confused sprint free tethering stock 2.1 gone 2.2 - EVO 4G General

this is a short story of my past week saga.
a month ago i got 2 evos. wife and i.
i was sold on the fact that with these phones while one could pay 30 bucks a month for up to 8 on wifi hotspot,
they could be used for internet sharing over usb for free to one computer.
that is what 3 different sprint reps told me, and i was shocked b.c i thought there was no way to get that but i was clearly told and i asked repeated questions because it seemed like nirvana.
anyway i get the phones and as i am getting teh numbers set up do the dreaded late june OTA update which apears broke a bunch of your roots. bummer.
i live in a 4g land and happily for a month on both phones I
turn the 4g radio on,
wait for connection,
connect supplied usb cable to computer with htc sync software installed
connect phone and use usb settings drop down to set the phone to
internet sharing over usb.
with in 30 seconds htc sync had added a network adapter and life was great.
i don't think i ever did it over 3g, however a sprint rep told me after asking "is this free tethering to one computer only on 4g thing?" replyied "i haven't had anyone say they couldn't over 3g but im not sure" but i tried once and i don't think it got working, i think i got error 67.
i thought it was hilarious b.c i assumed most were rooting for the great wifi teather, ?or usb? and it was working as so out of the box.
so after carefully reading the hundred or so posts by all rooting methods, what to do with adb, then the single click, then the single click removal due to messed up 4g stuff... i just kept waiting b.c although im sure i could follow a multistep nand root process, but as the phones worked so well as is, and i wasn't sure if teh 4g radio was sorted out yet in a simple root i just waited to root later.
so this past thursday or so i did on my phone the official over the air update to 2.2
and all day i was highly enjoying it. small changes here and there
i went home and did the standard 4g radio on, usb connect, drop down,
hm... internet sharing has been changed to usb teathering....
and i did it, and nothing happened. error 67
so this time i unplugged radio 4g of on, confirmed in menu settings we were go with ip
and phone internet worked
but after plugging in usb and switching to usb teathering and quickly going back to the 4g menu status page i would watch the 4g radio disconnect, start scanning, maybe attempt to connect to sprint, then scann again forever
then dump a error 67.
so.... thats a frustration...
so i call sprint, and they say you need to go to a store to fix the update, yes they know it createdissues. so i go to a store.
they send me to another store, a tech store... they say oh you get error 67?
call sprint tech support they need to clear it up on their end.
so i call and they try it. i do the whole pound pount 32 somthing enter a code
off on
and still errors and no connecting...
so i call and they say you need to go back to the tech store adn have them put the update on.
i am slightly ticked at this point but totally staying cool.
i am starting to realize that this is an issue. and sprint has no idea.
next morning i do make it back to the store...
and speak with the tech guy
1st telling him the story.
2nd asking before anyother stuff, can we make this simple and restore my phone with thier tools to 2.1
he says basically, ah nope. i can't do anything. i have no tools.
i have no software. on this phone its basically the ota's htc send us.
so bascially spritn wants me to get all the way here,
and all he's going to do is go behind the door
punch around on my phone to make sure im not an idoit, then set the phoen back to factory settings, and make sure 2.2 looks aok.
so knowing this isn't going to solve anything, i let them go anyway so when i talk to sprint again i have followed their suggestions yet, i still have teh issue.
so that's what i do, and after putting contacts back on and using an app to restore most of installed apps. i head back home...
there is now frustration but still maintain my cool, bc after all i live in america, and i will get to eat today. overall life is good.
idea, lets call htc. so i do.
basically this person is slighly tech and proceeds to say,
from what i hear, due to a glitch 2.1 owners have free hotspot.
most likely that got fixed in 2.2
but i held my ground stating that hotspot and usb data sharing are two distinct thigns, and as much as sprint would like to merge and charge, that difference adn stated fact was the selling reason for me on these...
but she confirmed that there is no going back to 2.1
but also left me with a glimmer or hope.
so i called back sprint then sprint tech, then got on the phone waitng for advanced tech support to call me back on the idea that i just need my account provisioned for usb data tethering. which allows a 1 computer to share the data from my plan, and as i have unlimited, its no problem.
the tech tried to do something like that... but got to a point where we changed and confirmed something deep in my phone like either a 3g or 4g mac address was right, but i still had issues, and so he said he woudl have advanced tech call me back b.c they had better tools to assist me.
well that hour call back still hasnt happened and its around 36 hours know.
maybe i get a call monday..
however... at this point i am bugged b.c obviously there is still a 2% change this will get solved by the correct device provisioning,
however i believe now the sprint reps merely didn't know it was a glitch which allowed single person teathering so now if i call, basically all i get is big crocodile tears that say im sorry you were misinformed...
so the hilarious this is i still have the other phone, no way i will update that one, b/.c its our web lifeline now.
and if the other one gets sorted out great.
if not,
i have been waiting in the back, but this time.
im joining the others waiting for the FANTASTIC DEVS to find the exploit to allow nand rooting for the ota and stock shipped 2.2 evos
and i will be in.
it can't come soon enough.
thanks for reading, enjoy your night.
**newcomers like me to xda, please spent a couple hours reading up before you post or ask questions.
you will be shocked how many answers are here.

if all your wanting to do is tether to 1 pc through USB, than just get EasyTether.
