Spare Parts - Vibrant General

Is there any reason that the Market version cannot or should not be used on the stock Vibrant?

it was one of the first things I installed from the market.
Works as expected.

wbexpress said:
Is there any reason that the Market version cannot or should not be used on the stock Vibrant?
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Cool, thanks. Just did, does it's thing. Thanks again.


Froyo Google Market now offers suggested search
Found this out on my Nexus (running rooted froyo) earlier this evening.
Cool! I always found that this was missing.
my market doesn't have it
xzr3b0rnzx said:
my market doesn't have it
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Are you running Froyo? What search term did you use?
Does this go away when you "fix" the market to show protected apps?
I've got it. I have applied the missing apps fix.
Saw this yesterday, haven't applied any fixes to my market (although never had any bugs).
bobchadwick said:
I've got it. I have applied the missing apps fix.
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Thank you. I'll apply the fix now without worry.

F1 Timing App
I've been waiting to see this app come from the iPhone to Android but it says so far it's just supported by the Nexus and Milestone. I wondered if anyone has bought this and got it working on the Desire?
can't find that app, are you sure it is released?
benko286 said:
can't find that app, are you sure it is released?
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yeah, I found it in the marketplace today at £19.99. It just says it supports those two above phones though....
Bought it and I can confirm that it works on my Desire without a problem :] Needs some further work, though.
dkodr said:
Bought it and I can confirm that it works on my Desire without a problem :] Needs some further work, though.
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Great to hear. I'll have to get it too.... When you say it needs further work, do you mean Softpauer needs to do more work?
Thanks for this... been waiting for ages.. just forgot to check the website for
Bandare said:
Great to hear. I'll have to get it too.... When you say it needs further work, do you mean Softpauer needs to do more work?
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Yes, it still needs some polishing here and there.

[Q] porting gingerbread keyboard to the Tab?

is it possible to port the new keyboard to the tab?
We won't know until it's released and we can have a look.
Rapax said:
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im going to try it when i fixed my framework-res.apk!
Landroid said:
im going to try it when i fixed my framework-res.apk!
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I installed it using root explorer. Obviously the keys are smaller than they should be but it looks really good. Auto correct is working great as well.
deez1234 said:
I installed it using root explorer. Obviously the keys are smaller than they should be but it looks really good. Auto correct is working great as well.
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nice can u post up a screen shot wondering how small it looks lol
Ill have to do it when I get home. It isn't overly small and looks pretty sleek. Ill post a pic a little later when im done work. You should just install it and check it out. I can almost guarantee its not to small for the tab. It actually helps me type better. Its as wide as the whole screen just not as tall as the stock keyboards but yields no issue. I actually prefer the size.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
jay_jay_n said:
nice can u post up a screen shot wondering how small it looks lol
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Have you checked the provided link ? (posted earlier in this discussion thread)
yeah i realized it after haha.. thx btw
jay_jay_n said:
yeah i realized it after haha.. thx btw
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Cheers, Dan
So now we got the keyboard... how about porting the whole system now?
No seriously, what can we do with the system.img from the sdk?
I'm downloading the SDK now. I'll pick apart as much as I can. I want to see if that fancy new launcher will be an easy port. I'm going to try the keyboard out on my Tab and myTouch 4g now.
halftonehero said:
I'm downloading the SDK now. I'll pick apart as much as I can. I want to see if that fancy new launcher will be an easy port. I'm going to try the keyboard out on my Tab and myTouch 4g now.
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The launcher is on the market already. I tried it last night and it works fine. I still like LPP more though.
Boushh said:
The launcher is on the market already. I tried it last night and it works fine. I still like LPP more though.
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Really? Should I just search Launcher2.3
The new SDK threw me through a loop putting ADB in \platform-tools!
Search for Gingerbread Launcher.
Boushh said:
Search for Gingerbread Launcher.
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Wow. I fail at life! Thanks.

Where are the apps?

