Want a fix for the X2? Only us can do it. - XPERIA X2 General

At this point, SE is a crap company that doesn't care about their customers. It never cared, and will never be.
So, it's time to face that only us can develop a fix to the X2.
So, let's start by doing a few tasks in order to tweak and optimize the X2.
Most of us know that if you reset your phone or remove the battery inmediately after the calibration process, you phone will restart with a CLEAN WM 6.5.3.
So, It can't be very difficult to identify what's exactly the .CAB that it's causing the stability problems.
Other people wants a realy BAREBONE X2, without panels, Spb, PlayNow and other crap. For me, only Camera, Bluetooth and GPS is ok. I don't need any other s**t Software running on this phone.
So, a first task would be very simple.
We need to identify every .CAB and what really does at installing. I'm pretty sure that few .CABs are really needed on the X2 in order to work well.
I will post a list of all .CABS later, please help me.

Updated on page 2:

This thread is great! Hope everyone will help out!

hope this helps!!
Installation Order
Order - Time Taken(??) - Cab
1 - 8.9 - __prod_date_setting.cab
2 - 41.6 - _setupJbed.CAB
3 - 12.8 - aaa_xPlayNow-0.22.10.cab
4 - 18.4 - aaa_youtube.CAB
5 - 13.3 - AdobeReaderLE.CAB
6 - 10.8 - AutoLockSettingsSetup.CAB
7 - 8.7 - AwoX_DMS_Setup_for_SEMC_win32-v08.cab
8 - 10.2 - BoingoMobile.CAB
9 - 1.9 - CABInstaller_R101.CAB
10 - 20.9 - Camera_R210_RC2_39165.CAB
11 - 1.1 - Change_OTA_CP_Policy.cab
12 - 9.2 - ClearStorage.CAB
13 - 20.7 - CommManagerCab.CAB
14 - 19.6 - ConnectionSetup.CAB
15 - 9.5 - DeviceInfo.CAB
16 - 1.9 - DRMWhiteList.CAB
17 - 1.8 - EnableMonitorNapDef_V10.CAB
18 - 19.1 - FastGPSSetup.CAB
19 - 2.4 - FlashPanelAndMMIInstall.CAB
20 - 20.9 - GoogleMaps_v3.2.1.16_icon.CAB
21 - 11.6 - GooglePanel.CAB
22 - 4.4 - GrowingPanel.cab
23 - 11.4 - IdleModeText.CAB
24 - 5.0 - IlluminationSvc.cab
25 - 33.2 - JMMS_Ver4.5.122_02Apr10_SE_PPC_653.cab
26 - 9.8 - MicAGCSetup.CAB
27 - 9.7 - MobileDataSetup.CAB
28 - 1.9 - MonitorNapDefChange_V10.CAB
29 - 2.8 - MyCPLSetup.CAB
30 - 3.6 - OEMNotif_R101.CAB
31 - 9.7 - OJSettingsSetup.CAB
32 - 23.9 - owp_en.cab
33 - 20.0 - PanelManager.CAB
34 - 1.7 - PatternsSetup.CAB
35 - 10.0 - PhoneSettings.CAB
36 - 4.2 - PixelCityDayPanel.cab
37 - 4.2 - PixelCityNightPanel.cab
38 - 11.9 - PMBacklight.CAB
39 - 1.8 - SE_StartMenuLandscape.cab
40 - 1.8 - se_sync_cert.cab
41 - 223.9 - SEMC_UserGuide_EN.cab
42 - 7.5 - SEMCFlashDeployment.CAB
43 - 4.8 - SEMCSlideViewPluginInstaller.CAB
44 - 2.2 - SEMCUtilityV4_4CAB.CAB
45 - 74.3 - SettingsPart1.CAB
46 - 74.2 - SettingsPart2.CAB
47 - 12.2 - Setup_BT_Ext.CAB
48 - 25.5 - SetupSNM.CAB
49 - 21.1 - SlideView.cab
50 - 3.6 - SonyEricsson_Emailsignature.CAB
51 - 69.2 - SpbMobileShell_vulcan3.arm.cab
52 - 92.1 - SupportPanelCab.CAB
53 - 2.1 - SymSelectorSetup.CAB
54 - 11.2 - THSSetup.CAB
55 - 23.3 - TilewavePanel.CAB
56 - 11.6 - TimezoneSvc.CAB
57 - 21.8 - TVOutManagement.CAB
58 - 32.7 - VTSetup.CAB
59 - 39.1 - vulcan_pnp_install.cab
60 - 2.0 - wlan_1.5.cab
61 - 56.0 - X2_Saturn.cab
62 - 39.0 - X2_Saturn_Light.cab
63 - 38.7 - X2_Titan.cab
64 - 5.4 - XKeyHandler.CAB
65 - 9.8 - XpFilterDeploy.cab
66 - 2.4 - XpFramework.cab
67 - 7.0 - zz010_Translations.CAB
68 - 2.6 - zz020_Translator.CAB
69 - 1.6 - zzCallNotifDllName.cab
70 - 1.5 - zzHideUIRotation.cab
71 - 1.9 - zzJMMSRegSetting.cab
72 - 2.4 - zzSE_MSFT_Settings.cab
73 - 7.1 - zzz010_Generic_Default.cab
74 - 2.2 - zzz015_MSFT_License_en.cab
75 - 1.7 - zzz015_NonOperator_defaults.cab
76 - 4.3 - zzz020_content.cab
77 - 8.2 - zzz023_startmenu_en.cab
78 - 3.9 - zzz050_network.cab
79 - 1.4 - zzz954_Generic_EN_V2.cab
80 - 1.7 - zzzz_accelerometer_disable.cab
81 - 1.3 - zzzz_camera_startmenu_move_down.cab
82 - 1.6 - zzzz_fix_owp.cab
83 - 1.3 - zzzz_menu_reorder.cab
84 - 1.3 - zzzz_test_auto_ip.cab
85 - 1.9 - zzzzSEUS_VersionInfoCUSEN.cab
86 - 4.0 - zzzzz_OemNotif.cab

I installed this and it goes like a rocket X2:
0 - _1Multifix_X2.cab (This done for me, fix SD, fix Launch 190, Turbo X2)
1 - aaa_xPlayNow 0.22.10.cab-
2 - aaa_youtube.CAB
3 - AdobeReaderLE.CAB
4 - CABInstaller_R101.CAB
5 - Camera_R210_RC2_39165.CAB
6 - ClearStorage.CAB
7 - CommManagerCab.CAB
8- ConnectionSetup.CAB
9 - DeviceInfo.CAB
10 - DRMWhiteList.CAB
11 - FastGPSSetup.CAB
12 - IlluminationSvc.cab
13 - JMMS_Ver4.5.122_02Apr10_SE_PPC_653.cab
14 - MicAGCSetup.CAB
15 - MyCPLSetup.CAB
16 - OEMNotif_R101.CAB
17 - PatternsSetup.CAB
18 - PhoneSettings.CAB
19 - PMBacklight.CAB
20 - se_sync_cert.cab
21 - Setup_BT_Ext.CAB
22 - SetupSNM.CAB
23 - SlideView.cab
24 - TVOutManagement.CAB
25 - VTSetup.CAB
26 - wlan_1.5.cab
27 - XpFilterDeploy.cab
28 - XpFramework.cab
29 - zzz010_Generic_Default.cab
30 - zzz015_MSFT_License_en.cab
31 - zzz020_content.cab
32 - zzz023_startmenu_en.cab
33 - zzz050_network.cab
34 - zzz954_Generic_EN_V2.cab
35 - zzzzSEUS_VersionInfoCUSEN.cab

