First andriod phone, coming from windows! - EVO 4G General

Hello everyone. I am coming from windows mobile which I have been using since 2003. I really like Android but I had a few questions and concerns.
1. I realized that apps have access to personal data and are able to access internet and dial. Should I be concerned? How can I be assured that an app developer is not after my bank info and such?
2. Why are so many apps running in the background when I haven't opened them?
I am already using advanced task killer but when i look at the apps running there's a full list even tho I didn't open them.
3. Is there a file explorer on android?
Any tips and tricks would be appreciated.

sammyluva said:
Hello everyone. I am coming from windows mobile which I have been using since 2003. I really like Android but I had a few questions and concerns.
1. I realized that apps have access to personal data and are able to access internet and dial. Should I be concerned? How can I be assured that an app developer is not after my bank info and such?
Google confirms identities of developers. Use your best judgement. Is it possible? Yes. If an app has been out for a while and has lots of high ratings then I'm inclined to trust the developer. If Google does discover malicious software in their market they have tools to remotely remove such apps from everyones phone, kinda creepy but it's there for a good reason and it's all part of the decision you make about whether to trust the platform and the community that surrounds it.
2. Why are so many apps running in the background when I haven't opened them?
I am already using advanced task killer but when i look at the apps running there's a full list even tho I didn't open them.
That's the HTC/Sprint way. Get an app called Autostarts. You will be amazed at what runs automatically and autostarts will allow you to decide what runs and when.
3. Is there a file explorer on android?
Yes. One is not included in the stock rom but they are easy enough to find.
There are Terminal Emulators which equate to cmd in win, and there are file explorers too. Root Explorer is my personal favorite.
Any tips and tricks would be appreciated.
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nebenezer said:
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What do u mean?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

sammyluva said:
What do u mean?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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search "10chars"
Text in quotes doesn't count...

1. Just use common sense like was said.
2. If you use the main apps that came with the phone you are fine. It can be apps you download that run in the background that hurt the battery life.
3. Astro file manager is by far my favorite app.

sammyluva said:
1. I realized that apps have access to personal data and are able to access internet and dial. Should I be concerned? How can I be assured that an app developer is not after my bank info and such?
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How did you prevent apps on WM from accessing this info? didn't, the fact is that WM programs are even more scary because they don't even tell you what they are accessing.
sammyluva said:
2. Why are so many apps running in the background when I haven't opened them?
I am already using advanced task killer but when i look at the apps running there's a full list even tho I didn't open them.
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Same answer as why are so many services running on your desktop when you have no programs running. Operating systems have all kinds of services running beside the app you are watching.
sammyluva said:
3. Is there a file explorer on android?
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Uh...did you check the program icons?

1.) As stated, doesn't hurt to check the number of DLs an App has or checking through some of the comments. Can find out if an App is giving a specific phone issues too ... thus saving you time from bothering to check it out. Trust it or don't check it out. Understandable why some people would see that and wonder ... but then again your info is already out there ...
2.) They just do. Even some **** that might not make sense, it just does for it's own reasons. Task killing can be good and bad. Or just good. Or just bad. Depending on who you ask so think on it before you decide to start murdering Apps or leaving em running.
3.) Astro File Manager is "what's up" but there are others. But that 1 is legit though.

Thanks for all those that replied but I didn't really get a satisfying answer to the first 2 questions. It seems like some of the people on here are just confused as well but are defending android in thinking that I am against the operating system. As I said in my original post I like the OS but i had some concerns that i wanted to learn more about.
Ramiss, you asked how I knew what info WM accessed? You are right they don't disclose accessing any data which means to me they are not. If they did and I found out then I could take them to court but when a company discloses that they are accessing your personal data and you agree to it then you have no say in how that info is used since you gave them permission. Also I never had an app running that I didn't open or give it permission to run in the background during my years with WM.
I have the evo since Friday and I've downloaded a couple of apps where I saw the disclosure of the kind of access these apps have and I was just thinking whats the point of having the apps if you have to worry abt it accessing important info. Then I got an email from Marketplace telling me the activities of my friends on facebook marketplace. The email went further to tell me some of the activities of my friend's friends. The point is its accessing personal data I didn't give it access to, which is scary.
I came on here to ask the people that know the OS better but it seems like there are some confused people on here. So I did a little research and found the article below which basically concurs that there is a problem with apps on android accessing personal data.
So my question is, are there preventive ways to protect against apps using personal data? Of course other than abstaining from downloading apps. Like an app that would block access to personal data or tell a person what each app accessed and did with it. Please if you can not give an educated answer then don't reply. Thanks.

