Can No Longer Open Pictures or Picture Attachments - HD2 General

I hope you don't mind answering a question for me or pointing me in the right direction. I turned off Sense UI to save battery life and use the Windows Default setting. On my Home screen, the category Pictures appears and if I swipe to the left or right, the thumbnails appear. However, if I tap the picture to open it, I get the following message:
"The file 'IMAG002' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstaling or restoring this file."
This issue came about after trying to move all my photos from the HD2 to a folder on my desktop. I'm not sure if I accidentally moved/deleted an essential file, but it's almost impossible to view photos unless I switch back to Sense UI. I scoured the forums for an hour with no luck, but I would appreciate any assistance you could provide.
If it helps, I'm using the ROM version (22.May.2010 WWE). Thanks!

Well you could try copying all the files to your desktop, then reformat the memory stick.

Taking for granted that you have downloaded 'Omarket' for your handset (an app that lets you download many more apps), search for File Explore Extension (found under Utilities/Plugins).
This will not install with an app icon to your start menu, it simply expands the functions of the existing file explorer. Once installed, if you click and hold the file giving you trouble, one of the options will allow you to assign any of the programs to open the file types of your choice. Obviously the assigned program must first be able to accommodate the file type for this to work.
This is the easiest (and most beneficial) solution I could think of. Hope I helped

Thanks everyone! SirPhunkee advised me that I was missing the "album.cache" file in my DCIM\MEDIA100 folder. I cleared the memory card and started over from scratch. Ultimately this corrected the issue. Thanks again!


OOOPs I need some help please

Somehow I have removed all the shortcuts from my programs folder, i.e. they no longer show up when i press start, all i get is
If I go into programs all i see is the games folder
I can still run the programs from their defualt folders.
Anyone know a quick way to reinstall all these shortcutS or am I going to have to do them all manually ?
Not sure i even know what files types (shortcuts) or where they should be.
I am assuming they should be in /windows/programs as it is nothing there ?
Cheers, Numb
OK sorry for wasting yer time, admins remove or delete as you feel fit.
For the record though, not that anyone is likely to ever do this but....
This is how I believe I caused the problem
It started when I was trying to load an irc app on my phone.
I needed to put the app in /windows/startmenu and run from there
I copied across from my desktop
Using resco explorer I went into /windows/startmenu but it wasn't there.
So foolishly i started playing around and somehow in properties decided to untick/tick the hidden box for attributes
The result was that all files in /start menu/program folder were hidden
So by changing it back (somehow!!) through the properties, attributes, it's now all back.
So if your still reading this (fools) sorry, user error on a big scale.
Cheers, Numb

Can't 'save image as..'

Recently ive been having a few issues on the internet side of my HD2 on Vodafone. First is hotmail has stopped syncing, but now it seems I cannot 'save image as' in both opera and ie. Ive tried to save to both memory card and internal storage, but when I go to find the .png or .jpg its not there..
Really frustrating issues.
Helllllllp please
Edit: When re-saving the file to the same location I get the message that it already exists... but I definitely cant see it in file explorer
No one honestly has a solution or known cause? Tried another file explorer with no luck. Plugging into pc via disk drive and checking also comes up null. Although the images can be seen in touchflo 3d. Dead strange.
Ive recently noticed the same problem with opera. I just cant get save image as to work. Very annoying!
if the image shows up in the album, then it must be there somewhere. use a file explorer like resco to search the whole device for the file, and when it finds it see if the location bears any relation to where you expected it to be.
Thank you. Seemed to be saving it to the My documents folder, no matter where I asked it to save.. I can handle that.
Do people honestly pay $30 for Resco file manager?
Ok, i miust be doing somethign wrong. Any pictures i try to save from opera dont appear in albums or on my device anywhere (even after searching!). Has anyone else noticed this?

Device Memory Running Low

Get this error the other day, and again last night! Says that I was running low on Memory, and wouldn't let me load the YouTube app! Then Last night as I was using Opera, it gave the same error....
So, did some searching throught the File Explorer, and noticed the YouTube folder was rammed with tiny JPEG images....
I plugged the device up to the laptop, and thouht it'd be easier to deleted files this way as you can highlight and then hit delete!
However, it wouldn't show the "Windows" folders. Even when I changed the properties to show all hidden files and folders....
So, a couple of questions....
How do I access the Windows folder on my HTC via my Laptop? How do I stop YouTube, Opera etc storing all these files and clogging up the memory?
Why don't u try Resco Explorer.
Menu--Edit--Multiselection Mode. It will go to the multi selection mode. Then,
Menu--Select All. Then, You just Uncheck those that is not JPEG Files. Delete.
Well, That's one of the ways....
you can access the windows folder on your device by selecting "active Sync" when you connect the phone to your PC.. then just use windows Explorer from your PC..
need to un tick "hide system files" as well as show hidden.
Lann_78 said:
Why don't u try Resco Explorer.
Menu--Edit--Multiselection Mode. It will go to the multi selection mode. Then,
Menu--Select All. Then, You just Uncheck those that is not JPEG Files. Delete.
Well, That's one of the ways....
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in resco if you drag your finger down the icons on thee left it selects multiple need for multi selection mode.
samsamuel said:
in resco if you drag your finger down the icons on thee left it selects multiple need for multi selection mode.
