Quick ADWLauncher howto - Nexus One General

So many people have been complaining about ADW being included in CM6; it is something new and they do not know how it works. Often they activate a feature that they don't know about and flip out because they lost an icon or the dock bar; so I'm here to give a quick run down of some features, settings and usage.
I want to thank member "j.a" for helping me with the text and layout formating for increased readability.
Basic home screen actions:
First off, ADW has two swipe actions, a swipe up and a swipe down; these swipe actions can be disabled or the resulting action changed in settings.
Swipe down's default action is to hide the status bar, giving a full screen look. (I may be incorrect here and the default action is to open the notifications, I am not set to default anymore so...)
Swipe up's default action is to open/close a secondary dock bar at the bottom of the screen. This secondary dock is empty by default, so it will appear that your dock has disappeared. All you need to do is drag an icon to the dock and it will "pin" itself to the dock; it can hold several icons and if you place more than can fit on the screen the dock can scroll left and right. To delete an icon in the secondary dock, long press it and an option to delete will pop up.
The main dock's icons can be changed, just drag an icon to one of the icon areas and it will replace the current icon. The default setting is 2 icons in addition to the app drawer icon, but you can enable 4 in settings. If you touch the app drawer icon and swipe up, it will also open the secondary dock. (this can be done by mistake when trying to tap the icon) Also, if you touch an icon in the secondary dock and swipe down it brings the main dock back up. (this action will not work if you do not have any icons in the secondary dock, it gave me fits when I first started using ADW)
The secondary dock can be disabled in settings.
ADWLauncher Settings:
For CM 6 users these are found in the Main settings menu, (the one you get by hitting menu key when on the home screen then selecting "settings" or from the "settings" icon in the app drawer) it is the third in the list under "call settings". (for market installed versions, ADW settings will be under "preferences" when hitting menu at the home screen)
First off, I have noticed (when using CM6 RC1) that if I have LauncherPro installed on my device, that the ADWLauncher settings menu does not show up in the Main settings menu any more; (edit: the settings are accessed like the market installed version, hit menu when on the home screen, it is labelled "ADWStettings") this may also occur with other home/launcher replacements. This may be the cause of some peoples confusion, if they can not find the settings and options, how can they know or learn to change them.
Many of these are self explanatory, they are even captioned with what they do, but a quick overview.
Screen preferences:
Hide Status Bar: Enable/disable the status bar, for that full screen look.
Desktop Screens: Choose number of home screens available to place icons and widgets.
Default Screen: Choose which home screen is the "default" or "main" screen.
Auto stretch: If you choose a custom grid size, (the number of icons that can be placed on the screen) this option will try to resize the icons so they fit on the screen without overlapping, or when changing orientation.
Desktop Columns: Selects the number of icons that can fit across the screen. (this setting is universal between portrait and landscape orientation)
Desktop Rows: Selects the number of icons that can fit from top to bottom of the screen. (this setting is universal between portrait and landscape orientation)
Desktop scrolling speed: Swiping left or right on the home screen will change between the different home screens. This setting changes how fast this happens. A slow setting will cause the screen to slide slowly to the next and vise versa for fast settings.
Desktop overshoot: This setting changes the "bounce" effect when using L/R swipe to change between home screens. It ranges from no bounce to a large amount of bounce.
Drawer Settings:
Horizontal Drawer: Changes the app drawer to a horizontal scrolling effect similar to the home screen or the Galaxy S/iPhone UI.
Drawer Columns Portrait: Changes how many columns of icons appear in the app drawer while in portrait orientation.
Drawer Rows Portrait: Changes how many rows of icons appear in the app drawer in portrait mode. (horizontal mode must be enabled to change this setting)
Drawer Columns Landscape: Changes how many columns of icons appear in the app drawer while in landscape orientation.
Drawer Rows Landscape: Changes how many rows of icons appear in the app drawer in landscape mode. (horizontal mode must be enabled to change this setting)
Animated Drawer: Enables/disables the drawer animations, like the fly in/out effect when opening and closing the app drawer.
Zoom effect speed: Changes the speed of the fly in/out effect when opening or closing the app drawer.
Show app labels: Enables/disables the application names that appear under the icons in the app drawer.
Fade app labels: Chooses if the app labels will fade in during the app drawer open/close animation, or if they will pop up instantly when the app drawer animation is complete.
Background color: Change the app drawer background's color and alpha value. (transparency)
Page Horizontal Margin: Changes the space between the pages of the app drawer when it is set to Horizontal mode.
Preview Settings:
Previews are a thumbnail overview of all your home screens.
Sense previews: Changes between default Android style previews and Sense style previews.
Clean Screen Mode: Chooses whether or not the home screen icons will disappear when entering preview mode. (only affects default Android style previews)
System Preferences:
Home button binding: Change the default action when pressing the home button.
Swipe down actions: Changes or disables the home screen swipe down action.
Swipe up actions: Changes or disables the home screen swipe up action.
Wallpaper Hack: A scrolling hack for the home screen, disabling this option helps fix force closes when using large memory intensive wallpapers. (I am not sure but I am guessing this hack steals RAM or other resources from the wallpaper handler to increase home screen performance)
Orientation sensor: Enables/disables home screen accelerometer orientation. (I am assuming that devices with slide-out keyboards will still change orientation when opening the keyboard)
Use screen cache: Enables/disables using cache for the launcher/home screen, instead of reloading from scratch every time you go back to the home screen from another app. (using many widgets, icons and home screens can create a large cache and will hurt performance; so in those situations disable this setting)
Scrollable widget support: Enables/disables support for widgets with scrollable elements. Leave disabled if you do not use scrollable widgets. (many people claim that they can use scrollable widgets just fine even with this disabled, it may be related to how many widgets and icons you use, so try it and if you have issues enable the setting)
System persistent: Enabling this setting will force the Android memory controller to keep the launcher in memory even if free RAM gets low; this increases performance when returning to the home screen from other apps. (the dev of ADW has himself stated that he is not sure of his coding abilities for this function and states that if you have issues that you should try disabling this setting, I have this setting enabled and have not had issues, but keep this in mind if you have issues and ADW force closes)
UI settings:
Desktop dots: Enables/disables the Froyo style dots on each side of the main dock. (the ones that you can tap to change home screens)
Dockbar: Enables/disables the secondary dockbar
Closing dockbar: If you use the secondary dockbar, this setting will choose whether or not it will close (reopen the main dock) automatically when you launch an app or stay open until closed manually when you return to the home screen.
Closing folder: Chooses if a home screen folder will close automatically after you launch an app or if you must close it manually when you return to the home screen.
LAB: Enable/disable the icon to the left of the app drawer icon on the main dock.
RAB: Enable/disable the icon to the right of the app drawer icon on the main dock.
Secondary Action Buttons: Enabling this option will allow you to place 2 extra icons on the main dock. (Desktop Dots must be disabled to use this setting)
Tint AB: This setting enables a grayed out tint effect for the icons in the dock. (similar to stock Froyo launcher icons)
AB scale factor: Changes the size of the icons in the main dock.
Hide AllApps Bg: Enables/disables the tinted background dock effect for the app drawer icon.
Hide AB Bg: Enables/disables the tinted background dock effect for the icons to either side of the app drawer icon.
Hide icon labels: Chooses whether or not the application names appear under the app icons placed on the home screen.
Use new icon selectors: Chooses between the old and new style of highlighting selected icons. (the outlining/marking when tapping or long pressing home screen icons, or when using the trackball to navigate icons)
Highlight press color: Chooses the color of the icon highlight when tapping or long pressing an icon.
Highlight focus color: Chooses the color of the icon highlight when the icon is in focus. (selected but not activated, like when using the trackball to select icons)
Show desktop indicator: Enable/disable a graphical representation that allows you to know which home screen you are on at a glance.
Autohide desktop indicator: Chooses if the desktop indicator will remain visible or autohide after a short time.
Indicator type: Chooses the desktop indicator style. A Galaxy S dots style or a small top/bottom scroll bar style.
Theme Preferences:
This is for ADW 1.0.0 and above.
Use Theme Icons: Disabling this setting forces the use of the standard Icons for native apps instead if the theme provided versions. (only native apps like maps, contacts, etc are themed, this can create a stark contrast in icon styles between native and downloaded apps when using some of the more styled themes; this can look inconsistent and some people may wish for a more unified icon set)
Select your theme: Select your theme. This is where you will find your downloaded themes listed.
Theme Preview: This is just a preview picture of the selected theme. (if included by the theme dev)
Apply theme!: (button) Pressing this will enable the selected theme.
Get themes!: (button) pressing this will take you to the market app and start a search fro ADW themes.
Backup and restore:
Backup ADW settings: Pressing this will create a backup of all your settings for ADW on the SDcard. Handy if you are performing a wipe when flashing a new ROM (I find that this works better than Titanium backup for restoring ADW after a wipe)
Restore ADW settings: Restores your settings for ADW from the backup file created by pressing "Backup ADW settings". (as I said above, I found this more reliable than Titanium backup)
Backup desktop configuration: Pressing this will create a backup of your home screen icon and widget settings/placement on the SDcard. (I do not believe Titanium backup does this at all as it did not restore my icons/widgets)
Restore desktop configuration: Pressing this will restore your desktop configuration of icons and widgets from the file created by "Backup desktop configuration". (of course you must have restored all your downloaded apps/widgets first, Froyo will automatically restore any apps you had installed before a wipe; you must enable this feature in "privacy" settings, this restore will take some time and Android will notify you when all apps are restored)
If you are having performance issues with ADW, you can change some of these settings to help. Disabling animations will help a lot, as well as any other settings that make ADW more "flashy". You can also try using less home screens, widgets/icons and/or a normal static wallpaper as well. The smaller the memory footprint of your home screen/launcher the faster it will respond, with less/no hiccups in performance.
There is a new Wiki for ADW launcher, as it grows it will be a great source for info. http://adwlauncher.wikia.com/wiki/ADW_Launcher_Wiki
Well thats it, I hope this helps some of you out who are new to ADW. If you have questions, or if I got something wrong, let me know.
I posted this in the wiki as well, some help getting the redirects and proper article location set up would be great. http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/index.php?title=ADW.Launcher_How-to
IE: the official app name is ADW.Launcher, but some may do a search for ADW Launcher or ADWLauncher. Also, the artical should be located in all Android device wiki areas, as there is no Android General section.