It's more useful that you tell us what you DON'T install and why.

do we still need to update our x2 after i installed the cabs?

i think the method that jon55 use is better. my x2 is running smooth and fast.

sorry jon55, I have allready install the same cabs as you, but I have a problem because I can´t make a internet connection. Thanks
I have solved it. I´m trying with the mms. Thanks.
Another question is how to asign a fuction to the slide view button, now have no function. Thanks

fernandbc said:
sorry jon55, I have allready install the same cabs as you, but I have a problem because I can´t make a internet connection. Thanks
I have solved it. I´m trying with the mms. Thanks.
Another question is how to asign a fuction to the slide view button, now have no function. Thanks
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Install XKeyHandler.CAB to asign fuction to the slide view button, soft-reset. But it speed loses some and does not work sense with XKeyHandler, also can make unstable spbshell.
To MMS, "Start-> Settings->Connections->connection setup", soft-reset.

thank you very much. I´m still woriking to tune up the little machine. Thanks.

Uninstalling those programs doesn't increase stability too much, but helps saving battery a lot:

although i will hopefully be changing to an Iphone 4 at the weekned i do have a Pay as you go simcard that i can throw in the X2 for testing so if you guys come up with some variations that you would like tested but would not like to do them on your own X2 please let me know. it would be great to help get this phone at a stable position before selling it on

This is an updated list with details.
Marked as red = Possibly unstable/outdated/not necessary, not recommended to install.
Marked as orange = It's your choice to install.
Marked as green = Recommended/required to work.
* = I would install this cab, but jon55 doesn't
* = jon55 installs this cab, but I wouldn't.
Sony Ericsson Date Setting (Sets date and time to 05-01-2010).
Installs Myriad Java.
Sony Ericsson PlayNow.
Google YouTube (Outdated, new version on m.google.com).
Adobe Reader LE (Outdated, maybe there’s a better option out there).
Enable Auto Lock feature (possibly with bugs).
Installs AwoX Media Server.
Boingo Mobile (possibly outdated).
Sony Ericsson CAB Installer (Possibly something related to PlayNow).
Sony Ericsson XperiaCamera.
Change the following settings on the registry. Maybe required.
- Grant Manager system administrative privileges to other security roles. (4119)
- Allow or deny OMA Client Provisioning network PIN message. (4141)
- Allow or deny an OMA Client Provisioning user PIN or user MAC signed message. (4142)
- Allow or deny an OMA Client Provisioning user network PIN signed message. (4143)
Installs the control panel icon in order to reset the phone to factory settings.
Installs Sony Ericsson Communicator Manager.
Installs Connection Setup. (Still details needed, but possibly required)
Installs Sony Ericsson Device Information icon on Control Panel.
Installs DRM Settings on Control Panel.
Sony Ericsson EnableNap (Possibly required)
Sony Ericsson FastGPS (improves GPS fix)
Sony Ericsson Flash Panel Package (Panels possibly unstable).
Google Maps (Very outdated, new version on m.google.com).
Google Panel (Panels possibly unstable).
Growing Panel (Panels on Spb MobileShell are unstable).
Returns the text to display when the system is in idle mode. (Possibly required).
Installs Ilumination Service (Lights and LEDs).
Installs Jataayu MMS client (Required for MMS).
Instals AGC Microphone.
Installs Sony Ericsson Mobile Data App for setting Internet Access.
Sony Ericsson NapCab. (Possibly required).
Sony Ericsson MyCPL Setup. (Possibly required).
Sony Ericsson OEMNotif (Possibly required).
Sony Ericsson Optical Joystick.
Replace start pages on Internet Explorer (Language Localized).
Sony Ericsson Panel Manager (Panels possibly unstable).
Sets Ilumination Patterns on the illumination service.
Installs Phone Settings icon on Control Panel.
Pixel City Day Panel (Panels on Spb MobileShell are unstable).
Pixel City Night Panel. (Panels on Spb MobileShell are unstable).
Installs Backlight and Power Management icon on Control Panel.
Enable Start Menu to work on landscape mode.
Installs Sony Ericsson Sync Cert.
User Guide (Language specific).
Installs a Flash version from SE on the device (required by other CABs like Flash Panel to work).
SlideView Plugins.
Possibly related to AutoLocker (possibly unstable).
Related to Mobile Data App. Contains carriers info. Required.
Related to Mobile Data App. Contains carriers info. Required.
Sony Ericsson Bluetooth Settings (Required).
Sony Ericsson SetupSNM (A lot of audio references, unknown, possibly
Sony Ericsson SlideView.
Change E-Mail signature.
Spb Mobile Shell (Extremely unstable and battery drainer).
Support Panel (Panels possibly unstable).
Enables SYM key on keyboard (required).
Sony Ericsson Accesiblity (required).
TileWave Panel (Panels possibly unstable).
Time Zone Service.
Installs TV Out Management.
Installs Videocall (Required).
Sony Ericsson Sync Client.
Sony Ericsson WLAN (Required).
Saturn Theme (Not really required).
Saturn Light Theme (Not really required).
Titan Theme. (Not really required).
X Key Handler (Enable function of the TitleWave/Panel Manager button).
Some kind of audio filter (Possibly required).
Sony Ericsson XpFramework (Possibly required).
Sony Ericsson Mobile Comm Translations (Possibly required).
Sony Ericsson Mobile Comm Translator-App (Possibly required).
Unknown (possibly required).
SE Hide Orientation UI (Possibly required).
SE JMMSRegSetting (Possibly required).
Sony Ericsson MSFT Setting (Possibly required).
Installs Sony Ericsson Sounds and Images (Required).
License (Language Specific)
Installs some strange personalizations (but possibly required)
Rename/move some icons (Language Localized)
Some personalizations refered to the network settings (possibly required).
Disable Accelerometer. (Possibility required).
Camera Start Menu Move Down.
Move Bing icon.
Sets start page.
Reorder SlideView and Media icons.
Ensures Auto IP on Wi-Fi conection.
Register version Info.
Register notification OEM.