sammyluva said:
Ramiss, you asked how I knew what info WM accessed? You are right they don't disclose accessing any data which means to me they are not. If they did and I found out then I could take them to court but when a company discloses that they are accessing your personal data and you agree to it then you have no say in how that info is used since you gave them permission. Also I never had an app running that I didn't open or give it permission to run in the background during my years with WM.
So my question is, are there preventive ways to protect against apps using personal data? Of course other than abstaining from downloading apps. Like an app that would block access to personal data or tell a person what each app accessed and did with it. Please if you can not give an educated answer then don't reply. Thanks.
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Actually my point was that Windows Mobile programs could easily access personal information, you just weren't aware of it. For example, try downloading a windows mobile program that handles your contacts (Pocket Informant comes to mind). Does the OS give you a warning that this new program will access your contacts? Not as far as I can remember! Whereas Android apps must disclose what they access, that is a rule from Google.
The way to protect an app from not accessing something is to not use it. This is the reason the access list is disclosed - so you have a choice not to continue.
As others have said you need to make your own decision based on the popularity of the app, the comments made and perhaps a quick Google search. Trust me, if an app is malicious there is a good chance you would know about it by reading the comments.
Edit: The end of that article you posted gives you the answer:
Android's security model requires that applications declare the permissions they will be using prior to installation by the user. An informed user can use these declarations to decide if they want to install an application or not, according to SMobile. However, the fact remains that there is no means available for a user to know for sure that the application they just downloaded is doing only what the user sees it doing, it said.
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Kick ass apps wanted

Need an apk that signs my files from titanium blackup.
I don't understand why it hasn't been done. The code to do it is already in java! Search the forums for testsign.jar
I know everything you need to do to get it done but I don't have a development environment at my disposal. Help me out and I'll show you how to convert your jarred up code libraries to run on android!
Please and Thank You.
* edit - this question has been solved by brainmaster! ZipSigner if you find this application helpful please thank him below.
- Posted via mobile
New application proposal: ZeroNetAccess (ZeNA?)
Concept: an app that can block other apps network access.
Market alternative: DroidWall (root only, low market potential)
Methods: Maybe by modifying the apk manifest and resigning? Im not sure if there is a framework you could subclass for this.
Why: i turned off stats reporting for an app and i saw it writing reports to the web from logcat. Google took our rights away by not letting us do this from the application settings. Its my device and i have to pay the bill not google or the rude ppl who made the app. I will never understand why we were not given the right to administer mobile data access rights.
Potential: highly lucrative. People want to save money nowadays. In that respect voiding phone warranty for root access may not sit well with potential customer.
- Posted via mobile
Avid Droidery said:
New application proposal: ZeroNetAccess (ZeNA?)
Concept: an app that can block other apps network access.
Methods: Maybe by modifying the apk manifest and resigning? Im not sure if there is a framework you could subclass for this.
Why: i turned off stats reporting for an app and i saw it writing reports to the web from logcat. Google took our rights away by not letting us do this from the application settings. Its my device and i have to pay the bill not google or the rude ppl who made the app. I will never understand why we were not given the right to administer mobile data access rights.
Potential: highly lucrative. People want to save money nowadays.
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For rooted devices try DroidWall
Application Proposal: Web Page to PDF/HTML Safari Plug-In
Concept: Seriously?
Why: Cant save pages from the browser I safari always reloads the page when you come back to it from other activities (pointless nethog!) whats the friggin cache for anyway? It is better to save an article copy that you could view on the computer later or add to your info library if you write books or do any kinda technical research than it is to save a bookmark that may become 404 not found. Researchers nightmare!