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Oh! I didn't realise that.. thanks
Lann_78 said:
Oh! I didn't realise that.. thanks
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hehe me neither till recently in a similar thread.makes a world of difference!
I myself found out when trying to scroll with the left hand
do you have to download resco or something?
Hi again guys..... Noticed again last night that the device memory is running low....
I managed to connect to the laptop, and show all hidden files and folders... I deleted all Opera Temp files etc, and YouTube files and that only gave me about 30Mb back. Noticed I have several hundred manilla files within the windows folder.... IIRC, they are a combination of numbers follwed by _manilla (ie, 123456_manilla). Not sure on the file type. I highlighted all these and they only came to a few Mb......
Not sure where all the files are being stored, and what is "clogging up" my memory? Maybe browsing on Opera, is causing it. But AFAIK, I deleted all possible temp files etc.....
All I do on the phone is ring and text (obviously), check emails, and browse on Opera. Now and then I may use YouTube, and very rarely use the Facebook app....
Not sure what files I am ok to delete. I don't want to deleting something, and cause a problem later on!
Any suggestions on what to check?
well here are the basic windows folders that you can clear out.
Windows/app data/volatile
Windows/temp internet files
also these folders may be repeated in the windows/profiles/guest folder.
temp folder in root
all those manila files, that actually "is" manila.they're the various scripts codes and layout files.
samsamuel said:
well here are the basic windows folders that you can clear out.
Windows/app data/volatile
Windows/temp internet files
also these folders may be repeated in the windows/profiles/guest folder.
temp folder in root
all those manila files, that actually "is" manila.they're the various scripts codes and layout files.
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Windows/app data/volatile --- Empty
Windows/cookies --- No Folder
windows/history --- Empty
Windows/temp internet files --- Empty
windows/temp. --- Empty
found a guest folder, not much in there.... also have to delete one file at a time. If I try to delete multiple files it says I don't have permission (or summat like that)... But if i do one file at a time, then the folder, it lets me...........
still stuck, and only have about 12.4Mb on Device Memory left!
also just deleted the cache folder within the Opera folder.... That free-ed up all of 5Mb!!!!!!!
then all I can suggest is running searches for files larger than..... well, start at 500k and see what turns up.
make sure whatever file manager you use is showing everything.

[Q] HELP: Photo Browser 3d FC on start after 3.1 update

After updating my tablet to 3.1 OTA, the program Photo Browser 3D does not work anymore. Immediately after update or a factory restore, the program will work fine, but after adding all my photos to the tablet, the program will force close at EVERY start. Basically, it doesnt work at all now.
I have tried factory resetting 5 times now and the same problem happens every time!
Someone on a different forum recommended clearing the cache too, but the option is greyed out under Applications and it says that the cache is 0kb.
Can anyone help me with this issue? I was thinking that something was wrong with the apk, but I cant tell. I was thinking that I either need to reinstall the program using a new apk or that I need to flash the tablet with a fresh copy of 3.1. The firstoption would be easiest, but I cant find a copy of the apk. The second option I am scared to do. I dont know how to do it and I dont know which versions to get (I want to be sure I get one that works in the USA and that it isnt hacked, tweaked, or just a 3.0 version madeto look like 3.1).
If anyone can help me, I would really appreciate it.
Acer Iconia A500 (rooted, but I didnt tamper with system files or apks)
Photo Browser 3D
Android 3.1 build 4.010.08_COM_GEN2
Android 3.1 kernel
After posting my last message here, my tablet told me I had an update available. UBFORTUNATELY, the stupid problem still exists. The only reason I am typing this folowup message is because the Android build changed.
NEW build: 4.010.10_COM_GEN2
NEW kernel:
Same Problem
I have the same problem with 3D Photo Browser.
I use Virtuous_Picasso_v.1.1.0.
Hey spexwood,
here you can give a try.
I tried the Photo Browser 3d above and I still have the same problem. Any got it to work?
I'm running the stock 3.1 and have no problem using it?
I got the app from the market if that helps.
3Dbrowser force close fixed.
Hi all,
I also had the force close problem with 3Dbrowser.apk. Clearing cache for the app did not work. Reinstalling the app by clicking the icon in the system app folder did not work.
Initially I froze the app, but then I tried the following and it worked:
1) download the full OTA package of the ROM version you're running
2) extract 3Dbrowser.apk
3) using root explorer, rename the original 3Dbrowser.apk in the system app folder to 3Dbrowser.bak or move it to the SD card.
4) copy paste the new apk into that folder.
5) change permissions to match the original permissions
6) reboot.
The original apk was 1,92Mb, the one I replaced was 1,93Mb.
I have about 5 folders with pictures (DCIM, Documents, Downloads, ...) they all work and the app is actually quite nice to show off the Iconia's capabilities.
Hope this helps.
After a LOT of experimenting and having thisprogram switch between working wonderfully and force closing upon launch, I have come to the conclusion that it is the pictures themselves!
So, the first thing you need to do is to check that none of your pictures (and/or movies) are not corrupted. I found that the best way to do this is to open the Gallery app and browse through all your files. Youcan use the view in which multiple files are displayed as thumbnails (as opposed to a single full sized picture view). If a file is corrupted, then it will not generate a thumbnail for it. Instead, the thumbnail will remain black and when you tap on it, a full size image will not appear. Instead, a message about the image not being able to be shown will be there.
