How to get better Quality results when using your Camara? - HD2 General

YES!, YES!, I know I'm first post yeah...OK to the question, when I take pictures using my HD2, and send them to my computer, the pictures don't like as neat and high def as the samples on the phone. I was just wondering if there is way to make it at least a bit more crisp and decent looking than the poor quality and blurness that i get now. The resolution is set to the highest..contrast normal, etc..ANY TIPS...Thank you...

get your hands on BsB Tweaks. Simple .cab install. It has a few options for 'hidden' settings for the camera and camcorder.

I'll do thanks...will that me it sharper??

Honestly I've not done a lot of comparisons, but it does add a SUPERFINE option to the camera, so that has to be worth something!

Finehood, what's the highest resolution setting you see in your camera menu? There should be a 5MP (2592x1552) setting available on's on the second page of resolution options so make sure you didn't miss that.
If you don't see it there, then the BsB option jimbonics mentioned will add that in addition to the "superfine" mode. It also adds a couple of other modes you might like, so it's worth checking out. If you can't or won't use BsB, then they're available as just a regular cab too.

thank you guys....and yes I do have it in 5mp, but still the quality looks awful, but I'll be getting the bsb tweak...that sounds like it might fix my problems..any other suggestion is welcome!!!!THANK YOU

finehood said:
thank you guys....and yes I do have it in 5mp, but still the quality looks awful, but I'll be getting the bsb tweak...that sounds like it might fix my problems..any other suggestion is welcome!!!!THANK YOU
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Check out these other tips too:
(the last one on that list is what we've already suggested above)

thanks again...
good tips...I'll keep you guys post it if it gets better!!

Are you having a lot of noise problems ? Unfortunately that's not going to go away. If you're expecting some quality pictures like what a real camera would take you'll be quite disappointed . I've tried tweaking it myself left and right and every which way possible. I've seen some sample pictures from the EVO and even with it's 8MP cam it does not look a whole lot better.

good to know..
actually, u know what..i kind of knew that it would never be close to a regular picture cam, but with the high megapixels at least i was expecting something decent...but thank you...I did the bsb tweaks and got a bit better...the hidden tricks are all right...thanks everyone..

the fact is HD2 cam is poorer than HD's. I have both devices, HD in default (auto) settings takes very well pix, and HD2 (even after tweaks) takes puctures "ugly". The overall temperature of the shot is in grey tones domination, while HD take very realistic, closer to simple digicams. If anybody has an answers, please comment. Would be great if we will be able to take pix even just HD does.

When you take a picture and look at it from your computer is the size of the picture the same as the HD2's screen?
I'll usually just right click on the picture and send it to paint, click on image, then stretch/skew function. I'll reduce it to at least 50% / 50% and work my way down from there. That usually increases the image quality for me. I don't need a picture the size of three of my computer screens. Hope it helps.

When in doubt my friend photoshop is your friend

photoshop will do the fixing for us....jiji...but like i said before i was just wondering if there was a way to make it a tweak or a .cab, etc. bsb is not bad, but it doen't make the image any better in quality...but good tweak really good tweaks..

finehood said:
photoshop will do the fixing for us....jiji...but like i said before i was just wondering if there was a way to make it a tweak or a .cab, etc. bsb is not bad, but it doen't make the image any better in quality...but good tweak really good tweaks..
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What we have here folks is a hardware problem not a software problem. Well actually a little bit of both . All the software tweaks out there does help a bit compared to the stock camera but that's as far as your going to get. Software can only do so much and there isn't a magical software solution when you are coupled with a lousy quality camera lens. The fact is HTC has probably cheapened out the quality of the camera lens compared to earlier phones but regardless the HD2 is a phone first not a camera. Short of replacing the whole lens there's very little software can do when the hardware isn't up to par.

I've had my HD2 since June 30th and believe me this thing takes MUCH BETTER pics than my Blackberry Bold 9700 did at 3.2MP and that phone took some really nice pictures.
I think it depends on the environment your in at the time. I took a few close up pics of my Wife and kids and those images came out beautiful. I also took some scenery shots in landscape and those images came out awsome as well. I took some pics inside the Tennessee Aquarium and had mixed results. As long as the lighting was good the images came out great. In darker settings the images were not as sharp.
I do use BsB Tweeks and I also have my resolution set to 5MP. I'm not sure why your camera is producing such awful images but I'm very pleased with mine.

squire366 said:
I do use BsB Tweeks and I also have my resolution set to 5MP. I'm not sure why your camera is producing such awful images but I'm very pleased with mine.
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Is it awful? He never posted any samples of his pictures. Are you really pleased because I'm not. How good the pictures actually look to an individual are highly subjective. I would hardly consider the pictures I've taken pleasing but I'm just going to have to settle.
I think the problem here is that finehood is really picky and had high expectations. I'm assuming what he had in mind were quality pictures closer to that of a real camera.

Sounds like user error to me. Try wiping your lens before taking pics. . My HD2 takes great pics.