It works great for me, and I still get 7mbs with 4g turned on while doing a speedtest on my PC. And, you do not need to be rooted to use it.

Yeah, thanks for the reminder, i tried that and pdanet first, but stopped bc i was able to with htc's stock software, and i was told its legit from sprint, but at this point it might be the way to get along till more headway is made, only 10 for the https and would work well as i dont need root. At this point 40 quarters is a better use of my time Still though kinda ticked at sprint, i feel like this has been a mega bait switch. They have been helpful, but they cant fix it.
-owen while xda appin'


Rogers New Updates for HTC dream/Magic

I got a txt message from rogers saying that an update is available for the 911 calling issue, and dis update also includes the SenseUI,
now how will dis effect on the rooted HTC Dream phones
shud I unroot the phone to get dis update
or will CyanogenMod give us a new update with SenseUI
yeah i got that txt msg too, said somethign about the internet going down too
The 911 issue is fixed in all 1.6 roms including cyanogenmod. If you want SenseUI then flash a rom that has that in it. This really doesn't change anything for rooted users except that we will get a credit on our bill.
Rogers update instructions said:
You will be compensated automatically for this inconvenience with a credit of one month of data fees.
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EkostonS said:
yeah i got that txt msg too, said somethign about the internet going down too
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Mine still works. Maybe because I'm rooted its fine?
beav_35 said:
The 911 issue is fixed in all 1.6 roms including cyanogenmod. If you want SenseUI then flash a rom that has that in it. This really doesn't change anything for rooted users except that we will get a credit on our bill.
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yas we vl get a credit
by the way im getting my magic on monday so i vl have the update in dat
is da internet goes down for a month o wht
My worry is that Rogers will shut off internet access to our rooted Dreams untill we install this patch, regardless of whether we need it or not. Any word on whether this will screw over rooted phones?
the text I got on my magic said:
"In order to help ensure 911 calls are completed internet access will be temporarily disabled..... To minimize loss of internet service please complete your software update immediately. Upon completion, internet access will be re enabled within 24 hours."
Does that mean until I update I don't get internet. Its okay with the magic but My dream has a different MOD so I can't exactly update it :S does that mean I wont be be able to to use my data :S ever...
thats my worry with the txt i got, i called rogers and said i had 1.6 software already and he said the internet shouldnt be an issue then. we will see i guess..
says the "internet will be effective as of 01/24/2010 6:00am EST."
Here is wht Mary from rogers says abt the update
Hi There. Just wanted to jump in to clarify one point. Data will not be disabled until tomorrow - Sunday, January 24 - at 6am for those who have not updated their device with the 911 fix. With safety being the highest priority, this was a necessary step to ensure 911 calls will complete on all devices.
If you are currently having issues, I suggest you call Technical Support.
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so vl have to wait until 2moro to find out whether is it really necessary for us rooted users to do dis update
fzlhmt said:
Here is wht Mary from rogers says abt the update
so vl have to wait until 2moro to find out whether is it really necessary for us rooted users to do dis update
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I think you have to wait till Monday to find out. Everybodies internet will be shut off tomorrow regardless of root or not. It will be off for 24 hours. Question is, will those of us who have rooted have internet access on Monday.
According to this thread
Originally Posted by srlee
Rogers says they check build number of 1.89 or higher and if it is not you MUST upgrade , been told that twice now.
Just got off phone, spoke to someone at Rogers office of the president, he said there are no exceptions. If you don't have Rogers Build Number greater than 1.89 , you will lose internet access.
Fix would be to replace build number in prop file with a rogers style build number
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AFAIK, there is only 1 Magic rom that would pass that test.
fzlhmt said:
AFAIK, there is only 1 Magic rom that would pass that test.
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so us with rooted dreams are screwed.. we have to unroot and do the update and cant root again till there are roms that will pass it?
fzlhmt said:
Here is wht Mary from rogers says abt the update
so vl have to wait until 2moro to find out whether is it really necessary for us rooted users to do dis update
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hmm well it seems that its past 6am and I still have data and I didn't update yet so might be safe.
Connection just dropped on internet.
CM latest
HTC Dream
Edit: Rebooted phone, Works again?
Connection still up here
HTC Dream
manup456 2.1
Ok, no crying wolf, I've verified on my end, in Winnipeg, My data connection 2/3G is dead :/
Data down on Vancouver Island Bc
Only time will tell now if they let us back on without their dumb update.
hrrrm.. still have internet connection, but showing "h" where 3g used to be on top bar.
for those of you wondering, yes, this is a "perfect" spl
here's whati saw when i went into fast boot:
pvt 32b ship s-on d
hboot 1.33.0010
june 2 2009, 21:33:16
and for those techie types out there
baseband ver: 62.59s.20.23u_3.22.26.17
Kernal ver:2.6.27-d5acf552 [email protected] #12
build# 1.89.631.1 146733 cl#94714 release-keys
About Rogers service interruption
I think my biggest issue is with this "RogersMary" person on the AndroidForums, and the conflicting information I get from phoning tech support vs. her (is she an official support person? She inferrs she is by her ID and the tone of her posts but I wonder...).
