THANK YOU!!!! - G1 General

I'd like to say THANK YOU to ALL the DEV's/MODDER's in here who are making this a very enjoyable experience to have this phone.
I TRULY appreciate EVERYONES efforts.

this post is not appropriate and with all not so appropriate posts, it will get deleted.
ALso, It is not in tha appropriate section, please read the stickies before posting.

As cruel as we must be. This has been done millions of times. I'm sure the devs and others would respect if you told them by pm how much you like their roms besides making a thread in the dev section. As said before, please read the rules to find out what is appropriate to post where. Thanks!
Tagged for removal or move.

You are welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks protomanez


Rules for posting in the ba forum! Please read before posting!!!

[highlight]Rules for Posting New Threads in the Blue Angel WM6 Development Section[/highlight]​​
[highlight]Definition and General Purpose of this section:[/highlight]
This section of is for the device code-name Blue Angel by HTC. There exists several name variations of this device which can be located in the wiki. If your device [highlight]DOES NOT[/highlight] have any of the names found in the link above, then you are in the wrong section of the forum. You can find your device here. If your device is not listed in there, then you are in the wrong site altogether. However, your questions might be answered by posting them in the Q&A area.
The purpose of this forum is for the development and advancement of a device that was left 4 dead too soon. While questions are welcome, we require all members of all statuses to use either Google or the site's Search Engine before opening a new thread or making a post.
[highlight]Who Should Open New Threads?[/highlight]
Anyone making any type of contribution towards the Blue Angel (i.e. New Roms, New Software, Ports, Skins, etc).
If you are questioning why can something not be used in the Blue Angel, [highlight]Do Not Open A New Thread Asking For It.[/highlight] More than likely, that question/request has either been asked here, in the Development and Hacking Section, in the Questions and Answers Section, in the General Section.... you get my point. This takes me back to a point that I want to make absolutely clear.... [highlight]search before you ask.[/highlight]
An example of this that comes to mind is the "My 4/8/16/32 GB SD does not work with the Blue Angel" or "I applied the patch I found in the Dev&Hacking section and now my SD/my wireless does not work"
Most of us are always searching for things, stuff, and/or patches that will make the latest softwares run in our devices. If, for instance, you want to find out if TF3D works in the BA or not... you gotta search!!! If you want to find out why it doesn't run, search and then read (or ask in the Q&A section). Believe me, all of these answers are out there in this site.
The next post is equally as important... so please don't skip it!!
Flaming and Courtesy (taken from Tweakman's Thread)
Attention All XDA members. Over the past year, "Flaming" & Arguing has become two of the biggest problems on XDA. For those of you that do not know what "Flaming" is, it is unnessicary, immature, criticizm of another member, for mistakes, "noob" questions, or any other reason.
"Flaming" another user for a mistake, such as posting in the wrong section, or asking a noob type question, will no longer be tolerated. ANY MEMBER (OF ANY STATUS) CAUGHT FLAMING ANOTHER MEMBER FOR ANY REASON, WILL BE SUBJECT TO DISCIPLINARY ACTION. This just will not be tolerated guys and gals. XDA isn't here for only tech savy members, but for members of all types, Noobs included.
Anyone can make a mistake. Anyone can post in the wrong section if there new here, or even if they've been here a while. THATS WHY WE HAVE POLICIEIS FOR THESE MISTAKES. Over the past few months, we have worked out ways upon ways to help people stop posting in the wrong section, and to help make asking questions easier. "FLAMING" does not speed this process up, or help it in anyway, but only adds to the problem.
Now , about Arguing with other members. We sometimes get members that come here just to start problems. They will post untrue comments, or make ridiculous statements, only in the attempt to start fights and trouble. And most of the time they succeed.
