the new Pics: w w w.photoshack. com/thumbnails.php?album=10356 (kill spaces)
Well the important part off all this was Security Level ==> Low
it shows you like 3x more things running on you phone then normal, and i just killed them all except: Ignore list= ATK, Xperia Flashlight, Alarm, VizBattery, Handcent Sms and taskpanel, but i dont realy use taskpanel anymore
I am still trying to find out what it actually kills in particular but i heavent found any problems yet
imir said:
Didn't see any improvements either. I usually get 25h+ without running any task killers or start auditors, with 3g always on and medium to hard usage of the phone, which I'm pretty happy with. So I think its the settings of the data and radio that drain the battery, not the applications.
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I had two "battery cycles" where the battery lasted 48 hours with my normal usage (Moxier+Gmail in push, 3G data, no WiFi, some Bluetooth while driving the car, no GPS). I noticed that because I usually have a 24 hour duration, and at the end of the day, when I put the phone charging while I sleep, I still had more that 60% of the battery instead of the usual 15%! So I decided to not recharge overnight and so I get about 48 hours both times.
The third cycle lasted even more, about 60 hours!!!
However, starting from the fourth cycle... back to 20 hours, or even less... I have not changed anything, I'm not even using task killers... I really don't know what is wrong with this phone (the problem is not the battery itself, I tried with 2 original SE battery + the mugen).
clintax said:
well yea, i installed helix launcher yesterday but i uninstalled it right away because i didnt like it so much.
Well to be honest, before i used the agressive settings etc on ATK, i used the same settings on the rest of my device
Wich are
-Only 2G
-No WIFI or bluethooth on
-Gps off
-autosync off
-dissabled auto-update, and put it on manual
-deleted the cash of moxier, timescape, mediascape in settings->my applications, and removed there icons from the homescreen
-screen brightness on auto
I suggest you take a look at this video from sony, wich explains it more detailed
(cant post links yet)
w w w .youtube. com/watch?v=P3H--BLPQnI (kill spaces)
and my battery still drained atleast 3-4% hr if not more, it is only from WHEN i started using these settings in ATK that my battery life improved like 500%!
BTW as for what features it kills by doing so i dont know yet, but at this moment everything still works perfectly
At this moment i have 14hr 23min 31 sec and 96% battery left, i'il post another pic for you guys.
Here are the new Pics: w w w.photoshack. com/thumbnails.php?album=10356 (kill spaces)
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Wow, the performance is just amazing. I suggest you start to use the phone instead of keeping it idle. Then you can share with us how the battery performs, thanks.
Which version of Advanced Task Killer are you using? as i have just checked mine and do not have the option to kill when screen is off
I have version 1.7.4 build46
piercewei said:
Wow, the performance is just amazing. I suggest you start to use the phone instead of keeping it idle. Then you can share with us how the battery performs, thanks.
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Hehe ty, well yea i am using the phone as much as i can, but at this moment i have exams and my social life came to a minimum which looks like i almost have no friend left ^^ but tomorrow i got my last one (after frigging 2,5months) HELL YEAH, and from then on i will start using my phone the way i am used to and not having it idle 95% of the time and i'il keep you guys updated as long as i am sober
Ps: 15hr 28min @ 95%
i saw the last link didnt work, i'il try again
h ttp:// w w w.photoshack. com/thumbnails.php?album=lastupby&uid=16302
MarylandCookie said:
Which version of Advanced Task Killer are you using? as i have just checked mine and do not have the option to kill when screen is off
I have version 1.7.4 build46
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Advanced task killer v1.7.9 build 57 (directly from market)
Ok, so with the settings I used over night, I had a 5% drop over a period of 7 hours sitting idle.
Auto Kill level - Safe
Kill Freq - When Screen Off
Security level - Medium
BT, WIFI and APN - disabled.
I had a 1% drop in like 6/7hrs.. fell asleep whilst using xda, 3g was still running an all..
I just use taskpanel
Wifi, gps, bluetooth & auto sync off
also Adw launcher
Edit.. Firmware 016 (only cause I can't remember the rest lolz)
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
Can people post what firmware they are using when they are posting their battery usage stats etc

Any Battery power saving tips?

So as the thread name states does anybody have any tips for helping have the WildFire's batterey last longer?
So far ive turned the screen brigtness down by half of what it was & turned off touch vibration.
Any other tips?
ATOJAR said:
So as the thread name states does anybody have any tips for helping have the WildFire's batterey last longer?
So far ive turned the screen brigtness down by half of what it was & turned off touch vibration.
Any other tips?
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I have not tried many things but one thing i am pretty sure of is go to MARKET >>>> Download and use Advanced Task Killer .. kill the running apps.. i leave my installed keyboard..and mobile security app ON rest most of them i kill... its a useful app.. i mean why to keep music app or weather app or news app or messaging app running when u are not using them..
Have Fun
warriorvibhu said:
I have not tried many things but one thing i am pretty sure of is go to MARKET >>>> Download and use Advanced Task Killer .. kill the running apps.. i leave my installed keyboard..and mobile security app on rest most of them i kill... its a useful app.. i mean why to keep music app or weather app or news app or messaging app running when u are not using them..
Have Fun
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Yeah ive been using the Advanced Task Killer for a while now already.
I have read that usage of ATK is not required at all because of Androids near perfect RAM Management. And you also could come into trouble because android looses a small amount of ram capacity every time you use ATK untill the next reboot.
other than that you could try Juice Plotter and Juice Defender
find a app can auto turn on/off fly mode.
I ve tried Juicy defender, it seems not fit wildfire very well, some function not working. like auto fly mode, and auto turn off wifi when over 50M.
(btw,it will change your apn setting,cause me can not connect after uninstall it.)
after 1 month, I found navigation app take me 80% of battery.like google map/navi.
rasenzhang said:
find a app can auto turn on/off fly mode.
I ve tried Juicy defender, it seems not fit wildfire very well, some function not working. like auto fly mode, and auto turn off wifi when over 50M.
