How to STOP black screen during a call? - XPERIA X2 General

Anybody knows the new registry setting to make the screen NOT turn black during a call?
On my X1 it was fast dormant setting but this is not there in the X2.

the registry key is HKLM\Services\MultiService\mods\Proximity\ SmartProximityHW
value is 1 for turning off display and 0 for leaving on.

Thank you!
Did try but does not work. It still turns the screen dark while on the phone during a call. Very annoying!
Perhaps you or somebody knows How to Wake the Device with ANY button press. Again was selectable with X1 but here its now (perhaps because no soft buttons?) but there must be also a reg setting.... hopefully.

For anybody that is annoyed by this black screen too........ I found the setting to at least delay this blacking out for a loooooong time if so desired:
under: HKLM\Services\MultiService\mods\InCallPwr ... set to 5000 or 50000 as I did. It is probably seconds before it turns dark. Setting was 5 (!) and it turned off in 5 seconds!
There are 2 settings, FirstTimeOut and Second. I changed the First! And later the second.... just because!
The main setting with InCallPwr setting 2, cannot be changed. I cannot delete it. This key will be recreated after restart. If somebody knows HOW to delete / disable this key, then we don't need to change the delay time


Backlight resetting to minimum when device switched on

For some reason my device has suddenly started switching to the minimum backlight setting whenever it's switched on. If I go to the backlight settings and then adjust the slider it will stay at the selected brightness until it switches off. When it switches back on again it's at minimum brightness and I can hardly see the screen!
This started happening after I installed and then removed PocketZenPhone.
I don't really want to hard-reset the device unless I absolutely have to - does anyone know what registry key sets the default switch-on brightness?
I dont have the solution but I have had the same problem intermittently. Can be really aggravating in the dark because it can be hard to get to the proper screen to increase the backlight. Hasnt happened in a while. Have not been able to figure out what triggers it. Have not installed PocketZenPHone. Curious if anyone has an explanation.
yah, i've noticed this to, sometimes i'll hit the power button to take it off standby and the backlight would be off. first couple of times it scared the hell out of me cuz i thought the screen had broke or burnt out.
also i noticed the version of spb pocket plus i'm using (3.04 build 4195) doesnt adjust the backlight brightness.
Now that you mention it. the SPB Pocket plus backlight does not work for me either. Strange...
Well I think I've managed to "fix" this by setting the following;
Backlight Settings:
On battery power, turn off backlight if device is not used for [5 min]
Turn on backlight when a button is pressed or the screen is tapped
Power Settings
On battery power: Turn off device if not used for [3 minutes]
I think the key thing here is to have the device auto-switch-off BEFORE the backlight timer kicks in. Since setting the above three settings I have not had the same problem again.
Ill give it a try as well.
Hmm...maybe someone can help me. One day, my backlight timer settings when the PDA's not plugged in reset to 10 seconds (in the registry it has it as 7 seconds). I'll go in and change it to 2 minutes (the original setting I had it at), but the minute I turn it off, it resets back again to the 10 seconds setting. I even tried going into the registry and changing it, and it resets it back to 10 seconds. I suspect it may have something to do with an entry in the "scheduled tasks" but it looks like a complete mess. Is there some kind of scheduled tasks cleanup utility?
hello i have the same problem using phothet with WM6
I had the same problem often about 15 months ago - it happened often each day.
I posted herw but had no joy with a solution - but then found one on Modoco (i was looking about March/April 2006).
Even with that - it has still done if perhaps five or six times since - and basically makes the phone unusuable if it happens somewhere or time with poor light.
My KJam backlight keeps changing by itself to dark
Suddenly my KJam backlight always turns to low without me doing so, then I have to change it to high, barely can see what I’m doing as it is almost black. This is kept happening especially after I installed Pocketweather. I reinstalled the Rom, it worked fine then suddenly it is back again when I switch the screen off, or automatically it is switched off, the backlight slider I find it at the lowest end.
Why thus is happening, it’s driving me crazy, please help me

