Manila 1.9 to 2.5 - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

I just got a TP2 and it has Manila 1.9 on it still. I'd like to upgrade to version 2.5 but don't want to mess anything up. Can I just install 2.5 or do I have to work my way up to it? Any help would be appreciated, as well as a link to the version or versions I have to use...

No, You need a rom with 2.5 cooked into it. Check out the rom thread over at PPC Geeks.

shane6374 said:
No, You need a rom with 2.5 cooked into it. Check out the rom thread over at PPC Geeks.
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And why not the ROM thread here at xda?

Thanks for the replies. I'm pretty shady about flashing my ROM as I'm never done it before. I'm not computer illiterate, just haven't attempted anything like this on a phone yet. I have no problems with cabs or registry edits. My main goal is to get Max Manila on the phone. Would someone please give me step by step instructions with links? I just see too many version specific things and don't want to install the wrong thing and brick my phone. I have a US Cellular Touch Pro 2, ROM version 2.01.5733. I'd like to stay as close to the original as possible, just add Manila 2.5....
Any help is always appreciated...
[Edit] I do have Manila 2.1 on there now also.....

There isnt a way to "hot swap" sense because its built in to the Windows infrastructure because Sense has so much control over the phone. The only solution here is to flash a new rom. The steps are EXTREMELY simple.
the thread for such a thing is here
if retaining stock apps or anything is your main issue, then perhaps you can make good friends with one of the Chefs and they could throw something together for you

buru898 said:
And why not the ROM thread here at xda?
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True, True. Nothing against the rom thread here. I have a CDMA TP2 and just like the one over at PPC. I loved it here when I had the Vogue.

ShawnDobie said:
Thanks for the replies. I'm pretty shady about flashing my ROM as I'm never done it before. I'm not computer illiterate, just haven't attempted anything like this on a phone yet. I have no problems with cabs or registry edits. My main goal is to get Max Manila on the phone. Would someone please give me step by step instructions with links? I just see too many version specific things and don't want to install the wrong thing and brick my phone. I have a US Cellular Touch Pro 2, ROM version 2.01.5733. I'd like to stay as close to the original as possible, just add Manila 2.5....
Any help is always appreciated...
[Edit] I do have Manila 2.1 on there now also.....
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That's how we all started. It's kinda like crack in a way. Once you start, you can't stop. Since you're already doing reg edits, you one step away from flashing roms. There are a lot of great cooks in these forums that are willing to help answer questions. These guys build some great roms that truly enhance the value and usability of your phone.

Heh PPCGeeks is also a good place ;p.
You could always just install the Sense 2.5 cab over your sense 1.9? I use the Sense 2.1 cab (sooooo much smoother) and my ROM has no manila in it from the start and it runs flawlessly.

Okay, I finally have the time to play with this. I think I have the files but just want to ask to make sure. When I was reading up on this before, I thought I read somewhere about unlocking you sim card or something like that, but couldn't find that now. I've downloaded RhodiumW HardSPL and Energy Ron 23121. Can someone just verify that's all I need? From what I found I just run the HardSPL while hooked up via ActioveSync, and it should go from there. Once done I open the rom file and run the Custom RUU file. Am I missing anything?


i need help imma noob

alright so i just got me a t-mobile wing abou t2 weeks ago and i was wondering like what all these things like SPL, RUU, Hard-SPL and stuff or how do i check if i have SPL 4.0 or higher and also i was wondering how to install or "flash" touch-IT onto my phone
Thankyou for your help!
p.s. this site is really cool!
Welcome to the site first and foremost..Um I have a youtube vid that shows you how to flash a newer rom to your what your going to realize is that some roms are fit to your liking others are not...if you wanna take a look at my video on how to flash the rom its pretty easy just follow steps as follows 100%...if you want a touch it rom just when you get to the point in the video where you download the rom and extract it to the RUU FOLDER, extract the touch it rom to the folder and continue with the vid..if you like the video and care to buy me a coffee you can donate to me in my signature!!
i am new too. I would like to put a new rom on my phone. do i search your name on youtube?
Plus I am look more so for looks and speed. what are some good roms to get?
thainess said:
alright so i just got me a t-mobile wing abou t2 weeks ago and i was wondering like what all these things like SPL, RUU, Hard-SPL and stuff or how do i check if i have SPL 4.0 or higher and also i was wondering how to install or "flash" touch-IT onto my phone
Thankyou for your help!
p.s. this site is really cool!
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To check your SPL and IPL, enter bootloader. Hold down the the voice and camera button, then hit the soft reset button. About HardSPL and other stuffs, please read
It's a good guide. This is for your own good, don't rush and you may end up bricking your phone. I am a noob too. Just take a few hours to read them, and I am now ... I don't know, I lost count of the number of roms I flashed.
lokee99 said:
Plus I am look more so for looks and speed. what are some good roms to get?
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Try the TouchIT or OpenTouch roms, They are very good, both in speed and look. I know I may sound weird, but I am using TouchIT 3.0 (I think the newest one is TouchIT 6 or something like that). It is so fast that I don't even need to over clock. The other roms I usually over clocked them to 247.
ITje, the author for the TouchIT roms removed all his download links before because someone sold the roms in eBay, but here is the list his previous ones

