[PROBLEM] ET9IMEDB files look like a directories - Windows Mobile

Hi guys,
Recently i have noticed tha my t9 words are not working
I found this on xda
but when i added it to initflashfiles.txt, all the files look like on the screenshoot
when i simply change a name of \Windows\ET9IMEDB to \Windows\ET9IMEDB_t, and change it back again to ET9IMEDB, files are normal, but after soft reset its the same story
so i did a mort script
Rename ("\Windows\ET9IMEDB\", "\Windows\ET9_temp\")
Rename ("\Windows\ET9_temp\", "\Windows\ET9IMEDB\")
and added it to StartUP folder, it works, but i want to know what is causing it
thanks for help in advance
ps. I am using leo3.02 IME packages on Topaz Rom

Wow, I'm glad I clicked this. I've run into the same crap many times. My temp fix is the same as yours. I don't use et9, but this has happened to me w/ several apps that I've relocated to windows, like ucweb. My only fix is to get corruptable files/folders oit of windows.

yeah, but you can't get this folder out of windows, cause it must be located there

Have you looked in the .reg file in the package? There may be a key in there that sets the path.
The files would get corrupted every time I would soft reset.

I'll add that for me, I've run into several apps that would give me corrupted files. Usually, it was apps that I'd relocated from \program files into \windows (to save storage space). For instance, Bing would do this to me. The rom files were fine, but the sub-folders would become corrupted after every soft reset if they were in the \windows folder. In particular, the XAML folder would go wonky. The fix was to rename it, then name it back. I'm sure you figured this out the same way I did: you couldn't delete the corrupted files/folders, or copy them, or anything, unless you first renamed them (lucky that worked). When I'd rename the folders, I'd notice that the files inside were no longer wonky. I made an EXT for FpseCE that was relocated to \windows, and all six sub-folders would become corrupted after a soft reset. It was a royal pain to rename them, so that was basically when I decided it wasn't worth the saved storage space to have the apps located in rom, so I moved FpseCE, Bing, and UCWEB (the CDDATA folder would go bad) to program files. The other app that would mess up on me was Weather2go (a today plugin). The Weather.dat file (located in \windows) would go bad for maybe the first 4 or 5 soft resets after a flash, but then it would mysteriously become stable. It was annoying as crap, because the plugin would go blank and not show the weather forecast after a reset. I don't know why, but now it works fine. Perhaps it's because I took the other 3 apps or so out of \windows. The really weird file that would screw up on me was an ID txt file for SK Today Commander. SK software puts an ID text file in windows for all it's paid-for apps. I have maybe 5 of their apps, and the files were fine for all of them except today commander. It would become corrupted at each reset. Now, it doesn't happen any more to me.
I wish I knew why it happens, but I don't. Now, if I'm making a package for a new app, I will test it before flashing, and do several soft resets to make sure that none of the files that might be created by the app are not corrupted after a soft reset. It's been a couple of months since I had the problem.
I looked at the xt9 package I have, and it looks like you can relocate the entire thing to another directory. It will be a pain in the butt, but if you really need it it might be worth a try. There's an installdir key that needs to be changed (from \windows), plus many keys for the path to all the dll's. I don't see a path for the databases, but they will probably move to the new location (assuming you change all the paths).

now i had finished all correctiong all errors for my rom (new packages from Oobe and Huashan) and new manila, i was using topaz ext before, but is it time to change it for a fresh apps
so i will have time to find solution for this, it may be to many files in rom, first i will try to remove some apps, my nhb file has 230mb, so it could cause problems in filesystem, we will see

I doubt it's that, but you never know. My rom is pretty light (only ~2500 files). I tried Task 29, and that didn't do jack squat. Moving things out of \windows was the only thing that worked. I guess maybe moving to osbuilder could help; maybe the module allocation in EVK is causing issues. I've never had S.O.D. before, but I have had this plenty. It's pretty clear that something hinky is going on during boot-up, though.

well i am using osKitchen v1.31beta10, so it's not EVK problem

OsKitchen and EVK are pretty much the same, though, aren't they? They both run platformrebuilder; I'm not sure if they handle modules the same way, but I suspect that they do. Osbuilder is supposed to do a better job of it, but the thought of converting all my packages over makes me want to hurl.

I figured out what is going on with this (sort of). I don't know why you get the corrupted files/directories in \windows, but I know how to avoid it. Files/folders become corrupted after a soft reset when their names are all capital letters. For instance, if I have a folder named \CDDATA in \Windows (or \XAML or \BIOS-those are from Bing or fpsece), then any file inside that folder will become corrupted after a soft reset (except for .lnk files, go figure). So, the key is to just rename the folder with lower case letters. In the case of UCWEB, which used the CDDATA folder, it works just as well with a folder named cddata, except that I can soft reset the device w/o issues. I'm assuming that Bing would work with an \xaml folder, and fpsece would work with all 6 of its sub-folders being named in lower case.
The same thing happens with files: if their name is all capital letters (inc. the extension), then they become corrupted after a soft reset. Renaming them fixes it (same with the folders). Anyway, this is why the OP's files go wonky in the \ET9IMEDB folder.
Like I said, I don't know why it happens. I get it with EVK roms and OSBuilder roms.

Farmer Ted good find, thanks


sUC - suiller UC way [9 Feb 2010]

