Need help with mp3 trimmer.... - HD2 General

I'm having problems with saving my ringtones after i edit them, I'm gettimg a warning saying not enough memory,i have plenty on device and card. i tryed uninstallin and reinstall the app also. any help is apreicated thanks

What options are you selecting and which mp3 trimmer are you using? Are you using the one extracted from the Euro Leo?! That is the one I use and it works great. I just tell it to save to ringtone folder and it works like a charm. I am sure you can select a different folder if you would like.

toreone said:
What options are you selecting and which mp3 trimmer are you using? Are you using the one extracted from the Euro Leo?! That is the one I use and it works great. I just tell it to save to ringtone folder and it works like a charm. I am sure you can select a different folder if you would like.
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Do you know where we can get that?
I have one from an euro TP2, but it isn't letting me view the MP3 files.

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Message sounds?

My first post in this incredible forum, I have all ready found so much help here and are most thankful, please keep it up.
Is it possible to make your own message sounds and use them when recieving text messages etc.
If possible at all what format should the file be in (mp3 wav)?
Tried with an mp3 placed in the windows folder it seems it cant find it.
Any help would be appreciated.
I'm not an expert so hopefully one will reply, but I think they have to be .wav and I think they have to go in the \windows\rings folder.
skidoo said:
I'm not an expert so hopefully one will reply, but I think they have to be .wav and I think they have to go in the \windows\rings folder.
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Actually, you are 1/2 right, they need to be wavs, but they go directly into windows, not in the rings folder.
Yep steve is correct the sound file will need to be a .wav and place into the windows folder, ring tones can be mid,wav and so on and they are placed into the rings folder within windows.
Sound file converter???
Morning all,
My first posting also and yes this has to be the mecca for knwledge of all Wizard related things. My question:
Does anyone know of any software downloads which can convert .wma, mp3 or similar files into .wav??? I'm a complete novice at this sort of stuff but the array of ringtones and message alert tones is rubbish on my K-jam. Thanks for any replies.
Re: Sound file converter???
manindesert said:
Morning all,
My first posting also and yes this has to be the mecca for knwledge of all Wizard related things. My question:
Does anyone know of any software downloads which can convert .wma, mp3 or similar files into .wav??? I'm a complete novice at this sort of stuff but the array of ringtones and message alert tones is rubbish on my K-jam. Thanks for any replies.
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You might try Audacity
It's a free download. I use Sound Editor in Roxio's Media Creator 8 -- one of the MANY useful tools in that program.
Re: Sound file converter???
You might try Audacity
It's a free download. I use Sound Editor in Roxio's Media Creator 8 -- one of the MANY useful tools in that program.[/quote]
Thanks very much mate, will give it a go and see the results.
Re: Sound file converter???
manindesert said:
You might try Audacity
Just downloaded the a treat. This site is the best, thanks guys and keep up the solid work.
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Re: Sound file converter???
manindesert said:
You might try Audacity
Just downloaded the a treat. This site is the best, thanks guys and keep up the solid work.
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YW -- (but I'm a GAL -- not a guy)!! LOL!! But, that's ok -- none of my friends can believe how "techy" I am, either. But, I'm the first one they come running to with a problem. Go Figger!!
Cheers all,
You keep refering to ring sounds, I am looking for Sounds for alarms and recieved messages, and alerts in general.
But I will try it now with wav files in stead of mp3.
I'm using Sound Forge 7, but then again I really need it for all my music stuff, so give Audacity a shot.
Update Works fine with alarm and message sounds, thank you all.
Is there any way, hack or otherwise, that will allow you to point your rings/sounds to your SD card? Thought it would be nice to free some space and stop having to move files on and off the card. I change my ring tone with my mood
I've been loking for a hack/program/setting that will do that, but no luck so far.
Unfortunately, all SMS & ring tones must be located in main memory!
But there's a possibility to create a program that will browse a folder of ring tones on SD card & once u select a tone, it will be copied to main memory (and of course erase the old default tone from main memory) & will set this new file as the default ring tone for the phone.
Javahater and Ezzkht,
Maybe you should look here scroll down to this "ANY FOLDER RING TONES"
You will need a Registry Editor like Total Commander 2 or PHM Regedit
Hope this helps
Have been trying above solution for about an hour, seems that this solution doesn't work under WM5, or at least it doesn't make any difference if you change the folder or not (it only points to windows not windows\rings)
Will have to keep looking.
Mikebj said:
Javahater and Ezzkht,
Maybe you should look here scroll down to this "ANY FOLDER RING TONES"
You will need a Registry Editor like Total Commander 2 or PHM Regedit
Hope this helps
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Thanks a lot Mikebj, it worked like a charm & without soft reset
I just copied all my favourite ring tones to the Storage ROM & it works 100%
Thank youuuuuuuu 8)
Mikebj said:
Have been trying above solution for about an hour, seems that this solution doesn't work under WM5, or at least it doesn't make any difference if you change the folder or not (it only points to windows not windows\rings)
Will have to keep looking.
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AGREED !! I've got WM2003SE tried the steps mentioned no still picks up the default folder from \windows\rings, where as I am pointing it towards \Storage Card\Sound\ not working
ok just double sounds and notifications options it goes to \windows\rings folder.....but I have o2 plus installed as well...and in o2 plus sounds and notifications options it points me to \Storage Card\Sound any ideas ?
Happy t worked for you, can't say the same for me.
Well it is getting more and more weird, when I look in my registry it only points to \windows\ not even \windows\rings\, despite this it still manages to pick up ringtones/sounds in the rings directory, and all sound files placed in the root of the SD Card(go figure).
I'm out of ideas right now, but am still looking for a solution and will be back if I find one.
I just used Resco Explorer with the registry editor add-in.
It worked with me without a soft-reset!
What device do you have, Mike?
Maybe some nice sounds
Hello everyone!
It's a little bit off topic, a little bit not
My advice: SD card is not really a good place for sounds, at least in my case. Why? Sometimes it happened that when I got a phone call, instead of my nice ringtone I've heard the standard one. I think it has sth to do with powering up SD card while changing from standby mode. It's just my impression.
Secondly: I'm looking for some nice SMS ringtones, not the funky ones... I'm getting a lot of messages and it's really boring if you hear "Heeeeellooooo! Your message is coooooomingggg!" every now and then. I will appreciate if you could share your ringtone with me