If you find something corrupted, then delete it via the Gallery and try the 3d Browser again.
The second thing I noticed as of 5 minutes ago:
After a long time of no problems, the 3d Browser decided to stop working today, so I did what I just explained about searching for corrupted images... to my surprise, all of myimages were fine.
I once again opened the Gallery app and noticed something odd, but the only way I can explain it is through an example:
So, lets say you only have 3 folders of images: A, B, and DCIM. In Gallery, you will see these folders listed in a 3D-like affect. They will appear with the folder name under the thumbnail(s) followed by the number of pictures in parenthesis (such as "A (10)").
Of all the folder thumbnails, you will see one that contains no name, but only a number within parenthesis. When I entered this album, I noticed some odd stuff. First, it contained a mix of black-only thumbnails (corrupted files) and images I recognized from my collection. Second, if you look at the details of ANY of the files in this gallery, they have no location, no height, and no width. Hesitantly, I decided to delete everything from this gallery (held my finger over the folder in Gallery and once it highlighted green, I tapped the trashcan icon). It didn't affect any of my pictures and the 3d Browser began working immediately!
I guess this collection was some sort of thumbnail collection or something. For whatever reason, it just accumulates waste over time and if an image no longer exists on the tablet, then the thumbnail appears as a corrupted file, which freaks the 3d Browser out.
I'm sorry if all that was a lot to read and absorb, but I think that doing one of these two things is the solution to this annoying issue.
(Post here if you have questions about anything I just said)
This is in regard to Photo Browser 3D FC and the solution(s)
same thread as above but as a whole thread instead of a single on further...etc
UnicornKaz said:
This is in regard to Photo Browser 3D FC and the solution(s)
same thread as above but as a whole thread instead of a single on further...etc
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Hmm... that's basically what I did isnt it?
OK, so someone found a solution then. Awesome!
Too bad I didnt know before wasting months trying to figure this issue out =_=
I thought it was the apk, but after replacing it from several sources, it fixed nothing. Then, I installed a custom rom, which also didnt fix it. It wasnt until last night that I FINALLY got it working right.
Oh well. Problem solved XD

No browser in rooted Nook

Hello, I've rooted my Nook Simple Touch using NookManager. It seems to be fine except that I have no browser, so cannot get on line. (I can't even access the Nook store because Barnes & Noble have dumped UK users like me.) I want to install NTGAppsAttack but since I can't go on line I presume that Google Market won't load unless NTGAppsAttack fixes the problem.
I'd be very grateful for help with this. Best regards, Caromcm
caromcm said:
Hello, I've rooted my Nook Simple Touch using NookManager. It seems to be fine except that I have no browser, so cannot get on line. (I can't even access the Nook store because Barnes & Noble have dumped UK users like me.) I want to install NTGAppsAttack but since I can't go on line I presume that Google Market won't load unless NTGAppsAttack fixes the problem.
I'd be very grateful for help with this. Best regards, Caromcm
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Searching these forums will yield several suggestions for multiple browsers that "work" (note quotes) on the Nook. If you download the apk for one of these, you should be able to install it with adb.
David0226 said:
Searching these forums will yield several suggestions for multiple browsers that "work" (note quotes) on the Nook. If you download the apk for one of these, you should be able to install it with adb.
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p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%; } Thanks for the advice, David. I've downloaded Opera Mobile onto my PC, to transfer onto the Nook (tho' not sure where). But on going back to the Nook I did manage to get into a browser. It may be the original Nook browser as there's a lot of Nook stuff in the history and the keyboard has no full stop - so it's impossible to type in any website address. A different keyboard, with full stop, appeared first (and I got into Ebay as an experiment) but I can't get back to this keyboard. I got onto Google, but couldn't sign in because I couldn't type the '.com'. There are all sorts of symbols, but no stop!
I think there must be some sort of conflict here which needs to be sorted out first. I'd be very grateful for a steer as I'm a complete novice in the Android world. I have a Android smartphone but only downloaded a couple of Google apps when I first got it and then just poked around and got things to work. - Caromcm
caromcm said:
p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%; } Thanks for the advice, David. I've downloaded Opera Mobile onto my PC, to transfer onto the Nook (tho' not sure where). But on going back to the Nook I did manage to get into a browser. It may be the original Nook browser as there's a lot of Nook stuff in the history and the keyboard has no full stop - so it's impossible to type in any website address. A different keyboard, with full stop, appeared first (and I got into Ebay as an experiment) but I can't get back to this keyboard. I got onto Google, but couldn't sign in because I couldn't type the '.com'. There are all sorts of symbols, but no stop!
I think there must be some sort of conflict here which needs to be sorted out first. I'd be very grateful for a steer as I'm a complete novice in the Android world. I have a Android smartphone but only downloaded a couple of Google apps when I first got it and then just poked around and got things to work. - Caromcm
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First, you can uninstall the old B&N browser. Locate the app in the system/app folder (you may need to set ReLaunch to see root folders). Or, you can just ignore it.
To sideload apps using ReLaunch (or a file manager app), drag the apk file via USB into a folder you have created on your SD card that you're using for storage. Then after disconnecting the USB, navigate to the folder from the file manager section of ReLaunch. Touch the apk and you should get a dialog that includes "install". I'm not too familiar with ReLaunch, but I believe you can uninstall by touching and holding on an apk file.
