Dialing with bluetooth. - Vibrant General

I have a Motorola bluetooth headset and my question is that
since I got the Vibrant I have not been able to dial out on it.
The only thing it does is dial the last person you talked too.
Can you dial contacts or other phone options with a headset?
Any help would be appreciated. Coming back to Android after
1st gen G1. So, if this is a silly question I apologize in advance.

I assume you're asking about hands-free calling?
In order to do that, you have to activate Voice Search. If you're in the car, download the Samsung 'Car Home' app from the market. Otherwise, you can hold down on the 'Magnifying Glass' icon, or simply hit the microphone key on the Google search bar widget. I'm going to assume you already have the voice software installed (from the update to Google Maps).
If you use Voice Search, you can simply say "Phone. __Name_of_Person__." and it will call their default number. In this case, let's pretend you're calling famed Hollywood actor, Don Cheadle; a man with many phone numbers.
You can also say "Phone. Don Cheadle. Mobile. (or 'Cell')" This will call Don Cheadle's cell phone. You can replace that with 'Work' or 'Home' to call those lines as well.
"Phone. Don Cheadle. Home."
Pretty slick stuff. Just make sure you talk like a robot, or it might try to google search something instead.

Jon C said:
I assume you're asking about hands-free calling?
In order to do that, you have to activate Voice Search. If you're in the car, download the Samsung 'Car Home' app from the market. Otherwise, you can hold down on the 'Magnifying Glass' icon, or simply hit the microphone key on the Google search bar widget. I'm going to assume you already have the voice software installed (from the update to Google Maps).
If you use Voice Search, you can simply say "Phone. __Name_of_Person__." and it will call their default number. In this case, let's pretend you're calling famed Hollywood actor, Don Cheadle; a man with many phone numbers.
You can also say "Phone. Don Cheadle. Mobile. (or 'Cell')" This will call Don Cheadle's cell phone. You can replace that with 'Work' or 'Home' to call those lines as well.
"Phone. Don Cheadle. Home."
Pretty slick stuff. Just make sure you talk like a robot, or it might try to google search something instead.
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I use my embedded Blue tooth phone interface which is in my 2010 Nissan Rogue SL. I can use the "Call <name>" function and, more frequently, the "Dial xxx-yyy-zzzz" command. It works flawlessly (never worked with my Nexus One w/2.1)
On the phone itself, you can long-press the handset icon (bottom left side of screen), it will bring up the voice prompt screen. (BTW, I am using Open Home as my GUI)

Sorry, wrong thread.

Thanks for the suggestions so far...Will give them a try.


