Anyone Notice these 2 Issues? - Sound + Market - Vibrant General

It seems the system volume, which I always set to mute keeps going up by it self. I am not sure as to what is causing this.
Also, I don't know why they programmed it that way, or if it is a bug but in the market, if I rotate my screen, the list seems to go back to the top automatically. I would find my self way down in the list only to have to go back down again. I know I can turn off rotation but I like mine on. Good thing 2.2 has the option in the taskbar.

Hmm, either this is a very rare incident for a lot of you or maybe just maybe you guys are too zoned in on Froyo But yes, this problem irks me quite a bit.

My market has the same issue when switching between landscape and portrait. Never noticed it until now. I usually don't switch between views, so not much of an issue for me.

the market has always done that... always.. ever since day one... i hated it even back in 1.0


Why does my X1 turn itself off for no reason?

Recently it has been turning itself off for no reason. I also notice if I open and close the phone a few times it turns off as well seemingly at random.
Anyone else have this issue? I hate looking in my pocket to find my X1 off. it has a full battery so what gives?
yer i had this problem a few times.. update to the new R2A Rom.. should fix it
thanks i'm a bit scared to upgrade though. I'm not sure which version to use for US X1a.
OK I have to ask this again. What's the deal with my X1 turning off if I slide the top open and close too quickly? Anyone else have this issue? The phone just straight up resets if I open and close the slider twice in a row while it is in standbye!
hmm, glad....
to see that i am not alone..
I have the exact same problem on my x1.... i am running the Xion 1.1 swedish rom on it so i will try to update to a newer version to see if there is a difference.
maybe it's just a screen energy saving? click power button will call the screen back
Nah that is not the problem, the damn device reboots itself completely when closing the lid... however mine works if i do it "with care"...
Updated the software in the phone last night and no difference...
Solved... i changed the battery and after that everything works swell... bought a new cheap one.. So something was fishy with the original one... China Copys FTW!

Dialpad not responding to touch

Hey all,
I just upgraded recently to JF V1.5 and I noticed that the onscreen dialpad does not respond to touch when a call is in process. I have to open the keyboard to input. Its annoying as hell.
I looked all through the settings to see if there was some option to enable/disable the screen during a call but I didnt see anything.
Is anyone else having this problem? Is it a known issue?
I too have had this problem. A reboot will generally fix it. Have you had any issues with calls coming in and Android core locking up?
In any case, I think that in at least in my case, the program "Owner" might be suspect. What do you have installed on yours? Perhaps we can compare and get this narrowed down.
Well the problem went away even without a reboot. It hasnt been consistent.
I havent had any lockups during calls though. The only apps I have installed are:
wifi tether
movie finder
jf updater
bank of america
thats pretty much it.
I'm getting the same issue. Of all those apps the only 2 I have are JF and Pixelpipe. I'll uninstall them and see.
It isn't consistently happening for me either but it is damn annoying when it does. I hope Magic users don't get it, without the keyboard you'd be stuffed.

