new Email question (I searched but no answer) - HD2 General

I have had my HD2 for a few it. However was doing some customizing tonght and suddenly my gmail account is screwed up. It shows two folders but when I click on the gmail one it only goes to the hotmail one. I try to add it and it says it is already there. I am sure if it some simple thing I am missing. Help!!

just delete all eaila ccounts and start over. go to the email tab, menu, account settings and trash them...then set it back up


Email disappears from inobx?!

I noticed that sometimes an email will disappear from my inbox, and then when I search for it, or for all email from that person, it shows up in the search results but without an inbox tag on it (no tag at all so where is it??), so I move it back to the inbox and then it's fine again.
I think it happens when I read the email on my phone and then mark it as unread. But not sure if that's the main reason as I do this often and this has only happened with a few.
I noticed the same issue but never said anything. I got an email from an ad I posted on craigslist and when I went to back to reply the email was gone. I know it has done this to me a couple of time, most have been from craigslist and others from personal emails. What gives?
WTF it just happened again ...when I get a gmail on my mytouch and click on to see what it says. The next thing i know the email disappears, i loogged into the my gmail account on my computer and search for that email and I find it in the trash? Why is it doing this?
this happens to me too on my hero roms. are you guys on hero roms too if so which ones, if not, are you on stock roms?
it is kind of random.
Just open the mail app then press:
Menu -> More -> Settings -> Send & Receive -> Download options
Then select "By days", then scroll down and select "All"
Be happy
Sorry for posting to an old thread but seemed to be quite relevant.
I was also having the problem with my mail expiring and understand what happens now thanks to this thread.
If I change to "All" in the download options, is there anyway to limit the initial download to a set number of days or do I have to manually clear my mailbox? I know, its my own fault for having such a messy inbox, but can't really face deleting over 500 mails on my phone
Thanks for any help you can give.

Pop email not being downloaded after marking for download

Hey there, got my HD 2 yesterday, set up most software and am a happy camper. Until I tried downloading the rest of an email that I received.
I mark it for download and it just doesn't.
No matter if i connect through GSM/3G/Wifi. It does download new messages, but does not download attachments or the rest of the message.
Standard Pop3 email,, not outlook, imap or exchange. The full mails remain on the server for 10 days, so they are still on the server (i checked).
Do you guys know if there is a log file somewhere that might give me clues? Any ideas?
I will delete the mail account and set it up anew now. Will post if it fixes it.
Thankfull for any hints.
Ok, this is weird. I just reviewed the account settings and found they had changed, the pop Username in particular. I can't remember changing it, since i had entered it correctly since i did receive the truncated mails properly in the first place...
Bug found!
It will replace the Username with the part before the @sign from the email address. So if your email is [email protected] but your username is username.popmail, it will automatically replace username.popmail by who.ever
Go through INBOX>MENU>TOOLS>OPTIONS to change your settings, they will be permanent there (as you end up in WinMo UI there).
This is anoying since you have to re-enter your pop login after you mistype MENU>SEND/RECEIVE from the Sense tab cause ACCOUNT SETTINGS is right next to it...

[Q] Delete my G-Mail acct. assoc. w/ Market

So I decided to delete my g-mail acct. I never ever use it... I have another email acct that is my primary...
anywho, so I tried to go onto the Market & it says my password is invalid for the gmail acct that I signed up with. It doesnt exist any longer & theres no way to change it that i've found on the Market to another email or something.
what to do?? I've searched and i havent found a solution.
BASICALLY- what i need to know is how do i get back onto Market?
I guess the easiest way would be to set up your phone with a different gmail account. But you will still lose the apps you paid for.
You could try emailing android market support or Google checkout support. They can transfer your purchases to a different account. Not sure if they would be willing to though.
Yeah, when I switched to CM6, the email I thought I used previously wouldn't work so I created another. Turns out that I misspelled the first email I created, which is why I kept getting it wrong. When I installed CM6, I ended up just creating another account for the market. Now I have two gmail accounts on my phone and neither are my usual usernames. When I go to settings > accounts & sync it won't let me delete them. I pretty much have to have both emails on my phone so I can keep my apps anyway. It just sucks that both emails' login info is something that I will never remember off the top of my head.

