[Q] Saving/Backing-Up Calender Dates - myTouch 3G, Magic General

T-Mobile is send me a new phone; my current one keeps deleting my SD card. I'm saving all my stuff in preparation for the new phone. Is there a way to save Calendar dates so I can tramsfer them to my new phone? I noticed that the calendar is linked with the Gmail account I setup when I first. got my phone. I don't use Gmail, so I'm not familiar with it. I opened the Gmail app, but there was no calendar option. Is there a way that I can save/backup my calendar info so I can sync it to my new phone?
Also, contacts are saved to the SIM card (allowing me to simply import them to the new phones), right?


Transfer Phone No. from SIM to GMail

Hi @ all
this is my first post here. Hooray!
I have recently purchased a Hero, so far everything is running nicely. I am using my old SIM-Card, on which all Phone Numbers are stored. The Numbers/Names are displayed and usable on the Hero as well as Google Mail Contacts (mostly email only), which I have edited online.
I am looking for a way to transfer/synchronize my SIM-numbers TO Google Mail, so I can merge Phone No. with the existing Contacts or at least use copy & paste to merge them. I simply do not want to type 200+ numbers into Google Mail Contacts manually. Google Mail synchronizes perfectly with the hero but not the "old" numbers from the SIM card.
Any ideas anyone?
Kind regards
Well, since there seems to be no other solution, I ended up installing the Nokia PC Suite, exporting my SIM-Contacts to Outlook Express, from there to GMail, sorting/merging them and then synchronization with the Hero. Long way round....but beats typing in a lot of Numbers.
wow, that was unnecessary!
In the people application, press menu and then import.
select google from the list and it will import all your SIM contact into the google group that will then be synched to your Gmail and then you can edit them there.
that's what it is supposed to do....of course, if you weren't getting the google option, then it was not unnecessary and i just look like an idiot!!

Sync contacts TO google

How in the hell do I get my phone contacts to sync to Google? I tried settings_accounts_Google sync but it only pulls my gmail contacts to my phone. I want to put my phone contacts to gmail. Backup assistant works fine, but some of the custom roms out don't use it. I can't find any info on this. HTC told me when I create contacts and choose Google instead of phone that they will sync. What about the 80 or so that backup assistant did upon activating my phone? And also, if I save future contacts as Google contacts and not phone contacts, does backup assist still back these up too?
In phone book hit menu and export contacts to sd card. This will give you a file that can be used to import your contacts on gmail.com
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
or just go to backup asst online.. vzw.com/backupassistant, and then export your contacts to a .csv file..which you can then import into google..doesnt take long.
In order to get the ones already saved in your phone to sync to google I think you're going to have to go with one of the options they said since I dont think there is a way to change them from phone contact to google contact.
However, when you add new contacts there is a drop down toward the top that you can change from phone to google so that after you save them it will sync automatically.
So if I import them to Google, it will sync. I get that. Now if I add new contacts as Google contacts does backup assist still back them up also?

[Q] Keep losing Yahoo Sync

I keep setting the sync for my Yahoo account and get all my contacts into the phone. Then later I go to contacts and there are gone. I tried to save them to the SD card and later when they disappeared, I used the import from SD and they would not come to the phone.
Is there any way to store the Yahoo contacts phone numbers on the phone without syncing?
OK I found the best thing to do is open a gmail account and use the transfer from Yahoo to gmail. Now all my contacts are in gmail and it syncs to the phone with no problems.

[q] how to sync contacts from pc after flashing hero

I am looking for a way to restore my contacts whick i have on outlook to my hero.....
suprisingly htc sync is not working after a rom upgrade......pls help guys
its a huge task to add contacts manually.......
HTC sync is a feature of Sense Roms ,. Unfortunately you cant have that on CM 6 based roms as they lack sense.
my recommendation for a Quick fix for you may be to flash a sense rom and sync your contacts and then change your contacts to google contacts as opposed to phone or sim contacts and then back them up on your google account.
jagpilotcv said:
I am looking for a way to restore my contacts whick i have on outlook to my hero.....
suprisingly htc sync is not working after a rom upgrade......pls help guys
its a huge task to add contacts manually.......
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it could be because there is a new version of htc sync on the web page for 2.1 eclair.. if you don't have it already that could be your problem
jagpilotcv said:
I am looking for a way to restore my contacts whick i have on outlook to my hero.....
suprisingly htc sync is not working after a rom upgrade......pls help guys
its a huge task to add contacts manually.......
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Log in to your Gmail account (the one that you used originally on your phone) on your PC and go to Contacts. In the "More Actions" menu there is an option to Import contacts. Export your contacts from Outlook to a .CSV file, then import them into your Gmail account. Once they are there, they should synchronise with your phone correctly, and from then on, if you wipe your phone, when you sign back in with your google account on the new ROM, the contacts will automatically transfer again.
Zebwen said:
Log in to your Gmail account (the one that you used originally on your phone) on your PC and go to Contacts. In the "More Actions" menu there is an option to Import contacts. Export your contacts from Outlook to a .CSV file, then import them into your Gmail account. Once they are there, they should synchronise with your phone correctly, and from then on, if you wipe your phone, when you sign back in with your google account on the new ROM, the contacts will automatically transfer again.
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thanks mate
worked like a charm.....
jagpilotcv said:
thanks mate
worked like a charm.....
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Happy to help The only issue there is that you need to keep the gmail contacts up to date as well as your Outlook contacts, but it does work well
Hey what I figured out recently when I got my hero is more of a work around than an official way to do this. What I do is I select all the contacts in my outlook contacts folder, then I right click and say send as a business card. What this does is create an e-mail with all your contacts listed as business card .vcf files. All these files will appear in the new mail dialog under attachments. I right click on that particular dialog and select all - it then offers you the option to cut/copy all these vcfs - once you do that then you can just paste them in whichever folder you wish. Once they are all there just transfer them to a folder on your SD card and use the import feature thats in the contacts application. You can import from SD card and it will locate and list all those vcfs of the SD card. Thats about the best and easiest way I've found of doing this. However when I change the contact on the phone I will try obviously have to find some reverse method to get it back into outlook sychro'd Only got my hero two days ago so will figure something out soon hopefully

Google contact restore question

Whenever i flash a new rom Google automatically restores my contacts. Over time i have noticed that there are duplicate contacts. In fact each contact keeps adding more and more duplicate. I want to know how i can go and edit all those contacts so in the future i don't see all those duplicate and only see what i want. The other option would be to have Google not restore them. I have tried to go into settings and disable auto sinc when i flash a new rom but somehow after a few hours or a few days all the duplicate come back. I always export my contacts to my sd card and i would really just like to use that to restore. But again somehow when i restore the contacts from the sd card Google also restores them and i have tons of duplicate. I don't mind using Google to restore just in case one day my phone dies and i don't have a back up in my sd card. But i really have to find a way to go into Google and fix the back up they have.
Sent from my Toasted Marshmallow using xda app-developers app
You need to log into your google account from a computer and edit your contacts from there...also, when you go into your phone settings>accounts & sync, click on the email account that has all your contacts and it will give you a list of options of what you want synced, like contacts, mail, calender, etc. Uncheck contacts. This way you can still have auto sync on. Also when you are in your contacts app, there is a way to manage where your contact info is pulled from i.e. sim card, google account, phone, etc... again, select just the one place you want them imported from or merge the contacts if they are coming from multiple places.
In the end, though, the best thing for me was to spend the time to clean up my google account contacts so I could access the information from anywhere, on any phone, computer, etc. Then you don't have to worry about your sim or sd card crapping out, or losing/accidentally deleting a backup, etc.
