removing all panels? - XPERIA X2 General

helo everyone!
is it possible to remove all panels form x2 and work just in windows?
and another stupid question: how to move or add smoe icons on windows?? can't find that option...

1. download and install Process Manager v1.2.1 . It's freeware.
2. run Process Manager and kill all PANEL processes.
3. Delete Panel Manager and Panels folders in Program Files.
4. Soft reset device
5. Uninstall bundled Spb Mobile Shell.
Then you have only windows and you can install full version of SPB Mobile Shell if you want.

thnx very much... but one more quetion: will my warranty stil be valid after i do that??

What i did is:
1. download the mr2 cab files (you find them on this forum),
2. put them on the memory card.
3. hardreset the phone,
4. when you calibrate the screen, the sonyericsson costumization starts. at this moment you need to take out the batery or even better click the reset button that is hiden under the stylus slot.
5. the phone will turn on again and will go to clean windows. (if a little square apears asking you if you want to continue the costumozation just click >>NO<<)
6. now you have clean windows mobile 6.5.3 (fast and around 220MB rom free)
7. youll need to install the xperia x2 cabs from MR2 manualy but you can skip the slideview, panelmanager, also skip the panels... even apps like googlemaps and acrobat reader you can install on the memory card so that in the end X2 has around 180MB of rom free and from 100-120MB of RAM free (no panels, no manager, no slideview...).

abouth the waranty. you just do a new hard reset so that devise is the way the SE ment for it to be and they can do nothing to take your waranty away. its not flashing. its just aranging your phone the wqay you like it.

gbajzelj thank you very much...

i'm sorry.. but i don't know what cab files do you exectly mean... are GENERIC_EN_R3AA035_CABS.rar those files you are talking about??? if they are, there are some apps (including some panels) that i don't want to put on my phone... please help...

gbajzelj said:
What i did is:
1. download the mr2 cab files (you find them on this forum),
2. put them on the memory card.
3. hardreset the phone,
4. when you calibrate the screen, the sonyericsson costumization starts. at this moment you need to take out the batery or even better click the reset button that is hiden under the stylus slot.
5. the phone will turn on again and will go to clean windows. (if a little square apears asking you if you want to continue the costumozation just click >>NO<<)
6. now you have clean windows mobile 6.5.3 (fast and around 220MB rom free)
7. youll need to install the xperia x2 cabs from MR2 manualy but you can skip the slideview, panelmanager, also skip the panels... even apps like googlemaps and acrobat reader you can install on the memory card so that in the end X2 has around 180MB of rom free and from 100-120MB of RAM free (no panels, no manager, no slideview...).
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If I'm going to do this...I'll always be prompt that the customization fails whenever I do reboot, right?