The purpose of this CAB is to reach a sort of UC way but with a very easy & friendly approach
I come from Diamond world, so because this CAB can be adapted for other platform/devices why not preparing a separate sUC.cab to use for enabling ALL the stuff (ramdisk, pimbackup,ram recovery,etc...) included in Dia Duit rom series?
what have I to do with this cab?? simply it will apply these features:
Latest stable MortScript is inscluded & ready to go, so no more needs to install as separate cab
Choose between 3 speed profiles: 1. fast (takes more ram & battery), 2. balanced (not heavy tweaked but not funny) & 3. untouched (default WM6 settings)
GPS profile: TomTom, iGO, Navigator or default WM6
Everyday auto recover RAM feature (at 4.30AM) + automatic sms/contacts/calls backup/fav manila people (trough pre-configured pimbackup app, PimBackup included)
Ramdisk (2Mb) feature (optional)
A new way for a fully automated CAB/REG/EXE/CPY installation/copy after every hard-reset/rom upgrade
UPX executable, compress (fully automated) exe files from fresh installed cabs, this saves space & gives faster app load times
Easy & fast tweaking method without 3rd part software: tweak registry scripts (with comments)
Tips enabled by default to preserve a bit more battery life (for ex 3 secs of led blinking instead 5, increased battery life counter,etc) + increased speaker sound volume + many example for setting automatic alarms, rings, etc...
Moved MAIL + Attachments folders from main memory (My Device) to external one (Storage Card)
3 / 4 rows configuration
This should work on every WM based rom, also because I added the auto recognition of "Storage" name... so should work without troubles also on NON WWE roms (except for CABi installation)
DOWNLOAD sUC_source.zip HERE
BEFORE INSTALL (mandatory)
create in your "Storage" (the BIG one) a folder called "Backup and Restore", then inside it a folder CAB (inside this another folder called CABi), then at the same level of CAB folder create a folder called CPY, then REG, then EXE
so practically your basic structure should be like:
Storage Card (or whatever name)
=> Backup and Restore (folder)
=> CAB (folder, put here all the cabs you want install on main memory)
=> CABi (folder inside CAB folder, specific for "must go into Storage", see notes)
=> REG (if present all reg files here will be joined to default WM registry)
=> CPY (if present all files here will be copied under their correspondent folders)
=> EXE (if present all .exe & .mscr files will be launched)
all files in the CAB folder will be installed (automatically) into "device", the ones in the CABi folder will be installed into "Internal Storage" (or whatever you have, always automatically), from REG folder all *.reg/*.rgu files will be loaded on the fly, from CPY all files will be copied (with overwrite) into correspondent folders (for ex useful for copying personal dlls, wav/wma/mp3 files or background, etc...), for finish from EXE folder will be launched your executables (personally never needed, but who knows?) & if present all *.mscr scripts... pay attention to exe files that needs user interaction
INSIDE THE CAB (a deeper explanation)
when your sUC cab is installed it simply creates a registry entry under [HKLM\init\]"Launch69"="2ndboot.exe", this permits the script 2ndboot.mscr (launched by 2ndboot.exe) to be loaded upon system reboot (just one time)
this script, if the structure mentioned above isn't found, it will create automatically all the folder & default reg files needed under your storage card, the name isn't important because it should guess itself its correct name, so don't care if your storage is called something like "MyBigStorageCard"
then it will ask you some questions... such as if you use ActiveSync, which GPS performance adopt, etc... all this info, which at 1st you'll pay high attention, will be stored under your storage card in a file called config.txt ...why?? simple... because next time you will flash or hard-reset your phone you wont have to push a button the script will found that previous stored config file & it will take all the info needed for final rom configuration to skip all annoying questions after every upgrade/HR
note: there is also an hidden option that should be used only by experts, to enable this option simply add by hand to your config.txt file the line: FastInstall=1
this will skip all countdown menu & messages... personally I use this option because flashing a lot this saves much time more
next it will look in the CAB folder for installing your CABs into "device" or main memory
next in the CABi folder for installing CABs into your storage card (you need to do this just 1st time, I'll explain later...)
next it will look at a file called upxlist.txt (must filled before), where simply you will specify all the *.exe file you want to compress after every cab installation... for example your upxlist.txt could look like:
\Program Files\Navigator\TomTom Navigator.exe
\Program Files\9.5 Beta\Opera9.exe
\Internal Storage\Program Files\Binaryfish\All Mobile Mines\All Mobile Mines.exe
note: every line for every EXE file, pay attention that you can compress just EXE files coming from extra CABs, because EXE files present in the rom are read-only
next it will copy a set of basic reg files with many tips/tricks/examples inside, useful for making many customizations
note: of course if you have previously prepared the folder structure & you have copied your REGs files under the REG folder they will be processed together the files above
next it will look in the CPY folder and will replicate the found folder structure (with files too), for example create inside it a folder \windows with some file inside & it will copy all found files under \windows on your device, or create \program files\myapp & it will create that folder structure in your device, of course it works also for Internal Storage even if it has no sense, anyway just a note it doesn't create empty folder, to create an empty folder just use a single .mscr script (something like: MkDir("\mydir") ) & copy it in your EXE folder
next it will look in the EXE folder & will launch all the exe files inside it, if found it will launch also all *.mscr scripts
next if found (you'll understand better upon an HR), it will ask you to restore your backed-up start menu, so you don't have to re-arrange your icons again
next if found, it will ask you to restore your last PIM backup & will reboot
right now CABi procedure works only on WWE roms (due to translations work to be finished), anyway there is a trick to skip CABi installation, or better make by hand just once (read few lines below)
installing cabs into Storage Card sometimes will fail, this simply because some cabs need confirmation/accept license & so on, so don't expect will work 100%, also many cabs require to be installed into main memory so NOT into Storage Card, for ex I use to install into Storage Card simple cabs such as games
sometimes pim backup restore can fail, try to restore by hand after installation; backup are divided into week days (monday, sunday, etc... "Last" is the last saved backup)
if you put sUC.cab in your CAB folder wont re-processed of course, useful if using sUC together with UC/UC2 installation method (see at bottom)
if you still use the 1st sUC release way your personal scripts still work like before, simply move them under EXE folder, or transport as reg entries directly into your personal reg file & copy it under REG folder, you can find on the same folder some examples (to clean all your old stuff simply empty the REG folder, modded REG files wont be touched on future upgrades)