Here is my "911 Saga" w/ Rogers:
* get a series of French and english SMS from Rogers: first to diable GPS to make sure 911 works, then that an update is available at that is mandatory--it says internet would be shut off for up to 24 hours starting Sunday at 6AM (no time zone given--I assume Eastern but could be pacific based on the IP addresses my phone gets, or could be my local Mountain time). It says to "prevent FURTHER disruption" upgrade your phone BEFORE the outage starts.
* I go to and get instructions. Requires WinXP or Vista. I don't have any windows computers at all here (I have a Mac and a Linux computer at my disposal). Supremely annoying!
* I google for answers, find RogersMary's posts on AndroidForums saying 2 things: If your PC doesn't meet support requirements phone, and in so many words that only those that don't upgrade their phone will lose their internet so stop fussing and update already.
* phone rogers tech support. I ask for instructions to upgrade my phone without a Windows PC...long pause...response (and I quote) "I have no idea". (strike 1 for RogersMary).
* I scour further. NOTHING on, but in the forums I find images of this update that you simply load onto an SD Card and do a restore from there. I do this...and after a VERY VERY LONG reboot I get an "extreme phone makeover", and the phone info shows same system build number as in the instructions. Huzzah! No thanks to Rogers though.
* Sunday morning arrives. My battery died in the night (but long after I upgraded) so I plugged in, turned on my phone. NO DATA ACCESS EVEN WITH UPDATE USING OFFICIAL ROGERS BUILD.
* I phone tech support AGAIN. I told them I have no Windows PC but I did find the update file for my SD Card and upgraded that way but still lost network, and did my method of updating mean Rogers didn't register it? He thanked me for upgrading and said be patient--that ALL Rogers customers w/ Rogers Magic would have a disruption for UP TO 24 hours even with the upgrade in place (STRIKE 2 FOR ROGERSMARY!). That is the main reason for the data plan credit.
Anyways, this is what he explained: Rogers has to "scan the network" to query the phone for information in order to verify the mandatory upgrade. If your system build is OK (didn't clarify if it had to be an exact match or a certain number or higher) then your data plan will be re-enabled. This scan is not a routine thing they do--it is a scheduled event that will occur over the 24 hour period that started this morning. So, if you do the upgrade after this morning there is a chance during the scan and find your phone not upgraded to the proper build number and your data plan will NOT be reactivated automatically by tomorrow morning, at which time you have to get ahold of customer service yourself and have them re-activate your data plan manually. (Ignore RogersMary and remember the SMS said upgrade to prevent FURTHER disruption--not to avoid disruption entirely).
This guy said I had to be patient and to contact support again only after Monday at 6AM if you have no data/internet as it could take that long to sort out. The time it takes could vary depending on your region, if you are within signal range, if your phone is powered down and how old your SIM card is.
The last one was interesting: I have a SIM card that is on its third phone and is approaching 5 years old (when I go to the local Rogers store to upgrade they just move my SIM card--I've not been given replacement SIM cards). He has taken support calls related to very old SIM cards and replacing them has fixed issues in the past. Notably, I've had SMS messages sporadically arrive hours late, but no total loss of service--thought it was just net congestion. He said it could be the old SIM card becasue older SIM revisions issued before 3G/HSDPA, though they work on 3G, have sometimes inconsistent performance as they were not tested with the 3G network before being issued. If you have unreliable SMS, the scan they're doing today could be unreliable too (delayed, etc).
So, I come away with the following:
* Rogers didn't promise NO disruption, they said UP TO 24 hours, and MORE if you don't upgrade, so you can't REALLY be sure if you have issues until tomorrow morning at the latest. The disruption might have come and went before you woke up this morning, or it may persist through the day.
* If your phone is off or has no signal through out the day, Rogers may not be able to scan your phone, and the effect might be the same as not upgrading.
* Not sure if it is fact or an educated guess, but I suspect that this scan could be performed through the same mechanism as SMS (text messaging), though I doubt you'd actually SEE a text message yourself (it'd be a specially crafted packet of data). That way a "data" operation can be performed on phones without data/internet enabled. Perhaps if your SMS messages take awhile then this scan would too.
* If you are still using a SIM card that was issued before 3G/HSDPA was offered by Rogers it isn't a revision that has undergone testing on the upgraded network. It doesn't prevent you from getting 3G but it isn't guaranteed and has been the cause of various issues from SMS to unreliable web browsing and they might blame it on your internet not reactivating if it fails...but wait until tomorrow to complain...
I'm back in!!!
I called(landline), did NOT pick a phone, went to general tech(no wait) said vaguely "I was having some intermittent data issues and some forums said to call up and request a network refresh", he (very eagerly) said sure! turned off the phone, he refreshed, and I'm back.
He proceeded while booting to ask about what specific issues but I kept it vague, text issues, on/off data (i did not get asked about the update!)
If my data goes out in an hour like it seemed in the start, then Rogers is sweeping users in which case, turn your phone off until the whole ordeal is done to avoid being marked again, or risk calling for another refresh,(I'm sure they will catch on soon, but those outsourced peeps LOVE the easy calls!)
I prefer the nice method, instead of the death threats to the managers
if they ask about the update say "I did and i had intermittent issues some forums said...
enjoy your data(and the free month!)
We get a free month?!?!?

Fun With AT&T

Some strange events happened to me yesterday. I've had my g1 since december of 2008. I bought it off someone at craigslist because I am on a AT&T family plan and didn't want to switch carriers. I unlocked the phone soon after and have been using my phone happily since then. I also do no have a data plan and make sure to remove all APN information after each flash.
