Legend dead after rooting - Legend General

I have tried rooting about 5times with excellent results, this time it did go well for a beginning. I flashed the rom and the phone said success and wanted me to reboot. Then a image with a phone laying on the stomache with light on a greeen symbol with (!) in a triangle came up. Now my phone is dead =( plugged in to the computer dosn´t even work. Not even the powercable. Whats should i do? is it broke? Help! plz!

colors said:
I have tried rooting about 5times with excellent results, this time it did go well for a beginning. I flashed the rom and the phone said success and wanted me to reboot. Then a image with a phone laying on the stomache with light on a greeen symbol with (!) in a triangle came up. Now my phone is dead =( plugged in to the computer dosn´t even work. Not even the powercable. Whats should i do? is it broke? Help! plz!
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yup..i thought of rooting my phone, but now

Have you tried pressing the Volume Up + Power button to get the recovery menu? I would try that first.

like i said before.. the phone is completely dead. I have tried it all, nothing can power it up. It doesn´t even feel the powercable.. the orange LED isnt on. I think its very strange that no one else have had this problem.

is it a h/w issue?
or have you resolved the problem already?

When the picture of the phone laying down with the triangle was up you didn't pull the battery did you?

I have got the same problem after updating to another rom. But the rom was defect or it didn't show progress in 5 min time. So I (stupidly) deciced to pull the battery from the phone.. and now I can't turn it on/charge..
please tell me if this is a fixable problem?

Yes, unfortunately i did :S i tried all buttons and it didnt help so i pulled the battery, what went wrong and what would the proper solution be? it said sucess when i flashed it and then the screen jumped up and it was already to late :S
I havent fixed the problem but it´s taking care of. I have it on service so in 1-2weeks i will get an answer.

Hi guys! Thought you might want an update with my problem.. i picked it up from the serviceplace today and thanks god it was an warranty thing. They said the mainboard was broken and replaced. Thats like the motherboard on a computer, correct? Can a f*cked up rooting/flashing be the reason?

Hey dude, i am guessing they replaced the mainboard because the chip that stores the rom has been courupted, they wouldnt have been able to diagnose it or replace the chip so must have been easier to replace the whole board haha. Your lucky they couldnt tell you had gained root on it!


Nexus one not powering on

I tried to turn the phone on all i get a green and orange flashing led
can not boot into recovery
flashed cm5.0.2
everything was working fine
powered off the phone now i cant boot the phone
desperate help
Have you tried removing the battery, rebooting into recovery and reflashing?
Got to send it to htc for repair ugggjjhh
Are you new to rooting and flashing ROMs?
actually no, been flashin since the inception of jf1.4 roms
i flashed cm beta1 tru 5 up until stable no hiccups
was running cm stable 5.2 all night perfectly fine turned my phone off popped my sim card into the g1...
couple hrs later i try to turn the phone on jus blinked a green and orange led even with the battery out plugged into the wall(currently still blinkin)
cant even get into recovery to fastbooot anything....
jus my luck i guess **** happens
i babied the phone way tooo if anything
anyways srry for the longwinded post to answer a simple question
btw i thought brick=can power on but cant do anything recovery etc
but if the phone doesnt power on period whats that?
i guess they both bricks eitherway
icegad said:
btw i thought brick=can power on but cant do anything recovery etc
but if the phone doesnt power on period whats that?
i guess they both bricks eitherway
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also a brick aka expensive paper weight
Same issue here, how much was the repair cost. This blows, I followed the instructions to the T and now that it's unlocked i have no warranty. Just curious how much this set you back.
Are you getting the flashing leds too?
Dont know the cost just yet i sent it out they havent recieved it yet
I nvr onced oc'd her or even thought about it sadface
Yes, I was booting up the latest CM and it got stuck at the blue X. I removed the battery and when i put it back in and tried to power it on it went from Green to Orange. It just keeps cycling through the flashes. Nothing helps... I think I might throw it in a lake and just pay the warranty fee if it is less than a repair...
I have the same problem here too.. except I do not really want to throw my phone into the lake haha..

