Baseband firmware??? - Vibrant General

Hi all,
I have a stock Tmo Vibrant, I hate touch wiz its ugly anyway I was reading about RyanZa's LagFix but I don't have my Vibrant rooted yet and I read the LagFix wont work on phones the JP3 firmware. My question is how do I figure out the baseband that I'm on??
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if you are stock and non rooted then you are most definitely NOT on the jp3 firmware

ibuddha said:
My question is how do I figure out the baseband that I'm on??
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Menu->Settings->About Phone

Awesome then I guess ill have no problem rooting my phone and using lagfix. Sweet. One more question though are there any good roms out yet? Like I said I hate TouchWiz I would very much love to have full on sense on this bad boy also I heard It can be overclocked how can I do this? Can you point me in the right direction?
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PS. Is that jp3 firmware a by product of a rom or something ?
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ibuddha said:
PS. Is that jp3 firmware a by product of a rom or something ?
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Its the I9000(Europe's Galaxy S) baseband...At first people were trying to flash these, as they have been available for about a month now, and basically found out that it was a major incopatibility(Phones were bricking left and right ). Now that the kernal source has been released, these new ROMs should start rolling out with the Vibrant baseband rather than the I9000


What is the latest non-beta 2.1 firmware?

I've been running JPH 2.2 for a while now and getting a bit frustrated with blackouts FCs etc. (Which is expected on beta firmware) so I want to go back to 2.1 and wait until official non-beta 2.2 arrives.
So, what IS the most recent, stable, non-beta, 2.1 stock European English firmware?
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It's xxJM1
Most stable BETA imho is JM8
ickyboo said:
Most stable BETA imho is JM8
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He wanted non beta
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I also have 2.2 beta allready install..until now i dont know how to downgrade to officially 2.1..any senior can help and give full explainantion step by step
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syuk89 said:
I also have 2.2 beta allready install..until now i dont know how to downgrade to officially 2.1..any senior can help and give full explainantion step by step
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Get it from (jm1) and flash using odin. Howtos are there as well. Remember to remove any lagfixes.
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jbrugger said:
Get it from (jm1) and flash using odin. Howtos are there as well. Remember to remove any lagfixes.
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Jm1 rev 3.
There are two versions of jm1, the newer is official
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Thanks guys!
I am now going to toss a coin to decide whether to downgrade to JM1 or JM8 (beta?)!!
I like the idea that people have said that JM8 + voodoo/lagfix is the best performance but a little devil on my shoulder is saying to try JPK!!! aarrgghhh.... I can't decide!
Now I am using my phone 100% (instead of playing with it and switching back to my old Nokia when SGS is gettting on my nerves) I need a FW/ROM that will work NOW, fun Froyo stuff can wait I suppose.

Froyo rom close to stock?

Is there a rom that is as close to the stock 2.2 update w as possible but does not update hboot? I would like to update to stock but not lose nandroid.
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dcunited08 said:
Is there a rom that is as close to the stock 2.2 update w as possible but does not update hboot? I would like to update to stock but not lose nandroid.
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Check out the Liberated Aria 2.2.2 thread in the Development section.
Fully rooted and flashable ROM from the Froyo 2.2 update.
Thanks for the link. It sounds like it has a different (oc) kernel. Is it not possible to use the stock one?
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dcunited08 said:
Thanks for the link. It sounds like it has a different (oc) kernel. Is it not possible to use the stock one?
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why would you not want to? they obviously included something that is "behind the scenes" that will help your phone with performance.
I have this installed, I don't think he did anything to the kernel. he just mentions that the oc kernel he uses works with it well. maybe I'm missing something but I haven't noticed any overclocking stubs.
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bunky213 said:
I have this installed, I don't think he did anything to the kernel. he just mentions that the oc kernel he uses works with it well. maybe I'm missing something but I haven't noticed any overclocking stubs.
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overclocking stubs?
you have to have an app (such as setcpu) to overclock...the kernel just allows for the phone to be overclocked and i can only imagine the stock kernel did not.
You can find app in forums if you search for its free to xda users.
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I installed the rom and so far so good. The reason I want it as stock as possible with no overclocking is primarily battery life and just to see how it was released. I did notice you can toggle third-party installs, which allowed me to continue using swype.
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dcunited08 said:
I installed the rom and so far so good. The reason I want it as stock as possible with no overclocking is primarily battery life and just to see how it was released. I did notice you can toggle third-party installs, which allowed me to continue using swype.
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He also compiled a OC kernel using the Aria Froyo 2.2 kernel source code that was released this week, too. The OC won't affect battery life if you don't enable it.
Thanks. Any idea what the APN settings should be to use mobile hotspot sans att?
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zervic said:
overclocking stubs?
you have to have an app (such as setcpu) to overclock...the kernel just allows for the phone to be overclocked and i can only imagine the stock kernel did not.
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Yes, bad wording. when I tried setcpu there was no option to go higher (ability or "stubs" not there)
I've since gone up to gene's oc kernel with no problems so far.
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tpbklake said:
Check out the Liberated Aria 2.2.2 thread in the Development section.
Fully rooted and flashable ROM from the Froyo 2.2 update.
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I rooted and flashed my phone (for the first time) to this today, such a huge improvement (IMO) compared to the stock rom. Am loving every bit of it!