Methods: execute shell command wget on page source. Use regular expression to get media list. Build directory tree. For each media call wget. Done.
Potential: medium. Not many people are so technically inclined.
Usefulness: extremely high, especially with zip/+email caps.. Roundabout source code viewer for nosy/curious folks.
Average potential, stream lehigh usefulness I would sell for a buck 99. Free (1 ad per saved page, no zip email)
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3rdstring said:
For rooted devices try DroidWall
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Thank you! Will do!
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Application proposal: WarBastard
Concept: wardriving app featuring google my maps! Maps are shared globally by locale. Signals can be pinpointed by triangulation through cross reference of mac address, signal strength and previously detected locations in a global locale based database. While we are at, throw in a google navigation intent, and a compass with distance to closest accesible AP! Dont stop there! I wonder where that cell tower is located?
Purpose: to aid weary travellers and cheap bastards to connect with their loved ones and services over open networks. Services could also be used for cellular network signal diagnostics across hundreds of thousands of devices.
Potential: astronomical I would pay 5 bux. Better yet 12 bucks per year. Free (1 ad per download of database, 1 ad per connect to AP. Possibly integrated with APs for increased revenue potential across the board.) The map data can also be used to find good places to set up an advertising AP 4 even more potential earnings.
Anybody wanna pay me to sit around and do this all day? Lol.
SERIOUSLY you are looking at my qualifications. Asking 50k p. yr. to start Project Mgr./Analyst/Sr. Developer. consulting options available. Willing to relocate. Pm for inquiries/proposals.
- Posted via mobile
Avid Droidery said:
Need an apk that signs my files from titanium blackup.
I don't understand why it hasn't been done. The code to do it is already in java! Search the forums for testsign.jar
I know everything you need to do to get it done but I don't have a development environment at my disposal. Help me out and I'll show you how to convert your jarred up code libraries to run on android!
Please and Thank You.
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You should use the search function: ZipSigner.
It implements in the Titanium Backup and signs it on your wish.
brainmaster said:
You should use the search function
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You are correct. I should never have assumed that this wasn't already in the market. Actually I didn't really plan to use this to sign titanium backups. For my purpose however the concept is the same.
* edit Human beings arent the fastest search engine but collectively we are the most accurate information sources on the planet. feel free to quote me on this
I thought that it would be better to ask someone who might know than it would be to search for something that may not exist. If I had access to a computer I would have no questions to post. Only answers! Being that I am stuck on my android for the time being, I appreciate all the help I can get!
Thank you for providing me with another helpful for resource!
* Edit: Dear brainmaster, words cannot express my level of gratitude! I am truly overjoyed by the passing of this shortcoming. Signapktic is exactly what I was looking for and I never would have found this application had it not been for your assistance. The topic of this thread is kick ass apps wanted. Even though this is an application that no longer needs to be developed (because real developers don't reinvent the wheel unless absolutely necessary,) you have met or exceeded the topic issue with flying colors!
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New application proposal: Launchpad Homescreen Widget
Concept: a widget that will pop up an on screen menu (complete with icons) onClick similar to pc desktop start menus. Customizable shortcuts Horizontal or vertical (and scrollable) layouts by preference and Customizable folders.
Why: I would rather have a feature like this than an app drawer any day. This would allow individuals to organize launcher short cuts by task. It would also be great if it were possible to open files in the system such as pdf, video, music or text files with appropriate application. Another great feature would be the ability to launch shell scripts. I have searched the market and nothing like this was found.
Potential: high. will save customer time allow them to become more visually organized and task oriented as well as adding more visual appeal to the home screens. $5.99 I would buy it! Time limited trial only.
- Posted via mobile