Take a picture at max resolution. Then copy that picture over to your pc. View that picture at 100%. You'll see it looks like ass.

hey guys...
i was reading some of the posts, and it makes sense, believe me I never got the wild idea of a phone cam being equal or better quality than a normal cam... but even with the 5 mp and the tweaks and considering light issues or environment surrounding your pics is not even close to a decent quality that's all I'm saying, the pictures look BEAUTIFUL on your phone, really neat and crisp, once you transfer your pics to a computer and see it in full scale you'll know what I'm talking about...blurriness, blur edges, sometimes pixelete images mainly in the face, I'm happy with the phone....and all it does, but I WAS JUST WONDERING if there was a way to make it a bit better...BSB Tweaks did some adjustments...thanks for the feedback guys, I'll be posting some pics you guys get the idea....


Poor camera quality pictures, looking for solutions

I am pretty much dissapointed with the pictures I have obtained with my Universal's built in camera.
Sometimes - most of the times - dont really beleive it is a 1.3 MPixels cam.
1. Do you think using another software to take pictures would improve performance/quality?
2. It is possible to use another software to manage the camera?
3. Maybe, it's just me not being able to use it properly. Any advice to get good quality pictures?
have you checked the pictures on your pc?
i thought this until i looked on the pc and they were actually pretty impressive, dont be fooled my the on screen preview after youve taken a pic
yes... checked them out on a PC.. but no good quality. The problem is that if you're taking good quality pictures.. the it must be me.. :?
Anyway I recon that good pictures can be obtained under good conditions (light, etc.), but indoors... no way, at least for me.
i've seen on my HTC wizard that in the registery the camera can be edited things like bitrate too, havent tried it yet.
Ive gone from a D500 to this. Both 1.3 megapixel cameras, but the images from the samsung are far larger and far better quality. The images I get from my XDA are terrible.
maybe -hope so - it's just the software.
Could the camera be used with another soft? maybe from another WM5 device.
HTC has used extremely cheap and low quality camera sensors :-( Theres not much you can expect from its i guess its wise to accept the fact and move on :S
There are tons of dead pixels, and fails to reproduce the colors accurately...its just a "i have a cam on my phone too" feature, and nothing of any practical use!
its enough to get the point across say car accident , for insurance or the poice, it would be enough to convince surlly.
Took some pictures yesterday for first time on Universal, on top of a hospital roof, sun shining.
So as normally happens in those situations you can not see what you are taking properly due to the screen contrast etc. in the sun. ( same on all camera phones I have had )
Just used the standard settings, didnt change anything, have just downloaded them onto the PC and I am quite impressed with the quality.
On par if not better than some of the camera phones I have had in the past.
Just checked settings and I was on 640 x 480 capture size and ambience auto.
So for me a thumbs up to the quality from a camera phone.
share one of those beautiful pics...
wanna check if it's just me..
Perhaps a silly question - but have you made sure your camera settings are at 2M (1200x1600) to take your photos. The exec defaults to a much smaller size.
hehe, yes.. thanks.
I'm just saying that quality doesnt fit in in a 1.3 Mpixels camera, my POV.
The camera is useless imho. sometimes its good to catch stupid pics of people who have parked terribly or funny signs on petrol station doors but all in all they would have been best just leaving it out.
The only solution is to get a decent camera.
I'm an amateur photographer (with the lovely Nikon D50), and no doubt the Universal's picture quality is not very good. However, I see it as a bonus add-on for the Universal rather than a proper feature. Say, I don't carry the Nikon D50 into my lessons at school all the time (until recently, when we had our very last lessons at school for the rest of my life!); with the Universal I was able to quickly take pictures of my classmates sleeping in our maths lessons or film our chemistry teacher burning jelly babies (they literally scream and burn when they react with some solution!).
Anyway, my conclusion is that the camera on the Universal is good for quick snaps, but not good for family portraits. :wink:
PS: HTC, come on, you call yourselves "High Tech Computer Corporation" and you can't even manage a tiny camera?
Whilst on the topic, yesterday I tried to take pictures of a beautiful wheat field in the sun, but the picture I got was just a very dark image, no matter where the sun was relative to the lens. Changing the settings to "Sunlight" or "Automatic" did not help either.
Very disappointed, and you don't often get this lovely weather in the UK!
To the OP, there's no easy way to say it: the camera is crap, like 99.99% of all mobile phone cameras. The CCD they use are cheap as dirt, and unless you're experiencing optimum conditions (such as bright, bright sunshine outdoors), there's no way you'll ever take any decent pic with this phone regardless of the software.
Glad I could clear that up! :twisted:
It does not seem that bad to me,
settings = 2M(1600x1280) and daylight
I have not resized the pic , so sorry if it runs off screen :wink:
This is just before my ride to Turkey and back from UK
Nice outfit!
mdaexecfan said:
there's no way you'll ever take any decent pic with this phone regardless of the software.
Glad I could clear that up! :twisted:
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Exactly - it's a phone/PDA with a free camera, not a camera with a phone/PDA... Miracles you will not get!
The quality is acceptable to me but getting the best result is sometimes difficult. My major problem the handling, choosing the right settings for the occasion is a bit awkward.
@Bagmanstu: Cool