Please Support Improved Android Voice Dialer

The voice dialer in the Android platform is so incredibly flawed yet it doesn't seem as if they notice/care. This issue needs to be starred by more people for it to become something they will look at IMO.
Why should a voice dialer require user input? Isn't the point of a voice dialer such that you can use it by simply pressing the button on your BT headset and instructing the application to choose for you?
Thanks for your time.
Bump. Please support. This issue needs to be resolved!
Isn't this function available in Donut??
What feature? Voice search? Yes, but it requires an internet connection to work. So for those of us that don't have a data plan, it's worthless. Also, the button on a BT headset will activate the voice dialer, not voice search so we still have the same issue.
BUMPED. Honestly, why is it so hard just to open the link and star the issue?
Going to keep on bumping this no matter how long it takes for people to help.
Looks like this is working a little. Got 6 more stars over the weekend! C'mon people, it's just TWO clicks!
rickytenzer said:
why is it so hard just to open the link and star the issue?
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Why is it so hard to write a decent title to a post?
brucemcl said:
Why is it so hard to write a decent title to a post?
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Because I didn't have a PR man in charge like I do now, Bruce.
Ricky i completely agree with you but I starred that defect a day or two after I got my phone and tried the flawed voice dialing system.
I have never in my life known a person who actually uses a Voice Dialer. As far as I'm concerned they can remove it from the OS entirely, I'd rather that Google devotes their resources to something useful.
chefgon said:
I have never in my life known a person who actually uses a Voice Dialer. As far as I'm concerned they can remove it from the OS entirely, I'd rather that Google devotes their resources to something useful.
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You happen to be one of the lucky ones who DOESN'T live in an area where headsets are required by law while driving. If a cop so much as sees a phone in my hand, I can get a $300 ticket.
For us, it's absolutely imperative. I can't really explain to a cop that Android requires me to input my selection when using the Voice Dialer.
So please, for us unlucky people, give us 30 seconds of your time and star the issue.
Thank you
Bump bump bump bump
This would be so much easier if a mod just made this a sticky...
Getting more and more support every day! Thanks guys
Its an app I never used, and probly never will, but ill star it cause I'm a nice guy.
i have no problems with this on donut? If i use google voice search it is perfect gets exactly what i ask for, Also the voice dial works fine? Are you shouting at the phone?
bonesy said:
i have no problems with this on donut? If i use google voice search it is perfect gets exactly what i ask for, Also the voice dial works fine? Are you shouting at the phone?
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+1 works for me ok too. No issues.
cardiak said:
+1 works for me ok too. No issues.
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So you guys do not have to click something on the phone when using the voice dialer? We are not saying that the voice recognition does work we are saying that it is not completely hands free.
Here's a Quote from the defect that accurately describes the problem.
http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=1181 said:
Requiring the user to tap on the phone to confirm the function of the voice
dialer reduces the desired functionality. For example, if when wearing a
hands-free device while driving, one tries to access voicemail, the
following process is required:
1. Unlock handset.
2. Access the voice dialer via handset.
3. Visual prompt for using voice dialer
4. Speak "Call voicemail."
5. Visual prompt: "Call voicemail, call voicemail mobile"
6. Select voicemail option
7. Dials voicemail.
In an ideal voice dialer, the process might look something like this:
1. Unlock not required.
2. Access the voice dialer via handsfree device (e.g., long press on
headset "answer button")
3. Aural prompt: "Say a command."
4. Speak "Call Voicemail"
5. Aural prompt "Would you like to call voicemail?"
6. Speak "Yes/No"
7. Aural prompt "dialing voicemail"
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works with my ps3 bluetooth headset

Donut & Text-to-speech

Hi Guys,
Been a long time since I posted on this forum, back in the days of my T-Mobile MDA Vario! Thankfully moved on to a better operating system in the shape of Google's Android. Any way my question relates to the new Donut (1.6) update. I've had a read off the features for this update from the Google Android website but i'm having trouble using some of them.
I've activated the settings for this in the Settings menu and downloaded the necessary voice pack from the market but so far can't seem to get it to work. Ideally i want it to be able to read back my text messages as this is very handy for when driving, but i can't find any options to turn this on. Anyone got any ideas?
Voice Dialling
Another feature useful while driving (hands free of course) and the normal way on most phones is of course to press and hold a certain button. I think I must have tried every button for this one but still can't find it.
Any help you guys can give would be great thanks.
tubbyman said:
Hi Guys,
Voice Dialling
Another feature useful while driving (hands free of course) and the normal way on most phones is of course to press and hold a certain button. I think I must have tried every button for this one but still can't find it.
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Voice Dialing (and Voice Search) is not installed outside of US (and maybe AU).
If it was, you would have a microphone icon beside the google search button.
And for Voice dialing, you could just long press the green dial button (physical button)
oh right didn't realise that was a US only feature, guess I can wait till éclair for them to roll it out here. Any update on text-to-speech?
tubbyman said:
Any update on text-to-speech?
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Try the application TalkBack . (it might be already installed on your phone, or install from market).
You can activate it in Settings-Accessibility. Then android menus/popups/... will be talked to you !
(you should also install Text-To-Speech Extended from market )