XDA Ignito / HTC Touch - Need advice (help) plz :)

hi guys,
I have just joined the forum and this is my first post..
I have bought the XDA Ignito or the HTC Touch Diamond.. and have been exploring the phone. Was wondering if I can get some help here, i know there are lots of posts there but some things are complicating to me!
Just to inform that I am a newbie with all this stuff.
I want to customise few things:
I'm on orange and therefore I dont want the O2 screen at the start, and although I like the blue and white theme (of the TouchFlo3D), I would like to see the original version (black) also..
In the Internet option, When I click on Launch Browser, nothing happens and I have to manually open Internet Explorer from the Start menu!
I thought it is possible to browse the web in landscape by tilting the phone, but when I tilt the device nothing happens. Is it because im using Internet Explorer?
What do I need to do to purely customise my new toy lol
Also I would like to know of any tweaks that I may be able to do to maybe make the phone more faster?
One more question, I would like to know how long on average does the battery last? Mine lasts just about a day!
Thank you lot in advance! Appreciate all the help I can get!
The simple answer is to flash a new rom. This will make your phone a standard diamond and remove the O2 branding
Internet explorer does not work in landscape. Most diamond's have Opera installed as the default browser which does switch to landscape
The new Rom should make your phone faster - the custom roms are usually tweaked for speed
If it's new, you are probably playing with your new toy a lot, so 1 day battery is about right
You could also try diamond tweak or advanced config from this forum. Both allow you to tweak in a user friendly way
There are sticky threads about these at the start of this very diamond forum
hey hays
firstly thanks for the reply..
So where do I or can I download the new rom and is it easy to 'flash' it? But before that i would want to know how to backup the current one just incase therex problems later!
Regarding the browser, i will try find the opera browser n download and make it the default, hoping that will work!
Right once i get those things done i will search the tweaks..
cheers so far
I downloaded Opera, including the new beta version from their website and yet it does not tilt to landscape when i turn the phone
Can someone who is able to browse the web in landscape plz tell me which version of Opera you are using?
opera browser landscape version??
no one willing to put an input??? Need to know the opera version!
I suggest you to backup files using spb backup and then flash the rom you like. It's easy, there is a fine tutorial. Probably you will have opera with it.
thanks for that
spent most of today just researching it around the forums, catching up on all the terminology that had been confusing me lol
I will download n flash a new ROM soon.. but I would like to backup my current one, which is WWE and Radio version
Anyone know where I can download these original ones?
thanks once again.
I know nothing about backuping whole rom, but I suggest you not to worry about that, there are few O2 roms here I think, radio also is no problem
yeh i might forget about backing up the whole ROM and instead im just going to find WWE ROM sumwhere lol and then i can start messing about!
dont work!
thanks idrisito, i've checked that thread earlier today..
the link they provide in there dont exist any more
does it not! ill sort it out when i get home!
found it, i think!
well i did find "O2 XDA Ignito ROM WWE November_2008.rar" from located in the thread
Now im slightly confused, will this do as my backup or should I wait until you sort out the link u have given me earlier?
that link i posted (i.e. the first one on the XDA ignito thread) does work ! i just downloaded from it !
thats the latest one it should say december 7th!
the other one i upped whic youv got does not display the splash screen correctly
once you'v downloaded the december 7th one that should allow you to return to the stock ROM, after flashing other ROMs, if you want to ever return for warranty purposes!
wicked! thanx
Hey idrisito thanks bro!!
dont know what happened!! its strange lol it was not working before! honest!
well im downloading it right now.
I also managed to flash Hard-SPL-Diamond-OliNex 1.40 and updated my Radio to v1.03.25.18 from How would i find out which radio is better lol are there any things i should look for?
Two days of hard reading on this forum ahh lol but glad its done successfully without any problems.. next stage is to find a good ROM and flash that! Might start with the HTC's original one and compare it to the O2's blue theme.
thanks n keep up the good work
update: I just tried to flash Diamond_WWE_1.93.707.157 ROM but for some reason was unsucessful! It ends up with the following message after 1%:
error [244] INVALID MODEL ID
What am i doing wrong?
you need to carrier unlock your phone (CID unlock) if you want to flash any ROM!
have you installed unsigned hard SPL? (i suggest unsigned)
it probably didnt work cos the rom your installing is for a different region!
go for one of UDKs or some of the othe widely used ROMs in the forum!
there is a way round flashing the rom you currently have but it involves deconstrucing>> changing the model ID>>reconstructing the ROM and then flashing!
its easy enough once you know how!
the best radio in my opinion is the one suggested in UDK R3 ROM thread