Jolo_ said:
This is an updated list with details.
Marked as red = Possibly unstable/outdated/not necessary, not recommended to install.
Marked as orange = It's your choice to install.
Marked as green = Recommended/required to work.
* = I would install this cab, but jon55 doesn't
* = jon55 installs this cab, but I wouldn't.
Sony Ericsson Date Setting (Sets date and time to 05-01-2010).
Myriad Java.
Sony Ericsson PlayNow.
Google YouTube (Outdated, new version on m.google.com).
Adobe Reader LE (Outdated, maybe there’s a better option out there).
Enable Auto Lock feature (possibly with bugs)
Related to Media Server (possibly with bugs)
Boingo Mobile (Possibly outdated, not necessary)
Sony Ericsson CAB Installer (Possibly something related to PlayNow).
Sony Ericsson XperiaCamera.
Change the following settings on the registry. Maybe required.
- Grant Manager system administrative privileges to other security roles. (4119)
- Allow or deny OMA Client Provisioning network PIN message. (4141)
- Allow or deny an OMA Client Provisioning user PIN or user MAC signed message. (4142)
- Allow or deny an OMA Client Provisioning user network PIN signed message. (4143)
Installs the control panel option in order to reset the phone to factory settings.
Installs Sony Ericsson Communicator Manager.
Installs Connection Setup. (Still details needed, but possibly required)
Installs Sony Ericsson Device Information icon on Control Panel.
SEUS DRMWhiteList. (Still details needed, but possibly required).
Sony Ericsson EnableNap (Possibly required)
Sony Ericsson FastGPS (improves GPS fix)
Sony Ericsson Flash Panel Package (Panels possibly unstable).
Google Maps (Very outdated, new version on m.google.com).
Google Panel (Panels possibly unstable).
Growing Panel (Panels on Spb MobileShell are unstable).
Returns the text to display when the system is in idle mode. (Possibly required).
Installs Ilumination Service (Lights and LEDs).
Installs Jataayu MMS client (Required for MMS).
Instals AGC Microphone.
Installs Sony Ericsson Mobile Data App for setting Internet Access.
Sony Ericsson NapCab. (Possibly required).
Sony Ericsson MyCPL Setup. (Possibly required).
Sony Ericsson OEMNotif (Possibly required).
Sony Ericsson Optical Joystick.
Replace start pages on Internet Explorer (Language Localized).
Sony Ericsson Panel Manager (Panels possibly unstable).
Sets Ilumination Patterns on the illumination service.
Installs Phone Settings icon on Control Panel.
Pixel City Day Panel (Panels on Spb MobileShell are unstable).
Pixel City Night Panel. (Panels on Spb MobileShell are unstable).
Installs Backlight and Power Management icon on Control Panel.
Enable Start Menu to work on landscape mode.
Installs Sony Ericsson Sync Cert.
User Guide (Language specific).
Installs Flash on the device (Possibly unstable).
SlideView Plugins.
Possibly related to AutoLocker (possibly unstable).
Related to Mobile Data App. Contains carriers info. Required.
Related to Mobile Data App. Contains carriers info. Required.
Sony Ericsson Bluetooth Settings (Required).
Sony Ericsson SetupSNM (A lot of audio references, unknown, possibly
Sony Ericsson SlideView.
Change E-Mail signature.
Spb Mobile Shell (Extremely unstable and battery drainer).
Support Panel (Panels possibly unstable).
Unknown (Possibly required).
Sony Ericsson Accesiblity (required).
TileWave Panel (Panels possibly unstable).
Time Zone Service.
Installs TV Out Management.
Related to Videocall (Required).
Sony Ericsson Sync Client.
Sony Ericsson WLAN (Required).
Saturn Theme (Not really required).
Saturn Light Theme (Not really required).
Titan Theme. (Not really required).
X Key Handler (Enable function of the TitleWave/Panel Manager button).
Some kind of audio filter (Possibly required).
Sony Ericsson XpFramework (Possibly required).
Sony Ericsson Mobile Comm Translations (Possibly required).
Sony Ericsson Mobile Comm Translator-App (Possibly required).
Unknown (possibly required).
SE Hide Orientation UI (Possibly required).
SE JMMSRegSetting (Possibly required).
Sony Ericsson MSFT Setting (Possibly required).
Installs Sony Ericsson Sounds and Images (Required).
License (Language Specific)
Installs some strange personalizations (but possibly required)
Rename/move some icons (Language Localized)
Some personalizations refered to the network settings (possibly required).
Disable Accelerometer. (Possibility required).
Camera Start Menu Move Down.
Move Bing icon.
Sets start page.
Reorder SlideView and Media icons.
Ensures Auto IP on Wi-Fi conection.
Register version Info.
Register notification OEM.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
will install it that way tomorrow evening aslong as i get the iPhone 4, im also going to try and delete some rom files (mainly winmo Themes)

Really serious problems X2
I have SE X2 WM6.5 , up to date.
problems that i cant find solution
1- X button doesnt close the Applications and they remaining in the task manager
2- when a call waitting comes the sound of the voice conversation is heared from the speakers comes and goes as the waitting sound is heard .
and then sounds goes rude , music and phone notifications are played on the voice call speaker.
3- the ring tones and the added music is too low , i cant hear the mobile if its in my pocket !!!
4- the phone is too slow and takes time to load each application specially camera .
5- memory card suddenly nothing was found on it although i saved on it some mp3 and DCIM , then i took another pics and saved on it DCIM , suddenly the old things came back and my new dcim disappeared as it was the same name,
6- there is a blue dot on my screen just i can see it on any black back ground , its small dot i think its manfucturer issue , what can i do ?

Jolo_ said:
Installs Flash on the device (Possibly unstable).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
it is sony ericsson's wrapper to wm's adobe flash, it is stable
Jolo_ said:
Unknown (Possibly required).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Required, it is for "SYM" key on hardware keyboard

hi guys how do i install a bare bone wm 6.5 on my x2?
cos i follow the way restoring the phone and remove battery before it starts installing the cab files . it brings me back to the default wm .but everytime i off and on the phone it will prompt me the same error again.
and for the guide that bros here recommends to install stable cabs or those not stable ones , if i were to follow the guide and only install needed cab files would
my x2 prompt me the installation error again?
thanks alot.

