[Solved] Long Press Hard Keys - Windows Mobile

Having trouble with Long Press EndKey and Voice Command starting with long press sendkey. I found a thread about copying shortcuts and renaming to Long_End.lnk. I tried this with one of the 3 voice command shortcuts (renamed to Long_Send.lnk) and it starts voice command but doesn't take you to any of the commands you ask for.
What in the kitchen sets these shortcuts?
Sprint Touch Pro
WM 23569
Sense 2016

I think the links are coded into shell32.exe, or somewhere like that.
Too bad you've got a sprint TP; it doesn't come with a PTT button, does it? You should think about getting AE Button-it opens up a lot of button assignments. One of the volume buttons may work best for VC. Long press end and send kind of suck for VC. Hell, I stopped cooking in LP Endkey a long time ago. That package represents everything that's wrong w/ HTC. Without it, LP end locks the device, anyway.

I actually don't use either of them. Making public ROM and some users want them to work. I just don't understand why they work on stock rom and not on mine.
Thanks Farmer Ted

I was thinking about it more, and it's in the keypad.dll. I've been using a 6.1 keypad.dll, because the home button goes to Today instead of the start menu (the home button is also mappable with AE Button with this keypad.dll). This is in the s000 file of the module:
\ W i n d o w s \ L o n g _ P o w e r . l n k \ W i n d o w s \ L o n g _ P T T . l n k \ W i n d o w s \ L o n g _ S e n d . l n k
Here's the one that I use, but you probably want a Sprint keypad.dll. Just open up the file or the s000 file of the module and see if you can find the references you want. There's also a reference to "L o n g E n d F u n c t i o n," which I guess is why it locks the phone w/o the gawdawful piece of crap long press endkey package included.
If you want to test out this dll, just recmod it, drop it in your windows folder, soft reset and see how things work. Don't waste the time to cook and flash it. It will probably work ok.

Thanks again. I knew it had to be in OEM Drivers but couldn't figure it out. I will test and report back later.

If you find a keypad.dll that works, you can just make a cab file for a hot-fix for your users. There's no sense in re-cooking for this.

Shouldn't I be able to open keypad.dll with ResHacker?

Yeah, I was able to (after recmoding the posted keypad), but there's not a whole lot to see. There's language stuff in the string tables:
16529, "Phone"
16530, "Calculator"
16531, "Desktop"
And then some version info:
FILEOS 0x40000
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "040904E4"
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "keypad.dll"

Farmer Ted said:
If you find a keypad.dll that works, you can just make a cab file for a hot-fix for your users. There's no sense in re-cooking for this.
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For me, dropping in a keypad.dll (at least for the TP) doesn't work. I HAVE to cook it in :/ This is a true for a few other system drivers...

I have cooked in every keypad.dll I can find still a no go. I even tried 21054 voice command with every keypad.dll.

Use Raphael Keyboard Config. It replaces keypad.dll and lets you configure every button to do anything you want. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=521786

Thanks Farmer Ted, NRGZ28 and Swinn for your help and info. Swinn's suggestion of Keyboard Config fixed my key problem. Now just to fight with voice command.


[MOD][SENSE2.5TAB] SenseUtil (Tab Control File Editor) [10 Aug 2011 New Release]