THIS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED EITHER. If a member says something to you, or in a thread , that isn't true, or if a member is trying to start an argument ro trouble, DO NOT TAKE IT UPON YOURSELF TO ARGUE WITH THAT PERSON!! You setting an arguing with another member, will not solve any problems, but instead will only cause more.
If you are in a thread, arguing with someone , other members will join in, and the thread will eventually become cluttered up and of topic. The person starting the trouble gets what they want, and nothing ever is resolved. So instead of taking it upon yourself to argue with them, come straight to me, or to any moderator on this site, and report that member to us.
We will check things out and take the appropriate actions. However, if you are caught arguing back and forth with another member, for an off related subject in any thread, you will be held accountable and responsible just as the other member will NO MATTER WHO STARTS THE ARGUMENT.
Come on guys, XDA wasn't made to argue, and to start trouble with people. It's here to help you and me get what we want out of our devices. AND THATS WHAT IT WILL BE USED FOR. You all have done great witht he recent changes to different sections, and threads, and the improvments to D&H Are amazing. If you can do that, you can do this without any trouble.
So lets give it a shot guys. I mean come one, "Can't we all just get along"
i have read it and yes!
great utopy men!
Keep the good work!
Thank you for creating this's about time to put some order here on our BA section. And about time to have a new moderator for BA Thread.
Can't we all just get along
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Tottaly Agree With These Rules
And a little suggestion for addition to the rules, our good admins added the rating feature for a reason - so al of the users who want to thank a thread just rate for it with the amount of stars you think it deserve
thanks posts are about at least 50% of all posts in these forums
You got my vote for excellence my friend. Now lets all follow them rules and enjoy a smother, friendlier community.
i have read it and yes!
This forum is our home, and the second-serves all...
and all the love and thanks to the owners and observers and members .
And special thanks to the developer (xplode)It is worth it..
My unconditional support to this forum!!!!!
xplode said:
And a little suggestion for addition to the rules, our good admins added the rating feature for a reason - so al of the users who want to thank a thread just rate for it with the amount of stars you think it deserve
thanks posts are about at least 50% of all posts in these forums
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totally agreed.
i fully agree with u
hi all
im fully agree with u,and im with xplode suggestion about rating,and i have another suggestion,in some sites in any thread there is a(thnaks)bottun in any thread,if the reader wants to thank,he will press this bottun and his name will appeare in the end of subject owner and thats all,the posts should be focus on the subject(problems and the ways to solve it or any useful idea for BA).
i will share a picture to know my idea
People who put in endless efforts expects thanks and appreciations whereas the common users want more and more and forget the untold efforts of contributors.
April 1 said:
People who put in endless efforts expects thanks and appreciations whereas the common users want more and more and forget the untold efforts of contributors.
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And possibly a donation specially from those who make the special requests to have software developed to their taste and comfort. So I will add that to the suggestion of voting... I've seen where some folks say.... Hey ILoveYou, I really love your software, I wish it'll have LOVE and TENDERNESS. I'm sending a donation for your efforts into future development. (In other words... ) I'm sure you all understand what that donation meant and that there are great chances that if its possible, the love will be given.
Have a lovely day friends.
egzthunder1 said:
Attention All XDA members. Over the past year, "Flaming" & Arguing has become two of the biggest problems on XDA. For those of you that do not know what "Flaming" is, it is unnessicary, immature, criticizm of another 。。。。。。"
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[READ ME] Rules, Moderation, How to Help - Additional information

