Ringer Profiles similar to Blackberry - Vibrant General

Love the phone, but looks like the only way to control audible notifications is either all on or all off (Silent mode).
Is there anyway to setup Profiles similar to the blackberry so that
1. I can have all notifications on silent and only the phone ringer on (e.g. at night)
2. Email notifications only (e.g. at work)
Any help that does not require rooting the phone would be appreciated.

Tasker should do it. I just dug into it a bit and it seems possible. I haven't tested it.
I tried to post a link to the QR code for it, but I'm a n00b and not allowed.

Col.Kernel said:
Tasker should do it. I just dug into it a bit and it seems possible. I haven't tested it.
I tried to post a link to the QR code for it, but I'm a n00b and not allowed.
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Thanks I'll give it a shot!

You can also try out Locale. It'll set different profiles (ring, screen timeout, brightness, volume, etc) based on various different scenarios - time, date, location, specific contact... and there are plugins to make it do even more.
I LOVE Locale.

moonrock said:
You can also try out Locale. It'll set different profiles (ring, screen timeout, brightness, volume, etc) based on various different scenarios - time, date, location, specific contact... and there are plugins to make it do even more.
I LOVE Locale.
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I tried Locale when it was in beta. I'm sure it's grown since then but Tracker is OMG what can't it do?
By all means check them both out and pick the one that works best for you.

Settings Profiles from the Market works great too. A lot more powerful than Locale, but also a bit more complex to set up.


Are these possible?

I am a prospective buyer of the Touch HD. The first thing I was wondering is if you can choose settings when you schedule a meeting. For example if you have an important meeting, you might want to switch off all incoming call and message alerts. Can it be set so that it does this automatically when the meeting starts?
Also, is there any sort of application that uses the GPS so that you can choose settings depending on location. For example you might want to make it so that your phone automatically goes on silent whenever you are in the office or, if you are a student, a lecture theatre, maybe even in your bedroom. Perhaps that is a little far fetched, but it would be cool.
There are certainly applications that do your first request.
I've not seen any that do the second based on GPS but I have seen them that check the cell station and decide on which is nearest.
mike_dangerous said:
I am a prospective buyer of the Touch HD. The first thing I was wondering is if you can choose settings when you schedule a meeting. For example if you have an important meeting, you might want to switch off all incoming call and message alerts. Can it be set so that it does this automatically when the meeting starts?
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If you have all your meetings setup on your phone's calendar, then you can use a prebuilt sound profile called "Automatic" which changes phone to "vibrate" automatically during your appointments.
Also, is there any sort of application that uses the GPS so that you can choose settings depending on location. For example you might want to make it so that your phone automatically goes on silent whenever you are in the office or, if you are a student, a lecture theatre, maybe even in your bedroom. Perhaps that is a little far fetched, but it would be cool.
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Wow ..... this would be cool, but also very big-brother-ish !! Have you seen a recent movie called "Eagle Eye" ?
Cheers !!
mike_dangerous said:
I am a prospective buyer of the Touch HD. The first thing I was wondering is if you can choose settings when you schedule a meeting. For example if you have an important meeting, you might want to switch off all incoming call and message alerts. Can it be set so that it does this automatically when the meeting starts?
Also, is there any sort of application that uses the GPS so that you can choose settings depending on location. For example you might want to make it so that your phone automatically goes on silent whenever you are in the office or, if you are a student, a lecture theatre, maybe even in your bedroom. Perhaps that is a little far fetched, but it would be cool.
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check the program "Phone Alarm Pro"... if I understood your request correctly, that should be able to do what you want (change profile depending on meeting status as well as location by network antennas and GPS as well)... The program is highly configurable, fully skinnable and there is a full functioinal 14-days trial available.
I haven't tried yet, but with the gps there maybe two problems:
1) the gps reception inside buildings may be poor or may not work at all
2) if gps receiver is switched on all the time, the battery may be empty really quickly...
regards jan
Wow that does look like the perfect program. Although I don't have a Touch HD and don't know anything about how something would work with its interface etc. Has anyone tried Phone Alarm Pro because it looks like something I might buy if/when I get an HD? It looks like it does exactly what I had in mind.
I see what you are saying about GPS, how accurate would the location from other methods be. It mentions cell brodcasts? It does say that is checks your location every 2 mins, it might power off the gps at other times and the regularity of this might be customisable, I don't know.
mike_dangerous said:
Wow that does look like the perfect program. Although I don't have a Touch HD and don't know anything about how something would work with its interface etc. Has anyone tried Phone Alarm Pro because it looks like something I might buy if/when I get an HD? It looks like it does exactly what I had in mind.
I see what you are saying about GPS, how accurate would the location from other methods be. It mentions cell brodcasts? It does say that is checks your location every 2 mins, it might power off the gps at other times and the regularity of this might be customisable, I don't know.
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It is a very good applicatin wih not much battery drain, a guy posted in this forum maybe 3 days ago how smart he configured Alarm pro so he had a least over 60% battery power after 30 hours without charging...
Here is the thread: Wow....