If you want GApps, of course, you need to run the package install you mentioned. Just a warning: a number of people have been having trouble with the sign-in process lately. Maybe they've been a little confused or maybe (more likely) Google is not too fond of dealing with these old devices. There is an older method for sign-in (and eventual Market access) that apparently does still work, but you can try what's described in the GAppsAttack posting and then if that doesn't work, try the older method [the method itself is a little ways down in the post I linked]
Also, based on my observations, you can no longer successfully select an app on your PC and expect to see it show up on your "phone" (which is how Google sees the NST). That used to work, but doesn't seem to any longer. So you really need to get Market working on the NST if that's how you intend to get apps. Otherwise, sideload.
nmyshkin said:
First, you can uninstall the old B&N browser. Locate the app in the system/app folder (you may need to set ReLaunch to see root folders). Or, you can just ignore it.
To sideload apps using ReLaunch (or a file manager app), drag the apk file via USB into a folder you have created on your SD card that you're using for storage. Then after disconnecting the USB, navigate to the folder from the file manager section of ReLaunch. Touch the apk and you should get a dialog that includes "install". I'm not too familiar with ReLaunch, but I believe you can uninstall by touching and holding on an apk file.
If you want GApps, of course, you need to run the package install you mentioned. Just a warning: a number of people have been having trouble with the sign-in process lately. Maybe they've been a little confused or maybe (more likely) Google is not too fond of dealing with these old devices. There is an older method for sign-in (and eventual Market access) that apparently does still work, but you can try what's described in the GAppsAttack posting and then if that doesn't work, try the older method [the method itself is a little ways down in the post I linked]
Also, based on my observations, you can no longer successfully select an app on your PC and expect to see it show up on your "phone" (which is how Google sees the NST). That used to work, but doesn't seem to any longer. So you really need to get Market working on the NST if that's how you intend to get apps. Otherwise, sideload.
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p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%; } Thank you for this very helpful reply, Nmyshkin. With regard to GoogleApps, all I want is a way to download DRM books without tangling with ADE, which will not run on my Linux laptop. Google Market seems to be the answer. Last night I succeeded in getting into Google and registering with my gmail address, so this may help?
This morning in System/App I found HTMLViewer.apk and Browser.apk, hence the conflict and the 2 input screens. On the All Applications screen the browser is just called 'Browser', so perhaps this is the obstructive B&N one?
I did not find ReLaunch in System/App so I expect that I need to load it, or another file manager app. I did find some other apps which might be relevant: GoogleSearch.apk, GlobalSearch.apk, AffileDownloadService.apk, DownloadAdmin.apk, ApplicationProvider.apk, Packageinstaller.apk.orig. Is that last one disabled​?
I cannot get into Root, and I'm not a Superuser, so these problems presumably need to be tackled.
I tried clicking on Amazon Appstore to see what I could download, but I got the message that it could not download 'because of a network connectivity error'.
My Nook now seems to have become unstable - when I close it I always find a different screen when I open it again, except when I close it on a book page.
I'd be very grateful for any suggestions. Meanwhile I'll look into downloading ReLaunch, or similar, onto my laptop. Best regards, Caromcm
p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%; }
caromcm said:
Thank you for this very helpful reply, Nmyshkin. With regard to GoogleApps, all I want is a way to download DRM books without tangling with ADE, which will not run on my Linux laptop. Google Market seems to be the answer. Last night I succeeded in getting into Google and registering with my gmail address, so this may help?
This morning in System/App I found HTMLViewer.apk and Browser.apk, hence the conflict and the 2 input screens. On the All Applications screen the browser is just called 'Browser', so perhaps this is the obstructive B&N one?
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You want to get rid of Browser.apk, but there should not be a conflict with HTMLViewer.apk.
I did not find ReLaunch in System/App so I expect that I need to load it, or another file manager app. I did find some other apps which might be relevant: GoogleSearch.apk, GlobalSearch.apk, AffileDownloadService.apk, DownloadAdmin.apk, ApplicationProvider.apk, Packageinstaller.apk.orig. Is that last one disabled​?
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Wait, did you say you rooted with NookManager? That should install ReLaunch by default so if you hit the "Home" quicknav "button" you should get a dialog for whether you want the B&N Home or ReLaunch. Or, install some other launcher if you have a preference and you'll get the dialog to select it. The problem with no launcher is that even installing a file manager won't do you any good because you will have no way to access the app without a launcher! That's why ReLaunch is included with NookManager.
I cannot get into Root, and I'm not a Superuser, so these problems presumably need to be tackled.
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OK, now we have an issue. Both should be taken care of with NookManager. It installs a copy of SU as well as enables side-loading. How are you looking at the files in system/app if you don't have root access??
So it sounds like the real problem is that you have not yet figured out how to launch ReLaunch (it's maybe not a system app? did you look in data/app?) so none of the rest of it is going to work for you.
I tried clicking on Amazon Appstore to see what I could download, but I got the message that it could not download 'because of a network connectivity error'.
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Aha! So you have found the app drawer!!!!! That is part of ReLaunch Whew..... Alas, the Amazon App Store is dead on the NST and should be uninstalled. It always caused instability on my NST (see your remark below). So now your task to to figure out how to find the file or folder manager in ReLaunch. There I cannot help you. I know it's there because I've seen screen images. Try the menu button when on the app drawer. Perhaps something will show up. There has to be a way to navigate to the folder screen and to access settings so you can enable viewing of the root folders as well.
