android-wifi-tether not working - Vibrant General

I cant get wifi-tether to work I rooted and super user asked for permission i said yes but its not showing up on my laptop under wireless networks.Any one else have this problem or no a fix??

I thought mine worked because it opened and started working but it doesn't show up on my pc either. I have windows 7 64bit. Wont work on XP either
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

same so hopefully there's a fix

Damn, so that's the story. So the people that reported it working just started it up and never actually checked if it does work or not. That's disappointing. Which version of wifi tether application are you people using? I've read one person reporting that 2.0.1 works and one saying that 2.0.2 does not. Please report your finding with version numbers in case it does matter.

2.0.2-pre9 here. it says its working fine but nothing shows up for me.

You need a modified kernel with iptables support. I'm sure someone will roll a modified kernel soon, since Samsung is open sourcing everything.

same here, installs fine, runs ( in terms of starting/stopping tethering) but in the logs theres a bunch of stuff that fails, and no devices can see the ssid (default is AndroidTether). I guess we just wait for modified kernels as danguy mentioned

Banacle wifi seems to work
For a little while...

The my touch slide had a similar issue initially. It needed a different version of the wifi tether app. Version 2.0.5pre3. Hopefully a specific version will work on the Vibrant as well when someone finds it.
Here is the thread.
EDIT: Similar issue on the Legend and it was resolved by communicating with the program devs. They needed 2.0.2pre10.'t work with galaxy s

definitely subscribed to this thread for updates!

subscribed to stay updated!

Seeing as android-wifi-tether is iffy as of right now, I tried out Barnacle Wifi Tether in the market. Works!!! I was surfing the net on my laptop tethered to 'barnacle'. Downside was I was only on G as that's what I get in parts of my house. But there you go.
Odd note: After disconnecting, I was unable to re-connect to my home wireless. Ended up doing a system restore to yesterday. Not sure why that happened though. So....there's my DISCLAIMER.

yup same thing here it files the log as not being able to set the mhz and some other stuff...
even after i change the band it stills says the same thing..

I have always found android wifi tether 1.6 to be the most reliable. You guys could possibly try that version while waiting for a fix on the 2.0.2.

1.6 doesn't work

gahh the log
Looked into my log and it says I have an unsupported device - moving down to 2.01 and I'll report back

As said several posts earlier, barnacle works fine. Android-wifi-tether requires a custom kernal with iptables support enabled. Quote from wifi-tether's web page.
This application requires a "rooted"-device and a custom-kernel which supports netfilter (iptables)! Please see the FAQ for detailed information.
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I tried Barnacle Tether briefly with my iPad and it worked for browsing. However when I tried running the speedtest app on the iPad, Barnacle returned an error stating that entity was too large. Maybe it is fine for browsing but not for larger downloads? I will test with a PC later. Have not tried any of the android wifi tether versions yet but I suspect at this point that they won't work until a newer version gets released that addresses Vibrant issues or until we see a modified kernel with ipTables.

Just an update from my earlier post, I rooted my Vibrant and haven't have time to do anything else, however none of the android tethers that are on the page work on my phone. I also tried barnacle and another wifi tether off the market and those didn't work either. So - haven't tried pda net yet, but as of now I'm declaring the known wifi tether apps to not work on the Samsung Vibrant.
But Please, Prove me wrong!!!

I haven't tried it yet but how is this guy able to:
root his phone:
install a working wifi tether:
I was about to try until I saw this thread...


Wifi tether Fascinate with Galaxy tab?