Is My HD2 Really Bricked?

On Saturday night i was txting playing beer pong having a good time.
When all of a sudden a black screen came out saying something about how it was goin to restart and reset or something like that and that all my personal info would be gone.
So i did it and once it restarted it just stayed stuck on the boot up screen.
Not thinking twice about it as i was having fun i just put it in my pocket thinking maybe its gonna take a lil longer but then i realized after awhile it was still on that same screen.
I took out the batter turned it on again same thing happened.
I gave up and decided i'd just deal with it the next morning.
Next morning comes its now like around 1-ish crazy party haha
Point is phone is dead i charge it for 30 min? i try turning on and nothing.
So then i boot up pushing both buttons figured i would do a hard reset.
Still nothing!
My friend decides to take me home so i take this time to charge my phone a lil more with his car charger and at first it was charging then out of no where it doesn't charge?
No light?
No boot up?
I take the battery out and back in then plug it into the charger and the light doesn't turn on but my phone just starts vibrating uncontrollably...
This freaks me out so i take the battery out and again same thing.
I took the battery out for a couple minutes then put it back in and it started charging again.
Oh btw the whole time this happened i was able to get into bootloader mode so i figured it cant be bricked and i can fix it just got to charge it.
I got home battery wasn't that charged but i plugd it in to my computer in bootloader mode hoping it would charge for a bit then i downloaded a new rom and i read it was a good idea to use task29.
Sounded like a great idea to fix my phone.
I got the Repack by ShaDrac and flashed it on my phone.
One strange thing i did notice was that usually when i flash it i see HTC then a progress bar.
This time it was just blank all black but with the progress bar i saw it go all the way to 99% and 100% on my computer it even said successful flash.
But after that it just stayed off?
No reboot ?
wont charge
wont turn on
no bootloader mode
completely bricked.
im sure the battery is just dead since it wasn't that charged to begin with but i have no way of charging it!
I did a lot of googleing and found no answers i refuse to believe its bricked!
it cant be rite??
If anyone could please help me i would really appreciate it.
Ive only had my HD2 for about a week =[
Oh and it's a T-Mobile US version unlocked.
javydawg said:
On Saturday night i was txting playing beer pong having a good time.
When all of a sudden a black screen came out saying something about how it was goin to restart and reset or something like that and that all my personal info would be gone.
So i did it and once it restarted it just stayed stuck on the boot up screen.
Not thinking twice about it as i was having fun i just put it in my pocket thinking maybe its gonna take a lil longer but then i realized after awhile it was still on that same screen.
I took out the batter turned it on again same thing happened.
I gave up and decided i'd just deal with it the next morning.
Next morning comes its now like around 1-ish crazy party haha
Point is phone is dead i charge it for 30 min? i try turning on and nothing.
So then i boot up pushing both buttons figured i would do a hard reset.
Still nothing!
My friend decides to take me home so i take this time to charge my phone a lil more with his car charger and at first it was charging then out of no where it doesn't charge?
No light?
No boot up?
I take the battery out and back in then plug it into the charger and the light doesn't turn on but my phone just starts vibrating uncontrollably...
This freaks me out so i take the battery out and again same thing.
I took the battery out for a couple minutes then put it back in and it started charging again.
Oh btw the whole time this happened i was able to get into bootloader mode so i figured it cant be bricked and i can fix it just got to charge it.
I got home battery wasn't that charged but i plugd it in to my computer in bootloader mode hoping it would charge for a bit then i downloaded a new rom and i read it was a good idea to use task29.
Sounded like a great idea to fix my phone.
I got the Repack by ShaDrac and flashed it on my phone.
One strange thing i did notice was that usually when i flash it i see HTC then a progress bar.
This time it was just blank all black but with the progress bar i saw it go all the way to 99% and 100% on my computer it even said successful flash.
But after that it just stayed off?
No reboot ?
wont charge
wont turn on
no bootloader mode
completely bricked.
im sure the battery is just dead since it wasn't that charged to begin with but i have no way of charging it!
I did a lot of googleing and found no answers i refuse to believe its bricked!
it cant be rite??
If anyone could please help me i would really appreciate it.
Ive only had my HD2 for about a week =[
Oh and it's a T-Mobile US version unlocked.