Text Message Tones...

Apologies if this has been posted, my search capabilities are limited as on a faulty UMPC at the mo...
Is it possible to change the SMS received tone to a MP3 file or other audio file? Ideally without any third party software...?
Try Ringo works perfectly..!!!!
jmdrizen said:
Apologies if this has been posted, my search capabilities are limited as on a faulty UMPC at the mo...
Is it possible to change the SMS received tone to a MP3 file or other audio file? Ideally without any third party software...?
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If you just mean the system default go to messaging, settings, select ringtone. If you want custom tones for individuals Ringo.
tannyfiles said:
Try Ringo works perfectly..!!!!
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Cheers for that, but for a feature that is available on most devices, it's not something that I'm willing to pay extra for... I'm sure the developer has done a great job, but I don't need different ringtones for different contacts or any of the other features...
The Lite version doesn't seem to have this bit, atleast, not by it's description....
I guess I'll just have to make do with "Captains Log"... unless anyone else know's of any other methods or free market place applications..?
daveid said:
If you just mean the system default go to messaging, settings, select ringtone. If you want custom tones for individuals Ringo.
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I've got a MP3 file I would like to use... can convert it to any other format, but that's the one I want... cheers though!!
If you create a directory 'notifications' on your sd card and drop the file in there it should appear on the list for selection when changing notifications.
uberlad said:
If you create a directory 'notifications' on your sd card and drop the file in there it should appear on the list for selection when changing notifications.
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Perfect! That works...!!!
Out of curiousity, is there a folder I can create where it will add them to the phone ringtones section?
jmdrizen said:
Perfect! That works...!!!
Out of curiousity, is there a folder I can create where it will add them to the phone ringtones section?
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Got them...
ringtones to appear in Ringtone Menu
alarms to appear in the Alarm Tone Menu
notification to appear in the Notification Tone Menu
Cheers everyone!
That works great! Thanks for the idea.
By puting mp3 ringtones in a folder called 'ringtones' on the sd card, you can use mp3's with ringo lite
Ogre said:
By puting mp3 ringtones in a folder called 'ringtones' on the sd card, you can use mp3's with ringo lite
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If you had read above, you'd know you don't need any other software for that....
If you have root, you can also do this so that all of the notiications, ringtones, alarms etc ..... are moved from your phone to your SD card.
mount -oremount,rw /system/dev/mtdblock3 /system
cp -r /system/media/audio/ringtones /sdcard/
rm -R /system/media/audio/ringtones
obviously change it for notifications and alarms.
you can use any sound u like 4 any notification u like by simply dropping the file into the windows folder in the file explorer under my device works for me cheers guys

Audio Manager Playlists- Where Located??