Increase Keyboard Backlight Time

Is there a way to keep the light of the keyboard a bit longer?
Can i do something via registry?
Change the keyboard backlight duration
To change the duration of the keyboard backlight, you can set (example is 30 seconds):
HKCU\ControlPanel\Backlight\QKeyLedTimeout = 30 (DWORD decimal)
Please note that this may not work on some devices. One such notable exception is the HTC Wizard.
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Now, the second question.....and most usefull for me.
Can we keep the keyboard light on all the time when the device is under charging?
This could be perfect for inCar use while charging.
Nothing ???.. :?
I'm looking for this answer since long time... and, even if I didn't find the answer, I'm glad I found somebody having my same question (even if some months ago)! ... better than nothing's a start.
So anyone knows how to keep the keyboard light always on when device is on charge?
i wish you could change the color
for colorblind (red/green blind) people RED is useless.
:shock: I don't know if you mean the red on the flag, the red of vodafone logo or the red of the keyboard... but I will change all of them if you find the answer! :lol:
I changed it to 65535 and the registry editor seemed to accept it, I make that about 18 hours before it times out, nice thing is it still goes out and stays out if you power down, but it goes out and comes back on if you close.
I've written an app to give independant control of the keyboard lights (and red/green keys), manual on, manual off.
However, gooroo's solution sounds like a better workaround.
Still looking for a solution for this one too.
I don't think I can use the change timeout to 65000, because my device doesn't autoswitchoff (disabled that) because the BT keeps f*cking up.
So after 30 sec my backlight just turns off, the device keeps on. Setting the keyboard timeout to 65000 would kill my battery cause it will always be on.
Viper, so what do you propose? You don't want to extend timeout?
I've always had set it to 30/60 seconds.
I think the problem is that wm5 doesn't support keyboard backlight like the normal backlight (which has settings for battery/AC)
just trying 65000sec and see if that works a bit. But I have to see if it doesn't drain the battery and all.
Ok this option works perfect for me.
And yes changing the value to 65000 will let your keyboard light be on permanently (practicaly then)
But your keyboard light auto-switches off when your Backlight does.
So in the car it's on power, so this will keep the backlight on full brightness + always keyboard lights
on battery the backlight goes out after 30 sec and so will the keyboard. But when i touch the screen both will jump on.
Is there a way to keep the light of the keyboard a bit longer in HTC Artemis/P3300?

Backlight Preference

My backlight is always set to min. level after wakeup, i have to start up the camera application to get backlight running everything. Have tried to change the settings from backlight but it reverts back after switching off the screen. anyone have the same problem
Derrick said:
My backlight is always set to min. level after wakeup, i have to start up the camera application to get backlight running everything. Have tried to change the settings from backlight but it reverts back after switching off the screen. anyone have the same problem
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Happens to me after a soft reset, then sleep. The wakeup has the backlight switched off.
My work around is to go into backlight settings immediately after a soft reset, change to a different level, then change back to the required one. After that it will wake up with the correct setting. Bit of a faff I know but thats M$ for you!
Derrick said:
My backlight is always set to min. level after wakeup, i have to start up the camera application to get backlight running everything. Have tried to change the settings from backlight but it reverts back after switching off the screen. anyone have the same problem
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Here is one solution:
Scroll down to the backlight timeout fix.
Or use a registry editor and set the value
beyond the key
back to zero.
Or if you use phoneAlarm you may also use the newest version of my NetManager
the timeout bugfix is included in this release.
siaccarino said:
Or use a registry editor and set the value
beyond the key
back to zero.
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Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!
This bug just started happening to me and I KNEW it was related to the phone lock (because it didn't start until I was playing around with the lock settings) but couldn't figure out how to fix it.
Whew... that was driving me absolutely nuts.
just had my sp5 last month, and this bug really pisses me off! good thing i found this solution!
GldRush98 said:
Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!
This bug just started happening to me and I KNEW it was related to the phone lock (because it didn't start until I was playing around with the lock settings) but couldn't figure out how to fix it.
Whew... that was driving me absolutely nuts.
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Me too. Thanks Guys
HTC Cruise backlight
i had the same problem (i guess) in addition to that the level of backlight used to decrease to the basic level after hanging up a call. However when i re-adjusted it, the level indicator is exactly where i left it! and once i touch it (not move it) it "remembers" the current level! but still darkens after hanging up calls or coming up from a sleep period.
the solution was :
after a soft reset, adjust the level you want then immediately lock your device and let it turn off the screen by itself. when it wakes up everything will be stable.

