Freedom Pro Bluetooth Keyboard - HD2 General

I have tried to download the drivers by both options given (USB and OTA). I can't discover this device on my phone. Everywhere I look, it is said that this product is compatible to this phone. It does give the option of SPP/HID and I chose HID; the bluetooth stack I chose is Windows not Broadcom. www according to this review, I am supposed to be able to connect without the drivers, but that is not happening. I am not so anal that EVERYTHING MUST WORK PROPERLY, but it would be nice to at least have the keyboard to work. I am a teacher and this would give me the freedom to actually use my phone in another capacity, as well as ENTERTAINMENT, which is my initial reason. I must admit, that I am not as computer saavy as some, but I do have a little knowledge. What might be some reasons for my phone not discovering this keyboard? What might I have done wrong?
TMobile USA

MzDiana said:
I have tried to download the drivers by both options given (USB and OTA). I can't discover this device on my phone. Everywhere I look, it is said that this product is compatible to this phone. It does give the option of SPP/HID and I chose HID; the bluetooth stack I chose is Windows not Broadcom. www according to this review, I am supposed to be able to connect without the drivers, but that is not happening. I am not so anal that EVERYTHING MUST WORK PROPERLY, but it would be nice to at least have the keyboard to work. I am a teacher and this would give me the freedom to actually use my phone in another capacity, as well as ENTERTAINMENT, which is my initial reason. I must admit, that I am not as computer saavy as some, but I do have a little knowledge. What might be some reasons for my phone not discovering this keyboard? What might I have done wrong?
TMobile USA
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Hi Diana, welcome! The HD2 actually has the widcomm BT stack in it, so I would suggest starting the process over and changing that one step. I'm not familiar with that keyboard in particular, but I'll go check it out while you try that first.

OK. I did start over and chose the other driver and so forth. I think I have some learning to do because the phone freezes up or it is waiting for me to use the keyboard (lol). So, I will play with this for a bit and get back with you as to how well it works or not.
Buying you a beer! Thanks a million as I went to bed playing with this and got up this morning doing the same LOL

MzDiana said:
OK. I did start over and chose the other driver and so forth. I think I have some learning to do because the phone freezes up or it is waiting for me to use the keyboard (lol). So, I will play with this for a bit and get back with you as to how well it works or not.
Buying you a beer! Thanks a million as I went to bed playing with this and got up this morning doing the same LOL
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No problem...and thank you! Unfortunately the sub-par widcomm stack (the same one the TouchPro2 is saddled with) is known for irregular behavior and inconsistent, even if you're doing everything 100% properly, it still may not work, or not all the time
Don't give up just yet though...sometimes it just takes a few soft-resets to kick things into the proper gear.


Any questions for microsoft

Any questions for microsoft
Hi all,
On Monday week - ie 11th July I will be meeting with microsoft and hopefully looking at the HTC Universal in detail. I will take my camcorder along so hopefully they will let me take some footage.
Does anyone have any questions they want asked?
Also I will try to take a "origami size pattern" of the universal as many prople are worried about the size. ie you can print, fold and glue to get an accurate feel of its volume.
Any other suggestions on information that can be gained from this meeting?
Edit: I will also try to get a couple of sample photos/video from the cameras
Ask about WM5 for other HTC devices. That would be cool to know what MS says about it.
Do you mean upgrades for existing HTC models (this is a carrier decision not m$) or do you mean new models yet to be announced such as the galaxy/wizard?
Jayman said:
or do you mean new models yet to be announced such as the galaxy/wizard?
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... which is also a question to ask manufacturers and not Microsoft.
I wouldn't expect them to have any information on this either, but it's worth a shot. Ask if they have any information when we might be able to see this device in the US. Even ballpark figures will do. I need something to keep me away from the Samsung i730.
Also, if it is a working device, I'd be interested to know how it performs as a phone (without headset/speakerphone) in both the open and closed screen position. (i.e. are the speaker and microphone positioned to work well in both configurations?). Check out the memory configuration as well, see how much ROM is left for storage.
One more thing...WM5 seems to lend itself to easier one handed usage. I'm not sure it will be possible with the Universal, but I'd be interested in your interpretation.
It sounds like a great opportunity, have fun!
Will there be a HotFix system for the WM2005, or is there any plans for it.
Will M$ Relase Rom, Radio etc. upgrades/Fixes directly in the future for WM 2005.
What is M$ doing about the fact that installed programs can make the device general unstable. Are you looking into this problem and plan to solve this issue.