Profile control

Hi there, is there any way to control my phone profile with a program type setting?
Like when i go to bed i always have it on silent profile, but would like it to the auto switch over to my normal profile at say 8.am so i can get my reminders for the day etc and tasks etc, is this possible?
I bought a program called Phoneweaver for this purpose. I set the time and it automatically switches to the profile I want. It also has options for controlling wifi, bluetooth, phone, and a number of other settings. And I believe there is a trial for it.
just got it looks complex!!
I thought the same at first but its really not too difficult to set up. I don't use all of the possible settings but I do use a quite a few. I would recommend playing around with the settings until you find what you'll use the most.
Beatkeeper said:
Hi there, is there any way to control my phone profile with a program type setting?
Like when i go to bed i always have it on silent profile, but would like it to the auto switch over to my normal profile at say 8.am so i can get my reminders for the day etc and tasks etc, is this possible?
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I have used phonewaver on all my HTC mobiles and it takes minutes to master the setting of the profiles. I have a day one (standard), an evening one (vibrate) a night one (full silence), and a manual meeting one (vibrate). Its the best program out there and it works perfectly...try getting profile changers on an Iphone

Profile manager Suggestions

There seems to be quite a lot of profile/audio managers on the market so I'm looking for recommendations from people who've tried and tested some.
The main use I want one of these apps to perform is auto changing/scheduling profiles at certain times of day. For example, at work my mobile has to be on silent but when I leave work I want to be able to hear calls. Then when I get my much needed beauty sleep I want it to set automatically to another profile at a set time. I want it to also recognise weekends when my phone doesn't have to be on silent.
All suggestions welcome.
Well, no feedback yet so I thought I'd dl a few of the free ones from the market and try them out. The one with the best UI, custo, functionality and profile management appears to be Profile Scheduler.
I've deleted all the others (about 6 of them) from my phone now because after testing Profile Scheduler I find that it works excellently, so far. I am going to find this invaluable.

Tasker: Do you use it? How So?