(btw,it will change your apn setting,cause me can not connect after uninstall it.)
after 1 month, I found navigation app take me 80% of battery.like google map/navi.
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use the automatic brigtness option under the phone settings. much better batterty performance
Not sure if these steps actually improve the efficency of the battery OR wheter the S/W behind the battery guage becomes more accurate as it goes through a process that alows it to better estimate the SOC of the battery.
Yup, even I have read a lot that Android manages the apps in a beautiful way. When I first used Android, the first question that came to my mind was how to exit apps as none of the apps had an exit button. Coming from nokia, sony erricson etc this was an obvious question to ask. Then after some research I found that Android just freezes the apps when we go back. The app is not actually running in the back end.
But anyway, yesterday my battery again went to 8% and on checking the used status, it showed that the android system used 92% of the battery lol.
One more thing I would like to suggest is that there is a Power control widget built in the wildfire. Its pretty useful to decrease the brightness, turn off gps, wifi etc from the home screen itself.
sumeetchawla said:
One more thing I would like to suggest is that there is a Power control widget built in the wildfire. Its pretty useful to decrease the brightness, turn off gps, wifi etc from the home screen itself.
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Thanks for this!
I installed this widget and it said that GPS was on even though it wasn't appearing in the tool bar along the top. I had run several apps that use GPS, but had assumed if the GPS icon was gone, GPS was off.
Is that wrong?
(good news if it is, as I was struggling to keep enough power to in my phone to get through the day without charging)
Avoid task killers like the plague. They cause more problems than they solve. Trust the android os to manage ram.
Just discovered the most powerful app I have ever seen called "Tasker". It its only £4, but will make your android so much more diverse. You can, for example, have it go into airplane mode between certain times (i have between midnight and 6am) but periodically check for sms or voice mail every hour. It saves stacks of battery.
I have it turning wifi on only when it knows I'm at home or at work.
I have it turning off wifi, dropping screen brightness down, and playing a louder notification when battery gets to 15%.
It silences my phone when I get within 100m of the two cinemas I use.
It is not the most easy app to use, be patient with it. Look up some of the "recipes" on the internet to get a good tutorial on how to work it. £4 is a steal for something so potentially vast. Its limited only by your imagination.
Oh and having run Tasker for 24 hours, (how long my battery normally lasts) only contributes to a 2% drain, and its adding roughly 6 to 8 hours extra! It would cost you ten times that for an extended battery!
I use an free app called timeriffic to auto disable WiFi
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
Try program JuiceDefender....you can download free from Android market.
my battery life is really awful too,i noticed it a couple days ago,that it drains to fast,so i started looking into it,and i found out,that my device won't go too sleep. so in settings/about phone/battery the awake time and up time are the same. i had similar problems on my hero, but there it was the messaging apps fault.
here, i kill everything with advanced task killer,it still can't go too sleep,android battery use shows,that android system is using most of the battery.
anybody else with similar problem?solutions? i have stock 1.25 rom rooted with unrevoked.
What? You mean your screen is permanently on? .....
Ive head bad things about using task killers too, I dont use on anymore.
Some things i have done that have helped my battery like quit alot actually is turn off Wi-Fi, Turm off GPS, Turned off haptic feedback(vibration when pressing buttons), Screen brightness to automatic & screen timeout too 15 seconds.
I can now have a really good fiddle with the phone and it can last more than a day without needing a charge.
As I understand when screen goes auto shut off, all apps are idle, even WiFi or gps is on. I tried with music on continuously for 2 hrs in flight mode, I still have about 80% power. With gps on for 1 hr continuous, I still have about 80%. With normal use my power can last the whole day.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
ATOJAR said:
What? You mean your screen is permanently on? .....
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no,the screen turns off,but something still runs in the background what eats the battery,and I can't find out what it is. I tried multiple task managers,and they show that everything is closed.i have it in flight mode,with everything turned off,still something runs,what shouldn't.
Did you solve this? It's happening on my phone now, and it's very frustrating.
(just installed ATK - very scary the apps I never use are running) and killed everything except ATK. Touch the power switch to turn off the screen. 15 minutes later, up time and awake time are still the same.
jefmcg said:
Did you solve this? It's happening on my phone now, and it's very frustrating.
(just installed ATK - very scary the apps I never use are running) and killed everything except ATK. Touch the power switch to turn off the screen. 15 minutes later, up time and awake time are still the same.
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2 updates from me, to help anyone else with similar problems:
1) I uninstalled any recently installed or updated apps** and widgets now I have a 1:6 ratio of awake time. So, fixed?
2) In the meantime I logged a call to HTC via their website. Answer:
With regards to your problem, if the battery is going down significantly and you have turned of applications when your not using them and used task killer. It might be better to call us up so we cann look into it further and we might have to book the phone in for repair especially if you have noticed it not charging properly or overheating at any time.
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Yup, those problems started occurring at the same time as the other, so it looks like I have an underlying hardware fault. Dammit! I don't want to be without my phone for 2 weeks.
**including CardioTrainer! When I reinstalled it I'd lost around 900km of workout history.
Just out of curiosity
What gain of time are we actually talking about here ?
I tried lots of different things but never suceeded to receive more than two full days.
What is your max. with all the different programs and hints ?
ebioman said:
Just out of curiosity
What gain of time are we actually talking about here ?
I tried lots of different things but never suceeded to receive more than two full days.
What is your max. with all the different programs and hints ?
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If you are asking me, the answer is "about 6 hours".
I've (partially) fixed my uptime = awaketime problem. But I obviously have some more serious battery issue.
Hopefully someone else can chime in with happy battery life.

My battery advice to those who need battery help

I keep reading on here about how either someones battery life is either awesome or great or this or that. It seems that many folks on here with great battery life are old pros at milking their phones for the best battery life possible, while others may not know the best methods for getting the optimal battery life they want.
So here are some tips for getting the battery life you want:
1) Calibrate your battery by letting if completely discharge and then charge it using the wall charger it came with. Do this at least three times so the phone has a chance to get real statistics.