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If you have only had it for a week then the best thing is to just take it back to wherever you bought it and ask for a direct replacement as it should still be within the time frame for that.
Sounds like you have done everything possible to bring it back, taking the battery out, hard reset. If it wont turn on, wont go into the bootloader and you cant get an activesync connection then theres not really much more you can do.
yea i agree, dont waste time fiddling and trying to bring it back, get round the shop today.
Unfortunately thats not an option as i got it from someone else and then unlocked it since im on at&t. At most i would have to call htc and hope the manufactureres warranty can do something but i highly doubt it.
cant believe this is the end of my HD2
javydawg said:
Unfortunately thats not an option as i got it from someone else and then unlocked it since im on at&t. At most i would have to call htc and hope the manufactureres warranty can do something but i highly doubt it.
cant believe this is the end of my HD2
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You might try taking the battery out and leaving it out for at least 24 hours. Sometimes that will reset a few things and bring the screen back on but im not guarenteeing anything. Yo uhave nothing to lose at this stage though. You could also try connecting it to your pc via activesync and see if it connects. Even if the screen isnt coming on you might still get a connection which you could use to flash a new rom.
Even getting a replacement battery off ebay very cheaply might sort it out as I have heard of batterys going funny before.
Just a few sugestions.
all the phones should (I think) be manufacturer warrantied for the first year, so I bet htc will fix it, though you might have to pay shipping.
dig out your regions htc repair center and get in touch. so long as they can't see the hspl it should be free.(
I dont have HD2 (<--nexus one), but one thing i have noticed with all HTC phones that I've had something similar happen is when i have tired to reboot the phone by turning it off and then trying to turn back on it wont. I would take the battery out and still it will not. I would do the same with the sd card and same but what fixes it is taking the SIM out press the power button few times with no battery and then putting everything back on and it turns on. It happens in a while. Maybe not the same problem but i guess its worth a try if you haven't yet. One more thing I would try is to take the battery out, the sd card and the SIM card out and then plug your phone into the charger and wait a few mins to see if the led or screen would come on. Try the same thing by plugging it to your computer. If computer does make sound and it does detect your phone then it might just a screen related issue which might be the case since you already flash it with a different rom and nothing came on. I know you probably have tried this but you didnt say in your post but have you tried this?
1. With the device turned off, press and hold the VOLUME UP and VOLUME DOWN buttons, then briefly press the POWER button.
2. Continue pressing the VOLUME UP and VOLUME DOWN buttons until you see this message on the screen:
“This operation will delete all your personal data, and reset all settings to the manufacturer default settings. Press VolUp to restore manufacturer defaults, or press other keys to cancel.”
3. Release the VOLUME UP and VOLUME DOWN buttons.
4. Press the VOLUME UP button to perform the hard reset, or press any other button to cancel the reset.
Good luck
I agree with mskip about the 24H thing if you let the internal/backup battery die it could solve a possible brick then by reflashing
also what deanesn said about the HD phones its also true (same prob with G1 and excalibur) sometimes out off nowhere it wont turn on or its just going to give you a black screen... wierd huh!?
important things I wanna know is
what rom where you using? what radio version? what were the last app or apps you installed on your HD2?
anyways from what I've read&done ever since I joined XDA this is the best thing to do in a situation like yours
This is when you get a black screen
1 if its stuck on the boot screen try to do another hard reset
2. if you cant or nothing happeneds try to see if you can acces the bootloader screen
3. if you cant, remove the batterie for like 24H or maybe more so the internal batterie dries out (if you do that make sure that you try to estimate around 50% to 70% before removing the actual batterie for reflashing)
4. then insert the batterie and try to acces the bootloader or hard reset by pressing the key combanations dont try to see if by a miracle chance it would fix the problem (trust me at this point it wont)
5. if it actually DOES bootup find and download THE STOCK ROM FROM TMOBILE
6. HARD reset if nothing then do it agn but before it has a chance to, try to boot up
7. quickly acces the bootloader wipe your phone (task 29 for hd2) and flash the STOCK ROM (not a custom rom. I read somewhere that its always better to go with an official tmo rom)