Project Open
Compiled Cab file attached to this post.
Code-Plex Page (source available):
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Project Status
Initial development is completed.
The application does all the items defined in the Manifest!
Ideas and feedback are very welcome, particularly for the GUI (which is more functional than anything else).
Graphics etc are welcome, then I can add graphical controls etc and state icons.
Added example shortcuts
Shortcuts for use with installing and uninstalling tabs. See Shortcuts section of the manual below.
Release 10th Aug 2011 (meltwater_SenseUtil (9433).cab) - Thanks to mike2nl for gathering the extra tab details and corrections!
+Added (shortcuts & resource files):
1a9fc010_manila \windows\HTC\today.mode9
2c417551_manila \windows\HTC\GGorizont\GGorizont.mode9
04ca8df7_manila \windows\HTC\GPSTracker\GPSTracker.mode9
34C172FA_manila \windows\HTC\Manilatv\favorites.mode9
037D6881_manila \windows\HTC\GameFifteen\GameFifteen.mode9
0C3A0700_manila \windows\HTC\programlauncher.mode9
2CAADFCD_manila \windows\HTC\manilaradio\manilaradio.mode9
+Corrected document tab shortcut
+Language title files (6f286a05_manila_en-us_titlefixed.txt is template for others)
+Language title files added to cab (although most require translations etc)
[B]Release 22nd Feb 2011 (meltwater_SenseUtil (6952).cab) - 680views[/B]
+ Added fix for "Unable to update file"
+ Using Release instead of Debug build
[B]Release 26th Jan 2011 (meltwater_SenseUtil (6328).cab) - 189views[/B]
Code is the same, but added CabFile to package (with Shortcuts) and HQ icon for application.
- Cab will always install to Device "\windows\SenseUtil" regardless of user selection.
[B]19 Jan 2010 (SenseUtil_6026.zip)[/B]
Changed default position to after home tab.
Added shortcuts for more tabs.
[B]18 Jan 2010 (SenseUtil_6007.zip)[/B]
Updated softreset message for commandline updates.
[B]17 Jan 2010 (SenseUtil_5973.zip)[/B]
Added shortcuts.
Added option to reset device following command-line modification of tab control file (with prompt so user can wait to see if sense restarts without reset).
[B]2 Dec 2010 (SenseUtil_5021.zip) - 246+140views[/B]
Initial Release
Cab (thanks to Captain_Throwback).
Additional Work
Missing Available Tabs:
If there are any missing tabs from the available tabs list, then send me the details so I can generate a resource file.
Extra Features (To Do):
At some point I will update the app to read the configuration keys (if available) and generate the file using the order defined there (plus re-generate the keys to keep disabled tabs disabled).
If anyone is interested, I can add icons to help determine the states of the tabs...just need some graphics!
Possible State Icons for tabs:
Tab Installed & Present - in the tab control file & on the device (Installed Fine)
Tab Not Installed & Present - not in the tab control file but on the device (i.e. Available to add)
Tab Installed & Not Present - in the tab control file but not on the device (!Warning State! Sense will probably fail to run)
Tab Not Installed & Not Present - not in the tab control file or in on the device
Also the icon could indicate if the source is from XML file or the tab control file (only applies to the installed ones - not installed ones will always be xml).
User Manual
I'll try to update this with new information as and when I get time, hopefully the app isn't too difficult to understand.
Control Sense Page:
This page controls sense...
[Start Sense]:
If sense is not selected in the Today Plugin, this adds and triggers sense to start.
[Stop Sense]:
If sense is running, or set in the Today Plugin to run, this will remove it and trigger it to close.
[Restart Sense]:
This will cause sense to restart (by removing and adding it from the Today Plugin).
Note: Any changes to your Tab Control File (26948339_manila) are ignored.
[Reset Sense]:
The same as [Restart Sense], but will also cause it to re-build by removing the ManilaFull.xml file.
Note: If you have changed your Tab Control File (26948339_manila) any changes will be re-built in this process.
[Full Reset Sense]:
The same as [Reset Sense], but will also delete the configuration registry keys (this is required when you add/remove tabs for them to initialise correctly and for them to show up in the Tab Re-arrange page within the Sense Settings Tab).
Note: Any tabs disabled via the Sense Settings Tab will be re-enabled!
[Soft Reset]:
This simply restarts your device, quite often sense will not re-start correctly without at least one reset.
Tab Control File [Update]:
If you have generated a new Tab Control File (26948339_manila), this option will replace your existing file (creating a timestamped backup within the SenseUtil folder) and [Full Reset Sense].
Tabs (Loaded) Page:
On start up, this page shows the contents of the Tab Control File (26948339_manila).
Once you have made adjustments to the list, you can build a new file (which you can then view using a suitable text editor and check if you wish).
Tab Source [#]:
This toggles the source of the tab data:
Default=Your original Tab Control File
File=The loaded xml resource file
If the tab is not available (the xml file does not exist) then the source will not change. Also if you delete and re-add a tab which was in your tab control file, it will not be able to be set back to Default - you will need to Reload the data fresh.
Remove [-]:
Removes the tab, the tab will no longer be installed.
Shift Up [^] and Shift Down [v]:
Allows you to adjust the default positions of the tabs.
Tabs (Available) Page:
This page will show you the tab's which are available (loaded from the Resource Folder xml files).
When you select an item, you will be able to see if the tab's keyfile is Present On Device or not, this provides an indication of if the files required for the tab are on the device
Note: Only the keyfile is checked - there will be additional files required for the tab/sense to function.
Various details about the tab are also available, if a custom tab links to the tab's development and release pages should be provided.
Add Tab [+]:
Allows you to add a tab to your Tab Control File, if the tab is not detected as Present On Device you will be warned that Sense probably will not start (you will need to install the correct tabs files on your device).
Add All [+All]:
This will add all the tabs which are detected as Present On Device but not currently in the Tab Control File.
Only the keyfile is checked - there will be additional files required for the tab/sense to function. So be sure you have correctly installed all the required files for a particular tab.
Settings Page:
Provides various options for the app.
Register to Today Softkey:
[Set Action/Contacts)]​
Only recommended if you use the app a lot as it provides an easy way to start up/control sense if it has not loaded.
[ ] Advanced View:
This allows you to see all the data which the app collects about the installed/available tabs and uses to do what it does. Useful for debugging issues with the resource files or problems with the app itself.
[Reload Files]:
This will read in your Tab Control File again, and reload all the resource Xml files (for the available tab list).
Note: Any changes you've made to your Tab Control File in the app will be discarded.
Command Line Options:
SenseUtil add 6B54437C_manila
- Adds the specified tab, leave other tabs as they are
SenseUtil renew
- Replaces all tab details with data from the xml files (leaves any not found in the xml files as they are)
SenseUtil addall
- Adds any tabs which are not in the tab control file but found on the device (checking for the key mode9 file), the other tabs are left as they are. New tabs are added at end before settings tab.
SenseUtil addallnew
- As above, but other tabs are replaced with details from the xml files (leaves any not found in the xml files as they are)
SenseUtil remove 6B54437C_manila
- Removes the tab if installed on the device
By using the shortcuts, it is assumed that SenseUtil is installed to device location:
i.e For FbTab:
Add Shortcut:
54#"\Windows\SenseUtil\SenseUtil.exe" add 51B6F88A_manila
Remove Shortcut:
57#"\Windows\SenseUtil\SenseUtil.exe" remove 51B6F88A_manila
For other tabs, look up the xxxxxxxx_manila file in the resource section and replace 51B6F88A_manila (note: the 54# and 57# need not change since the length should remain the same). Or post a request and I'll upload suitable shortcuts!
1. Before using the shortcut you must install the correct files for the tab in the correct location (if files are not present the tab will not be added).
2. System may need Soft-Reset (turn off and on again) for sense to restart correctly (you will be prompted to wait and see if sense starts).
3. The order set by the settings tab will be reset by this process.
Application Manifest - What I Planned To Achieve
The plan is a simple program which reads the tab control file (file 26948339_manila) and allow you to add/remove tabs using a simple xml file to provide the correct info.
MoonNah's ([url]http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=670116[/url]) B_L_Group_FixStartManila_2.5.cab is an excellent tool which simply re-generated the list based on the files it found within the windows dir, worked well except there was no indication that is was successful or what it had done.
I think it would be quite simple to extend the idea a little further by creating an app with a gui which then searched it's local folder for xml files. The xml files will be named to match the key mode9 filename for each tab:
i.e. RSS Tab = \windows\htc\people\RssFeed.mode9 = 6B54437C_manila
[B]So there would be a xml file called 6B54437C_manila.xml which contains the data for the tab:[/B]
[CODE]<Page Order="X" Name="rssfeed.page" PackageName="HTC" Title="[[IDS_RSSTITLE]]">
<ComponentReference Name="page" Mode9Path="HTC\People\RSSFeed.mode9" Component="SummaryAllPage" SmartComponent="true"/>
<ComponentReference Name="icon_normal" Mode9Path="HTC\Manila\RssFeedicon.mode9" Component="RssFeed_Off"/>
<ComponentReference Name="icon_selected" Mode9Path="HTC\Manila\RssFeedicon.mode9" Component="RssFeed_On"/>
<ComponentReference Name="icon_preview" Mode9Path="HTC\Manila\RssFeedicon.mode9" Component="RssFeed_Preview"/>
So the app would look for each of the xxxxxxxx_manila files in the windows directory and then allow the user to add/remove any tabs which are present on the system. This would also allow users to totally disable any "problem" tabs more effectively than via the config keys.
The xml files could also have a full list of required files (which could also be checked), perhaps a link to obtain the latest release, the app could then be released with xml files for all current tabs and any new ones so users can easily see what is available and obtain them.
The app would also handle the disabling and resetting of sense so that the changes are correctly made.
Also the app could support command line option to install a specific tab if present (not making any changes to the others), which can then be used by cab files.
Note: Software is able to set today screen softkeys for easy use, but a proper soft-key manager is available here if you decide you want to set them to something different:
I will have a try at making the app myself but my time is very limited so any help will be greatly appreciated. But I do think that such a program would be very useful for those who have problems editing their tab control file (file 26948339_manila).
Let me know what you think?
Language Title Fixes
Custom Tabs (like RSSTab/Facebook Tab display IDS value on 1st run)
This is because the translation file used for the tab titles is separate to the tab's own language file.
I will update senseUtil to allow the users to update the files using a shortcut, but until I've completed and tested that, I've included a zip file of the required files.
Install meltwater_LangTitleUpdate_v01.cab. - 155views
Reset sense.
MANUAL INSTALL: - 149views
Unzip and copy the files into your devices \windows\ directory, and then reset sense.
Please let me know if you have any problems or if you have updates for the contained translations (I've only updated the ones I've already got translations for).
Language Title Fixes
Custom Tabs (like RSSTab/Facebook Tab display IDS value on 1st run)
This is because the translation file used for the tab titles is separate to the tab's own language file.
I will update senseUtil to allow the users to update the files using a shortcut, but until I've completed and tested that, I've included a zip file of the required files.
Updated language files are contained within the SenseUtil cab file, please update the file language files and post them here (they will get included in the next cab).​
Great idea meltwater. This will help rookie cooks like me
illi said:
Great idea meltwater. This will help rookie cooks like me
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Well my thinking is, if we can make the "black art" a little "lighter" then it opens things up for novice users (like I was once) and brings fresh ideas and talent in.
Ok, I've created an outline project in CodePlex, I will start putting in some basic stuff and see how I get on.
Time is limited for me, so if someone else is interested in working on this too then they are welcome. The source is easy to download, and I will happily add you to the project if you wish to upload your progress directly.
Excellent idea! ThumbsUp for this
1st Release!
Ok, I've put some starting stuff in (attempting to control sense).
Need some people to test it, I think there is an issue with starting sense again although not sure what. Soft-reset and it will comes back (assuming you've not changed anything else).
Sense Control Tab:
Start Sense - Clears the entry in the Today page for HTCSense