you don't need to re-install every time your CABi, just install them once, then on next upgrade answer No or simply edit your config.txt & change the correspondent value; after CABi installation on a clean boot go with your explorer under "\windows\start menu" folder & re-organize your start menu structure (cut/past links, create/delete folders, etc...), remember to don't delete "Settings" folder even if empty, then go under sUC menu & backup your StartMenu, on next upgrade sUC will detect start menu backup & it will reinstall automatically... because the content of your storage card isn't erased after a rom upgrade/hard-reset your installed CABs will stay there untouched, so backed-up start menu has inside correct links
is possible to move TomTom, iGO, Navigon, etc... definitively into your storage card, so you don't need to install them every time: copy entire nav software folders from \program files to \internal storage\program folders, re-create icon shortcuts (copy/past as shortcut in your start menu), for iGO you have to edit sys.txt (under iGO folder) & change the path of base installation
in the same way is possible to skip for example FingerKeyboard installation from related cab, simply take a look at this short guide
note: to migrate in every new sUC version simply move your reg mods in your Personal.reg file, erase all the rest of reg files because they will be re-generated with the new ones, remember that on upgrades reg files wont be touched so pay attention on what you mod
if the rom is UC compliant simply create a called SDConfig.txt file in the root folder of your Storage Card, for example your SDConfig.txt could look like (pay attention to upper-lower case & no empty lines):
CAB :\Internal Storage\Backup and Restore\CAB\sUC.cab
RST: Reset
in this way at reboot will start standard sUC procedure (remember MortScript is included & also that sUC cab wont be re-processed even if present in CAB folder), instead if the rom isn't UC compliant simply install sUC as any normal cab, then it will ask to restart (or restart manually) & automated procedure will begin on reboot[/b]
OK, that's all very nice, but WTF is it?
Wouldn't hurt to have an "about" section in the post for ppl who see this thing the first time in their life.
GENIAL !!!!!!
aiiro said:
OK, that's all very nice, but WTF is it?
Wouldn't hurt to have an "about" section in the post for ppl who see this thing the first time in their life.
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yep... you right sorry, I'll correct soon...
OMG~ You finally made it available!!! I'm going to test it with my HD and will report back once everything is organised
I didn't mean to sound rude, sorry... Anyway, thanks for the addition, but still - what is UC? User Configuration? Could You post some screenshots too to make it more comprehensible for dumbusers like me?
jackkkkk said:
OMG~ You finally made it available!!! I'm going to test it with my HD and will report back once everything is organised
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oh FRIEND! I found you
yep, I'm looking here around to see if my mad projects can be useful
the cab isn't still perfect but should work, of course I haven't a different device from diamond so all you will be a sort of beta tester
I've removed all specific diamond stuff, so it should work
Of course this is just a starting point, I'm dedicating much time to develop this small piece of "software", thx also to many other friends
You know as it works, so you should feel a bit like at home
aiiro said:
I didn't mean to sound rude, sorry... Anyway, thanks for the addition, but still - what is UC? User Configuration? Could You post some screenshots too to make it more comprehensible for dumbusers like me?
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yep you are right... UserConfiguration, the only difference is that you don't need to write any config file, at least not as "normal" user, it's enough to copy under correct folders the CAB plus other stuff you want installed/loaded after every flash/hard-reset
I'll porvide soon a video-guide, so it will be for sure more clear
OK, OK, nuff with making fun of me Or were You seriuous with video guide?
Cos I just had a brilliant idea - I'll install the damn thing and look for myself
I think I should have done that in the first place. But still, I believe screenshots would save some time understanding what's it really about.
Yeah Screwed Up Click for life
no no I'm serious friend... but I'll suggest to wait a couple of days because I'm working on a new version where is possible to cut-off all the specific HTC/manila stuff & above all I'm re-commenting all the registry entries that interact with OS
no no I'm serious friend... but I'll suggest to wait a couple of days because I'm working on a new version where is possible to cut-off all the specific HTC/manila stuff & above all I'm re-commenting all the registry entries that interact with OS
really don't want to be rude or offence, but ... isn't this something like SASHIMI????
If so ... where are sUC's pros?
kind regards
almost... but it's very very simple... I'm testing an heavy modified version able to run on almost every WM6.x base device
OK the CAB is ready for testing purposes... please re-read 1st post because I'm making a better, I hope easier, description of features... thx
Mate, this piece of software is plain GENIUS!
So much easier than the UC thing, with all the boring scripting. This way you just place in folders, and you are (mostly) done! Amazing stuff!
I have some questions/requests for you though...
Is there a way to repeat the procedure (restore at 1/2 start up), at a later time? This could be useful, for example, if some files get corrupted, or you just want to revert back to default cabs/settings, etc. So I guess what is needed is a way to manually activate the procedure.
Second thing is regarding mail settings. Is there a way to back this up? My hotmail settings get destroyed after every HR.
Forgot to mention, a manual activation of this procedure would also help if (for example) you want to make multiple program installations. This way you could just use the folder CAB, without wasting time on every single program you are installing/testing...
krale said:
Forgot to mention, a manual activation of this procedure would also help if (for example) you want to make multiple program installations. This way you could just use the folder CAB, without wasting time on every single program you are installing/testing...
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hmm... it could be a good idea... even if some phases can't be reverted, or better it's very complicated to "go back"... such as for ramdisk
anyway many phases are yet accessible as indipendant scripts just take a look under "\Backup and Restore\scripts" folder, of course other script could be extrapolated but I'll do probably on next version... let's say this is a testing purpose version because I have to "think" that this app must work on many (almost all I hope) wm6.x based devices
As one of the end (l)users who first saw this in Suiller's Dia Duit rom series, I can attest to this resolving one of the major grievances of Windows Mobile rom-upgrades. With some "smart" planning ahead, getting everything back can now be mostly scripted by simply placing the install file in the correct directory. Same with restoring data from your pimbackup, or adding registry settings. Once again we have a case where the xda-developers have surpassed the "offficial" roms in user friendliness.
I have since moved on to WM6.5 (still on my Diamond), but I sorely miss sUC from my later roms.
updated sUC, corrected some small issues
I corrected some default/samples reg files, so I suggest to erase all default *.reg files under REG folder to update correctly
move your personalization to something like "MyRegPers.reg"
please reports here bugs/issues/suggestions or whatever... thx

