GSM data connection - Galaxy S I9000 General

Hello all,
First off, I just got this kit. Only had it a couple of days and already I am unhappy to pick up my HD2 - unless I wanna play playstation....which I dont cos I got loads of good games from marketplace
It is so all encompassing, its exactly what I expected the i8910 to be which sadly failed a little and didnt really get any development going - well not fast enough for me to keep it...
I am really really happy with it.
BUT.........I am suffering with the battery, lasts about 1/2 a day of use and then gives up as I am hammering it all the time. I have advanced task killer and I worked out that if you set it to medium security it sees most apps that are running and ignores the services. I use this and free it up somwhat.
I also ensure wifi and bluetooth are disabled and I put the phone on standby, on all devices I have used in the past mostly symbian and win mo, connections were visible, you saw when it went online and connected HSDPA and could either stop it or turn it off.
Now how on earth do I go about starting/stopping GSM data connections>? The drop down bar only shows WiFi n blueteeth>?
Thanks for anticipated assistance

this will help you

You might want to consider carrying a spare battery if you're a real heavy user like me. As to switching off the data over 3G, You might want to try out SwitchPro. It's only a dollar.


I love my Wiz now, but why is it so lame 'out of the box'?

I love my MDA more and more now. But after my first week or two i was begining to think i had made a mistake buying it. Thanks to the kind and helpful folk around here and other forums, i now have it doing everything i wanted it to do and in the way i want it to do it.
I use it for TomTom, playing DIXed DVD's, music, podcasts, games, the usual email/web duties and more. And thanks to the great WiFi 'G' reg hack i can now stream my large lossles FLAC files (with the help of fantasitc Conduits Pocket Player) right into my Hifi system, just like my Squeezebox 3 media player. It's actually much better than an ipod (albeit with less storage when out of the house - although i could access my music at home from a hotspot). A fully fledged media streaming device for free! (well, a small fee for Pocket Player and a 2.5mm to 3.5mm jack adaptor).
Not only does this hack also enable 'g' speeds, but i can confirm that it also massively increases performance on 'b' speed networks too (which mine is limited to due to being an 'adhok' network).
Sure, a faster proc, better camera and maybe even 3G would be nice. But i have no wish to ever make video calls or use Skype (i'm the geek of the group and no-one else i know uses it).
I understand there will always be better third party software (Media Player is an utter waste of space for example) but why should we have to make techy and annoying tweaks to the registry, just to get the best from the unit? Why the hell do we need to hack the reg just to make a basic settings change, such as hiding SIM contacts (which is an option in just about every mobile from the last 5 years).
Is it just bad planning? Poor thinking on the manufactures part? or is there just a genuine reason for 'hiding' these settings and not making them accessable from standard menu's?
The older i get, the less time i have to mess around so much. I have better things to do these days to be honest.
Surely they would have more to gain by activating the performance increases themselfs, rather than us more tech savy types to figure out how to alter the registry. Half the things this device has been slated for in reviews can actually be sorted, but the average (make that normal) buyers of this device will be feeling a bit short changed if you ask me.
I guess the only thing left for me to do now is dump the T-Mobile ROM and use a more slimline one. Or maybe i should just figure out who to lose some of the crap from my existing install?
What is it with these companies? Don't they know when they are on to a good thing? Or maybe, just maybe it to keep us coming back for more and upgrading year after year? Hey ho...
/rant over.
Very interesting topic, well put and one which I'm sure will be relevant to me very soon...y'see my Wizard arrives in two days and it was reading posts such as yours which helped me take the plunge.
I don't mind messing about with PDAs, phones, PCs etc to get the the best performance but (as you rightly point out) we shouldn't have to. However, given the thousand of threads and posts on this (incredibly good) site, I am somewhat confused about what to do first with my Wizard.
So, could you please take a few minutes to post what changes, hacks etc you have done to get yours where you (almost) want it to be?
Many thanks in advance.
mosgeo said:
So, could you please take a few minutes to post what changes, hacks etc you have done to get yours where you (almost) want it to be?
Many thanks in advance.
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The first things i would always do after a hard reset (format), after syncing back all my contacts/callender of course...
Reg hacks (main ones, i have forgot a few) -
*Hide SIM contacts (so the dont appear pointlessly twice)
*Enable 'g' speed Wifi
* Disable the annoying 'you are about to go online' message. You will understand when you get yours, VERY VERY annoying - you get it even when you are online and just switch back to PIE.
* There are some good performace tweaks to, which i forgot about.
Essential software i could not be without (some free, some not - unless you are naughty. Don't be naughty now )
*TomTom (Sat Nav)
*Memory Map Pocket Nav + GPS and the O.S. maps i use for walking
*TCPMP - The best video player
* Conduits Pocket Player - the best music player IMO (Streaming, gapless playback and OGG/FLAC support - nice). costs a few beer tokens, but free good alternatives are available.
*Resco File explorer and Reg editor.
*Opera Browser - Renders pages faster than PIE, handles java script etc better and Tabbed browsing makes GPRS speeds much less of a pain.
*Memmaid - for cleaing up temp files, dead registry entries etc.