Update: It is recommended that you do not do this very often as some say it could damage the battery in the long term. You should do this early on in the life of the phone as the damage if any would be minimal. This needs to be done regardless. It is the only way for the phone to get an accurate full/zero reading.
Update 2: I have found that after doing a factory reset, you need to do this step again. After a factory reset on 4.1.83 (most recent update), my battery life dropped considerably. After letting it discharge fully and then charging it with the phone off again, I was back to normal battery use.
2) Set wifi to sleep when the phone is not in use. Unless you are streaming data such as pandora or other data intensive programs with the screen off, you do not need it on (I will talk about background data in a moment for those who are going to mention that the phone still does data while it is sleeping). You can change the setting by going to Settings > Wireless networks > wifi settings > menu button > advanced > wifi sleep policy
ofek said:
You should write that after settings it you need to click on menu button->save.
If you will not do this step, every reboot it will restored to "Never" option.
Sent from my Motorola Atrix 4G
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3) Disable motoblur's account settings sync over cell data. This setting causes all of your account information to sync over your data connection when wifi is not available. This should be disabled as it will constantly sync and drain your battery even when the screen is off. Really do you need you facebook contacts that are synced to your contacts to be updated every five minutes? Settings > Data manager > Data Delivery > social apps > sync over wifi.
Update: Only disable the Social Apps that sync over background, do not disable the Background data. Disabling background data will cause certain things to not work properly, like for instance the gmail app.
Update 2: If you are using the Twitter/facebook/whatever apps (real apps) you should go ahead and remove the associated accounts from Motoblur. You do not need them to sync twice as motoblur will sync them with it's account and then the apps will sync. The downside to this though is that any contact pictures you have synced from those accounts will no longer show up in contacts forcing you to manually add pictures to your contacts.
4) remove widgets. Widgets drain batteries when they are active. Most of them are useless and really serve no purpose other than to try and make you feel important about yourself. I mean really, how useful is a facebook widget that only shows one or two peoples updates? Trash the ones you can live without. If you are using a launcher other than motoblur, go and load motoblur and make certain there are none running on that launcher as those are still active even if you use another launcher.
5) live wallpapers suck battery like crazy. While they are nice eye candy to view, they are not worth the drain they cause. Even when you are in a app, just like the widgets, they are draining your battery.
Update: Some live wallpapers are better on battery drain than others, but they still drain battery either way. I will not use a live wallpaper as it serves no purpose other than eye candy, and eye candy on a phone I can live without.
6) Task killers. Yeah not going to touch this one as everyone who reads these forums should know better by now.
7) check individual programs as you install them and make certain they do not autoupdate content. Pulse news reader is a good example of a program that pulls data in the background even when you haven't used it in weeks. Really is it going to kill you to hit refresh when you load it?
Update: If you are using the AT&T program "Mark the Spot", it constantly is checking device performance and is constantly checking your location for it to "work". Be sure to watch this app as it drains a lot of battery through out the day.
8) turn off bluetooth, gps, and wifi when you are not actively using them. Wifi when on is always scanning the area for networks, bluetooth is always actively broadcasting (on some phones) and who needs gps when you aren't on the move.
Update: If you are experiencing a switch from H+ to Edge frequently such as in your home where you have wifi running and do not have a AT&T cell device, then turn off your data connection. Your phone is constantly trying to connect to the H+ network when it isn't already connected and draining power. If you are on WiFi, then your data connection is not needed.
I have heard Tasker is great for setting up an automatic script on your phone to do it for you so you don't have to think about it, but remember that all extra programs including tasker eat away at your battery and without real world testing, I can not promise you will see an improvement or a loss in battery.
You can also use APNDroid to do it manually if you would rather have full controll of your data connection.
9) Quit watching porn on your phone. Use your computer for that. Ok maybe I am the only one who does this but I doubt it. Alot if the free poem sites use flash videos and the more you use flash the faster your battery drains.
Update: Yes I know this is hard (no pun intended) for some of you to do, but the idea is sound. Using flash videos (the bulk (again no pun intended) of porn videos use flash).
These are not the only ways to have a great battery and this information may not be useful to you, but I can go nearly 20 hours of moderate to heavy phone use and still have anywhere from 40 to 60 percent battery left at the end of the day.
If anyone has any other advice that they feel should be listed here, please let me know and I will gladly add it to the mix.
Good luck folks.
Addition (5/12/11)
10) For those of you with the .83 update, please keep in mind that the update now forces you onto the EDGE (2G) Network if it can receive a better signal/stable connection. If you notice you are on EDGE more often than the H+ network, then disable your data connection. What is happening is that even though you have a solid connection to the EDGE network, your phone is constantly seeking the H+/3G networks thus using much more battery life than before. If you are at home or somewhere where your phone can connect to a wifi network, consider turning off the Data network. You should also disable your data connection whenever you are in a No Signal area. Again the same problem happens when you have no signal.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Advice from other Members:
From Deggy
I would like to add to the OP's list of things to do to improve battery life:
Turn off date when not in use for a long period of time like work or school. Settings -> Date manager -> Date delivery -> uncheck Backround data and Data enabled. Don't worry, you'll still get your texts and phone calls.
The Market is a big drainer. Market -> hit menu -> settings -> change notify me -> do not notify me.
Those two are the big ones to worry about IMO.
The other tips are either cliche stuff or other people said already. Wifi off, GPS off, brightness down to 0-20%, ect. Auto sync is killer.
I unplug my phone at 9AM and come home from work at 9PM and my phone says 75% with moderate use (Circle battery widget uses 1% increments). 3-4 phone calls. A LOT of texting (wifey likes text me). Internet during 30 minute lunch. Play Words with Friends a good amount.
I don't use live wallpaper but I do use a darker colored static one. Only got 4-5 widgets on my screen. 3 home screens. Using Launcher Pro.
