How to remove things from storage memory - HD2 General

When I went to run youtube I got an error about not enough memory. I have only 6mb of storage memory left. I uninstalled some programs and got 10mb of storage memory. Is there a way of freeing up storage memory?
I have an SD card installed and I thought I had installed all programs to that, is there any thing I can do to get more memory other than flash the rom?

maybe you should of searched, because there is a few threads like this already, sorry to be harsh but its the mood im in

Demon_man said:
maybe you should of searched, because there is a few threads like this already, sorry to be harsh but its the mood im in
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I hate to sound as harsh, but that bit of info is , I bet, in the user manual ....

Why don't you no alls just f*** O**. I was after some help not a lot of abuse

reply to OP
you may want to check this video on some tips you might find very useful as far as internal storage memory is concerned:
also, clear out cache every time you use opera...

Thanks cezzarmicu for the help. Its nice to see a junior member has the time to reply whilst two senior members are so uop their own backsides that they can't help a newbie.

dhester said:
Thanks cezzarmicu for the help. Its nice to see a junior member has the time to reply whilst two senior members are so uop their own backsides that they can't help a newbie.
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Kind of proves my point , I am sure he just did a google search ...
None of us here mind helping people with actual problems, but clearing internal storage, or installing programs to storage card instead of the device , is basic usage.
If you just did not understand how to do it, maybe you should have said, "I have searched and searched, and I just don't get it can't figure it out..." I bet you would have gotten a nicer response.
But this "Teach me how to use my phone because I can't type into my browser.", attitude just gets old ...
And I refer you to this post ....

Okay I could have typed google and come up with 60000000 different sites with useless information. I choose to come here as it is fellow users of the HD2, but I appear to be wrong it is just full of self importent arseholes who can't be bothered to help someone, but they have got the time to repeat the "why can't you type google".
So if I get band from here because I asked a question and got a load of **** from some know all arsehole, and told them so I won't care.

well most people would of at least attempted a search in hd2 section before asking.
you may have gotten a more civil reply .
most situations have already been covered a couple of times
and tbh you're less likely to be given info if you spout your illiterate mouth off at members
enough said

11calcal said:
well most people would of at least attempted a search in hd2 section before asking.
you may have gotten a more civil reply .
most situations have already been covered a couple of times
and tbh you're less likely to be given info if you spout your illiterate mouth off at members
enough said
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+1 for sure ....
Now I don't see anyone in this thread but the OP using fowl language , the forum guides state to search before posting, that is what we suggested, maybe in a harsh way but in no way degrading or insulting ...
This is a tech type forum not a "Spoon Feeding" forum, most people here expect persons posting to have basic knowledge, and understanding before posting and asking questions ...
I think a mod should read this and then decide if it should be locked or remain open for further education ....

dhester said:
When I went to run youtube I got an error about not enough memory. I have only 6mb of storage memory left. I uninstalled some programs and got 10mb of storage memory. Is there a way of freeing up storage memory?
I have an SD card installed and I thought I had installed all programs to that, is there any thing I can do to get more memory other than flash the rom?
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you should install cleanram as it helps free some ram...also get cleartemp as it'll show you what's eating your space up like googlemap and youtube caches so you can delete them easily...and finally don't forget to soft reset
one more very important thing which saves a LOT of space if you're on stock rom or your cooked rom doesnt have it(highly unlikely) is moving the album the thread here and look out for 4tune's cab
you should also read tboy200's thread and look at tips 65 and 67

dhester said:
Why don't you no alls just f*** O**. I was after some help not a lot of abuse
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Hey now kiddo - behave yourself and calm-down!

Read the damn manual OP and use the search function. If you don't like to sift through the results from the search function, I'd gladly come and crap in your threads each and every time to remind you to use the search function whilst still not intentionally providing you with any help whatsoever just because you're an e-douche.

eenbox said:
Hey now kiddo - behave yourself and calm-down!
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Well i've read through and i think i'm comming down with the same strain of lazy-itis the op has because right about the same time i figured out that he wasn't bothered enough to look through the first 20 google results and also couldn't be arsed to pay enough attention to his english teacher to learn how to speak to people properly; i lost the will to type anything that could possibly help. It's so bad i can't even be bothered to berate him for being generally very rude to the people with the skill and (normally) the willing to help him.
I think i might just go back to flashing my old diamond with the latest energy diamond rom, installing hspl and a new radio rom. Then i'll probably finish setting up my Leo with the new energy leo rom and finish testing a memory usage theory i have.
Ah well sucks to be him. Maybe he should learn to KEEP HIS ****ING MOUTH SHUT AND BE RESPECTFUL!!!!
Oh, sorry, did i just swear. My mistake. Next time i'll remember to read the rules of the forum first so i don't get reported to the mods and subsequently banned.