I'm no programmer and don't know why this happends, but i guess it the same story as Windows for desktops in earlier years?
Good luck fella.
Ask them when they are finally going to solve the microphone support issues with the phone application, why the same mic works perfectly well with speakerphone, voice recorder ect but is far too low on phone.
Maybe they could add a volume slider for the Mic in the phone app (and here's another tip, if they do, they current level should be the bottom setting!!)
Take the invisible Rom-Grabber with you and ask for a Blue Angel with WM 5.0...
USB Host
Can you find out if they have any plans to include USB host drivers so that we can use our windows mobile devices with portable hard drives. The form factor of the Universal can only be justified (by me) if I can get rid of my pc on many trips. To do that, I need access to files on my portable hard drive. Would be nice if they supported this functionality.
USB Host
Can you find out if they have any plans to include USB host drivers so that we can use our windows mobile devices with portable hard drives. The form factor of the Universal can only be justified (by me) if I can get rid of my pc on many trips. To do that, I need access to files on my portable hard drive. Would be nice if they supported this functionality.
did the meeting happen?
hi friends,
did someone actually meet ms people!
:twisted: :shock: :idea:
it's not software which limit devices from being masters and using external harddisks or the like
It's all gone very quiet, surely the rumours about the Redmond mafia's business dealings can't be true ...... can they?
Maybe we should have just suggested questions like "Is it true Bill Gates gives lots of money to charity?", or maybe "Tell me more about Microsoft's work in the third world". Poor old Jayman!
Rudegar said:
it's not software which limit devices from being masters and using external harddisks or the like
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Oh, yes it is software: they're called 'drivers', because the programs 'steer' the data to the correct controlling program.
The Universal has a USB port, so it should have a driver on it somewhere. The question would be, is the divice loaded with a driver to allow it to 'master' other devices, or is it just the syncing point?
Maybe he meant it's more likely to be HTC that can answer that question?
Of far more importance to me is does the device have a suitable method of connecting to an LCD projector? IMHO, this is the absolute killer app for a "laptop replacement" & it's pretty much the only thing I miss from the Xda II.
its more likely that ms and htc is the same, if you know what i mean. and its very likely that there is no company called htc in reallity. maybe a post box hanging in taiwan is called htc and a website hosted (???) in taiwan. but noone is working for a company called htc. i can assure you in that point. and even if there is a hand full of people claiming them selfe working for a company called htc - they are not located in taiwan. need more info about that? go to china and find out yourself, best to start your research is at a company called dopod!
cheers, lutz
lutzh said:
its more likely that ms and htc is the same, if you know what i mean. and its very likely that there is no company called htc in reallity. maybe a post box hanging in taiwan is called htc and a website hosted (???) in taiwan. but noone is working for a company called htc. i can assure you in that point. and even if there is a hand full of people claiming them selfe working for a company called htc - they are not located in taiwan. need more info about that? go to china and find out yourself, best to start your research is at a company called dopod!
cheers, lutz
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Please tell me more about this, lutz. I don't have the means to go to China and research it, but I always like to hear a good conspiracy theory.
Oh, yes it is software: they're called 'drivers', because the programs 'steer' the data to the correct controlling program.
The Universal has a USB port, so it should have a driver on it somewhere. The question would be, is the divice loaded with a driver to allow it to 'master' other devices, or is it just the syncing point?
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if you found a way to make a usb peripheral a master using software
then contact i'm sure they will be impressed
the universal if it have usb support contain a usb chip which can act as master
much like my gf's old acer pda which also have such a chip
htc would have gotten a better usb interface had they used the usb interface from the ati chip insted of the nativ xcale usb interface
Please tell them
-- sorry for swearing but ......
@gugi_sat: The meeting is over!
It happened on the 11th..

Activesync 4 works better with BA than Universal < sorted

Activesync recognises better pda2k than jasjar. After reconfiguring windows, that is. There is still some work that needs to be done by MS so that plugging in a Universal on another computer or reconfigured one (like after removing activesync or restoring to a time be4 activesync was installed) with activesync freshly installed will lead to a flawless syncing of data from pda to windows pc, for now its a bit of a struggle with activesync complaining it cannot retrieve settings or the sort...
With Blue Angel there is no such a problem at all...
I wonder why they released Universal with all the bugs, so far I feel they are using us as beta experimenters with hardware, they should pay us, instead of selling it to us at such an exhorbitant price...
