Exclude folders from gallery (album art) - Vibrant General

Is it possible to exclude certain folders from the Gallery? I have album art in some of my music album folders and it shows up as seperate folders in Gallery. Clogs Gallery up.

Here's the solution:
rename all the .jpg in the music folders "Folder.jpg". This works for me. I'm assuming of course you have one folder for each album and each folder has 1 pic file for the cover art.


how do you edit pics on music files?

I transfered some of my music files I used on my itunes to the HD. Problem now is that lot of the music files now don't have the album cover. Is there to fix that?
Assuming that all your music is organised into seperate folders for each album on your PC. You need to make sure that each folder has a JPG of the album cover in it. The name of the JPG in each folder should be "Folder.jpg"
I tried that, but I didn't get album art to show until I tagged the mp3 file with the album art filename using Media Monkey.
i use this
work fine
it worked for me, altho I had to resync my music, and update my library on my Touch.
Each album needs its own folder, each folder must have a file called "folder.jpg" and the jpg should be that albums art work.
I'm also assuming you mean in the TF3D music player. The same thing works for S2P however S2P seems to take a long time to update.
Using only Folder.jpg does work it just takes time for the programs to catalogue the album art. and though embedding album art in the mp3 also works it can also cause problems and you'll see a album art jpg is created anyway

HTC Player, Album Art & Pocket Tunes

I use Pocket Tunes to manage my music. It generally works great with the HTC Music Player (except that the playlists don't transfer). However, for about 1 in 20 songs I don't get album art.
1. In some folders I see a "~hTC_01 Song Name. jpg" file for each song along with a "~hTC_Album Name.vin" file.
2. Some folders have only "~hTC_01 Song Name. jpg" files.
3. Some folders have only a "~hTC_Album Name.vin" file.
4. Some folders have only a "~hTC_Album Name.jpg" file.
All have working art in the HTC Player. I've had folders with the *.vin file in it that didn't show the art. I've copied the file and renamed it for each song in the folder, then played it...the art appears (usually, but not always).
Does anyone know what generates the album art in the Player?
Thanks in advance.

Adding artwork to music folders

Hi there some of my albums dont have any artwork, how can i add the artwork i have downloaded so they show up in my music player? Thanks
Just find your album art, name it Folder.jpg and place it in the same folder as the associated mp3. Reboot and it should show up
There are 2 ways
1. embedding the cover arts into the mp3 files trough the id3 tag (use mp3tag for this or other programs that can do this)
2. copy your cover arts into folders on storage card renaming it like this:
Artist - Song name.mp3
~hTC_Song name.jpg
i have just done it the easy way as stated above. put the album art in the same folder as the music and name it/convert it to folder.jpg This is simple and works fine

How Does Music App Get Album Art & Organize

Anyone know where the stock Music app is getting the album art from?
I took some mp3s where I purposefully changed the tags to bogus data--for an unrelated test--and put them in their own folder on the phone and it is giving it the original artists album art.
How's it doing that?
I'd like to know this too. I was putting the album covers in the same folders as the mp3's, which works for the music player to show the correct albums. But then in my gallery I have all the albums showing up as their own folder. Would like to just be able to put them all into one folder if possible?

gallerie issues

the gallery display ALL media from the card, including album artwork, whatever pictures and icons games installed uses, etc.. i would like to see only my pictures taken with the camera (and videos) but i can't find a setting or another gallery doing that, wtf?
Same question with the audio player in fact!
There are some solutions:
Create a file called .nomedia
Put this file in each folder with content you don't need in your gallery/ audio player etc. This will hide the whole folder's content! Use this way for applications or games that create media files (images, audio files).
To hide album artwork from the gallery you can either
- rename the album art files to albumart.jpg - Android will exclude these files from the gallery
- rename the album art file and put a dot as first character (like .myalbumname.jpg)
- include the album art into the ID3 tags and deleta all album art files.