I'm a user of AutoHotKey on my PC, and I love the little quirky scripts I can write to get rid of daily annoyances or do repetitive tasks.
I'm assuming Tasker is somewhat similar for Android. I've heard a bit about it, but because of the price-tag, never really indulged.
Who around here uses the app, can't live without it, etc?
What types of things do you rely on it for?
I really don't condone stealing, but find Tasker apk *hint* google*hint* test it out see does it meet your needs/wants and if you like purchase the legal app.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
I use it for a profile switcher and to toggle between 3g/WiFi when I enter/leave the home or office (each has an Airave).
When we had the Time Without Signal problem and toggling Airplane Mode was the quick fix, I set Tasker to toggle whenever I booted the phone or took it off the charger.
My kids have some geo-fencing text reminders set up for them as well for when they leave school.
Here's a quick link to some of the different tasks you can set up. Some quick Googling and you can pretty much find the script for whatever you need. I love it because one app can handle the job of 5-10 different apps, although sometimes the scripting can be frustrating.
I use tasker for quite a few things. First and foremost is my pattern lock. I hate putting it in all the time at home, so I have tasker disable the pattern lock when I'm on my own wifi. I still keep the slide unlock active because I like the shortcuts on the lock screen.
I also use it for music. So when I plug in a 3.5mm plug without a mic it starts my music player and sets the volume. It also disables the lock screen which is insecure but when I'm driving or running I don't want to mess with a lock screen. When I'm casually listening to music, I have a headset which has a mic attached. Tasker can differentiate and therefore starts up my music app and sets the volume to a non-earsplitting level. For this I leave the lock screen active.
Lets see, when I start any app that uses GPS it automatically activates the GPS and polls my position. I have it automatically manage the screen brightness depending on the time of day. I also have it go to airplane mode if the battery is <5%. If I'm feeling lazy I have it manage when my wifi is on based on location. I have several locations (home, work, coffee shop) that I typically connect while I'm there and turn off wifi when I leave. I don't always use this because it's not 100% reliable.
That's about all I use it for. I can post instructions if anyone is interested.
I went ahead and purchased the app. Pretty cool so far. I'm interested in the profiles you are using, it sounds like you know what you are doing.
Sent from my Touchpad using XDA
Microsoft just introduced a similar app that's free. On{x} I think it's called.
I used to have it set wifi based on network location, but that wasn't always reliable. I use it to set volume levels depending on time, so that way it turns the phone down for work, and then cranks it up after work. I generally always have it making noise on email and phone calls, because I don't always feel it vibrate.
One other neat one I use is to put it in vibrate mode whenever I place the device face down. That way when I'm in a meeting, I take out my phone and just put it face down on the conference table...instant mute. When I pick it up, the sound comes back on. Also handy for charging at night, I just put it face down for the night and everything gets silenced.
I also have a profile that activates based on time and location...so now I don't have to worry about the "loudest cellphone in the world" -- one that goes off in church! :angel:
Only limited by your imagination, I found a lot of good ideas on the tasker site.
MeetFace said:
I went ahead and purchased the app. Pretty cool so far. I'm interested in the profiles you are using, it sounds like you know what you are doing.
Sent from my Touchpad using XDA
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Here's how I have some of my tasks setup. I made a profile that activates when wifi connected (state->net->wifi connected->fill in whatever you need) and then have two tasks associated with it that I called "keyguard off" and "keyguard on". Keyguard on is my exit task. For Keyguard off go to (display->keyguard->set off) repeat for keyguard on. If you want to have the slide unlock to stay on you have to use a plugin called secure settings. Otherwise it's a similar process you just navigate to "plugins" instead of "display". From there it takes you into secure settings app which is easy enough to figure out.
For the music stuff: I made a profile one for a 3.5mm with a mic and one without (new profile->state->hardware->headset plugged in). Then I made a task which is assigned to the one without a mic, set the keyguard off like above then go to app->load app->your music app of choice. Then set the volume audio->media volume->whatever volume you want. Add an exit task that reactivates the keyguard I just use my wifi task for this. Same process for the one with the mic except I have it go to a lower volume.
To use GPS you probably have to use that secure settings plugin again depending on the rom you are on (im on AOKP and have to use it). Make an new profile (application->choose all apps with gps that you want to trigger this). Make a task (plugin->secure settings->edit->gps->pick state) then add another (misc->get location). Make an exit task that disables gps.
Finally, for low battery make a profile (state->power->battery level->whatever level) and associated task (net->airplane mode->on) and an exit task which turns it off.
There's plenty more that tasker can do, hope this helps you figure it out a little. I mostly just bumbled around the app until I found some useful things plus their website is full of good ideas.
I hope everyone doesn't mind if I add another question to the thread.