Nice guide. =)

Great guide. I didn't read it completely in detail, but this part jumped out at me:
Marine6680 said:
(only native apps like maps, contacts, etc are themed, this can create a stark contrast in icon styles between native and downloaded apps when using some of the more styled themes; this can look inconsistent and some people may wish for a more unified icon set)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The theming isn't limited to only native apps. The author of a theme can change the icons for whatever they want, so a theme could include every market app, but of course it won't. I bet as time goes on we'll see themes with all the native icons plus top 200 market apps, etc.

Thank you for doing this! I'm getting a lot of FCs at the moment and I've spent a lot of time changing things about in total ignorance.

Nice guide...

Clarkster said:
Great guide. I didn't read it completely in detail, but this part jumped out at me:
The theming isn't limited to only native apps. The author of a theme can change the icons for whatever they want, so a theme could include every market app, but of course it won't. I bet as time goes on we'll see themes with all the native icons plus top 200 market apps, etc.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well they could, but man at the time involved. They just typically don't theme other icons, but if some gung-ho themer wants to, they could.

Marine6680 said:
Well they could, but man at the time involved. They just typically don't theme other icons, but if some gung-ho themer wants to, they could.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yup, and there already are a few that are doing the common other apps. In fact Ander Webbs is already working with the community to compile a list of the common market apps for themers to use as a reference.

peadarog said:
Thank you for doing this! I'm getting a lot of FCs at the moment and I've spent a lot of time changing things about in total ignorance.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I got FC's on my N1 until I got the 2.2 OTA, I suspect the extra ram or the memory management took care of things, but I haven't had a *single* FC since.

That's alot of work thank you,
Can you change Icons in the dock like laucherpro ?
if not and without using themese can you please let me know how to in a step by step guide since you are very good at those lol
I've tried to use folder organizer, I change the icons but it doesn't apply it for some reason...I have a feeling it's a very stupid thing on my end.

thanks man! good write up

Marine, thank you for taking the time to write that great ADW guide I appreciate it

kindiboy said:
That's alot of work thank you,
Can you change Icons in the dock like laucherpro ?
if not and without using themese can you please let me know how to in a step by step guide since you are very good at those lol
I've tried to use folder organizer, I change the icons but it doesn't apply it for some reason...I have a feeling it's a very stupid thing on my end.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
They can be changed but it works different. All you do is drag an icon to the dock and it will replace the existing icon.
And thanks for the kind words everyone.

is this faster/slower/same in term of speed than LauncherPro when swiping between home screens?

xxlikquidxx said:
is this faster/slower/same in term of speed than LauncherPro when swiping between home screens?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Faster/Slower isn't relevant, you can adjust both. It's slightly less smooth. IMO on Froyo it's completely a non-issue.