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pookeyster said:
In some of the other battery threads, ppl have been commenting on how they've had success in extending the battery life after a hard factory reset. What that basically does is it deletes and regenerates the batterystats.bin file in /data/system and if the battery was essentially mis-calibrated prior to the reset, the reset fixes it thus giving better measurements. ie. perhaps after 10hrs of usage the phone might say u have 5% left, but in reality you could have 40% left.. the regeneratin of batterystats.bin would recalculate that correctly
if you want the benefits of having that reset process but rather not go through having to restore all ur apps/back them up.. u could always manually go and delete the batterystats.bin file (only if you're rooted). i would recommend deleting the file after fully charging the phone overnight then unplug it so that it generates the file again. if you'd prefer an app to do this for you automatically you could always go to the marketplace and get 'battery calibration' app for free and it does the same thing
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cybal said:
My want to include details about corp email sync. Using "push data" can really chew up the battery and is probably not better then retrieving email every 15 or 30 mins for most people. There may also be a problem with setting a long history time such as 1 month.
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The following was posted on the MotoAtrix forums on Motorola's website. https://supportforums.motorola.com/thread/51776
I've seen a lot of posts in a lot of threads about how to save battery life on the Atrix. So, I figured I'd start a consolidated thread on the matter. These are the tips 'n tricks I've used, and I can get 2 days of battery life on the Atrix now.
1. When I first got the Atrix, before turning it on, I charged it for 4 hours. After turning it on, I let it run until it died, then re-charged for 8 hours. I did that for a full week. They say that this isn't needed with the new-fangled batteries, but I have always done this, and have always gotten great results.
2. Live wallpapers are not your friend, especially in two circumstances: 1. you use your phone a lot, and 2. you use the stock unlock screen where everytime the phone wakes the live wallpaper is playing. Granted, they don't eat up much battery, but if you're looking to get every ounce/percentage out of your phone, it's a luxury you can leave at home.
3. Did you install a new launcher? If so, did you clear out BLUR? I had my BLUR interface up and running with widgets and shortcuts, etc, etc. When I switched to ADW I noticed an increase in battery drain. I re-loaded BLUR and deleted all apps, widgets, etc so BLUR is blank. I now have great battery life with ADW running.
4. Widgets - ugh. They're pretty, they're big, they're animated, and they eat battery like bees eat pollen. Be mindful of them, and be willing to accept the consequences of the "cool factor".
5. Screen timeout. Yes, it's annoying to unlock your phone every 5 minutes, but you do save battery life with a 1-minute or less timeout option set.
6. Close your apps! Many apps, games especially, are fantastic at running in the background on Android, but they're sucking battery. They all restore to your previous position quite well, so if you're done for a few hours, exit it instead of just going back to your launcher screen.
7. "back" vs. "home" - the back button (the reverse arrow) does a much better job of closing down programs than the home button which just brings up your home screen, leaving whatever you were doing to hungrily consume battery like zombies on a corpse.
8. "manage apps" is your friend - go to your app tray, hit the menu button, and select "manage apps" - you can see all the running apps and kill them selectively. Some, like Facebook, Skype, and others, will stay there as long as the phone is on once you use it, unless you kill it. Be forwarned though, you'll stop getting notifications if you do this - another informed tradeoff. I do this once every few days, or if the Atrix seems sluggish.
9. Screen brightness - the "auto" setting doesn't work all that well, but I highly recommend leaving it there, and/or using a screen brightness toggle widget on your home screen to manage this carefully. Screen brightness on maximum will yield the best viewing experience but it does drain battery the fastest of all.
10. Choose your BLUR accounts wisely - like widgets, if you have LinkedIn and Facebook connected through BLUR, it will run ALL THE TIME. Using the native apps from the market will definitely decrease your overall drain and give you better control over when and how your battery is consumed by those services.
11. Auto-kill or be killed - A good rule of thumb for me is to only auto-end a task if you know exactly what it is, and it didn't come with the phone. Chances are if you don't recognize it, even if it looks like something you don't need running, leave it be. If it's something you installed from the Market, and you want it to auto-end, have a field day. If you put something on the auto-end list that the Atrix needs, it will just keep re-starting it. This draws processor time and battery and isn't worth it.
12. (credit: Itsallgood) Check your profile - "settings -> battery" and look at the bottom half of the screen. The Atrix supports multiple battery saving profiles that allows you to control "night time" and whether to actively sync data all the time, never, or only during certain hours. Push mail and active data sync consumes battery at a steady pace. In addition, 3rd party apps (like Settings Profiles) can be downloaded to further tweak and customize everything from vibrate mode, screen, data sync, and more. The more customized your experience to fit your needs only when you need specific services, the better your battery life will be.
Anyway - that's some to get started, feel free to add more!
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Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
wow nice ill try it i have my atrix for a couple of days and i have been like dissapointed i dont wanna do a factory reset or anything like it ill try ur guide and let u kno
Personally, I don't see the point of disabling everything that makes an Android fun and unique.... but, ill see how the battery is stock vs this once it arrives.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Mr.Kakarot said:
Personally, I don't see the point of disabling everything that makes an Android fun and unique.... but, ill see how the battery is stock vs this once it arrives.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
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You don't have to disable everything, but the things above such as the background data syncs serve no purpose other than to drain a battery. The sync will complete during the next wifi connection and by time you access your contacts it will be done. Besides it'd not like all your contacts change every 30 minutes.
The idea is not so much to limit the experience of android, but to remove the unused features that do nothing for.you. I mean who really needs a youtube widget when the shortcut gets you to youtube just as easily and doesn't drain your battery.
It's the same idea as startup programs on your computer. They serve no purpose other than to slow your system down. Sure quicktime or itunes might load a few seconds faster, but how often do you really load those programs.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
#9 = cant do
u know how they monitor work computer ?