*Storage tools - for formating and sorting out MiniSD cards - WM5 can't even format a bloody memory card!
*Wififofum - for finding WiFi networks (more for fun than anything).
*OMAPclock - for a bit of overclocking (more for fun again, i rarely feel the need is that great)
*And of course registry wizard for the good people of these forums
Thats about it really for me, but i am finding more cools things everyday to play with but those are my must have ones - i have had to install
A few must have games include, AOE, UFO, 3D pool and Soduko.
Personally i dont use a today plugin. I have not found one i like yet and most have icons etc that are to small on the MDA's small screen or just make clutter rather than really help me. A well organised start menu is enough for me.
Oh, and of course you can flash the ROM. But i have not done this yet. T-Mobiles version does not seem that bad but i hear the O2 version is a real dog and well worth doing. I just worry about lost Wifi and GPRS functionality i have heard about some people having.
Really wasn't expecting a reply so soon, and certainly not such a comprehensive one. Thanks for your time. I may be back with more questions once I actually get my mitts on a Wizard. Cheers!
yes I agree , it is great post, specially for new people like me, I got mine (Qtek 9100) just on Friday, and I am still figuring out its functions.
But I have question - if you have time to answer - I really don't know about WiFi function -which is in the device- , if I want to connect to the internet I should have a wireless router connected to my main PC, is that right ? I have read some of posts in here, that they can connect to the Internet - through their PPC - when they are outside or walking or traveling from area to another, by scanning for the nearby Connection, then they can use it to visit websites, does this cost money when they connect to the Internet using the WiFi ? And how can I do the same if it doesn't cost m money ? Can the "WiFi Fofum" program do this o is it only to scan any available connection nearby ? How can I connect to the internet (through WiFi) when this programm finds connection? And if it is really totally free..
I know this are bunch o Questions But I really want to use this function - if possible - specially that I work outside my city and I have to spend couple of hours travelling almost everyday. I appreciate any comment.
Wireless router at home if you want to use it wirelessly or if you do what I do now and then..... connect via the USB cable to your PC. Out and about you can connect for free if someone has a wireless network within range that has no WEP security enabled
There are wireless spots around the country but you have to pay for the main ones via an account you have to set up (kind of pay as you go) Cloud is one company that runs WiFi hotspots on a PAYG basis.
If you leave your WIFI scanning it will tell you if you are within range of a network, it will also tell you if it is secured or not, if it isn't then 9/10 you can just connect and use it
I have been meaning to make a post just like the OP. You are on the mark, IMO! This situation really begs the question, how can this thing be so feeble out of the box?
Thank you XDA and all of the kind people on this forum. You have been the best!
Thomas1234 said:
if I want to connect to the internet I should have a wireless router connected to my main PC, is that right ? I have read some of posts in here, that they can connect to the Internet - through their PPC - when they are outside or walking or traveling from area to another, by scanning for the nearby Connection, then they can use it to visit websites, does this cost money when they connect to the Internet using the WiFi ?
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In my case, my service provider (Cingular) offers a service called GPRS/EDGE, which lets the Wizard access the Internet through the cell phone connection.
I use the WiFi when I don't have a good connection. Most of the time, for browsing mini-websites and sending e-mails, there isn't much speed difference between WiFi and GPRS. I don't think the Wizard is fast enough to process more than a few 100 kbps of data.
If you don't want to (or can't) pay for a GPRS service, it's possible to "war drive" for access points. The Wizard will find them, although its WiFi reception isn't as powerful as a laptop's.
On my phone, if I enable WiFi, the phone will automatically use WiFi instead of GPRS when WiFi is available. If you don't want to pay GPRS charges, you might want to configure the phone so that it doesn't use GPRS.
can you explain 'wardriving' please? is it just freely using wifi points without paying? bit confused
You are correct in your assumption !! You would be amazed at the number of 'unlocked' WiFi routers out there....
Ever tried running Bluetooth detection in a pub and seen how many phones are out there too ?
If you can find an unlocked WiFi router running DHCP - 'Fill your boots' !! Sometimes it's even possible to guess IP addresses of other PC's on the network, access em and leave a kindly note to thank them for their hospitality but warn them of their folly and the potential for disaster......I know I have but then that's me: Mr Altruism
Ok how can I get any internet connection through WiFi ? Should I just enable my WiFi and it'll scan for any available connection nearby ? I did but nothing happened, it wants from me to fill form which I really don't know anything about it... Or do I have to use a program to scan for connection ? And if yes, should my WiFi be enabled ? What is the best program for scaning ? I wish if someone explains me all that and how can start using WiFi to get a connection and an access to the internet but slowly, will be thankful.
Im new to all of this, but what can you do with the registry wizard and how do you install it? I foud a zip file for it, but cant get it to load.
i have a question too if you have the time mate,
I don't exactly want to use the edge since i dont have an unlimited plan or can i delete these settings and do you think any problems will occur?(sending recieving mms)
basicly i don't it to connect to edge(gprs) there a way to fix this
thanks so much.