Stop Sense - Sets the entry in the Today page for HTCSense
Restart Sense - Does Stop and then Start with a delay in the middle.
Reset Sense - Same as Restart Sense but deletes the ManilaFull.xml file (which will cause sense to re-initialise - file will be regenerated)
Full Reset Sense - Same as Reset Sense but also clears the configuration keys (required when you add/remove a tab)
Settings Tab:
Allows you to register the app with the Today page softkeys (gives easy way to get sense running again!).
CAUTION: Only set to restore the defaults on my phone (LSoftkey=Action Page RSoftkey=Contacts).
Keys effected by this setting are:
Find the latest code in codeplex: http://senseutil.codeplex.com
I can try to test the app if you want.
Using Jackos ROM with Sense 2.5.20181527.0
But I flash relatively often so I'm able to test it on some different versions.
Could you point me out what I should do now (what to download, what to pay attention on)?
Hey meltwater!
I see you've gotten tired of manually updating people's Tab Control files .
Great idea - I wish I had some programming knowledge so that I could help. Unfortunately I do not. How difficult would it be to learn? What software would I need?
Skrobel said:
I can try to test the app if you want.
Using Jackos ROM with Sense 2.5.20181527.0
But I flash relatively often so I'm able to test it on some different versions.
Could you point me out what I should do now (what to download, what to pay attention on)?
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So far it only has the basic sense control buttons in, so it would be help to check that they work correctly. My testing has shown that it sometimes has issues with starting sense, but that could be down to my sense setup (it's not very stable due to CHT and my own development work...).
At the moment, I seem to also have some issues with the softkey settings (but I'm happy I can continue testing that, issues with permissions etc I think).
From the codeplex changeset package (the zip file you download) you will only need the SenseUtil.exe (later on anything in the \Debug directory as files are added).
Captain_Throwback said:
Hey meltwater!
I see you've gotten tired of manually updating people's Tab Control files .
Great idea - I wish I had some programming knowledge so that I could help. Unfortunately I do not. How difficult would it be to learn? What software would I need?
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Well more accurately... tired of some users...although having an easy way to reset sense etc will be very handy. Plus does seem to be the number 1 cause of issues.
It is a good as project as any to learn how to program on (nice mix of changing the registry, reading files and standard .net forms). You will need something like Visual Studio 2008 Professional though (you can get 90 day trials quite easy - let me know and I'll find you one).
I'm quite happy to help guide you (or anyone else interested) as far as I am able (although my code should not be taken as a prime example of how to code - it's not my trained area of programming).
OK, it's time for first impression
From the Sense control tab everything seems to be working cool. I tried each option in the first tab several times and Sense always started without problems.
I have one question though. After the first time I made a Full Reset (with the config keys) this button was inactive anymore. I recon that the keys are already deleted. But shouldn't they be redefined during Sense next start?
And I confirm the matter with softkeys. The first time I wanted to assign SenseUtil to right softkey, the "Unexpected error" appeared (right after I confirmed I was sure) and I had to kill the app. However the second time each left and right softkey worked.
But the Set (Action/Contacts) button never worked. There is always Unexpected error when I tap "OK" in the message box. Below I present the details of the error.
w System.ThrowHelper.ThrowObjectDisposedException(String objectName, ExceptionResource resource)
w Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.EnsureNotDisposed()
w Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.EnsureWriteable()
w Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.SetValue(String name, Object value, RegistryValueKind valueKind)
w SenseUtil.Settings.SetSoftKey(Int32 selkey, String text, String url, Boolean confirm)
w SenseUtil.SenseUtil.buttonRegDefaultSoftKey_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
w System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
w System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
w System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
w System.Windows.Forms.Control._InternalWnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
w Microsoft.AGL.Forms.EVL.EnterMainLoop(IntPtr hwnMain)
w System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form fm)
w SenseUtil.Program.Main()
I hope this all helps. I would also like to learn programming, but it needs more time than I actually have...
Skrobel said:
OK, it's time for first impression
From the Sense control tab everything seems to be working cool. I tried each option in the first tab several times and Sense always started without problems.
I have one question though. After the first time I made a Full Reset (with the config keys) this button was inactive anymore. I recon that the keys are already deleted. But shouldn't they be redefined during Sense next start?
And I confirm the matter with softkeys. The first time I wanted to assign SenseUtil to right softkey, the "Unexpected error" appeared (right after I confirmed I was sure) and I had to kill the app. However the second time each left and right softkey worked.
But the Set (Action/Contacts) button never worked. There is always Unexpected error when I tap "OK" in the message box. Below I present the details of the error.
w System.ThrowHelper.ThrowObjectDisposedException(String objectName, ExceptionResource resource)
w Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.EnsureNotDisposed()
w Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.EnsureWriteable()
w Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.SetValue(String name, Object value, RegistryValueKind valueKind)
w SenseUtil.Settings.SetSoftKey(Int32 selkey, String text, String url, Boolean confirm)
w SenseUtil.SenseUtil.buttonRegDefaultSoftKey_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
w System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
w System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
w System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
w System.Windows.Forms.Control._InternalWnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
w Microsoft.AGL.Forms.EVL.EnterMainLoop(IntPtr hwnMain)
w System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form fm)
w SenseUtil.Program.Main()