I have been happily flashing roms going from 1.1 to 1.5 and to 1.6. Lately I was using "NonSense Cupcake revolution" but yesterday I decided to update to cyanogen 5. Right after the upgrade, I got a text from AT&T congratulating me on my new smartphone and telling me that I now need a data plan. 10 minutes later we found out that AT&T deactivated all our sim cards and none of my family were able to make phone calls.
Does anyone have any idea what the heck happened? How did AT&T know all of a sudden I was using a smartphone. Is there something about android 2.1 that raises a red flag? I really DO NOT want a data plan and will rather stop using my g1 than pay $350+/year on one. My current plan is to give them my old Nokia IMEI when I get my new SIM card and then pop it into my g1 after downgrading back to the 1.5 rom I was using.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing your ideas.
Edit: New theory; found this elsewhere:
"Note: If an AT&T customer puts their SIM card into a Nexus One device, our smartphone data requirement policy and control rules will apply; this allows customers to enjoy the benefit of using data services from AT&T. The following welcome message will be delivered:
Your Smartphone is active! A data plan is required and if omitted, will be added to your account. For details, see your sales rep or"
So AT&T thinks I put my sim in a nexus one so I think if I downgrade I should be fine. Any way to make a 2.1 rom look like a 1.6 one? build.prop maybe? I cant test anything myself until I get my new sim.
Call them and tell them you put your sim card in a borrowed phone lol. Push a build.prop from any 1.6 to change your id. For fun, open the build.prop with notepad and change g1 to Nokia 1100. If you don't use data they can't charge you
mejorguille said:
Call them and tell them you put your sim card in a borrowed phone lol. Push a build.prop from any 1.6 to change your id. For fun, open the build.prop with notepad and change g1 to Nokia 1100. If you don't use data they can't charge you
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Ha we think alike; I told them exactly that yesterday. What value of the build.prop would I need to change to make it look like a nokia?
There you go=p I just changed every time it said dream, htc, or passion and changed it to nokia=p I don't think that market will work right though. You could try pushing the build.prop from a 1.6 build to cm5 but then i don't think video would work, so you will probably need to merge the 1.6 build.prop with the 2.1 build.prop.
Rename to build.prop and push to /system/
mejorguille said:
There you go=p I just changed every time it said dream, htc, or passion and changed it to nokia=p I don't think that market will work right though. You could try pushing the build.prop from a 1.6 build to cm5 but then i don't think video would work, so you will probably need to merge the 1.6 build.prop with the 2.1 build.prop.
Rename to build.prop and push to /system/
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Thanks dude. I'll be sure to report back on Tuesday or Wednesday and tell you guys what happened.
Odd. I never had this issue.
I've been using my G1 with AT&T for some time now.
The update to 2.1 (CyanogenMod) didn't result in any variation for me.
Of course, I am using AT&T's "dumb-phone" unlimited internet... even still, there appears to be no indication on their side that I have a smart phone let alone a Nexus One.
Same with me. I am also using the $15 dumb phone data plan and a switch to CM5 did not trigger any notification from AT&T's side.
Quick update: I wussed out and flashed the backup I made of the 1.5 rom I was using. I didn't feel like risking getting "caught" again. I got to play with cyanogen's new rom for a few days and while great it did not drastically give me anything I didn't have before. I ended up giving them an old nokia imei as my phone and putting the new sim in my g1 shortly after. No texts forcing me to get a smartphone plan yet. I doubt I'm the only one that will have this problem so I'll just give a warning:
If you have AT&T with a g1 without any kind of data plan, after updating to android 2.1 they might try to force one on you.
Thanks for the help and ideas. I'll post again if they try to get me to get a plan again.
If AT&T actually offered 3G coverage in my area (a major city, imo) I might consider it. Otherwise, they can polish my knob.
This doesn't have anything to do with the version of android you are running. They can't detect that. They CAN detect your IMEI and compare it to the database to determine if it is a smartphone or not.
Alternatively, the thing tried to connect to a data service when you plugged your card into it, and they looked at the data and determined that it was consistent with a smartphone, i.e., dumbphones don't try to connect to google on port 5228.
Very likely the reason this happened so suddenly is one of the two things;
1) it corresponds to the end of their infinite data plans.
2) it corresponds to you "activating" your google account on your phone.
lbcoder said:
This doesn't have anything to do with the version of android you are running. They can't detect that. They CAN detect your IMEI and compare it to the database to determine if it is a smartphone or not.
Alternatively, the thing tried to connect to a data service when you plugged your card into it, and they looked at the data and determined that it was consistent with a smartphone, i.e., dumbphones don't try to connect to google on port 5228.
Very likely the reason this happened so suddenly is one of the two things;
1) it corresponds to the end of their infinite data plans.
2) it corresponds to you "activating" your google account on your phone.
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Interesting. I'm not sure about the IMEI thing since it is a t-mobile phone runnning on an AT&T network. I just find it too much of a coincidence that the problem occured right after updating so I doubt its that. They also haven't reported anything since putting my new sim in my phone 2 days ago.