Help The Noob!!!!

P.s. Is this the right thread i am posting i dont this is a wrong thread and if i am not supposed to post here then i am sorry for my noobness.....
well, dought a diamond few days back....its a used piece that has no i have been thinking of modding it with new rom and s/w.....well basically i am a noob in upgrading roms...but i have seen my friend do it a couple of times,felt its a no sweat process....and i wanna try my hand at it....
well basically i need a good rom....(i know i should have searched the forum for roms....but i need your valuable Wisdom in choosing the right rom cause if i choose a wrong one i might mess things up.....and no i am not Lazy)
well...i want a good rom....plz suggest me a few...i will now mention what i need in my patient
i need
Windows Mobile OS Rom(preferably The Latest 6.1 cause its the stable one around....i dont know about 6.5 is it any good..?)
can i have the cube application in the would look cool to use it...
Mobile Office,Pdf Reader,yahoo messenger,a nice all in one media player..(like vlc on pc plays everything i throw at it...i just love it..)
i would also like to have the Htc Touch Viva Blue Theme.....i dont Know what its called but i saw it on my friend phone and it was pleasent...
Hey, u know that your phone can brick, right?
You really should read a lot about flashing before doing it.
Start >here<
After that proceed here
If you read everything carefully and want to flash a new ROM be shure to
do it step by step as it's suggested.
And I guess you have read it quite often, but you have to find your own ROM.
Try some and then decide which to use. It's most satisfying^^
And yes, 6.1 is more stable than 6.5 for now so you should take a 6.1 ROM.
But have a look at these two ROMs. I have tryed them both besides many other and I used the A.Z.T.O.R. series for a long time -> very stable and really fast! Will use it again when X3 will be released I don't know if they fit all of your personal needs, but especially for some special theme or so on you should search the Thread you posted this request
udK Syrius
Good luck!
PS.: Please use a topic that contains some more information next time
oh dang i could only get to the first sentence because i have cdma
Thanks for the reply marcel .....i know that i am risking it...but hey...better to die than live a coward all my life ....i want to go thru this...
and okay nxt time i will name the thread more appealingly....
I would recommend two options. You can use Cloudy 1.1 with and without Manila. I have tried both. The WITH Manila has the TF3D with it which is very nice. However, my preference is WITHOUT Manila and then add SPB Mobile Shell 3.0. This is more user friendly.
Both options are very fast and with lots of free ram (more than 50Mb)...
I am not sure if these work with CDMA - please check first.
By the way, I think there is so much great help on these sites (and PPC Geeks) that you will always find a way to get your phone looking and feeling the way you like.
Good luck!
Sorry i forgot to mention..the Diamond i right now have was flashed right now its having a custom rom by diamond project team....well i am looking for a move basic rom.....which is almost or most likely official rom...
if you want a official rom you can visit and download the latest official rom that have been released. whether or not you can use the custom spl without doing any harm i have no idea about since i do not know anything about roms and flashing i just know that HTC has official roms on their site
I think u can download ROMs from HTC if u own an original-HTC device, right?
I wasn't able to download their ROMs because I bought my Diamond from a German reseller
-> Same phone, nearly the same look but an unsupported IMEI (?)
And again I can propose an A.Z.T.O.R. ROM^^
Alpha Zero Tweaked Official Roms = A.Z.T.O.R.
And as your phone was flashed before you should have no probs flashing a new ROM^^ So try some and then choose
The Whole Story!!!
Actually The Diamond i Right now have was bought off the gray was actually a orange network locked the phone is right now unlocked,gray market product....
Okie....i will take a look at AZTOR..
Well i decided to go with this hardspl.... but i cannot seem to understand which radio file to choose....and Roms are Relatively not a big problem...i will try AZTOR OR Duttys..plz gimme a latest stable Radio file...
operator ver : Diamondproject Team
Rom Ver : 1.93.921.2 WWE
Rom date : 14/08/08
Radio Version : 1.20.olinex
Protocol Ver : 52.26a.25.09U
some one just gimme good files.....itseems i cannot listen to radio..??!!even set to the frequency i just hear blur sound nothing else....i tried the Hard Spl signed one 1.40...and nothing actually changed....just my phone got hard reset....
so plz...plz...some one Help...
Well as you can see ,itseems i have a 2008 Rom.....i am looking for a 2009 rom...u know..more newer/latest..
okay..i am getting a hang of it.....but still a long way to go...
well..i have found the Rom that my phone currently has...and its link is...
i noticed that my radio is not working.....????
i want to use a more latest Rom & would like to listen to radio on my phone... Any help would be appericated...and if nothing else works...imma gonna PM the TOM_CODON Mod who made the rom...
Guys Finally..i manged to flash the whole phone...i.e Hardspl,radio & Rom ...
i am happy with the new os..but noticed that radio is not working...??!!i have created a new thread for help on radio.....check it out at