I have updated the following CABs descriptions (credits to ultrashot)
The only CABs that I consider absolutely unstable are:

edit : issues solved with help from bro jolo_.
great help and thanks a million


NetFront 3.5

It isn't just Niki specific but the touch friendly NetFront v.3.5 is available for download
So far it looks very nice
I've had a quick look at this - a few issues but shows promise: http://randomelements.me.uk/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=631
been testing this out and so far this works really well, but only just started playing......
heres the page u gotta fillin BEFORE it lets u dload
readme txt
= May/07/08 =
= NetFront Browser v3.5 for Windows Mobile Concept Version =
= =
= readme_e.txt =
= =
1. Introduction
Experience faster and smoother browsing with NetFront Browser v3.5
for Windows Mobile Concept Version. Leveraging the latest NetFront
Browser core available for the Windows Mobile platform, NetFront
Browser v3.5 for Windows Mobile Concept Version features improved
key operation, stylus pen functionality and overall usability.
The browser also features improvements in speed including first
draw time, zooming speed and rendering mode selection.
2. Main Feature Specifications
The following are the main features:
- HTML 4.01
- XHTML 1.1
- cHTML (Compact HTML)
- XHTML Basic (XHTML subset: W3C Recommendation)
- WML1.3
- CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 1, 2 (partial)
- ECMAScript 3rd Edition (JavaScript 1.5 equivalent)
- DOM (Document Object Model) 1, 2 (partial)
- Image format: GIF, Animation GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP
- HTTP/1.1
- SSL (Secure Socket Layer) 2.0/3.0, TLS (Transport Layer Security) 1.0
- Multi-windows (function for displaying up to 5 tabbed windows by switching them)
- Cookie
- Bookmark, Page Memo
- Helper (starts external applications)
- Internet search
- Smart-Fit Rendering
- Browsing mode (Full Browsing, Text Browsing, Simple Browsing, Rapid-Render)
- Certificate Manager
- Japanese domain support
- RSS?AAtom Feed
- Pop-up Block
- Rendering on a virtual-size screen (Virtual Canvas)
- Visual Bookmark
- Swift Navi.
- Animated zoom
- PageMap
- Column Rendering
- Virtual Pointer
3. System Requirements
- CPU: XScale/ARM compatible
- OS: Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC
- For data storage: Approx. 5.8MB
- For program execution: Approx. 6.0MB
4.Verified Devices
- SoftBank X01HT
- DELL Axim X51v
5. File Structure
- NFB35EN_WMPRO_RxxxCV.CAB ... Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC Installer
Remarks: Release number is assigned to "xxx" for CAB in proper release
6. Installation
1.Copy the Cab file to Windows Mobile device
2.From Windows Mobile explorer, find the copied Cab file and run it to start installation
7. Uninstallation
1. On Windows Mobile, select [Setting] from [Start]
2. Open [Remove Programs] on the [System] tab
3. Select [ACCESS NetFront Browser v3.5] and tap the [Remove] button
8. New Features
(1). Speed Improvements
The speed of first draw time and content viewing are dramatically
improved enabling fast scrolling in any direction.
(2). Swift Navi
Scrolling is significantly smoother.
(3). Animated Zoom
Select and zoom areas on a web page quickly and smoothly.
[How to operate]
1. Double-tap the screen to zoom the whole area of virtual canvas
2. Move a frame with the cursor key/navigation pad
3. By pressing the enter key or tapping the navigation pad,
the selected part of the page is enlarged
(4). PageMap
PageMap thumbnail preview facilitates navigation.
[How to operate]
1. Hold the up or down part of the cursor key/navigation pad to show the pagemap
(5). Column Rendering
When viewing content in the previous desktop mode, text
often exceeded the screen width, requiring repeated use
of the scroll bar. This issue has been resolved,
and functionality has been dramatically improved.
(6) Virtual Pointer
Virtual Pointer is a UI for moving the pointer, and for performing operations
such as clicking, using the cursor keys and the Enter key.
Focus Assist
Function that supports automatically moving to, and selecting, an anchor or
input form in the direction of the pointer when the pointer is close to it.
[How to operate]
1. Press the enter button to show the pointer
2. Move the pointer with the cursor key
3. By pressing the enter key, click operation is performed
4. After waiting a bit without operation, the pointer is hidden
9. Verified External Applications
- Microsoft Pocket Excel
- Microsoft Pocket Word
- Windows Media Player for Pocket PC
10. Restrictions
(1) This concept version has the following restrictions:
- The trial period for this software expires on August 31, 2008
- Plug-in is not supported
- No technical support is available for this concept version
- If NetFront is installed in external storage, the behavior becomes unstable
when the device is turned on or off
- Integrated Windows Authentication for IIS is not supported
11. Support
No technical support is available for this concept version.
If you have any bug report, comments, and suggestions,
please visit our web site (http://nfppc.access.co.jp/english) and fill in the form.
12. Intellectual Property Rights
* The copyrights relating to this product belong to ACCESS CO., LTD.
If the copyright notices are included separately in a program or
document, the copyright is the property of the copyright holder.
Copyright (C) 1996-2008 ACCESS CO., LTD.
* NetFront is a trademark or a registered trademark of ACCESS CO., LTD.
in Japan and other countries.
* ACCESS is a registered trademark of ACCESS CO., LTD. in Japan.
* Java, all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
* All other trademarks, logos and trade names mentioned in the document
are the property of their respective owners.
* No one may delete or in any manner alter the copyright, trademark or
other proprietary right notices of ACCESS CO., LTD. or any other third
party appearing on or within this product; and no one may add any mark
or indication to this product which is similar to, or may be confused
with, the copyright or other proprietary marks or notices of
ACCESS CO., LTD. or any third party.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks for share, I like use it more than opera, because netfront use a few of memory than opera.
Hi there,
Is there a way to use smartfit view as default viewing when launching a website with netfront?


This program is intended for operating PC audio- video players using PDA.
Archive contents following folders:
MediaRemoteClient - you need to copy this folder to PDA. Executable file "WinampRemote.exe" - this client.
MediaRemoteServer - you need to copy this folder to "C:\Program files\" PC hard disk. Executable file "WinAmpKey.exe" (Autorunning) - this server. Start it!
Files with extentions *.cs - client scripts, unnecessary is possible to delete.
Files with extentions *.ss - server scripts, unnecessary is possible to delete.
Web site - http://pisoft.zx6.ru
Download link - MediaRemote v1.6
Supported players:
- Winamp;
- Light Alloy;
- BSPlayer;
- GOM Player;
- foobar2000;
- CristalPlayer;
- KMPlayer;
- Media Player Classic(From K-Lite Codec Pack);
- Power DVD;
- Windows Media Player;
- CyberLink PowerDVD.
If necessary it is possible to add supported players.
Excuse me for my bad english
doesn't work with my foobar2000 :/ maybe because of many layout modification or other plugins? my version - 9.6.2
works with WMP tho
great app!!!
keep up the good work!
macyek said:
doesn't work with my foobar2000 :/ maybe because of many layout modification or other plugins? my version - 9.6.2
works with WMP tho
great app!!!
keep up the good work!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Before program usage it is necessary to customise foobar2000,
in customisations of hotkeys to assign such keys and functions:
1 - Play
2 - Next track
4 - Back track
5 - Play\Pause
6 - Forward of track
7 - Backward of track
8 - Stop
9 - Volume inc
0 - Volume dec
Server used hotkey
Alt+Shift+A - show main window.
Download link is changed.
The my site http://pisoft.zx6.ru into English is partially translated.
New version MediaRemote 1.6 http://pisoft.zx6.ru/pisoft/mr/mr.php
[+] - "Don't sleep" mode;
[+] - remoting mouse;
[+] - advansed interface;
[+] - global volume;
[*] - fixed bugs.
поднимем вверх
Does this have XBMC support?
No, not supported
hi, it works on kaiser, how it works? via bluetooth or how?
supported Bluetootch, Wi-Fi, ActiveSync, most importantly to create a local network
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[WIDGET] Mobile Best Parking Widget - WVGA Initial Release