My Nook now seems to have become unstable - when I close it I always find a different screen when I open it again, except when I close it on a book page.
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That should not happen, obviously. Since you haven't gone very far at this point you might just want to use NookManager to do a factory reset and try the whole process over again.
nmyshkin said:
You want to get rid of Browser.apk, but there should not be a conflict with HTMLViewer.apk.
Wait, did you say you rooted with NookManager? That should install ReLaunch by default so if you hit the "Home" quicknav "button" you should get a dialog for whether you want the B&N Home or ReLaunch. Or, install some other launcher if you have a preference and you'll get the dialog to select it. The problem with no launcher is that even installing a file manager won't do you any good because you will have no way to access the app without a launcher! That's why ReLaunch is included with NookManager.
OK, now we have an issue. Both should be taken care of with NookManager. It installs a copy of SU as well as enables side-loading. How are you looking at the files in system/app if you don't have root access??
So it sounds like the real problem is that you have not yet figured out how to launch ReLaunch (it's maybe not a system app? did you look in data/app?) so none of the rest of it is going to work for you.
Aha! So you have found the app drawer!!!!! That is part of ReLaunch Whew..... Alas, the Amazon App Store is dead on the NST and should be uninstalled. It always caused instability on my NST (see your remark below). So now your task to to figure out how to find the file or folder manager in ReLaunch. There I cannot help you. I know it's there because I've seen screen images. Try the menu button when on the app drawer. Perhaps something will show up. There has to be a way to navigate to the folder screen and to access settings so you can enable viewing of the root folders as well.
That should not happen, obviously. Since you haven't gone very far at this point you might just want to use NookManager to do a factory reset and try the whole process over again.
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p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%; } Many thanks, again. I really don't have ReLaunch, I have Launcher (Launcher.apk in System/App). I've been using the Launcher file menu system. I've also been using the app drawer - didn't know that's what it's called. I've now deleted the Amazon App Store.
I've also deleted browser.apk and discovered that the input screen which actually had a full stop in fact belonged to that. HTMLViewer is just that, not a browser - should have realised. I need to get a browser installer into the right place. Should I drag the Opera Mobile installer from my laptop into the Root folder which is one of 14 folders at the top file level? I can open this, but it appears to be empty, which I interpreted as inaccessible except to superuser. Or should I put the installer into the top file level along with various init files?
When I click Superuser in the app drawer the screen just re-writes. No message.
How would I do a factory reset? Also, I have Calibre on this Nook and my laptop. Is it possible that Calibre has upset the applecart?
caromcm said:
p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%; } Many thanks, again. I really don't have ReLaunch, I have Launcher (Launcher.apk in System/App). I've been using the Launcher file menu system. I've also been using the app drawer - didn't know that's what it's called. I've now deleted the Amazon App Store.
I've also deleted browser.apk and discovered that the input screen which actually had a full stop in fact belonged to that. HTMLViewer is just that, not a browser - should have realised. I need to get a browser installer into the right place. Should I drag the Opera Mobile installer from my laptop into the Root folder which is one of 14 folders at the top file level? I can open this, but it appears to be empty, which I interpreted as inaccessible except to superuser. Or should I put the installer into the top file level along with various init files?
When I click Superuser in the app drawer the screen just re-writes. No message.
How would I do a factory reset? Also, I have Calibre on this Nook and my laptop. Is it possible that Calibre has upset the applecart?
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Click to collapse's like we're not even talking about the same device. If you do not have Relaunch how can you have an app drawer? How can you see any folders except for B&N user folders? When I connect my NST via USB to my PC all I can see in the "Nook" directory is what B&N intended for me to see, despite the fact that the device is rooted. That's the way the USB interface is designed to work. How are you even running Launcher.apk? That old, primitive launcher that B&N left on there is useless.
So here's what is says in the original NookManager post:
Technical stuff:
The actual rooting function is minimal and as non-invasive as possible:
uRamdisk is patched to enable ADB
the internal database setting is changed to allow installation of non-market apps
the DroidSansFallback font is replaced with the updated font from jellybean to add support for extended characters
the su/Superuser binary/package is installed
Relaunch is installed
ADB Konnect is installed for enabling/disabling ADB over wireless
on systems running firmware 1.2+, the ModManager jars and package are installed
on 1.2+ systems, the PackageInstaller.apk from the 1.1.2 firmware is installed to resolve issues with package installers
and, finally, the Amazon appstore is installed just to have some easy way of downloading new apps. You can uninstall it using ReLaunch if you don't use it.
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Relaunch, as little as I know about it, has a few screens. One of them is a folder browser, like a file manager. It can see the SD card if you have one inserted, as well as the actual Nook "hard drive"--but not at the root level unless you have enabled that in the settings for Relaunch.
System apps can be installed as you have described: just drag the apk file into the system/app folder and reboot. But you can't install other apps that way. The apk file needs to be processed via the package installer (or through ADB....another story). Hence the need for a folder browser of some sort such as is part of Relaunch.