[TIP] How To Get A More Stable Xoom Startup From Lockscreen [Updated: 9/4]

Hi there! I'm sure a lot of the frequent Xoom posters know me by now. If you don't, you will see my name a whole lot around these parts of the XDA forums.
Anyways, I am here to put up my second helpful tip for the Xoomers out there. I use this method myself and it works great. I mentioned it a few times in other people's threads, but now I want to turn my info into another helpful tip thread of mine for all to see. Then I'll add it onto my Xoom Heaven thread under my personal threads section.
The Instructions:
Also short, sweet, and to the point, just like my last tip. Does your Xoom seem to wait around at boot up for processes to load before you can use the OS? Would you like to just boot up and go with little to no waiting around? Here's what you'll want to do to achieve that:
Non Root Users: Download the app called Autorun Manager. This app actually has options for both non rooters and rooters alike. The app is free, so I would suggest it for anyone to use.
Root Users: Download the app called Autostarts. This is my favorite app, as it is specifically for the root users only. It is a paid app, but is well worth the little bit of money it costs to purchase it. This gives you complete and full control over every aspect of apps booting up during specific tasks.
The App Downloads:
Autorun Manager
Here's what I said in one of the other threads about the boot time:
"A lot of times, apps will attach themselves to the startup list even though they do not need it, such as a game. Why would you want a game booting up with your Xoom? I wouldn't, that's for sure. It's pointless, takes up memory, and it makes the boot time worse.
For the most part: Wipe out every single one of the startup apps that are not a part of the system, or as many as you need to. If you disable the user startup apps, you will have a more solid boot time no doubt. Almost none of the apps you install will ever need to boot up with your Xoom, unless you want it to. For me, I keep only a select few apps at startup such as: Equalizer, AdFree, and SetCPU. And chances are, if you have a ton of apps... your startup list will be massive, to say the least when you load up the app for the first time."
So basically: Download one of the 2 apps I have listed for you above, and remove any or all of the user installed apps that have placed themselves into your startup list. Only disable apps from the startup list that you know are useless to you, otherwise just leave them enabled if you have a use for them. After doing so, you should notice that when your Xoom boots up that you will be able to start using it immediately. No more waiting around for those useless hidden resources and processes to gather themselves.
If you like my tips, please let me know. I will cook up a few more threads here soon with these same kind of helpful tips if this is what the people want. They will all be available on Xoom Heaven so that they will always be there for everyone to see.
And as always, if this information was helpful to you: Don't forget to send a thanks my way.
thx for ur tip =)
diablo2224 said:
And as always, if this information was helpful to you: Don't forget to send a thanks my way.
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I grabbed autostarts paid from the market but which start up list do you use... i noted there was a couple.. during start up or after startup...
during start up i have: calander and contacts storage
after start up i have: A MILLION THINGS lol
joshndroid said:
I grabbed autostarts paid from the market but which start up list do you use... i noted there was a couple.. during start up or after startup...
during start up i have: calander and contacts storage
after start up i have: A MILLION THINGS lol
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The one with a million things in the after startup list. Good luck!
cheers mate i thought that may be the case but because it was 'after boot' i also thought it may be the necessary stuff that starts once boot had finished
joshndroid said:
cheers mate i thought that may be the case but because it was 'after boot' i also thought it may be the necessary stuff that starts once boot had finished
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That's definitely the correct one as the other startup managers list the same exact apps upon startup. You can double check that in the basic mode of Autorun Manager as a cross reference.
I don't notice any difference (using Autorun Manager).
Vistaus said:
I don't notice any difference (using Autorun Manager).
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Changed thread name to fit appropriate for what it does. You still get a better boot time, just not from the initial dual core logo to lockscreen. Sorry for the confusion. It was late and I confused myself. This tip still works wonders. This tip will help you to get up and go from the lockscreen. Virtually no waiting around for anything to boot up before you can start using the OS. Once your screen comes up, you can start going.
this is exactly what I was looking for, TNX
Definitely be care with this, since it is easy to misunderstand why an app is loaded at boot. For example, you might wonder why an alarm app needs to, where actually it needs to schedule alarms at boot time.
Does anyone know whether it is safe to disable the Mobile Data service on a wifi only tablet? I cannot really see why it should be activated in the first place.
jondwillis said:
Definitely be care with this, since it is easy to misunderstand why an app is loaded at boot. For example, you might wonder why an alarm app needs to, where actually it needs to schedule alarms at boot time.
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Indeed. For the most part though, junk apps will appear in the startup list that have no purpose at all so they can be disabled. If there is a particular app that you know has a purpose for something you use, then by all means let it be. For example: I leave SetCPU on the startup list so that I can keep my settings on both the clock speed and undervoltage values just so I won't manually have to activate it later.
Theme Ishere said:
Does anyone know whether it is safe to disable the Mobile Data service on a wifi only tablet? I cannot really see why it should be activated in the first place.
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I did this on my 3G Xoom, which is not activated, and there is nothing to worry about. No problems at all. If you don't use mobile data at all ever... I say disable it from the startup list just as I have, especially since it's the Wifi model.