I'm interested in using Tasker as well, but I'm concerned that the benefits of automation will cost me in battery life. How much has you battery life changed using tasker, if at all?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
amateurhack said:
I hope everyone doesn't mind if I add another question to the thread.
I'm interested in using Tasker as well, but I'm concerned that the benefits of automation will cost me in battery life. How much has you battery life changed using tasker, if at all?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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Well, you could use the Battery Monitor Widget from the play store (the one with all the graphs and stuff), and use it to see how much the app is using. I doubt it's a lot but I know that it is SOME. The more apps running (and updating/logging) in the background the more battery you are using. Also, someone correct me if I'm wrong but, your phone has to "wake" every time an app needs to do something (update/log)
It does use power but nothing extreme in my experience. If you're using it for setting basic sound profiles and the like it won't be noticable really. You should look at it the other way though, taskers power of automating stuff like knocking off wifi and data connections when you dont need them will probably save battery life.
masaidjet said:
I really don't condone stealing, but find Tasker apk *hint* google*hint* test it out see does it meet your needs/wants and if you like purchase the legal app.
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For the record, you can download a fully functional week-long trial from the dev's website for free.
I do a fair amount with Tasker, but one thing that I haven't seen many other people do is enable/disable battery-draining apps in certain contexts.
For example, I have a power-saving profile that disables a set of apps and services that would otherwise run 24/7. I also use have a profile which lets me run and disable AirDroid in response to a Google Voice text, so I can manage my phone from my laptop without ever touching it.
On my Nook, even small wakelocks add up over time when the battery life would otherwise be measured in days, so I use Tasker to disable just about any app that likely to throw a wakelock while I'm not using the device. Because I'm forgetful I also have profiles to disable wifi when the device goes to sleep, and to email me when the battery is getting low so I remember to charge it.
Finally, I also have generic profiles to lock and reply with GPS coordinates in response to text, turn volume to max and make noise in response to text, unlock when connected to home wifi, and unlock when my alarm goes off so that I don't have to enter my passcode and scan the alarm-silencing QR code I put up in the bathroom.
Let me know if you want more info on any of the above!
Would you mind posting the low battery profile?
I'd like to set that up on my TP.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
Sure, it's not too complicated although it does take a bit of setting up. To start with, in order to enable/disable apps you must use either the SecureSettings plugin with an updated su binary, or use adb commands. I choose to use SecureSettings, since that way I don't have to look up package names.
To disable groups of packages, I first make several individual tasks disabling each one. Then, I make another task which turns off wifi, 4g, and GPS. Next, I make another task which runs appropriate package-disabling tasks for that grouping, as well as the wifi/4g/GPS off task. Finally, I put an icon to run that group task on my homescreen.
Obviously, you'll have to figure out what apps/services you may want to disable for yourself.
Note that you could just as easily put all the package disabling actions in one task, thereby obviating the need to nest tasks. I just did it this way since that's what seemed natural to me, given that I have a few different groupings.
Links to XML files for the wifi/GPS off task, an example package disabling task, and a low power consumption master task.
amateurhack said:
I'm interested in using Tasker as well, but I'm concerned that the benefits of automation will cost me in battery life. How much has you battery life changed using tasker, if at all?
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I had the same concerns when I purchased Tasker, and I've found the battery life impact to be undetectable by me. Mainly, that's because tasker runs based on states, and it doesn't constantly poll the OS for what state it's in.
For instance, I have a task that puts my device on silent when it's face down. From how I understand it works, tasker tells the OS "let me know when you are face down" and then pretty much goes to sleep. The OS handles that, and when it goes face down, it tells tasker "ok, i'm face down now" and then tasker executes its script.
So, tasker really doesn't impact battery life, but if you have it switch on high-drain stuff, then yep, you'll see a difference, but that's what you've set it to do, not the app itself.
I've been very thankful for Tasker. I've used it for over a year now, and its one that I continually use and keep.
A few different ways I use is to set the sound profile depending day and time. It auto sets to vibrate at church and auto sets to sound off overnight. But if certain contacts call (mom, dad, wife, etc) the ringer turns on.
I also use it to turn on wifi when I'm home. Thankfully, I'm on Sprint with unlimited data. But I'm sure on other carriers, data usage may be a concern and using wifi at home could save that data usage.
Another cool way I use it is if I'm driving and recieve a text message, it will auto-reply with a text saying "Texting while driving is bad. I'm traveling at 47.3 mph currently. I'll reply later when it's safe". I know that's alittle overboard, but I think it's nifty.