I had a previous thread asking about the wifi tether app. I downloaded version wireless_tether_2_0_5-pre14 and installed it... seemed to work when I locked onto it using my computer. It recognized it as an ad-hock network I think (in windows it shows 3 monitors connected in a triangle) to use it but it worked fine. Now while trying to find the SSID I assigned with my Verizon Galaxy Tab it doesn't show. Any ideas or settings I'm missing to link the 2?
I would greatly appreciate any help.
The tab and most other mobile devices won't recognize ad-hoc network connections. However, you can adjust the settings, using info in a post on this site, to use the stock 3G Hotspot app in AP/infrastructure mode and your tab would connect with no issues.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Maybe u should probably try a different version.... I have 2.0.5-pre11 installed on my Evo; and I tether with my Sprint Galaxy Tab no prob.
I'll try that and post back to let you know.
The version you use likely won't have any effect. The HTC Incredible and EVO seem to have the ability to present themselves as infrastructure mode access points with the wireless tether application, whereas other devices, like the Galaxy S phones do not. I could, of course, be wrong on some of the technical details, but I don't believe I've heard of anyone being able to tether another Android device to a Galaxy S device wirelessly, due to the ad hoc limitations. If somebody finds a way and proves me wrong, then great! But as I said before, I don't think any currently available version of Wireless Tether can do it, nor can the alternate Barnacle app.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
No go with any of the builds of the wi-fi tether app. My Galaxy Tab just won't show it listed when searching for the SSID. Not sure what to do other than a USB or bluetooth link. sucky!
The QPST hack will work.
Sent from my Voodoo-powered Fascinate via XDA
My iPad tethered without any problem.
When I tethered with a MacBook, I was not able to get any video chat apps to work. Tried MSN, Google Talk etc. Anybody has suggestions on this?
I was able to get it working thanks to Deodexed pointing me to his walkthrough. Here is the link for anyone else having troubles getting an ad-hoc connection on their Tab.
The link isn't available anymore.
ignitros said:
I had a previous thread asking about the wifi tether app. I downloaded version wireless_tether_2_0_5-pre14 and installed it... seemed to work when I locked onto it using my computer. It recognized it as an ad-hock network I think (in windows it shows 3 monitors connected in a triangle) to use it but it worked fine. Now while trying to find the SSID I assigned with my Verizon Galaxy Tab it doesn't show. Any ideas or settings I'm missing to link the 2?
I would greatly appreciate any help.
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here you downloaded the wrong version, go to
search android wireless tether go to the first link you will see a section of all droids and click YOUR MODEL Then on the next page download the newest version, and i mean the one on the top, then you will install and have fun, if your trying to tether your iphone to droid you much root then change your system, bin wap,conf file there is a dowload file some where here i found it but i do not know how to post links make sure wifi is of when doing then reboot, turn wifi on and of too time and then search for your iphone ad-hoc network, worked for me android galaxy s 2.1 fine .... thanks new but alread had every one problems on rooting teather and wifi finding and also 3rd party app install got everything w0rking just wish the would make a cydia app like the iphone i know the markit is unscrened or w.e just people like to make you pay for apps when everything should be free its a 600$ phone if you cant get a contract, why the freak do we have to pay for games and programs. i understand if its a really really good app then the hard work went in to developing it should be repaid but charging is wrong donate is better i will donate because i can pay w.e i feel the app is work after downloading it and makeing sure it really works and that its work what im paying for thats input on the matter please dont reply thats all ill have to say you will find the link if you search this page long enough i did and its very easy just pay for root explorer if you dont know how to use your computer comand, not every one is a developer and know commands i had to learn them in a hour

[Q] Q:2.2.1 Wifi Tether, is it kernel based?

hello all, i got this question: is wifi tether based on kernel capabilities? because am using dk28 and is just not working for me, apk installs fine, open and run but i cant find the connection on my laptop/evo4g. I want to know if the kernel has to support it, if so does the stock dk28(rooted) has support for it or do i have to use a different kernel?
Thank you in advance!
mine works fine..your evo cant see it because android cant see adhoc ..idk about your laptop
I'm not sure what the above poster said about Evo, but this is Epic forum.
So, I had Pre 9 running on 2.1 rooted, would not work on DK28. I read somewhere that Pre 11 was working. Downloaded, turned on and everything was great, so the version makes the difference.
Hope that helps.
To reiterate what was said earlier.
Android phones are not capable of seeing adhoc connections. Which in this case of using WifiTether is what you are creating.
Your laptop should be able to see the connection just fine. I would go back and check some settings in wifirouter and your laptop to make sure you are able to get things working correctly.
Any version of wifirouter after pre11 should work. All the way up to pre15.