[Q] Hey guys, new here, couple questions

I'm new to the android platform. Coming from using an iPhone for years, I pretty much have no idea how to use it properly. It's going to take me a while to get used to it. But I'm working on it. I just have a few questions.
I believe I successfully rooted my Samsung Galaxy s4, using motochopper. I followed the instructions to the T and now see the Superuser icon on my screen.
My first question is, are there any tips with this learning curve, going from an iPhone to an Android. The texting seems to be the most to get used to so far. I also notice Instagram and Facebook apps are totally different, and it looks like I cannot edit photos inside the Facebook app for Android?
Anyway, with the iPhone I would jailbreak, and use cydia to get my paid apps for free, or my tweaks, or customizations. How do I do this with Android?
My next question is a pretty stupid one I'm sure to most but not to me. How do I sync music, and photos, to my Android? With the iPhone I made a folder of images, and synced that folder and all subfolders with the iPhone through iTunes. Is there a simple way to do the same with the Android? Can I just create a folder inside the Pictures folder, and it will show up on the phone?
I appreciate anyones help and I'm sure I will have more questions just can't think of them at this moment.
[email protected] said:
Anyway, with the iPhone I would jailbreak, and use cydia to get my paid apps for free, or my tweaks, or customizations. How do I do this with Android?
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I'll address this question as i'm unfamiliar with the iPhone and i don't use my phone for music so i don't know what the best methods are.
Rooting and jailbreaking are slightly different things. On the iphone, you are locked to iTunes and jailbreaking allows you to install apps from an alternative source (Like cydia). On an android phone, you just need to place a check mark in the setting "Unknown Sources" of your security settings, this will allow the phone to accept apps from any location, there are alternative markets to the play store f-Droid and amazon come to mind so rooting is not needed for this.
Rooting is gaining administrative rights to your phone and can let you do some spectacular things with your phone that would otherwise be impossible. With root access, applications have the ability to modify the system files, say for example, edit the host files to block most advertising, or edit yoru build.prop to make the play store think you are from a different provider. You can allow programs to back up other programs (Titanium backup is a fine example).
The developers on android work hard and should be rewarded for their work. I do block advertising, but i make a point of paying for the apps that i do use.
Very well put.
Nothing else needs to be said.
rainterc additional
Matridom said:
I'll address this question as i'm unfamiliar with the iPhone and i don't use my phone for music so i don't know what the best methods are.
Rooting and jailbreaking are slightly different things. On the iphone, you are locked to iTunes and jailbreaking allows you to install apps from an alternative source (Like cydia). On an android phone, you just need to place a check mark in the setting "Unknown Sources" of your security settings, this will allow the phone to accept apps from any location, there are alternative markets to the play store f-Droid and amazon come to mind so rooting is not needed for this.
Rooting is gaining administrative rights to your phone and can let you do some spectacular things with your phone that would otherwise be impossible. With root access, applications have the ability to modify the system files, say for example, edit the host files to block most advertising, or edit yoru build.prop to make the play store think you are from a different provider. You can allow programs to back up other programs (Titanium backup is a fine example).
The developers on android work hard and should be rewarded for their work. I do block advertising, but i make a point of paying for the apps that i do use.
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Hey there, thanks so much for the clarification.
I wasn't aware of the differences between Jailbreaking and Rooting. That definitely clears some things up. So I would mostly have no need for rooting, as I don't need to do anything you mentioned above and doubt I would ever have a need to edit or alter host or system files.
TheAxman said:
Very well put.
Nothing else needs to be said.
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Not quite true. I still have other questions that I need answers for.
I understand the concept of paying for developers work. I only use the apps to discover if they are worth the money or not. I never "stole" apps on my iPhone and I do not intend to on the Android.
I just want to make that clear, I am just trying to learn how to do the things I did on my iPhone, on this phone. I am not trying to find out how to steal hardwork from others. I do end up paying for the apps I keep.
[email protected] said:
Hey there, thanks so much for the clarification.
I wasn't aware of the differences between Jailbreaking and Rooting. That definitely clears some things up. So I would mostly have no need for rooting, as I don't need to do anything you mentioned above and doubt I would ever have a need to edit or alter host or system files.
Not quite true. I still have other questions that I need answers for.
I understand the concept of paying for developers work. I only use the apps to discover if they are worth the money or not. I never "stole" apps on my iPhone and I do not intend to on the Android.
I just want to make that clear, I am just trying to learn how to do the things I did on my iPhone, on this phone. I am not trying to find out how to steal hardwork from others. I do end up paying for the apps I keep.
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xBeerdroiDx said:
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Oh my god, the iPhone is just getting worse and worse as the days go by. haha Why is this not a thing on iTunes.
Still have questions about transfering/syncing songs and photos though.
[email protected] said:
Hey there, thanks so much for the clarification.
I wasn't aware of the differences between Jailbreaking and Rooting. That definitely clears some things up. So I would mostly have no need for rooting, as I don't need to do anything you mentioned above and doubt I would ever have a need to edit or alter host or system files.
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You might be surprised. Root is needed for some changes. To give you another example, our phones, due to the nature of AMOLED are fantastic at displaying a deep black *and* save on power when using black backgrounds. Gmail app, is all white background with black text. There exists a "blacked out" version of gmail that has the colors inverted and many people tend to prefer this over the standard gmail.
Root access let's be backup things that are otherwise impossible to backup, things like the android ID (Used by many applications to individually identify a phone), phone logs, SMS messages and such. Games like farmville and Paradise Island will use the androidd ID to see if you moved your game to a new phone, invalidating the install and forcing you to start from anew (And maybe buying more in-app purchases).
Some applications are limited to certain countries or certain providers, so using an app like Market Enabler allows you to change where you appear to be from, to by-pass regional blocks.