how do i remove programs like "HotSpots" from Star

any 1?
I have programs like: Email Setup, O2active...
1) how do i remove them so that after a HR they will return ??
2) i managed to find Email setup - but after deleting the files - i still have blanc shortcut in Start>Programs saying email-setup (with empty icon).
can i remove only shortcuts but keep the program?
These things you wanna remove are installed everythime you hard reset. THey are programs in the extended ROM. These are customizations to WM5 that the retailer (imate, o2,qtek, t-mobile) put on the device.
If you don't want to install any of these do the following:
1. Hard Reset Device.
2. you'll go thru a series of screens:
2.1 Welcome Message
2.2 Align Screen
2.3 Tap and Hold tutorial
2.4 Password Configuration
2.5 Ending Screen that asks you to press screen to continue.
3. RIGHT AFTER step 2.5 (after you tap the screen) press the RESET hole.
This will bypass installing all the files in extended ROM which normally shown by a progress bar at the bottom everytime you do a normal hard reset.
4. Now you can Install the stuff in the extended ROM one at a time. Only the ones you need to install. To access the ExtendedROM (it is hidden) download Total Commander (search thru google) and type \EXTENDED_ROM in the navigation window and it will display the contents of the extended ROM.
I don't have O2 so i cannot explain to you what each individual .CAB file does. Just use a little guess work. THe O2Active, i believe is easily spotted. It's the biggest CAB file. Don't click on it so it won't install.
Tell me if this helped you out or if you need more clarifications.
Hola Jorge
First of all - Thanks for the great explanation !!
Although I do want most of the stuff, i already tried corporate mode (clean install) but I missed a lot of things.
therefor I installed Basic mode. (which hasnt got ALL the features)
But - some of the features i DO want to take away.
only for now... programs in the Start>Program>
Lets say I wanna take the games away...
where are all the programs installed TO ??
I found some of them. but when I deleted the email setup for instance -
I still have an empty Email Icon in START>PROGRAMS>
(again i remind U - I wanna leave the ext rom as it is)
10x again !!
Some features in the ExtROM are installed in Corporate mode too, the sure way to customize is to bypass ExtROM, then install one-by-one the .CAB files you want.
Anyway regarding the Games, etc. they are part of the OS so cannot be uninstalled unless they came with the extended ROM like Backgammon that came with the JASJAR ExtROM.
To delete the ICON that is blank but still has text, go to \WINDOWS\START MENU\PROGRAMS\GAMES
You'll find the shortcut there. Or just to \WINDOWS\START MENU to see all the oter shortcuts in case you wanna remove other stuff.
The games are installed in WINDOWS and a shortcut is created to the Star Menu Directory. Just delete the shortcut.
What does "10x again !!" mean?

JAMin + changing ROM

Hi Guys i own a imate JAMin that i bought and it has telstra branding on the phone/pda, it isnt locked to this carrier, but i need to get rid of there loaded stuff on the pda
what i need to know is a few things if possible please
1. is there a walk through somewhere on how to change the rom to a standard one
2. where can i download a new rom from
3. can i screw it up bad ?
any other help would be great
Easy, just download Total commander from
Open it up and at the top type \Extended_Rom
This will show the contents of your extended rom, you will see loads of things but the ones you want are the cabs relating to your provider. Or all providers actually, Delete allt the cabs that dont start with Default_ these are what brand your device when you hard reset.
Now just hard reset, it will isntall all the normal stuff but will leave you with a brand free jamin.
Hi dannyoneill,
thanks for the program, only problem i have is how do i add the jamin to it so that i can see it and do what u r saying ?
You need to download and install Windows CE FS plug-in. You will then see a mobile device entry in the file window. I recommend dragging it to the toolbar so you will always have a button for convenient access (total commander can open files directly form the device).
Also I don't remember it now, but if you search this forum there is a registry tweak that will unhide your extended ROM so you can use it for extra storage space (and manipulate files in it using regular explorer both on device and PC). You can use the free PHM Registry editor to apply the tweak.
Just follow the instructions to install total commander onto your PPC. Make sure you click the link to the mobile version and not the desktop version.
thanks dannyoneill, got it working..
jsut a few other questions if u dont mind
im in the \Extended_Rom folder with the default stuff but the telstra stuff i want to get rid of has Default_Telstra_australia_SA_UN_V2.20.CAB and also Default_Australia_Telstra.CAB as the file names, will these be ok to delete still ?
Yes, you can delete them.
If you really want everything here is safe to delete. What it usually contains are patches like driver updates, applications like the backgammon, antivirus and Skype.
Below is taken from another post, its a little out of date but still good to see whats what. For me. I removed all the operators apart from my own (as it doesnt brand) plus got rid of backgammon, antivirus (totally useless on a PPC) and skype as the latest version is better (especially if you apply the registry fix to get it working)
Default_Backgammon_PPC_IMAM001.CAB >>> Backgammon
Default_CAB-shortcut-CDL-08Sep05.CAB >>> Clearview PDF >>> Some Imate stuff (Harmless) >>> Some Imate stuff (Harmless) >>> Some Imate stuff (Harmless)
Default_SkypeForPocketPCnonxScale.CAB >>> SKYPE FOR NONE XSCALE !!!
Default_SmartDialing_enable_0915_signed.CAB >>> The pretty Dialer and smart-dialer stuff
Install_Tsk.exe >>> This Installs all the “Default_” Files
Setup.exe >>> This allows for Selection of the “Operator Settings”
These are the “Settings” which is not needed at least in the GULF STATES
I made a copy of all of the above to an SD card BEFORE DOING ANYTHING else (NoBackUp…learned his lesson……Harry Potter !!!)
So I Reduced my ER to Just
How just simply Delete !!!
Don’t forget to hard reset let the imate setup run (will not only install the stuff you did not delete) and try out your new toy.
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dannyoneill thanks heaps,
deleting those to files worked a treat
thanks again
Poll for sticking this 3d!
P.S.: may I install basic stuff to the ExtROM while it's hidden ?
Or, if I need to unhide it, install, then re-hide, will such software still playable ?
I mean for example:
- Total commander itself
- Resco explorer
- Storage tools
- Sprite Backup
- and so on...
Is it a strange idea ?
Thanks again for this illuminating thread.
You can unlock and install things no problem, not done it myself, done know if they will still be usable after its re-hidden i would think not.
The extended rom is reserved so empty or not its not going to give you more ram or rom storage at all. The best thing to do is unlock it and use it for storage. The annoying thing is if you hard reset you then have to re-unlock it.
t0ne said:
dannyoneill thanks heaps,
deleting those to files worked a treat
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BTW, on the i-mate website's JAMin support pages, you will find specific operator settings for Optus in a downloadable CAB file, which will setup the wireless settings for your device.