[Q] about cooking gameloft games to hd2

Default Trouble Cooking
I am trying to add Gameloft games that I have bought to my os kitchen. I am having trouble getting NBA 2010, Midnight bowling 2, and Avalanche Snowboarding to launch. I have all of the file in the correct places and they all show in in the rom after it has finished cooking but they dont launch either from the start menu or the programs files folder. I am hoping that if some could help me figure this out, and in the process help others who could have the same problem.
i used CABTOEXT And Package to ext the edited the appdata with xml maker. then i tried with out editing the appdata and nothing. i will be willing to compansate for the fix
I think it's better to make EXT's from scratch instead of using a cab-2-package creator. There may be registry keys added by a setup.dll that you miss, or that are added after launching the app or a soft reset. Here's how I do it (you need sk tracker):
Do a scan with sk tracker.
Install the cab.
Scan again.
Launch the program, enter any codes or settings.
Scan again.
Now, do comparisons of the scans, and find all the new files and registry keys. Export the reg keys to an app.reg file. You can generally ignore the HKLM\Software\Apps and appinstall keys-these are just keys that allow the device to uninstall the cab. Occasionally, the install directory key is needed, but usually not. Definitely leave out the files in \windows\appmgr, that's just un-install info.
Next, don't bother with getting the program loaded into its own folder in \program files. That's usually a waste, because most apps work straight out of \windows. Exe's search for resources first in their own folder and then in \windows most of the time, so if you put the .exe and everything else in windows, you're good to go. If there are sub-folders, then the sub-folders need to be loaded into \windows\ as a sub-folder (I personally use zip files/mortscripts to do it, but a cab will work as will initflashfiles.dat). You have to be careful about settings files, particularly .ini's. They do not like being read-only, and this may be why your game doesn't launch. So, if you have an .ini file, or a settings.txt file, or a game.dat file (or similar), you need to load it into \windows or wherever so it's not read-only. Personally, if I have sub-folders going into windows, I'll create a zip file that sends the .ini, .dat or .txt file into \windows as an archive file, but you can also use initflashfiles.dat to create a copy wherever you want that isn't read-only.
If you change the install directory from program files to windows, then you may need to look into the .reg keys and change some paths. Also, you'll need to change any shortcut paths to \windows\game.exe. Putting things directly in windows saves memory, and you can also convert files to modules to take advantage of the increase VM slots with native 6.5 kernels. It all comes down to experimentation, though.
Thanks for the info, but all of the reg entrys were either in the hklm\security\appsinstall or the hklm\software\apps, andi i entered them and still nothing. I have never worked with mortscript, I did look for a tutorial but couldn't understand all of what they were saying is there a video tutorial, or another soultion?
Did you check to see if any settings-type files are read-only? That will kill a game for sure, and they usually save user data in files (not the registry).
I appericeate your willingness to help a noob, and thank you. how do I check to see if they are read only, how do I make shure that they are what they need to be during the cooking process?
all of the files for one of the games are as follows
Avalanche Snowboarding.exe
data.bar------------------this one Program Files\Gameloft\Game name
GetRealDPI.exe------------------this one Program Files\Gameloft\Game name
icon_45x45.png------------------this one Program Files\Gameloft\Game name
icon_60x60.png------------------this one Program Files\Gameloft\Game name
icon_90x90.png------------------this one Program Files\Gameloft\Game name
Installer.dll------------------this one Program Files\Gameloft\Game name
STPA001.DLL---------------------------this one is in windows\ appmgr
60DE.tmp---------------------------this one is in windows\ appmgr
Avalanche Snowboarding.lnk------------------this one Windows\start menu\ programs\Games
the structure of each game is very simalier, except for midnight bowling 2 which has no icon.png in the gameloft file after install.
Which one look s like the suspect for tha data file\needs not to be read only?
do the games work when you install them as a cab? after you cook your rom and you say they wont launch, have you tried installing them as cabs and see if that fixes it? if so you know its a problem with your pkg and not something else in your rom. basically what farmer ted is saying is that you can make your own package by installing the cab and then exporting all the installed files/reg and putting them in your kitchen with app.dat to put them in the right places i think this is your best bet.
Data.bar is probably the game store; just check the file properties with total commander. If it's read-only, then uncheck it.
Get rid of the two appmgr files; those are just uninstall junk, and you don't need to cook them in. You only need one of the 3 icons in all likelihood. They're start menu icons, right? Just use the one that is in the startinfo/icon reg key, and leave out the other two. I kind of doubt you need installer.dll or the getrealdpi.exe as well. It seems like those just run the install. Speaking of which, this is probably where you're screwing up. Did you just dump this stuff from the .cab with a package creator? It seems like you have files for a partially installed app. Probably, the cab installs the 'getrealdpi.exe', and that process runs and figures out your device resolution, then the installer.dll decides what files to install or maybe sets reg keys for the proper resolution. I'm not sure that you have everything you need in your package. I suspect this is the source of your problem, more so than having a settings file marked as 'read-only.'
Edit: cough, cough, I know a little more about the game now (not saying how). Data.bar is a resource file (a big one). You need it, obviously. The settings files are .sav files (2 of them, as far as I can see). They're created after you launch the game. The only two files you really need are the avalanche snowboarding.exe and the data.bar file. Do this: stick them in an EXT, and don't use an app.reg file. Just send them to \windows. Send the shortcut to the games folder, but you'll need one with the proper path. You can make the shortcut by putting the following in a .txt file and changing the extension to .lnk.
1#"\Windows\Avalanche Snowboarding.exe"
Name it whatever you want.
Long story short: put the two files in a package. Screw the icon.png, they're a huge frickin waste, imo. Then use an app.reg to send the shortcut (also in the package) to the games folder. If you want to back up user data, save the .sav files and copy them into \windows after flashing. It should work.
Farmer Ted said:
Data.bar is probably the game store; just check the file properties with total commander. If it's read-only, then uncheck it.
Get rid of the two appmgr files; those are just uninstall junk, and you don't need to cook them in. You only need one of the 3 icons in all likelihood. They're start menu icons, right? Just use the one that is in the startinfo/icon reg key, and leave out the other two. I kind of doubt you need installer.dll or the getrealdpi.exe as well. It seems like those just run the install. Speaking of which, this is probably where you're screwing up. Did you just dump this stuff from the .cab with a package creator? It seems like you have files for a partially installed app. Probably, the cab installs the 'getrealdpi.exe', and that process runs and figures out your device resolution, then the installer.dll decides what files to install or maybe sets reg keys for the proper resolution. I'm not sure that you have everything you need in your package. I suspect this is the source of your problem, more so than having a settings file marked as 'read-only.'
Edit: cough, cough, I know a little more about the game now (not saying how). Data.bar is a resource file (a big one). You need it, obviously. The settings files are .sav files (2 of them, as far as I can see). They're created after you launch the game. The only two files you really need are the avalanche snowboarding.exe and the data.bar file. Do this: stick them in an EXT, and don't use an app.reg file. Just send them to \windows. Send the shortcut to the games folder, but you'll need one with the proper path. You can make the shortcut by putting the following in a .txt file and changing the extension to .lnk.
1#"\Windows\Avalanche Snowboarding.exe"
Name it whatever you want.
Long story short: put the two files in a package. Screw the icon.png, they're a huge frickin waste, imo. Then use an app.reg to send the shortcut (also in the package) to the games folder. If you want to back up user data, save the .sav files and copy them into \windows after flashing. It should work.