Voice Dialer HF

Has anyone tried this app on the Desire.
Voice Dialer HF
It works on the Nexus One (although you still need to touch the screen as there is no camera button).
My Nexus One has no camera button. How do I start VDHF?
Today, VDHF on the Nexus One may only be started via the icon, since the Nexus One has neither a camera nor a send button. As soon as Google releases an OTA update that activates the Bluetooth "voice activation" feature, we will add support.
It's the closest thing to proper bluetooth voice dialing available at the moment, and since my phone is due to arrive early next week I would be interested if anyone has used this app or will now try it if they didn't know it existed.
Looking foward to receiving feedback.
i can´t DW
miguelromerom said:
i can´t DW
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I can't download it either
aenis said:
I can't download it either
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Is the inibility to download beacuse of the restrictions that are seemingly on the Desire at the moment or is there another reason?
Lyrrad said:
(although you still need to touch the screen as there is no camera button).
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For this issue, you can try button shortcut in the market! you will love that I think ;-)
Anyone on this app.
Is it a copy protected app or is it just not downloadable because it's not compatable. I haven't received my phone yet, and to be honest I am beginning to think I was too hasty in ordering it.
EDIT: INFO from Voice Dialer HF
# I can't buy any paid app from Android Market. I use a Google Hosted Domain.
* We have had reports that users signing up for Google Checkout with a Google Hosted Domain email address (Gmail using your own domain name) may not be able to download paid apps from Android Market. A workaround is to sign up using an email address with a standard Gmail [email protected] account. Discussions here and here.
I've spoken with the developer and the UK sales of his prodcut is suspended because initial voice recognition results with the product were not good. However when I get my phone he isprepared to let me try. I get the impression that it is tweakable. For me, a product like this is the difference between keeping the phone when it arrives, or returning it.
You should try Choice Dialer. I got it from the market on my Desire. There's a free version which will voice dial. There is also a paid version which lets you play an album or playlist by voice. Works well but still no bluetooth control as no voice activation seems to work by bluetooth. Other problem I had was that I could not choose a single song track by voice as I seem to have too many. Tony, the developer, has not yet yet been able to resolve this for me. Voice dialling isn't perfect but pretty good for me. You must speak clearly though.
Try it.
Choice dialer works fine as long as you set it up to work only as a phone voice dialer.
If you enable also the voice apps it often gets confused.
I have used it only one day but it seems like it can deliver also via BT headset.
fingers are still crossed but so far so good...
Well my experience after 1 hour is quite different.
I have 600 contacts, most with just a mobile number, but some with mob/Home and some with mob/home/work. I would say sucess rate is about 5% at the moment.
I'm also getting
'The application choice dialer free (process com.resounding.choicedialer.free) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.' more often than I get a correct call made. Okay Android OS is new for me, so it's unfair to judge, but this is awful compared to MS Voice Command.
norm2002 said:
You should try Choice Dialer. I got it from the market on my Desire. There's a free version which will voice dial. There is also a paid version which lets you play an album or playlist by voice. Works well but still no bluetooth control as no voice activation seems to work by bluetooth. Other problem I had was that I could not choose a single song track by voice as I seem to have too many. Tony, the developer, has not yet yet been able to resolve this for me. Voice dialling isn't perfect but pretty good for me. You must speak clearly though.
Try it.
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I tried it.
It wouldn't undertand me at all!
Also after dialling it went off and I had to press the phone button to select it again for it to start listening again.
If I have to do that I might as weel just use speed dial..
Maybe I am using it wrong??
Try vlingo.
Sent from my HTC Desire using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Choice Dialler Works fine for me even with a slight Welsh accent. Speak slow and it also picks up on contacts mobile, home or work number.

Okay seriously, how bad is the voice command system in this phone??