Root is also needed to tweak the appearance of android, if you want the clock gone from your menu, you can remove it, you can change the battery icon there. You can remove your network provider from the lock screen (or rename it to something silly like i did).
On the flip side, some applications (like google wallet) may not work properly if root is detected, so it can be a toss up.
Me, personally, i use root mainly for 2 apps, adaway and titanium backup. Titanium backup also syncs to my dropbox, so i have now gotten to the point where i should never have to plug a wire into my phone.
Looks to me that you are still in love with your iPuke. You will find that if you do not root, you won't be able to do alot of things. If you are trying to turn an android into a iPuke..then whats the point. Learn what the android can do, you will find that it is all you want it to be.
Ax's opinion only!
Matridom said:
You might be surprised. Root is needed for some changes. To give you another example, our phones, due to the nature of AMOLED are fantastic at displaying a deep black *and* save on power when using black backgrounds. Gmail app, is all white background with black text. There exists a "blacked out" version of gmail that has the colors inverted and many people tend to prefer this over the standard gmail.
Root access let's be backup things that are otherwise impossible to backup, things like the android ID (Used by many applications to individually identify a phone), phone logs, SMS messages and such. Games like farmville and Paradise Island will use the androidd ID to see if you moved your game to a new phone, invalidating the install and forcing you to start from anew (And maybe buying more in-app purchases).
Some applications are limited to certain countries or certain providers, so using an app like Market Enabler allows you to change where you appear to be from, to by-pass regional blocks.
Root is also needed to tweak the appearance of android, if you want the clock gone from your menu, you can remove it, you can change the battery icon there. You can remove your network provider from the lock screen (or rename it to something silly like i did).
On the flip side, some applications (like google wallet) may not work properly if root is detected, so it can be a toss up.
Me, personally, i use root mainly for 2 apps, adaway and titanium backup. Titanium backup also syncs to my dropbox, so i have now gotten to the point where i should never have to plug a wire into my phone.
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Thankyou so much for the information. I appreciate your indepth responses. I will check out what you have mentioned.
TheAxman said:
Looks to me that you are still in love with your iPuke. You will find that if you do not root, you won't be able to do alot of things. If you are trying to turn an android into a iPuke..then whats the point. Learn what the android can do, you will find that it is all you want it to be.
Ax's opinion only!
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I really don't know how you're gathering such an opinion. I'm asking for help on learning how to do the things I did on my iPhone, on my new Android phone.
I'm not trying to be rude, but if you have nothing useful to contribute, don't post.
[email protected] said:
Thankyou so much for the information. I appreciate your indepth responses. I will check out what you have mentioned.
I really don't know how you're gathering such an opinion. I'm asking for help on learning how to do the things I did on my iPhone, on my new Android phone.
I'm not trying to be rude, but if you have nothing useful to contribute, don't post.
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Sometimes it's best to ignore....
In regards to music.. look into the Google music app, personally I'm big into radio, so I use an app called tunein allot. Personally, I would just dump the music onto the phone through Windows explorer and see how it goes from there
Something else to keep in mind,a lot of the apps you are familiar with will be available in the play store. Do a good start is to look for familiar titles
Sent from my SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
I personally prefer Google Play Music. I uploaded all my 320kbps music which I had in iTunes directly to the Google Play Music server, where you can access all of your songs on any device supporting the app, or in any web browser. You can also download copies to your devices for offline play. The all access feature of Google Play Music is nice as well, they have virtually every song I've searched for available on demand as well as download for offline use, for $7.99/month.
Matridom said:
Sometimes it's best to ignore....
In regards to music.. look into the Google music app, personally I'm big into radio, so I use an app called tunein allot. Personally, I would just dump the music onto the phone through Windows explorer and see how it goes from there
Something else to keep in mind,a lot of the apps you are familiar with will be available in the play store. Do a good start is to look for familiar titles
Sent from my SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
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Ok great, I will check out the Google music app and I appreciate your help once again.
blyndfyre said:
I personally prefer Google Play Music. I uploaded all my 320kbps music which I had in iTunes directly to the Google Play Music server, where you can access all of your songs on any device supporting the app, or in any web browser. You can also download copies to your devices for offline play. The all access feature of Google Play Music is nice as well, they have virtually every song I've searched for available on demand as well as download for offline use, for $7.99/month.
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Awesome thankyou for your input!
You guys have been super helpful! I'm sure I'll have more questions in the future so I'll be back if I do! Thanks guys!
Sometimes the truth hurts huh
TheAxman said:
Sometimes the truth hurts huh
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Totally agree with the sentiment, just not with where it's directed.
Sent from my SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
TheAxman said:
Sometimes the truth hurts huh
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And sometimes people think they know everything when in fact they do not. But thanks for your input regardless buddy.
[email protected] said:
And sometimes people think they know everything when in fact they do not. But thanks for your input regardless buddy.
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Who uses their hotmail account as their screen name? That's almost as bad as posting your imei number.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
jd1639 said:
Who uses their hotmail account as their screen name? That's almost as bad as posting your emei number.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
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Hahah I didn't even realize I had done that. I think maybe when I signed up I thought it was asking for email. Obviously.
[email protected] said:
Hahah I didn't even realize I had done that. I think maybe when I signed up I thought it was asking for email. Obviously.
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jd1639 said:
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Don't suppose there's a way to change that huh? haha
[email protected] said:
Don't suppose there's a way to change that huh? haha
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Let me send you an email on that, lol. No, idk
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app