Was it the same for pda2k be4 they released the latest rom patch? (I am from old school, last time I use a pda was the psion up to psion 5), otherwise its been laptops all along until Blue Angel...
make sure u are not connected to pc.
on the universal side in activesync choose menu -> options
delete windows pc
then connect to pc
u can now sync
(no worries about error messages, it works)
is this zen troubleshooting or what?
What "all bugs" are you referring to? I have been using the JJ since a month now and havent faced any problem except the initial AS problem which got srted out like in 5 minutes. After that, it has just been smooth sailing.
Maybe you can shed some more light.
Dude, read around the posts, and ask why are there customers who want to sell their jasjar after only a couple weeks if no less of use... and the activesync would have benefitted from a backup procedure... there are also ergonomics design issues... i am not going to waste my time listing all the issues (unless u pay me a good fee), i am not a paid troubleshooter...
Activesync has always been a weak link, although having used alternatives for handsets by LG, Motorola, Ericsson (not SE) and Nokia, it's the best of a bad bunch. As for "it's a beta, they should pay us". Well, to the best of my knowledge, I made a DECISION to purchase my universal. It was not thrust upon me. If it's been mis-sold, you may be able to get your money back.
I am new at this thing, as I said I used Psion before the psion company stopped making them. I have been using laptops ever since. Whatever attracted me to the jasjar was the fact it was called a mini-laptop, so I said geez, instead of carrying a bag with a laptop in, I can come to meetings empty handed with a jasjar in my pocket.
I am more disappointed by the missing functionalities and features than the annoying quirks, I can get around the latter, but cannot do anything about the former...
But since u said this is the best we can get now out of a bad bunch, I have to resign myself to what I get, it will do somehow, but I will need to have a laptop handy lying around, just in case...
There are a lot of areas that need improving, but I think the benefits make it worthwhile:
Sufficiently portable that it goes EVERYWHERE.
Cheap (compared to a Tablet PC which is, for me anyway, its real competition)
Excellent handwriting recognition.
Fast. Ignore benchmarks, I'm talking real use: Loading Word, Excel or pretty much anything and using it day to day.
I'm undecided what to do with my Siemens Simpad now. Very nice Windows CE.Net 4.1 device (TFT SVGA touchscreen). For some of my work, it's still better, hugely portable compared to a "real" laptop, but I found myself making decisions as to whether it was worth taking with me whenever I moved from my desk. Still maybe the best "around the house" internet device + remote desktop client, but the MDA Pro goes EVERYWHERE.
Still I think they could have made an effort with more storage and memory, plus whats the point of having a powerpoint viewer if u cannot project it out, i know there is something in powertoys that does that through activesync, but the resolution is atrocious... I wrote to them (HTC) and they said they take seriously what I had to say

Seeking advice of whether or not to buy a Shift

I am interested in a new latop and have been doing quite a lot of research on the Shift. Voice call functionality is probably the only thing holding me back from making a definite decision right now. I have been purusing about and have come across a few questions as post dates seem intermintent on whether or not a few of the things I am looking for will come true. So if members could give me a point of view on to wait or not, or even to look at another device.
1.) I see that voice call functionality is not there, and am wondering if this is a "yet" or "a maybe" or a "don't get your hopes up".
2.) I have been a frequent user of cooked roms from HTC and was wondering if there is going to be anywhere near the support for the Shift as there is for other devices such as the Tytn II since I am all about making a great device even better.
3.) Is there any reasons why any of you can personally think of why I should seek another UMPC device or small laptop when compared to the Shift. I am going to be using it mostly for travel, media functions (mp3/movies), and of course web browsing/downloading. Things I am worried about... battery life, and never being able to make phone calls, and not having a touch screen. Owning a Tilt I am spoiled to that aspect
4.) Is the range of the bluetooth going to be greater than 33'? I know some types of bluetooth headsets can go much further distances, but am unsure if that is for media only or if that will be an option for voice call for the Shift as well.
5.) I currently have a Tilt running many programs such a mobile shell, poket weather, AT&T Navigator, and things along those lines. What is the likely-hood that I will be able to use such programs on the unlocked side of WM for the Shift. Or is that really going to depend a lot on the software programs themselves?
I have more questions, but have yet to search for the answers before posting, so I will be back soon.
Thank you for all your help and input in advance!
skyfox99 said:
I am interested in a new latop and have been doing quite a lot of research on the Shift. Voice call functionality is probably the only thing holding me back from making a definite decision right now. I have been purusing about and have come across a few questions as post dates seem intermintent on whether or not a few of the things I am looking for will come true. So if members could give me a point of view on to wait or not, or even to look at another device.