Great Post
The only propblem now following your advice is that my gmail email does not upgrade (sync) on its own
keithr1475 said:
The only propblem now following your advice is that my gmail email does not upgrade (sync) on its own
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Are you using the gmail app or the default app? Mine works just fine.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
I'm using the Gmail APP
the gmail app doesnt sync on its own because you turn off auto sync
i recommend you use the power control widget and adjust those accordingly
Definitely a good list of things, but felt like commenting on the live wallpapers thing. From what I've experienced, it seems like it depends a lot on the wallpaper used. I initially thought the live wallpaper was one of the main reasons for the short battery life when I first got the phone so I switched to a normal wallpaper. I had that for about a week and generally saw a lot of improvements in battery life as a result of better management and the calibration cycles. After that week, I came across a live wallpaper I liked and decided to enjoy that feature for a bit more. If anything, it seemed like my battery life got a bit better. I've tested it a little, and there's no doubt that some of my live wallpapers drain battery more than others. I've tried switching between a standard wallpaper and my live wallpaper (galaxy live) and I really don't see much of a difference, if any, between the 2.
Question: Does freezing the blur home screen (via titanium backup) disable the widgets on it? I'm assuming it does, since it essentially makes that home screen non-existent as far as the phone is concerned.
Darrell, There are some really good suggestions. They also apply to other android phones too probably. I had a myTouch4G for a week until I decided that T-Mob just wasn't as good a value to me as AT&T. So I went back. I'll get an Atrix soon, or maybe some Tegra that comes out in a month or 2.
How do you switch to Motoblur from Launcher Pro and back again? Will I lose the customization that I've done?
Edit: Home Launcher
DarrellRaines said:
1) Calibrate your battery by letting if completely discharge and then charge it using the wall charger it came with. Do this at least three times so the phone has a chance to get real statistics.
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I read somewhere in this forum that you shouldnt let the battery run all the way down in the initial calibration week. Anybody know about this?
psymont said:
I read somewhere in this forum that you shouldnt let the battery run all the way down in the initial calibration week. Anybody know about this?
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Modern lithium batteries actually die faster if you fully drain them then recharge to full. I'm not saying you can't do it every so often for calibration purposes but it isn't recommended as a every day thing.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
We aren't running them down for the batteries health, but more so that the phone will understand what full and what dead actually is.
Do not do this often as there is no point. As for damaging the battery, one website says it is bad while others say it is good. Do so at your own risk. I do not have a degree in science, so I can not say either way, however the steps above done once the phone is calibrated will help.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
After 12 hours of moderate to heavy use today, I still have 50% battery remaining.
For the guy who's email stopped working, do not turn off all background data. That will stop the push settings I believe.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
wait....quit looking at porn on my phone?!??!!?
no matter, im not having battery life issues.
Darrel this works i just did the wallpaper step and wow my battery stood up all day from 7am now is at%15 10pm
send from my unrooted atrix using xda app
gambit_pr said:
Darrel this works i just did the wallpaper step and wow my battery stood up all day from 7am now is at%15 10pm
send from my unrooted atrix using xda app
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Glad I could help.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

[FIX] Battery drain from Awake bar constantly on

First and foremost, this will only apply to you if you have seen the following symptom:
You go to Settings -> About phone -> Battery usage -> click on the graph above and see "Awake" as a solid bar instead of (mostly) lining up with the "Screen on" spotted bar below. Here's my previous thread of when I discovered this issue when my "Awake" bar showed solid for an entire 8 hours when my "Screen on" would show frequent off/on's:
I found my SGSII was getting decent battery life, but idle was certainly worse than my SGSI. I couldn't figure it out for the life of me what could be causing it given I was running the exact same apps as my SGSI 2.2.1 handset, but the solid Awake bar did not sit well with me.
1) After 8+ hours of solid Awake, I would have no apps running under Settings -> Applications -> Running services except for those that I normally would expect in the background... Settings, NoLED, Google Voice, Swype, etc.
2) I noticed that under this "Running services" screen, if you hit Menu and select "Show cached processes," there are actually other cached processes that are in a semi-dormant state. Are they running or are they not? Hmmm....
3) After a system restart, the Awake and Screen on would line up once again.
Some app that I normally have running... even if I completely exit out of, it would sit under cached processes and somehow still keep the device awake.
First, wanted to see which app when normally running would keep the phone "Awake." After a few days of testing, isolated it down to eBuddy, which is a chat client I used to have running nonstop on my Froyo SGS. So, after several hours of running eBuddy and seeing a solid Awake bar, I exited out of eBuddy properly (Menu -> Exit), ensured it was no longer running under Running services, and tested it for another 4 hours. Sure enough, with the device mostly idle and eBuddy shutdown, the Awake remained solid/on!
So, I then revisited Settings -> Applications -> Running services -> Menu -> Show cached processes, I saw eBuddy was still cached and taking up memory. So, I clicked on the process and chose Force stop. Afterwards, I let the device idle for a few hours more, and the Awake and Screen on lined up once again.
I'm not sure if this is a Gingerbread bug or eBuddy bug or a combination thereof, but something changed in the code from Froyo to Gingerbread. Probably has to do with this caching feature, but there ARE apps out there that will keep your device constantly on even if you do properly exit out of them.
I used to run "Advanced Task Killer" on my SGS with Froyo but never bothered with Gingerbread because people much smarter than me on here have said time and time again "it's not necessary for Gingerbread, you're wasting time/battery life." Well, that still may be true, but given there are these rogue apps that will cause Gingerbread to stay constantly awake, Advanced Task Killer is the best solution at this time.
(It may not be pretty, but hey, it works.)
So, I installed Advanced Task Killer, did a fresh boot, put all the system apps and other apps I don't want ever shut down (Email, Swype, Settings, etc) on the ignore list, turned the kill setting to every hour, and let it sit. I can say for the past 2 days, my idle battery life has improved significantly. Normally by the end of my work day, I'd be skimming along around 40-50%. (Keep in mind, I use the phone primarily for business, which means 2 push E-mails, 2 pull E-mails, constant text messaging, and lots of phone calls.) The last two days, I have been easily at 70-80% by the end of the day. For instance, right now at 4PM CST, I am still at 82% remaining battery.
Also, keep in mind, I have just about EVERYTHING else I don't need frozen/uninstalled through Titanium backup. This includes but not limited to WIFI Sharing, all the hubs, all the readers, all the SNS junk, AP News, Accuweather, etc.
And the most telling bit that the fix is working: My Screen on and Awake line up perfectly with no more solid bar for Awake. And, this is even after running eBuddy last night.