[Q] how to share internet connection via bluetooth or wifi or usb?

I am wondering if is there any chance to share internet via usb/wifi/bluetooth? And do not pay for some application? Is there some possibility??
I use "Wireless Tether".
It doesn't work for me. It just do not theter.
Barnacle WiFi Tether us tethering app.
Maybe, You can use it, but it only support WiFi.
Is your phone rooted?
Sent from my MB511 using XDA App
Yes I have universal androot.
regarding internet connection sharing...
Hi there pfulop...
Like the other users suggest, WiFi Tether is your best bet at the moment.
Have you got "BusyBox" installed..? It is a system resource that once installed has no user interaction but is essential to have installed on your phone for a lot of droid apps to work correctly. Just a thought as no-one else has mentioned it...
Good luck with your debugging... It can be a real pain !!!
Stay Breezy & be Lucky...
FYI : Be sure to research all Apps fully before installation (you dont want to brick your phone because of impatience or ignorance of important info).
I was looking for the same thing, found this thread and it seems to be working.
I used the SuperOneClick program to root my FlipOut, then installed Barnacle Tether.
After enabling the "Skip wpa_supplicant" setting, it seems to work fine.
Since I'm planning on using it in isolated areas anyhow, security isn't a big concern.
Thanks op et al.
charge74 said:
I was looking for the same thing, found this thread and it seems to be working.
I used the SuperOneClick program to root my FlipOut, then installed Barnacle Tether.
After enabling the "Skip wpa_supplicant" setting, it seems to work fine.
Since I'm planning on using it in isolated areas anyhow, security isn't a big concern.
Thanks op et al.
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please say how you enabling skip wpa
I use wifi tether (available via google code, the market claims it wont work on flipout) and it functions just fine with root for me
Sent from my MB511 using xda premium
I have noted that Wifi Tether has many versions, it often depends on your model to see what version you should use. If you google "Wifi tether" you will get access to the google code page of the app. I have used version 3.1 beta6 on some phones successfully, you might try it out on the flipout.
BTW, as stated above, the market version is often not the best one.

Got Wireless tethering to work But....