Hello all,
Long time fan first time caller
Can anyone tell me where the playlist you save with the HTC music player on the home screen tabs is located? Is it on storage card or phone itself? What folder / location?
Thanks in advance team.
You can find the playlists in Application Data/HTC/AudioManager_Eng/Playlists.
maximus1111 said:
You can find the playlists in Application Data/HTC/AudioManager_Eng/Playlists.
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Thanks for this thread, I've been wondering the same thing myself. I'm having a slight problem though. I've made a custom playlist from some tracks on the phone but the folder you've listed is empty. I checked if maybe it was a hidden file but but there is no playlist in there.I've had to do a few hard resets recently and it's a real bugger having to make a new playlist every time! If anyone can give a definitive answer as to where I can find the custom playlist that would be great, or am I doing something wrong? Any help would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance
Solved... kida
Hi and thanks for your reply maximus1111.
I have a solution, but its not idea.
The playlist data is stored in Application Data/HTC/AudioManager_Eng/Playlists
If you look in the playlists folder it appears empty but its there.
If you go into the audiomanager folder there are two files in there. Copy them and go to your storage card. Make a folder- call it what ever you want (eg HTC Playlist) and paste the two files in there.
If you lose your playlists in the device for some reason you can copy the files back from your storage card to the phone and you will have your playlists back.
If you want to delete the playlist in your phone and use the ones in your storage card, soft reset the devic. When it starts up make sure you do not open the HTC Music application (very important or wont work). Using file manager go to audiomanager in the phone and delete the two files. Then paste the ones from your storage card there and it will work.
Less than ideal and a bit of mucking around, but I have confirmed it works with my HTC HD2.
Thanks everyone. This is a great forum.
Slick1974 said:
Hi and thanks for your reply maximus1111.
I have a solution, but its not idea.
The playlist data is stored in Application Data/HTC/AudioManager_Eng/Playlists
If you look in the playlists folder it appears empty but its there.
If you go into the audiomanager folder there are two files in there. Copy them and go to your storage card. Make a folder- call it what ever you want (eg HTC Playlist) and paste the two files in there.
If you lose your playlists in the device for some reason you can copy the files back from your storage card to the phone and you will have your playlists back.
If you want to delete the playlist in your phone and use the ones in your storage card, soft reset the devic. When it starts up make sure you do not open the HTC Music application (very important or wont work). Using file manager go to audiomanager in the phone and delete the two files. Then paste the ones from your storage card there and it will work.
Less than ideal and a bit of mucking around, but I have confirmed it works with my HTC HD2.
Thanks everyone. This is a great forum.
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Thanks for the tip. I've backed up the Audiomanager folder so hopefully, if I need to replace the playlist, it should work. You're sure that the playlist is in that folder though?
gargon01 said:
Thanks for this thread, I've been wondering the same thing myself. I'm having a slight problem though. I've made a custom playlist from some tracks on the phone but the folder you've listed is empty. I checked if maybe it was a hidden file but but there is no playlist in there.I've had to do a few hard resets recently and it's a real bugger having to make a new playlist every time! If anyone can give a definitive answer as to where I can find the custom playlist that would be great, or am I doing something wrong? Any help would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance
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Strange, on my device i can see all playlists i made.
maximus1111 said:
Strange, on my device i can see all playlists i made.
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Nope, Mines empty. When I go to the music player though, I can select my custom playlist. Weird....
gargon01 said:
Nope, Mines empty. When I go to the music player though, I can select my custom playlist. Weird....
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hi, same here, no playlist in folder. i copied the audiomanager_eng.vol to my pc. when i look at it with a hexeditor, i see the names and path (eg. ZPlay \Application Data\HTC\AudioManager_Eng\playlists\ZPlay) in the file. also i found all information about the mp3 files i have added to playlists (eg. \Storage Card\Audio\Music\ACDC - Backtracks - 08 - Snake Eye.mp3 Snake Eye). so i think htc stores everything in that file.
i think thats a good example how htc developers are ticking, instead of keeping it simple they make it as complicated as possible... spilling all the data the user have created all over the complete device. if i just want to save my settings i have to run around between a dozend different places on my hd2.
regards mad
I know it sounds a bit wacky, but tried it twice and worked both times when I followed the procedure. As to why it works is above my limited intelligence.
Slick1974 said:
I know it sounds a bit wacky, but tried it twice and worked both times when I followed the procedure. As to why it works is above my limited intelligence.
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Ok thanks,
Hopefully that's another problem solved! If/when I need to do a hard reset, I'll report back here with the results.
Thanks a lot
it could be usefull

Custom Ringtone.