Super noob needs help :D

I m a super noob with WM.
Just got the X1 and want to tweak it and make it as useful as possible.
loved this thread:-
X1 programs, panels, tweaks, fixes [all in one place][Jan 03]
But I am looking for some stuff as well:-
1. Something to backup my Whole phone to my laptop. (so i can just hit restore and have it back to its previous state)
2. Memory optimizer of some sort. Is thr a kind of a virtual memory thingy that can use the flash card to support the ram??
3. Maintenance tools like registry optimizer or cleanup utility.
4. Is thr a need for antivirus for X1? which 1 shud i use??
Thx in advance for your help.
1) You can't. The only thing you do have is factory defaults by hard reset.
2) You don't need that on an X1, it has enough RAM.
3) Search for SKtools, it's a paid program that gives these and a lot more options. The demo is limited, but still kind-of useful.
Aeolian said:
1. Something to backup my Whole phone to my laptop. (so i can just hit restore and have it back to its previous state).
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You can use something like Spb Backup. It backups the whole phone to the SD card in a selfexecutable exe. So you only need to run the file from the SD card after a hard reset to get the phone to a previous state.
Then thr might be a problem with my opera.
Coz even with just 2~3 windows it sometimes shows the "not enuf memory" msg.
I'll try the Spb phone backup. Thx man.
BTW do I really need a antivirus?? which 1 shud i use??
pretty much everything (and even more) is covered by SK Tools
except that you can't backup directly to your laptop, but on the microSDHC card (simply copy the complete-System-backup file to your laptop...)

Having some Q and ned help !!!

1-what is ROM ?
2-if it put tf3d rom or another it will delete all files in the system ( like hard reset ) ?
3-is tf3d is like a panel ( spb mobile shell ) or will delete windows mobile system?
4-what is GeoTagging in camera ?
From what ive gathered by using roms my self... i have found the following:
1. What is a rom?
it is basically the thing that make the user interface look the way it looks. The default windows today panel is the default rom which the phone comes with. TF3D rom will replace that and make it look like a HTC Touch HD. you can install it as a panel by following this link-
Download TouchFlo3D on Xperia X1 cab and TouchFlo3D as Panel Installer Installer.
Install TF3d first, softreset, then go to settings, today, items and untick every thing. then soft reset.
Now install TF3d panel installer. soft reset. then just choose the panelas younormally would.
2. A rom will edit certain windows files to make it look and behave in a different way, but it would still be the windows interface. if you install another rom, it will erase all files on phone. and replace certain windows files.
3. see q 1
4. Dont know what geo tagging is??
thanks alot
but when i install the tochflo 3d beta 3 and made everything then when i press on the panel it writes to me loading in a white screen and notheing occure ??