Wonderful Pictures and Videos from HD2

Hello All,
So we all know one way or the other we love our HD2. Let's show how wonderful your pictures and videos are that were taken from it.
After having a HD, I was suitably impressed with the quality of images from the HD2 camera
xaccers said:
After having a HD, I was suitably impressed with the quality of images from the HD2 camera
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Really? How do you rate the HD2 Quality overall from 1-5?
I love it, just the screen quality, size and contrast make my friends lust over the phone especially when I'm in picture mode.
I love the screen but the actual camera doesnt seem to do it justice, the old photos on my sd card, taken on my N95 on the other hand look fantastic on the HD2 screen
I also love the camera on this
After having BB's for so long I am quite happy to have a decent camera to take those on the fly pics...look at the quality you can actually see the bee in the middle of the pic!
lowriderchick said:
After having BB's for so long I am quite happy to have a decent camera to take those on the fly pics...look at the quality you can actually see the bee in the middle of the pic!
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Wow, awesome pic.
conantroutman have you tried editing registry settings to improve quality? I have and GIGANTIC DIFFERENCE!
avemn1 said:
Wow, awesome pic.
conantroutman have you tried editing registry settings to improve quality? I have and GIGANTIC DIFFERENCE!
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Im literally doing it right now....
Here's the one i took yesterday in my garden.
I took it with my hands without any special equipment
Uploaded with
I was waiting a long time to tee off, so I snapped a few shots on the 6th tee and stitched a little panorama here.
conantroutman said:
Im literally doing it right now....
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Click to collapse how are the changes??
gjizaqin that flower pic really got me. The detail is just amazing and I love the panaroma picture buzz killington.
Here are mine. I rarely took photos with my HD2. Not so good but jealous with u guys so wanted to post
fantasytozi said:
Here are mine. I rarely took photos with my HD2. Not so good but jealous with u guys so wanted to post
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Haha.. join the conversation. Fantasytozi, you should try the change to the camera that I posted earlier in this thread. It will make your second picture look like your first and last. You take really good photography!
Various customed ROMS; tweaked camera registries
Photos taken at highland areas, approx > 1500m above mean sea level.
Already applied modded camera tweaks.
avemn1 said: how are the changes??
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No change, Im a dumbass, I already had this enabled. I stand by my original statement.
Love have a camera that is useable in your pocket.
These are my thoughts about the camera.
As longs as there is a lot of light they are pretty good, but when you are forced to use the led flash or dont use it in low light I say the pictures arnt any good.
My old camera a sony ericsson k810i had a xenon flash. It could take awsome pictures in the dark.
What are your thoughts on low light fotography with the HD2? I would really like to tweak it so it improves.
Are they tips #16 and #56? I just checked and they already there in my current rom, Laurentius26. Maybe I will try to take some photos again
Prešov, Slovakia
My photos
avemn1 said:
Really? How do you rate the HD2 Quality overall from 1-5?
I love it, just the screen quality, size and contrast make my friends lust over the phone especially when I'm in picture mode.
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If I would rate I would say 3-3.5 it is a good cam for just shooting some nice pictures outdoor. Video quality is pretty good in my opinion to. Shooting in the dark if you keep it in your hands without moving you get good pictures (for example in a bar). But it quite difficult to keep it steady espescially when you have drinken some alcohol . But at daylight you can take good macro for example documents.
Overall I would say a good outdoor shooter. But that is not very special for the camera's at the moment.

Camera tips!