I know this won't help everyone, but hopefully, it will be of use for some of you. Good luck!
If you're managing to kill apps that keep the phone awake, does it prevent you from receiving messages on eBuddy when the screen is off?
dinan said:
If you're managing to kill apps that keep the phone awake, does it prevent you from receiving messages on eBuddy when the screen is off?
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Interesting question. I had Advanced Task Killer running all last night, and I woke up to messages in eBuddy in the morning. So, my immediate answer to you would be "no," but this will probably take more testing.
Maybe, I'll set ATK to an aggressive 15 minute kill, and have someone message me after 15 minutes of idling with eBuddy running...
I have noticed that with eBuddy actively running, you cannot select it under ATK and kill it. You must exit out of eBuddy properly (Menu -> Exit) for its active process to shut down. Little did I know though... it would still float around in your "Cached processes" afterwards and keep your device Awake!
Well I've been using ATK since this morning and I can't find any change in Android OS ..
It's still high..
Anyway ATK reports that all the games I downloaded from gameshub are active..
And even if it kills them, they appear again in like 10 minutes.. It's really wierd
TMaLuST said:
Well I've been using ATK since this morning and I can't find any change in Android OS ..
It's still high..
Anyway ATK reports that all the games I downloaded from gameshub are active..
And even if it kills them, they appear again in like 10 minutes.. It's really wierd
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I don't use game hub, but I do have a bunch of games on my device, including the larger Gameloft games. And, I can say for a fact that I do not have any of them ever running in the background.
Something else is keeping them alive, and has nothing to do with ATK. ATK will only help to kill cached processes, but if something is launching them again, that's what you need to look into stopping.
Well.. I do not like tools like the Advanced Task manager.. BUT looking at battery drainage it seems to do wonders!
8 hours of light usage (display 45 mins) --> 75% battery left
3g on (with JuiceDefender à 30 mins) + sync (so I receive whatsapp messages & mail etc)
Listened to music / radio for about 1-1.5 hours
Android OS is sadly still at 36%, Display at 22%
But this I can live with !
It would obv. be nicer to be at 80+% without that Android bug... Ah, and I did delete / freeze all that Samsung crap with Titanium, didnt really help much! I can also recommend getting CPU spy to see how much your phone actually is in the sleep mode (around 80% for me!)
Breece said:
Well.. I do not like tools like the Advanced Task manager.. BUT looking at battery drainage it seems to do wonders!
8 hours of light usage (display 45 mins) --> 75% battery left
3g on (with JuiceDefender à 30 mins) + sync (so I receive whatsapp messages & mail etc)
Listened to music / radio for about 1-1.5 hours
Android OS is sadly still at 36%, Display at 22%
But this I can live with !
It would obv. be nicer to be at 80+% without that Android bug... Ah, and I did delete / freeze all that Samsung crap with Titanium, didnt really help much! I can also recommend getting CPU spy to see how much your phone actually is in the sleep mode (around 80% for me!)
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Yeah, I wouldn't run ATK unless I absolutely have to. Like I said in my first post, it is a "brute force" method of ensuring apps are completely closed out and there are no rogue cached processes keeping your device awake. Since I've installed it, the "solid Awake bar" phenomena is completely resolved... and in return, I get much better battery life.
And yes, this is of course on top of freezing just about everything Samsung and anything else I don't need or care to use.
Couldnt agree more!
One questions, what is your "Android OS" % at?
Breece said:
Couldnt agree more!
One questions, what is your "Android OS" % at?
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8%... Display is at 62%, LOL.
Interesting ^^ Oh well.. my battery life should improve but if it stays like this I am fine with it...
Oh Hope ?
Nah, i will try it
cmd512 said:
I used to run "Advanced Task Killer" on my SGS with Froyo but never bothered with Gingerbread because people much smarter than me on here have said time and time again "it's not necessary for Gingerbread, you're wasting time/battery life." Well, that still may be true, but given there are these rogue apps that will cause Gingerbread to stay constantly awake, Advanced Task Killer is the best solution at this time.
(It may not be pretty, but hey, it works.)
So, I installed Advanced Task Killer, did a fresh boot, put all the system apps and other apps I don't want ever shut down (Email, Swype, Settings, etc) on the ignore list, turned the kill setting to every hour, and let it sit. I can say for the past 2 days, my idle battery life has improved significantly. Normally by the end of my work day, I'd be skimming along around 40-50%. (Keep in mind, I use the phone primarily for business, which means 2 push E-mails, 2 pull E-mails, constant text messaging, and lots of phone calls.) The last two days, I have been easily at 70-80% by the end of the day. For instance, right now at 4PM CST, I am still at 82% remaining battery.
Also, keep in mind, I have just about EVERYTHING else I don't need frozen/uninstalled through Titanium backup. This includes but not limited to WIFI Sharing, all the hubs, all the readers, all the SNS junk, AP News, Accuweather, etc.
And the most telling bit that the fix is working: My Screen on and Awake line up perfectly with no more solid bar for Awake. And, this is even after running eBuddy last night.
I know this won't help everyone, but hopefully, it will be of use for some of you. Good luck!
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Task killer is a must
Uninstalling/freezing rogue Samsung apps is a must
ONLY THE COMBINATION WORKS and it works well indeed.
Mmm bizarre! I was waiting for the hordes of people telling you that 'task killers' are unnecessary and stupid.
Thank you very much for your findings.
On my SG2 The android System process is eating almost all my battery! any solution for that?
rdy2go said:
Task killer is a must
Uninstalling/freezing rogue Samsung apps is a must
ONLY THE COMBINATION WORKS and it works well indeed.
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cigaro78 said:
Mmm bizarre! I was waiting for the hordes of people telling you that 'task killers' are unnecessary and stupid.
Thank you very much for your findings.
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Glad to hear it's working for you guys. With Advanced Task Killer running in the background, I haven't had the "solid Awake bar" reappear again... my Awake bar is always segmented and match up fairly well with my Screen on bar.