I repeat, if you have an app drawer, that is, a screen with a bunch of icons on it that represent and will start apps when you touch them, then you have Relaunch. If so, then you need to find the other screen with the folders, because that's how you are going to install, for example, Opera Mobile, by placing the apk file in some folder or another (create one called "Downloads" or something) and then touching on the apk file to bring up the installer. Again, while looking at the app drawer try the "menu" button--that's the little soft "button" at the top of the screen next to the "back" button.
If you are convinced that there is no Relaunch (I still don't understand how you can see any folders?!), then you MUST do a factory reset and try the process again because anything else is just piling problems on top of problems.
I'm not going to ask how you got Calibre onto your NST because you should not have been able to do so with all the issues you are having.
The presence or absence of Browser.apk has nothing to do with the system default keyboard, which certainly contains a period.
To do a factory reset: turn off the Nook and insert the NookManager card you made. Turn the Nook back on and wait for NookManager to load up. Factory reset is either an option on the first screen (after the dialog about Wi-Fi) or is found under "Rescue".
Before you try again, check your software version number (or just look at what NookManager says at the top of the screen when it is loaded. You should have 1.2.1
nmyshkin said:'s like we're not even talking about the same device. If you do not have Relaunch how can you have an app drawer? How can you see any folders except for B&N user folders? When I connect my NST via USB to my PC all I can see in the "Nook" directory is what B&N intended for me to see, despite the fact that the device is rooted. That's the way the USB interface is designed to work. How are you even running Launcher.apk? That old, primitive launcher that B&N left on there is useless.
So here's what is says in the original NookManager post:
Relaunch, as little as I know about it, has a few screens. One of them is a folder browser, like a file manager. It can see the SD card if you have one inserted, as well as the actual Nook "hard drive"--but not at the root level unless you have enabled that in the settings for Relaunch.
System apps can be installed as you have described: just drag the apk file into the system/app folder and reboot. But you can't install other apps that way. The apk file needs to be processed via the package installer (or through ADB....another story). Hence the need for a folder browser of some sort such as is part of Relaunch.
I repeat, if you have an app drawer, that is, a screen with a bunch of icons on it that represent and will start apps when you touch them, then you have Relaunch. If so, then you need to find the other screen with the folders, because that's how you are going to install, for example, Opera Mobile, by placing the apk file in some folder or another (create one called "Downloads" or something) and then touching on the apk file to bring up the installer. Again, while looking at the app drawer try the "menu" button--that's the little soft "button" at the top of the screen next to the "back" button.
If you are convinced that there is no Relaunch (I still don't understand how you can see any folders?!), then you MUST do a factory reset and try the process again because anything else is just piling problems on top of problems.
I'm not going to ask how you got Calibre onto your NST because you should not have been able to do so with all the issues you are having.
The presence or absence of Browser.apk has nothing to do with the system default keyboard, which certainly contains a period.
To do a factory reset: turn off the Nook and insert the NookManager card you made. Turn the Nook back on and wait for NookManager to load up. Factory reset is either an option on the first screen (after the dialog about Wi-Fi) or is found under "Rescue".
Before you try again, check your software version number (or just look at what NookManager says at the top of the screen when it is loaded. You should have 1.2.1
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Many thank for the valuable info. Yes, I do seem to have tripped into a parallel universe. Perhaps I now have a quantum Nook - complete with wormholes in the operating system!
The menu button in the app drawer doesn’t work. I get to the folder browser via the library button: this opens the SD card (I think I set it to do this) and I go up through the folder levels. I'm not exploring the file system via USB/laptop, I'm doing it direct on the Nook. I should be able to transfer the Opera Mobile apk file to the Nook SD card and thence to an appropriate folder on the Nook itself. It might be better to do a factory reset - but wouldn't I have to re-register? I don't think that would be possible now that B&N no longer support the Nook in the UK. My Nook is v1.2. I was using Calibre before I rooted.
Re ReLaunch - I've now set the right-hand physical buttons to go to the menu. This works as expected now, but originally I was in file manager mode and every time I tried out my change the word 'ReLaunch' popped up - first time I've seen it on the Nook. It wasn't a menu, just 'Relaunch' and two buttons, Information and OK. 'Information' just gave me a version number - v.1.38 - and OK just took me back to the previous screen. With hindsight I think Relaunch was asking me to OK the change. NB Now I've gone back to read mode the Nook seems to have stabilized.
When I deleted the Amazon Appstore and the browser, I just did a long press (I think) and got a menu including Delete. I didn't use ReLaunch because I couldn't access it. Can it only be accessed via System/Apps? I don't seem to have a facility to do a search through the file system.
caromcm said:
The menu button in the app drawer doesn’t work. I get to the folder browser via the library button: this opens the SD card (I think I set it to do this) and I go up through the folder levels. I'm not exploring the file system via USB/laptop, I'm doing it direct on the Nook. I should be able to transfer the Opera Mobile apk file to the Nook SD card and thence to an appropriate folder on the Nook itself. It might be better to do a factory reset - but wouldn't I have to re-register? I don't think that would be possible now that B&N no longer support the Nook in the UK. My Nook is v1.2. I was using Calibre before I rooted.
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I'm not going to ask how you got a Calibre app onto your Nook before rooting. Yes, you can copy the Opera Mobile apk file to the SD card and then use any sort of file manager/explorer to install it. If you want an ordinary file manager (since you have a sort of app drawer you should be able to launch it), I recommend an old version of ES File Explorer. It is among the apps I have bundled together that are hard to find which I have found useful on my NST. You can download the package here. In the settings for the app you can enable access to root folders.