Thanks a lot for guide.
I have found most of it out with trial and error although getting the 2 extra buttons on the LAB & RAB was eluding me!! Thanks

xxlikquidxx said:
is this faster/slower/same in term of speed than LauncherPro when swiping between home screens?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ADW Launcher's swiping speed can be adjusted however you like. But compared to Launcher Pro, it is smoother, on both normal wallpapers and live wallpapers.

I've noticed my app tray is a little jittery using ADW, anyone else seen this? I'm on cyanogen6. I've tried it in both vertical and horizontal modes.

Awesome guide a similar one for launcher pro would rock! I've always been curious what some of those memory and cache settings do and how they work.

Wylker said:
I've noticed my app tray is a little jittery using ADW, anyone else seen this? I'm on cyanogen6. I've tried it in both vertical and horizontal modes.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I noticed it can be a bit jittery when first opening the app drawer when coming out of sleep or an app, but following open/close would be smooth. You can disable label fade in, that can help, or you can try using a static wallpaper or one that is less resource heavy. Even seemingly simple live wallpapers can be resourse heavy depending on what it is doing behind the scenes. Some system monitors will show a persistent notification of CPU load, use this to find one that uses less CPU when its running. (fpt System Manager does I know, to close the notification you must choose exit in the app, killing the process will not do it)

Thanks for the guide, lovely work.


[Aug 25] Savok's modded Idostang Blue Wave UI (SPB 2.12)

I want to thank Idostang for his great theme here. I wanted to just personalise it a bit for my own style and probs go out to his awesome work.
Fully landscape and SPB 2.12 compatible.
Things I changed:
- Left to right gestures for now, launcher and mru screen
- Left to right gesture for three contacts pages
- Added data connection icon to the top of the now screen
- Changed the top bar in the launcher, mru and contacts page
- Added the option of using the backlight feature in SPB shell to the now and mru pages
- Removed the additional digital clocks in the analog screen (why have digital when you analog?)
I hope you enjoy this and feel free to feedback all!
This is GREAT! Is there any chance that you could convert to 320x320?
I'm not the origonal author and so didn't setup all of the pictures etc, you would have to refer to my link for the origonal author.
First of all, great tweaks to the theme!
One thing, I noticed on your screenshot, that the contacts page has the bottom right corner button for opening the phone book... but mine doesn't have that... any idea why? And where do I change that in the qa_layouts file?
Love this skin, but I love to see two changes:
First, I'd like the backlight setting up where the weather icon is, and the weather icon back down where the Backlight is.
Two, I'd love a calendar page in place of the MRU.
How easy would it be to do those two things?
Oh, and can we use themes with this?

Remove app name text under widget

Could someone please tell me how they are getting icons using desktop visualizer but with no text underneath?
I'm using desktop visualizer + adw.launcher + openhome rom.
I've tried removing app names in adw, which removes the text under the shortcuts, but doesn't remove the text under widgets? How's everyone else doing it?? All I wanted was 1x1 iphone (or similarl) style widgets but now I get the 1x1 widget with text half overlapping the bottom of the image, and it looks crap. Any ideas?? Thanks.
Also, when I choose 'dockbar' in adw, the dockbar stays exactly the same? It doesn't look like the dockbar image, but stays as the standard dockbar, even after restarting adw, or restarting phone (see link below).
"DockBar - turn on/off the new (secondary) dockbar"
Sorry, I've solved the first issue, just by deleting the label text in desktop visualizer and then adding a 1x1 widget, no text appears. So obvious! Doh.
Still can't get the nice reflective dockbar going though. Any ideas?
Aha, solved it, I didn't realise the dockbar was dragable! Press on the app button in adw.launcher and dragging up reveals the secondary bar
I know this thread is all my posts so far, but they might help someone.

luncher pro homescreen settings

I was messing around with the homescreen settings on luncher pro and I changed the number of columns and number of rows, so now my Icons and clock widgets are all F'ed up (not lining up). Anyone one knows what the default settings?
Not sure on exact default, but I believe 4 on columns and 5 on rows.
I'm pretty sure its 4 row 4 column pure default. Most people around here use the above stated 4x5 though that have launcher pro plus (To resize widgets)
I have pro and when I re size widgets, the widgets don't change size, just the surface area the widget parameters take up. I have tried on the weather channel wide widget, and the analog clock widget.
Is that normal?
Default is 4x4 but I find that 4 columns by 5 rows works really well in both portrait and landscape.
Tip: once you get it back to normal, make a backup copy through the settings menu, then fool with it to your hearts content and go back whenever you want!
Thanks boys for the replies. Its 4x4. Great F'ing app BTW.
Muckrak3r said:
I have pro and when I re size widgets, the widgets don't change size, just the surface area the widget parameters take up. I have tried on the weather channel wide widget, and the analog clock widget.
Is that normal?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Most widgets will just do that when you resize, but some widgets (such as the picture frame) will actually resize the entire widget instead of just the space that it takes up.

Small Icons on Menu und Home Screen

Is it possible to make the Icons bigger on the Home- and Menu-Screen.
The Icons are for human with handicap too small :-(
My N2E is rooted with SalsichaNooter 0.4
On the Home Screen you can use DesktopVisualizeR to add icons as big as you want (actually they are widgets, but works the same as icons). You can find it on Market.
Thanks, this was what i want
I use Go Launcher and it's got a setting that lets you custom resize all icons (and text size). Change the setting once and it automatically resizes all icons, including ones you add or move. You can make the icons very large, if that's your desire. Now if only I could get MARKET to work smoothly!