And now, a word from your friendly neighbourhood moderators!
As you may know some of our Android device forums are a bit "messy", with your help, let's see if we can keep the i9000 forums clean! This is a bit of an experiment, to see if posts like these help at all. Most of the following is simple common sense, and for most of you it will hopefully bring nothing new.
The official i9000 forums moderator is Sirphunkee. I, Chainfire will also be hanging around here quite a bit.
Please consult the forum rules before posting, they can be found here:
The rules should be clear enough, however I will repeat some points for emphasis and post some additions here as well.
Use the search
This speaks for itself, though many still don't use it.
Check the i9000 FAQ before posting
It can be found here:
Don't post in the android development section ...
... unless you are absolutely sure it belongs there! The developers / hackers are trying to work, don't bother them with things that do not belong there.
When in doubt, post in the general section. If it's a question, post in the Q&A section
If you're not sure, it probably should NOT go into the android development section.
Treat eachother with respect
No flaming, no personal attacks, be nice, behave, show respect. While you may be responding to somebody who has asked a question you might find dumb, or he didn't use the search, or whatever reason you think you may have, it is never ever warranted to be flaming anyone, and it simply will not be tolerated.
Ignore flames, personal attacks, etc
If these should occur, do not respond to them! Especially when they are directed at you, this is hard to do and you want to defend yourself. Suppres this urge! Responding to these is "feeding the troll", and only serves to bring a thread further off-topic and make it much harder for us moderators to clean up the mess. Responding to these posts makes you part of the problem, and doesn't help anyone. See below for how to report these to have a moderator look at it, and if needed, remove it. Don't let the trolls win!
Saying thank you
This forum does not come with a "thank you" button like some other forums do. While for example if you post a question and others help you out, saying "thank you" is nice, in many development threads saying thank you only serves to clutter to thread. Please do not post a comment saying nothing more than "thank you" in these threads - instead perhaps consider giving the developer a small donation to show your appreciation, give the thread a 5-star rating, or help out in some other way (like assisting others with their problems).
Helping out
There are many of you, and only a few of us moderators. Like you, we are mere humans, we are not paid for being here, and our time is limited - we cannot read every post of every thread. The first few things you can do to help out is behave, assist others, follow the rules, and make sure you are not the (negative) reason that we need to look at a thread or post. But there's more you can do to be of assistance:
Reporting posts
Each post has a "report" button associated with it, found at the top-right of the post. It a triangle with an exclamation mark inside of it, and hard to miss. Clicking it will give you a box you can use to add a comment, and then the post in question will be brought to the attention of the moderators. Be short and precise when writing the comment. While your biography is undoubtedly an interesting thing to read, it has no place in that comment box Please verify that the post is actually against the rules of XDA (see link at the top of this post) before reporting a post. The additions I have posted here, unless they are also present in the XDA rules, are not enforced by other moderators.
Posts in the wrong section
I see a lot of comments on threads that they are in the wrong section. Please handle these threads in the following way:
Check that nobody else has already posted that the thread is in the wrong section. Do not clutter the thread with notices about how the thread starter is in the wrong place, one notice is enough!
If you're the first, post that the thread should have been (for example) in the general or Q&A section instead of the android development section, in a kind and respectful way, and ...
report the post, putting something like "not development, please move to general" in the comment box.
Flames, personal attacks, (severe) disrespect
Even though these are against the rules, they will still happen. As stated above, it is generally not a good idea to respond to them. However, depending on how offensive they are, you might wish to report them for moderator attention. Do so in the following way:
Check that nobody else has already posted that he reported the post. Do not clutter the thread with notices, responses to a flame, etc. One notice is enough!
If you appear to be the first, you might want to post that you have reported said post (without quoting it!), and ...
check if others have quoted the flame, personal attack, etc in their replies, and ...