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I am Trying now.
twopumpchump said:
do the games work when you install them as a cab? after you cook your rom and you say they wont launch, have you tried installing them as cabs and see if that fixes it? if so you know its a problem with your pkg and not something else in your rom. basically what farmer ted is saying is that you can make your own package by installing the cab and then exporting all the installed files/reg and putting them in your kitchen with app.dat to put them in the right places i think this is your best bet.
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yes the cabs work after i cook, the problem seems to be in the package.
JMM2009 said:
I am Trying now.
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No Dice, any other suggestions?
Have you tried just clicking on the .exe instead of the shortcut? This should be working.
Edit: ok, I was getting tricked. This game only works when the .bar file is in \program files\Gameloft\Avalanche Snowboarding. Make sure you have the folders named correctly-when I changed it to game loft, the game wouldn't launch. The .exe can be in \windows. I guess the search path for the .bar file is hard-coded to the one folder.
I put them in the Program Files\Gameloft\Game Name and I got one working, Brain Challenge 3. But of the four games I am trying to install I have only been able to get one working at best during any time I have been cooking, could it be possible that the app.dat file that I have for the file path is overwriting the data.bar. This is what I have in each app.dat file
Directory("\Program Files\"):-Directory("Gameloft")
Directory("\Program Files\Gameloft\"):-Directory("Avalanche Snowboarding")
Directory("\Program Files\Gameloft\Avalanche Snowboarding"):-File("Avalanche Snowboarding.exe","\Windows\Avalanche Snowboarding.exe")
Directory("\Program Files\Gameloft\Avalanche Snowboarding"):-File("data.bar","\Windows\data.bar")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games"):-File("Avalanche Snowboarding.lnk","\Windows\Avalanche Snowboarding.lnk")
could the fact that I am creating a new gameloft folder with each game be screwing me up?
D'oh, that's definitely it! You need to work around that. Name them data1.bar, data2.bar..., then have the app.dat files rename them to data.bar when it copies them. Lol, glad it's figured out.
Edit: here's a dummy package that I would try out if I were you. It has mortscript included and all the necessary reg keys. What you need to do is to add your .exe's to the \Files folder, then add the data.bar files to the game folders inside the zip file. Basically, create a zip file with this structure: \Program Files\Gameloft\individual game folders\ and put the data.bar files in each corresponding game folder. Make sure the names are correct on the folders. Zip it up, and make sure the paths are correct, just like the way I have it, although I don't know the game names.
Then, look in the UnzipGameloft.mscr file with a text editor. Edit the .exe names in each of the 'createshortcut' commands to the name of the exe (exactly). You can call the .lnks whatever you want. The mortscript will create the shortcuts, so don't bother with putting shortcuts in the folder. Also, the package has a script to back up user data for all of the games. This is only going to work if the .sav files are created in \windows, and not in the stupid program folders (you can write a script to back up the games in that case, but it's more of a pain). During customization, the zip file is unzipped, the shortcuts are created, and the user data is restored.
what do you use to make your pkgs???
OMG i would like to get rid of the windows files with the one in program files...
Does this MSCR pkg can do that you know this is a case of double files in windows and in progranfiles
Farmer Ted said:
D'oh, that's definitely it! You need to work around that. Name them data1.bar, data2.bar..., then have the app.dat files rename them to data.bar when it copies them. Lol, glad it's figured out.
Edit: here's a dummy package that I would try out if I were you. It has mortscript included and all the necessary reg keys. What you need to do is to add your .exe's to the \Files folder, then add the data.bar files to the game folders inside the zip file. Basically, create a zip file with this structure: \Program Files\Gameloft\individual game folders\ and put the data.bar files in each corresponding game folder. Make sure the names are correct on the folders. Zip it up, and make sure the paths are correct, just like the way I have it, although I don't know the game names.
Then, look in the UnzipGameloft.mscr file with a text editor. Edit the .exe names in each of the 'createshortcut' commands to the name of the exe (exactly). You can call the .lnks whatever you want. The mortscript will create the shortcuts, so don't bother with putting shortcuts in the folder. Also, the package has a script to back up user data for all of the games. This is only going to work if the .sav files are created in \windows, and not in the stupid program folders (you can write a script to back up the games in that case, but it's more of a pain). During customization, the zip file is unzipped, the shortcuts are created, and the user data is restored.
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Ok Renaming didn't do the trick, so I am trying the mortscript method, have the exe in the first gameloft.zip then I have put the data.bar file in the folders that contain there name, I edited the unzipgameloft file with the creat shortcutlinks. now my question is this the gameloft zip withen the bundled files you sent, does this need to be renamed or can I drop it in my kitchen?
as of right now I am using OS kitchen, I tried cooking them in, which didn't work. then I tried pausing then adding the file, but I thought i remembered reading somewhrer that you need to pause before it reads the dump file however I dont have that ability I can onlt pause before the platform builder runs do I need to use a different kitchen, or should cooking them in or add them before the platform builder work?
Now this is funny
I tried to cook the games in with renaming data1 data2 ect... then I cooked, when the rom loaded I went to program files\gameloft folder and renamed each data.bar back to what it was, and they WORK thats good, now all i need to figure out is how to get each of those files to be renamed during the cooking processes or during the start up customazation. am I correct in thinking this, is it possiable?
JMM2009 said:
I tried to cook the games in with renaming data1 data2 ect... then I cooked, when the rom loaded I went to program files\gameloft folder and renamed each data.bar back to what it was, and they WORK thats good, now all i need to figure out is how to get each of those files to be renamed during the cooking processes or during the start up customazation. am I correct in thinking this, is it possiable?
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You can edit app.dat and change the destination file name to do that.
airxtreme said:
You can edit app.dat and change the destination file name to do that.
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It didn't rename it, it did however allow windows to overwrite the other data.bar files so it looks like it will have to be done during the customization
JMM2009 said:
It didn't rename it, it did however allow windows to overwrite the other data.bar files so it looks like it will have to be done during the customization
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I suggest you to leave the cab as it is and add it in the config.txt file for Autorun (with an add2config.txt file): using cab2ext when the application has to stay in program files can make the first boot a little quicker but it's going to waste more imgfs space because the files are not compressed (also with CABs you can uninstall the game in case you need). If you still want to cook it in as an expanded package you just have to use the kitchen package converter, rename all the package files adding an identifier in front of it like "gamename_" different for each game and edit the initflashfile changing the source file name with the one with the prefix. That should do it.
airxtreme said:
I suggest you to leave the cab as it is and add it in the config.txt file for Autorun (with an add2config.txt file): using cab2ext when the application has to stay in program files can make the first boot a little quicker but it's going to waste more imgfs space because the files are not compressed (also with CABs you can uninstall the game in case you need). If you still want to cook it in as an expanded package you just have to use the kitchen package converter, rename all the package files adding an identifier in front of it like "gamename_" different for each game and edit the initflashfile changing the source file name with the one with the prefix. That should do it.
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What kitchen package convertor do you reccomned?