I guess you're right about them not knowing what version of android I'm running but there must be something in 2.1 that raised a red flag. I deleted an APN file from /system/ before I even booted the rom for the first time so I don't even think its possible that it tried to connect to them. Strange stuff.
d00m said:
Interesting. I'm not sure about the IMEI thing since it is a t-mobile phone runnning on an AT&T network.
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You don't think that ATT can read the IMEI from a phone sold by tmobile? I can guarantee that they can. Or if you're worried about ATT being able to link up an IMEI to a type of phone... they can link the IMEI to a lot more than that.... I'm not sure if you realize this, but the IMEI exists ***FOR A REASON*** and it isn't just to look pretty....
wikipedia said:
The Type Allocation Code (TAC) is a portion of the 15-digit IMEI code used to uniquely identify wireless devices.
The Type Allocation Code is an 8-digit number that identifies a particular model (and often revision) of wireless telephone for use on a GSM, UMTS, or other IMEI-supporting wireless network.
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I just find it too much of a coincidence that the problem occured right after updating so I doubt its that.
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The coincidence is that you happen to be updating your phone when ATT happened to be changing their policies.
They also haven't reported anything since putting my new sim in my phone 2 days ago.
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That's because they probably do it cyclically, or they put your account into a freeze period after a manual adjustment.
It may ALSO have related to rebooting the device -- connecting to their network that first time after they initiated a policy change may have triggered a routine.
I guess you're right about them not knowing what version of android I'm running but there must be something in 2.1 that raised a red flag. I deleted an APN file from /system/ before I even booted the rom for the first time so I don't even think its possible that it tried to connect to them. Strange stuff.
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Nope. Nothing special in 2.1. In fact, it would be quite a security violation if it were to broadcast itself out to them.
So I guess it's only a matter of time before they detect my g1. Pitty since I was using my phone for over a year before all this happened. It's weird that they make you read out your IMEI to them while activating a sim card as if they can't see it. I'm just going to keep using my phone as is for as long as I can. The vibration on it no longer functions so I won't be supper crushed if I have to change phones to avoid a data plan.
I have 3-4 friends who have t-mobile branded blackberrys and android phones without a data plan on AT&T. Our school has wifi everywhere so it is truly unneeded. I guess their "check" cycle is fairly slow as none of them have had problems yet. Maybe the process isn't automated yet.
I really do appreciate the information although it's not exactly what I wanted to hear.
This isn't terrible. I can always do this but there's no rush I guess.
edit 2: Is it possible that an attempted apn connection (data) is what caused the detection? I said I deleted a file but looking back on it, it may not have been the correct one to prevent connections.
d00m said:
This isn't terrible. I can always do this but there's no rush I guess.
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Yep, that's what I was referring to.
edit 2: Is it possible that an attempted apn connection (data) is what caused the detection? I said I deleted a file but looking back on it, it may not have been the correct one to prevent connections.
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It is possible.
Note that the rep you read the IMEI out to may NOT have had a read-out of the device model ID. In fact, doing that might freak some people out -- you know, the whole big brother knows too much thing.
Finally some resolution. Turns out a woman stole my mom's identity and went to a wal-mart and bought 5 blackberries under our AT&T account (probably to sell on the black market). Our SIMs where soon deactivated like I said in the OP and the smart phone text had to do with those phones rather than my phone. Upgrading to android 2.1 had NOTHING to do with it (of course). It was all just a coincidence. The strange thing is that AT&T never told us about these new numbers, even when we were reactivating our new SIMs, and we found out when checking our monthly bill.
Now we have to go to the wal-mart where the people committed fraud and try to find out who did it and file a police report. We might end up being charged $400 in deactivation fees. Well that's how it all went down. Funny. I upgraded to android 2.1 at 4:30 on that day and booted my phone at the EXACT moment they bought the fraud blackberries. Ugh. I know this is largely unrelated to android or my g1 but I thought I would let you guys know in case you were curious.
Sorry to hear about that. Your mom might have to pay the fees but as long as the individual(s) in question are found, you can always take civil action.
Surprised no one brought this up but, ATT and all the other services can't turn your service off just because you're using a smartphone and don't have a data plan. That is an optional addition to your monthly bill and as long as you are not using data, they can't charge you or force you to buy the data.
If you're dumb enough to sign a two year contract that requires a data charge monthly for the duration of the contract..well, yeah.
If the phones were added by someone other than the account owner, the service provider has no legal grounds to hold you accountable for it. Fact is that this was a failure in THEIR security and/or walmart's. The service provider should have some procedure to make sure that the person adding the phones is actually who they claim to be.
If not, then you sue ATT AND WALMART for this.

New Vogue.. No Mods. Old Service.. No Data?

Hello all! Its 'That Guy' Again
I recently bought a new HTC Vogue because my old one had *crud*crap*Stuff* on the screen. I called into Sprint customer service as always when swapping.
Everything seems to be fine. The phone is working. Texting is a-ok.. Data is a no-go.
This new Vogue ahs not been *modded*Tweaked*Flashed* (yet)
However when I launch an app to activate the provisioning feature, nothing happens. It dials the usual #777 and proceeds with the 'provisioning data services" msg. But after that it just disappears.
I dont not get a reply back or anything. If I try to refresh the browser to loop through it once more it just does the same thing over and over. Provisioning-----Then nothing
After 2 hours with customer service at Sprint we have gone through just about everything we could think of.. Still nothing.. The phone is practically brand new! Is there something im missing here? Maybe a bug in a certain version of the stock rom?