I hope this all helps. I would also like to learn programming, but it needs more time than I actually have...
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Good testing thank you!
The config keys are only generated when you rearrange the tabs, plus I only set the enable/disable of the buttons on start up of the app and following a press.
I think I've corrected the exception, but still not 100% sure about the keys (it is enough to make it work though).
Currently reading up on xml, long over-due I learned how to use it properly! Will have a new version in a few days hopefully.
Ok read through all the material I found on xml, (a good tutorial http://www.csharpkey.com/csharp/xml/Lesson01.htm) will now find out how much isn't supported in compact .net. Fortunately no real surprises, how I've been dealing with xml has been fine (although missed a few tricks). There's also some open source solutions around which I may look into (but for this it's probably fine keeping it simple, it's more suitable for the work I'm doing with RSS feeds).
Ok, new release!
Just put in loading of the xml files which contain the tab information which can be added. Should give a good idea of how things will work!
Will add options to filter the list etc.
Will read the tab control file next, then see if I can add/remove tabs!
meltwater said:
Ok, new release!(...)
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OK, I downloaded, unpacked, loaded on my phone and.... realized that I have Sense 2.1 currently so I won't test it at once.
But just for your info, the Stop/Start sense, and Restart works even with Sense 2.1.19202517.0
Of course in the "Tabs Loaded" I have nothing, and in "Tabs Available" everywhere I see Not Present On Device. I could only test the overall behaviour of the app but this hasn't changed much. Still the "Set" button gives me the unexpected error, so I'm useless this time.
As soon as I will flash something with Sense 2.5 I will test it immediately and report back (this unfortunately won't happen until at least tomorrow).
Skrobel said:
OK, I downloaded, unpacked, loaded on my phone and.... realized that I have Sense 2.1 currently so I won't test it at once.
But just for your info, the Stop/Start sense, and Restart works even with Sense 2.1.19202517.0
Of course in the "Tabs Loaded" I have nothing, and in "Tabs Available" everywhere I see Not Present On Device. I could only test the overall behaviour of the app but this hasn't changed much. Still the "Set" button gives me the unexpected error, so I'm useless this time.
As soon as I will flash something with Sense 2.5 I will test it immediately and report back (this unfortunately won't happen until at least tomorrow).
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If you still have 2.1 on, does it use the tab control file in the same way?
i.e. What is the 26948339_manila file like (can you post it?).
"Tabs Loaded" does nothing at the moment anyway, not reading the file yet. The update was to put in my current work in progress.
"Tabs available" I guess the filenames are different for sense 2.1, but can't see why we can't have a set of xml files for 2.1 as well if it works in a similar way. So far I've only created files for the ones on my system and a few which I've had before, I know there are a few missing to add.
Interesting the "set" button gives an exception, thought I'd covered that on my device (will look into it).
meltwater said:
If you still have 2.1 on, does it use the tab control file in the same way?
i.e. What is the 26948339_manila file like (can you post it?).
"Tabs Loaded" does nothing at the moment anyway, not reading the file yet. The update was to put in my current work in progress.
"Tabs available" I guess the filenames are different for sense 2.1, but can't see why we can't have a set of xml files for 2.1 as well if it works in a similar way. So far I've only created files for the ones on my system and a few which I've had before, I know there are a few missing to add.
Interesting the "set" button gives an exception, thought I'd covered that on my device (will look into it).
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Here's the Tab Control file from Manila 2.1.1920.2517. It seems to contain similar information, but it contains a LOT more . . .
NOTE: This is from the VGA ported version, but I'm sure the differences are minor (if at all) . . .
Captain_Throwback said:
Here's the Tab Control file from Manila 2.1.1920.2517. It seems to contain similar information, but it contains a LOT more . . .
NOTE: This is from the VGA ported version, but I'm sure the differences are minor (if at all) . . .
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I would guess that 2.1 does not have the _page.xml files, since that is what the manilafull.xml file looks like, a combination of the tab control and each of the related _page.xml files! Looks like the mode9 files don't include any of the path info beyond the HTC bit, hence why the filenames are probably different.
I'll not worry too much about it for now, interesting though.
Will upload my latest, simply because I'm calling it a night... Populated Tab(Installed) page with some data from the TabControl File - note the buttons will stay disabled (only put in for layout). Oh and the url links on the Tab(Available) aren't enabled yet either.
Update on codeplex now.
This is my WVGA control file for comparison. I haven't heared about any custom tabs for Sense 2.1 so I didn't thought you would be interested in it at alll.
sorry to say that, but i have all the time when i start the version 4851 an error popup. Please see the screenshot:
mike2nl said:
sorry to say that, but i have all the time when i start the version 4851 an error popup. Please see the screenshot:
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See if the version before that works (since the exception is referring to InitialiseTabLists() which hasn't changed). I added a function before InitialiseTabLists() in the latest, which loads up the sense tab control file (but doesn't seem like it is that). Anyway, will check that there is suitable checking of things to avoid the exception, still building the basics.
Hopefully next time should be able to have a go at matching the tabs found in the file with the ones loaded, then generate a new file.
meltwater said:
See if the version before that works (since the exception is referring to InitialiseTabLists() which hasn't changed). I added a function before InitialiseTabLists() in the latest, which loads up the sense tab control file (but doesn't seem like it is that). Anyway, will check that there is suitable checking of things to avoid the exception, still building the basics.
Hopefully next time should be able to have a go at matching the tabs found in the file with the ones loaded, then generate a new file.
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No stress please i can wait , because i skinning the RSS tab.