[Solved][Q] EXT packages + app.dat = duplicates of files in \windows\

I tried to keep the title as descriptive and short as possible, I hope it makes sense
I picked up the kitchen of nhathoa (a retired Topaz cook) hoping to get it customized to make it exactly the way I want but I'm running into some issues.
Long story short, I'm using Ervius Visual Kitchen (1.8.2) and I noticed that the EXT packages I added end up leaving two copies of the files, a copy under \windows\ and another one in the places I specified using app.dat using:
Directory("\Program Files\bla\"):-File("bla.exe","\Windows\bla.exe")
Is there some way to get rid of the copy under \Windows\ ??
I know that I could simply leave everything there and discard the app.dat files but I would really prefer having everything organized properly (I have a bit of an OCD when it comes to organizing everything neatly ).
I'm pretty sure that this is a rather simple and noobish issue but I couldn't find anything relevant by searching and I took a look at some ext packages by various cooks and noticed the same behaviour.
MusikMonk said:
I tried to keep the title as descriptive and short as possible, I hope it makes sense
I picked up the kitchen of nhathoa (a retired Topaz cook) hoping to get it customized to make it exactly the way I want but I'm running into some issues.
Long story short, I'm using Ervius Visual Kitchen (1.8.2) and I noticed that the EXT packages I added end up leaving two copies of the files, a copy under \windows\ and another one in the places I specified using app.dat using:
Directory("\Program Files\bla\"):-File("bla.exe","\Windows\bla.exe")
Is there some way to get rid of the copy under \Windows\ ??
I know that I could simply leave everything there and discard the app.dat files but I would really prefer having everything organized properly (I have a bit of an OCD when it comes to organizing everything neatly ).
I'm pretty sure that this is a rather simple and noobish issue but I couldn't find anything relevant by searching and I took a look at some ext packages by various cooks and noticed the same behaviour.
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No, it's call Read-Only-Memory (ROM) and is the reason you can hard-reset your phone. Every file you cook into the ROM is in \windows. Two ways I know of to reduce the amount of files would be to zip them and have a mortscript unzip them to the proper location during customization or cook in a cab containing all of the files and have it run during customization.
That makes a lot of sense, I really feel ashamed that I didn't figure it out earlier
EXT packages seemed easier than bothering to read about customization but I guess it's time to start reading about this kind of stuff.
Thread marked as solved.
Thanks for the quick reply!
Yup, files in rom are in rom forever, or until you flash again, lol. The trick is to just run bla.exe from \windows. I would say that 90% of the time, bla.exe runs just fine out of the windows directory (especially if it's the only file in the package). When people create cabs, they naturally install the app in \program files, but in general apps don't need to be in a specific folder. If there are other files present, usually an .exe will search within its own folder for those files. So, if you just cook everything straight into windows, you'll be good to go. It's easy enough to test: just move all the files from program files to windows after installing a cab, fix the shortcut in the start menu, and then try to run the app. It's always a good idea to do a soft reset and try again (found this out the hard way many times). The one thing you have to watch out for is settings files, like .dat files. These files frequently have to be archived (not read-only). Particularly with apps that use net 3.5, if there's a setting file that is read-only, the app won't boot and you'll get an error message. The fix is to name the file settings-1.txt (or whatever) and have an app.dat rename it to settings.txt (and keep it in \windows).
Also, remember to fix the shortcut path in the start menu, and examine the registry entries to see if there are any paths for files present-you may need to change them to point to \windows (this could also be true in settings files).
mwalt2 said:
No, it's call Read-Only-Memory (ROM) and is the reason you can hard-reset your phone. Every file you cook into the ROM is in \windows. Two ways I know of to reduce the amount of files would be to zip them and have a mortscript unzip them to the proper location during customization or cook in a cab containing all of the files and have it run during customization.
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This actually made me think a little bit. When you think about read only, I always thing can't delete or overwrite. Obviously I can run a cab and replace a file that is located in the \Windows directory, that leads me to believe there is a way to delete a file or maybe even replaced with an empty file of the same name.
You can over-write a rom file, but the rom file is still there. The file system just flags it somehow or another and tells the device to ignore it and instead use the new file.
TMartin03 said:
This actually made me think a little bit. When you think about read only, I always thing can't delete or overwrite. Obviously I can run a cab and replace a file that is located in the \Windows directory, that leads me to believe there is a way to delete a file or maybe even replaced with an empty file of the same name.
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The new file you copy over goes into the "user" partition of the file system and windows knows to use that file instead. Once you delete this newly copied file from \windows, the old one from the ROM will take its place back in the filesystem.
Farmer Ted said:
Yup, files in rom are in rom forever, or until you flash again, lol. The trick is to just run bla.exe from \windows. I would say that 90% of the time, bla.exe runs just fine out of the windows directory (especially if it's the only file in the package). When people create cabs, they naturally install the app in \program files, but in general apps don't need to be in a specific folder. If there are other files present, usually an .exe will search within its own folder for those files. So, if you just cook everything straight into windows, you'll be good to go. It's easy enough to test: just move all the files from program files to windows after installing a cab, fix the shortcut in the start menu, and then try to run the app. It's always a good idea to do a soft reset and try again (found this out the hard way many times). The one thing you have to watch out for is settings files, like .dat files. These files frequently have to be archived (not read-only). Particularly with apps that use net 3.5, if there's a setting file that is read-only, the app won't boot and you'll get an error message. The fix is to name the file settings-1.txt (or whatever) and have an app.dat rename it to settings.txt (and keep it in \windows).
Also, remember to fix the shortcut path in the start menu, and examine the registry entries to see if there are any paths for files present-you may need to change them to point to \windows (this could also be true in settings files).
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First of all, a small question about the underlined part, just to make sure that I got it right: it won't be exactly a rename just a copy with a different name, correct?
Some of the apps I use need a specific directory structure for the resources and files they use, so just dumping them in one big folder won't work.