My old vogue provisioned fine previously and after I flashed to Froyo it was pure bliss.. However this phone will not take the data onnection O-o
If there is anything I can do/attempt to do id be forever greatful! And ill gladly donate my old Vogue to anyone who can use the parts.. It looks like super glue or something in a 3cm patch on the touch screen.. It still recognizes touch on ALL parts of the matrix, it just doesnt look pretty. The shell is kinda scuffed but over the phone works perfect =) This was one phone I didnt want to (ORD) to death.. Thanks in advance to anyone who gives insight on the issue!
Are you running on the most recent Vogue stock rom? which is 6.1
Yes =) Im running the Stock 6.1 Pro from from the HTC website
hexalot said:
Yes =) Im running the Stock 6.1 Pro from from the HTC website
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I am not certain of what the Sprint rep asked you to do, but I have a feeling that your issue lies in the EPST programming. You are likely missing username and/or passwords under the Connections section in EPST. Give it a go and let me know what happens. If you need instructions, let me know as well...
I would be glad to take your old Vogue off your hands if you are serious about giving it away.
Sorry for the lateness! I did discover that she(the rep) had seriously messed up the epst settings in the phone, however after recovery still no data. Its almost as if the phone hates it lol. Eitherway in that case its not as useful as it could be. Ill really only bought the second one because it was new and i wanted the screen to be scratchless I dont mind sending you my old Vogue especially since youre already on the east coast lol ill log in again when i get back to the office and we can swap details.
Thanks again for you help!
hexalot said:
Sorry for the lateness! I did discover that she(the rep) had seriously messed up the epst settings in the phone, however after recovery still no data. Its almost as if the phone hates it lol. Eitherway in that case its not as useful as it could be. Ill really only bought the second one because it was new and i wanted the screen to be scratchless I dont mind sending you my old Vogue especially since youre already on the east coast lol ill log in again when i get back to the office and we can swap details.
Thanks again for you help!
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There really are 3 or four things on EPST that you need to modify to get the device working properly (in most cases anyways): MIN, MDN, Username, Password, and maybe a couple of others to get better performance out of your connection (cycle, priority, etc). If you flash to stock, why don't you try to do *228 to do automatic provisioning?
Let me know when you want me to give you the shipping details for your Vogue. Thanks.
Only thing that pops in to my mind is that maybe you bought the phone off of eBay? Was it a "Sprint" branded phone, or like an Alltel or something that you activated on Sprint? I would imagine flashing the Sprint ROM from the HTC website would handle everything, but just as a shot in the dark, you could try to install the Carrier CAB ( for Sprint.
@egzthunder1 Go 'head and pm the info m8! Sorry for the delay again im just hardly at this location anymore.
@NuAngel I actually bought the phone new from some rich guy on craigslist. It was flawless and my vogue had the previously mentioned "crap" on the screen.
It is branded Sprint and they activated the phone just fine as far text and phone. They are saying the data is active however no matter what rom/radio i use it wont access the data network. With WinMo it always says provisioning data but it never happens.. the browser goes idle. if i try to access any data apps it tries to provision but never seems to finish the job.. Android rom same deal just no provision of course. And as you know the Stock Sprint rom has also been flashed with no success of accessing data. Everything else works fine and i have the same service with my current vogue which works perfectly everytime.
If the data issue cant be resolved it will always make an awesome test device.. However, while I cant dig up anyone else having the issue, someone is bound to..
hexalot said:
@egzthunder1 Go 'head and pm the info m8! Sorry for the delay again im just hardly at this location anymore.
@NuAngel I actually bought the phone new from some rich guy on craigslist. It was flawless and my vogue had the previously mentioned "crap" on the screen.
It is branded Sprint and they activated the phone just fine as far text and phone. They are saying the data is active however no matter what rom/radio i use it wont access the data network. With WinMo it always says provisioning data but it never happens.. the browser goes idle. if i try to access any data apps it tries to provision but never seems to finish the job.. Android rom same deal just no provision of course. And as you know the Stock Sprint rom has also been flashed with no success of accessing data. Everything else works fine and i have the same service with my current vogue which works perfectly everytime.
If the data issue cant be resolved it will always make an awesome test device.. However, while I cant dig up anyone else having the issue, someone is bound to..
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PM sent. Thanks a lot!
Whatever is causing this, after reading your explanation, now I am positive is in the EPST programming parameters. Android builds here have APNs for Sprint in there out of the box (no provisioning required). But to connect, it looks at the PST programming (just like WM does). I would try to speak with someone else at Sprint and see if they tell you something else. There aren't too many things that should be modified in there for the internet to work...

Frustrated 2.3 Shift Metro, Please advice!!

A month ago I bought a NIB evo shift and got it flashed on my metro with everything working. Mostly I use wifi at work n home but I also had the crappy slow metro mobile network working somehow when I needed to use chat app, newspaper or google search. Last night I saw the 2.3 update and I thought if I update I could improve the performance of my device. I wish i didnt update!
With the update my mobile network stopped working. First I thought it was metro somehow disabled it but with a little search on the net I figured out that gingerbread is not compatible with metro mobile network. So super frustrated, I went to sprint and was ready to sign up if they could flash the phone to sprint network. The rep said they dont do it and I have to find someone to do it. In the mean time he told me to flash a phone they need to root the phone temp or perm and it is not possible with 2.3 yet.