Hey everyone!
So i've used the Desire HD's camera for a bit, and I find it's got potential. I used to have a HD2...and remember there was a registry edit fix and also settings in the camera app that were published here on XDA to improve picture quality...well i've found out that pictures are a lot clearer and sharper when these settings are applied on the Desire HD:
Go into the Camera app...
Press the menu button on your desire hd...
Turn OFF auto-focus
in the Image adjustments sub-menu, turn sharpness all the way to 2...
Take pictures, and as a good example of comparison take a before and after picture.
In the after pic, tap on what you want in focus. The overall quality of the picture will be a lot clearer! There is also less noise and the object will be in focus, and pepper and grain effect is largely eliminated! Try it out and report back
Update 1 (00:09-10/12/2010):
Thanks to the knowledge and sharing of fellow XDA members, I have determined that what seems to impact/affect images the most is the sharpness settings. Contrary to my settings, you can also go into Image adjustments in the camera app and turn off the sharpness setting fully. This is done by turning the sharpness circle dial all the way to -2. It seems that when set on default, the sharpness algorithm is ineffective at determining the level of sharpness that should be used. As a result, images are reproduced with unwanted image effects such as distinct grainyness, noise and also seemingly out-of-focus/blury pictures! So you can use either -2 for smooth pictures that are good quality, or +2 for sharper pictures that are good quality! At the end of the day, it depends on what you as the photographer prefer Haha i'm making this sound like the Desire HD is a professional's certainly more than suitable for quick snaps that won't comprise on good memorable photos in 8MP
Update 2 (00:51- 10/12/2010)
Uploaded sample pictures!
will give this a try in the morning!
Is that +2 I take it not -2? I'll check this out in morning
Sent from my Desire HD
Yep, plus 2
yup the pictures are much better!!
i just hated all tht noise and grainyness!
Thanks a lot!!!
I didnt really notice the difference, I think im just horrid at taking photos haha
they do look slightly better i think!
I haven't tried this yet myself but its nice that the hd remembers these settings after a power cycle - I expected all settings to revert to default.
That does not help any here.
I think the compression is just screwed up very badly, or we don't have anything like a 8MP sensor in our phones.
You can see that very easily if you photograph or film some intricate pattern like in snow, frost, test patterns (printed on paper) or such. It just smears and blurs the hell out of these photographs and no settings in the user interface will help against that.
Now, a sensor actually resolving 8 Megapixels, on the other hand, should be capable of resolving to about four 1920x1080 computer screens worth of distinct pixels. Unfortunately when I view the photographs on the screen, in actuality I still those see smears and other artifacts even when I zoom the image to about ~25% of the screen's. So... ~0.5 MP or less resolution in reality? Beh, fail.
Meh, it is an 8mp sensor...I just assume HTC don't implement and make use of the best available lens, sensor size and compression rate....but the camera isn't bad at all..i'll upload some pictures i've taken recently, they're quite defined! Certainly more clearer, sharper and yet containing less noise than my old HD2 gosh colours on that were washed out
sharpness plus 2 will increase the digital treatment which seems to remove more noise and add more sharpness, maybe a little better than the default semi sharpness which a mess
however the camera is indeed 8MP it is ridiculous to state otherwise!! turn off sharpness all the way to -2 and all this digital artifacts will be gone as well as fake sharpness, you will be able to get full 8MP camera quality without HTC mending with them, you can improve photos further by using the auto fix or high contrast from within the gallery
of course noise will be introduced depending on the available light and of course with sharpness -2 it will be a little soft since it receiving zero digital treatment, take it to any photo editing application and you can boost the sharpness properly
really i don't get all the random posts camera quality, i'm getting amazing results even managed to amaze my iphone 4 colleagues, the only part where HTC really failed is the default noise reduction/sharpness algorithm (Sharpness 0) its a real mess thankfully it can be turned off
i should make a detailed thread about the camera and be done with it
after using it a few times, im still sticking to my D700
I`m quite happy with the point and click results but for serious pics i use my ancient Canon EOS 500.
ofcourse it will never beat a DSLR! only the satio and the nokia n8 come close but those sucks in their own ways
its not a perfect camera, but damn better than everyone make it sound, and pretty amazing for a phone, everyone complaining including some reviewers didn't even bother to experiment with the basic settings
the best words i found for this camera are in the Engadget review particluary this line ( Noise-masking blur is distributed very well, in our opinion, works especially well if can content yourself with downsizing the images from the max 8 megapixel size), gsmarena kept complaining about the sharpness and never mentioned it can be turned off
oh and it wipes the floor with the iphone 4 camera
the only two issues in this phone are the lack of ips in the screen and the size for those who can't handle it and no the battery is fine
hamdir said:
ofcourse it will never beat a DSLR! only the satio and the nokia n8 come close but those sucks in their own ways
its not a perfect camera, but damn better than everyone make it sound, and pretty amazing for a phone, everyone complaining including some reviewers didn't even bother to experiment with the basic settings
the best words i found for this camera are in the Engadget review particluary this line ( Noise-masking blur is distributed very well, in our opinion, works especially well if can content yourself with downsizing the images from the max 8 megapixel size), gsmarena kept complaining about the sharpness and never mentioned it can be turned off
oh and it wipes the floor with the iphone 4 camera
the only two issues in this phone are the lack of ips in the screen and the size for those who can't handle it and no the battery is fine
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agreed 100% with your post. Although the lack of ips is no issue imo.
thank you, ips is only an issue when use the phone flat on your desk or sharing with others, its a slight issue when old desire slcd/amoled, iphone 3Gs and ipads have much better view angles
but yea its no biggie, its my first HTC device where i found no need to flash custom stuff
Makes very little difference for me. I have to wonder about anyone that says this is a great camera - what are you comparing it against and have you ever used a Nokia for instance with Carl Zeiss optics?
xspyda said:
Makes very little difference for me. I have to wonder about anyone that says this is a great camera - what are you comparing it against and have you ever used a Nokia for instance with Carl Zeiss optics?
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yes nokia n900 and the DHD is better
i will post my results soon in full resolution
Here is a pic i took of my cat earlier today. Open in new tab to see the full resolution.
hamdir said:
i should make a detailed thread about the camera and be done with it
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Please do!
I for one am interested to finetune my camera app!

[PHOTOS] Trip to Japan with the HTC One Camera - Pushing the Limits of the Camera