Titanium-Hero Sense UI for typhoon

this is not my work just rewrote some files
the main add""
replace cab attached.
1-download main pack from above add
2-use 2 below cab instead of main cab
3-you need JMLPanex2.1 and mortscript("")
4-first install mortscript then install JMLPanex2.1 after it install hero pack (note 2) and then restart
Well gave it a shot. No love. It makes the Mobile Op screen and freezes.
I'll try again after I reload 6.1, however I think it may be asking to much of the phone.
How much op memery is needed to have all this running?
Remember specs for Typhoon are less then others
Has only 32 MB built in.
Sorry to report.....
I have followed your instructions to the letter.....and again I have to reload my phone with Win Mobile.
( Sticks after Windows Mobile Load screen)
Do not try this unless you are comfortable in flashing your phone!!!
For folks who are flash shy, go with farzad23's Diamond Theme. Easy and good looking.
@ Greywolf_Ghost
i.m using ,dont need more ram but it is a little heavy and another point is "did u read the main add instruction???"
JMLPanex need wm6.5
why flash u'r phone u can just hard reset ,very easy at boot start
Yes as I said I did everything you listed. I even went into 6.5 and tried.
I am running 6.5 as I type this.
The poor little Typhoon just does not seem to have enough available program memory available to handle it all.
The reason for the reload is.........
by default, the last installed screen before reset comes up first. So the phone locks up before it finishes reboot. It runs out of available memory and stalls. ( I tried a number of ways to attempt to get to a default 6.1 or 6.5 main screen no luck on my end).
Thus with a reload ( less then 7 min), no added registry, wallpapers, or files to clog the boot up.
If others manage to get, good on them.......please post up on steps taken.
My feeling tho is this is more for a 64MB and above phone.
It's why I said less advanced users should go with your Diamond version as it looks just as good as this.
I would like to give this another try, however I need you to list what files in what order have to be installed.
I have been reading your instructions over and over, and they are confusing!!!!!
Please list by order, and link the files. ( all required files, and anything that is not needed please also list as a don not install).
Please clear up so I can see if this does work on a Typhoon.
Is anyone else mixed up by the first set of instructions?
i'm using "Titanium-Hero Sense UI" on i-mate sp3(typhoon)
this is a titanium plug in and it is exactly like JML Today.
this is the way i installed and used.
1- titanium and chang home to titanium
2- mortscript
8-and the rest of hero cap then restart
go to end of CHome (SLIDE DOWN)u should see new plugin then read and folow the procedure on it
that's what i used before, i'll upload another theme like this soon
farzad23 said:
i'm using "Titanium-Hero Sense UI" on i-mate sp3(typhoon)
this is a titanium plug in and it is exactly like JML Today.
this is the way i installed and used.
1- titanium and chang home to titanium <---- Which file? As you also have a Titanium V0.4 listed.......This is what I mean not quite clear!!
2- mortscript
8-and the rest of hero cap then restart
go to end of CHome (SLIDE DOWN)u should see new plugin then read and folow the procedure on it
that's what i used before, i'll upload another theme like this soon
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The rest seems clear enough.....just some confusion as to what the first file is.
u should install TItanium"" then restart then>start>setting>home screen>choos titanium OR titanium media
Many Thanks on the redo of instructions. It worked.
I'd say tho I still prefer the Diamond Slide. As I like the slide bar going top to bottom, in Titanium, bar stays mid and the rest moves through it.
This does look awesome tho.
In any case Thank you for the re-writes!!!