report the post, putting something like "flame, has been quoted / responded to by others". This makes our job faster to do!
Violations of other rules
These will happen. Again, check if others have already (kindly and respectfully) notified the poster that his behaviour is against the rules. You might want to report such a violation, but please take a moment to think about it, and do not go on a "reporting spree". Is the violation really so severe that it needs to be "handled" by moderators ? Does a moderator really need to warn this user about his behaviour ? Does the post really need to be modified by a moderator ? For example, for some light verbal abuse / explicit language, you might just want to (kindly) ask the user to tone his language down a bit and/or edit his own post, instead of turning to a moderator.
Don't go on a reporting spree
As stated above, think hard about reporting a post before you do it. For example, don't go to android development section and report threads from page 3 to be in the wrong area. The thread is likely already dead, and requesting to have it moved is a waste of both your and our time. Use common sense!
The "star rating" system is not useless
You can rate a thread with up to 5 stars. Please use this ability, it makes it easy to spot high quality and low quality threads for others browsing these forums.
Don't PM myself or Sirphunkee unless you really have to
We get enough PM's as it is. Most things can be resolved without sending us a PM personally. For example by reporting a post, or posting in this thread here.
Need more empty posts at the top of your thread ?
It is not uncommon that you have ran out of space in the first post of your thread (especially with "release" threads). Feel free to request additional "first posts" for your thread by posting in this thread here.
Do you really think a certain thread should (or should no longer) be a sticky ?
Again, feel free to post that here in this thread. Obviously, do not request your own threads to be stickied. If it is worthy, others will request it for you.
Anything you would like to add or request ?
Feel free to post it in here, but please remain on-topic.
The end!
Hopefully this will have a positive effect and is generally helpful, if not, I'll just remove this thread again.
I will try to keep up with the posts in here !
Thank you! I appreciate you putting time into keep our little patch of XDA in shape.
Thanks for your time!
it was about time we got some one official in here
Thank you moderators, for sacrificing your personal time to make this forum more enjoyable.
This is an excellent thread and it was about time to put things in order!
My congratulations guys!
Since there is an option for requests here..I would like to request consideration for this petition:
[Q] Proposal to merge all Galaxy S family into 1 neat and big sub forum
Аnd there are already 270+ members up for merging.
Will moderators consider it?
That's an admin decision, not a moderator decision.
Oh, ok, sorry
Did the admins take final decision whether to merge or not?
And are they aware of the situation?
jam3sjam3s said:
Oh, ok, sorry
Did the admins take final decision whether to merge or not?
And are they aware of the situation?
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Yes, the discussion about this is ongoing at the moment. The admins and mods are discussing the best way to handle the organizing of all the Galaxy forum sections, and will likely come to some decision shortly. We're looking at the proposal in AllGamer's poll (see the sticky at the top of this section) as a possible solution, and I'm sure we'll post whatever the final decision is somewhere in each of the current sections (this one included) to make sure all members who need to know are aware.
sirphunkee , thank you for your reply and your work
All Galaxy S owners are looking forward to solving this problem
Modified the first post a bit to reference Q&A section. Q&A has been here for a while but I was on vacation
I see lots of great work from moderation lately!
This forum felt little 'undermoderated' until now, but your effort in past hours to keep this place up just cant be missed!
Thank you!
Thanks guys for all you do, got my SGS 9 days ago; was fearful of rooting; found one click lag fix, dove right in; you guys are awesome!!!! thank you!! thank you!!! thank you!!!
Well, not replying to anything in particular and nothing really special enough to warrant a new topic and since this is the most "general" Galaxy S topic I thought I'd share it here.
Swiping my Galaxy S along the the left side of the laptop (keyboard) area puts my Macbook Pro to sleep (around the FN key). Only when the Galaxy S is unlocked and screen, just a weird occurrence I thought I'd share. Tried it on a few other Macbook Pros, same result. Looked around a bit, apparently magnet does this but I'm thinking something else. Interesting nonetheless.
useful topic
Indeed usefull topic!
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
hi you all i am new here
Noted with the rules...
okej good to know