[GUIDE] Simple way to change physical keyboard keymappings!

How to change FN(ALT) + key symbols, add them and even change everything on the qwerty -keyboard:
Works at least on Cyanogenmod 10 with android 4.2.2
Today I ran into a problem. There were no < and > symbols in my phone (except virtual keyboard) and I needed them. I couldn't find any good guide how to change physical keyboard mappings so that I could use FN + button combo to get those symbols. I only found one guide, but it didn't work for me, old version perhaps? (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=945921)
This is the way I found, and it's quite simple!
Quick guide:
1) Connect phone with usb and usb debugging on.
2) Find your keyboard layout name from settings -> language & input -> physical keyboard -> selected layout (for example: "vision-keypad-nor")
3 )Filename is layout + ".kcm" -> so in this example "vision-keypad-nor.kcm"
4) Go to command line and:
adb pull system/usr/keychars/vision-keypad-nor.kcm c:\vision-keypad-nor.kcm
5) Open file c:\vision-keypad-nor.kcm in notepad or other program
6) Find the key uou want to edit, for example A:
key A {
shift, capslock:'A'
alt: '#'
7) Lets edit that so we get "<" -symbol when pressing FN+A:
key A {
shift, capslock:'A'
alt: '\u003C'
Note: \u003C is unicode for "<". Find more unicodes: http://source.android.com/tech/input/key-character-map-files.html -> Input -> Key character map files
8) Save the file
9) Send the file back to the phone:
adb push c:\vision-keypad-nor.kcm /system/usr/keychars/vision-keypad-nor.kcm
10) Reboot phone and try pushing FN+A: If you get "<" everything went fine
Im new to this, so please tell me if somethings is wrong with this guide!
Update 28.10.2013 : Updated guide to be more clear.
Oh, sorry... I don't read your guid carefully first time. It's about an 4.x OS :-[
Now i do have one question... because ADB nor USB is not possible for me would this be possible using a root file explorer or no? I will try once I find the time and figure out how to get the www. and .com key back just may be a day or 2 before i can try.
By the way nice find
Been looking for a tutorial like this so that I can finally make better use of a few of the keys on my keyboard. Thanks a lot for the break down.
Thanks soo much. Now lets make use of our hardware-keybs
Next step would be to assign scripts instead of single charakter
Imagine how many root-scripts we could execute with this as base for the hotkeys
Anyone have any luck getting the www. .com button to work like stock? Right now I have it as TAB.
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk 2
Anyone checking this thread anymore??
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Are that something similar to ASCII codes?
can I add a new language with this trick?
Can Anyone knows how to add second language to physical keyboard? We aready have a key to SW between 2 language but it's only work for English Lang.
nice guide! i need to make russian h\w keyboard, can someone help me with this?
Thank you all, hope that helped you
I think if you want to create a russian keyboard, you just edit that file and put the unicode -code of the russian character to every single button or so on? Not sure though.
SmIzUrF: I think you can edit that file with some root File Explorer on the phone. Just navigate to that folder and file.
I updated the guide so it is more clear
combination with hw quicksettings launcher
is it possible to combine it with HW quicksetting launcher by suzuna apps?
however they utilize hw key search button, do anyone know the ascii of hardware key search button? is it possible to map the search function into the other physical key?
Is this guide still relevant with later roms? Some ICS or JB roms dont use the Nordic keymap and it would be useful to replace that.
Great guide! I will definitely use it!
wow!! thanks so much, I am running phoenixOS on my laptop and its keyboard is in German qwerty layout (strange right? - qwerty and not qwertz) but i needed the keys to be mapped according to the keyboard lettering. I am certainly gonna try this out!!