Hi all,
TL;DR - Pretty pictures taken with the HTC One here: Click
I've been very interested in the HTC One's camera ever since it was announced, as I believe that the philosophy behind the trade-offs made in its design are a step forward for the mobile phone camera industry.
I've recently returned from a trip to Japan and as an experiment, used the HTC One as my only camera (clearly not because my P&S was stolen two years ago!). I have taken nearly 8,000 shots over the 14 days I was in Japan and after nearly a hundred (if not more) hours spent in post-processing, I think I have a decent set of pictures.
I have annotated some of the pictures in a travel-journalistic manner. If you are a experienced traveller, I am probably not saying anything you do not already know. If you have never been to Japan, I hope they provide you with some insights.
A few observations I've made in the process of shooting said pictures:
The wide angle lens on the HTC One is wonderfully versatile, especially for landscape and architecture shots. Framing the shot is effortless and as it turns out, of utmost importance.
The most controversial aspect of the One's camera, the 4MP resolution does come with a very real drawback. You have little room in post-production to recover a badly framed shot. Cropping in post-production is often an unhappy compromise as you are left with less room to compensate for noise and blur. I would hazard to say that shooting with only the One for an extended period of time may be a great way to improve your composition skills.
The HTC One's camera software and auto-focus is fast and responsive, you can compose, re-focus/expose and shoot in a blink of an eye, which is something I took advantage of to take the multiple exposures required for the HDR pictures.
While no aspect of the HTC One's camera is exceptional, the package of a very fast f2.0 lens, optical image stabilization and above average sensor sensitivity means that vis-a-vis other mobile phone cameras, you will nail shot after shot in daylight and have a decent chance of grabbing something usable in low-light.
Will I do something like this again? Unlikely. The next time I can afford to travel, I will almost certainly be packing a decent camera. Do I regret the experience? Definitely not. Shooting with a camera like the One forces you to learn to frame your shots well. I like to think that technically, I am a decent photographer, but as far as composing a picture well, I have a long way to go.
Links to the various albums below. Sorry if you dislike Google+, but its easy to upload and annotate and it has a really clean interface. The albums are all public, so there is technically no need to sign in, but Google+ prompts you to login if you happen to be signed into another Google service. If you really want to avoid signing in, simply open the links in a incognito window.
If you are impatient, Kyoto and the Highlight albums are probably the best.
Comments, feedback and questions welcome. Wasn't sure if I should have created a new thread, if not, please merge into the photograph thread, thanks moderators.
Tokyo (東京)
Odaiba (お台場)
Sensoji Shrine (浅草寺)
Meiji Shrine (明治神宮)
Tsukiji Fish Market (築地市場)
Hama-Rikyu Gardens (浜離宮恩賜庭園)
Osaka (大阪)
Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan (海遊館)
Nara (奈良市)
Himeji (姫路市)
Kyoto (京都)
Kanazawa (金沢)
Shibuya Scramble Crossing (Youtube Video)
Photomatix Presets
edit: converted text to links
edit2: added link to timelapse of Shibuya scramble crossing
edit3: link to the photomatix presets I've used
Wow! Those are some very nice photos! Just goes to show how much power is behind our phone. It makes me want to go out and use my camera now.
Excellent shots! You clearly have a lot of talent! And that is some good post-processing too.
It would be great to know if you touched up the HDRs in post-production in anyway or are they mostly untouched?
ankanb said:
Excellent shots! You clearly have a lot of talent! And that is some good post-processing too.
It would be great to know if you touched up the HDRs in post-production in anyway or are they mostly untouched?
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Most of the HDR shots are not in-camera HDR shots, they are multiple pictures of the same shot combined in post.
Every picture has been touched up in post. The natural looking ones are probably just simple lighting/contrast adjustments, the surreal looking ones took more effort.
Love Japan. Absolutely love Kyoto. You took some really good shots
One thing I am a bit disappointed with is the amount of noise the camera has. (still love it hough)
Some of your shots (especially the HDR) are way too noisy for my liking, but that's a matter of taste or sometimes plain nitpicking.
Which settings did you mainly use?
Did you leave the phone in charge of most of the settings or did you do it manually?
I agree, you took some beautiful shots!
Makes me want to travel. Lol.
MartinS13X said:
Love Japan. Absolutely love Kyoto. You took some really good shots
One thing I am a bit disappointed with is the amount of noise the camera has. (still love it hough)
Some of your shots (especially the HDR) are way too noisy for my liking, but that's a matter of taste or sometimes plain nitpicking.
Which settings did you mainly use?
Did you leave the phone in charge of most of the settings or did you do it manually?