[LAUNCHERS]Launchers & Lockscreens for the HTC Desire[LOCKSCREENS]

I've put this thread here to give you guys a variety of launchers found on the market. I, like many of you, get bored using the stock launcher or it hasn't got the ability to customize it the way we'd like, so we'd like more a choice. So rather than having to find them all over the place I will keep everything here in one place and will try and find as many as I can and update the thread with any further updates the developers release for the launchers.
If you notice any information in this guide which is incorrect, or any bad links, let me know and I'll fix it as soon as possible. Also, I know that there are a load that aren't on this list, so if there are some which aren't on the list but you think they should be, let me know and I'll look into them and update the list.
All credit goes to Goku80 for the idea for this guide.
Apex Launcher - 4.0+
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Features include:
Customizable homescreen grid size and up to 9 homescreens
Scrollable dock with up to 7 icons per page and up to 5 pages
Infinite & elastic scrolling (homescreen, drawer and dock)
Fancy transition effects (tablet, cube, etc.)
Hide elements as you want (persistent search bar, status bar, or even the dock)
Customizable icons and labels for shortcuts and folders
Choose different folder preview styles and background
Multiple drawer styles (transparent/opaque, horizontal/vertical, paginated/continuous)
Drawer apps sorting (title, install date, mostly used)
Hide apps from the drawer
Lock your desktop to prevent accidental changes
Enjoy homescreen gestures (pinch, swipe up/down, double tap)
Advanced theme engine (icon packs, skins, etc.)
Backup/restore settings and data
Optimized for both phones and tablets
Lots of other customization options!
Apex Launcher Pro unlocks the following features:
- Multiple configurable drawer tabs
- Unread count notifications
- Dock swipe gestures
- Two finger gestures
- More transition effects
- ADW, LauncherPro, and Go Launcher theme support
- Batch add option for folders
- Option to merge folder contents
- Widgets in dock (1x1 only)
- Overlapping widgets
Nova Launcher - 4.0+
Features include:
Scrollable Dock (for Tablets and Phones)
Keep all your favorite apps on the dock, with up to 7 icons per page and up to 3 pages.
Customizable App Drawer:
Scrolling style, choose between horizontal paginated or vertical continuous
Scroll Effects
Enjoy eye candy when scrolling your desktop and drawer. Effects include Cube and Cardstack and more for Prime users.
Infinite Scroll
Never be far from your favorite page, loop through your desktop continuously.
Folder Icons
You can chose a background, preview style or even replace the whole icon.
Export your settings and layout before a wipe to quickly get back up and running.
Widgets in dock
Add any 1x1 widget to the dock
Bulk Add
Add multiple apps to the desktop or a folder at once
Activities shortcut
Select hidden activities from your favorite apps
*Nova Launcher Prime Features (Paid version)*
Highly customizable, performance driven, home screen replacement for Android 4.0+
Nova Launcher Prime unlocks the following features in Nova Launcher:
Drawer Groups:
Folders in App Drawer
Unlimited custom tabs
Organize apps into tabs and folders in the app drawer
Quickly start Nova Actions or Apps from gestures on the desktop, such as pinching, swiping or two-finger swiping.
Hide Apps
Keep a clutter free drawer by hidding never used apps.
Dock Swipes
Get more use out of your dock apps by setting swipe-actions
Unread Counts
Never miss an email. Unread count badges for SMS, Missed calls and Gmail. Counts show in the dock, desktop, drawer and folders.
More Scroll Effects
Zeam Launcher - 2.2+
To add Applications grid shortcut, select Add > Shortcuts > Applications grid.
Try toggle Manage wallpaper if screen scrolling isn't smooth, select Preferences > Workspace > Manage wallpaper.
Zeam, thanks to its minimal aesthetic, not only looks fast but feels fast. It's also incredibly simple to use, and unlike the other launchers it actually works very well out of the box.
My favorite feature in Zeam is configurable gestures -- but not only can you bind swipe actions, like ADW, but you can also bind double tapping the screen and the Home hardware button to actions.
SSLauncher - 2.2+
Decorate screen with a variety of styles for shortcuts and widgets.
Create a widget poping up when tap a shortcut.
Support formatted text for current date & time, missed calls and unread SMS/MMS messages.
Support scrollable widgets.
Easy and quick access to pages for contacts, bookmarks, application drawer, application group.
Many useful features of application drawer: app parcel(folder), showing/hiding app, marking star for favorites apps, changing application icon and name, uninstalling app and so on
Create application group and manage list by drag and drop.
Save and load your theme, page layouts and settings.
Convert the saved theme file to apk. (contact us by e-mail for more informations)
Hide status bar, open status bar by swiping down.
You can implement nice screen without launcher 7, dvr, minimalistic text, wp clock, clockr etc.
Go Launcher EX Launcher - 2.0+
Thousands of personalized themes
Various widgets and screen locks (weather, switcher, calendar…)
Extremely smooth transition animation
Smooth flipping operation
User-defined folder to easily categorize apps
Many options in preferences to help you customize you phone!
1. How to get themes, widgets and lockers?
a) Search ‘go launcher theme’, ‘go widget’ or ‘go locker’ in Android Market.
b) Use GO Store via menu button in GO Launcher.
2. How to set transition animation?
Use ‘Effects settings’ via button in GO Launcher.
3. Icons are too small?
Use ‘Icon Size’ option in ‘Preferences->Visual settings->Icons’ to make icons bigger.
3. Long press the app icon to enter editing mode on home screen and app drawer.
4. Glide up to open menu and glide down to pull down notification.
Launcher 7 Windows Phone 7 Style Launcher - 2.1+
Description and features
Unlike other current WP7 launchers (Windows Phone Android, Metro UI), this one allows you to properly modify your start screen. Just long press on a tile and drag tile where you want!
This version is free, but does have an ad in application list. Ad free donate version is available if you don't like the ad.
Also supported:
2 x 1 tiles
Original Windows Phone 7 backgrounds!
Freely configurable tile colors
Launcher options are available from Application List (press menu in app list)
Layout animations
Animated contacts tile! (still work in progress)
Windows 7 Launcher Pro has the following features:
1x1, 2x1 and 1x2 tiles with configurable colors
Widgets in a tile! (provided that widget fits)
Almost real like tile animation
Almost real like tile re-arrange mode
Almost real like status bar
Animated contacts tile (supports G+ synced contacts)
Pinnable contact-tile which animates like the real phone
Folder tiles
Webpage tiles
Picture hub (use with care, it needs memory!!!!)
Filterable application list
Stock wp7-like colors and color selection
CC3D Launcher - 2.2+
Description and features