[Q] Help! How to make new line in text message.

as the title says..
I have Motorola defy mini xt321 ..
Still in original OS with Gingerbread version..
How to make new line in text messaging?
There are 3 keyboard built in (swipe,MOBiDIV, android) but all of the keyboards only have : ) (Smiles) button instead than a return(new line) button..
sorry for my English..
someone please
zenislev01 said:
How to make new line in text messaging?
There are 3 keyboard built in (swipe,MOBiDIV, android) but all of the keyboards only have : ) (Smiles) button instead than a return(new line) button..
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go to playstore and find a keyboard that has a return button, eg, perfect keyborad. i've not used the perfect keyboard before, but just giving you one example.
Try it
Just try A.i type hope it will work:good:
Is your phone rooted?
I would imagine so since I doubt that official Motorola rom would include Swype kb...
Anyhow, if so (of not: root it today!!):
1- go to system/app folder and rename Mms.apk to something like Mms.bak (always better to change not only the name but file extension)
2- go here and get the Mms zip: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=33837259&postcount=17233http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=33837259&postcount=17233
3- flash it in Custom recovery
4- watch the video in my sig link below and act accordingly
5- Enjoy!
watch this till the end: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmvCpR45LKA

How can I make ChiralCode - Android-Color-Picker appear in a dialog window?

I found the following link 'https://github.com/chiralcode/Android-Color-Picker'. I copied `ColorPicker.java' and `ColorPickerDialog.java' . I've been trying to make that dialog box appear somehow .. but I still can't figure it out. If you run the initial app you can see that it has a color picker dialog button (when you press it that window appears). How can I make something like that?
I tried using this(as he says on that website) :
ColorPickerDialog colorPickerDialog = new ColorPickerDialog(this, initialColor, new OnColorSelectedListener() {
public void onColorSelected(int color) {
// do action
but I get a lot of errors. I only copied those 2 java files, nothing else. Not even the layout or something like that. What else should I copy in order to make it work ? I'm using Android Studio
I've been trying to solve this for a long time .. but however I try I won't get it done. Thank you
iDaniel19 said:
I found the following link 'https://github.com/chiralcode/Android-Color-Picker'. I copied `ColorPicker.java' and `ColorPickerDialog.java' . I've been trying to make that dialog box appear somehow .. but I still can't figure it out. If you run the initial app you can see that it has a color picker dialog button (when you press it that window appears). How can I make something like that?
I tried using this(as he says on that website) :
ColorPickerDialog colorPickerDialog = new ColorPickerDialog(this, initialColor, new OnColorSelectedListener() {
public void onColorSelected(int color) {
// do action
but I get a lot of errors. I only copied those 2 java files, nothing else. Not even the layout or something like that. What else should I copy in order to make it work ? I'm using Android Studio
I've been trying to solve this for a long time .. but however I try I won't get it done. Thank you
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You should probably copy all the files there... if any aren't needed Android Studio will tell you as they won't be used.
Edit: Also you're doing it wrong, have a look at the demo code here & here.
Thank you for that. I will try it now. How should I add the color picker to my layout ?
Edit: I added it to my layout . Using the first demo I get the same values by clicking the button. I tried the second one, but it's a lot more complicated, and I'm getting nowhere. Thank you .
Edit2 : Thank you.I did it. I couldn't have done it without your help.