Gingerbread issues

Anyone experiencing any? Sometimes if i dont restart my phone for 2days my phone gets weird.
1. when someone calls screen stays black till i slide it when i think the sliders at.
2. same with messaging black screen till i just randomly press on the screen and it opens.
Also same when i do my slidepattern lock i have to guess where the dots are.
Then phone gets sluggish to go back home screen
Anyone else experiencing this?
I am not rooted. Also i installed the update manually.
very weird, does this mean you have the call wonk bug on stock GB rom? maybe some others can reply and confirm. but cm7 users have a similar call bug that isnt known to be present on the stock ROM.
by call wonk bug do you mean where someone calls and the screen is just black, and if you slightly move the slider to answer the phone the screen comes off of black?
yes, very random things happen after a few days on stock gb - i have to reboot and/or kill the launcher every so often. find gb battery life sucks too.
Damnit i might have to reset and stick to 2.2 till this fixes its annoying. You say this is also present in cayenmod(sp?) 7.0?
sotorious said:
by call wonk bug do you mean where someone calls and the screen is just black, and if you slightly move the slider to answer the phone the screen comes off of black?
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well not exactly, but similar. the "call wonk" bug has been plaguing AOSP versions of gingerbread for months now, and nobody can fix it. until this thread, the "wonk" problem is only present on AOSP version, NOT the OTA version of gingerbread from google. some people dont experience it, like me, and some do. it varies as to what exactly happens with the wonk, so i cant give a good description. but i'm not sure your problem is necessarily the same issue. seems similar, but possibly something different.
I've been having the same issues lately. It's very similar to the Gingerbread keyboard bug where the popups stop showing when you press the keys or hold a key to get the menu of other characters. It's actually still there, and you can try to guess where the character you want is and hope to get it... but it doesn't display. This can be fixed by killing the Android Keyboard process.
I'm seeing similar things in other places on my phone. Today, after not having rebooting for quite a while, the unlock slider wouldn't slide. Swiping my finger across where it should slide still unlocked the phone, but nothing animated to show this.
I went to change my News & Weather widget refresh interval the other day and the screen went dim (like it does in behind a select list popup), but nothing showed... however, the popup was there... and by guessing the location on the screen I was able to hit the refresh interval I wanted (after several attempts).
I've noticed the same in a few other locations that I can't remember right off. Basically, something is supposed to show on the screen, but doesn't... yet the phone still reacts properly as if it were there. Just like the keyboard bug.
It could be some kind of screen refresh bug... in my case (completely stock... updated manually to 2.3) it's definitely not any kind of call wonk as experienced in AOSP builds (unless this is the root cause of those wonks, but I somehow doubt that).
Thankfully, I haven't had any battery life issues with Gingerbread. Maybe even a little better battery life (or maybe just placebo effect).
^^^ ditto that entire post.
At first noticed it with the incoming call screen, and then the keyboard.
Easy to fix, but is a huge annoyance. Often can't see who is calling and end up answering blindly which is BS.
I'm now starting to see it in apps all over the place. Tower Raiders 2, Market, Messenger, and probably more I'm forgetting. Having to reset every couple days is becoming almost a necessary inconvenience.
Battery has been perfect, contrary to many. I did see a noticeable drop in Quadrant score switching to GB, but overall feel of performance has probably been better. Swype for some reason stopped working, similar to what happens after you update, but nothing has updated since? Regardless I'm sure an reinstall will fix.
Nothing but stock for me btw.
RogerPodacter said:
very weird, does this mean you have the call wonk bug on stock GB rom? maybe some others can reply and confirm. but cm7 users have a similar call bug that isnt known to be present on the stock ROM.
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I'm afraid the call "wonk" bug is also on the stock Google ROM for "some" Nexus One users. See here:-
(remove "***" as I cannot post links yet)
Personally I've never experienced it. There are lots of theories about this "wonk" and its cause.
Cyanogen has been battling to find an answer, even though he cannot replicate it himself.
One theory is that it comes about by not fully wiping the handset and SDcard before installing 2.3 for the first time and then not re-installing anything from a previous backup but rather doing a piecemeal restore on both phone and SDcard as if the handset were new.