My wife and I got new Blueant headsets and we're testing them out. The quality of the headsets themselves seem good enough. But oh my God, trying to use the phone's native voice commands, it is ponderous. Trying to call my wife I was successful 1 time out of I don't maybe 50 tries. I tried "open ...." with every possible application... "No results, please try again." And when the voice says "redial", "redee-ill"??? Seriously? Redee-ill???
Anyone have any tips or know of any apps that can replace this horrible system? I come from an iPhone 3gs and while I love this phone so much more, the iPhone voice command system was amazing. This voice command system is pitiful at best.
I got Choice Dialer+ Free for voice dialing since the built in one was complete crap for me.
It works great.
Are you talking about Voice Dialer? Because I have absolutely no problems with it whatsoever. I have tried Choice Dialer + free and that thing is a horrible POS. It thought Market was Latitude yet the native voice system could get "Open Superuser Permissions".
I love the Voice Command on this phone. I think you are thinking of something else though.
It has the best VTT in the biz.
Might be a Mic issue.
Don't use voice dialer. Hold search and say call wife.
Hrmm, maybe I am missing something.
When I hold down search by default it only does a google search online, even if I say "Call Daniel". It just pulls up a google search for call daniel.
Is this configurable? I tried looking in settings but didn't find anything that looked relevant.
Edit: This would rock if so. The search app almost always gets it right. I just have issues with the voice dialer app.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
^^^^i'm having the same problem he is having^^^..
Indeed I also have terrible problems with the voice dialing feature from my bluetooth's (Jawbone Icon, Plantronics 925 and Jawbone 2). All the headsets are amazing and have no problem when on a phone call. Yet voice dialing with them is seriously TERRIBLE. Using voice to text though for SMS,Emails are fine. Odd...
Just to clarify, I'm yalkinggg about the voice dialer. I said voice command because its supposed to be able to open apps as well but that hasn't worked. Voice search is incredible. In fact I tried voice dialing my wife and it failed miserably but saying the same thing inti the voice searched worked perfectly. It even spelled her name right and she has a somewhat unusual name. So its not a mic issue, its a voice dialer issue.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
while i don't use the bluetooth configuration, i can say i do use the voice dialer with no issues whatsoever. i usually hold the phone in front of me (not up to my ear, which is probably what i should be doing, lol), start the voice dialer (or voice search, both will work), and say "call *insert friend's name* mobile", or "call *insert friend's name* home". never had an issue. if it can't guess absolutely, it puts up a list of what it suspects are candidates, i click on it and go. same sort of thing as "navigate to *insert place i want to go*". works like a charm
timothydonohue said:
while i don't use the bluetooth configuration, i can say i do use the voice dialer with no issues whatsoever. i usually hold the phone in front of me (not up to my ear, which is probably what i should be doing, lol), start the voice dialer (or voice search, both will work), and say "call *insert friend's name* mobile", or "call *insert friend's name* home". never had an issue. if it can't guess absolutely, it puts up a list of what it suspects are candidates, i click on it and go. same sort of thing as "navigate to *insert place i want to go*". works like a charm
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I'm looking for this to work over Bluetooth. In my opinion using voice dialer right from the headset is worthless because it takes twice as long as just using the smart dialer in the phone interface. The whole point to me is to have the phone in my pocket and the headset on, use the voice command to make a call without having to touch the phone at all. Like in a driving scenario.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
So I guess you're talking about voice dialing as in "EIGHT-ZERO-ZERO-FIVE-THREE..."? Is this so you can dial numbers that aren't in your phone? Because otherwise if the number is in your phone (or you're looking for a business) then I say, "call ____ mobile," as someone else has pointed out already.
Did the headset have any apps or anything you had to put on the phone? Maybe that part is buggy?
If you have a heavy accent what do you expect?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
pekosROB said:
So I guess you're talking about voice dialing as in "EIGHT-ZERO-ZERO-FIVE-THREE..."? Is this so you can dial numbers that aren't in your phone? Because otherwise if the number is in your phone (or you're looking for a business) then I say, "call ____ mobile," as someone else has pointed out already.
Did the headset have any apps or anything you had to put on the phone? Maybe that part is buggy?
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No I'm talking about contacts that are entered into the phone.
I tried Choice Dialer Plus and the voice recognition works great. Super accurate. My only issue, and it's a biggie, is if the screen is off, I activate the voice control through bluetooth, I say the command, it confirms, it won't actually place the call until i press the power button and unlock the phone. Then the call connects immediately. That's counter intuitive since I want to not have to touch the phone at all.
I have to admit I don't use it that often. I just noticed that it actually is able to pick up what I say perfectly fine.
I have no accent but every time I try using the Voice Dialer application it shows me a list of names nowhere near what I said. I haven't tried it in 2.2 yet, but I assume it's the same.
wowwww i just tried the voice dialer and holy bajeezus, what a pile of poop.
not one single time did it get anything correct. and it was even putting people names in there that didnt even remotely sound like what i said.
this was via the phones mic, not a headset.
voice search works much better.
I guess my Chicago accent is what works.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
r u on 2.1 or 2.2? 2.2 is way better
however windows mobile still has the best voice dial hand down ... and it had it in 2005
I have a blueant Z9i and it works awesome. Flippin 10x better than the dialer on my old BB9630. I'm thinking it does have something to do with accent. <<<---Midwest here.
topdnbass said:
It has the best VTT in the biz.
Might be a Mic issue.
Don't use voice dialer. Hold search and say call wife.
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Does that work if you don't have a wife? Does it call my FUTURE wife? LOLZZZ!
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
It works for me just fine. I also find the speach to text to be very good.