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With respect to the noise, agreed. In most cases, with some work, as its only really bad for the uniform areas of the picture, the noise is entirely cleanable in post. But in most cases, I've chosen not to for effect. And the HDR process does tend to accentuate the noise and would typically not be visible if I had processed it for a natural look.
Still, it doesn't surprise me that much. I picked up a Fujifilm f100fd, a P&S as my last camera. It was supposed to be really good with low-light photography due to its excellent noise control. While clearly better then the HTC One, I found myself running into the same problems when post-processing the f100fd's shots vis the HTC One's shots. I think if you really want clean, low light shot, a DSLR/interchangeable lens camera with a fast prime lens is the only way to go, that or a tripod, depending on the picture you want.
Sharpness at -2 for virtually all the shots. Occasionally exposure at -1 is very useful, when you are sure that you can capture enough detail in a darker picture. You're essentially telling the camera, hey, I'm OK with a dark picture, take the next shot as fast as a shutter speed as you can. For that reason, almost all the aquarium shots are with exposure -1, as you don't really care about the walls of aquarium being properly exposed, you just want the fish exposed.
For the multiple shots needed for the HDR pictures, tapping at a bright spot, taking a picture, then quickly tapping at a dark spot, then taking another picture... The problem is that sometimes having the camera focus at a bright/dark spot means you screw up focus entirely.
The HTC One's backlight mode is incredibly useful when you want to take portrait shots with something bright in the background. I've used the landscape and HDR modes a few times, but I'm still not entirely sure what landscape mode gets me.
So... Long story short, normal mode, with sharpness at -2, with lots of tapping on the screen.
edit: oh, also, I manually flashed to 4.2.2, which meant that I had access to AF/AE lock. That came useful for the epic panorama of Himeji castle's surroundings.
Exposure -1 is indeed good in some cases. I've used that too.
I also want to try setting the ISO manually in dark photos as I believe there is room for lower ISO in some cases and the camera just increases it a lot.
I'm also not a fan of noisy, instagram-y photos like some of yours but you have some very nice shots.
I saw a link with a timelapse video. What's the deal with that? Is it yours?
Ooops, error.
Corduroy-21 said:
Exposure -1 is indeed good in some cases. I've used that too.
I also want to try setting the ISO manually in dark photos as I believe there is room for lower ISO in some cases and the camera just increases it a lot.
I'm also not a fan of noisy, instagram-y photos like some of yours but you have some very nice shots.
I saw a link with a timelapse video. What's the deal with that? Is it yours?
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The timelapse video is mine yes. If it helps, the noise is inherent in the picture, and not added for "authenticity"
edit: I think the One generally makes good decisions when it comes to ISO, it priorities shutter speed over anything else, which I think, given the fact that in any low-light shot, you are going to get unhappy amounts of noise, is a good choice. A blurred shot is usually totally unusable.
shasderias said:
The timelapse video is mine yes.
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How did you do it?
Did you use the One?
Corduroy-21 said:
How did you do it?
Did you use the One?
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Yup. Sideloaded the stock android camera, used the timelapse function. Waited...
The pictures you have posted are just amazing.
Although I have a HTC One but I don't take much pictures. You have motivated me to take more pictures from this phone now.
The filters you have used in this are given ones or some other application for that?
Wow. I just went through every album. Those all turned out amazing.
Great pics! :good:
rahulwadhwani said:
The pictures you have posted are just amazing.
Although I have a HTC One but I don't take much pictures. You have motivated me to take more pictures from this phone now.
The filters you have used in this are given ones or some other application for that?
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No filters used, photos are all taken normally and edited in post. Photoshop for all editing, Photomatix for most of the HDR pictures.
shasderias said:
Yup. Sideloaded the stock android camera, used the timelapse function. Waited...
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which timelapse function did you use? How come my phone doesnt have it?
aceonetwothree said:
which timelapse function did you use? How come my phone doesnt have it?
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I didn't use the HTC One's camera app, I sideloaded the camera app from stock android (the one with photosphere) to do the timelapse.
Incidentally, the photospheres for some reason, turned out super low-res.
How do you manage to take photos with the phone using 3 exposure values, going into the menu and changing the value after each photo while keeping the phone perfectly still?
Love these! The Shibuya Scramble pictures gave me to flashbacks to The World Ends With You.