[Q] Multiple Home Screen "profiles"

Is it possible to create, save and switch between different sets of home screens and setting.
HTC Sense has "Scenes" that allows this, even my old Nokia E71 had two profiles that allowed for a completely different home screen and settings.
Is there anyway of doing this with the Nexus 4?
I would like to have a set of home screens and settings with the stuff I use at work, then be able to switch to another profile that has different home screens and settings for the road trips, and another for home.
I have seen apps that allow for all the settings to be switched, but have not had any luck with changing the home screen.
-BEGIN RANT-:crying:
Am I the only one that desires to customize my phone for completely different segments of my life and be able to switch between them with ease?
OK really, I need to learn to develop this stuff, because there are many basic tasks I thought would be standard issue by now on these little computers we carry with us, but not.
:angel:-END OD RANT-
So my Nexus 4 should be arriving today, so i guess I will start to play with it. I read about installing separate launchers and switching between them with Tasker.
Can more then one instance of a single app, like a launcher, be installed by changing something in some setting once I am rooted?
Any thought, ideas to give me another direction to search?
any good "learn everything there is to know about android development in one day" classes or books?
cjunk said:
-BEGIN RANT-:crying:
Am I the only one that desires to customize my phone for completely different segments of my life and be able to switch between them with ease?
OK really, I need to learn to develop this stuff, because there are many basic tasks I thought would be standard issue by now on these little computers we carry with us, but not.
:angel:-END OD RANT-
So my Nexus 4 should be arriving today, so i guess I will start to play with it. I read about installing separate launchers and switching between them with Tasker.
Can more then one instance of a single app, like a launcher, be installed by changing something in some setting once I am rooted?
Any thought, ideas to give me another direction to search?
any good "learn everything there is to know about android development in one day" classes or books?
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Most custom ROMs have profiles for just this. You can easily switch between them by pulling down the notification bar and clicking on a quick tile. I know for sure that carbon does this and assume most of the major releases will as well.
Carbonized and francofied N4
Chameleon Launcher allows this.
Thanks for the suggestions.
ingenious247 said:
Chameleon Launcher allows this.
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It seems to, but it seems to be not very reliable at the moment from what I read. It is also a big change from the standard android feel I like.
I still might give it a try though, I like that they are trying something different. Looks almost like a windows/android warp
Cuzz1369 said:
Most custom ROMs have profiles for just this. You can easily switch between them by pulling down the notification bar and clicking on a quick tile. I know for sure that carbon does this and assume most of the major releases will as well.
Carbonized and francofied N4
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I have seen roms and launchers that promote their "profiles" feature, but all them do not seem to go as far as allowing me to save a whole set of home screen configurations, then change from one set to the other with ease. They seem to be just a collection of settings like volumes, sounds, radios on/off and such.
I will look into carbon to see if it can indeed do this.
I find it hard to actually find a detailed listing of what different roms can do. most of the info is just how to install, bugs and more technical development stuff.
My new baby was sitting all bundled up on the table when I got home today. I haven't even had a chance to turn her on yet. still admiring the curves
cjunk said:
Thanks for the suggestions.
It seems to, but it seems to be not very reliable at the moment from what I read. It is also a big change from the standard android feel I like.
I still might give it a try though, I like that they are trying something different. Looks almost like a windows/android warp
I have seen roms and launchers that promote their "profiles" feature, but all them do not seem to go as far as allowing me to save a whole set of home screen configurations, then change from one set to the other with ease. They seem to be just a collection of settings like volumes, sounds, radios on/off and such.
I will look into carbon to see if it can indeed do this.
I find it hard to actually find a detailed listing of what different roms can do. most of the info is just how to install, bugs and more technical development stuff.
My new baby was sitting all bundled up on the table when I got home today. I haven't even had a chance to turn her on yet. still admiring the curves
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I'm sure you'll be happ. Best phone I've ever had. And you are right about the profiles being mostly setting. Carbon is like that too. The only work around I can think of is a launcher. I use nova it is rock solid. You can back up the configuration and restore in less than a minute.
Carbonized and francofied N4