Hello everyone!
This is my first attempt at a widget, and whiles it is not very sophisticated right now, it could prove to be a useful service.
I tried to create a 0.1 version release of a widget to access the BestParking mobile site.
Currently the Zoom settings work best for a WVGA device, and the only cities supported by the Website , BestParking for Mobile are New York, Philadelphia and Boston.
BestParking helps provide parking rates for a vehicle covering specific parking times within the mentioned cities.
Tested on a Sony Ericsson Xperia X1a.
Features Needed:
a) Auto-detect Resolution of device
b) Smartphone friendly version
c) Back button
d) Help button
e) Geolocation? (via Google Gears or other API)
f) Better Icon
g) non-mobile site access
To Install:
1) Ensure that enable_widgets_wm6.5.cab is installed on device
2) Extract Best_Parking.wgt file from attached Zip file
3) Copy wgt file to device
4) Click on Best_Parking.wgt to install
Version History
0.2 - 08/27/2009
i) Removed scroll bars
ii) added Back button
0.1 - 07/29/2009
Initial Release:
i) Supports WVGA
ii) Navigates to Mobile Site - mobile.bestparking.com
Thanks to the MSDN and Windows Mobile Blog team for the basic steps and API help.
Any suggestions and features, and mild criticism appreciated. Thanks.

WOW: just got my XPERIA X2 !! Unboxing video, first impressions, Q&As, User guide...