Another possible issue that I think I'll run into is having two files sharing a generic name (let's say settings.xml) while each belongs to a different app. I didn't personally encounter such a situation just yet but my packages are still a work in progress and I did see a post or two about this while searching.
I was still hoping there would be a simple way to arrange the files in folders while keeping them under \windows\ but I can't find such a method either. Doesn't seem like I have other options than to decided on a firstboot customization method: Runcc, autorun, xda_uc or something that I haven't read about yet...
"Runcc" is currently used in the base kitchen so that gives it an edge right now.
Remembered that I had another question, and it's probably not worth a new thread.
I was looking at how to manually create .lnk files and I noticed something that I didn't understand and couldn't find info about.
For example:
What exactly does the "21" refer to?? I tried changing it randomly to other values a couple of times and it didn't effect anything.
NRGZ28 said:
The new file you copy over goes into the "user" partition of the file system and windows knows to use that file instead. Once you delete this newly copied file from \windows, the old one from the ROM will take its place back in the filesystem.
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Ok now that makes a lot of sense. I guess I'm just use to Android and being able to see that separate partition. Thanks for the explanation.
That sort of leaves me to another question. Can't someone develop a way to overwrite directly to the "system" partition? It would almost be like a root/superuser for WinMo.
Sent from my HTC Evo 4G!
MusikMonk said:
First of all, a small question about the underlined part, just to make sure that I got it right: it won't be exactly a rename just a copy with a different name, correct?
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Yup, that's correct. Another approach is to take all similar files that go into windows and stick them in a zip file that unzips to the windows directory. I do that in a few cases (power radio comes to mind; it has an ini file). What I do in most cases though is use a backup/restore mortscript. The backup copies all settings files (and similar things) on my device to my sd card. During customization, the restore copies them back. It's convenient for apps where I change the settings a lot and I don't want to have to constantly fuss with the packages.
Some of the apps I use need a specific directory structure for the resources and files they use, so just dumping them in one big folder won't work.
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What you do in that case is move the sub-folders into windows. In this case, I'll use a zip file to unzip those folders into windows. Using app.dat files to copy large numbers of files blows. It increases the rom file count as well as the storage used. A zip file is a single file, and usually it saves space.
Another possible issue that I think I'll run into is having two files sharing a generic name (let's say settings.xml) while each belongs to a different app. I didn't personally encounter such a situation just yet but my packages are still a work in progress and I did see a post or two about this while searching.
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In that case, you're screwed unless there's a registry key that lets you change the name. I've run into a few complications; tcpmp and OMarket both use a common.dll. My solution was to buy Core Player, lol.
I was still hoping there would be a simple way to arrange the files in folders while keeping them under \windows\ but I can't find such a method either. Doesn't seem like I have other options than to decided on a firstboot customization method: Runcc, autorun, xda_uc or something that I haven't read about yet...
"Runcc" is currently used in the base kitchen so that gives it an edge right now.
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Using cabs or zip files is the way to go if you want to copy large folders in one shot (with a mortscript; you can also un-rar rar files, but I don't know how. Yet, lol). Zips are easier to make and edit than cabs, but you need to have mortscript cooked in and know how to write the simple script (aka cut-and-paste).
Remembered that I had another question, and it's probably not worth a new thread.
I was looking at how to manually create .lnk files and I noticed something that I didn't understand and couldn't find info about.
For example:
What exactly does the "21" refer to?? I tried changing it randomly to other values a couple of times and it didn't effect anything.
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The 21 is the number of bytes after the #. It doesn't matter. I usually just change the first number to 1. It works fine. Counting bytes blows.
That was extremely helpful. Too bad these boards don't use a rep system
Farmer Ted said:
Yup, that's correct. Another approach is to take all similar files that go into windows and stick them in a zip file that unzips to the windows directory.
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Well, if I'm going to follow this method, and it seems like I am, I don't see why I would still have to limit myself to the \windows folder. I can just put everything the way I originally wanted to do. I only looked at arranging files under \windows when I found out that there's no way to get rid of the duplicates.
Farmer Ted said:
Using cabs or zip files is the way to go if you want to copy large folders in one shot (with a mortscript; you can also un-rar rar files, but I don't know how. Yet, lol). Zips are easier to make and edit than cabs, but you need to have mortscript cooked in and know how to write the simple script (aka cut-and-paste).
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I haven't tried writing mortscripts yet but I've seen enough to figure out the basic and notice how easy it is. I'm gonna check how usable is the WM version of 7zip, as long as it accepts arguments combining it with mortscript will be easy and perfect for me.
7z archives can get smaller in size than half of the zip archives for the same files. And cabs are too annoying to work with and keep updated later on.
Only issue remaining now is checking whether I should put the archived files under \windows or use the sdcard for customization. I'm leaning toward the first but I'll have to wait and see how much memory I would be sacrificing that way.
Farmer Ted said:
The 21 is the number of bytes after the #. It doesn't matter. I usually just change the first number to 1. It works fine. Counting bytes blows.
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Ah! I thought about counting bytes/characters and noticed that it works sometimes. But I thought it was a coincidence after I experimented in changing the value and noticed that it wasn't always the right count in the .lnk files that I found.
Nice, I was messing around with some packages to free up ram and storage and I seem to have ended up with a rather b0rked up xTask. And then there's still convincing Resco Explorer that the registry add-in IS in fact there.
Figuring out the causes should keep me happily busy for a while (and probably heavily pissed for another while afterwards).
Just for the record, I ended up using xda_uc it's a lot easier than doing things manually. Although it would help if there was some kind of documentation available, took me a while to understand what .xda, xdai, xdas & .xdaz files are supposed to be.
hi by the way is it possible to convert ext packages of QVGA phones to one another?