custom rom vs offical

hi all i have the first batch of hd2's from and the specs are
1.43.405.1 WWE rom
5.2.21864 OS
now id like to flash my hd2 as ive had it awhile and at first just installed everything everywhere and now i know what apps i want id like a clean install, i was going to just hard reset it but then thought seen as theirs new roms i should install one for the fixes they offer. so i have one simple question....
should i install the latest official rom from htc 1.66 or would it benefit me more installing a custom rom, keep in mind this is a first for me and i would like a custom rom if possible to gain some extra features they offer
can someone link me to the best custom rom to date please and also are they easy to install
you should do your homework and read m8. then happy flashing.
im reading up on the info now matey, could i ask whats the best custom rom todate.. most stable and clean, also how is their some with more ram and cpu hacks, where can i find out more info on this as it seems weird htc putting higher amounts of ram in these hd2's and then not showing it, also whats this 1ghz hack ??
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donalgodon said:
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could you post your thoughts here too I am well interested too, I have had my HTC HD2 for 8 hours now and its a beauty!!!
I have pretty much decided to:
- Check SPL version
- Install HSDL
- Install Dutty's LEO Holy Grail V0.9
- Stick a SNES emulator on it.
there is no 'best custom rom' and if you HAD been reading up you would have seen that that question gets asked a dozen times per day, and never gets an answer.
actually threads like that get closed.
knightthatsaysni said:
could you post your thoughts here too I am well interested too, I have had my HTC HD2 for 8 hours now and its a beauty!!!
I have pretty much decided to:
- Check SPL version
- Install HSDL
- Install Dutty's LEO Holy Grail V0.9
- Stick a SNES emulator on it.
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Starting with HSPL is the best choice, then your options are greater.
You'll get many opinions on ROMs, and all our chef's are great, and do fantastic work but like anything, it is a matter of taste.
For me, Dutty's HG is a good place to start. It is close to stock, but with some great custom features. It is my choice, as it suits my needs/style of using my phone the best, but my all means, you should experiment.
I have read alot and the process/method seems like something I can cope with, I suppose the only question is:
If I should wait for longer than 8 hours
Nice piece of kit for sure though.....
That's up to you, but what are you waiting for?