WOW: just got my XPERIA X2 !! Unboxing video, first impressions, Q&As, User guide...
WOW I am amazed Sony did it again, got my retail (final) version SE X2 today, some quick first impressions (my thumbs are busy touching the phone right now )
EDIT: Unboxing Video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8eVv-BnzSY
- The box is smaller than X1, well packaged, simple but clever and proper
- A 4GB micro SD is included, along with a 1500 mAh Battery (same battery as X1), standard USB charging wall (mains) plug and USB-microUSB cable, a little user manual, and cool Sony earphones / handsfree
- It comes with what seems to be a TV OUT CABLE INCLUDED ?? (lemme check this one and confirm -> EDIT: CONFIRMED !! TV out cable included, see pic down)
- BUILD QUALITY is WAY better than X1 or any HTC plastic phone (comparing to the (HD2 and Diamond2/Pure right now): this phone has METAL all around and just feels SOLID but LIGHTER than X1
- The phone has a SOLID, METALLIC FEEL not found on my other HTC plastic cheapo phones (HD2 / Diamond2)
- Slightly less weigth than X1
- Slightly bigger than X1, BUT THINNER, even with the slick "grab me from here" bulks in the battery cover. NOT AS BULKY AS RHODIUM.
- NEW battery COVER: METALLIC, sleek (easy to take with both hands to thumb type), and it has a RELEASE BUTTON that makes it very easy to remove without struggling with come cramped holes or using a knife to open it: just push the release button and plop it goes from right to left (sort of oppening a chest)
- The SIM compartment has been redesigned too: another improvement over X1
- The micro SD slot is besides the SIM holder, accessible from the outside once you twist-open the battery door.
- New stylus design, easyer to grab (just to test... I never use it )
Used to Captain slow's X1 boot time, I pressed powwe and put it over the table to take a look at the USB cable... UPS... IT WAS ON AND READY in no time, so I can not drescribe the boot process, all I can say is it was FAST
- THE SCREEN IS GORGEOUS, WOW !! Bright and crips. Not capacitive, but brighter and crispier than the HTC Diamond2 sitting by its side. THIS IS DEFINITIVELY NOT THE SAME SCREEN FROM THE X1, THIS ONE IS WAY BETTER
- The new keyboard layout is OMG... GREAT: good feedback, solid buttons, control key, shortcut for video out, etc etc etc... just as looking as a tiny standard PC keyboard - SCORE on this one !!
- 8.1 Megapixel with flash and geotagging I gotta feeeling I ain't sleeping tonite !! Hmmm... WVGA video recording with LED light anyone ?? Yesss.
- THE DEFAULT TILES PANEL IS AMAZING, the animations come from another world, and it is VERY useful
- SONY HAS REVAMPED MOST ICONS FROM THE STOCK WinMo 6.5 START MENU, and has face-lifted many interfaces as the "create a new mail account" dialogue. COOL and finger friendly !!
EDIT: I just found it has a menu to CUSTOMIZE INPUT FEEDBACK with TWO BIG LEDs located at the top and bottom of the phone, and HAPTIC FEEDBACK (vibration at touch) too. Sweeeet.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Charging while turned off, it has a battery animation on screen
EDIT: Video Explanation of the new "SlideView" UI which replaced X1's simpler Panel Manager: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUFd5XZ0tyg & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_DkpP0oXGU
EDIT: VIDEO playback performance comparison, X1 vrs X2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTKEz30SHNE
EDIT: Sample video taken with the SE X2, at full 800x480 (WVGA) resolution, in a dark place with the LED light on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsDXzr4004M
EDIT: Some SCREEN CAPTURES pics at post 2 (scroll down)
EDIT: Raw ROM dump, panels, theme etc here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=585722
EDIT: PDF User guide / Quick start and papers download link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=E2P5PH4R
More to come as it emerges ...
I am glad to continue finding MORE FACE-LIFTED WM6.5 menus and dialogs
No no no no, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT
Guys my HTC Pure (Diamond2) and HD2 are up FOR SALE, I don't want them anymore
The USB port is similar but DIFFERENT, which means my previous cables CAN'T BE USED with the X2 !!! (looks like a flatten out mini USB port = micro USB port, thanks for pointing out !!)
1- There's a lot of new software to describe and comment
2- Curiously enough: NO OPERA, but the newer Pocket Internet explorer is behaving fine
3- The new panels interface is more complex: the panels button won't take you to the 9 panels selector but to a scrollabel menu (sort of the "Media Xperience Panel" looked like), wher you can finger-scroll access MAIL, SE SYNC, PANELS, PLAY NOW, MEDIA [slide view] (notice this is not a panel itself, but integrated into the "panels" interface, which I like a LOT), CALENDAR, and CALL HISTORY (this one includes the new dialer/contacts/calls user interface)
I will have to post TONS of pics to fully describe it
4- Sony has made custom themed icons (electric green over black) for many Bronze (WM6.5 Start Menu) apps: help, SlideView, Camera, Media, Panels (yes: a link to access the panels interface) and "SE Sync", which is an online backup service (like "MS MyPhone")
5- GAMES: Preloaded are Bubble Breaker, Solitaire, "EXPERIMENT 13" (looking good... let´s test a bit more !!) and XTRAKT
6- Other on-board software: Google Maps, Boingo Mobile, a NATIVE YOU TUBE APP !!! Marketplace and MyPhone are there too, along with the traditional WM6.5 apps and shortcuts. Adobe Reader LE is there too.
7- Pressing "settings" shows the typical System, Personal and Commections folders plus a themed "Backlight and Power" shortcut. I NOTICED POWER IS READ IN 1% INCREMENTS HERE, SO A TASKBAR DRIVER WOULDN'T BE SO HARD TO ACCOMPLISH
8- Here in settings the NEW SONY COMM MANAGER, WOW, way a lot better that HTC's one, more complete, and of course theme matched to the tiles panel. YOU CAN EVEN SELECT DLNA, Direct Push or VIDEO OUT SOURCE FROM THIS NEW COMM MANAGER
9- There's a NEW TASK MANAGER TOO: theme matched and more ample (finger friendly). I love this one too. BEWARE is preset to minimize, not CLOSE apps when pressing the "x"
10- The reset button is hidden under the stylus (battery cover has to be removed)