Problem with HTC Touch Diamond2 Registry

Hi guys
While looking through my registry using Total Commander, my phone had a little fit and decided to rename a folder. I didn't see what the folder was called before my phone called it ,, and then crashed.
Now nothing is working properly, such as Comm Manager or my signal, I assume because they are pointing to the folder that has been renamed, and which needs to be changed back to what it should be called.
I would attach 2 pics of the problem - the first of the parent folder and where it sits in the registry, the second of the folders that appear in the problem folder - but as a new user I can't, so hopefully I can PM these?
Does anyone have any idea what the folders in \\\registry\HKLM should be called so I can change it back to what it should be? All I know is that it starts with a letter around m-p.
I really don't want to have to hard reset.
Thanks in advance for your help!
You have;
MUI, contains 2 keys for SysLang
nls, contains subfolder Overrides
Platform, contains 2 keys for Provxml
I've got the MUI folder already, but thanks for replying
What about nls and Platform?
You said m-p, right?
I have those as well. I assume it's m-p due to what folders I saw before it crashed. I guess it could be a folder around that area though
Cheers for your help
I gave in - hard reset it was!

[solved] No Customisation + Welcome.exe [email protected]

Device flashes - Device boots - Device runs the Welcome.exe, but then no Customisation.
Iv recently added some EXT packages into my rom. i made them myself from .cab's with cab2ext. ive tested the .cab's before adding to my rom, they do work. but some programs that did work before adding the new EXT's now dont because of no customisation eg, Task Manager - the one on the today screen and also Windows Live. (iv only noticed these two at the moment but there will be more, to be honest i cant be arsed looking for programs that work or dont work when its quite obvious its because of no Customisation, if i fix that, they will work again.. simples )
I opened the new EXT packages ive added and checked all the files.. eg, .dat .reg and all "FILES" files, i even checked the .lnk's and all seems ok. i then checked them again.. yet everything still looks ok, but something is seriously f*cked!
Also another problem, a wierd one..
When i Soft-Reset/Restart the device, it boots up with the Welcome.exe again? (the Welcome.exe is meant to only run the once and then dissable )
Help? iv almost got my rom the way i want it - ive been working on this rom for 2months and i dont want to start building the rom from scratch...
..again! pmsl
Does anyone have any idea what is wrong, if this has happened to you, how did you fix it?
Check your runcc.lua, then the conf*.txt files you include in your rom, then all the commands you execute inside them.
One of these commands go wrong in your first boot and so you are stuck on customization.
If you use xda_uc or another user customization method, check those scripts as well.
It may happen, for example, if you try to install a cab and for some reason it fails.
If in your recent packages you overwrite one of your conf*.txt file, this could be the cause.
cheers dude, thanks for your time and help, i think i understand what you meen..
[1)config*.txt <-- all config files are ok.]
[2)runcc <-- googled and i dont use]
[3)xda_uc <-- googled and i dont use]
raving_nanza said:
iv almost got my rom the way i want it - ive been working on this rom for 2months and i dont want to start building the rom from scratch.....again! pmsl
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its ok claros, f*ck it dude, its the second time this problem has happened to me, it happened on my first rom too.. (2months ago.lol)
i litteraly started again from scratch (a nice clean slate) ill just start my rom again like i did then which will solve my problem.lol ive got all my programs and setting backed up (*in a messy folder of messy folders )
my new kitchen will basicly be up and running again by the end of the day, its my birthday on wednesday so i may as well set it as the rom date.lol
Raving_1337_Rom_V3 (Alpha)
Cheers anyway dude, muchly appreciated!
[changed title to solved, @claros]
raving_nanza said:
its ok claros, f*ck it dude, its the second time this problem has happened to me, it happened on my first rom too.. (2months ago.lol)
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This happened to me at least 20 times, or more
Let's check together what happen at first boot, if I'm wrong anybody else will correct me.
1) files are moved from \windows to other directory according to your app.dat / initflashfiles.dat.
2) .provxml files are parsed to change config values or filesystem
3) welcome is executed, but this command don't stop startup so:
3a) autorun.exe or runcc is executed too to customize rom: these package runs according to the commands inside various config*.txt files in oem packages or sometimes in ext packages
4) user configuration, usually included as a call inside one of conf*.txt files is executed. If you don't use xda_uc, user customization should follow the same syntax as autorun/runcc
5) Last conf*.txt file should include at least a
LOCK: Disabled and a reset
At this point you should have completed the welcome wizard. If not, and your calibration data is not in registry, your are prompted again with welcome wizard at second boot.
Common errors during boot sequence are:
- wince.nls is missing
- app.dat / initflashfiles.dat error, such as creating subfolders inside non existent folders or statements not in unicode format
- registry / provxml errors during setup of welcome.exe itself, for example you disable the whole welcome wizard but don't write calibration data into registry
- chain error inside conf*.txt files, such as config.txt calls config_operator.txt which call config.txt, generating a loop
- a cab or command inside a config*.txt files cannot be installed, for example for lack of space or a missing certificate
What I usually do in these cases is:
- check platformrebuild log file for errors
- save my last tmp/dump folder to check what is really inside the rom and what is really overwritten by what
- If you can connect by activesync to device before reboot, explore the device itself, it's processes and registry
- recompile the rom putting semaphores inside app.reg files, .provxml files, config*.txt file. I usually add an ext package to be included as the last one (ZZZ_Claros_Fix) where I put a special app.reg, a .provxml and a modified copy of config.txt, config_operator.txt, config_end.txt etc etc.. If you don't have a diamond, you can boot without sdcard to avoid any sd_config.txt error
Starting a new kitchen from scratch for me is at least 20 days of work, I'd spend a day more finding a solution
claros said:
This happened to me at least 20 times, or more
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A Mortscript called Autorun.exe
V2 working again, Cheers!
*i started setting up a new kitchen then thought f*ck that!
Are you saying that you were cooking in mortscript, and the autorun.exe file from the mortscript package over-wrote the one from your OEM package? I think that happened to me once a while ago. I just left out the one from mortscript; I've never needed it before, anyway.
yeah a mortscript called Autorun.exe over-wrote my OEM Autorun.exe
i deleted it the mortscript, everythings sound now