1.) I see that voice call functionality is not there, and am wondering if this is a "yet" or "a maybe" or a "don't get your hopes up".
2.) I have been a frequent user of cooked roms from HTC and was wondering if there is going to be anywhere near the support for the Shift as there is for other devices such as the Tytn II since I am all about making a great device even better.
3.) Is there any reasons why any of you can personally think of why I should seek another UMPC device or small laptop when compared to the Shift. I am going to be using it mostly for travel, media functions (mp3/movies), and of course web browsing/downloading. Things I am worried about... battery life, and never being able to make phone calls, and not having a touch screen. Owning a Tilt I am spoiled to that aspect
4.) Is the range of the bluetooth going to be greater than 33'? I know some types of bluetooth headsets can go much further distances, but am unsure if that is for media only or if that will be an option for voice call for the Shift as well.
5.) I currently have a Tilt running many programs such a mobile shell, poket weather, AT&T Navigator, and things along those lines. What is the likely-hood that I will be able to use such programs on the unlocked side of WM for the Shift. Or is that really going to depend a lot on the software programs themselves?
I have more questions, but have yet to search for the answers before posting, so I will be back soon.
Thank you for all your help and input in advance!
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1. Dont get you hopes up, in fact i dont think we ever get all these functions that some say they are working on. why bother? what do you relly want that big acphone fore?
2. see 1.
3. it is a machine with limited power great for surfing bad for alot else
4. have only used a bluetooth mouse works great, havnt used it far from away lol
5. the stoage is wery limired on the shift, no room for alot of apps
skyfox99 said:
1.) I see that voice call functionality is not there, and am wondering if this is a "yet" or "a maybe" or a "don't get your hopes up".
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This is between "maybe" and "don't get your hopes up": requires security unlocking the device and changing some NV items in radio, but I'm not sure if the microphone is connected on the SnapVUE side. Bluetooth is definitely not connected, so it won't be possible to call through a headset.
skyfox99 said:
2.) I have been a frequent user of cooked roms from HTC and was wondering if there is going to be anywhere near the support for the Shift as there is for other devices such as the Tytn II since I am all about making a great device even better.
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ROM cooking is imminent, some of us are already using cooked ROMs.
I use mine for surfing (3G is great), documents, email and the odd movie. It won't cope with much else, which is fine because that's all I want it for. And why would you want voice calling on this thing? Bizarre, but each to their own.
The big thing is it is tiny...and well connected...a bit like Kate Moss
I appreciate the feedback. I was hoping for voice call via 1.2 i suppose for 300' range so i could just walk around with a headset on with the Shift at my desk at work. I am guessing i was expecting a little too much. I really am just looking for a touchscreen laptop that isn't too big and isn't too expensive. Any ideas for a computer along those lines?
If you at work, then you should have internet connection. Some telecom operators offer IP telephony. I am using this on Shift with even better functionality than mobile phone and with BT headset. It is possible to use also Skype for example. You can use the functionality even in move in wifi networks or mobile networks with flat rate package. Of course, 3G networks preferred.
personally id buy which is what im going to do, but since it has windows mobile and a sd slot, it wouldnt be hard for some one copy software from another phone and since it has nothing to do with screen capabilities of processor speed im sure it woul be compatibal from almost any device because it is just a drive for hardware, bluetooth is not so much a hardware issue more sofware which once sd slot made usable might be ale to achive easyer when size is no matter, to addd extra options to handler or driver for blue tooth whichever.. besides if u like videos im sure the screen is somewhat high def being that its 16 million colors (not sure dont have it yet) and most computer screens are like 232k colors it might be like 720p or something not sure i dont know how many colors they can display and whatever but it'll make videos amazing compared to 64k colors of other phones, and some people have developed full xp drivers for it so might get lucky and be abl to get the ultamit device for embedded programing being you coul have embedded on a device which you could make program then test with or without touch screen very fastly and id only take a minute to switch back to fix errors...