thats it Ive try many things on my ALMOST bricked situations this are the things Ive done MAYBE IT WONT WORK FOR YOU, one time I thought my excalibur was dead until I left my phone without a batterie for like a weak then later out of nowhere it boots up only on the first tmobile splash screen and I was able to fix it
LOL even tho those steps prob dont apply to you what you can do is call HTC and tell them you have a black screen on your htc DONT TRY AND ACT all smart by telling them you have a brick and you had a custom rom and all of that cause that prob voids your warranty with HTC, from what I've read this one guy told them that his girlfriend was texting and then the phone froze and the she remove the batterie and the screen went black. And he got a replacement
also another one that I read is a guy telling them he was doing an OFFICIAL ROM UPDATE and the phone never turned back on.
hope it helps
Thanks, and this is actually my plan lol I used to flash my old motorola rizr all the time even had to testpoint it to bring it back from a complete BRICK! but the one thing i couldnt fix was water damage haha but after a week of having the battery out some how... miraculously it came back
How is the nexus one? I was gonna get a nexus one or a hd2 but the screen size ended up being the tie breaker although ever since my g1, android has had my heart haha
Ive always hated windows mobile but the hd2 was perfect!
I also agree with what u said, i have seen those symptons before.
But yea thanks on the advice.. sadly... already tried it and nothing.. =/
Thnx thats exactly what im trying to do.
My only problem is my battery is dead and i need to charge it!
Oh i just noticed i forgot to answer ur questions Tuppaacc.
tuppaacc said:
important things I wanna know is
what rom where you using? what radio version? what were the last app or apps you installed on your HD2?
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I was using Duttys_Leo_Sense_2.5_5.2.21898.5.0.91_2.10_Radio_2. Rom.
Im not really sure what radio i was using but if i had to guess i would say 2.10 since i dont remember flashing anything else and i heard the best radio was the one the HD2 already came with.
As for the last app installed ummm.... iGo8? not sure either but in total all the apps installed where
My Phone
umm cant think of any other ones. I know i didnt install much just had flashed the rom the night before.
again sorry for skipping your question.
try taking sd card out and boot it work for me
Here is what you have to do after I made a mistake and "killed" my US version HD2, but it's back to service.
First of all, you have to be sure the battery has at least 50% left. If the unit is able to charge the battery, leave it charged for a couple of hours.
Second, unplug all the cables from the unit, take the battery and wait for a few seconds, then put the battery back in. Press and hold volume down button and press red (end/power) button once. If everything goes well, you should see a tri-color screen.
Third, plug in the phone and run ROM update again.
WARNING: flashing will erase your personal data.
javydawg said:
Oh i just noticed i forgot to answer ur questions Tuppaacc.
I was using Duttys_Leo_Sense_2.5_5.2.21898.5.0.91_2.10_Radio_2. Rom.
Im not really sure what radio i was using but if i had to guess i would say 2.10 since i dont remember flashing anything else and i heard the best radio was the one the HD2 already came with.
As for the last app installed ummm.... iGo8? not sure either but in total all the apps installed where
My Phone
umm cant think of any other ones. I know i didnt install much just had flashed the rom the night before.
again sorry for skipping your question.
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the thing is the phone itself wont charge the battery.
I plug it into the wall and no lights turn on to indicate its charging.
javydawg said:
the thing is the phone itself wont charge the battery.
I plug it into the wall and no lights turn on to indicate its charging.
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You need to get a desktop charger so you can plug the battery in and make sure its fully charged. I dont think they are available from shops but you can buy them online (ebay) for around a fiver.
That one says for the T8585 but im pretty sure they both use exactly the same battery. You might want to check on that though.
My goodness, that OP is a real doozie.
That's pretty wild man, although I don't have much input, other than the obvious suggestions that have already been provided for you... I will say that was a worthy read.
Yea thats pretty much my only option I will be buying that desktop charger real sooon and ill get back to the forum with my results.
Cant believe they are so cheap haha
Ive even seen one that comes with an extra OEM battery and charger for under 15 dollars!
Thnx for all the help and support. =]
U have a Bricked HD2 my friend
i bought the wall charger and it charged the battery but it still wouldnt turn on or go into bootloader mode or do anything!!
any luck with un-bricking your HD2?
Seems like OP bought a damaged phone in the first place or something, or something "happened" on the night of the party. Beer got on it, perhaps?

