Uses for an old blackstone? - Touch HD General

My HTC Desire arrives monday, and my Blackstone will thus be retired. Since it's not really worth much, wondering... Is there anything I could use the Blackstone for?
Weird suggestions welcome

You should still easy be able to sell it for £100+
Touch HD is still a excellent phone.

repvik said:
My HTC Desire arrives monday, and my Blackstone will thus be retired. Since it's not really worth much, wondering... Is there anything I could use the Blackstone for?
Weird suggestions welcome
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If you're thinking of buying an ipad, you can go for the wi-fi version and then tether it to your blackstone, using its data connection, also you can use it's gps receiver via bluetooth, that's what i plan to do with mine.
Otherwise you can buy a dock and use it as an advanced radio clock for waking up in the morning.

Insaneboy said:
If you're thinking of buying an ipad, you can go for the wi-fi version and then tether it to your blackstone, using its data connection, also you can use it's gps receiver via bluetooth, that's what i plan to do with mine.
Otherwise you can buy a dock and use it as an advanced radio clock for waking up in the morning.
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iPad? No, I'm not quite that crazy yet. Anyway, I could just use the Desire for that purpose.
But sharing the GPS-reciever via BT is interesting though. I googled a bit but couldn't find a good solution. How do you plan to do this?
Edit; Found GPS2Blue, which appears to do what I want.

If you didn't found a destination to that, please, send it to me! My wife would love that!

Personally, I will buy a 32gb sd card then install a torrent application, and leave the phone on charger with a torrent application working.
I extremely low power torrent server

I sold it together with my old car which had the Touch HD mount in the dash

Thread resolved and now closed


Uses for an old wizard?

I have a recently retired htc wizard, and am beginning to think what I can usefully do with it. Current market value is about £50 tops I think, so not entirely worth selling. Thinking of building it in to a box adding a small amp and speakers and turning it in to a clock radio / multimedia device or similar. Has anyone else successfully completed any such projects? Any tips or suggestions?
In short, what's the best use I could put it to?
mcurtayne said:
I have a recently retired htc wizard, and am beginning to think what I can usefully do with it. Current market value is about £50 tops I think, so not entirely worth selling. Thinking of building it in to a box adding a small amp and speakers and turning it in to a clock radio / multimedia device or similar. Has anyone else successfully completed any such projects? Any tips or suggestions?
In short, what's the best use I could put it to?
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I gave mine away to my neighbor. But interesting idea you got there Probably more expansive then just buying something like that. Though I guess with some tweaking you could make it into a boombox you can take with you everywhere that could use WiFi or GPRS to stream music from your home box.
Now that, would be cool.
Does it work properly? Is the usb solid?
An old Wizard to me, means a test dummy.
You can donate it to an xda work on creating new roms.
Or I guess you can go with your idea.
Or you can give it to me!
I have plans afoot to use it as a touchscreen in my car. The idea is to have a laptop in the boot running some media software with a HD full of music and videos. Install Citrix Metaframe on the laptop and then use the Wizard as a client. Hey presto... a media centre with no wires!
pletharoe said:
I have plans afoot to use it as a touchscreen in my car. The idea is to have a laptop in the boot running some media software with a HD full of music and videos. Install Citrix Metaframe on the laptop and then use the Wizard as a client. Hey presto... a media centre with no wires!
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wow...pretty good idea
might just have to do this w/ the old axim
edit: wonder how this would work for this purpose

Athena/Advantage/Ameo as off board Modem?