- Miscrosoft .NET Compact frameworks 3.5 IS NOT PRE-INSTALLED
- Opera Browser is not present
- No "quick GPS" (it's HTC's)
- hTorch (requires NET CF 3.5) --> not working ??
- CapSure --> OK
- WMWiFiRouter --> OK
- HTC Pure's Music ID tweaked / ported app for SEX2 (uploading soon ) --> OK
- HTC Blackstone's MP3 trimmer tweaked / ported app for SEX2 (uploading soon ) --> OK
Here's the first boot log:
---- 1/7/80 11:00:41 AM ----
Begin Factory phase, 10/8/09 2:29:42 AM
Cabs to install: 76
1 - 42.4 - _setupJbed.CAB
2 - 14.0 - AdobeReaderLE.CAB
3 - 9.6 - AwoX_DMS_Setup_for_SEMC_win32-v08.cab
4 - 10.0 - BoingoMobile.CAB
5 - 2.1 - CABInstaller_R55.CAB
6 - 20.8 - Camera_R59.CAB
7 - 1.2 - Change_OTA_CP_Policy.cab
8 - 9.9 - ClearStorageSetup.CAB
9 - 45.0 - cnn-panel.CAB
10 - 21.3 - CommManagerCab.CAB
11 - 20.0 - ConnectionSetupWizard.CAB
12 - 10.2 - DeviceInfo.CAB
13 - 1.9 - DRMWhiteList.CAB
14 - 9.6 - Experiment_13_-_r7941.cab
15 - 3.2 - ExtraFonts_v1.0.cab
16 - 2.6 - FlashPanelAndMMIInstall.CAB
17 - 21.5 - GoogleMaps_v3.2.1.16-norun-gmm-sonyericsson.CAB
18 - 11.8 - GooglePanel.CAB
19 - 35.9 - GoogleSearch_SEMC_2.1.813.CAB
20 - 4.5 - GrowingPanel.cab
21 - 6.0 - IdleModeText.CAB
22 - 5.0 - IlluminationSvcSetup.CAB
23 - 30.7 - JMMS_Ver4.5.75_01Oct09_SE_PPC.CAB
24 - 10.6 - MicrophoneAGCApp.CAB
25 - 10.3 - MobileDataSetup.CAB
26 - 2.0 - MonitorNapDefChange_V10.CAB
27 - 3.0 - MyCPLSetup.CAB
28 - 3.3 - OEMNotif_R47.CAB
29 - 10.3 - OpticalJoystickSettingsSetup.CAB
30 - 26.5 - owp_en.cab
31 - 20.1 - PanelManager_R59.CAB
32 - 1.6 - PatternsSetup.CAB
33 - 10.8 - PhoneSettingsSetup.CAB
34 - 4.5 - PixelCityDayPanel.cab
35 - 4.4 - PixelCityNightPanel.cab
36 - 12.6 - PMBacklightSetup.CAB
37 - 2.4 - PMLauncher_R57.CAB
38 - 105.4 - se_keyboard.CAB
39 - 2.2 - SE_StartMenuLandscape.cab
40 - 3.6 - SE_WelcomScrRemover.CAB
41 - 206.0 - SEMC_UserGuide_EN.cab
42 - 7.2 - SEMCFlashDeployment.CAB
43 - 5.0 - SEMCSlideViewPluginInstaller.CAB
44 - 73.0 - SettingsPart1.CAB
45 - 72.8 - SettingsPart2.CAB
46 - 22.9 - Setup_BT_extensions.CAB
47 - 22.6 - SetupSNM.CAB
48 - 19.8 - SlideView_R60.CAB
49 - 3.7 - SonyEricsson_Emailsignature.CAB
50 - 39.6 - SpbMobileShell_126628.cab
51 - 7.4 - SpbMobileShell_LifestylePanel_126628.cab
52 - 106.2 - SupportPanelCab.CAB
53 - 2.3 - SymSelectorSetup.CAB
54 - 13.9 - TaskManagerSetup.CAB
55 - 24.7 - TileWave.091008.024.R1315.CAB
56 - 12.0 - TimezoneSvcSetup.CAB
57 - 12.8 - TVOutManagementSetup.CAB
58 - 1.4 - USBMS_RegKey.cab
59 - 23.2 - VulcanDialer_1.0.0.638.cab
60 - 2.3 - XKeyHandler_R55.CAB
61 - 17.6 - XPERIA_THEME_V2.0.cab
62 - 11.1 - XpFilterDeploy_R60.CAB
63 - 2.5 - XpFramework_R55.CAB
64 - 12.6 - xPlayNow-0.20.0.CAB
65 - 25.6 - Xtrakt_09.09.22.RC10.r7944_Release_Vulcan.CAB
66 - 19.4 - youtube.CAB
67 - 3.2 - zzSE_IlluminationSetting.CAB
68 - 2.4 - zzSE_MSFT_Setting.cab
69 - 7.1 - zzz010_Generic_Default.cab
70 - 2.1 - zzz015_MSFT_License_en.cab
71 - 1.7 - zzz015_NonOperator_defaults.cab
72 - 3.8 - zzz020_content.cab
73 - 6.2 - zzz023_startmenu_en.cab
74 - 4.5 - zzz050_network.cab
75 - 2.0 - zzzzSEUS_VersionInfoCUSEN.cab
76 - 2.2 - ZZZZZZ_SlideViewDisableErrorMessage.CAB
Install time: 22 mins, 58 secs
Copied 0 directories, 0 files in 0.06 secs
End Factory phase, 10/8/09 2:52:40 AM
Oh my godness congratulations !!!
Tell us the differences and everything now !, god damnit im so excited to se how it looks inside !
And if you say its smoth etc, it will prob run at almost the same paste on out poor x1
EDIT: How much did it cost you ?
Very very compliments!
The thing that interest me is the multimedia capabilities: please try to make a video in full quality with camera, than see if it can play without lags. (if you can post the video...)
How is fast in panels? and how fast is tilewave panel?
Hope somethings good can be installed on X1.
Nice one, are you going to give a rom dump a chance soon?
Another thing: there is a media xperience panel?
Tell me yes! I cant live without.
AWESOME! I am jelous!!!
Interesting - what processor and ram does it have ?
SlowlyDead said:
Interesting - what processor and ram does it have ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Same as our x1 models :/ but thats a good sign since the rom has a bigger probability running on our x1's as i have been waiting since a week after i got my x1
Darth Sith said:
Another thing: there is a media xperience panel?
Tell me yes! I cant live without.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just watch the multitude of videos on youtube, and you'll see that they replaced the media panel, and built it into "Slideview", the launcher for the new panel manager.
Gratz Gtrab,
finally somebody with good experience got an X2 ,Dream come true.
i am sure that the Dump is been done already and Gtrab is cooking and adding some spices and salt.
by the way jbenchmark Results proof that X2 has ultimate java emulator (hope to see it soon around) can you canfirm it ??
Happy for You G
What is the speed compared to other devices?
Hi GTrab,
Please let us know, when it will be OK to post some questions without being too pushy (as I believe you will answer many of them with your impressions/review).
I was kinda poo-pooing the X2 to myself, but after hearing gtrab gush about, maybe I do want one . Regardless, I'll get a chance to try out some of the stuff when the panels, etc. get ripped out of it.
Hope you love your X2 gtrab, and I hope you will be willing to share some of the new goodies with us.
I will try to answer all Qs
And yes I am trying to find a way to dump
Tilewaves panel is AWESOME and FAST
This is what the X1 should've been.
gtrab said:
I will try to answer all Qs
And yes I am trying to find a way to dump
Tilewaves panel is AWESOME and FAST
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm very happy to read this!!!
I was one of those who thought it's a great device...
It's my next phone.
I will also ask some questions soon...
Hmm... now you're tempting me to get the X2 as well... Had only just decided to give up on it and stick to my X1 while I got the X10 as my 2nd phone...
But it's strange it has no Opera....
Seems like Opera guys got close to HTC (present on HTC HD)
Opera used to be preloaded on all UIQ3 devices...
updating post 2 with some more info right now