Here in the states VOIP on a mobile phone really isn't there just yet, our networks are too slow on 3g I think. Although I don't really know much about it. Is skype VOIP to VOIP only, or can you call any phone number? I don't really want too much of a hassle having to hack this thing to get it to do what I want. I am actually getting tired of doing all that for now after flashing rom after rom to my tilt to get it to work the way I want. As is now I am unable to connect to my exchange server at work and am unsure as to what the problem is and really just want something to work ideally out of the box, but I know that won't happen.
dinscurge said:
personally id buy which is what im going to do, but since it has windows mobile and a sd slot, it wouldnt be hard for some one copy software from another phone and since it has nothing to do with screen capabilities of processor speed im sure it woul be compatibal from almost any device because it is just a drive for hardware, bluetooth is not so much a hardware issue more sofware which once sd slot made usable might be ale to achive easyer when size is no matter, to addd extra options to handler or driver for blue tooth whichever.. besides if u like videos im sure the screen is somewhat high def being that its 16 million colors (not sure dont have it yet) and most computer screens are like 232k colors it might be like 720p or something not sure i dont know how many colors they can display and whatever but it'll make videos amazing compared to 64k colors of other phones, and some people have developed full xp drivers for it so might get lucky and be abl to get the ultamit device for embedded programing being you coul have embedded on a device which you could make program then test with or without touch screen very fastly and id only take a minute to switch back to fix errors...
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That's amazing - one sentence....
Personally I would strongly advise you against buying this device. FOr the price you could get a small convertible tablet PC that would do far, far, far more than the Shift ever will. I bought a Fujitsu t2010 for $1100 US. I then spent $200 at NewEgg buying stuff to upgrade and i now have, for the same price as a shift ($1300):
12.1" active digitizer, no comparison to a passive digitizer (touchscreen) for taking notes, drawing, or anything else. active is 100x better
250gb SATA HDD
1.2ghz ULV Dual Core cpu
3g pc card modem- lets me use 3G data AND make phone calls AND send sms, slips into PC card slot and has retractable antenna
BT headset
Nice screen protector
nice webcam
Soooo, for what I spent on my Fuji I could have a little shift that has a crappier screen, shorter battery life, crippled hardware, etc. Why would anyone do that? Don't like a 12.1"? No problem, get a Fujitsu U810 (5" screen, $800), or a Fujitsu p1620 ($9", about $100 more thanthe shift). Don't like the Fuji's? OK, google convertible tablet and you'll get a ton of various little machines that can outperform the shift with a similar form-factor.
I know that there are some people who love thier Shift, and i am not trying to bash them. I just think that the Shift is an INCREDIBLY niche product and that most users would be much happier with a convertible tablet that is the same price, better battery ,processor,screen,etc. Some of the sacrifices we make in mobile devices is for the phone functionality, and if shift can't (and most likely won't ever) do that, why make those sacrifices? Especially when adding a cheap peice of hardware to a much more powerful platform (tablet pc) gives you everything you need?
am sorry but i have to said
no i have many proplem then i sale it
and buy sony ux37gn its more powerfull than the shift
and with no proplem " made in japan "
the only proplem is the price
Buy one. They are fantastic!
scopy60 said:
buy sony ux37gn
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They have much smaller display, are bulky and have no Windows Mobile (ARM) subsystem.
devictoria said:
They have much smaller display, are bulky and have no Windows Mobile (ARM) subsystem.
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Don't think they even have built in 3G do they?
I Like Shift!
FWIW, I really like my Shift....
Didn't buy it to be a computing powerhouse, but a take with me everywhere device.
I like the flexibility to use it as a slate (tablet), a laptop, or a slider.
Overall, works great...
mlalahoi said:
Personally I would strongly advise you against buying this device.
Soooo, for what I spent on my Fuji I could have a little shift that has a crappier screen, shorter battery life, crippled hardware, etc. Why would anyone do that? Don't like a 12.1"? No problem, get a Fujitsu U810 (5" screen, $800), or a Fujitsu p1620 ($9", about $100 more thanthe shift). Don't like the Fuji's? OK, google convertible tablet and you'll get a ton of various little machines that can outperform the shift with a similar form-factor.
I you need?
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I agree, but cannot buy Fujitsu P1620 in Holland for some reason. Not happy with my Shift at all!
ArchiMark said:
FWIW, I really like my Shift....
Didn't buy it to be a computing powerhouse, but a take with me everywhere device.
I like the flexibility to use it as a slate (tablet), a laptop, or a slider.
Overall, works great...
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Me too - it seems those that aren't happy really should have asked what they really wanted first up. I don't find performance an issue - battery life is OK for surfing etc - it's not an 8 hour music/video player though, and not meant to be. That's what iPod's etc are for. In my case, what my HX4700 is for. To me the WM6 with keyboard and 3G is extremely valuable - I am involved in music when not working and I can keep an eye on those related emails during the day (cannot log into mail from work), respond where necessary etc. No boot ups. If something needs more, or a big file attached, then I can boot to Vista.
