Change the symbols suggested by the default keyboard Nexus One - Nexus One General

With Android Froyo using the default keyboard I noticed that after typing a word,>> Try typing "hello" and press space, where the words appear are usually suggested symbols (the bottom) ! - ? - , - @.
Can I modify suggested symbols (red underline --> ! - ? - , - @)?

no answer??? Help....



I prefer using the on-screen keyboard with the enlarged keys, and with the "space" key.
The problem is, that I can't find the "?". So everytime I have to ask a question, I have to change the input method - that is so irritating. I have to say, that my keyboard is scandinavian - so maybe they had to sacrifice the "?" for the local letters we have.
But, if the "?" is there on the keyboard - then do somebody know where it is hidden? And if not, is it posible in changing the layout/some letters - in a simple and easy way?
On an English keyboard the ? is accessed via the shift key.
Unfortunately that is not the case om the scandinavian keyboard. Maybe it is because there are not enough keys - since they have to include three letters more than the english (æ, ø and å).
But they have included signs like: "["
A sign most people rarely use, but a "?" people use all the time. :?
Do they ? ;-)
Sorry I have no idea, but couldn't resist.

keyboard bugs

Hi everyone!
I've just got my new maple, and already blocked pin. I have the following trouble - the second row on keyboard physically is "tab a s d f ... k l del", but virtually - when I press tab button writes "a", pressing a button I got "s" etc. on this row works only delete button. also - mesenger, sms and dot - are mixed up. I think trouble is in languages, I have english version. how I can fix this bug?
kosolapiy said:
Hi everyone!
I've just got my new maple, and already blocked pin. I have the following trouble - the second row on keyboard physically is "tab a s d f ... k l del", but virtually - when I press tab button writes "a", pressing a button I got "s" etc. on this row works only delete button. also - mesenger, sms and dot - are mixed up. I think trouble is in languages, I have english version. how I can fix this bug?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Take a look at this post in the Excalibur forum. The file will be diffrent for the SNAP but it should be there.
thanks! looks like this can be solution. can some one upload eT9.maple text from windows directory? where second row starts with "tab" button?
*** UPD
I can`t save file with changes, and also, I can`t replace files, resco, total, standard explorer - shows error - "file is read only".

Qwerty keyboard question?

I know the HD2 has predictive text, but does it have auto-corrective text, ie if you're typing and hit the wrong key, does the HD2 recognise what you were meant to type and automatically correct it?
Hi,I don't think so , predictive text show only different words that all . If you type a wrong letter,the word will be different .
It's an option:
>Settings >Locale & Text > Text input > Spell correction
Yes, it does have predictive text to a certain extent. If you hit incorrect keys next to correct keys it's still able to determine the word you intended to type.
While we're here, has anyone managed to call up the 'compact qwerty' keyboard as shown on page 116 of the .pdf manual?
spell correction is selected on my HD2 but it you type a wrong letter , the word you want first doesn't appear in the list .

How do I get PCM Keyboard in Portuguese (Portugal)???

Hi everyone...
I'm new in the WM world so i'm asking for your help:
How do I get PCM Keyboard to work in Portuguese?
I tried the 0.14, with a portuguese layout I found on the web (the only one I found!!!) and iphone skin... it works but... it has some bugs:
- missing the "_" in the layout
- when I try typing the name of a contact in a SMS so I would normally get the contact suggestion, the list only appears when a click on backspace button (ex.: I want to send a SMS to John, I type "J" (nothing appears), I continue typing "JO" (still nothing), then I click on the backspace button (and ONLY THEN, a suggestion list appears).
I installed the new version (0.24) but it's impossible to find a portuguese layout!!!
Any portuguese in the room (or others you may know where I can find the files I need...)?
Thank you so much!

The state of keyboard apps

Two years ago I had an iPad (of which the keyboard can not be replaced) and got really frustrated about the same issue. Every time I had to look for a symbol and for pressing the '+' key I had to press two shift keys ("123" and "+#-") first. And the top digits row was lacking despite the iPad's large size, so I had to type a shift key to press a digit.
With Android it is better, despite the lack of a top digits row, some keyboards have long press the q results in n 1.
So as a regular Android user (first Galaxy S2 and now Note 2) I am still coping with text input.
Despite better prediction and the availability of dictionaries, most keyboards are still lacking simple features. Particularly frequently used symbols like the : ' " / ? ! @ # $ [ ] are located on a different location on really each keyboard app.
I have tried Swiftkey (great prediction but no copy/paste keys), AI type keyboard (good prediction and pressing some keys long for entering digits, but makes lots of typing errors: it sometimes enters random characters when hitting a key, and cursor sometimes jumps to another area in text field so useless), Adaptxt (predictions take sometimes wrong language).
For me a keyboard should have the following requirements:
- Standard letter layout (all have it)
- Extra digit row on top or at least, long pressing one of the top row keys generates a digit (all have this)
- Layout of symbols like the : ' " / ? ! @ # $ [ ] user customizable as now each keyboard has its own layout (none has this)
- Accented keys by long pressing the letter on which the accent occurs (all have this feature)
- Dictionary and prediction (all have this, Hackers has a dictionary but no prediction)
- Multiple languages (all have it)
- Arrow and copy/paste keys (all have this except Swiftkey: the latter has arrow keys but in a weird layout)
Why is it so difficult for developers to make a keyboard with customizable layout ? I would spend $10 for a keyboard which has all the abovementioned features !