*** Ideas For A More Useful Forum ***

Moved...Please, give feedback, make this forum more useful !!!!!!!
thanks Martin
you got the point , i am new here also
and from 3 days i am trying to know what you talking about and frankly some guys try to explain for me but still a lot of things are not understood
they must make a sticky thread for what Rom and how to install it and all the principles things
first port of call. start reading.
ayman morsy said:
thanks Martin
you got the point , i am new here also
and from 3 days i am trying to know what you talking about and frankly some guys try to explain for me but still a lot of things are not understood
they must make a sticky thread for what Rom and how to install it and all the principles things
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haha, you joined this forum this month, and you think you can undestand it all?
I have been here a little while..I still get surprised with what I can find on this forum.
If I want to learn something new, I spend a great deal of hours trying to find something I can use, and when I find something, I spend alot of time reading up on it, searching even more in the same topic.
All in all. The wiki is not perfect, the forum is not perfect, but in my oppinion, its dam close. I know a bunch of paysites that provides alot less info then you find here.
We are a bunch of ppl who love what we are doing, but demanding more and more and more is not the way to do it.
And the funny thing here is: Imagine if you got all the answers, and are happy with it
Imagine then...In a few days, another guy ask the same question, ofcourse you help him....and then, in a few days, another thread is started with similar questions. and so on...
Then you start thinking; hmmm, maybe we should make a sticky with this info, so that the noobs dont ask so many times, I will make it easy for them.
So got a sticky with the topic, and alot of good answers (now you have become a more experienced user, uyou are getting good with the terms used here, you know what stuff means, like in.ex RUU, ROM, Hard-SPL etc..)
And again, you are happy to help ppl out, you start using the language used on this forum, you use the knowlege you have mastered in some degree.
And your sticky is full of wisdom and knowlege.
But...after 50 guys have asked the same question (in many diffrent ways, nice, begging, cursing, hateful and so on) you start thinking:
Dam, will those huys never learn to read? Hell, I have given them everything I know, the best way I can.
You are starting to become lazy with posting in your sticky, cause you have done so before, so many times...even on pm (private messages) ppl are asking for personal guidence, and they need it now (and your girlfriend is waiting in the bedroom, or dinner is ready, or you need to go to work, or you have damn much stuff you need to fix with the latest w/e, and are quite finished with that old ****, cause you have moved way past that stage long time ago )
And suddenly you find yourself writing something like I am writing now...
welcome to XDA
wow. nothin more to add
m.schmidler said:
Moved...Please, give feedback, make this forum more useful !!!!!!!
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OK. we will change ALL...we will make it like in other forums...a "How 2 post" so that EVERY post looks the that noob can follow...
BUT YOU check ALL NEW post if they are posted the right way.
NO man. IF you cannnot follow the instructions in the threads...DO NOT FLASH!!!
I spent 1 year ONLY READING before flashing my first rom!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO donĀ“t come here with 5 posts and tell us how to do our job
Well i dont wish to be this forum like any other "plx crack this phorumzz", i think its just as it should be.
besides, when i started flashing my htc devices, it took me 10 mins to find xda-dev's, and another 30 min to figure out what buttons to press to get the stuff i wanted to have.
so dont tell us its too difficult - if youre not smart enough its not our concern.
use google for other forums if youre not pleased with the offers in here.
daschalki said:
Well i dont wish to be this forum like any other "plx crack this phorumzz", i think its just as it should be.
besides, when i started flashing my htc devices, it took me 10 mins to find xda-dev's, and another 30 min to figure out what buttons to press to get the stuff i wanted to have.
so dont tell us its too difficult - if youre not smart enough its not our concern.
use google for other forums if youre not pleased with the offers in here.
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if you need something, use search and READ ALL, schmidler
i know, it takes time ...


