Microsoft Exchange Accounts - HD2 General

Is it possible to have more than one Microsoft Exchange account on my HD2?

What I did today, however, was create a contact on my second exchange account with my first exchange accounts email, and forward to the contact.
I don't know of a single phone/OS out there that'll let you have two exchange accounts.


Activesync - Mail Push with multiple servers?

Hi guys
I'm wondering whether it is somehow possible to override the limitation of Activesync in WM and sync mails with more than 1 server?
I use mail-push for corporate mails, but would like of course to sync also my private mail2web - account.
what's the latest on this? sorry to revive such an old topic.
As far as I know, you'd have to use an alternative client to sync with multiple servers/
What if I want my handheld to sync to one exchange server just for email and another for contacts, calendar, and tasks?
At this time ActiveSync only supports 1 server.
mail from one exchange server, calendar/contacts from another...
Thanks to zim2323 on ppcgeeks:
Thought I would share it as i've been trying to figure out how sync my corporate email & calendar via one activesync server (company) and google contacts via another (the google server). So now I have both personal email (gmail IMAP) and work email (Exchange) and my personal contacts imported into the native contacts list.
Hope someone else finds this useful.
BTW, I also set HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ActiveSync\EnableNonLocalCrossPollination to "1" instead of "0".
And now???
No news about multiple accounts setup?
As gmail is now provideing push access this becomes more than frustrating to be limited to one push server!!!!!!
You're too lazy MS!
Activesync does support multiple servers if you are not syncing the same items with both.
For example:
I sync my calendar and contacts with google sync and sync just my email with the company I work for.
You just have to go into the pocket outlook and create a new account as if you were creating a pop3 or imap account and then select Exchange Server. You however can NOT sync contacts or email or anything with both.
i700plus said:
Activesync does support multiple servers if you are not syncing the same items with both.
For example:
I sync my calendar and contacts with google sync and sync just my email with the company I work for.
You just have to go into the pocket outlook and create a new account as if you were creating a pop3 or imap account and then select Exchange Server. You however can NOT sync contacts or email or anything with both.
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Thx for your answer. That's what I am using.
Bu I want to use the push mode fo both accounts and Activesync does nto support it... Which is a pity!

Can you have two outlook accounts sync?

Hi as in Title can you have two outlook accounts on device?
I have my private one and work one and would like to have bought.
When I start outlook on my PC it asks me which profile to use, when I sync for first time I get the same question so I select one of them. After sync is done and I try to sync again with second one I get an error. Also as work one is exchange I tried to setup exchange account that does not work to well any help on that (it does not even have half of PC exchange account setup options).
Is there a way to setup exchange account on PC and sync those settings?
No, you cannot "sync" two Outlook (Exchange) accounts via ActiveSync at the same time. However I assume you are not using exchange on your private mail, but rather POP3 og IMAP. If so, you can set up additional email accounts on your phone. I recommend that you add an IMAP account (if your private email supports that) and set it to check for new emails regularly.
pananza said:
No, you cannot "sync" two Outlook (Exchange) accounts via ActiveSync at the same time. However I assume you are not using exchange on your private mail, but rather POP3 og IMAP. If so, you can set up additional email accounts on your phone. I recommend that you add an IMAP account (if your private email supports that) and set it to check for new emails regularly.
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Hi at the moment I have my POP3 private account synced with outlook 2007. To be exact e-mails, notes and contacts. I want to sync my calendar and task manager with my company Exchange server. I have all details needed to setup outlook on my pc and for exchange web access.
Any ideas?

Multiple Exchange servers???

Is it possile to setup multiple exchange servers on the touch HD.
Or does one have to be exchange and the other IMAP
Maybe this would help:
florinfr said:
Maybe this would help:
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Not directly.
I have 2 Exchange Servers, one in the company, and a private server.
The company Exchange Server is used with Server Activesync, and the other I have configured with IMAP.
Enable the crosspollination allows you to sync then Calendar, Contacts via USB/BT at home, too.
So you have the same data across company server, private server and the device.
You can only have one Exchange sync profile running on the device. The other accounts would have to be brought in by Imap - then obviously you're just syncing email, not calendar, contacts etc.
mail from one exchange server, calendar/contacts from another...
Thanks to zim2323 on ppcgeeks:
Thought I would share it as i've been trying to figure out how sync my corporate email & calendar via one activesync server (company) and google contacts via another (the google server). So now I have both personal email (gmail IMAP) and work email (Exchange) and my personal contacts imported into the native contacts list.
Hope someone else finds this useful.

Imap Mail Issue (As Items Arrive)

I have 2 mail accounts 1 is an exchange server the other is Imap both business,
The exchange server account works perfectly.
The Imap account however has no option to receive messages as they arrive. Only the crap scheduling options which i refuse to use.
The Imap account is not Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo. It is my own server on my own domain so I have control over everything and it does support push.
The strange thing is I have a basic SE (and when I say basic I mean it) that I use when I'm out, and that uses my Imap account with push perfectly . I also had a HTC TyTN ii with the exact same setup as I'm trying to configure on my HD2 and that supported push on my Imap account.
At first I thought it might be a limitation on the HD2 to only have one push connection active at any time. So I removed my Exchange account and re-setup my Imap account on its own, but still no option for collect items as they arrive.
Am I missing something or has anyone else come across this problem.
There is no native support for IMAP push in Windows Mobile, unfortunately. You need a third-party solution like Seven for that. By default you only get push with Exchange, and that is limited to only one account.
Thanks that well and truly cleared that up. I must not have had it set-up on my TyTN ii then, just thought I did.
Any chance you could post a link with details of seven tried searching google for
seven winmo app
but just got lots of stuff about winmo 7.
forget that found it
hhmmm how stupid do I look

Multiple G-Mail accounts; much different on my iPhone. Please help.

I am transitioning from an iPhone 5, that met a most unfortunate accident, to a Samsung 5S.
I have two G-Mail accounts. One is a corporate Google Apps account and the other is a G-Mail personal account.
I used the native G-Mail client to set up the accounts.
I have both mail boxes setup and I am a little disappointed that I must manually switch between mailboxes to see new mail from each account.
On the iPhone the two accounts in-boxes would have been merged to be visible as one large inbox. The accounts were still separated but the ability to see the new email in a combined inbox was tremendously helpful. I think it is called a unified Inbox? Where are these capabilities in the Samsung device?
Any help appreciated.
I have 2 email accounts and gmail on my S5. I barely use my gmail account. The other 2 accounts that I use is pop3 and exchange accounts. I have a widget where I have both email accounts. On the name I gave each account I can click to see one at a time or a combined view. The widget is the stock email widget. Hope this helps