Office 2003 is the way to go tho. 2007 is like Vista - bulky and slow.
I suspect the sales pitch of the Shift may have led people to believe it was going to be something other than what it is. I did the homework first, so knew what I was getting, especially around performance. Anyways, not sure whether HTC are actually going to sell many of these given the late arrival, seemingly little support (drivers, XP etc) and some polarised view points on it.
HTC SHIFT Rocks ....
for those un-happy with shift i would say u guys never really understood the essence of this device ... according to me this device is closest to the ideal device for a mobile person that HTC could make keeping in view today's technology and price limitations ...
I travel a lot very frequently and often all of a sudden need to spend nights over at a new place etc... but with shift along i am relieved of the hastles i used to face earlier ... its size is just ideal for it to be carried around everywhere and its functunality is well thought off ... and all the more important is that after liberation it gives u the power of two devices in one! A quick use WM side and a full fleged windows vista to substitute ur laptop for "work related" needs.
I normally use the WM interface when i am really mobile or dont need to access too much stuff.. or just need to use skype to chat with a supplier, etc ... but when i am either back in my car or in the hotel room or when i have some spare time or when i need to access bank website (our bank websites dont open in WM due to security concerns) ... I use the VISTA side ...
There are some annoyances off and on like - i cant multitask as well i can on my PC etc .. but those were known to me before i shelled out cash for this device.. the keyboard is smalll but what better u think HTC could have stuffed in such a device ...??? It's usable and its pretty neat too .. i have used it for typing long letters and reports with absolutely no problem ... no doubt u have type with a finger but its comfy once u get the hang of it! Also i can tell u with my practical experience that someone who's gonna shift after using a very powerful computer will feel it to be a bit slow but we have to understand these limitations to bring the best out of this device! So buy a HTC Shift , but plz be a bit just a bit patient while using it and it will be ur friend in need.
Keeping my kind of a multitasked life style in view (a medical doctor, a business man, a GPS System's Consultant, etc) - i would suggest u all to buy a Case Logic HDC-2 case ... it fits the shift well in it's original cover, fits in its charger, usb hub, a portable laser mouse, my stationary kit, my digital camera, a portable DVD writer, my mobile travel charger, candys to give me instant energy if reqd. and small nit bits like my 3 types of visiting cards, etc.). I normally carry the bag around with me in my car or on travel. Let the bag primarity lie in the car/hotel room as the case maybe and take only the shift in its leather case along while going for a meeting or to meet a client etc. and use the other bag contents as per need. But let me tell u that carrying this small kit has helped me out in so many conditions that i just cant thank HTC for making such a good device and to Case Logic for unkowingly creating such a good case to carry my stuff. (Case Logic HDC-2 is actually a HDD carrying case... but it fits the shift and it's accessories just right!) (see the pics)
For me carrying the shift in a harddisk carrying case gives me all the more comfort because i feel if a case is designed to protect a HDD, it can protect my Shift well!
And another thing: this bag fits perfectly and tightly in the space between any car's front seats ... so it stays there intact inspite of any bumps or pits on Indian Roads during the rainy season! ;-)
skyfox - did you have a bsquare powerhandheld once?
I am also planning to buy this machine. I need this device for simple, not so powerful development machine, where I can open up a text pad and run mysql on it. Can you run mysql on this machine and how responsive is running small dev mysql server there?

Help with bluetooth! hci_get_route returns ERNODEV

I am developing an application which connects a Wiimote to a bluetooth enabled android phone/device.
I did this by interfacing with the native bluez bluetooth library directly, rather than via the Android API. The reason for this is that Android API doesn't support HID devices, which a Wiimote is.
A problem now is that on some devices, mostly those sold by HTC, my app simply doesn't work. After calling the hci_get_route(NULL), this function should return an id of the first bluetooth device available (most likely 0), but instead returns ERNODEV (-1) as if no bluetooth device is available.
I suspect it has something to do with our beloved HTC grossly modifying something in the libbluetooth library to make this fail to work.
Has anyone ever done this kind of bluetooth interfacing?
How could I make this work?
Rooting the phone and replacing a library or two would be fine too.
For a list of working and non-working devices, check out the 2nd post of this thread.
HTC support
I just sent a customer service message to HTC about this issue. I hope they can get back to me with a "we'll work on it" message, or something. I really want this on my incredible. I'm new to coding like this, but could you disguise the Wiimote as another kind of device?