Tattoo won't boot at all. (SOLVED!)

It's happen when i try to flash the Baseband via Recovery. My device is Tattoo A3232.
After reboot there's a Recovery picture so i tried to remove a battery and turn on again but this time it won't boot at all. no Tattoo logo or anything. and then I tried to plug a charger and there's no charging light. and i've plug into computer and no devices found.
I don't have any clue to do now. so i just try to post this before i go to HTC Care. I really hope you guys can solve this one.
UPDATE: they've replaced a new board with the old one. Now my Tattoo is 100% health!
I know this sounds stupid, but what helped when I had a similar problem with my PC (not mobile phone) was the following: removing the power cable, waiting about 10-15 mins and then plugging it in again, then at least it booted again.
maybe if you take out the battery and wait quite a while it will at least show the tattoo logo...else there are different causes for your dilemma: a piece of hardware is now bricked, the phone ROM is damaged, memory completely wiped...don't know what is the cause of your problem - but you should pray that HTC Care will repair your device if nothing else will work
what hapens if you hold volume down button and keep it held while you power it on, you should see spl screen ??
if you do get the white screen with the 3 androids then you are good to flas an IMG file
terminal 7 said:
what hapens if you hold volume down button and keep it held while you power it on, you should see spl screen ??
if you do get the white screen with the 3 androids then you are good to flas an IMG file
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nope, nothing appear at all. probably like TheSSJ said. I really hope they will claim the phone.
When you were putting the battery in the slot, have you placed it correctly? Please, check your battery and let us know.
and then I tried to plug a charger and there's no charging light
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This happens when you incorrectly place the battery back.
dejandekic said:
This happens when you incorrectly place the battery back.
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Or when the device is bricked...I don't think the battery was placed incorrectly into the phone...^^
now it's been taking care by HTC Care now. hopefully they'll repair it.
good luck
good luck, i hope you get a good result without any problem because you were flashing at the point of fail.
keep us posted on this, im interested how fair they play in replacing your handset.
they've replaced a new board with the old one. Now my Tattoo is 100% health! it's came with a new RUU though. 1.67.729.xx i think. not the 1.67.405.6.
and of course I already rooted and flashed fyodor custom room.
@3DPRO: congrates

Bricked/Damaged Phone ??

Hi, i bought an HTC Dream/Google G1/T-Mobile G1. I bought as faulty and asked the guy what did it had. He said he needed to flash and update software. So i bought it thinking that if that's the problem i'd solve it and end up with an Android phone. I paid €50 for it. Thing is i can't do anything to the phone. I plugged the battery, pushed power and it gives the normal vibrate and then nothing, the screen doesn't even light up. I have to take the battery out to power off the phone then. If i plug the USB, it lights the red LED, but no recognition of the phone by the PC, turn it on again...the same.
I've searched the forum, top to bottom, and i've tried almost everything to try and make something out of my beautyfull brick. Keys combination, *.img to SD, haven´t tried throwing it to the wall, but i'm almost there.
If i could even get to bootloader... I have a Diamond and flashed it numerous times and never had a glitch.
Can you guys help out ? Please, i've searched the forum, read almost every post about bricked phones, etc...
Sounds like they may have flashed the wrong firmware file or its physically damaged and they lied to you.
I am pretty sure it needs re-flashed with a jtag interface if it's only a software issue. Because if the recovery image is intact it will still say "t-mobile G1" and be stuck in a boot loop.
Have you tried to start the phone to fastboot mode(hold down the back button and press power), or recovery(hold home and press power) ?
If you can't get into either of those you either need to find someone with a jtag adapter or get your money back because it's dead.
Thanks for the reply.
I tried all of that... . How on earth will i find someone with a jtag adapter, at least in a nearby area... guess i have nice brick then. I read somewhere here on xda of a shop in India that recovers the phone but its way to far for me to send the phone, pay the fix and they send it back!!! Well i guess thats it, i got screwed...