Really annoyed data connection problems, and mini review

Got my blackstone today. Network unlocked and my step back into the world of windows mobile.
I stuck an O2 payandgo simcard in and connected the WIFI.
I then started playing, after a bit thought lets see what the 3g data speed is like found the o2 settings and set the data connection slider to on.
I moved out of range of the wireless and went on a couple of websites speed was good and useable for facebook etc.
However one massive problem on reconnecting to the wifi I left the data connection open as you would I mean it's on all the time right.
All of the traffic from the following web browsing nailed my £10 down to 17p.
It would not use the wifi saying in google maps "an internet connection is required" if I turn off the 3G data connection it connects through the wireless, turn it back on and it *****es and moans at me.
WTF I said rather loudly, so a data connection over 3G is a higher priority than my 20Mb cable line here over wireless.
The web stuff is good although opera is a bit irratating at times, we need skyfire for this beasty.
I love the screen and the keyboard works well. The touchflo is lagging quite a lot and the screens can take a bit of thinking before they close.
Not sure if I need to upgrade the firmware. 1.14.405.3 (222373) WWE.
I am really hacked off as now I have to put another £10 on the phone to test properly within my 14 days. Or just straight up send it back and get an X1 or an Omnia. Help me out guys.
Works fine for me, wifi prioritised over 3g whenever it's connected. However, some apps only select which connection to use when they're started, can't remember if this applies to googlemaps. Try restarting it and see if it works over wifi.
Useful tip if you want to control what uses 3g: goto control pannel/buttons, and set the end key to disconnect 3g. Then you have a quick shortcut to turn it off, and you can see at a glance in the status bar if it has reconnected (the H above the signal strength). It's also useful if you set the X button to close apps rather than minimise, otherwise you might still be using an app that thinks it's on 3G even when you come back into range of wifi.
Thanks for the reply arfster. What you say makes perfect sense, I have used the Tweak HD to change the close on x and set the end button as a 3g off switch. Will put another £10 on and see how it goes
With Tweak HD you can easily make the performance of the TF3D alot better. Made the device much better workable for me.
I have changed some settings and it has improved, I'm going to have a proper play with it when it's charged and some stuff has finished copying to it Overall I am very pleased with the hardware (camera excluded but I knew that), it makes one of the guys Iphone's look weak and feeble! the 8gb card in the box was a bonus as well
It's just some bits with the software that are bugging me, after looking around the forum a bit more it would seem that I have a World Wide English rom, need to know if I can upgrade to a euro rom of a later version. I'll keep updating this thread I think with my impressions as I go along, probably from the device most of the time to get used to the keyboard. Good times software can be fixed hardware can't.
There is an app called nodata which allows you to turn on and off GPRS data connection, You can simply toggle data connection off when you don't want to use your PAYG credit, no matter what apps are requesting for data.
BTW, there are tweaks to speed up your Touch HD device including Opera.