Just a response from someone equally interested in a solution. I'm trying to set up a bluetooth keyboard (Freedom Pro) with my gsm Hero running the 1.5 based MCR 3.2. Available drivers (Freedom's own, BlueInput & KeyPro) should work with 1.5, but HTC devices, especially the Hero, seem to be lacking something that is present in most 1.5 builds.
Investigating, I find the same issue of no route to device, because there is no known device. AIUI when bluetooth is turned on hciattach is used to establish a link to the hardware. At that point an hciconfig should list the hci0 device as present but down. However I find this list remains empty at all times.
I found this for keyboards.
Since I can't post the link, it's called "KeyPro for Android"
Google "keypro android" and click the first link.
Maybe that could help. It says it works with any android device above 1.5, however, I did read that some keyboards use a different type of bluetooth profile, SPP rather than HID.
I haven't heard back form HTC yet either.
EDIT: Upon reading your post again, you have tried this. Sorry, my bad.
Thanks for looking though The Freedom Pro is switchable between spp & hid profiles, so I figured I was safe, lol. Not with HTC's butchered 1.5 bt it seems.
Did you ever try to use the most likely id 0 on an HTC device? Even though the call to get the id fails?
Maybe you could use also the Android API to synchronize if a device is present and then use the id that Android API gives you?
Just some thoughts since I would love to see that App running on my Desire with Snesoid
Edit: Double post
tobren said:
Did you ever try to use the most likely id 0 on an HTC device? Even though the call to get the id fails?
Maybe you could use also the Android API to synchronize if a device is present and then use the id that Android API gives you?
Just some thoughts since I would love to see that App running on my Desire with Snesoid
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Believe it or not, I actually tried this. Unfortunately, the next command (to bind the bluetooth adapter) also fails, and of course every command after that one because the adapter is not bound.
Thanks for the idea anyway.
does the wii remote have usb connectivity? could it be possible to have the communication pass through that connection rather than bluetooth? one advantage of this would be increased battery life and probably better compatibility across models.
i'm sure some people would prefer bluetooth, but i figure i'll always be using it very close to my phone so i can see the screen, so the wired option is actually a bit more attractive (considering battery performance).
i know ps3 has usb connectivity as well, you just might need an adapter (mini to micro).
rubber soul said:
does the wii remote have usb connectivity? could it be possible to have the communication pass through that connection rather than bluetooth?
i know ps3 has usb connectivity as well, you just might need an adapter (mini to micro).
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I'm pretty sure the first answer is no - our wii is round at a friend's atm. However even if it was yes, you'd need more than an adapter. USB operates with one device as master & the other as slave. To allow you to connect slave devices to your phone it would need to be in host mode. Some mobile phone hardware implementations support this, however I don't know of any mainstream Android kernels which do. Even if you workaround that, you're left with the huge issue that slave devices can assume it's safe to draw power from the USB bus which could do nasty things (tm) to a lower power device like a mobile. This can be worked around via a powered hub, but it all gets very messy.
I looked into this a few months ago, hoping I'd be able to use a usb keyboard with my Hero. I ended up with a BT keyboard instead. Of course that doesn't work either but for completely different reasons, as hinted at by this thread. Hopefully a 2.1 ROM will solve that, but that's the subject of numerous other threads.
Uh, just throwing stuff out, what if you have a pc with two bluetooth adapters, it connects to the wii mote, and then broadcasts that in someway the android api can understand?
Also please actually try working on something with a rooted phone, the HTC EVO 4g is rootable, and I will make man love(no homo) if you get it working.
Either one works lol.
Using a PC as a proxy is kind of useless. If you have a wiimote connected to a PC, you might as well play games on the PC itself (there are nes/snes/sega/etc emulators for PCs too).
At this moment, rooting doesn't help with the problem either.
@1 True
@2 That sucks.
Do we think that this will/could be fixed in HTC's Froyo update for 2010 devices? Not looking for definite answers, just a ponderin'.
well if you send the null pairing code to the wiimote from the default bluetooth pairing screen.. it will fail to communicate with the wiimote too
waffles004 said:
Do we think that this will/could be fixed in HTC's Froyo update for 2010 devices? Not looking for definite answers, just a ponderin'.