Of course I couldnt give up and start calling flashers on craiglist. Even thought I explained that I have a metro flashed 2.3 shift they said "dont worry we can fix the internet issue if you bring the phone"
Now since i know its not possible to downgrade to froyo or root the phone, does anyone think they can fix my mobile network back to normal?
I need an expert advice before I drive 1 hour and spent some money on this issue. I will check back responses in the morning before I leave. What is my options?
1) Wait till some dev figures out rooting and try to get metro net fixed?
2) Find someone to flash back to sprint or any other network?
3) Buy a new evo shift with 2.2 and get it flashed to metro and try to sell this one ?
Any suggestions and information is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance

The Samsung Epic 4G Flashing Guide (for alternative carriers)

The following is a guide I put together over the course of today about flashing the Samsung Epic 4G to both Cricket and Page Plus. This will work with phones that have bad ESN's (at least, Page Plus and Cricket) -- and with phones that are totally fine and saintly, but maybe you want to go to another carrier for a cheaper rate?
In the future, as more information becomes available, I'd like to incorporate other carriers that people are flashing (Metro PCS, Boost), as I find out more. The idea is to build a one-source guide for everything you need from start to finish.
The guide takes you from the very beginning to the very end. PRL's, etc, are all inclusive. I've flashed my Epic to both Cricket and Page Plus successfully -- just like Page Plus's coverage/quality better (and cheaper... but hardly any data -- user Wifi). Even if you don't want to flash, it still has useful things like unlocking your phone for use on any carrier that will take it.
Any comments/suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Just as a note, I'm no longer involved in the Epic community. I migrated on to a newer device. If you need any help, I will still be available through PM's to the best of my ability.
The HA/AAA shared secrets for Page Plus are not "vzw", trust me. I'm running with full 3G on Page Plus right now and after many late nights I realized the only way to get it was a temporary clone to a Verizon phone so that I could get the proper keys through OTA programming. Unfortunately posting a guide to that would probably get XDA on my/your ass. With the "vzw" password you will technically get 3G but it will be throttled to 1xRTT speed (about .1 Mbps). I don't know if the same is true for cricket or not...
Nevertheless I'm sure someone out there will very much appreciate the time and effort you put into this; props!
So using this guide i can unlock the epic meaning ill still be on sprint, but if i suddenly wanted metro i can just take it to the store and have em flash it?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
I request a stickey
I haven't flashed to Metro, but if I can find someone that supports all the features I want, I may give it a shot and write a guide. Does Metro support bad ESN's? (Long story short, got scammed by a Samsung Epic on CraigsList, Sprint said ESN was clear, but is still linked to scammer's account, who refuses to remove, etc, and commit insurance fraud... Talked to insurance and he's in jail now, apparently, but phone will probably be forever blacklisted on Sprint).
Currently, I'm trying to find a provider who can give Google Voice support and Data... MMS I'm not so concerned about. Page Plus is my only "good" option now (a step above cricket, but limited data). Any thoughts? Metro PCS apparently doesn't support Houston, TX when I try to find a plan, either.
EDIT: I may try to give Cricket another go. I've been reading a little bit more and have learned a bit about making Cricket work. Would be nice to try the $45 plan on Cricket to save some $$$. I've talked with some people who claim MMS and Google Voice CAN happen, but it's a little more tricky. Will let you know as I figure it out (must wait a month to not lose $30 from PagePlus).
im confused i dont have these MDN and MIN and your guide says i should have gotten them when i got the phone? is this from sprint and am i supposed to call?
also i got the phone replaced by another epic today. the phone kept trying to auto activate. it still is trying to autoactivate. i swapped the epic out for a nexus the other day. what should i do. if you can pm me and talk over the phone that would be great. my mom is going to new york wednesday and i want to pageplus this phone before she leaves.
I've gotten a couple PMs regarding the HA/AAA keys so I'm going to say this. I would gladly provide them for you guys but that's just not how it works. The keys change every time I (re)activate. They are probably tied to the time and the MEID of the phone, possibly more than that. My keys wouldn't do any of you any good.
It sucks, but the only way that I know to get them is to use a Verizon phone.
duh ask from carrier. now i followed all the steps including the manual update because auto won't happen. afterwards i autoupdated but it aint working? or am i supposed to buy airtime now?
not getting any help. please someone
i completed all the instructions and i can't dial out. i have a triangle at the top. when i call pageplus they are asking for a esn. what the heck am i supposed to do
What happens when you try to dial out? Have you bought/activated your service yet?
yesh i just activated a service using crap motorola. the prl on the page gave me a triangle on the bar i switched it to an older modified one for sprint. when i dial out i get the message welcome to verizon wireless your mobile number is not active or ....
---------- Post added at 05:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:04 PM ----------
Poryhack said:
What happens when you try to dial out? Have you bought/activated your service yet?
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i switched back to the prl on his thread. i wonder if he switched the prls from cricket to pageplus on accident? this sucks i been working all day got school soon and no help for my mom. ahh
So, the PRL isn't working for you, eh? The PRL for Page Plus is 51--- something -- Cricket is 42700.