We've got a lot of new users appear on here lately, it looks like in search of updated roms for the x1.
A) reading
B) reading some more
C) reading even more!
All the roms should come through the SE Update Service, please use that as it is a simpler method and if something goes wrong, then you can go to SE to complain..
Please use the search if you have a problem, if you don't find what you want the first time, then search again, maybe try searching around the subject.
There's a very very good chance that the question has already been answered several times!
If you can't find the answer then flick through the older pages on the thread, if it's something to do with the operation of the X1 then there's a good chance it's in the oldest pages of the forum.
Experienced members get upset by people starting new threads with the same moans or questions because it really clogs up the great search system with all manner of wasted threads. If there's an existing thread than use that please! If the questions already been asked don't ask it again!
This forum is not a SE support forum, no-one (that will admit to it anyway) is from SE so if you have issues with them why not raise it with them?
If you want to know how you X1 does various stuff try one of the operators online guides.
If you flash a custom rom or another rom obtained from here, despite being warned not too. DO NOT go running off to MS or SE complaining that it's all gone wrong, they
A) won't likely listen
B)won't like us very much
You should keep this on the very first ROMS subforum page fards
I know It's already written everywhere... old problem... but many people falls in parachute here, landing directly inside the ROMs post from external links. XDA DEVS is da bomb
And no newbies seem to read anything but exclusively what they are looking for
gtrab said:
And no newbies seem to read anything but exclusively what they are looking for
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Hmmm...a rather sweeping generalisation methinks...
I'm a noob here, I'll admit that. However, I'm a board Admin elsewhere in cyberspace so I know exactly where you're coming from. I've done my time reading, understanding, occasionally asking relevant questions in the relevant places, and trying to help out where I might have some answers.
Your advice is spot on, and anyone who is inexperienced should tread slowly and carefully. There is all the time in the world to learn how to get it right, but it takes very little time to totally stuff things up.
"Use the search, Luke"
Instead of telling new guys to read, you could've put the same effort into and making a nice thread for them instead.
Maybe a list on where to start reading and so on!
This thread has no meaning whatsoever. New guys will probably just read first lines skip it and ask a question.
And remember we have all been there, not knowing how to flash etc.
Also searching can be a very time consuming thing to do, and asking and getting an answer is often way faster.
this thread doesnt make sense without any links to where to read...
This forum is where you read. it is a development forum, not a help forum!
you read the first thread that the moderators try to get EVERY NEW USER to read, this was a gentle reminder to get people to do just that.
People are not here to act as customer service for people who are too lazy to use the search facility on this site.
try that and the one below for starters.
tarnaman said:
this thread doesnt make sense without any links to where to read...
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A perfect example of not reading. The purpose of this thread is not to reference, it's to inform.
FrezoreR said:
Instead of telling new guys to read, you could've put the same effort into and making a nice thread for them instead.
Maybe a list on where to start reading and so on!
This thread has no meaning whatsoever. New guys will probably just read first lines skip it and ask a question.
And remember we have all been there, not knowing how to flash etc.
Also searching can be a very time consuming thing to do, and asking and getting an answer is often way faster.
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Searching is quite time consuming but you have no idea what kind of information is in this treasure chest. U accidentally stumble on to some great stuff.
Bxsteez said:
Searching is quite time consuming but you have no idea what kind of information is in this treasure chest. U accidentally stumble on to some great stuff.
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and unfortunately it gets harder the more threads we get asking exactly the same thing over and over again.. ;P
Yea that is true. I was searching PIE6 and i ran across about 13-14 threads of the same question. i was on like page 3 or 4 of the search before i got the right hit.
maybe should be registered as a none development and referance site? lol
Bxsteez said:
Yea that is true. I was searching PIE6 and i ran across about 13-14 threads of the same question. i was on like page 3 or 4 of the search before i got the right hit.
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which reminds me the pie8 files that sun_dream posted in his BA 6.5 thread work, when copied over on itjes 6.5 (it's still pie6 core I think. but a bit snappier).
How about a period of not being able to post when registering ?, a day or three would give new members with their questions a little time to cool down and search/read for the answers which will usually be found here somewhere.
Just an idea.
loggy said:
How about a period of not being able to post when registering ?, a day or three would give new members with their questions a little time to cool down and search/read for the answers which will usually be found here somewhere.
Just an idea.
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I actually think that's not a bad idea, was just suggesting it to a couple of other members. Only drawback I think is that it couldn't be restricted to one sub forum such as the x1 from my experiences with vbulletin..
So it would restrict some of the truly amazing first posts that have come from some of the great genii?? on this site..
Alternatively we could have another Sub-forum, in the X1, with for newbies to ask the same questions of each other (like a creche) and anyone found straying outside of that forum until they've learnt to search and read would get electrocuted.. or something..
you mean, something like asking a question about an advanced feature, if you have it right then you're allowed to the real forums?
Well to be honest, the only thing a noob should read are the stickies. I learned to flash, edit, modify, type, behave, proof read, error correction, ask nicely, say please thank you cookie i love you, by reading those stickies.
Actually I think it's a good idea to have a sub-forum for the newbies, and then bomb them with the 'READ THE F-WORD STICKIES OR DIE' *going too far here...
Search ?? No thanks
FrezoreR said:
Instead of telling new guys to read, you could've put the same effort into and making a nice thread for them instead.
Maybe a list on where to start reading and so on!
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I LOVE this one.
Seems like he hasn't even seen the ROM-DEV subforum front page with all those sticky posts full of DIY tutorials, clear explanations, links, "how to"s... never mind...
FrezoreR said:
Also searching can be a very time consuming thing to do, and asking and getting an answer is often way faster.
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Maybe he's right: xda-devs should delete the "search" box and google is a freaking waste of time
And yes: I received two or three "search and read!!" replies to my very first posts too... Human nature...
gtrab said:
I LOVE this one.
Seems like he hasn't even seen the ROM-DEV subforum front page with all those sticky posts full of DIY tutorials, clear explanations, links, "how to"s... never mind...
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Well sure the sticky post are great, but this post could be done more helpful instead of saying something that is already stated all over the forum
Maybe he's right: xda-devs should delete the "search" box and google is a freaking waste of time
And yes: I received two or three "search and read!!" replies to my very first posts too... Human nature...
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But to search efficient you have to know what to search for, the keywords are important in a search engine. And when you're a newbie those terms might not be known to you. Or you might not understand a lot of them.
And beeing sarcastic about my comment is not helping anyone that is just pure immature.
fards said:
would get electrocuted.. or something..
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Haha. Make sure everyone has an 'xda' branded keyboard with strategically placed electrodes on it..
Ok ok, I guess that would be a bit overboard!
FrezoreR said:
Well sure the sticky post are great, but this post could be done more helpful instead of saying something that is already stated all over the forum
But to search efficient you have to know what to search for, the keywords are important in a search engine. And when you're a newbie those terms might not be known to you. Or you might not understand a lot of them.
And beeing sarcastic about my comment is not helping anyone that is just pure immature.
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Lets face it. Most people that come here with questions like "how can I flash my ROM?" just didn't bother to look. And trust me, there's plenty.
The bothersome thing is not that people ask questions, that's normal in a developer environment. What does bother me, and most - if not all - others is that they ask questions they can answer themselves by putting just a wee bit of time into it. Instead, they had rather have other people spend time doing everything for them. I can see where this attitude comes from - it's easier, but you get my point.
FrezoreR said:
Well sure the sticky post are great, but this post could be done more helpful instead of saying something that is already stated all over the forum
But to search efficient you have to know what to search for, the keywords are important in a search engine. And when you're a newbie those terms might not be known to you. Or you might not understand a lot of them.
And beeing sarcastic about my comment is not helping anyone that is just pure immature.
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If people manage to use a search engine to find this site then they can manage to use a search engine to find the answers to their questions.
Not knowing or being too lazy to be independent enough to search is the real immaturity.

newbie alert!!!