Re ReLaunch - I've now set the right-hand physical buttons to go to the menu. This works as expected now, but originally I was in file manager mode and every time I tried out my change the word 'ReLaunch' popped up - first time I've seen it on the Nook. It wasn't a menu, just 'Relaunch' and two buttons, Information and OK. 'Information' just gave me a version number - v.1.38 - and OK just took me back to the previous screen. With hindsight I think Relaunch was asking me to OK the change. NB Now I've gone back to read mode the Nook seems to have stabilized.
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It sounds like you really need a good launcher. The hidden one that's on the NST is pretty crippled. Many people like Relaunch because basically they use their Nooks to read and do little else. Relaunch was designed for that. If that sounds like you, one option to get a functioning/updated copy is to install Opera Mobile and use it to download/install Relaunch. Here's a link. Or you can download on a PC and transfer to the Nook to install.
When you install any new launcher you will get a dialog when you touch the "Home" quicknav "button" asking what you want to do. It's possible that in the past you had that for Relaunch and answered something different with the "always do this" checked and then it's nearly impossible to find the launcher again--unless you install a new one. I personally prefer a more traditional tablet approach and use ADW Launcher, but there are many other options. Almost anything has got to be better than what was hidden on the NST when B&N shipped it out (of course they never expected anyone would access it). I do not think launchers, in general, are system apps. My ADW is in data/app along with most installed apps. BUT, launchers do not typically appear in the app drawer (why would they?) so there is no way to start one except at the initial dialog when you try to access "Home" after installing a new launcher (or each time you access "Home" if you do not tick the "always do this").
I can understand now why you do not want to do a factory reset, seeing as how you are in the UK. It has been reported that running the NST without registering results in abnormal battery drain. I don't know whether that is correct, and there might be more than one way to set it up without registering, but it's a risk. That being the case, I can't stress enough how important it is to make backups frequently as you try to sort things out. Making a backup with NookManager is easy, but only one backup can exist on the SD card at a time. You can transfer backups to your PC when NookManager is running. So, for example, if you plug the USB cable in before you exit NookManager, you will actually be able to see the otherwise hidden backup folder and can copy the files to your PC. I usually make a folder with the date and include a small text file that describes what has been done since the previous backup. Keeping two or three backups on your PC can be a lifesaver if something that you try goes really wrong.
nmyshkin said:
I'm not going to ask how you got a Calibre app onto your Nook before rooting. Yes, you can copy the Opera Mobile apk file to the SD card and then use any sort of file manager/explorer to install it. If you want an ordinary file manager (since you have a sort of app drawer you should be able to launch it), I recommend an old version of ES File Explorer. It is among the apps I have bundled together that are hard to find which I have found useful on my NST. You can download the package here. In the settings for the app you can enable access to root folders.
It sounds like you really need a good launcher. The hidden one that's on the NST is pretty crippled. Many people like Relaunch because basically they use their Nooks to read and do little else. Relaunch was designed for that. If that sounds like you, one option to get a functioning/updated copy is to install Opera Mobile and use it to download/install Relaunch. Here's a link. Or you can download on a PC and transfer to the Nook to install.
When you install any new launcher you will get a dialog when you touch the "Home" quicknav "button" asking what you want to do. It's possible that in the past you had that for Relaunch and answered something different with the "always do this" checked and then it's nearly impossible to find the launcher again--unless you install a new one. I personally prefer a more traditional tablet approach and use ADW Launcher, but there are many other options. Almost anything has got to be better than what was hidden on the NST when B&N shipped it out (of course they never expected anyone would access it). I do not think launchers, in general, are system apps. My ADW is in data/app along with most installed apps. BUT, launchers do not typically appear in the app drawer (why would they?) so there is no way to start one except at the initial dialog when you try to access "Home" after installing a new launcher (or each time you access "Home" if you do not tick the "always do this").
I can understand now why you do not want to do a factory reset, seeing as how you are in the UK. It has been reported that running the NST without registering results in abnormal battery drain. I don't know whether that is correct, and there might be more than one way to set it up without registering, but it's a risk. That being the case, I can't stress enough how important it is to make backups frequently as you try to sort things out. Making a backup with NookManager is easy, but only one backup can exist on the SD card at a time. You can transfer backups to your PC when NookManager is running. So, for example, if you plug the USB cable in before you exit NookManager, you will actually be able to see the otherwise hidden backup folder and can copy the files to your PC. I usually make a folder with the date and include a small text file that describes what has been done since the previous backup. Keeping two or three backups on your PC can be a lifesaver if something that you try goes really wrong.
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I think I've misled you about Calibre. I meant that I run Calibre on the laptop and had noticed a couple of Calibre files in the Nook filing system. I've just checked and found the're on the SD card.
Progress in understanding here, but no practical progress.
I put the Opera Mobile apk file on the Nook SD, but then found it couldn't be moved/copied onto the Nook itself. Do you think I could install direct from the SD - B&N seem to have set up a barrier. I also emailed various links to the gmail address I put onto the Nook, but the emails refuse to open. I think the Google stuff needs updating.
I re-enabled the B&N browser, but it keeps warning me that site certificates are out of date, even when I use addresses which work on my laptop. Occasionally something works.