Photographer's perspective on the LG G3

These topics have been widely discussed, I just find this funny. I do professional photography, and I thought this phone would be great for me. Not only could I show off my photos on a glorious 2k screen, but it was supposed to have a great off-duty camera as well. Ironically, it's instead hitting some photographer pet peeves real bad.
1) The screen sharpening is bad. I see amateur photographers get over enthusiastic on sharpening, cause the sharper the better, right? No, you make ugly artifacts like halos. Now my entire phone does it nonstop. It hurts! This goes beyond the font issue that's widely been talked about. I love viewing photos through my Nexus 7 or HTC M7 because it's like looking through a window. Photos on the G3 just look artifical.
2) Another is the camera noise reduction. Noise is bad, so let's crank the noise reduction. No, some grain and more detail is much preferable to pics that look like watercolors.
3) I knew this one going in, but as the Andantech review pointed out, the color accuracy is bad. I can spend time editing a photo on my phone and paste it to Facebook, just to realize once I'm viewing on a pc that the pic looks nothing like my meticulous edit. Great.
I know I'm hypersensitive to these issues because of my profession. My wife didn't notice the sharpening. But it's funny that what I thought would be my ideal phone is such the opposite.
supposedmonster said:
3) I knew this one going in, but as the Andantech review pointed out, the color accuracy is bad. I can spend time editing a photo on my phone and paste it to Facebook, just to realize once I'm viewing on a pc that the pic looks nothing like my meticulously edit. Great.
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How long ago was last time you calibrated your PC monitor? Does your monitor have sRGB mode? And, BTW, maybe you even use some notebook with cheap junky TN panel in the first place? :laugh:
I use an ASUS PA246 wide gamut monitor regularly calibrated with a Colormunki Display, so yes, I have a good benchmark.
Sent from my LG-D851 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
supposedmonster said:
so yes, I have a good benchmark.
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Glad for you, well then did you try to compare pix from the net to view both on monitor and on G3 and compare colors? Like I did
Check that topic also, maybe you bought G3 with blueish panel
Man this was not an easy shot to pull off. It's hard to tell from the pic, but LG is on the left and Nexus 7 is on the bottom. The LG would equate to quite a few notches of saturation boost in Lightroom.
This photo doesn't quite show it well, but the Nexus is actually slightly less saturated than the calibrated monitor.
The colors aren't that bad in either devices (I mean you can only expect so much, I get these aren't meant to be crazy calibrated panels), but I'd rather edit on the Nexus and find them slightly more vibrant on other devices than on the LG and find it decidedly dull.
Sent from my LG-D851 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
supposedmonster said:
These topics have been widely discussed, I just find this funny. I do professional photography, and I thought this phone would be great for me. Not only could I show off my photos on a glorious 2k screen, but it was supposed to have a great off-duty camera as well. Ironically, it's instead hitting some photographer pet peeves real bad.
1) The screen sharpening is bad. I see amateur photographers get over enthusiastic on sharpening, cause the sharper the better, right? No, you make ugly artifacts like halos. Now my entire phone does it nonstop. It hurts! This goes beyond the font issue that's widely been talked about. I love viewing photos through my Nexus 7 or HTC M7 because it's like looking through a window. Photos on the G3 just look artifical.
2) Another is the camera noise reduction. Noise is bad, so let's crank the noise reduction. No, some grain and more detail is much preferable to pics that look like watercolors.
3) I knew this one going in, but as the Andantech review pointed out, the color accuracy is bad. I can spend time editing a photo on my phone and paste it to Facebook, just to realize once I'm viewing on a pc that the pic looks nothing like my meticulous edit. Great.
I know I'm hypersensitive to these issues because of my profession. My wife didn't notice the sharpening. But it's funny that what I thought would be my ideal phone is such the opposite.
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I'm just curious about number 3 up there, and I'm not trying to be an ass, but why would any professional photographer spend time editing a photo on a phone meticulously, instead of putting the photo on the PC and editing it with PS? I mean, if you edit it with the PC, its a lot easier, and you also get a WYSIWYG.
Haha, well my camera has WiFi. When in on vacation it's fun being able to post professional quality pics to social media from my phone.
Sent from my LG-D851 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
The G3 display can be somewhat manually adjusted in color contrast, did you tweak it a bit? Maybe it'll improve.
Thanks, I have read about that. Without being able to use a preview image to calibrate I think it'd drive me crazy. Plus I doubt it'll help because it seems to only adjust color and contrast, not saturation, which is the bigger issue.
What bugs me more though is the sharpening, but I have faith that'll be fixed either by LG or the community since enough people have raised a hallaboo.
Sent from my LG-D851 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I can live with the screen sharpening (since it's all software and don't affect the photos themselves). I can also live with so-so color reproduction. But gawd, that NR pisses me off. What's the point of having a good sensor when you're gonna mess up the photos with mediocre processing. That being said... photos still look pretty decent in good lighting ;P
supposedmonster said:
These topics have been widely discussed, I just find this funny. I do professional photography, and I thought this phone would be great for me. Not only could I show off my photos on a glorious 2k screen, but it was supposed to have a great off-duty camera as well. Ironically, it's instead hitting some photographer pet peeves real bad.
1) The screen sharpening is bad. I see amateur photographers get over enthusiastic on sharpening, cause the sharper the better, right? No, you make ugly artifacts like halos. Now my entire phone does it nonstop. It hurts! This goes beyond the font issue that's widely been talked about. I love viewing photos through my Nexus 7 or HTC M7 because it's like looking through a window. Photos on the G3 just look artifical.
2) Another is the camera noise reduction. Noise is bad, so let's crank the noise reduction. No, some grain and more detail is much preferable to pics that look like watercolors.
3) I knew this one going in, but as the Andantech review pointed out, the color accuracy is bad. I can spend time editing a photo on my phone and paste it to Facebook, just to realize once I'm viewing on a pc that the pic looks nothing like my meticulous edit. Great.
I know I'm hypersensitive to these issues because of my profession. My wife didn't notice the sharpening. But it's funny that what I thought would be my ideal phone is such the opposite.
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I am sorry but you have me totally confused.......
I agree the G3 does have over sharpening which depending on how and what you shoot can have detrimental effects on the scene shot.
However, why on earth are you getting so annoyed with what is in effect simply a smartphone camera sensor?