Voice Commands - working properly ?

If I say "Send text to [X] where are we meeting" the Galaxy S2 actually tries to search that phrase instead of actioning it.
Any way to correct this ?
Voice recognition info (love it!)
Hi, Yes if you have the stock phone, double tap the home button to access the Touchwiz Vlingo. I have found this to be not only more accurate than the Google input, but I don't need to get as close to the mic.
I have found it uncannily accurate, and this is the first phone where voice recognition has been more than a gimmick for me.
such as
"Text John Smith how are you doing John question mark"
will give you an SMS window in Vlingo
How are you doing John?
You then have the option to resend etc.
Other useful ones like 'Show me a map of nearest petrol stations"
'Navigate to EC1V 2AA'
Navigate to the nearest petrol station.
Theres loads of useful stuff on there, I love it's integration in search, nav, maps messaging (text and email) etc..
Driving mode allows you to keep it in permanent listening mode (also an option under voice settings in Settings). Do as SMS come in it will read to you, an you can say 'Reply Thanks for the update' etc.
Lastly, but no means least, you can set your highly amusing greeting under Settings->Voice input and output->Voice recog settings->Voice talk settings to whatever you want. Some words work better than others, like Yo! What do you want dude? You'll also find options under this lot for chosing Vlingo or Google.
Have fun.
Interesting .. I played with it yesterday too .. unfortunately my English is not good. Vlingo mostly does what I want .. but Google NEVER ! It seems like it does not even interpret commands .. if I say something like 'listen to xxx' .. it sometimes does understand what I said .. but instead of playing the song, it sends it to internet search. What do I do wrong ? Is there some option to setup google voice search ? Is it possible to use it instead of Vlingo ?
thompps said:
Lastly, but no means least, you can set your highly amusing greeting under Settings->Voice input and output->Voice recog settings->Voice talk settings to whatever you want. Some words work better than others, like Yo! What do you want dude? You'll also find options under this lot for chosing Vlingo or Google.
Have fun.
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@ DrVid, yes - see above!
thompps said:
@ DrVid, yes - see above!
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Unfortunately no .. this imho affects what is used when dictating text. But when I double press 'home', I still get Vlingo, even if I have set this setting to Google.
Dr.Sid said:
Unfortunately no .. this imho affects what is used when dictating text. But when I double press 'home', I still get Vlingo, even if I have set this setting to Google.
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Hi, yes you will. The screen you are referring to is always powered by vlingo, as it is part of Touchwiz as far as I know (and as stock assigned to the double tap).
This setting controls the default voice engine (not software front end), so theoretically when for example you are dictating a text you will now be using Vlingo. But this will not change you using the Voice Talk when double click.
As for your problem, you should be saying 'play music by', rather than 'listen to' Curiously this does result in search for me too, but only when I have selected the Voice Commands from Apps and not when double clicking into it??!!
Ahh, cracked it!!
The Voice Control app accessed by double clicking home button accesses the same app, but will only let you use the set commands shown and a couple of other like maps. And for me always works well with 'Play Music' - not 'Listen to.'
Key difference between this and the Voice Commands app accessed from Applications is that that if it doesn't understand you it says it could not recognise command or similar.
whereas the one from Apps will run a search if it understood the words but not the command. Basically, two different implementations of 'don't understand command'.
Hope this helps!