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Doesn't it work in stock/vanilla Eclair? I thought the main problem was with Cupcake, though HTC seem to have done weird things to every stock firmware. I read that removing Sense from a 2.1 HTC ROM breaks bluetooth. Go figure. And there was I thinking Sense was a gui enhancement
I contacted HTC about their bluetooth issues and just received this response
My name is Courtney, and I would be glad to assist you today. I understand that you are unhappy with the Bluetooth connectivity on your HTC EVO. HTC is aware of the problems occurring with the EVO and Bluetooth. We are currently investigating this issue and are working on a solution. As soon as we have an update, we will inform our customers. Thank you for contacting HTC America Technical Support. If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us via email or at 1-866-449-8358. We are open 7 days a week from 6 a.m.-1 a.m. EST. You can also check out our Community and Support pages at and our pages on Facebook and Twitter.
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I contacted HTC about this issue with my incredible and I basically got the same answer except the guy was more knowledgeable and said that other people were complaining about certain bluetooth issues. I think they know what they did and are waiting to fix it in Froyo to be easy for them. No worries though, should be comin' in a few weeks. I can't freakin' wait. I have soooooooooo much Pokemon and Mario to play.
does anyone know if this works on samsung galaxy s, i dont have my phone yet to test, but as soon as it arrives (sometime next week) i will test this.
All I can say is that my wii controller is working really well on cyanogen on my evolution now!

New Dell Inspiron 15Z does not have HDMI output

My GF recently got the new Del Inspiron 15z ultrabook with touch display. Gorgeous piece of engineering and it's pretty nice from what I've experienced with it so far.
I decided to mirror it's display to the TV (1080p) using HDMI, like I always have with my own laptop. So I simply plugged the HDMI cable into the TV's input, and then the other end of the HDMI cable into the 15z's HDMI output. Nothing happened! No video or audio. I did the exact same thing with my own laptop on the same TV, and it worked fine.
I proceeded to call Dell support, who said I needed additional software. The guy wanted to direct me to tech support, and then told me that tehre would be charges made for the tech support. This is a NEW laptop we just purchased 2 weeks ago... the guy on the phone basically gave me an unsatisfactory response.
What am I doing wrong? I googled the problem, and a VAST number of people had this problem. Couldn't pin point a solution, but I found something that says I need to press FN+F8 to activate the HDMI port... never heard of that before. The thing I read is here
Somebody please shed some light on this! I don't want to send the laptop back and be out a laptop for 2 weeks when school just started again!
OK... it seems I've been griping about people turning Dev&Hacking/General into a tech-support forum a lot, lately, but come on... this isn't even Win8-specific! Aren't there Dell-specific forums you could be asking this on? Or support people you could call/email/chat with/whatever other than the one you talked to already? You could also try the Setup utility in the BIOS/EFI (sometimes this is only accessible from the booted PC, in which case you'll need software that can be downloaded off Dell's site). Beyond that, if plugging the HDMI connection in and pressing Win+P doesn't work, take the thing back as defective and buy something that isn't a consumer-grade Dell (their Latitude line is good, and Vostro is OK, but Inspiron has a well-earned reputation for poor quality, and even their Latitude line has had some serious problems in the past. They just cut too many corners on price.)
As GDTD said, bit random mate!? Its also very common to have to push buttons to enable it, very often this is the case with dual display hybrid devices but I've seen it on lots of things, another tripping point is HDCP hand shake, sometimes you have to have devices turned on and plugged in, in a certain order, a common one is to ensure the tv is powered off before pluging in and turned on. Another one is your laptop drivers, have you used manufacture specific ones? Or did you update to genuine amd,NVIDIA, Intel etc ones ? Sometimes, as nice as it is to use up to date drivers, they may not work, laptops etc frequently use customized drivers
Sent from my Lumia 900 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Regarding the comment about the forum and tech support: this is the general section, where questions are frequently asked. Even if you go the general section of specific devices, people ask questions (arguably considered "tech" questions) there as well. And regarding if this is Windows 8 specific, how would I have known if it's WIndows 8 specific. This is the first W8 laptop I've handled, and all other W7 laptops I've used in the past do not exhibit this problem. From the average joe's perspective, the only thing that's changed is the OS for my situation.
dazza9075: I assume the specific driver is what the Dell customer support guy was referring to. I'm using this laptop straight out of the box with no software installed aside from what it came with.
GoodDayToDie: I'll give the CTRL + P thing a go. If I get no luck for the next week, I might have to return it. Thanks for the input.
WIN+P, not CTRL+P, not sure what I was thinking. It's the standard Windows shortcut to control external display modes.