Ok so I got wireless tethering to work form my rooted Epic 4g to my galaxy tab 10.1 and its pretty cool. I did it with wireless tethering version 3. The only thing is that at first i couldn't get it to work because of the authentication once I turn off the encryption on my Epic it worked perfectly and connected right away. But what I don't get is why it doesn't work with the password if anyone can give me some advise why this is happening it would be cool, Thanks.
Strange, I tether all the time without issue. Should be possible. Are you using an app or built-in settings for tethering.
I got the app version (V3 is the only one that works) . I mean it works,..just not with the password on.
I use wifi tethering with my samsung galaxy phone with tmobile. you should try changing setting in build in tethering app and see if this works. I use 'quick settings' free app from market for quick access to wifi hotspot settings.
I have this problem too, it tethers fine but whenever it comes to things requiring password (like email logins) it rejects the password.
can any one who doesnt have this problem share which software they use for tethering?
how did you get tethering to work? i have tried the wpa_supplicant hack but the wifi drops every 10 seconds. what rom are you running & what supplicant file did you use?
It only works right with wireless tethering app version 3. Apparently if you have the rom that has it built in you shouldnt have any problems.
This is what i used
I use bluetooth tethering fron my Win Mobile Treo Pro running wmwifirouter. I got tired of trying to root and do the wpa supplicant thing. Android needs to support adhoc wifi out the box across the board. So ridiculous really by now.
Still Cannot Tether Im still on an older phone ( Droid Eris ) but it's rooted running Gingerbread and the wireless tether v.2.07 works great with my laptop but wont work at all with the Galaxy Tab? I really don't understand this. I have tried everything from leaving it completely open to setting up all the appropriate authentication and access control. I tried the link in the thread for 3.0 and even select the Desire..which I think is the basis of the rom I am on...and just got errors in the log.
Anyone else having these issues? Not sure why it works fine on the laptop but not the tablet?
I am running v 2.0.7 on a myTouch. When I wireless tether with access control on I can check Gmail,but browser will not get websites. If I turn off AC, then browser works OK.
bradrobster said: Im still on an older phone ( Droid Eris ) but it's rooted running Gingerbread and the wireless tether v.2.07 works great with my laptop but wont work at all with the Galaxy Tab? I really don't understand this. I have tried everything from leaving it completely open to setting up all the appropriate authentication and access control. I tried the link in the thread for 3.0 and even select the Desire..which I think is the basis of the rom I am on...and just got errors in the log.
Anyone else having these issues? Not sure why it works fine on the laptop but not the tablet?
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I think that 2.07 is ad-hoc only and honeycomb doesn't support ad-hoc. (someone correct me if I'm wrong). There are a few threads around here somewhere where you can replace/edit a file that allows ad-hoc support. As to your other question, I use Wifi tether-pre11 and it works without issue. I'll link it to you. Make sure you change "device profile" under settings in the app to correspond with your device. I had troubles with the app until I set the device profile to my device. Depending upon your luck, you may have to try a few different pre-release files on wifi tether 3.0 to find the right one. Like I said, pre11 works great for my Epic, but your device may be different. Just don't use the top one (test2) as I recall seeing that its meant for Samsung devices.
Here's info about getting ad-hoc on GT10.1. Haven't tried it yet
Hope that helps. Report back your findings
dan0814 said:
Ok so I got wireless tethering to work form my rooted Epic 4g to my galaxy tab 10.1 and its pretty cool. I did it with wireless tethering version 3. The only thing is that at first i couldn't get it to work because of the authentication once I turn off the encryption on my Epic it worked perfectly and connected right away. But what I don't get is why it doesn't work with the password if anyone can give me some advise why this is happening it would be cool, Thanks.
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Have an epic and I'm running 3.0 pre11 and I can use encryption. Its under deprecated downloads in the google code page. See above link.
Don't forget to hit "Thanks" if I helped!
i am actually tethering thru my epic to post this. The wifi tether is screwy for our phones. I use SFR1.2 and geno1.1final. 3g works, 4g causes a instant reboot on the phone, but it works in infrastructer mode without issue.
Grommish said:
i am actually tethering thru my epic to post this. The wifi tether is screwy for our phones. I use SFR1.2 and geno1.1final. 3g works, 4g causes a instant reboot on the phone, but it works in infrastructer mode without issue.
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Can you post those APK's or the instruction please, I have an Epic as well.
I use wifi tether to connect my thunderbolt to my gt10.1. With version 3 I have it set to softap (master) not ad hoc. Access control is on and I have the routing fix box checked for htc phones. I tethered well over 1gb this morning with no problems
Sent from my Thunderbolt using Tapatalk
Check the android development section of the epic section.. SFR1.2 is the rom, Genocide 1.1final is the kernel. They include wifi tether that works for the epic in the rom..
dan0814 said:
Can you post those APK's or the instruction please, I have an Epic as well.
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omgitzsars said:
I think that 2.07 is ad-hoc only and honeycomb doesn't support ad-hoc. (someone correct me if I'm wrong). There are a few threads around here somewhere where you can replace/edit a file that allows ad-hoc support. As to your other question, I use Wifi tether-pre11 and it works without issue. I'll link it to you. Make sure you change "device profile" under settings in the app to correspond with your device. I had troubles with the app until I set the device profile to my device. Depending upon your luck, you may have to try a few different pre-release files on wifi tether 3.0 to find the right one. Like I said, pre11 works great for my Epic, but your device may be different. Just don't use the top one (test2) as I recall seeing that its meant for Samsung devices.
Here's info about getting ad-hoc on GT10.1. Haven't tried it yet
Hope that helps. Report back your findings
Have an epic and I'm running 3.0 pre11 and I can use encryption. Its under deprecated downloads in the google code page. See above link.
Don't forget to hit "Thanks" if I helped!
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Ok..finally followed the guide here and replaced my wpa_supplicant using the links provided. I have wireless tether v3.0pre14 working with no authentication. I am now going to play with authentication and may back down to pre11 since you had good luck with it. I am surfing solid with no streaming is fairly slow but thats to be expected I would assume. I am running rooted 10.1 retail 32MB with Verizon Droid Eris rooted running GB 2.3.3.
Many THANKS for the help!
Just to add a data point, I hadn't tried tethering my Tab to my Thunderbolt until I read this thread. I am running Wireless Tether 2.08pre. I set up access control and also enabled wifi encryption. I used it for about 20 minutes without any problems. That includes email, surfing the internet, and YouTube.
I too can tether the GT 10.1 with my HTC Thunderbolt using Wifi Tether, but am having trouble with the Samsung Droid Charge. Anybody get the Charge to tether successfully? TIA!