Sorry if this is a stupid question guys, but I've just bought a HD2 with the energy rom already on it, what is this and why is it better than the standard rom?
You have 100% right - it is stupid question.
ROM - It's another name for operating system with drivers and settings, its a compilation.
Why You use Win XP on Your desktop instead of Windows 3.11 ?
! Because it's better, it's faster, more intuitive, more stable, it's.....
Each ROM is developed for some reason - somebody fix something or change few things.
In my case HTC gives a sh_ _ on me with ROM updates for my region / country - Only thing to do was to flash unofficial ROM.
Read, then ask question.
wow, thats the way to make a neebie welcome. I know you guys want people to read and search more before posting but come on... Im glad not everone is like that.
I also have a couple of newbie questions but ill post in about 6 months after ive read every single post on the site to make sure no one hs asked the question before.
Don't make a evil daemon from me , I start with joke , then gently tell what is what and why with ROM, and on the end give a good advice to search and read before asking.
know it all geeks
dont worry bout him mate u always get some gimp know it all like him on here theres lots of helpful people on here 2
perhaps I should've worded it better, I've haven't had a standard hd2 as it was like this when I bought it, but I meant what is different on the energy rom to standard? also is there asetting to lock the keypad when I press the bottom left phone button? mine just turns the screen off but all you have to do is repress it and your back on, I've already called someone in my pocket
bazvw205 said:
perhaps I should've worded it better, I've haven't had a standard hd2 as it was like this when I bought it, but I meant what is different on the energy rom to standard? also is there asetting to lock the keypad when I press the bottom left phone button? mine just turns the screen off but all you have to do is repress it and your back on, I've already called someone in my pocket
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In regards to your Energy ROM question, I've been to the HD2 ROM forum (couple of clicks back from this one) and the top posting is the Energy ROM:
There is a brief outline of the advantages, straight from the developer themselves.
RReckless said:
I also have a couple of newbie questions but ill post in about 6 months after ive read every single post on the site to make sure no one hs asked the question before.
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make sure you DO
its extremely annoying for the regulars on this site to keep seeing the same noob questions asked over and over again.
That is what SEARCH is for.
bazvw205 said:
also is there asetting to lock the keypad when I press the bottom left phone button? mine just turns the screen off but all you have to do is repress it and your back on, I've already called someone in my pocket
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Lock the phone manually by pressing the start button then tap LOCK (at the bottom of the screen), then next time the screen goes off it will lock automatically.
Audio Oblivion said:
make sure you DO
its extremely annoying for the regulars on this site to keep seeing the same noob questions asked over and over again.
That is what SEARCH is for.
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what exactly do you mean by "regulars?" Is this how "regulars" welcome a new user on this forum?
i don't see why "regulars" like you, act like you are getting paid that a noob redundant question annoys you. You are not even obligated to answer any questions that you do not feel like answering.
din0_22 said:
what exactly do you mean by "regulars?" Is this how "regulars" welcome a new user on this forum?
i don't see why "regulars" like you, act like you are getting paid that a noob redundant question annoys you. You are not even obligated to answer any questions that you do not feel like answering.
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well put.... I say, as an xda noob
Bandare said:
well put.... I say, as an xda noob
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The reason regulars are like that is it wastes everyone's time when you ask the same questions over and over.
It wastes the noob's time typing the message when a simple search up the top can answer it in a few clicks.
It wastes the noob's and the regular's time by making them sift through pages of redundant threads rather than having new original issues - if a noob has an original issue, it may take ages for someone to find it to answer, thats if they manage to find it at all.
A lot of noobs tend to ask the redundant question without searching, then when the thread moves through several pages, they bump it with a "no one going to help!?!" reply. This would move it above an issue that may well have a higher importance, yet it would have been quicker for them to search than to trawl through and find their thread to reply to.
If noobs did more searching, we wouldn't have to keep explaining the reasons why we ask noobs to search every time they don't.
rp-x1 said:
The reason regulars are like that is it wastes everyone's time when you ask the same questions over and over.
It wastes the noob's time typing the message when a simple search up the top can answer it in a few clicks.
It wastes the noob's and the regular's time by making them sift through pages of redundant threads rather than having new original issues - if a noob has an original issue, it may take ages for someone to find it to answer, thats if they manage to find it at all.
A lot of noobs tend to ask the redundant question without searching, then when the thread moves through several pages, they bump it with a "no one going to help!?!" reply. This would move it above an issue that may well have a higher importance, yet it would have been quicker for them to search than to trawl through and find their thread to reply to.
If noobs did more searching, we wouldn't have to keep explaining the reasons why we ask noobs to search every time they don't.
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Having said the above, let's pretend a newbie have joined the forum today and have asked a question that may have been asked and solved already or better yet asked something that a no brainer can do.