Is this device able to connect as a modem to a laptop like some other devices? I have the Advantage 7501. If it is possible, how is it acheived? Is there a hack or hardware adapter required?
Start/Program/Internet Sharing.
Choose whether you want to link Athena with your PC with bluetooth or USB cable. Then click connect.
A better option is wmWifiRouter. It has the benefit of wireless like bluetooth so you can leave the Athena in your laptop bag, but you can use WPA security unlike bluetooth (make sure your password is longer than 10 characters and is fairly random). It also allows you to share your connection with multiple computers at once, unlike bluetooth. New versions have been coming out every month or two, I just noticed a new one was released 10 days ago...
eaglesteve said:
Start/Program/Internet Sharing.
Choose whether you want to link Athena with your PC with bluetooth or USB cable. Then click connect.
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Thanks. I'll try this.
techntrek said:
A better option is wmWifiRouter. It has the benefit of wireless like bluetooth so you can leave the Athena in your laptop bag, but you can use WPA security unlike bluetooth (make sure your password is longer than 10 characters and is fairly random). It also allows you to share your connection with multiple computers at once, unlike bluetooth. New versions have been coming out every month or two, I just noticed a new one was released 10 days ago...
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Thanks. I'll look into this too.
techntrek said:
A better option is wmWifiRouter. It has the benefit of wireless like bluetooth so you can leave the Athena in your laptop bag, but you can use WPA security unlike bluetooth (make sure your password is longer than 10 characters and is fairly random). It also allows you to share your connection with multiple computers at once, unlike bluetooth. New versions have been coming out every month or two, I just noticed a new one was released 10 days ago...
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Yes, indeed it is better from security viewpoint as well as the fact that more than one can be connected.
I'm using version 0.91 and it works perfectly.
Make sure your WIFI is turned on before installation. It works like a charm!
eaglesteve said:
Yes, indeed it is better from security viewpoint as well as the fact that more than one can be connected.
I'm using version 0.91 and it works perfectly.
Make sure your WIFI is turned on before installation. It works like a charm!
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Be aware that overuse of this application makes your battery VERY hot. It seems to make the device work overtime, and I experienced a noticeable decrease in the battery life of my Hermes after using this for a few weeks every day. So much that I had to buy a new battery! It made my Athena very hot too but I started SIM swapping eventually as I'm not so precious about my Hermes.
It is a cool application, might be sensible not to overuse it though.
leoni1980 said:
Be aware that overuse of this application makes your battery VERY hot. It seems to make the device work overtime, and I experienced a noticeable decrease in the battery life of my Hermes after using this for a few weeks every day. So much that I had to buy a new battery! It made my Athena very hot too but I started SIM swapping eventually as I'm not so precious about my Hermes.
It is a cool application, might be sensible not to overuse it though.
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Thanks for the warning. I haven't noticed the overheating yet, but would certainly be aware.
I turned off my Athena after connecting. Wonder if this would have made any difference.
It would only get warm cos it's using lots of power ! any software that uses lots of power will make it run warm, even a lengthy phone call.
I had wmWifiRouter running for about 30 minutes straight over the weekend, while I browsed the net on my desktop (connected to the Athena via wifi). I ran it for 15 minutes with the screen on, and then 15 more minutes with the screen off and in neither case did anything on the Athena feel warm, or hot.
I've been running wifi router on my tytn and connecting with my advantage. The TyTn has always gotten warm when using wifi but the advantage shows no signs of heat using wifi. Running wifi or wifi router on my TyTn really uses lots of battery. An internet sharing over bt or bt dun would be a better solution when it comes to battery life.
Internet sharing over usb uses a lot less battery than Bluetooth or wifrouter and is also much faster than bluetooth.
eagle 1 said:
Internet sharing over usb uses a lot less battery than Bluetooth or wifrouter and is also much faster than bluetooth.
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I thought that was the case but was'nt sure if that was just my own feeling. Glad that someone else confirm my suspicion. However, the usb wire could be a hassle depending on the situation. In 99.99% of the cases, we are probably the only person who needs to connect to it, so internet sharing is not a disadvantage. Security is the only issue left, but is this different from using the BT headset?
eagle 1 said:
Internet sharing over usb uses a lot less battery than Bluetooth or wifrouter and is also much faster than bluetooth.
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Plus if you use internet sharing over USB, then it charges the athena battery while surfing the net at over twice or three times as fast as Bluetooth.
Don't believe me, try internet sharing and run one of the mobile speed tests, connect via bluetooth, check speed, and then try wifirouter. What are your results...Bluetooth is so much slower compared to the other two choices....
wmWifiRouter on the Ameo?
Has anyone installed and used "wmWifiRouter" ( - down at the time of writing) on their UK T-Mobile Ameo?
i.e. Does it work for a Windows Mobile 5 device?

Is there any App to use Tilt2 as Wireless Mouse?

Hello friends, I have a genuine Question or doubt whatever....
Is there any App available for our Tilt2 or Touch Pro 2 that converts our phone as wireless mouse??
p.s. I didnt find one in our Forum.
Thanks for all you guys who are working on building the apps and roms you guys rock...
93 views, No reply
Not sure how this could be accomplished. Most wireless mice work on USB and there is no USB transmitter in the Tilt 2. Even if it could do it via Bluetooth, I doubt the hardware is up to it on either side. Why would you want to be sliding your phone around on a mousepad or desktop and possibly scratching it up or accidentally sending it flying onto the floor?
Check this thread out.
I know there are alot of options (I've seen em, and even used one on my Kaiser), but a quick Google search only gave me this link:
Thank you very much man
This is the way to go. It is worth every penny. just watch the videos. I use it everyday and never fails. Bluetooth or wife connection. Works amazing on my tp2
gimpcell said:
This is the way to go. It is worth every penny. just watch the videos. I use it everyday and never fails. Bluetooth or wife connection. Works amazing on my tp2
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Agreed. GRemote Pro is definitely the way to go.
yeah i used GRemote when i had the Tilt 2, did a great job!

Can you use a Nexus10 as a PRIMARY laptop screen to replace a broken laptop screen ?