Sony Ericsson Xperia X2 MR3 - R4 PortRom NEW 2013

Last transactions
Internet Explorer OWP Sony PlayNow Fixed
MarketPlace replaced to VulcanMarket
VulcanMarket SlideView make plugin
Slide View Sony PlayNow Plugin Fixed
NetCF 2.0, 3.5 Fixed
PlayNow App replaced to X2 Torch
Boingo replaced to Shazam
YouTube bug Fixed
Beta 2 version Last transactions:
Generic UK
YouTube App Font Fixed
Generic_UK MR3 Video Review:
Generic_TR MR3 Video Review:
Instructions to install the PortROM
1. Save the MR3 Folder on your SD-card
2. Reset the memory of your phone (Settings->Clear phone) or Hard Reset
3. After the reboot, you have to align the screen. When finished, the phone starts to install cabs. NOW remove the battery (or press the reset-button on the back of the phone) so that the custom cabs wont get installed.
4. Start the phone again. Now when you get a screen that asks you if you want to continue the installation process, click NO.
5. Go to the custom MR3-cabs you downloaded to your SD-card earlier
6. Install all applications, respectively.
7. Skip wanting to restart applications.
8. When complete the installation process restart the phone.
Generic TR explanation is available in the installation.
Xperia X2 MR3-R4 PortRom Beta 2 Generic TR Türkçe Dil Paketi ile Birlikte(with Turkish Language Pack): İndir
Xperia X2 MR3-R4 PortRom Beta 2 Generic UK: Download
Ellerine sağlık...
Thanks alot bro. can you explain where does this release name come from? (R4AA047) I know the latest release is R3AA0036 which is only for china and most of us use 0035 and somebodies use clean winmo (+some essential cabs like camera). (like me)...
there are lots of modifications for this phone and I adore x2 now. what are the improvments of those cabs? list of cabs also pls...
Sonrasıda varmı? yoxsa burda bitdimi?...
+ Does anybody know that hspl project of this phone is stopped or there is not any chance except modify?...
Arashone said:
Ellerine sağlık...
Thanks alot bro. can you explain where does this release name come from? (R4AA047) I know the latest release is R3AA0036 which is only for china and most of us use 0035 and somebodies use clean winmo (+some essential cabs like camera). (like me)...
there are lots of modifications for this phone and I adore x2 now. what are the improvments of those cabs? list of cabs also pls...
Sonrasıda varmı? yoxsa burda bitdimi?...
+ Does anybody know that hspl project of this phone is stopped or there is not any chance except modify?...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
önemli değil
aslında cihaz sanıldığı kadar yavaş değil bu sorunu hafıza kartı ve slideview çıkartıyo telefon her açıldığında slideview bir medya taraması yapıyo ve buda cihazın yavaş çalışmasına neden oluyo telefon bi ara çok kasılıyordu, hafıza kartını çıkardığımda müthiş bi hızlanma oldu telefonda tekrar taktığımda yavaşladı bende karttaki dosyalarımı yedekleyip biçimlendirdikten sonra karta dosyalarımı geri attım şu anda slideview bile yüklü ama en ufak kasılma yapmıyor cihaz. yani sorun cihazdan çok hafıza kartındada olabiliyor.
The fact that the device is not as slow as it may seem, the problem is the memory card and Slideview.
Slideview scan each time the phone is a media device, and that's going to run slowly sometime, I remove the memory card in the phone, is very awesome acceleration.
When I insert the memory card format and again continued the same speed, So the issue is not just a phone, it can be a problem with the memory card.
sorry for my bad english
istek olursa devamı gelebilir.
HardSPL projesi malesef başarıya ulaşamamıştır.
Hard Reset için video hazırlayacağım MR3 içinde yine tanıtıcı bir video hazırlayabilirim.
Cab listesini hazırlıycam.
mkb55 said:
önemli değil
aslında cihaz sanıldığı kadar yavaş değil bu sorunu hafıza kartı ve slideview çıkartıyo telefon her açıldığında slideview bir medya taraması yapıyo ve buda cihazın yavaş çalışmasına neden oluyo telefon bi ara çok kasılıyordu, hafıza kartını çıkardığımda müthiş bi hızlanma oldu telefonda tekrar taktığımda yavaşladı bende karttaki dosyalarımı yedekleyip biçimlendirdikten sonra karta dosyalarımı geri attım şu anda slideview bile yüklü ama en ufak kasılma yapmıyor cihaz. yani sorun cihazdan çok hafıza kartındada olabiliyor.
The fact that the device is not as slow as it may seem, the problem is the memory card and Slideview.
Slideview scan each time the phone is a media device, and that's going to run slowly sometime, I remove the memory card in the phone, is very awesome acceleration.
When I insert the memory card format and again continued the same speed, So the issue is not just a phone, it can be a problem with the memory card.
sorry for my bad english
istek olursa devamı gelebilir.
HardSPL projesi malesef başarıya ulaşamamıştır.
Hard Reset için video hazırlayacağım MR3 içinde yine tanıtıcı bir video hazırlayabilirim.
Cab listesini hazırlıycam.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
slideview öyledir. ama cihazın yavaş olduğu programların hepsinin internal memory karda install olduğuna göredir... üzür dilerim ki ben istanbul türkcesin konuşmakda çok devam ede bilmiyorum. Ben azeriyim ve allah fars şovonizmine lanet etsin ki bizi kendi dilimizden uzak saklamağa çalışıyor...
ve elbette bu yapımları inglizce söylemek daha profesion...
Hard Reset skill has been mentioned in earlier times in forum. And about the slow responces of the phone... the problem is due to lots of garbage programs installed in internal memory. I mean phone can handle all of its responsibilities, even sildeview without any crashes or hangs as I'm using it for a long time without previous problems. camera never encounter lag or freeze in video recording or frame loss or sound not sync. and accelerometer is working well in Messaging and IE. Actually there is a program that can rotate everywhere. (includin' home, start and ... but I did not need that.)
I install only the cabs listed below.
and two other programs related to Illumination and autolock that I don't have the names at this moment.
there are other modification I've done on phone. These are my screenshots:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
+ that I'vr changed the slideview key to launch explorer with double press and launch media player with holding it.
++ With these works on the phone, I don't use overclock and the phone ROCKS!
Xperia X2 MR3 - R4 Cab list and Releases
Cab list and Releases
Sony Ericsson customization and storage card fix.
Sony Ericsson Date Setting (Sets date and time to 05-01-2010).
Installs Myriad Java.
Sony Ericsson PlayNow.
Google YouTube (MR1 Version video screen fix).
Adobe Reader LE
Enable Auto Lock feature.
Installs AwoX Media Server.
Sony Ericsson CAB Installer.
Sony Ericsson XperiaCamera.
Change the following settings on the registry. Maybe required.
- Grant Manager system administrative privileges to other security roles. (4119)
- Allow or deny OMA Client Provisioning network PIN message. (4141)
- Allow or deny an OMA Client Provisioning user PIN or user MAC signed message. (4142)
- Allow or deny an OMA Client Provisioning user network PIN signed message. (4143)
Installs the control panel icon in order to reset the phone to factory settings.
Installs Sony Ericsson Communicator Manager MR1.
Installs Connection Setup.
Installs Sony Ericsson Device Information icon on Control Panel.
Installs DRM Settings on Control Panel.
Sony Ericsson EnableNap
Sony Ericsson Experiment13 game
Sony Ericsson Extra Fonts
Sony Ericsson Facebook Panel Package
Sony Ericsson FastGPS (improves GPS fix)
Sony Ericsson Flash Panel Package
Google Maps
Google Panel
Growing Panel
Returns the text to display when the system is in idle mode.
Installs Ilumination Service (Lights and LEDs).
Installs Jataayu MMS client.
Instals AGC Microphone.
Installs Sony Ericsson Mobile Data App for setting Internet Access.
Sony Ericsson NapCab.
OverClock CPU
Sony Ericsson MyCPL Setup.
Sony Ericsson OEMNotif.
Sony Ericsson Optical Joystick.
Replace start pages on Internet Explorer. XaeRoX Software fixed owp work sites.
İnternet Explorer ana sayfasını değiştirir. XaeRoX Yazılım tüm linkler yenilenmiştir.
Sony Ericsson Panel Manager (Panels possibly unstable).
Sets Ilumination Patterns on the illumination service.
Installs Phone Settings icon on Control Panel.
Pixel City Day Panel.
Pixel City Night Panel.
Installs Backlight and Power Management icon on Control Panel.
İnstalls Sony Ericsson MR1 Keyboard fixed version. (required by other CABs like Facebook Panel to work)
Enable Start Menu to work on landscape mode.
Installs Sony Ericsson Sync Cert.
Installs a Flash version from SE on the device (required by other CABs like Flash Panel to work).
SlideView Plugins.
Possibly related to AutoLocker.
Related to Mobile Data App. Contains carriers info.
Related to Mobile Data App. Contains carriers info.
Sony Ericsson Bluetooth Settings. And changeable Bluetooth name.
Sony Ericsson SetupSNM
Install Shazam (Music discovery application).
Sony Ericsson SlideView.
Change E-Mail signature.
Spb Mobile Shell
Enables SYM key on keyboard.
Sony Ericsson Accesiblity.
TileWave Panel.
Time Zone Service.
Installs TV Out Management.
Installs Videocall.
Sony Ericsson Sync Client.
Sony Ericsson WLAN.
Saturn Theme.
Saturn Light Theme.
Titan Theme.
Market Place replaced to Vulcan Market
Enable function of the TitleWave/Panel Manager button.
Some kind of audio filter.
Sony Ericsson XpFramework.
Sony Ericsson Xtrakt game
Obex certificates
İnstall obex bluetooth chanced folder Storage Card/FTP
Battery icon certificates
Battery icon changer
Sony Ericsson Mobile Comm Translations.
Sony Ericsson Mobile Comm Translations. Turkish Language.
HTC Sensor SDK for X2
Sony Ericsson Mobile Comm Translator-App.
SE Hide Orientation UI.
SE JMMSRegSetting.
Sony Ericsson MSFT Setting.
Gingerbread lock style.
MSN Icons pack.
MSN Icons pack.
Installs Sony Ericsson Sounds and Images.
Installs some strange personalizations (Edited)
TileVawe Fix
Rename/move some icons
Rename/move some icons
Some personalizations refered to the network settings (possibly required).
Move Bing icon.
Disable Accelerometer.
Camera Start Menu Move Down.
Office 2010 Start Menu Move Up.
Sets start page. And owp Google fix
Reorder SlideView and Media icons.
Ensures Auto IP on Wi-Fi conection.
TileWave Panel New BBC RSS
SlideView PlayNow fix
Install SlideView Vulcan Market Plugin
Register version Info.
Register notification OEM.
Install new system font.
Install Xperia Torch
Install customized SRS WoW HD
Install Xperia S Bootscreen
Install X2 Video Driver
Allah Türkləri qorusun qardaşım. Siz yenə də özünüzdən uzaqlaşmayın. Zülm edənlərə Allah rahatlıq verməsin.
Hard Reset paylaşılmış amma əskik izah edilmiş.
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Hello mkb55,
I would like to test some stuff from this nice release of yours.
As for beginning, just to ask: How to install this theme, with the four vertical drops groups in four vertical colors ?
I would like to keep the rest of the Home Screen setting, e.g. to keep the words/menus to 'flow', as it is originally.
As for now, after initial stop of the customisation, I have installed only:
Phone is already synced with an XP machine (virtual one, on windows 8) successfully.
Best regards
Thanks for this