CC 3D Launcher is a fashion, funny, cool "home replacement" app. It maximizes your user experience on your Android phone, with the newest Android 4.0 feeling.
Simple, Fast, Fluid, Powerful, Efficient, in High Definition
Android 4.0 Experience
Folder Management(overlay icons to create folder; drive-and-drop icons into folder; rearrange icons of folder)
3D effects: Full 360 degree rotation. Different animations and transitions. Zoom in, zoom out
Various screen transition animations
Apps'icons with special graphic effects
Widgets (weather, switch & monitor, calendar, slides, contacts, SMS, music, etc)
MIUI Home Launcher - 4.0+
Description and features
Optimization: substantially optimize drawing performance, and speed sliding screen switching experience
Optimization: significant reduction in memory size
Optimization: improve the speed of the initial start
Optimization: Improving Desktop to quickly switch design details to improve the animation efficiency
Fix: in some models, press the HOME key to unlock directly
Repair: the icon does not change after changing theme style
Repair: the cascade and the box to cut the screen effects
Fix: some models (NS 4.0.4, etc.) icon layout
Unique MIUI theme interface and gestures
8000+ Themes, Wallpapers and Ringtones available!
Support for up to 9 screens or more
Works on all NON-MIUI ICS 4.0 based devices.
SPB Shell 3DLauncher - 2.1+
Description and features
Latest update(version 1.6.1)
Has native support for ICS.
They also added homescreen looping and horizontal app drawer.
ADW Launcher/ADW Launcher EX - 2.0+
Description and features
ADW.Launcher, beyond tweaking your android desktop
Opensource home replacement app
Customizable application drawer
Customizable drag&drop action buttons
Unveil the Dockbar flicking-up the app-drawer button and drop UNLIMITED shortcuts/folders!
What makes ADW different?
It's highly customizable, almost in every aspect you can think of
-Hundreds of themes to enjoy!
-Screens editor to add,remove and swap your desktop screens.
-Icons editor to create your own customized shortcuts or edit existing ones
-Customizable main dock with support for fixed shortcuts from 0 to 5.
-Customizable hidden dockbar easy to trigger with support for unlimited icons with scroll. Just swipe up your finger over the main dock to reveal the hidden one, swipe down to return to the main one!
Differences between ADW.Launcher and ADWLauncherEX
-5 different app drawer styles/behaviors
-3D Nexus One like application drawer
-2 different Iphone-like horizontal application drawers, a traditional paginated one and a new one with continuous fling
-Different desktop transitions: new animations while navigating through your desktop screens. Try them all, they're crazy!!!
-New Icons configurations/look and feel: Tweak your desktop icons, change its sizes, add coloured backgrounds, change font size, color, etc!
-New fast presets mode: Quickly change the whole desktop configuration!
-Editable desktop icons for applications, shortcuts and folders!
MXHome Launcher - 2.1+
Description and features
MX Home is an launcher application that is specialized in 3D effects on its 'Theme page'
It provides totally different experiences by highlights from 3D effects and creative ideas.
▣ Major Features
Dynamic 3D G-sensor movement
Various graphic & sound effects
Coffee bean poping-out effect by shake
3D water bubble background effect
Shortcuts for 8 major App.’s
Control tray
[Battery, Wi-Fi, BT & sound]
▣ Easy Management
Quick App. manager
*Edit / Info / Delete / Uninstall
Quck task manager
*Just touch on Smart Menu icon at workspace
*Close all application / View recent run
▣ Icon Pack
Workspace Array - 4*4, 5*5
Live icon effect - Zoon, Bounce, Rotation
▣ Dock Bar
MX Button - 3D MX theme open
Scroll type - Horizontal, Vertical
▣ MX Theme
Theme Change : Text -> Image
Theme Position : Up, Down, Left, Right
▣ Application
User Icon' dock menu
*enables a user to change icons at dock menu
Smart menu
*sort by Categrory / ABC / Date
View of memory usage
▣ Icon Pack
Workspace Array - 4*4, 5*5
Live icon effect - Zoon, Bounce, Rotation
▣ Dock Bar
MX Button - 3D MX theme open
Scroll type - Horizontal, Vertical
▣ MX Theme
Theme Change : Text -> Image
Theme Position : Up, Down, Left, Right
Lightning Launcher - 1.5+
Description and features
Lose the fat, keep the muscle. Be warned, Lightning Launcher is on steroïds.
Lightning Launcher: Lose the fat, keep the muscle. Be warned, this launcher is on steroïds.
Tips, please read this first:
Use "LLW App Widget" if you want to add Android widgets.
This app is started through the HOME key and not from your app drawer since LL is itself a launcher. If you cannot select it through the HOME key then you need to clear the defaults for your current launcher.
for any question or suggestion, do not hesitate to ask: [email protected]
This application has been designed to minimize memory usage and be fast: the more memory you have for your applications, the faster they will run. In other words Lightning Launcher has been built from the ground to preserve your phone's resources and keep it smooth.
In spite of its ridiculously small size (less than 60kb!), Lightning Launcher is packed with a fair amount of features and brings to Android a very unique concept: the home screen can be seen as a giant surface on which you are free to put icons, shortcuts or widgets exactly where YOU WANT, and not limited to a 4x4 grid. Pinch to zoom in or out the desktop, use the home key to switch between a full scale view or the normal size, or double tap on empty space as in the web browser to immediately see all your icons. And everything stay functional whatever the zoom level is: widgets are alive, icons can be clicked, and so on.
Lightning Launcher drops rarely used features and focuses on useful ones but comes nevertheless with numerous customization options. Icons and widgets can be moved, scaled and even rotated freely. Each object can be configured independently, you can change the font, the label, the icon and much more !
The package is extremely small, only a few kilobytes. What it means is that the Android system do not need to load several megabytes to run this app. Lightning Launcher starts faster and run in perfect harmony with your other apps.
For people kindly asking why the CALL_PHONE permission is needed (notice that this the only one needed by LL!): this is needed for direct call shortcuts, and this permission is included in all major launchers, including Go and Pro.
For other people not asking why and putting stupid one star comments: go away, you have just lost a unique chance to try something new and better, have a good day.
DXHome Launcher - 2.1+
Description and features
DXHome, a highly customized launcher replacement app., is a perfect launcher for Android phones. It is created by the Dianxinos Enterpriser team in Innovation Works invested by Dr. Kaifu Lee. Highly customizable with various themes, colorful desktop transitions, easy operating……, just like its name in Chinese, Dianxin is making the home of your Android phone colorful and enjoyable!
What could you get from DXHome?
So many themes to enjoy!
Want your phone to change with your mood?! Try themes we designed for you!
DXHome presents its first six themes of totally different styles!