Is DroidWall still the best firewall for Android?

Traditionally, I have always considered DroidWall the best firewall for Android. But it hasn't been touched in two years.
I use it in Blacklist mode, and I like that apps that have been installed since you last went into the app show at the top of the list.
Is it still considered the best, or is there something better, at this point?
Haphim said:
Traditionally, I have always considered DroidWall the best firewall for Android. But it hasn't been touched in two years.
I use it in Blacklist mode, and I like that apps that have been installed since you last went into the app show at the top of the list.
Is it still considered the best, or is there something better, at this point?
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I don't really see to much of a reason to use a firewall. Antivirus apps like Bitdefender, Kaspersky, etc. are (in my own opinion) good enough for anything you do on the phone, although there is a lot that can get past it. On another note, I have yet to see an app that truly protects against ARP poisoning. I have tried some paid versions of the apps, but that is something that is very hard to stop and again, in my own opinion, I think it's just a goofy app wasting RAM.
Alright, well to clarify, one major purpose that I use it for is to prevent apps from calling home without my knowledge. So if nothing else, I use it for that functionality.
Haphim said:
Alright, well to clarify, one major purpose that I use it for is to prevent apps from calling home without my knowledge. So if nothing else, I use it for that functionality.
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That's cool. I would stick to it just because you're familiar with it. I don't think firewalls are that popular right now but I have been wrong before.
Okay, fair enough. Thanks!
Hi, Is there a purpose for a firewall? I mean I know what it does on a PC but I have never had any viruses or hacking happen to me on any of my android devices. Do you suggest it is a must for android users? Thank you
sg3love said:
Hi, Is there a purpose for a firewall? I mean I know what it does on a PC but I have never had any viruses or hacking happen to me on any of my android devices. Do you suggest it is a must for android users? Thank you
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If for no other reason, it's important to keep apps from calling home when they have no business doing so. So many apps ask for permissions far beyond what they should, and an outgoing firewall is vital to making sure that any information those apps may grab never leave your phone.
Haphim said:
If for no other reason, it's important to keep apps from calling home when they have no business doing so. So many apps ask for permissions far beyond what they should, and an outgoing firewall is vital to making sure that any information those apps may grab never leave your phone.
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Most definitely! There are other programs (can't think off the top of my head, but will post if I remember) that can modify permissions for all the apps you have. I would think it would be more reliable than a firewall.
agent929 said:
Most definitely! There are other programs (can't think off the top of my head, but will post if I remember) that can modify permissions for all the apps you have. I would think it would be more reliable than a firewall.
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Unfortunately, not. If an app doesn't have all the permissions the developer intended, there's a decent chance it will crash or otherwise malfunction.
On the other hand, blocking external access is almost always handled gracefully - and it's only a problem for apps whose main function requires net access (like a browser).
Haphim said:
Unfortunately, not. If an app doesn't have all the permissions the developer intended, there's a decent chance it will crash or otherwise malfunction.
On the other hand, blocking external access is almost always handled gracefully - and it's only a problem for apps whose main function requires net access (like a browser).
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I never thought of it that way, but you are right about the app crashing. It will more than likely keep trying to connect to stuff and ultimately crash.
agent929 said:
I don't really see to much of a reason to use a firewall. Antivirus apps like Bitdefender, Kaspersky, etc. are (in my own opinion) good enough for anything you do on the phone, although there is a lot that can get past it. On another note, I have yet to see an app that truly protects against ARP poisoning. I have tried some paid versions of the apps, but that is something that is very hard to stop and again, in my own opinion, I think it's just a goofy app wasting RAM.
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agent929 said:
Most definitely! There are other programs (can't think off the top of my head, but will post if I remember) that can modify permissions for all the apps you have. I would think it would be more reliable than a firewall.
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From a noob perspective.. It was suggested that a firewall is a 'goofy app wasting RAM'... Advice in many threads is that android anti virus doesnt seem much point if you stay away from dodgy paid app for free apk .. an uneducated guess would be that an anti virus would be more resource hungry than a firewall.. (and think of your battery)
The app that you couldnt think of maybe the 'framework' app called 'xprivacy''
Antivirus apps aren't constantly running. They only scan when you install an apk or when you set it to do so otherwise. It is not a resource hog.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk 5
Wow im such a noob, I had no idea apps call home! firewall it is ! So that's how I randomly get people calling and leaving ridiculous voice mails, Thanks!

[Q] Cloning Facebook APK for use with multiple accounts?