I was trying to set a ringtone but all I could use was the ones that came with the phone, can someone help me onb how to set a one out of my music?
Metta24 said:
I was trying to set a ringtone but all I could use was the ones that came with the phone, can someone help me onb how to set a one out of my music?
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Hi Metta,
To add a custom ringtone, you need to copy the file to the Windows / Rings folder.
To add a custom message tone, you need to copy the file to the Windows folder.
Once the files are in the folder(s) above, you can select it as you would a normal ringtone/message tone.
rp-x1 said:
Hi Metta,
To add a custom ringtone, you need to copy the file to the Windows / Rings folder.
To add a custom message tone, you need to copy the file to the Windows folder.
Once the files are in the folder(s) above, you can select it as you would a normal ringtone/message tone.
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Thanks for this mate really helpfull
goto where your music is located and hold ur finger down on the one you want and it should come up with a menu set as defult ringtone if not use mp3 trimmer to crop it to what you want hit options and save hope this way helps too
Thanks alos Greg I will keep that in mind .
An easier way that i have used on many WM devices is to just make a "My Ringtones" folder in the root section of your sd card and any music u add to it will show up on the device as a ringtone. That way u are not taking up any space on the device.
Sik96teG said:
An easier way that i have used on many WM devices is to just make a "My Ringtones" folder in the root section of your sd card and any music u add to it will show up on the device as a ringtone. That way u are not taking up any space on the device.
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Good point, but for the sake of one song and when changed simply deleting the one you don't want is not to much imo.
Sik96teG said:
An easier way that i have used on many WM devices is to just make a "My Ringtones" folder in the root section of your sd card and any music u add to it will show up on the device as a ringtone. That way u are not taking up any space on the device.
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Thanks bud, iv just been puting them in root of my sd card. This makes things easier now
Metta24 said:
Good point, but for the sake of one song and when changed simply deleting the one you don't want is not to much imo.
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True but when you can have hundreds of ringtones on the sd card and you can use them to set different songs for people in your address book it makes life alot easier. Also it is one less thing to setup if you load different roms or reset your device.

[Q] HD Message

My Touch HD had a message "Hi Boss You Have A New Message" when I got a message. Would anyone know where I can find this file.
Any Help would be appreciated.
The best option is to select all MP3, WAV and WMA files in Windows folder and copy them to another folder and start looking for your sound. You can also look at your SD card.
Good luck!
teti77 said:
The best option is to select all MP3, WAV and WMA files in Windows folder and copy them to another folder and start looking for your sound. You can also look at your SD card.
Good luck!
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Thank you so much. I found it and copied it to 3 Folders on my HD2. My voices, My sound and also Windows/Rings. Still when I go to set the ring for my new messages, it doesn't show as an option. Am I missing something.
I don't know where HD2 stores it's sounds but You have to put your sound into specific folder I guess. In HD I don't need to do anything, all my sounds I have on my SD card and they're working without problems
Did You try to search into main Windows folder? On my phone I've found there many system sounds and rings as well.
teti77 said:
I don't know where HD2 stores it's sounds but You have to put your sound into specific folder I guess. In HD I don't need to do anything, all my sounds I have on my SD card and they're working without problems
Did You try to search into main Windows folder? On my phone I've found there many system sounds and rings as well.
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It's very strange. I found all the sound folders as noted above, and copied the file to them. I checked the dropdown list for new messages and all of the options are in the windows/rings folder. So I copied the "Excuse me boss" file to the same folder, reset, but still no luck. Anyway, it was a good thought. It is such a neat file but I guess it wont work on the HD2.
But thanks again, you were such a great help.
trendsbze said:
It's very strange. I found all the sound folders as noted above, and copied the file to them. I checked the dropdown list for new messages and all of the options are in the windows/rings folder. So I copied the "Excuse me boss" file to the same folder, reset, but still no luck. Anyway, it was a good thought. It is such a neat file but I guess it wont work on the HD2.
But thanks again, you were such a great help.
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Success, success. I finally got it. Thank you, thank you.
Great to hear
best regards