Backlight settings auto reset

I find that if I set the turn off backlight after X seconds (default is 10 seconds) it will always reset itself back to default no matter if I uncheck the box or set it to 1 minute (like I would like to set it to). I'm not sure why the setting changes because none of the other settings in the same backlight settings applet change back to their default values.
Anyone have this issue?
There are some programs did that. What I did was hard reset my phone then installed all programs one by one. There are some programs that concerned about power conservation.
Check the registry
If value is "1" change it to "0"
Please soft reset your device and test again on backlight turning off on the preset timing.
Thanks to Mike, the Moderator.
Change the backlight timer under setting. DO NOT soft reset your Hermes. Instead, long pressing the on/off button, and press Yes to turn the phone off. By doing that, Windows will save all changes in the registry before turning off. Good Luck!

backlight stays off after unlocking

Whe I switch on my phone by pressing the top-right button, the phone is locked and the backlight is on. After 6 sec the backlight turns off.
When I unlock my phone, the backlight stays off
I would expect that the backlight gets on when you unlock... but it isn't.
Now I have to press the top-right button twice (to turn off and back on) and unlock within 6 seconds to get the backlight on.
This is very annoying.
Is there a way to get the backlight on after unlocking?
I have no solution - but can confirm that this happens to my phone too.
Same problem here Found it very annoying so I just disabled the Backlight shut-off function alltogether
Rolf (The Netherlands)
This seems to only happen if you use some kind of tweak that adjusts the auto-lock function. I used to use HD Tweak and changed the value for some auto-lock thingy (can't remember what it was).
After I hard-reseted it seems to have gone back to normal. So I would avoid any setting that changes the auto-lock thingy.
Note that uninstalling HD Tweak did not restore the correct functionality. Probably because I did not undo the changes prior to uninstalling.
So maybe you can try to change back the value first and see if it helps.
Good luck, I found that bug very annoying and decided I could live with no auto-lock.
Hi Saros,
Thanks for the input
Saros said:
Note that uninstalling HD Tweak did not restore the correct functionality. Probably because I did not undo the changes prior to uninstalling.
So maybe you can try to change back the value first and see if it helps.
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I use HD Tweak aswell and had a feeling the Backlight Issue only occurred after enabling the Auto-Lock feature, thanks for confirming my suspicions. I DID however turn the feature back OFF in HD Tweak. Unfortunately that did NOT solve the problem
Don't feel much for a Hard-Reset at this point since it took me quite a while to get my new phone set-up correctly. Hopefully a fix will be available, I'll go browse through the HD Tweak topic to see if anything gives yet...
Rolf (The Netherlands)
Disabeling the Backlight shut-off function is a good tip. Thanks.
But I still hope there will be a fix for this problem soon... so we don't use to much battery capacity.
Bart (Antwerp, Belgium)
I had this problem when i changed some registry keys. The following must be:
HKEY_CurrentUser\ControlPanel\Backlight\[AutoDeviceLockEnable set to 0]
HKEY_CurrentUser\ControlPanel\Backlight\LockLevel\[LockLevel set to 0]
When I set the first regkey back to 0, the autolock doesn't work anymore.
When I manually lock the device by press and hold the down-right button (stop call), the problem still exist when you unlock.
I want to keep the autolock function, but with backlight back on when I unlock the device.
I had this same problem. I did a hard reset and again set auto lock in tweak then shut off backlight off and the problem is gone and now auto lock is fine.
You can also use Lumos - solved the issue for me