Orange Internet - Cost of connection

Hi. Well firstly just a quick hello as this is my first post on these forums!
I've just got my HTC Touch HD and think it's a great phone. However I'm having a few interent connection problems. I'm with Orange and have 500mb a month internet with them. I would like my phone to access my home wifi when at home, my work wifi when at work (which is patchy at the best of times) and when these aren't availabe, connect via orange through my phone.
The problem I have is that I woke up this morning to find my Orange Interent had been on all night (Just over 10 hours) this eating into my 500mb limit, or do I have to accessing a program for it to run the 500mb down?
Also, does the GPS for tomtom and google maps need interent access?
Thanks for any light you can she don this!
The 500mb is how much you download to your phone for the month. If your orange internet is on all night, but not downloading anything you are fine, if on the other hand, you had a site eg BBC on opera all night, it will eat up each time the page refreshes.. does this make sense?
One tip I do to ensure I only use wireless is to turn off data communication when in the house, so it only picks up my wifi..
I'd recommend downloading Tweak HD. It's got lots of options to disable Orange internet and wap to stop things like this happening. I was having the same problem until I got this brilliant program.
Ah great.Thanks guys. There wasn't any programs running, so hopefully it wasnt actually downloading etc. I have tried turning the connection off...but it seems to turn itself back on whenever it needed it!
I'll try the HD Tweak program, I've seen it about but not tried it yet.
Thanks again.
Im on Orange aswel and have the 500MB a month package.
I downloaded an app that you can put in your data plan (500MB) for the month and then it gives you a % of your used and your remaining.
Pretty cool app I must say, and i've never maxed that out and I use my phone constantly, 3 e-mail accounts constantly syncing, google maps (latitude), you tube, tomtom, web pages etc.
Hi JayPeg
I dont suppose you remember where you downloaded it? Or what it was called. Sounds like it would help me get used to knowing the limit.
Thanks for your reply
JayPeg said:
Im on Orange aswel and have the 500MB a month package.
I downloaded an app that you can put in your data plan (500MB) for the month and then it gives you a % of your used and your remaining.
Pretty cool app I must say, and i've never maxed that out and I use my phone constantly, 3 e-mail accounts constantly syncing, google maps (latitude), you tube, tomtom, web pages etc.
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In future try and provide names of software to help other users otherwise your post is useless.
You can achieve that with SPB Wireless Monitor (
They have a 14-day trial to try out the tool.
The HD will always use wifi in preference to 3g, unless you've changed something there.
The problem comes if you don't close apps fully, many of them stick with the same connection they used last. You can demonstrate this with websites like , note your 3G and wifi ones and do some experiments.
K_Hismoom said:
You can achieve that with SPB Wireless Monitor (
They have a 14-day trial to try out the tool.
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SPB Wireless Monitor is useful, but I found there was often up to a 50MB difference (sometimes over, sometimes under) when compared to my Orange Bill. Visiting from your phone will give you an accurate (accurate in terms of what Orange will bill you for anyway and it's also sometimes a little out of date) measurement of network usage.
moshbeard said:
Visiting from your phone will give you an accurate (accurate in terms of what Orange will bill you for anyway and it's also sometimes a little out of date) measurement of network usage.
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I only get info on SMS and call timers from there? Any ideas why that might be?