NO.1 Dianxin Default Desktop Theme--- it is peaceful, clear, warm……, all the nice feelings DXHome wants you to feel. Name it by yourself. It’s our gift~^-^~
NO.2 Midsummer Theme--- get fidgety from the hate outside? Pick some cool and fresh air here!
NO.3 Cake Theme--- are you a foody? How about some candy and cakes now~^-^~ Try it and tell us how it’s like? DXHome is “cooking” more and more for you if you like~
NO.4 Batman— a big Batman fan? Here he comes! COOL!
NO.5 Clothing— want your phone to be cute? DXHome makes suit for your icon! Try it on!
NO.6 Tree & Shadow— at the end, come and sit down beside the tree, just enjoy the peaceful nightfall now.
Espier Launcher - 2.1+
Description and features
Espier Launcher is the best launcher for your smartphone
Espier Launcher is a desktop for your smartphone or tablet which is based on Android 2.2 or later. It brings you an entirely new interaction experience, and makes your smartphone and/or tablet to be different from the rest.
Main Features
Simplified Menu
Rename and hide the apps
Theme manager
Icons arrange
Support android 4.0
EZ Launcher - 2.2+
Description and features
EZ Launcher, the most convenent way to operate your phone.
EZ Launcher(beta) is coming, a cool home replacement app, with the most convenient way to operate & organize your phone.
Genius app list brings you the app you most want
Auto category can help you automatically categorize your apps
Quick app search to find the app you want in app list directly
Pre-loaded app manager tool with all task manager, uninstaller, app2sd and etc functions in one place
Useful and handy widgets: Clock & Weather Widget, Task Manager Widget, SMS Widget, Switch Widget, Bookmark Widget, Calendar Widget
Hide folders page, hide apps in app drawer
Balancer Launcher - 2.1+
Description and features
Useful Launcher, good performance, run fast, has cool ui~~
Balancer Launcher is a Home(Launcher) app, like ADWLauncher,LauncherPro,Go Launcher,Launcher7,Zeam,Regina Launcher etc, which is focused on provide users a brief and useful Home. The Launcher has smooth ui effect and perfect performance, it can launch application quickly.
Be compared with some other similar applications, It has better performance and do cut off some useless settings, we think a simple and cool application is what a user wanted exactly and we will try our best to create one for you.
Support apps' sort
Can uninstall apps quickly
Built-in File Browser
Cool wallpapers
good sunny clock widget
Nemus Launcher - 2.1+
Description and features
A Home replacement Application with
Low memory usage
Quick response
Easy App finding/management
Easy Workspace management
Easy Folder management
DockBar page count customization
Page indicator hiding
Grid size customization
Hiding system status bar with gesture
Missed call & Received sms badge display
Widget Resizing
Themes (native ZIP themes & SSKIN themes downloadable from market)
1 to 9 workspaces
Various App list styles
Expandable folders in workspace & app list
Workspace and app menu switchers (screen preview)
Highlight recently used apps
Scrollable bottom docks / QuickSetting docks
Scrollable widgets
App-Hide&Lock / Screen-Lock
FTL Launcher Pro - 2.3+
Description and features
Make no mistake, this is the fastest launcher you'll ever run. Small, light, configurable. The Gingerbread launcher as it should have been. No useless stuff, no compromises. Performance and usability are the driving forces here.
On version 3.0 Pro users have a all new game to play now: The Pro version can use existing ADW, GoLauncher and LauncherPro Icon and Dock themes, giving FTL and unprecedented array of possible theming. You can even mix Dock and Icon themes from different launchers. Google Play is yours for the take.
And of course you still have the other extras: configurable homsecreen grid from 4x4 to 6x6, resizeable widgets, and, never seen in any launcher: control over core Android window animation speed.
Important: FTL supports all resolutions and ICS, but only 800x480, 854x480, 960x540 and 480x320 devices have 3D drawer enabled! Also ICS has no 3D drawer because it does not contain the "old" opengl interface. But as it is natively accelerated anyway, 2D drawer should be very fast.
Theming support: The Pro version can use existing ADW, GoLauncher and LauncherPro Icon and Dock themes, giving FTL and unprecedented array of possible theming.
Tweaked for extreme speed and smoothness
Fully accelerated 3D Waterfall app drawer
Option to use "normal" 2D app drawer
Configurable support for resizeable widgets: only when adding them to the homescreen, you cannot edit them later.
Configurable Homescreen grid: From 4 to 6 rows, and 4 to 6 columns
Configurable number of homescreens: from 1 to 9 with configurable default homescreen
Choice between 3 and 5 icon Dock
Configurable Dock icons size
Configurable "swipe down" and "swipe down" independently to any of the following:
Includes anim speed: precise control over core Android windows/transition animation speed
Configurable Support for launcher auto-rotation
Configurable Infinite looping of homescreens
Configurable support for scrollable widgets
Configurable bounce effect on homescreen transitions
Configurable wallpaper scrolling
Configurable transition speed of homescreens
LauncherPro - 2.0+
Description and features
Simple. Powerful. Fast. Customizable.
If you can't open it, download "ClearDefaultHome" or "Home Switcher"
- Super-smooth scrolling
- Animated screen previews (like Exposé or HTC Sense)
- Up to 7 home screens
- App drawer (2D and 3D!) with a fly-in effect and smooth scrolling
- Scrollable shortcut dock.
Atom Launcher - 4.0+
Description and featuresAtom Launcher, state of the art launcher for Android’s new OS; ICS, is now on market
5 Million download, SSKIN - now introduce you our new launcher for ICS
Experience new optimized ICS launcher if you have ICS version android phone
*** Features
- High quality : Launcher for Ice Cream Sandwich (from Android ICS 4.0.2)
- Light & Easy : Offers Select Options by light and easy launcher
- Stylish : Stylish UI with backgrounds, icons, and points colors
- Smart : Optimized themes for ICS, Automatically supporting existing launcher such as SSKIN and Go Launcher
- Fun: Offers fun-interactive themes by various backgrounds, live backgrounds and ICS’s widgets
*** Atom Launcher Spec.
- Supports for ICS’s widgets and menu: Widgets located on upper side of screen (search bar or clock)
- Available for Changing Display Settings on Hidden Dock: Emotional Filter Effect, Various Screen Switching, Opacity Adjustment
- Available for Changes by Setting Point Color Changes: Available for Color Changes for widgets, Menu, Guide, or icons
- Live Background: Changes to dull backgrounds with dynamic backgrounds
- Wide-Range Theme Support: Wide-range theme support by Atom Launcher and also existing SSKIN and GO Launcher themes.
Holo Launcher - 2.2+
Description and featuresNot like Apex Launcher or Nova Launcher, Holo Launcher can run on Froyo, Gingerbread, ICS and Jelly Bean.
Basic Features:
- Full ICS Style: ICS Icons, Folders, Outlines, Drawer Tabs, etc.
- Custom Desktop Pages/Grid: Up to 9 desktop pages and 10 x 10 grid.
- Custom Drawer Portrait/landscape Grid
- Scrollable Dock: Up to 7 icons per page and up to 3 pages.
- Infinite Scrolling