I understand that logmein is coming, but where is weatherbug? Does anyone have the xoom version? I download it from the market and it is identical to the version that I have on my DX. Is it out yet? When is it coming? Etc.
I dunno, but this is definately the place to ask.
backtothemac said:
I understand that logmein is coming, but where is weatherbug? Does anyone have the xoom version? I download it from the market and it is identical to the version that I have on my DX. Is it out yet? When is it coming? Etc.
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Weatherbug for honeycomb is not out yet. Its still in beta stage and can't be downloaded.
Logmein for Android works fine for now.
I haven't had too many problems for most apps. Not ideal but they work for the moment.
mrmomoman said:
Logmein for Android works fine for now.
I haven't had too many problems for most apps. Not ideal but they work for the moment.
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Actually Logmein doesn't work at all. It won't connect to the machine. They say that they are aware and an update is coming, but no timeline as to when.
Slimgym20 said:
Weatherbug for honeycomb is not out yet. Its still in beta stage and can't be downloaded.
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Actually it is available, as a beta, in the Market - here.
joeski27 said:
Actually it is available, as a beta, in the Market - here.
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Wont let me install it from the market. My device list is there but not highlighted/not selectable. Interesting...
Guys, this is the first Honeycomb device that came out yesterday. The full SDK just came out 3 days ago. Its gonna take a little time before we see tablet apps. Just give it a little time! they will come.
martonikaj said:
Guys, this is the first Honeycomb device that came out yesterday. The full SDK just came out 3 days ago. Its gonna take a little time before we see tablet apps. Just give it a little time! they will come.
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Agreed. I am sure we will see plenty apps over the coming months.
keitht said:
Agreed. I am sure we will see plenty apps over the coming months.
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Especially considering that Google implemented the "Fragments UI" idea in the latest SDK. From my understanding, this will allow the devs to make apps that work with both tablets and phones, where the UI will scale to different sizes for the different areas, instead of having 2 different apps.
martonikaj said:
Especially considering that Google implemented the "Fragments UI" idea in the latest SDK. From my understanding, this will allow the devs to make apps that work with both tablets and phones, where the UI will scale to different sizes for the different areas, instead of having 2 different apps.
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Does that mean that the apps will be larger so I can download even fewer of them to my limited Nexus One storage?
Aaron636r said:
Wont let me install it from the market. My device list is there but not highlighted/not selectable. Interesting...
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Have you tried installing it directly from the desktop version of the Android Market?
joeski27 said:
Have you tried installing it directly from the desktop version of the Android Market?
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I've tried. It won't work.
Slimgym20 said:
I've tried. It won't work.
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Ok I'm gonna post a new thread devoted to this, I'm SURE someone on XDA must have found a leaked version of this beta apk, because not having it straight away is unacceptable . This is by FAR the app that I've been looking forward to with the Xoom. I'd gladly trade Flash for the next few months before the Weatherbug app! (hate me if you want, whatever)
Jrockttu said:
Does that mean that the apps will be larger so I can download even fewer of them to my limited Nexus One storage?
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Adding in the Fragments UI concept is only a few limited lines of code to allow scaling. Doesn't mean that the size of the apps will necessarily be any bigger. Don't forget, theres always Apps2SD
If having scalable UI means that the apps will be slightly bigger but completely functional, it's worth it.
martonikaj said:
Guys, this is the first Honeycomb device that came out yesterday. The full SDK just came out 3 days ago. Its gonna take a little time before we see tablet apps. Just give it a little time! they will come.
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Agreed, however this one is a different story, as it is an app that IS already in the Market, but some sort of glitch (either at the Weatherbug end or the Google end of things) isn't allowing it to be downloaded and installed. After all, as far as the Weatherbug site is concerned, this beta app *should* be fully available for download at this moment. At any rate I just sent an email in to the folks at Weatherbug as I'm quite sure they'd want to know about this so that they can communicate with Google to sort out the problem and make sure their app is fully available.

New Market 3.3.11 available now

Hi All,
just let you know, new market is available to download and test, looks much better then 3.1.5, if you want to try here is link for website:
... If helps, please press THANKS...
thanks friend...
Thanks, got it!
I installed the old market because the new one was too laggy for me..
Has something gone better since the Release of the new Market?
Sent from my HTC Desire HD
Seeandfeel said:
I installed the old market because the new one was too laggy for me..
Has something gone better since the Release of the new Market?
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try to change DNS with SetDNS in market...
dont like it
they have tried to put to much on one page
do i just install an older one over the top to get rid of this new one?
shakennotstirred said:
dont like it
they have tried to put to much on one page
do i just install an older one over the top to get rid of this new one?
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yes, this should work without any problems, still I find this version 3.3.11 is much faster as 3.1.5.
I assume this still has the issues with incompatibilty if you have changed your DPI?
Yes it is very autoupdate is there in this new version
ghostofcain said:
I assume this still has the issues with incompatibilty if you have changed your DPI?
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Incompatibility issues for me at 200dpi, duder. I've gone back to the old one. I don't mind (BlackIce is totally worth it ).
Traxda said:
thanks friend...
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Thanks, it's the best Market.