Although I do not take photos as a profession I have however owned a camera since... Hang on a second......1963. Throughout time I learned many various methods and art in photography, travelling the world shooting all manner of photos with compacts and SLR's to the more recent DSLR and smartphone.
Yet, there is no way on earth would I take a professional shot with a smartphone nor would I expect it to achieve something which could be of use in a professional manner.
I do apologies but it does annoy me when I hear from someone first stating they are a 'professional' and use this word as their basis for a debate.
If you have an issue with the G3, fine I can live with that as you are very much correct, certain aspects of the software could be improved but let us not forget.
1. It is a smartphone.
2. It is software which means if you do not like the camera app that controls the shooting then use a different camera app.
I personally use the app 'A Better Camera' which is excellent.
I am sure as a professional photographer you must have heard of this app and learned the author is not just another coder but does have an understanding of photography.
With 'A Better Camera' as your tool you will find first it gives you back the manual controls and second it then allows you to be as creative as a smartphone will allow you.
Having said all this I have never ever ever been happy letting the camera dictate the shot but the G3 is the first type of camera that I am happy shooting 'casual photography' in auto mode.
Beards said:
I am sorry but you have me totally confused.......
I agree the G3 does have over sharpening which depending on how and what you shoot can have detrimental effects on the scene shot.
However, why on earth are you getting so annoyed with what is in effect simply a smartphone camera sensor?
Although I do not take photos as a profession I have however owned a camera since... Hang on a second......1963. Throughout time I learned many various methods and art in photography, travelling the world shooting all manner of photos with compacts and SLR's to the more recent DSLR and smartphone.
Yet, there is no way on earth would I take a professional shot with a smartphone nor would I expect it to achieve something which could be of use in a professional manner.
I do apologies but it does annoy me when I hear from someone first stating they are a 'professional' and use this word as their basis for a debate.
If you have an issue with the G3, fine I can live with that as you are very much correct, certain aspects of the software could be improved but let us not forget.
1. It is a smartphone.
2. It is software which means if you do not like the camera app that controls the shooting then use a different camera app.
I personally use the app 'A Better Camera' which is excellent.
I am sure as a professional photographer you must have heard of this app and learned the author is not just another coder but does have an understanding of photography.
With 'A Better Camera' as your tool you will find first it gives you back the manual controls and second it then allows you to be as creative as a smartphone will allow you.
Having said all this I have never ever ever been happy letting the camera dictate the shot but the G3 is the first type of camera that I am happy shooting 'casual photography' in auto mode.
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Speaking of which, is it possible to set long exposure (for night shots with a tripod, for example) with A Better Camera? Other than the automatic "Night Shot"...
fabripav said:
Speaking of which, is it possible to set long exposure (for night shots with a tripod, for example) with A Better Camera? Other than the automatic "Night Shot"...
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Not presently...... But note, this is not the problem with the G3 or A Better Camera.
It is Android or should I say Google who limited the speed to just under 1sec.
However, under Android L all will change as among the 400+ camera api's introduced camera speed is one of them. So 'hopefully' developers will raise to the challenge and add this vital missing setting.
Beards said:
Not presently...... But note, this is not the problem with the G3 or A Better Camera.
It is Android or should I say Google who limited the speed to just under 1sec.
However, under Android L all will change as among the 400+ camera api's introduced camera speed is one of them. So 'hopefully' developers will raise to the challenge and add this vital missing setting.
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Yeah, can't wait for that update for many reasons, camera included.
It's weird though that the Oppo Find 7 camera (for example) has a shutter speed that goes up to 32 seconds. How did they manage to make it avalaible? The sensor is a simple Sony IMX214.
I wonder if all the features of Camera FV-5 work on the G3, anyone tried it yet? (my G3 has yet to arrive)
fabripav said:
Yeah, can't wait for that update for many reasons, camera included.
It's weird though that the Oppo Find 7 camera (for example) has a shutter speed that goes up to 32 seconds. How did they manage to make it avalaible? The sensor is a simple Sony IMX214.
I wonder if all the features of Camera FV-5 work on the G3, anyone tried it yet? (my G3 has yet to arrive)
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The Oppo Find 7's camera doesn't actually keep the lens open for 32 seconds, it does a trick similar to what Camera FV-5 does in that it takes a series of shots from a thumbnail (hence why it's small and lacks any detail).
Re your query on Camera FV-5 ~ everything with the exception of ISO works. With ISO the dials say it has altered ISO but when you take the shot you find it has altered nothing.
A Better Camera on the other hand does alter the settings and does apply them to the shot.
It's the only app out there which utilises all the manual controls that are open to write permission, this also includes AE and WB Lock which again no other camera app uses.
fabripav said:
Yeah, can't wait for that update for many reasons, camera included.
It's weird though that the Oppo Find 7 camera (for example) has a shutter speed that goes up to 32 seconds. How did they manage to make it avalaible? The sensor is a simple Sony IMX214.
I wonder if all the features of Camera FV-5 work on the G3, anyone tried it yet? (my G3 has yet to arrive)
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Yes it does. I haven't tried the long exposure in FV-5 though.
Beards said:
Re your query on Camera FV-5 ~ everything with the exception of ISO works. With ISO the dials say it has altered ISO but when you take the shot you find it has altered nothing.
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Camera FV-5's ISO setting works fine for me.
ISO 100 1/60 F/2.4
ISO 1600 1/680 F/2.4
I'm a photographer (;P). I know what I'm talking about.
You have the D851 which is Tmob.. which doesnt have the sharpening effect.. at least anecdotally. same model i have and theres zero sharpening going on. the colors mind you are off, but its no galaxy S4 or G2.. but as was stated dont plan to edit on your phone and you wont be frustrated by using the wrong tool for the job.
dont bring a 400mm telephoto zoom to a job that requires a 35mm prime or vice versa.
Itaintrite said:
Yes it does. I haven't tried the long exposure in FV-5 though.
Camera FV-5's ISO setting works fine for me.
ISO 100 1/60 F/2.4
ISO 1600 1/680 F/2.4
I'm a photographer (;P). I know what I'm talking about.
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Really...... Thank you.
When was the App last updated?
Beards said:
Really...... Thank you.
When was the App last updated?
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I'm using v1.7.3. Updated June 27th.
Itaintrite said:
I'm using v1.7.3. Updated June 27th.
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Great... I'll give it another go against A Better Camera; although ABC does have many more controls.