- Gestures: Swipe up/down on desktop to launch apps quickly.
- Customizable shortcut/folder icons
- Apply icon packs, support ADW icon pack and Launcherpro icon pack.
- Desktop Previews: Pinch to access desktop previews.
- Backup and Restore: Backup and restore your settings and shortcuts.
- Other Customization Options: Keep in memory, home key action, hide apps in drawer, hide labels, etc.
Plus Features (Need Holo Launcher Plus):
* Multiple configurable drawer tabs
* Unread count notifications for call, sms and gmail
* More desktop gestures: Pinch in/out, Two Finger Swipe and Double-tap
* Dock icon Swipe up/down gestures
* Support Go Launcher icon pack
* More transition effects
* Widgets overlapping
* 1x1 widgets in dock
* Other enhancement and customization options.
TSF Shell - 2.1+
Description and features TSF Shell 3D is an interface with brand new operating system.
Enable you to freely personalize various widgets to a full range. Let’s say goodbye to the traditional operation system.
Enable you to do multipul-operation, including auto-arragement, multipul-choices, add-to-folder, multipul-deleting, to the items by only one move of the finger. You can also check your folders in various ways.
TSF SHELL 3D has one app page and 4 personalized pages for our users. You can switch between pages by one click at the switch button in the lower left corner.
You can freely create one or more quicklinks for apps and drag them to any page. You can also distribute all the app icon (or even change their angles) freely in the personalized page.
The side column provides the most TSF Shell 3D charateristic widgets, including folders, contacts, music player, weather and so on.
The side column can be personalized as well, including changing the order and position of different catagories. You can create quicklinks of your most frequently used apps and contact in the quick launch in the side column.
TSF Shell 3D has a most powerful theme function. Apart from the difference in style, some themes even allow change in the transition animation.
Xperia S Home Launcher - 2.3+
Description and featuresBased on XPERIA™ Home 2.2.A.0.14 from Sony Xperia S
Configuration menu (Menu button -> Preferences), current features:
- Set number of home screens (1 to 11) and select the default one
- Custom desktop grid and app tray grid
- Hide applications
- Backup and Restore launcher settings
- Enable/disable automatic screen orientation (if disabled, the orientation is always portrait)
- Support for Launcher Pro (Plus) and ADW Launcher icon packs (Preferences -> Appearance -> Icon packs)
- Built-in icon pack with Xperia S icons
- Others
- More settings to follow...
System Requirements:
Gingerbread or ICS
Download in Post #5
Additional Downloads:
XPERIA S Wallpapers [Thumbnails]
Cosmic Flow Live Wallpaper [Screenshots] Does not work on all devices! (OpenGL related)
Regina 3D Launcher - 2.1+
Description and features Regina 3D Launcher Pro
*** New Feature!!! Folders are now available !!! ***
Now create folders, in your workspace and even in folders.
16 shortcuts is maximum capacity for each folder.
And navigate folders with more fun.
Regina Pro will let you create more than 5 folders in total while the Free version will allow you to create up to 5 folders.
* Highlighted Features
- Intuitive 3D workspace browser
- Separate wallpaper for each workspace
- Secret workspaces where you can hide some of your app shortcuts and widgets for your privacy
- Regina widgets (full 3D widgets)
- All widgets and shortcuts can be positioned freely without much restrction in workspaces
- Uninstall apps from workspace directly
- Create folders(also live folders) in folders
- Various visual effects
Hi Launcher - 2.1+
Description and features All New UI, Unexpected Experience, Hi Launcher is getting a new design!
Hi Launcher is an Android Home replacement app with powerful functions. Boasting the first to adopt the zoning layout mode, and offering rich home themes, personalized editing and beautifying function, smooth operation as well as many other practical functions, Hi Launcher will sure bring you a brand-new experience.
1.Distinctive layout design brings unique visual experience
Widget area and icon area are independently laid out. A variety of widgets can be found in the widget area, including OneKey Clean Clock widget, user feedback widget, etc.; the icon area can be displayed in full screen or hidden depending on your choices that you make.
2.Practical and intelligent category management
Without adopting App Mate, Hi Launcher classifies apps automatically, enabling easier and more efficient search.
3.Rich and colorful themes
Hi Launcher offers stunning visual effects through its rich and colorful themes. A wide array of wallpapers and widget skins are available, making your mobile phone interface look more appealing. And partial interface is changeable and customizable, making your mobile phone more trendy and attractive.
4.Collective and unified shortcuts
Powerful OneKey shortcut design, shortcut tools, shortcut contacts, etc. You’ll enter a big world only with just a tap on the screen.
5.WYSIWYG icon customization
Users are allowed to change icons freely. The icon masks will even make every detail on your mobile phone desktop shine with personality.
ClayStone Launcher - 2.1+
Description and features Claystone Launcher - Everything in your cloud and Android phone in one swipe.
With Claystone we've strived to redefine the launcher genre with our new tandem launcher, allowing you to use Claystone and your standard launcher simultaneously.
Based on your feedback, we've introduced support for a standard launcher experience alongside the intuitive, gorgeous third dimension of Claystone’s Everything View. Claystone's tandem launcher doesn’t replace your current launcher, but rather builds and improves on it by allowing you to access both apps at the same time.
Integrated Amazon Content
Building on our prior success with Amazon content integration, Claystone delivers an easier and more accessible set of content stacks to deliver Amazon Apps and Instant Video. Search and browse content with the swipe of a finger. Purchase and view immediately knowing that your content is always accessible in the cloud.
Apex Launcher: Link to download
Nova Launcher: Link to download
SSLauncher: Link to download
Zeam Launcher: Link to download
Go Launcher EX: Link to download
Launcher 7 Windows phone 7 Style Launcher: Link to download Pro Version - Link to download free version
CC3D Launcher: Link to download
MIUI Home Launcher: Link to download
SPB Shell 3DLauncher: Link to download
MXHome Launcher: Link to download
ADW Launcher/ADW Launcher EX: Link to download free version - Link to download Pro version
Lightning Launcher: Link to download
EZ Launcher: Link to download
DXHome Launcher: Link to download
Espier Launcher: Link to download
Balancer Launcher: Link to download
Nemus Launcher: Link to download
FTL Pro Launcher: Link to download
LauncherPro: Link to download
Atom Launcher: Link to download
Holo Launcher: Link to download
TSF Shell: Link to download
Xperia S Launcher:
Download mirror 1 - Download mirror 2
Regina 3D Launcher: Link to download
Hi Launcher: Link to download
ClayStone Launcher: Link to download
Description and features