Does that make it annoying for "regulars" already? Your explanation sounds more like you are saying that "regulars" are obligated to answer questions from a noob, yet it is not.
and you said ---> "then when the thread moves through several pages, they bump it with a "no one going to help!?!" reply." <---- and these kind of things affect the so called "regulars"? Does it hurt??? that you need to harass a newbie?
My reaction would be, so what if it moved several times??? I've seen a lot of a very old post that is being answered to this date.
din0_22 said:
Having said the above, let's pretend a newbie have joined the forum today and have asked a question that may have been asked and solved already or better yet asked something that a no brainer can do.
Does that make it annoying for "regulars" already? Your explanation sounds more like you are saying that "regulars" are obligated to answer questions from a noob, yet it is not.
and you said ---> "then when the thread moves through several pages, they bump it with a "no one going to help!?!" reply." <---- and these kind of things affect the so called "regulars"? Does it hurt??? that you need to harass a newbie?
My reaction would be, so what if it moved several times??? I've seen a lot of a very old post that is being answered to this date.
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Theres no need for your reaction here.
Just ask yourself this... why is there a sticky thread right at the top of this forum that tells people how to use search?
Audio Oblivion said:
Theres no need for your reaction here.
Just ask yourself this... why is there a sticky thread right at the top of this forum that tells people how to use search?
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That sticky serves as guide to a do a search, because not all users know how to use search.
My point is, you and the rest of the so called "regulars" act like they have the right to harass or treat newbies like they did have no education at all.
It doesn't mean you see "newbie or junior member" then they should be treated this way.
There's another way of saying things like "Hey man, try searching the forum by using this" instead of "make sure you DO its extremely annoying for the regulars on this site to keep seeing the same noob questions asked over and over again."
din0_22 said:
That sticky serves as guide to a do a search, because not all users know how to use search.
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Have you even read that sticky?
It says... and i quote "Remember, please search first before posting on XDA. It is highly likely that your issue/problem has been mentioned before and a solution is at hand."
din0_22 said:
My point is, you and the rest of the so called "regulars" act like they have the right to harass or treat newbies like they did have no education at all.
It doesn't mean you see "newbie or junior member" then they should be treated this way.
There's another way of saying things like "Hey man, try searching the forum by using this" instead of "make sure you DO its extremely annoying for the regulars on this site to keep seeing the same noob questions asked over and over again."
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The way people come across on internet forums is not necessarily how they would come across in a real life conversation. For example... my reading of your posts in this thread gives me the image of you jumping up and down ranting like a madman. Kind of like Animal out of the muppets...
Thats not really you is it?
Audio Oblivion said:
Have you even read that sticky?
It says... and i quote "Remember, please search first before posting on XDA. It is highly likely that your issue/problem has been mentioned before and a solution is at hand."
The way people come across on internet forums is not necessarily how they would come across in a real life conversation. For example... my reading of your posts in this thread gives me the image of you jumping up and down ranting like a madman. Kind of like Animal out of the muppets...
Thats not really you is it?
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you are missing the point. =) you just made me laugh by calling me and referring me to "names like that". I don't remember saying something absurd about you personally.
din0_22 said:
you are missing the point. =) you just made me laugh by calling me and referring me to "names like that". I don't remember saying something absurd about you personally.
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you see... that is my point
im not insulting you intentionally... just telling you how you come across to me... but you have taken it as an insult :-(
Just to re-iterate... my original post here (ie/ telling the noobs to use search) was not intended as any kind of harassment... just a solid nudge in the direction of the search function.
I mean theres a moderater sticky saying the exact same thing i am saying!
Granted his words might seem friendlier then mine but look at the post i was replying to. Theres an example of someone using sarcasm to try and make the point that it takes too much time to search.
The reason it takes a long time to search is because noobs DONT search and post the same questions over and over. Its an endless circle of death.
Audio Oblivion said:
you see... that is my point
im not insulting you intentionally... just telling you how you come across to me... but you have taken it as an insult :-(
Just to re-iterate... my original post here (ie/ telling the noobs to use search) was not intended as any kind of harassment... just a solid nudge in the direction of the search function.
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"Great to see that there is another side of yourself".. after all.
and oh yeah, there is a nicer way to put it instead of the "a solid nudge in the direction of the search function". In case you do not know, feel free to ask me.
din0_22 said:
and oh yeah, there is a nicer way to put it instead of the "a solid nudge in the direction of the search function". In case you do not know, feel free to ask me.
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no... i know there is... but again... read what i was replying to. I thought my post appropriate and i stand by it. :thumbup:

problems doing a factory reset after magldr installed

I took on the project to install wp7 and dual boot android. Installing magldr and wp7 went without any problems but I made the mistake of switching out the sd cards. Now it goes to the sd card not working screen and gives me the option to turn off. I performed a hard reset holding the up and down along with power. The reset took less than a second before it said it was complete and still boots to the sd card not working screen. I would like to do a hard reset through magldr but am not sure how because it just boots to the 123456 go go go screen and boots into wp7. Any insight would be great. I have been searching but have not been able to come up with anything. Thanks
Aaah! What a great new ROM from Stinkybudz called PROBLEMS DOING A FACTORY RESET! Thanks you man, flashing it now!
oops... what is that? Its not a rom? Why is it in a rom section then? Because of some noob is spamming this forum with his stupid questions?
Well you know, you maybe read an article about developers leaving this forum because of noobz. If you want to see such noob dear Stinkybudz, look in the mirror. Because you are a NOOB.
stinkybudz said:
I took on the project to install wp7 and dual boot android. Installing magldr and wp7 went without any problems but I made the mistake of switching out the sd cards. Now it goes to the sd card not working screen and gives me the option to turn off. I performed a hard reset holding the up and down along with power. The reset took less than a second before it said it was complete and still boots to the sd card not working screen. I would like to do a hard reset through magldr but am not sure how because it just boots to the 123456 go go go screen and boots into wp7. Any insight would be great. I have been searching but have not been able to come up with anything. Thanks
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Flash original WP6.5 Rom from the HTC website, by Switching the phone off, when it off hold the vol down button + power button.
You will see the tri color screen (bootloader) and from there plug in USB and flash 6.5 rom or use SD card method (format sd to FAT32 and rename to leoimg.nbh).
chumaj001 said:
Aaah! What a great new ROM from Stinkybudz called PROBLEMS DOING A FACTORY RESET! Thanks you man, flashing it now!
oops... what is that? Its not a rom? Why is it in a rom section then? Because of some noob is spamming this forum with his stupid questions?
Well you know, you maybe read an article about developers leaving this forum because of noobz. If you want to see such noob dear Stinkybudz, look in the mirror. Because you are a NOOB.
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I agree that this should be in the Q&A section and not in development, what if he just overlooked it? people make mistakes
There are no stupid questions, but answers, and this is sure one of them, posts like yours doesn't help either.
Come on, lets be civil
chumaj001 said:
Aaah! What a great new ROM from Stinkybudz called PROBLEMS DOING A FACTORY RESET! Thanks you man, flashing it now!
oops... what is that? Its not a rom? Why is it in a rom section then? Because of some noob is spamming this forum with his stupid questions?
Well you know, you maybe read an article about developers leaving this forum because of noobz. If you want to see such noob dear Stinkybudz, look in the mirror. Because you are a NOOB.
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hey thanks for the good info douch bag. why dont you go jump off a bridge. Sometimes people make mistakes and post in the wrong forum. People like you are useless to the community and worse than a noob trying to get everything figured out.
Don't know if it can help but just after first splash screen you can do the same as for wm6.5 ie VOL- for flash and VOL-/VOL+ at the same time to have a menu checksum/factory reset but this time it will be for WP7 using spl provided by magldr.
happened to me before, I had an sd card I was playing with. Partitioning it for android and so. But then I headed off for my work, took my phone and totally forgot my sd card was still in the pc, lol.
So i thought, just buy a replacement sd card real quick, but wp7 said that the sd card was not compatible. It was a sandisk, so I bought another one, wich also gave the same message. So I couldn't use my phone that day.
In the end, when I came home, i reinserted the sd card i left in my pc and voila, it worked and all the data, games, music and other stuff were still there.
So, just insert your old sd card in it and then boot into wp7 again and do a reset.
i got it figured out. I just needed to get to the magldr boot options by holding down the power button until it showed up. I just reflashed and it is all good now. Thanks for the help
Gmic1000 said:
There are no stupid questions, but answers, and this is sure one of them, posts like yours doesn't help either.
Come on, lets be civil
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well said.. noobs do learn.. but these guys dont.
Your problem was, that you didnt know how to get into MAGLR menu. That is something, which could be easily found. And because you are lazy, you broke several forum rules by starting this thread.
1. Posted in wrong section
2. Started new thread about something that could be found elsewhere (yes it could)
3. You swear...
This is supposed to be development forum for DEVELOPERS. I remember, when years ago it was. People was discussing development. Now it turned out to be chaos with thousands of totally pointles posts, repeated questions from lazy people who are not able to search and read and totally pointless threads like this one.
Developers are leaving, noobs are multiplying. Owners of this forum are aware of this and trying to fight this problem, but it seems, that they are loosing the battle.
Its very hard to find anything within all the thanks, pointless debates and questions from people who think that this is technical support. You just made it worse a little. Just because you were unable to find out fow to get into MAGLR menu, which is really totally basic task. How would you describe yourself if not a noob?
Call me a douchebag if you want, it will not make you any better.
chumaj001 said:
Your problem was, that you didnt know how to get into MAGLR menu. That is something, which could be easily found. And because you are lazy, you broke several forum rules by starting this thread.
1. Posted in wrong section
2. Started new thread about something that could be found elsewhere (yes it could)
3. You swear...
This is supposed to be development forum for DEVELOPERS. I remember, when years ago it was. People was discussing development. Now it turned out to be chaos with thousands of totally pointles posts, repeated questions from lazy people who are not able to search and read and totally pointless threads like this one.
Developers are leaving, noobs are multiplying. Owners of this forum are aware of this and trying to fight this problem, but it seems, that they are loosing the battle.
Its very hard to find anything within all the thanks, pointless debates and questions from people who think that this is technical support. You just made it worse a little. Just because you were unable to find out fow to get into MAGLR menu, which is really totally basic task. How would you describe yourself if not a noob?
Call me a douchebag if you want, it will not make you any better.
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jeez, what is wrong with some people. are you trying to scare new members away from xda? Yes, it should not be posted here, in fact, maybe not be posted at all, but you seem to have some loose wires in your head. you don't need to freak out. jeez, i can now see why some wars have been started.
you don't like it, then just don't respond to this thread anymore. go whine at a moderator and make him force close this thread if that is what you really want.
I have never believed developers ran away, just because of the noobs, but more because of some rivalty. Besides, fresh new developers are here, like yukixda.
You should apply for a moderator function and ban all of the people you dislike. period.
chumaj001 said:
Your problem was, that you didnt know how to get into MAGLR menu. That is something, which could be easily found. And because you are lazy, you broke several forum rules by starting this thread.
1. Posted in wrong section
2. Started new thread about something that could be found elsewhere (yes it could)
3. You swear...
This is supposed to be development forum for DEVELOPERS. I remember, when years ago it was. People was discussing development. Now it turned out to be chaos with thousands of totally pointles posts, repeated questions from lazy people who are not able to search and read and totally pointless threads like this one.
Developers are leaving, noobs are multiplying. Owners of this forum are aware of this and trying to fight this problem, but it seems, that they are loosing the battle.
Its very hard to find anything within all the thanks, pointless debates and questions from people who think that this is technical support. You just made it worse a little. Just because you were unable to find out fow to get into MAGLR menu, which is really totally basic task. How would you describe yourself if not a noob?
Call me a douchebag if you want, it will not make you any better.
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dude, go get laid or something. it was an honest mistake posting in here. i admitted it was wrong of me to post it here and have already solved my issue. you should stress about the things that really matter. like your priorities.
Ok, I am going to start a war and then get laid and jump off the bridge as you recommend. Meanwhile you may continue to spam this forum and be rude.
chumaj001 said:
Ok, I am going to start a war and then get laid and jump off the bridge as you recommend. Meanwhile you may continue to spam this forum and be rude.
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stinkybudz said:
i got it figured out. I just needed to get to the magldr boot options by holding down the power button until it showed up. I just reflashed and it is all good now. Thanks for the help
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Yeah ! thanks for posting this, I was searching for the recovery menu ...
filou75 said:
Yeah ! thanks for posting this, I was searching for the recovery menu ...
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No problem, at least this thread helped someone lol
chumaj001 said:
Ok, I am going to start a war and then get laid and jump off the bridge as you recommend. Meanwhile you may continue to spam this forum and be rude.
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lol, dont exaggerate, Its more like have a ***** fit, a wank and then slit your wrists
I dont think I even need to explain why i'm closing this thread lol.