Idle battery life is very much acceptable now and definitely no worse than my SGS.
I've always enjoyed your posting and i'm glad you didn't just jump on the bandwagon like everyone else. This is definitely the type of posting we need where everyone work together to solve/identify the issues at hand.
ph00ny said:
I've always enjoyed your posting and i'm glad you didn't just jump on the bandwagon like everyone else. This is definitely the type of posting we need where everyone work together to solve/identify the issues at hand.
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Appreciate the kind words. Like I said in my first post, many people much smarter than me/in-tune with Android have said it's unnecessary. But, you're right... there are way too many "DO THESE STEPS AND IT WILL FIX EVERYTHING" posts on here with 0 to little evidence to back up the claims. In the end, nothing beats thorough testing and proven results.
I for one hope 2.3.4 resolves this bug... ultimately, I'd like to not have to run ATK altogether. But for now, this is a solution that works.
cmd512 said:
Appreciate the kind words. Like I said in my first post, many people much smarter than me/in-tune with Android have said it's unnecessary. But, you're right... there are way too many "DO THESE STEPS AND IT WILL FIX EVERYTHING" posts on here with 0 to little evidence to back up the claims. In the end, nothing beats thorough testing and proven results.
I for one hope 2.3.4 resolves this bug... ultimately, I'd like to not have to run ATK altogether. But for now, this is a solution that works.
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It works with Freezing/Uninstallin Samsung "bad apps" (WiFi Sharing, Social Hub, etc.). I suggest you emphasize that more in your initial post.
ATK itself helps but ATK is always late (30 minutes or one hour).
That's what I recommend to freeze/uninstall without crippling core functionality:
1 WiFi Sharing and WifiManager
2 Samsung apps (Social Hub, Days, Yahoo Finance, AP News, Games Hub, Readers Hub, Music Hub, AccuWeather)
3 Voice Command Uninstalled using Titanium
It's based on my testing using OS Monitor / ATK - those apps tend to wake up phone for no reason even when you don't use them.
Now it's 24 hours with 4 hours of screen on, no Juice Defender etc.
It works better than SGS (one) despite huge screen and excellent speed.
rdy2go said:
It works with Freezing/Uninstallin Samsung "bad apps" (WiFi Sharing, Social Hub, etc.). I suggest you emphasize that more in your initial post.
ATK itself helps but ATK is always late (30 minutes or one hour).
That's what I recommend to freeze/uninstall without crippling core functionality:
1 WiFi Sharing and WifiManager
2 Samsung apps (Social Hub, Days, Yahoo Finance, AP News, Games Hub, Readers Hub, Music Hub, AccuWeather)
3 Voice Command Uninstalled using Titanium
It's based on my testing using OS Monitor / ATK - those apps tend to wake up phone for no reason even when you don't use them.
Now it's 24 hours with 4 hours of screen on, no Juice Defender etc.
It works better than SGS (one) despite huge screen and excellent speed.
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Well, freezing and ATK are needed to reach 2 separate goals:
1) Freezing: Needed to completely disable apps you plan on NEVER using.
2) ATK: Needed to completely close out apps you DO use when they stay cached/rogue in the background and keep your device awake.
So I do agree with you, freezing is absolutely necessary, but it really is the bare minimum. You still need ATK on top of that to actively seek out and kill battery draining apps.
I can confirm, OP solution works great on me. Thanks..

[Solved]Samsung Galaxy S5 battery drain so instantly!

Battery Saving Tips
1. Keeping mobile data (i.e., 4G or 3G) or wifi on all of the time uses battery. Ask yourself if you really need to be notified in real time about every new email, Facebook post, or tweet. If it isn't that important, then keep mobile data and wifi off until you really need it. Although most devices make it easy to toggle wifi off and on, it's a little more inconvenient to toggle mobile data with the stock controls. I like Power Toggles, which is very customizable and easy to use; another popular choice is Widgetsoid.
2. The biggest power drain is usually from the screen. The longer it's on and the brighter it is, the faster your battery drains. Adjust your screen timeout so that it turns off after 30-60 seconds of idle. Turn the brightness down to 50% or less, which is usually more than enough for indoor lighting. Automatic brightness may or may not help save battery--some think that constant sensing and screen adjustment may actually contribute to battery use.
3. Many apps (e.g., Facebook) by default will try to refresh their data on the web at certain intervals. In order to do so, they have to partially wake the device up from sleep, then try to access the web, and then refresh data, all of which uses battery. If you don't need realtime updates, you can typically change to manual refresh in the app's Settings, which prevents the app from waking up the device. For Facebook, all you need to do when you open the app is just swipe down, and your newsfeed will manually refresh to what's current.
4. Google Currents is notorious for being a memory and battery hog. Many people have reported that battery life improved significantly after changing its refresh setting to manual and/or disabling Google Currents completely. (Update 7/2014: Google Currents has since been replaced by Google Play Newsstand, which manages memory much more efficiently, without the same battery drain.)
5. Along the same lines, consider turning off the device's Background Sync. You can find the switch to turn it on or off under Settings/Accounts/Google, but it's easier to use the stock Power Control toggle or the better Power Toggles or Widgetsoid apps. Turning off Background Sync means the device is spending less time and energy syncing your Google account. If Background Sync is off, you can always manually refresh any of the Google apps within their respective menus.
6. Some apps partially wake a device up from sleep (called a "wake lock") numerous times a day to do things like trying to check the web for data updates as well as reporting location data. Install an app to detect wake locks like Wake Lock Detector. Let it run for the better part of a day, then open it and find out what apps are responsible for the most wake locks. (Update 7/2014: KitKat no longer allows apps like this to report wakelocks unless your rooted.)
7. #6 is how I discovered that Google Maps was burning up a fair amount of battery due to its Location Reporting (previously for Latitude, now used for Google+). If Location Reporting is turned on, then Maps causes very frequent wake locks to check location and report it. I don't think Latitude was that popular--I certainly didn't use it, because I don't really want other people to know exactly where I am, so I turn off Location Reporting by opening Maps, tapping Settings/Google Location Settings, and turning off Location Reporting. Note that this does not affect the ability of your apps to use your location to refine searches, for example.