WidgetLocker is a lock screen replacement that puts you in control of the look, feel and layout of your lock screen.
Drag and Drop placement of Sliders, Android Widgets and App Shortcuts
Sliders look selectable from built-in styles (Ice Cream Sandwich, Gingerbread, Sense and Sense 3, Motorola, iPhone, and Rotary) or from user-themes.
Slider Actions can be customized, for example Slide-to-launch-Camera or Slide-to-call-your-Girlfriend.
Resizable widgets and custom grid size
Notification badges on apps/sliders via TeslaUnread (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teslacoilsw.notifier )
Customize which widgets/buttons are allowed or blocked at the lock screen
Description and features
Magic Locker is most colorful and simple lock screen app for Android! Various of lock screen Themes to match your style and make your mobile outstanding!
Shortcut Customization
More Theme Customization(like position,alpha,skin,show/hide somethings)
Activate phone, SMS ,Camera and other shortcuts directly from lock screen;
Screen Lock Security
Support customise wallpaper and live wallpaper.
Support customise date format
Support system security pattern (settings->Location and security->Set up screen lock. For HTC: Settings-> Security->Set up screen lock)
Block Home Key
Support to enable/disable volume rocker wake up screen
Support to send Email, mak phone call, open URL ect. directly on lockscreen.
Support to pull down notification bar
The Magic Locker Main App just includes one theme - 'Lost Robot', as the default theme,
LockBot Free
Description and features
LockBot is a lock screen editor.Customize by yourself or download from Theme Gallery.
- iPhone
- Hero
- Eclair
- Froyo (Pro Only)
- X10 (Pro Only)
- Galaxy (Pro Only)
- Honeycomb (Pro Only)
- Ice Cream Sandwich (Pro Only)
Set lock screen background from
- Flickr
- Picasa
- Wretch
- Pics on your SDCard
-Change unlock sound
-Customize clock style(Digital, Analog)
-Schedule theme play list
-Set unlock security(Password, Graphic Pattern)
-Shake unlock
-LockNow widget
Description and features
MiLocker, the most powerful unlock screen App.
Want side-slip? Vertical slip? Multiple points? Animation unlocking? Do whatever you want to change your lockscreen style.
Based on MIUI technology, also has the world’s leading lockscreen theme library as well as talented designer users.Whether you are a designer or a mobile player, nothing but your imagination limits you.
Description and features
1. Cool Locker Screen that makes your phone outstanding;
2. Good compatibility with GO Launcher EX and it is stable;
3. Easy to use;
4. Able to activate phone, SMS and Camera directly or you can change the slider shortcuts yourself;
5. Various of Locker Themes to match your style;
6. Support customise wallpaper;
7. Security locker;
8. Emergency unlock enabled;
1. Make sure GO Launcher EX V2.58 or above has been installed;
2. Click “MENU—-Preferences—-Theme Settings—-GO Locker” to use it after installed;
3. Click “My locker” to preview and Download more Locker themes.
No Lock
Description and features
Tired of the lock screen?
Use your phone as quickly as possible, with No Lock!
Tired of the lock screen?
If you want to use your phone as quickly as possible, this app is for you.
It simply disables the lock screen. Press the unlock/menu button just once and the screen turns on immediately.
Holo Locker
Description and features Simple and fast lock screen replacement, based on stock Jelly Bean lock screen.
Holo locker is not a theme for Go Locker or others, it is the real Jelly Bean lock screen app.
More customization options will be added in future.
Works perfectly with Holo Launcher but brilliantly with any other launcher aswell.
Hive Locker
Description and features Hive locker(Previous name is "Honeycomb Locker".) is a tiny Android app that makes your lock full of creativity and aesthetic feelings. It is something you definitely don’t want to miss out. Come experience a fabulous locking fun on your Android device now!
1. Creative and aesthetic lock screen themes fully display your personality;
2. Unique quick function which contains rapid activation of telephone, SMS, photographs and others;
3. Multiple lock screen programs, can always find one fits you;
4. The huge theme resource library, brilliant designers and participants which keeping you in fresh every day;
5. Large numbers of wallpapers, convenient replacement function, which will be favorites of young people.
Description and features 91 Locker, easiest and most practical locker application!
91 smart locks a simple lock screen software!
The moment one of the Top Download lock screen software market Andrews, 91 assistant pushing wonderful application Andrews phone essential software installed!
[Simple: operating interface clarity
[Convenient]: no need to unlock, SMS, telephone, the application step, which amounts to
[Easy to use: theme, wallpaper, password, unlock, custom lock screen mode, most recently used application shortcuts entrance, complete feature set.
Widgetlocker Download Link: Here
Magic locker Download Link: Here
LockBot Free Download Link: Here
MiLocker Download Link: Here
Go locker Download Link: Here
No lock Download Link: Here
Holo Locker Download Link: Here
Hive Locker Download Link: Here
91Locker Download Link: Here
try to download apex launcher from the market, it writes that your device isn`t compatible with this version...
htc desire
Are you running on ICS? Because Apex is only available from 4.0 upwards.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
KidCarter93 said:
Are you running on ICS? Because Apex is only available from 4.0 upwards.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanx... installing ics now...
You can add Xperia S Launcher, working perfectly on my phone.
nlooooo said:
You can add Xperia S Launcher, working perfectly on my phone.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Cheers. I'll add it later when I get back home
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
thanks i like the holo locker
Hitorus said:
thanks i like the holo locker
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It is pretty good yeah. I was using it for a while until I found out about Widget Locker.
Sent from Sony Xperia S using XDA Premium
Join my threads here and here.
Check out this [GUIDE] How to be a New User (and not a noob)
Xperia S Home Launcher added to the list.
Sent from Sony Xperia S using XDA Premium
Join my threads here and here.
Check out this [GUIDE] How to be a New User (and not a noob)
Pretty cool, thanks.
Sent from my HTC Desire
currently using LAUNCHER PRO, which one is better and uses less memory?
kmetek said:
currently using LAUNCHER PRO, which one is better and uses less memory?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
From my personal experience, GO launcher and FTL launcher use the least memory. A quick google search seemed to confirm that aswell.
Sent from Sony Xperia S using XDA Premium
Join my threads here and here.
Check out this [GUIDE] How to be a New User (and not a noob)
Guide updated to include Regina 3D Launcher, Hi Launcher and Hive Locker.
i was looking a page tells the launchers then i realised only i have to open xda
A great collection.
Thank you all very much..