Are you sure that your phone is unlocked? Are you sure you're reading from phone to get current settings before writing PRL, phone number, etc, back to the phone? (it should prompt you for your MSL -- which should now be 000000) Then make sure you fill out the data correctly. You should be able to get your MIN/MDN by asking for them from Page Plus. I openly told the rep on the phone I was trying to flash the phone myself and he gave me all of the information (and then a little bit more -- unfortunately, not the HA/AAA secret). I was actually originally using my Motorola Droid and asked them to try putting ONE OTHER phone on, to test it out (my Epic). Long story short, it did.
Page Plus uses Verizon's towers -- so it's OK if you're getting that. My phone apparently "roams" as well, but I have yet to have any issues. It's just what shows up.
I've heard that Cricket (prior carrier) can be configured to work 100% with the Samsung Epic for the $45 plan. When my month of minutes runs out, I'll try swapping back and seeing what all I can do... I learned a lot while working on this, so I think I have a little more expertise on this. Prior, I had never unlocked my device, so auto-activation never worked with Cricket! Eeek!
Anyway I will of course write something up about that.
terinfire said:
So, the PRL isn't working for you, eh? The PRL for Page Plus is 51--- something
yup its 51529... in short it was shiet
Are you sure that your phone is unlocked? yes
Are you sure you're reading from phone to get current settings before writing PRL, phone number, etc, back to the phone? yup(it should prompt you for your MSL -- which should now be 000000)
Then make sure you fill out the data correctly. You should be able to get your MIN/MDN by asking for them from Page Plus. I openly told the rep on the phone I was trying to flash the phone myself and he gave me all of the information (and then a little bit more -- unfortunately, not the HA/AAA secret). I was actually originally using my Motorola Droid and asked them to try putting ONE OTHER phone on, to test it out (my Epic). Long story short, it did.
Page Plus uses Verizon's towers -- so it's OK if you're getting that. My phone apparently "roams" as well, but I have yet to have any issues. It's just what shows up.
I've heard that Cricket (prior carrier) can be configured to work 100% with the Samsung Epic for the $45 plan. When my month of minutes runs out, I'll try swapping back and seeing what all I can do... I learned a lot while working on this, so I think I have a little more expertise on this. Prior, I had never unlocked my device, so auto-activation never worked with Cricket! Eeek!
Anyway I will of course write something up about that.
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cool. i will stick to sero truly duly unlim 4g wimax. anyways. roaming is normal? where did you get the prl? i am using an older prl i found online. i was getting the message you might be charged for roaming prior to each call.
I do not get that message for my PRL. If I remember correctly, PRL's are just how your phone knows which tower to connect to. I've heard they vary based on where you live. In any case, since PP offers nationwide coverage, I'm not thinking I'm roaming and no charges have shown on my phone yet.
terinfire said:
I do not get that message for my PRL. If I remember correctly, PRL's are just how your phone knows which tower to connect to. I've heard they vary based on where you live. In any case, since PP offers nationwide coverage, I'm not thinking I'm roaming and no charges have shown on my phone yet.
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yeah that's what i am guessing. i flashed different prl's and i still get the same message. can you please check to see if the prl wasn't switched or renamed incorrectly or better yet can you give me the source? prl's get updated and i have an older one. too bad my parents already left for new york i hope everything works out well for them
Poryhack said:
What happens when you try to dial out? Have you bought/activated your service yet?
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yeah its activated. i had your prl when i activated it and i was getting the roaming message per call. there was the roaming signal on the signal bar throughout. i switched the prl and it went away.
can you check the prl out and the source can you pm it?
Newbie question. I have an unactivated sprint epic. I can't seem to get QPST to recognize the phone. The phone shows up as a modem in the device manager but QPST appears to see something connected but doesn't see the phone as modem. I've rebooted and switched USB ports as well. Any ideas on what could be wrong?
Keep. Trying its a pain
feihoon said:
Newbie question. I have an unactivated sprint epic. I can't seem to get QPST to recognize the phone. The phone shows up as a modem in the device manager but QPST appears to see something connected but doesn't see the phone as modem. I've rebooted and switched USB ports as well. Any ideas on what could be wrong?
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Do you have the drivers for the Samsung Epic 4G installed for sure? What OS? May want to potentially try running as an Administrator, just in case (I don't have this issue, but I know some folks at MS have told me their hardware-heavy programs don't work when they aren't in Admin mode).
Make sure to uncheck the box in QPST about diagnostic/etc ports. Just enable all the ports you can in QPST Configuration and you should hopefully see it.
Are you absolutely sure it shows up as a Samsung Modem?
terinfire said:
Do you have the drivers for the Samsung Epic 4G installed for sure? What OS? May want to potentially try running as an Administrator, just in case (I don't have this issue, but I know some folks at MS have told me their hardware-heavy programs don't work when they aren't in Admin mode).
Make sure to uncheck the box in QPST about diagnostic/etc ports. Just enable all the ports you can in QPST Configuration and you should hopefully see it.
Are you absolutely sure it shows up as a Samsung Modem?
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I am using XP. Under Device Manager -> Modems, it reads "Samsung Mobile Modem #2". I also installed the drivers from the Samsung support site. For ports, QPST reads "COM5-USB/QC Data Modem" in the "Add New Port" window with the box unchecked. In the "Ports" window it reads "No Phone" under the "Phone" column.