I wanted to know if the Nexus 10 can be used as a PRIMARY laptop screen?
A wired connection would be preferred, with a bluetooth connection being an alternative.
I cracked the screen on my Lenovo E420 laptop and I wanted to buy a Nexus10 and use it as a replacement for my primary laptop LCD.
Thank you.
You could look into this:
irishrally said:
You could look into this:
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Thanks for posting, Rally.
Unfortunately, the solution you provided requires a Wi-Fi network connection.
I need a wired solution preferably, or bluetooth solution at worst, because I will not always have WiFi access.
From the site you provided:
Q: I've installed the PC and Android apps but the two devices can't see each other in the "Find Devices" (PC) or "Connect To" (Android) menus.
A: Make sure that you enable Wi-Fi on your Android device and that the ScreenSlider for Android app is running on your device with the screen turned on,
Q: I've installed the PC and Android apps but the two devices, enabled Wi-Fi on my Android device, but the two devices can't see each other to start a connection.
A: In order for ScreenSlider to function properly both your PC and Android device need to be on the same Local Area Network (LAN and subnet). Your PC can be connected to the network via Wi-Fi or Ethernet but must stay on the same LAN and subnet. This should not be a problem for home use (and for some small businesses too) especially if you only have one wired/wireless router in the home or office connected to your incoming Internet connection (Cable modem, DLS modem, etc.). If your PC and Android device can not see each other on a complicated home network or in an office environment, please ask your IT administrator to see if both devices are on the same LAN and subnet.
But Why??
Why would you use the nexus 10 as a replacement screen when you could just simply well.... buy a replacement screen? Unless your intention is to use the nexus as it is intended as well but..... i don'y know i just find it odd to use a 350 dollar tablet as a replacement LCD.
Droid_4_ever said:
Why would you use the nexus 10 as a replacement screen when you could just simply well.... buy a replacement screen? Unless your intention is to use the nexus as it is intended as well but..... i don'y know i just find it odd to use a 350 dollar tablet as a replacement LCD.
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You answered your own question.
If I have to buy a new "screen", I might as well get one that can serve 2 purposes:
1. A stand alone Android tablet
2. A replacement LCD for my laptop.
As nice and geeky as it sounds, it's never going to be practical. At best you could remote desktop into the laptop from the tablet, otherwise, not worth the effort, just get a new screen, or bin the laptop if you can live with just a tablet.
Maybe check out iDisplay?
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 2
chilimac02 said:
Maybe check out iDisplay?
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 2
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Thanks for the suggestion.
Unfortunately, it requires all devices be connected to WiFi.
I'm looking for a wired or bluetooth connection.
alias_neo said:
As nice and geeky as it sounds, it's never going to be practical. At best you could remote desktop into the laptop from the tablet, otherwise, not worth the effort, just get a new screen, or bin the laptop if you can live with just a tablet.
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Thanks for the response.
Why can't it be practical?
Why can't the Nexus10 work as an external monitor with either a wired or a bluetooth connection?
tt c6 said:
Thanks for the response.
Why can't it be practical?
Why can't the Nexus10 work as an external monitor with either a wired or a bluetooth connection?
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No problem,
Well, the device isn't designed to accept video on its usb port, and it probably lacks the bandwidth unless it supports some reverse MHL implementation.
As for Bluetooth, I'm pretty sure all Bluetooth versions lack the bandwidth by some margin to display decent quality video at a decent rate.
Unfortunately just the nature of these things, it wasn't designed for it, so it'll never do a very good job of it.... Remote desktop on the other hand over Wifi will probably work quite nicely.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

If you still have a Windows Mobile phone, What are you using it for?

Hi all,
I'm just curious. If you guys still have Windows Mobile phone, what are you using it for?
I have one but I don't have any ideas how to invest/use it other than collecting dust.
Can you please share what's your main use of your WM phone in your daily life/work?
shichemt said:
Hi all,
I'm just curious. If you guys still have Windows Mobile phone, what are you using it for?
I have one but I don't have any ideas how to invest/use it other than collecting dust.
Can you please share what's your main use of your WM phone in your daily life/work?
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HTC TyTN II (Kayser) here...
Trying to use it as a wireless IP cam to install over my apartment's door peephole, but can't find an app that does this. Preferably accesible via internal webserver, VLC playable stream or as an input to a Zoneminder server.
Also thinking of using it as a permanent GPS for my old (1998) car, maybe with a cheap chinese android tablet as a front end via bluetooth.
I used my htc hd mini just until a few days ago, when i dropped it and the screen cracked pretty bad. since it is an old phone and i tend to crack the screen every 1.5-2 years, i always bought a used one on ebay to replace the previous (at least 3 devices by now i think).
This time maybe I try to revive an old hd2 which lies around here for quite some time now...
i liked to cook my own ROM for hd mini and i will probably do so with the hd2, including co0kies home tab and so on.
I like tweaking my devices, and no other OS is that good and that controllable as WM 6. and it doesn't collect my data.
When that one breaks i'll go back to hd mini i think, hd2 little too big for my taste
Fik59 said:
HTC TyTN II (Kayser) here...
Trying to use it as a wireless IP cam to install over my apartment's door peephole, but can't find an app that does this. Preferably accesible via internal webserver, VLC playable stream or as an input to a Zoneminder server.
Also thinking of using it as a permanent GPS for my old (1998) car, maybe with a cheap chinese android tablet as a front end via bluetooth.
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Try WebCameraPlus