[Q] Has anyone successfuly gotten their A500 to work with Barnacle?

(Yes, I've searched...)
I see several people "working" in Ad-hoc mode. But none of them actually directly reference Barnacle. I've been messing with theis for over a week, and can't seem to get this figured out, or if it's a lost cause, and I need to get a new phone.
I've got a Sony X10 Mini Pro- infrastructure mode is still a ways off, and I'm running the new Taboonay 3.2 on the Acer. I have Ad-Hoc, I can connect, if I manually specify an IP- DHCP never connects.
There is no surfage, though. I can't even ping the IP of my phone. I show connected, get the up and down arrows, like it's connected, but no throughput.
Has anyone actually gotten this to work? Do you think it's a barnacle problem, or is it something I can tweak in the Acer?
I have the same question. I havent been able to get this to work.
Barnacle worked for me in the past.they did a update then no more worked. I switched to wifi tether.and I think its better.I even donated money to the other.
Sent them several emails with not one single reply.kinda sad but its life.
works for me from myn my samsung intercept.
Question can you connect to your phone using another devive like a laptop?
Does your acer even see the barnacle in the wifi settings?
If not make sure the adhoc patch is installed it think when i went to taboonay i also had to reinstall the patch.
Yes, Barnacle does work with a lappy, and yes, the tab does see the barnacle ad-hoc, it even connects- if given a static IP. Just not able to negotiate a network connection- no ping, destination host unreachable.
Try wifi tether.I had the same issue .wifi tether is faster as well and free also.
My phone is x10 mini running on cyanogenmod 7 2.0.7.
i am using barnacle tether on it and it becomes a ad-hoc hotspot. THe problem is my iconia a500 has issues working with the connection. I can see the hotspot (i have changed the wpa supplicant file to that of xoom available) so i get a *before the name but as soon as i enter the password of wep and click on connect button,it shows connecting and then obtaining ip address and that never stops. on clicking on that it shows that the signal is poor and decibel = -1. What the ****!
Please,can anyone help me out here?
erica_renee said:
Try wifi tether.I had the same issue .wifi tether is faster as well and free also.
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I am so glad that you posted this. Even happier that I remembered it. Today around 4:30pm my dsl died. Called in and it is something that effects my little area. And of course they are working on it. Funny how the phone still works, but anyway... This was especially annoying because a friend gave to me a HTC Aria with a cracked screen. I'd just repaired it, started rooting it and installing CM7. The timing was typical.
I was using Barnacle to tether my pc, a tablet and another phone. What's worse I am in an AT&T Edge only area. So it was PAINFUL at best. I finally remembered your suggestion, that you mentioned a speed improvement, and also that I had installed WiFiTether after I read that.
Well I ain't gonna lie and say that I was able to browse on one device while I netflix'd on another while downloading on the other... But I can easily be getting something from the market on one of the devices and still manage to browse on my pc. Which is a terrific improvement to what Barnacle was doing for me.
Barnacle was like dial up on a bad day. WiFiTether is easily twice as fast as the old dial up ever was. Maybe more.
So you really saved me from going nuts. Thanks so much! And I'll go ahead and say thanks for my Brother in town. If that hadn't worked I would have been camped out on his lawn modding a phone...