Data Connection keeps turning itself on?

I turn my data connection off through the phone settings but it seems to keep turning itself back on? Has anyone experienced this and/or knows how to sort it out?
Cheers guys
Yes there are many threads about this, check you have no auto connections enabled, like weather, facebook, mail ect, but to be honest, if the data connection is idle, it uses no more power than if it were off, i let mine run all day and i only loose 10% battery, and thats checking email every 2 hours and weather updating every 3.
Leo really is an always on device.
There are reg tweeks and cabs, and progs to help, but i found them all pretty buggy and useless, just leave it on and dont worry.
Now if you can stop the damn wireless disconnecting on sleep im a happy man .
I'll take that advice my good man ;p
Nice one bruvver ;p
jrvenge said:
Now if you can stop the damn wireless disconnecting on sleep im a happy man .
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You don't want that.. trust me. It brings a whole new meaning to 'battery hog'!
you can also configure another data connection with fake data to prevent it from connecting.
Werid that cus my nokia 5800 stays connected to wireless for 3 days on one charge?
It is strange, but data connection almost constantly on didn't affect my HD2's battery life too fact it made almost no difference.
maybe because battery life wasn't very good in the first place
Well it should not unless its being used, good advice is drop to GSM only if you dont neet a fast connection, i have my device on GSM always, and use Morits com manager to switch to 3G+ if i need the speed, i have done this with all my phones.
3G is a bit of a power monster, and rather pointless drain unless your using it.
I,m using Nodata program to disable data connections. The draw back is you have to enable them back if you want to use internet. The program is definetly good for roaming if you want to be on a safe side.
Hey thats a handy app thanks
nodata switched my data connection back on while abroad. I just hope not to get a horrific bill now!!!

[GSM/3G] Question to data connection

I am owning a HD2 since 2 days now (and love it) and have a question about data connections. Maybe you guys can tell me more or help me. If you think this should be placed somewhere else, feel free to transfer it to the right category
I changed connection to gsm because 3g/hsdpa can drain battery life hard and i cannot charge it at all places...
Now, if I am using Google Maps or refresh the weather (to it on my own, not automatically) the Phone uses GPRS, right? Dont know much about this, it is my first phone (also windows mobile phone) which I am using with a "internet flatrate"... But I know with 3G it would be all faster...
My problem is that I dont want to change the settings everytime I want to use something which needs a better data connection like gmaps or surfing in web... So is there a program which I can setup for specific programs and functions (gmaps^^, browsing and so on) and which automatically changes to the better connection? And after closing the program it automatically changes back to the normal GSM connection?
I searched a little bit around but doesn't found anything like this.
I just want to save battery life if I am not using the phone (like I am sleeping or when it is just in the bag) because than it doesn't need a good connection...
I just found something called Bandswitch... Is this what i mean?
I hope you understood now what I am wanting. And just sorry if there are some mistakes in the text. I am just trying to improve my english knowledge every day
Greetz from germany, love your board!
best regards
AFAIK, if the connection is idle, battery drain doesn't change much between EDGE and 3G.
It's when you actually use the connection that the battery drain wil go higher.
When I'm connected all day long on MSN, with nothing else really using data, I don't see a difference when I'm on EDGE or 3G.
If I'm browsing a lot, then yes 3G drains more - but that's simply because as the connection is faster, I end transferring more data than I would on EDGE. For the same mount it doesn't matter much.
Check this out.
Thank you very much, will give it a try... Seems that this is what i want