TheAtheist...Need yer help....Can't help miself without you

Dono what I'm doing wrong this time... Cannot install CWM.
Used to do it in no time... Now getting massage "USB connection failed".
Ran Task 29... Installed Magldr... Can access SD card through USB MassStrg...
Used to run MIUI 29.0 ROM on this phone, wanted to install Sensation 2.2 .....OUT of luck.... CWM doesn't install... WHAT I'm doing wrong????
Please, any Ideas.....
Everything appreciated!!!!
explain the problem more, please? Are you saying you CAN flash magldr, (not that you should need to, all you should have needed to do was repartition, and maybe not even that, depending on the rom sizes) but you CANT flash cwm?
full step by step with as much detail as poss, please.
*sigh* yet another ridiculous title for a topic. This is getting really old now but.. A topic title needs to be descriptive about the topic, please use some common sense ffs. What you do think thsi place would look like if all the n00bs who need help posted titles with "omg plz hlp" or "please help urgent" etc etc etc.
To answer your question, you need to partition your device. Do this with HD2 Toolkit which is in the sticky topics.
samsamuel said:
explain the problem more, please? Are you saying you CAN flash magldr, (not that you should need to, all you should have needed to do was repartition, and maybe not even that, depending on the rom sizes) but you CANT flash cwm?
full step by step with as much detail as poss, please.
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Will give a step by step of what's going on with the installation.
Thank you for your help.
TheATHEiST said:
*sigh* yet another ridiculous title for a topic. This is getting really old now but.. A topic title needs to be descriptive about the topic, please use some common sense ffs. What you do think thsi place would look like if all the n00bs who need help posted titles with "omg plz hlp" or "please help urgent" etc etc etc.
To answer your question, you need to partition your device. Do this with HD2 Toolkit which is in the sticky topics.
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Smart, eh??? What would be yer title???? HD2 screwed??? LOL
Dude, that my 2nd HD2, also have a Sensation, Viewsonic G-tab.... Need I say more??? All rooted or running custom ROMs...
HD2 Toolkit is the bread and butter, so.... yer a little too late with that advise...
Have a good day....Next time.... Do not want to help...... Just don't waste forum's space.....
Tester30 said:
Smart, eh??? What would be yer title???? HD2 screwed??? LOL
Dude, that my 2nd HD2, also have a Sensation, Viewsonic G-tab.... Need I say more??? All rooted or running custom ROMs...
HD2 Toolkit is the bread and butter, so.... yer a little too late with that advise...
Have a good day....Next time.... Do not want to help...... Just don't waste forum's space.....
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Yes I am smart, smart because I have common sense enough to know how to title a topic, which you obviously lack judging from the actual title of this topic and your recent reply.
Common sense dictates that the title of this topic describes this topic. "Plz help" or "hd2 screwed" does not describe your topic. For example "Issues installing CWM, Help required" or something along those lines actually describes your topic.
This makes it easier for people browsing pages and also keeps the section organized aswell as helps others searching topic titles. What do you think a page would look like if all we had was n00bs posting crap titles like this all the time?
Please say that you now understand, because there is no other way of trying to explain the simple concept.
TheATHEiST said:
Yes I am smart, smart because I have common sense enough to know how to title a topic, which you obviously lack judging from the actual title of this topic and your recent reply.
Common sense dictates that the title of this topic describes this topic. "Plz help" or "hd2 screwed" does not describe your topic. For example "Issues installing CWM, Help required" or something along those lines actually describes your topic.
This makes it easier for people browsing pages and also keeps the section organized aswell as helps others searching topic titles. What do you think a page would look like if all we had was n00bs posting crap titles like this all the time?
Please say that you now understand, because there is no other way of trying to explain the simple concept.
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Though common sense "dictates" that a thread with proper subject naming will yield better results and not piss off the XDA gods... it also dictates that if you want someone to do something, it's better to suggest than bark.
You could have done several things differently:
1 - not replied to the thread, because you were annoyed by the poster's lack of proper subject line
2 - bit your tongue and replied with an answer to the question. (I would not have bitten mine)
3 - SUGGESTED that a better subject line is the way to go.
A little guidance and suggestion goes a long way... and if it's too much for you to do, then it's best to not vent your frustration at the next person to trigger it.
Having said that... OP... a better subject line would have prevented this entire unfortunate discourse.
anseio said:
Though common sense "dictates" that a thread with proper subject naming will yield better results and not piss off the XDA gods... it also dictates that if you want someone to do something, it's better to suggest than bark.
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I dont agree. The only way these people take notice if if you bark and speak bluntly.
This is the reason why a XDA n00b video was created and shown to new members upon registration.
TheATHEiST said:
I dont agree. The only way these people take notice if if you bark and speak bluntly.
This is the reason why a XDA n00b video was created and shown to new members upon registration.