8. Widgets are definitely a cool feature that makes Android unique, but some of them also contribute to battery drain--specifically the ones that need to access the web to update their information (think weather widgets). Review your widget use and remove the ones you really don't use.
9. Live wallpapers, another feature that distinguishes Android, can also use up power like crazy--typically the ones that are very graphics/animation intensive, or the ones that also access the web for information like weather. Use static wallpapers instead, but if they're too boring.
10. Vibrate uses a lot of power. Do you really need your phone to ring and vibrate at the same time? Do you really need the haptic feedback when you're typing (especially if you're using Swype-style gesture typing)? Turn off vibrate.
11. GPS is another big power-sucker. For most location-based apps, using Google Location Services (based on the wifi hotspot's MAC address or by triangulating your nearest cell towers) is enough, since it generally locates you accurately within about 100 meters. Use GPS only if you need a more precise location, like if you're driving and using Navigation. Otherwise, turn off GPS by changing the setting to "Battery Saving."
12. You never know what kinds of processes the bloatware on your device might be responsible for, but they might be contributing to battery use as well. Go to Settings/Apps/All Apps, go through the list, and disable any bloatware apps that you don't need. Be cautious that you don't disable an important system app--if you aren't sure, just post a question in one of the AC Forums, and someone is bound to know.
13. Understand how Android utilizes RAM, and resist the urge to use task killers. To understand how things work, read this article by the esteemed Jerry Hildenbrand here, as well as this guide by Ambassador extraordinaire Golfdriver97. Apps that you kill manually will often restart on their own, which in itself takes a little bit of CPU and battery power--so if it's happening hundreds of times a day, it can become significant. The main reason to use a task killer is if there is some runaway process that you know is bogging the system down and won't shut down on its own. It might still restart on its own--if the cycle keeps happening, it's probably a problem with the app, which should be uninstalled or disabled.
14. Poor cell reception kills battery, because the radio is working overtime to try to establish the connection. If you know you're going to be in an area of poor reception for a while, consider turning on Airplane Mode to temporarily shut off your cell radio. You can get some idea of how much time you're spending in an area of poor signal by going to Settings/Battery, tapping Cell Standby (if it's there), and seeing if it says how much time without signal there was.
15. If none of the above tips are helping, then try wiping the cache partition, which is the portion of memory where Android stores a lot of temporary data. It's a little different from clearing the cache of individual apps, because the cache partition also stores a lot of temporary data used by the system. You need to access your device's recovery menu in order to wipe the cache partition, and this process varies with the device, so the best way to learn how to do it is to do a web search for "wipe cache partition [your device name]."
Not really a fan of threads like this, basically they say turn the cool features of your phone off to save it's battery? Yes I still read them in case someone comes up with something interesting or innovative but generally all the same don't use some of the best features of your phone.
We're not iPhone users buy spare battery.
Sent from my SM-G900F using XDA Free mobile app
Try a custom kernel
So is there a fix for battery drain? i keep reading all these threads about basically turning off everything no your phone. my problem is i used to have everything on my phone on and still was a good 50% battery life left at the end of the day. this was with heavy use as well. a lot internet surfing, youtube, gaming, location was turned on. I was loving my battery life. Now, seemingly over night my battery is horrible. i cannot make it to the end of the day with almost no use, i now have to charge it half way through the day to get it to last me until 9 oclock or so. my battery is now at 70-80% after a couple hours with absolutely no use. any idea or fix for what has caused this sudden drain of my battery?
Personally I use apps that close apps that automatically (autorun pro is my favourite) start block ad's etc I get a good days usage from mine.
It's a compromise but I carry a spare battery as well
Sent from my SM-G900F using XDA Free mobile app
So I found out my issue was my email app. I cleared the data on it and now I'm back to having a 50% battery left at the end of a day with heavy use.
---------- Post added at 08:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 PM ----------
So I found out my issue was my email app. I cleared the data on it and now I'm back to having a 50% battery left at the end of a day with heavy use.
Turning off all features that make a phone "smart" is like buying a luxury Mercedes and ignore all those functions and use it as if it's a cheap Chinese car! If I want to use my phone just for SMS and Call why not buy a Nokia 1100 and buy a tablet to check my emails, viber and all other apps!
I bought a Galaxy S5 to utilize those functions. Anyway, previously my phone used to drain its battery in 6 hours! by adjusting my setting to the following I could increase the battery life to 14 hours! (I know it is still low but way better than 6 hours!)
1. Decrease the BRIGHTNESS as low as possible. For casual use we do not need a bright screen! whenever you wanna check an important photo you may increase the brightness temporary. (only by this you can have extra 2 hours or more)
2. Turn off unnecessary syncs, I do not need to have my contacts synced with 10 servers! Allow your phone to sync them with only one account ( I did it for Google only and turned off Samsung acc. dropbox, ChatOn and ...)
3. Do not add so many email accounts to your phone! Just add those you use frequently ( I have 5 emails and only 2 of them are vital for me!)
4. Set your location to use wifi only, and turn your GPS on only when you want to have a turn-by-turn navigation ( built in GPS can drain you battery in less than 1 hour!)
5. Turn off Push notifications for Games. ( you do not miss anything if you attend to your games 1 hour late!)
6. Uninstall those communication apps that are not necessary, you do not need to have BBM, Viber, Line, Whatsapp, Telegram, Hulu, Wechat and ... Keep those that you use frequently (In my case I kept Viber and Whatsapp only)
7. Uninstall any Anti-virus app! The likelihood of getting malware or virus if you install apps from Google Store is almost zero, so you only allocate some RAM to an useless app for doing nothing! If you wanna have any I recommend "360 Security" as I learned it uses only 6 mb of RAM and you can turn off real time protection.
By doing the above things I could get 8 hours extra from my phone!
It also a good idea to check which apps 'Autorun' when your phone restarts. SD Maid (maybe PRO version) has an AppControl option that lets you toggle autorun on or off.