Greetings, all!
I would like to preface my question the way I always do when posting here: I am a fairly recently blind individual, and my visual aid software does NOT "play nice" with the XDA Forum search feature at ALL; due to this, sometimes I don't catch previously asked questions, though I do my best to check for them.
All that aside, I have a question that has been plaguing me for quite some time. I am what I would consider to be an intermediate(ish) Android user. I am dipping my toes into the pool of app modification and scripting, but I am afraid this is beyond my knowledge.
I am currently using a rooted "vanilla" Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910T), running 4.4.4. I am expecting a barrage of "why?" and "what for?" comments, but I use two separate Facebook accounts. I am a part of a rather...underground subculture, and I prefer to keep that part of my identity separate. Due to this fact -- as well as my needs as a blind individual -- the usual suspects: browser windows, Seesmic, SocialCamp, Friendster, etc., do not work with my visual impairment modifications on my device. I have done extensive research on the subject and thus, I am searching desperately for assistance in cloning the Facebook app itself. I am thinking of cloning the Facebook APK file manually in order to run my two separate accounts. I know there are other apps that are frequently cloned, such as Instagram or WhatsApp, where the general consensus is to use the "APK Editor" app, but I am concerned about the implications that would have on future app updates and the app's signature and integration with normal Facebook features and other apps that connect to Facebook.
I have combed the web exhaustively in order to glean whatever info I could on this subject, but there is literally almost NOTHING regarding the Facebook app specifically. I do not wish to clone the app for sharing or to build upon it for a "new and improved" app of my own devise -- I simply wish to modify this for my own personal use ONLY.
I really appreciate any and all tips, hints, and shared knowledge in general that this community so generously provides. I will try whatever it takes! Thanks in advance!
XRivetGirlX said:
Greetings, all!
I would like to preface my question the way I always do when posting here: I am a fairly recently blind individual, and my visual aid software does NOT "play nice" with the XDA Forum search feature at ALL; due to this, sometimes I don't catch previously asked questions, though I do my best to check for them.
All that aside, I have a question that has been plaguing me for quite some time. I am what I would consider to be an intermediate(ish) Android user. I am dipping my toes into the pool of app modification and scripting, but I am afraid this is beyond my knowledge.
I am currently using a rooted "vanilla" Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (SM-N910T), running 4.4.4. I am expecting a barrage of "why?" and "what for?" comments, but I use two separate Facebook accounts. I am a part of a rather...underground subculture, and I prefer to keep that part of my identity separate. Due to this fact -- as well as my needs as a blind individual -- the usual suspects: browser windows, Seesmic, SocialCamp, Friendster, etc., do not work with my visual impairment modifications on my device. I have done extensive research on the subject and thus, I am searching desperately for assistance in cloning the Facebook app itself. I am thinking of cloning the Facebook APK file manually in order to run my two separate accounts. I know there are other apps that are frequently cloned, such as Instagram or WhatsApp, where the general consensus is to use the "APK Editor" app, but I am concerned about the implications that would have on future app updates and the app's signature and integration with normal Facebook features and other apps that connect to Facebook.
I have combed the web exhaustively in order to glean whatever info I could on this subject, but there is literally almost NOTHING regarding the Facebook app specifically. I do not wish to clone the app for sharing or to build upon it for a "new and improved" app of my own devise -- I simply wish to modify this for my own personal use ONLY.
I really appreciate any and all tips, hints, and shared knowledge in general that this community so generously provides. I will try whatever it takes! Thanks in advance!
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Try using Facebook and a Facebook clone app like Klyph. I haven't used Klyph myself, but it should do everything Facebook does.
I'd use the official Facebook app with the account you use most often. Then Klyph with the account you use less often. But that's just me.
I really hope this works for you! Good luck!
spexwood said:
Try using Facebook and a Facebook clone app like Klyph. I haven't used Klyph myself, but it should do everything Facebook does.
I'd use the official Facebook app with the account you use most often. Then Klyph with the account you use less often. But that's just me.
I really hope this works for you! Good luck!
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Thanks so much for your input. I will give it a shot and report the results.
Sent from my Samsung SM-N910T using XDA mobile app.
To bad u r rooted, otherwise setting up Knox would be anything you could wish for @XRivetGirlX. With Knox setup you could run multiple facebook identity's and switch very easy between the 2
Thanks for the input I am afraid that I am a little too "root-happy" and could never refrain!
Sent from my Samsung SM-N910T using XDA mobile app.
marleyb said:
To bad u r rooted, otherwise setting up Knox would be anything you could wish for @XRivetGirlX. With Knox setup you could run multiple facebook identity's and switch very easy between the 2
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Rooting prevents installing knox?
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bat0nas said:
Rooting prevents installing knox?
Sent from my mobile device
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Yup , I'm afraid so , no knox and root!:angel:
Not sure if the OP found a solution or not, but I can suggest one.
As you are rooted, may be you can try the profiles feature of Titanium backup Pro (paid version only).
You can create several profiles. And add apps to those profiles, when you switch from one profile to the other (via simple widget), the app data is switched as if you are changing to another user or another phone. So you can still use the same original FB app, but with different user for each Titanium profile.
I hope this helps.
Used to you could decompile the apk in APK-Tool and then change the package name in AndroidManifest.xml, then finally recompile/sign/install. That doesn't even work for me anymore. I get "packaged can not be parsed" or "application not installed"
I need a clone for PayTm app's latest version. You could please help me
I need a clone for PayTm app's latest version. You could please help me