[URGENT]Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505 Stuck in bootloop

Hey XDA members
I need urgent help to help me restore access to my phone, as you can see in the title my device is stuck on the Galaxy S4 Screen, wont go further (apart from a few lucky times hardly ever and will restart anyway).
I have no idea how this happened, my phone is fully stock, not custom roms or root or anything. i was just using my phone normally and all of a sudden it turned off and it just happened from there on, its been happening all day and it has really p****d me off because i am unable to keep up with work now and my phone pays a vital part in my life.
It's not water damaged as far as i know and i cant even factory reset it because it freezes in the process of going into system recovery mode and restarts, same goes for download mode. i really dont know what to do the PC Doesn't recognize it anymore either and its not got warranty.
The only possible thing i can think that has gone wrong is i was charging my phone in the USA Whilst i was there during the summer. but that was about 6 weeks ago and it just happens so randomly so i doubt it could be that..
Has anyone has a similar problem and can give me any solutions or advice i would greatly appreciate it.
- Kind Regards.
ThePlacid said:
Hey XDA members
I need urgent help to help me restore access to my phone, as you can see in the title my device is stuck on the Galaxy S4 Screen, wont go further (apart from a few lucky times hardly ever and will restart anyway).
I have no idea how this happened, my phone is fully stock, not custom roms or root or anything. i was just using my phone normally and all of a sudden it turned off and it just happened from there on, its been happening all day and it has really p****d me off because i am unable to keep up with work now and my phone pays a vital part in my life.
It's not water damaged as far as i know and i cant even factory reset it because it freezes in the process of going into system recovery mode and restarts, same goes for download mode. i really dont know what to do the PC Doesn't recognize it anymore either and its not got warranty.
The only possible thing i can think that has gone wrong is i was charging my phone in the USA Whilst i was there during the summer. but that was about 6 weeks ago and it just happens so randomly so i doubt it could be that..
Has anyone has a similar problem and can give me any solutions or advice i would greatly appreciate it.
- Kind Regards.
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Your power button is stuck/faulty. Try to wiggle it loose or replace it.
Lennyz1988 said:
Your power button is stuck/faulty. Try to wiggle it loose or replace it.
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YEHH I tried that, i also tried taking the phone apart and powering it on without the powerbutton but still its the same it freezes on that screen, i tried a new battery same outcome. what can i do guys?someone must be able to help
Had the same with 4.4.2. Do a factory reset, should work. Although all of your data is gone that way.
I suspect you have a hardware problem. Take it to your nearest repair centre.
mathieu3004 said:
Had the same with 4.4.2. Do a factory reset, should work. Although all of your data is gone that way.
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Thanks for your help, although i cant access System Recovery because: 1. it either freezes whilst it's loading, 2. the phone turns off before it even tries to load
thundastruck said:
I suspect you have a hardware problem. Take it to your nearest repair centre.
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Thanks for your help,
I also suspected it was a hardware problem but im trying to figure out what exactly is wrong, i was guessing a short circuit but i cant be entirely sure, do you think it could be something else?
ThePlacid said:
Thanks for your help,
I also suspected it was a hardware problem but im trying to figure out what exactly is wrong, i was guessing a short circuit but i cant be entirely sure, do you think it could be something else?
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The simple answer is no, I don't.
Considered the info provided I think you're out of options, unfortunately. Sorry mate, repair centre is my humblest opinion.