rom help please

hi, i cant find an answer so im posting my problem here,
i bought an htc p4350 WING US through ebay, it had an UNICEL splash screen but the ROM wasnt branded with unicel stuff, it was clean, i think it came with htc original rom wm 6.1 or 6.0, i wanted to try those custom roms so i flashed my phone with the wingster instructions, i didnt like them so i wanted to flash back the original htc p4350 WING us but i couldnt because it always give me the wrong vendor id error even though im hardspl, i saw a post wich explains how to downgrade to tmobiles rom by putting some spl, but i havent tried it yet cause i want the original HTCs rom not the tmobiles one, what can i do? :'(
mjlg said:
hi, i cant find an answer so im posting my problem here,
i bought an htc p4350 WING US through ebay, it had an UNICEL splash screen but the ROM wasnt branded with unicel stuff, it was clean, i think it came with htc original rom wm 6.1 or 6.0, i wanted to try those custom roms so i flashed my phone with the wingster instructions, i didnt like them so i wanted to flash back the original htc p4350 WING us but i couldnt because it always give me the wrong vendor id error even though im hardspl, i saw a post wich explains how to downgrade to tmobiles rom by putting some spl, but i havent tried it yet cause i want the original HTCs rom not the tmobiles one, what can i do? :'(
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Alrighty, put my TribU2U v3 ROM into the HardSPL folder and take out the one that is there. Then run the Rom Update Utility. If that doesn't work, reinstall the three cab files again (that were in the HardSPL folder) and then run the canonyang rom and then run my ROM, I think you'll like my ROM..
Tribulattifather said:
Alrighty, put my TribU2U v3 ROM into the HardSPL folder and take out the one that is there. Then run the Rom Update Utility. If that doesn't work, reinstall the three cab files again (that were in the HardSPL folder) and then run the canonyang rom and then run my ROM, I think you'll like my ROM..
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thank you for your help man, i really appreciate it, i really do, but the thing is that i dont want custom roms anymore, i took a look to your tribU2U v3 and it looks great, but all i want is to downgrade my HTC P4350 WING US back to its original HTC windows mobile 6.0/6.1 rom without any changes, if you could help me to get rid of the WRONG VENDOR ID and put original HTC rom back i would appreciate it A LOT...
i dont want wm6.5, m2d, touchflo, plugins, programs nor nothing of those stuff, they make the phone buggy and very slow... and dont like'em
i just want the original cuz it comes clean, no visual pimping, no programs added or removed, ultra stable, and because of that the phone works great without errors and very fast... just as i like it
No problem. Thank you for at least trying my Rom.
All you have to do now is insert the original tmoble rom into the folder and take out mine and then run the rom update utility again. Look in my tribu2u thread and I should have the original rom somewhere for you. Just go the the last page and look backward.. Should be 10 to 20 pages backward.. I'd find it for you, buti'm on my phones browser..
Tribulattifather said:
No problem. Thank you for at least trying my Rom.
All you have to do now is insert the original tmoble rom into the folder and take out mine and then run the rom update utility again. Look in my tribu2u thread and I should have the original rom somewhere for you. Just go the the last page and look backward.. Should be 10 to 20 pages backward.. I'd find it for you, buti'm on my phones browser..
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you welcome. thank you so much your help, after the tmobile rom am i going to be able to flash the original HTC one without the WRONG VENDOR ID error?
mjlg said:
you welcome. thank you so much your help, after the tmobile rom am i going to be able to flash the original HTC one without the WRONG VENDOR ID error?
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I'm back on the computer for now so I downloaded the original rom setup for you. Here you go:
wow man, thank you so much, i was looking through you pages but couldn't find it, right now im having my battery at 40% so ill try it in a while to see what happens
mjlg said:
wow man, thank you so much, i was looking through you pages but couldn't find it, right now im having my battery at 40% so ill try it in a while to see what happens
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Actually, wait one moment; I am going to upload the ROM instead of the setup executable. I'll post back here when I have it uploaded.
why? whats the matter? do i have to use another RUU? i could extract the rom from the executable with 7zip if thats the problem
mjlg said:
why? whats the matter? do i have to use another RUU? i could extract the rom from the executable with 7zip if thats the problem
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Oh alrighty, lol. Not many users have an intermediate to advanced skill level as you. So I usually try to make everything as easy as possible. But yeah, that is what I was going to do for you - take the nbh file from the exe and upload it.
hahah thanks, yeah i have some good skills, but as im new in flashing WM roms i want to be careful cause i dont want to brick the phone, i used to flash motorola v600 to v3 flex in my time, psp's and those things, i just only need to now if i need toput the rom in the hardspl folder and install again the 3 apps or could i do it with the exe you just gave me?
man thats the tmobile rom not the HTC one :'(
can anyone help me pleaseeeeeeee :'(