I have to admit that, being an ex Nokia symbian user, this was the approach I adopted as not doing so on the symbian platform caused no end of problems.
[email protected] said:
I'm afraid the call "wonk" bug is also on the stock Google ROM for "some" Nexus One users. See here:-
(remove "***" as I cannot post links yet)
Personally I've never experienced it. There are lots of theories about this "wonk" and its cause.
Cyanogen has been battling to find an answer, even though he cannot replicate it himself.
One theory is that it comes about by not fully wiping the handset and SDcard before installing 2.3 for the first time and then not re-installing anything from a previous backup but rather doing a piecemeal restore on both phone and SDcard as if the handset were new.
I have to admit that, being an ex Nokia symbian user, this was the approach I adopted as not doing so on the symbian platform caused no end of problems.
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Probably the reason that thread hasn't been acknowledged is its a cluster of people with this 'issue', but claiming to be on OTA 2.3.3 and AOSP-based CM7..
My understanding of what is defined as the 'wonk' (which I experienced when my N1 was on CM7) is
15-20 seconds where the caller can't hear me, usually resulting in a hang up after about 10 seconds
call comes in but no slider to answer
That thread is describing a 2 second delay after the call connects, which I have NOT experienced on OTA GRI40 but would be manageable if I did. The 'wonk' as described above makes a cell phone unusable and I personally haven't seen a report of the 'wonk' on OTA GRI40. More importantly for myself, I have not experienced it in over a month of use..
Yea well the g2x is coming out next week or so and i mean it is on 2.2 which i guess i am fine with and if or when gingerbread comes to that hopefully all the wonks turn into woos!
I've had the keyboard issues randomly, and this week I had the issue where the screen is black when a call comes in. As someone before me mentioned, this is not the CM7 "wonk" and an issue with 2.3.3.
[email protected] said:
I'm afraid the call "wonk" bug is also on the stock Google ROM for "some" Nexus One users. See here:-
(remove "***" as I cannot post links yet)
Personally I've never experienced it. There are lots of theories about this "wonk" and its cause.
Cyanogen has been battling to find an answer, even though he cannot replicate it himself.
One theory is that it comes about by not fully wiping the handset and SDcard before installing 2.3 for the first time and then not re-installing anything from a previous backup but rather doing a piecemeal restore on both phone and SDcard as if the handset were new.
I have to admit that, being an ex Nokia symbian user, this was the approach I adopted as not doing so on the symbian platform caused no end of problems.
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the 2 second delay is not the "call wonk" people are experiencing on AOSP versions. the wonk is where the whole phone screen goes black for 30 seconds, and anything that uses the mic crashes or doesnt work. this 2 second delay when answering is an issue, but a different one, and commong to all 2.3.
If you're having the call delay problem, especially on a device that is not the Nexus One, please star the issue here:
This is a known bug with Gingerbread, that Google recently declined, saying it was "device specific" (to the Nexus One).
However this problem is also being reportedly widely on the HTC Desire, as well as Samsung Galaxy devices. I have posted a new issue above and not attributed it to a specific device.
Please comment and star this issue. And please specificy especially if your device is not the Nexus One, so that Google gets this message that this is a widespread Gingerbread bug, which has nothing to do with the device.
The Google employee following up on the call delay issue, in the Google support forums, is asking people to fill out the following form, to gather information about how people are affected and on what devices.
I updated to GB right away, and I am just now annoyed enough to come post in the N1 threads.
Issue 1:When a call comes through the screen goes black. I will press the power button and the screen pops back up, displaying the caller info.
Issue 2: Sometimes (not all the time) when I close an app, any app, the home screen is blank with just the wallpaper picture showing. Again I press the power button to "sleep" the phone, press the power button again, slide to open and all of my short cuts and widgets are back to normal.
Issue 3: I also have the delay when answering. I have learned to play this off by bringing the phone up to my ear a little slower.
Issue 4: The trackball is extremely slow (unusable pretty much) in certain apps like Dolphin Browser HD, Yahoo! Mail, among others. This is mainly when I want to select text and use the Froyo trackball, click, drag, click method as opposed to the GB dragging of the little orange boxes...which I find the GB method more difficult anyway.
I will edit my post as more things come to mind.
My N1 is not rooted, btw.