[ROM]RUU_Mecha_VERIZON_WWE_1.20.605.0_Radio_1.16.00.022 3r_NV_8k_1.41_9k_1.64_release

Here new RUU for Mecha
Nice. Thanks football!
This ROM using GB or froyo.
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Edit: Figured it out myself...
Thanks Football.
grkdotnot said:
This ROM using GB or froyo.
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Froyo (at least by the version numbers)
So is the radio included in the ROM? Will we need to flash a froyo radio?
And what's else is included in it?
We supposed to flash to find out?
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arkshel said:
So is the radio included in the ROM? Will we need to flash a froyo radio?
And what's else is included in it?
We supposed to flash to find out?
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You don't want to flash that unless you're unrooted, it's signed and a full RUU. Be patient and wait until someone can hack at it. It's only downloading at 50KB/s @ ~400mb.
If you don't know, don't flash it. Leave it for the Devs to look at it and tinker with it.
so this is a new froyo radio?
It's the OTA ROM. It's really here for the Devs. Football releases the RUU. Devs use it as a base for there custom Roms. We download the custom Roms. It's a cycle.
I wish XDA would start creating torrents for things. Far easier to deal with and much faster. Plus, no need for server space.
mpfstc said:
It's the OTA ROM. It's really here for the Devs. Football releases the RUU. Devs use it as a base for there custom Roms. We download the custom Roms. It's a cycle.
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not to sound stupid but im new to the thunderbolt... this is a leaked OTA that we were expecting by months end? i thought i heard we were getting the new radio + gingerbread?
fixxxer2008 said:
not to sound stupid but im new to the thunderbolt... this is a leaked OTA that we were expecting by months end? i thought i heard we were getting the new radio + gingerbread?
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If you read through the drama filled GB rumor threads in the general section (I don't recommend since there's better uses of time), the only people that think GB is coming by the end of the month are those that want to believe a rumor started by one blog and then relinked to all the other android blogs.
This is most likely just the final update to MR2 that will be the next OTA for froyo that HTC said they were going to fix up before moving onto GB for the TB.
The radio version number is older no? Unless I'm reading the file name wrong...
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I unrooted last night and am on stock MR1. can I flash this ruu without any problems, or should I wait for the official ota from verizon?
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The last OTA was:
1.13.605.7_Radio_1.16.00 .0402w_NV_8k_1.41_9k_1.64
This one is
I flashed this in Clockwork and my phone froze.. Why would it do that?
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I think this is much older than the leaks we have seen. The build number is 1.20. We have seen 1.66 (46 builds newer) & a couple of even newer ones.
Sent from my thunderbolt
DroidTh3ory said:
I flashed this in Clockwork and my phone froze.. Why would it do that?
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oh noes, lol

Stock 2.2 or 2.3?

Hey guys I just rooted my gfs vibrant which is still on 2.1 and unlocked it. She wants me to update it to 2.2 or 2.3 but has T-Mobile upgraded it yet? I couldn't find any stock rooted roms of 2.2 or 2.3 on the vibrant(she likes touchwiz) she stuck on 2.1 ???
Thanks in advance
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LoveisPeace2012 said:
Hey guys I just rooted my gfs vibrant which is still on 2.1 and unlocked it. She wants me to update it to 2.2 or 2.3 but has T-Mobile upgraded it yet? I couldn't find any stock rooted roms of 2.2 or 2.3 on the vibrant(she likes touchwiz) she stuck on 2.1 ???
Thanks in advance
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download kies mini and plug it in. done.
Project V it looks just like stock 2.2 but ten times better
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Jasonhunterx said:
Project V it looks just like stock 2.2 but ten times better
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+1 Project V is one of the best 2.2 ROMs that has been developed
Bi-Winning V3 is another top shelf 2.2.1 ROM that maintains the Touchwiz if you want
Awesome! Thanks guys..if I install kies and update will I lose root and unlocked sim?
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LoveisPeace2012 said:
Awesome! Thanks guys..if I install kies and update will I lose root and unlocked sim?
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Yes you will loose Root but it will always be unlocked. LISTEN find a 2.2 ROM here and flash it. Any 2.2 ROM here is better,faster, more stable, and will have a better battery life than the stock 2.2. If you dont know how to flash a ROM yet then search and read. There are alot of tutorials here on how to do it. Luck homie.
Sent from my Blutiful-Bionix-Powered Vibrant [2ndIINoNe]
Lots of options available to you. If you don't want to fiddle and simply want to improve the experience, stick with Froyo. Anything by Toxic should be great for your girlfriend as it has more themes than any other Vibrant ROM. My own personal preference is in my signature.

is this rom has app2sd working? looks like a awesome rom but i want make sure before i flash it lol
Dont believe any of our roms do have app2sd yet. Its not an option at all. The new intl. Update allows it but its not avail for our phones yet
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huang1231991 said: looks like a awesome rom but i want make sure before i flash it lol
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I have fat fingers excuse me please...(didn't mean to hit thank button 2x) sometimes its just best to back up your current ROM and just flash the ROM your curious about and check it out yourself. You may even love the ROM whether that app works for you or not.
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huang1231991 said: looks like a awesome rom but i want make sure before i flash it lol
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For att ROMs you have have mint jelly and GoldenEye are updated to the new firmware with apps2sd... Or you can download an international i9505 ROM based in the new firmware..
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thank you guys for the answers!