Push Email - Noob question, sorry

If I want to have push email for my main gmail account do I have to set it up as an Exchange account?
The shortest poll interval I see for any other (ie pop etc) account type is 5min
If then (to preserve battery etc) I want to switch from push to interval email is there any "harm" in using an exchange account-type for a gmail account?
My phone already syncs contacts/market etc with the main account that I have as the exchange account but want to understand the situation a little better
GGGrrrrr! This morning all 4 email settings (1 x echange gmail; 1 x pop3/imap gmail; 2x hotmail) appear to have been deleted from the HTC Mail App.
I cannot add the Exchange on in again as it tells me this account has already been setup.
I tried to delete it from the Account/Sync in Settings but even after saying it is deleting it is still there [albeit syncing nothing].
Anyone suggest how I can sort this? For the time being I have added the main account as a normal gmail account [except of course now it preferentially comes via the Gmail App first!]
No idea why you lost your email settings, I personally would blame Steve Jobs.
In relation to your other issue, I don't really see the point in creating an Exchange account to sync your Gmail account (two pushes will drain your battery faster than just one).
In Settings > Accounts & Sync > Gmail you can set the sync interval for your Gmail account.
How can I delete the Exchange account then?
As stated I have tried to get rid of it using the "remove account" in the Settings/Sync area but it is still there.....
Actually I have just googled it and it seems I might been to do a "factory reset" (ie start the build all over again) to get rid of it.
What I need to do first is find out if there is any way to backup my Apps (and their settings - my son would not forgive me for deleting his Angry birds pregress!)
Will search but any tips gratefully received!
No... don't factory reset.
I know you have tried this already but...
Just try again to remove the account via Settings > Accounts and Sync then select your account then look at the bottom of the screen. Do you see 'Remove Account'?
Click it
If not, go to your email program, select the account you want to delete and go into Account Settings and try and delete it from there.
Sorry I wasn't clear
I did do exactly as you said to remove the account: clicking on it in the sync settings and pressing remove (I get the warning abot losing all calendar etc etc)
I did that multiple times.
I even rebooting after doing it (as it was still there) but it is still there and still apparently syncing (green circle still there) even though all sync options were unticked.
If I click on the account (where it gives the option to adjust settings) it justs says error the Mail app has returned an error and asks me to force close (every time)
In the Main app it is not in the Accounts screen do I can't delete it from there (even though when I try to add it again it tells me error the server says this account already exists)
Hence my frustration (over a small matter I grant you but small matters can bev very irritating!)
In that case all I can suggest is:
Make sure that the account in question is not set as default (just in case this prevents you from deleting it). Choose another account and set it as default. Then try deleting.
Failing that, try going into the account settings and delete each of the individual fields and resave the 'blank' account (assuming it allows you - probably won't). If it does, then try to delete it.
I've just tried deleting my account and it worked fine.
As a last ditch attempt, if you have 'Titanium Backup', you could backup the application and data relating to Angry Birds and reinstall it following your hard reset or whatever.
PS Whenever I hard reset, bugger all happens.
I really appreciate your continued help.
Yep sadly it WAS set as the default account but I did make the gmail (non-exchange) account the default account and try again but no difference.
If I can't find any other way I was planning to just delete the data.img file and let it rebuild it but first backup the games files and figured that would reset everything.
I could then restore from Titanium [I have a horrible feeling it will go pear-shaped!]
It would be a PITA to have to d/l all the apps again but even more irritating for the kids to lose their hard-fought game-saves!
In the meantime I got so hacked-off with it all that I have booted back into WinMo!
Ok, we're getting desperate/funky now. Try this...
Make a copy of your data.img.
Boot into Android.
Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > All Applications and select email.apk
When that opens click on the clear data and clear cache (if they are not greyed out).
Go back into email and see if that has cleared them?
If so, hoo'bloody'ray and reset your email accounts.

Gmail won't sync

I'm having a rather annoying issue with my Gmail account. It's my main account that the phone is setup on.
Sometimes I get emails as they come in, but most of the time, I have to open the app and refresh it to get any new messages. I've tried to redo all the sync settings but nothing seems to have worked.
Any ideas?
droidx2.3.3 said:
I'm having a rather annoying issue with my Gmail account. It's my main account that the phone is setup on.
Sometimes I get emails as they come in, but most of the time, I have to open the app and refresh it to get any new messages. I've tried to redo all the sync settings but nothing seems to have worked.
Any ideas?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Have you tried going under the phone settings, then under accounts, and making sure that your android sync settings are enabled for all of the options Google gives that you want to sync, instead of just under the Gmail settings? You could maybe even try removing your entire Google account from that same accounts area in the phone settings and then just set it up all over again. That way you are doing your sync settings just like you were setting it up on your phone for the first time. Don't know if any info I give will be of any help or not, but thought it might be worth a try!! Hope you get it all figured out!!
It's one of the many broken things in the latest update from Verizon. Really wish I blocked all updates after the very first 5.1.1 update!!