[Q] Gingerbread Horizontal Calibration

So I used to run /system/bin/sensorcalibutil_yamaha as root to get a more precise horizontal calibration (the option in setting seemed to do nothing). However after upgrading to GB it seems like this executable has been removed and the option is settings still didn't seem to solve my issue. Is there another alternative on a stock GB rom? Maybe they renamed the app?
Download GPS Status from the Market. When you open the app, go to settings. There is an option to calibrate compass. Worked great from mine. Mine is spot on now.
Is there really no longer a built-in calibration app in system settings? Mine worked fine although the phone had to be upside-down like many other people's while using it.
DroidApprentice said:
Is there really no longer a built-in calibration app in system settings? Mine worked fine although the phone had to be upside-down like many other people's while using it.
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No the built-in Settings -> Display -> Horizontal Calibration still exists. My statement was that it never really worked for me and still doesn't. The only reliable way I had to calibrate was by running the aforementioned yamaha application while running as root.
I've tried the upside down trick and I still get jitters. For instance Words with Friends randomly shakes the tiles, even if my phone is sitting on a table. It's not so bad w/ GB as it was when I got the phone originally but I was able to solve it under Froyo with the yamaha tool and don't seem to have that option in GB :-(
machx0r said:
So I used to run /system/bin/sensorcalibutil_yamaha as root to get a more precise horizontal calibration (the option in setting seemed to do nothing). However after upgrading to GB it seems like this executable has been removed and the option is settings still didn't seem to solve my issue. Is there another alternative on a stock GB rom? Maybe they renamed the app?
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machx0r said:
No the built-in Settings -> Display -> Horizontal Calibration still exists. My statement was that it never really worked for me and still doesn't. The only reliable way I had to calibrate was by running the aforementioned yamaha application while running as root.
I've tried the upside down trick and I still get jitters. For instance Words with Friends randomly shakes the tiles, even if my phone is sitting on a table. It's not so bad w/ GB as it was when I got the phone originally but I was able to solve it under Froyo with the yamaha tool and don't seem to have that option in GB :-(
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offtohavasu said:
Download GPS Status from the Market. When you open the app, go to settings. There is an option to calibrate compass. Worked great from mine. Mine is spot on now.
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Yeah, I used to use /system/bin/sensorcalibutil_yamaha as well, and it worked very well for increasing the speed/sensitivity of rotation, but seems to be gone in CM7 (Which is built upon AOSP GB 2.3.5). I brought it up in another topic & one of the devs (I forget who) said that there is no known fix right now.
I'll try offtohavasu's tip, but I'm not gonna hold my breath! I've used it before with no success, but I haven't tried it with CM7 yet. Cross your fingers that this is the fix we need!
EDIT: no luck. I tried both the "Compass calibration" (which I didn't expect would do anything for rotation speed/sensitivity, but I tried anyway) and "Calibrate Pitch and Roll," and neither one had any impact.
not working for me either.
My rotation lag is terrible as well, and the upside down / display calibration option has not fixed it. I thought it was just me as this popped up on the last two GB leaks for me. I would love to be able to rotate my phone properly again.
Hate to tease but if I had a computer I could probably whip up a possible fix if I had my computer:/
Sent from my Samsung Legen-wait for it-dary! 4g
This certainly seems to be somewhat hardware related (as in, variations in production quality). I had issues back on Eclair or one of the first froyo leaks, including the bacwards compass that initially lead me to the upside-down calibration discovery, but my rotation speed has been fine since sometime around the release of EC05.
But how long of a delay do we each define as lag? When I had issues, I actually had to shake the phone to get the rotation to register... now, it still hesitates for about a second, but I see that at as a check to make sure it was an actual rotation instead of an incidental, momentary tilt of the phone - I would be annoyed if my screen rotated every time the motion sensor detected the slightest movement
Edit: a full second is an exaggeration, I'm seeing more like half a second of hesitation... Just trying to remain accurate
2nd edit - damn swypos, lol
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

[Q] Auto Rotation Glitch

I'm on a rooted Note 3 (Verizon), running 4.3
Recently I began experiencing the annoying auto rotation glitch. Seems to be completely random too. Restarting the phone removes the glitch - but it eventually comes back. I've tried pretty much everything but nothing gets rid of this glitch other than restarting the phone.
I did find this thread here:
...I'm new to rooting, I see that this solution is for 4.4 so I'm hesitant to try it.
Anyone run into this glitch and found a cure? Will the solution found in that thread work under 4.3? Is it worth a shot to try it (I haven't tried it 'cause I don't know if it'll cause problems since I'm on 4.3)?
You may want to let us know exactly what the glitch is. Does it not rotate? I know on my current build which is stock, it almost always rotates once when I open the browser no matter what orientation the phone is in.
Morkai Almandragon said:
You may want to let us know exactly what the glitch is. Does it not rotate? I know on my current build which is stock, it almost always rotates once when I open the browser no matter what orientation the phone is in.
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The Note 3 will stop automatically rotating the screen. The thing is, it's totally random. Sometimes it'll stop right away, sometimes it might be fine 'til the end of the day and then it stops.
I've been closely monitoring what apps I'm running when it happens, can't seem to find a culprit.
Restarting the phone fixes the glitch, but it's just annoying to have to restart the phone to get auto rotation back.
I've poured through what seems like hundreds of threads trying to find a fix. I've turned auto rotation on then off of course along with so many other tips and tricks that folks have suggested.
EDIT: But that thread I linked to above was the first one to suggest modifying a file to restore auto rotation. I'm a noob so I just don't want to immediately do that without askin' if it should work for me or not though.