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You weren't blunt. You were rude. There's a difference.
Here's what you wrote:
*sigh* yet another ridiculous title for a topic. This is getting really old now but.. A topic title needs to be descriptive about the topic, please use some common sense ffs. What you do think thsi place would look like if all the n00bs who need help posted titles with "omg plz hlp" or "please help urgent" etc etc etc.
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Now, let's remove your rudeness and condescension:
... A topic title needs to be descriptive about the topic...
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A "blunt" approach:
Please remember forum rules and include a descriptive topic title.
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See? To the point... and even a "please" included. Not a bit of any holier-than-thou-I'm-tired-of-stupid-n00bs attitude.
anseio said:
Though common sense "dictates" that a thread with proper subject naming will yield better results and not piss off the XDA gods... it also dictates that if you want someone to do something, it's better to suggest than bark.
You could have done several things differently:
1 - not replied to the thread, because you were annoyed by the poster's lack of proper subject line
2 - bit your tongue and replied with an answer to the question. (I would not have bitten mine)
3 - SUGGESTED that a better subject line is the way to go.
A little guidance and suggestion goes a long way... and if it's too much for you to do, then it's best to not vent your frustration at the next person to trigger it.
Having said that... OP... a better subject line would have prevented this entire unfortunate discourse.
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I absolutely agree with you, anseio .
If someone makes a mistake, just out of desperation.. Meaning no harm or carrying no bad intentions.. should that person get his head bitten off or just guided to better way to phrase his request??? Just a "common sense" thrown by
TheATHEiST dictates either skip the thread if you don't like the
title... Or please explain what I've done wrong and I would learn from there.
By the way, TheAtheist.... I do mod a great site and NEVER in my experience I bark at the peeps who unintentionally make wrong choices of wording....
That's not the way you lead the people, if you claim to be a big GURU... So it's in yer soul to be mean, Or ya woke up the wrong way..
And PLEASE TheAtheist no more suggestions..... I will figure everything out... Not the first time and hope not the last.... It's all the learning curve....LOL
Tester30 said:
I absolutely agree with you, anseio .
If someone makes a mistake, just out of desperation.. Meaning no harm or carrying no bad intentions.. should that person get his head bitten off or just guided to better way to phrase his request??? Just a "common sense" thrown by
TheATHEiST dictates either skip the thread if you don't like the
title... Or please explain what I've done wrong and I would learn from there.
By the way, TheAtheist.... I do mod a great site and NEVER in my experience I bark at the peeps who unintentionally make wrong choices of wording....
That's not the way you lead the people, if you claim to be a big GURU... So it's in yer soul to be mean, Or ya woke up the wrong way..
And PLEASE TheAtheist no more suggestions..... I will figure everything out... Not the first time and hope not the last.... It's all the learning curve....LOL
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Don't worry about him, he's partially right about the descriptive part but tends not to help people, just shout at them because he is, of course, perfect.
Oh, and about your issue, I don't see what you're doing wrong, try starting over with a Task 29? Maybe try redownloading the files, may have been a bad download?
Nigeldg said:
Don't worry about him, he's partially right about the descriptive part but tends not to help people, just shout at them because he is, of course, perfect.
Oh, and about your issue, I don't see what you're doing wrong, try starting over with a Task 29? Maybe try redownloading the files, may have been a bad download?
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Thank you very much!!! That makes me feel A LOT better. Not all of the people in the world are MEAN!!!! By the way... Fixed my HD2!!!!!
As I tell my folks at the site.... Read..... Read..... And when yer eyes start bleeding.. Read some more!!!!
Just lost some crucial info on partition!!!!
Thank you very much, all people!!!
Tester30 said:
Thank you very much!!! That makes me feel A LOT better. Not all of the people in the world are MEAN!!!! By the way... Fixed my HD2!!!!!
As I tell my folks at the site.... Read..... Read..... And when yer eyes start bleeding.. Read some more!!!!
Just lost some crucial info on partition!!!!
Thank you very much, all people!!!
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As much as I hate to say it, TheAtheist clearly posted in his first post on the thread to check the partitioning
Nigeldg said:
As much as I hate to say it, TheAtheist clearly posted in his first post on the thread to check the partitioning
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You are absolutely correct!!! And I do appreciate your input.....
Listen here... Step in my shoes.. Me been married for 30 years....
When my ol' lady comes with a great solution, but starts yelling(as she usually does...LOL). My first response is: SCREW YOU.....
And I come up with the way to make it my way.... So... He WAS not near the way I've done it. Partition the way he suggested didn't not work.. PERIOD!!!
HD2 Tool had nothing to do with my problem..
Although I do appreciate your reply, CWM not installing is something out off his field of expertise....
Thank you!!!
Please read the Forum Rules before posting. Use search function, use clear and descriptive title, keep discussion about HD2 android, all members are expected to read and adhere to the XDA rules. Thanks in advance. Thread closed.