Amongst t[/QUOTE]he galaxy of menus I found an option to 'Show all apps including this one'. I clicked and ReLaunch appeared in my apps drawer!
nmyshkin said:
When you install any new launcher you will get a dialog when you touch the "Home" quicknav "button" asking what you want to do. It's possible that in the past you had that for Relaunch and answered something different with the "always do this" checked and then it's nearly impossible to find the launcher again--unless you install a new one.
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Yes, that's what I did - it was supposed to be reversible, but the trick didn't work.
I think I'll make another backup and try NTGAppsAttack. Might free up the email. Then I'll have a think about launchers.
Many thanks for all the useful suggestions. Will let you know how things go, but not tomorrow as I have other things I have to do.
caromcm said:
I think I've misled you about Calibre. I meant that I run Calibre on the laptop and had noticed a couple of Calibre files in the Nook filing system. I've just checked and found the're on the SD card.
Progress in understanding here, but no practical progress.
I put the Opera Mobile apk file on the Nook SD, but then found it couldn't be moved/copied onto the Nook itself. Do you think I could install direct from the SD - B&N seem to have set up a barrier. I also emailed various links to the gmail address I put onto the Nook, but the emails refuse to open. I think the Google stuff needs updating.
I re-enabled the B&N browser, but it keeps warning me that site certificates are out of date, even when I use addresses which work on my laptop. Occasionally something works.
Amongst the galaxy of menus I found an option to 'Show all apps including this one'. I clicked and ReLaunch appeared in my apps drawer!
Yes, that's what I did - it was supposed to be reversible, but the trick didn't work.
I think I'll make another backup and try NTGAppsAttack. Might free up the email. Then I'll have a think about launchers.
Many thanks for all the useful suggestions. Will let you know how things go, but not tomorrow as I have other things I have to do.
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Yes, Calibre stores little files on the SD card if you use it to move over books. I might add that simply dragging over the epub files seems to result in a smaller chunk of memory storage. Perhaps those Calibre files don't get updated (and larger) when you do that. At least that was my experience. And the NST can't use the Calibre information, in any case.
I install all my side-loaded apps from a folder I have on my SD card called "Downloads", so yes you can install an app from SD card--or should be able to do so.
If there was already a resident Gmail app in system/app it is probably useless. Even the one in GAppsAttack only functions for awhile and then you have to reinstall it to get it going again (and again....). Apparently a known issue but "fixed" versions do not run on the NST. You can try the small and simple e-mail app that is linked from here. That's what I use. It works simply and reliably with imap e-mail and functions just like you would expect Gmail to.
The problem with certificates has recently been addressed and is not a problem of the old (albeit largely useless) browser, but of the device itself and it can limit its access to, for example, Kindle books as well as various websites. When you get to the point where you want to deal with it, read the thread here (and the next few entries for some simplification).
nmyshkin said:
Yes, Calibre stores little files on the SD card if you use it to move over books. I might add that simply dragging over the epub files seems to result in a smaller chunk of memory storage. Perhaps those Calibre files don't get updated (and larger) when you do that. At least that was my experience. And the NST can't use the Calibre information, in any case.
I install all my side-loaded apps from a folder I have on my SD card called "Downloads", so yes you can install an app from SD card--or should be able to do so.
If there was already a resident Gmail app in system/app it is probably useless. Even the one in GAppsAttack only functions for awhile and then you have to reinstall it to get it going again (and again....). Apparently a known issue but "fixed" versions do not run on the NST. You can try the small and simple e-mail app that is linked from here. That's what I use. It works simply and reliably with imap e-mail and functions just like you would expect Gmail to.
The problem with certificates has recently been addressed and is not a problem of the old (albeit largely useless) browser, but of the device itself and it can limit its access to, for example, Kindle books as well as various websites. When you get to the point where you want to deal with it, read the thread here (and the next few entries for some simplification).
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Great! You're a mine of useful info - and, belatedly, I've just found the Thanks Button. I've also loaded Opera Mobile, which is working fine. In the process the email has been fixed too. I've copied all your links onto my Nook for future investigation. When I have time (next week) I'll run NGAppsAttack (making a backup first) and then I should be able to download books.
For clarification, it was Loader, not ReLoad which offered me the load options and an "Always do this" tick box after rooting. The action of the tick box was supposed to be reversible, but that trick didn't work. I still don't know where Loader fits in. Part of the Nook software? Part of ReLaunch? However, all works now, so I won't post any more into this thread as it's really about my browser problem. May thanks Nmyshkin.
caromcm said:
Great! You're a mine of useful info - and, belatedly, I've just found the Thanks Button. I've also loaded Opera Mobile, which is working fine. In the process the email has been fixed too. I've copied all your links onto my Nook for future investigation. When I have time (next week) I'll run NGAppsAttack (making a backup first) and then I should be able to download books.
For clarification, it was Loader, not ReLoad which offered me the load options and an "Always do this" tick box after rooting. The action of the tick box was supposed to be reversible, but that trick didn't work. I still don't know where Loader fits in. Part of the Nook software? Part of ReLaunch? However, all works now, so I won't post any more into this thread as it's really about my browser problem. May thanks Nmyshkin.
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Glad we got some things squared away. If you install the ES File Explorer I directed you to, it comes with an app manager. You can find the Loader, or Launcher or whatever (more likely, "Home") and cancel the default behavior from your "always do this" mishap.
Good luck.