[MOD] Add Extra Keys To Your Nav Bar In Android O style

This should be in the development section but I don't have the required amount of posts so I put it here, no worries...
Your phone your responsability!!!
Please make sure you read everything, especially the "IMPORTANT" chapter, I won't reply to question(s) whose answer(s) is/are here!!!
I made a SystemUI navigation bar mod for me and I thought that some people may like it so I share it here with you guys.
It enables you to add extra keys (left/right/up/down arrows for text correction or navigation on pages, volume up/down, music panel) directly from the navbar tuner settings.
I have seen on XDA news that you can achieve the same result by editing the settings_secure file but it's not very practical because every time you have to reboot before the new key appears.
A Nexus 6 (obviously):cyclops:
Android Nougat 7.0
I made this mod for my ROM that I built from source based on Pure Nexus 7.0, so I can't guarantee that it'll work on a different ROM brand.
If you come from another ROM than Pure Nexus feel free to try and report here, I made a rescue zip to get you back to your original configuration in case it doesn't work so you don't need to worry.
But back up anyway, just in case.
Now we may a problem, that is application signature.
As said above I'm on a home built ROM, and I have signed it with my signature, signature that is unique to my ROM and that will prevent installations on a different ROM.
What I did to have it to work for you guys is that I signed the apps that I put here with the Pure Nexus 7.0 original signature, that should be OK if you are on Pure Nexus 7.0.
If you are on a different ROM, or if you are on Pure Nexus 7.0 but for some reasons it doesn't work, you'll have to do as follows:
- extract your SystemUI.apk in /system/priv-app and put it on your internal storage or computer,
- open it with 7zip or something similar,
- inside you'll see a META-INF folder and AndroidMAnifest.xml, extract them,
- open my modded SystemUI,
- delete the META-INF folder and AndroidMAnifest.xml inside of it and replace them with the ones you extracted from your SystemUI,
- close everything,
- zipalign my modded SystemUI (optional but better for optimization, zipaligning has been lost since the signature has been replaced),
- now my SystemUI has your signature so you can flash the zip.
If it still doesn't work then you're out of luck, to have it to work would mean to have your ROM's source and do the edits there but sorry, I won't do it because it's too much work (downloading 20 GBs of data for the source, compiling a whole ROM etc...).
In that case upload your SystemUI.apk and your framework-res.apk here and I'll try to do it, but no guarantees...
Why am I not on 7.1?
I tried it but there wasn't any interesting new features for me so there was no point to switch to it and go again through the lenghty process of downloading the source, compiling it, editing/theming/etc-ing all the apps, no, I sticked to my good old 7.0.
There are 3 zips.
1 - The green theme is the one I use on my phone but it may look weird on yours since the green theming needs other apps to be complete. Give it a try though, it looks nice to my opinion!
Tell me if you want the full green theme, I'll upload here the other files.
2 - The stock theme is the regular Nougat white theme.
3 - A rescue zip to get back to your original SystemUI in case something goes wrong.
Backup your ROM (probably not needed, but just in case)
Choose which flashable zip you want, put it on your phone, flash it in recovery, reboot.
You may have to resize the keys if you want to have many of them on the nav bar, as for me I have 9, check the below screenshot to see what's the ideal size to have all of them to fit.
If you want to try other keys do as follows:
- find the key code number for key you want to add, here are some examples (not tested so not sure they all work):
CALL = 5
* Used to launch a browser application:
* Used to launch a mail application:
MUTE = 91
PAGE_UP = 92
MUSIC = 209
CUT = 277
COPY = 278
PASTE = 279
- open settings_secure (it's in /data/system/users/0),
- edit the sysui_nav_bar field, here's an example if you want to add a camera icon:
27 is the key code for the camera, camera.png is a camera icon that you'll have to put on your internal storage,
- reboot,
- please report here if it works or not.
The new keys can be used in conjunction with tasker (see XDA news for the related tutorials) to only appear when certain apps are opened but if you want I can add them to the list of available keys in the nav bar tuner, let me know.
I'd like to add a custom key to launch the applications drawer but I didn't look into it yet and I don't know if I'll manage to do it anytime soon, I'm pretty busy at the moment.
That's all, enjoy!!!:good:
XDA:DevDB Information
Additional Keys on Nav Bar, Device Specific App for the Nexus 6
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2017-04-25
Last Updated 2017-04-25
reserved, in case...
you can do the same with last stock 7.1.1 firmware without having to root, or install twrp or unlock the bootloader or whatever...
you just have yo use this app :
it needs a special permission but changes take effect immediately, no need to reboot
my settings for exemple :
left button switches off the screen and right button launches Google app.
Yeah well you know, there are different kind of people on this forum.
Some of them don't want to bother and understand how things work so they rely on apps to do customizations, theming etc. (and sometimes complain that their phone becomes unresponsive, lags and stuff, yep, too many apps), you seem to be in that category.
Other people don't understand how things work but they are willy to learn and they may be interested by this mod because they will learn something in the process. It's for them that I took the time to make the zips, register on XDA, write the OP and upload the files, and that I offered to try to make it work on 7.1.
That said today I added the assist key in the nav bar, but since nobody seems to be interested I won't waste time to upload the new apps here.
Farewell guys!!!!
take it easy man !
I like to know how things work, I understand what I'm doing and I'm not complaining about anything !
My Nexus 6 runs like a charm.
I wasn't saying that your post isn't interesting but just giving the information that there's a simplest way to personalise nav bar that works with stock 7.1.1 firmware.
PakDe888 said:
That said today I added the assist key in the nav bar, but since nobody seems to be interested I won't waste time to upload the new apps here.
Farewell guys!!!!
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Hope I'm not to late. I'd like to know could you post or pm it to me. I haven't had the time to play around with this type of stuff but hopefully I can this weekend and this sounds like a good mod to start with. Thanks op!