We Need

We need either more moderators or some people with more time on their hands. No offense to any current moderators of the Droid 2 section or anything, but this place is ridiculously cluttered and unorganized. People asking questions in development or the theme/app section should be posted in the general chat or within the same topic of the subject of their question. People in the development section posting multiple topics every time they update their ROM, the amount of topics and confusion could easily be cut down tremendously. If you go to any other phones development section on XDA, you see that everyone just updates their first post. Don't worry about your post count or people not noticing that you've updated, they will notice it.
Figured I should post this, because there are a ton of unneeded and misplaced posts.
For reference...
I know who the current moderator is, but he isn't taking care of our section. It needs to be cleaned, hence the nature of my topic.
I'm also not trying to attack him/her in anyway, as you can tell from the link you posted they oversee A LOT of sections, and that's a lot of work for one person.
kwheel596 said:
I know who the current moderator is, but he isn't taking care of our section. It needs to be cleaned, hence the nature of my topic.
I'm also not trying to attack him/her in anyway, as you can tell from the link you posted they oversee A LOT of sections, and that's a lot of work for one person.
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That wasn't meant just for you, not everyone knows how to find that info.
You should probably PM Captainkrtek to start with. That seems like the politic thing to do.

New Forum Moderators

My name is Tom and I'm one of the new moderators here. I like post-rock music, cooking and ROM making. If you have some issues/questions, please PM me and I'm sure we'll find a solution.
Some rules:
0. Follow the rules.
1. Post in the correct section
2. Respect each other
3. Report when you'll see some abusive posts.
See you soon
Hi, I'm Kenny and I like long walks on the beach......what? Oh, it's not that kind of intro? Oh OK.
Well hi all I have the distinct honor of sharing the Moderator roll here and hope to help keep this new forum fun for all.
I am honored to be your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator.
To keep me friendly though please do not get into flaming matches. If someone is disrespectful please mash the report button rather than engage them further. In other words don't feed the trolls.
Also please post questions in Q&A. Those are the biggies.
I have put out a few themes and ROMs for the Epic 4G so know what it is like from the developer side. So please respect the developers. Without them xda-developers would be xda-facebook or something.
Thank you all!
Hi everyone,my name is Tasos and i have been assigned to be your new Forum Moderator along with Tom and Kenny.
If you have any problems don't hesitate to pm me siberian tiger
And don't forget the rules
Please review the rules and lets keep XDA the best place for fellowship and development.
And remember we are all here to have fun
This thread can now be used as a "Ask a moderator" thread. You can post your questions, concerns here. We will gladly help
Welcome aboard
Any news on future development for this device? Is this device a world seller?
goodmamba said:
Welcome aboard
Any news on future development for this device? Is this device a world seller?
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Just give Chainfire or some other developer some time to root this device. As it's Samsung, rooting it shouldn't be too difficult (I guess )
And yes, you can buy SIII Mini almost everywhere.
I was wondering if the rooting will allow cell unlock.
I am asking this to know what to do: wait for root or go to a Samsung service for cell unlock.
root will not unlock the device, but I wish some great devs will developing for this S3 mini, wich is a very great phone imho
Hello all,
I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm graffixnyc and I have recently been assigned to help moderate the forum. If you guys have any issues please do not hesitate to let me know. As always, please follow the rules and treat each other with respect.
as much as i would like to believe that the rules follow some logical flow and understanding and are in place due to experience and historical events that have taken place on the XDA forums
i have a small issue with the rule of not being able to post in the developer section until having made 10 posts
from my experience in doing some small dev work i would not want to be harassed directly for help with a solution that i provided
i would not want to be getting several PM's asking the same question from several different people all because they were not able to post their question on the thread where i provided the solution
since we are unable to post in a thread our questions or suggestions that leaves only one place to be able to post, the Q&A section
leading to the risk of multiple duplicate posts and resulting in more work for the moderators to clean up
what would be the correct way to get around this issue whilst still following the rules?


So since there has been a lot of newcomers lately who have been creating threads in general sections regarding questions/reporting bugs, I decided to make this thread to tell them about what they are supposed to do and what they should avoid.
For newcomers/newbies:
1. If you have a question regarding about your device, post in the Q&A Section
2. If you have bugs about a ROM, post your bugs in the ROM's thread or its Questions thread.
3. If you would want opinions on which phone you should buy, this is not quite the place but you can search for reviews or remarks by people who have used the phone via Google or Youtube (E.g Pocketnow, PhoneArena, Techradar)
For senior members/experienced people:
1. If you see a thread in the wrong section, hit the report button (Triangle button with an exclamation mark at the top right corner) and request for the moderators to move the thread to the correct section.
2. Treat new members the way you would like to have been treated when you were a new member. When dealing with any member, provide them with guidance, advice and instruction when you can, showing respect and courtesy. Never post in a demanding, argumentative, disrespectful or self-righteous manner.
3. If you see posts from others where you can help out, please do. This place exists because people are helping each other, and even if you are relatively new to the matter, there's probably already quite a few people newer than you that would benefit from what you've learned. Don't be shy.
For everyone:
1. If you would like to share your experience with your device, give a farewell message to others, tell funny stories or just anything off-topic, then post your random words in The Off-Topic Thread
1. To keep sections neat and clean
2. To reduce threads that are not helpful to others but to yourself
3. To make moderators' jobs easier
I'm not a forum moderator, but I'm just here to help
I'd also like to add something.
I am tired of the snarky responses in the threads that should be moved. If you don't have anything to say, then don't. Maybe you could help fix the problem at hand and then at the end post something like, "Next time this should go in the Q&A section. I'll report for it to be moved."
There are quite a few people who think that they need to take matters in their own hands. Please stop. You are not part of the solution, but rather part of the problem. Recently The Rules have changed to condense Flaming and Lack of Respect. Snide remarks in threads can lead a person who has nothing invested in the thread getting an infraction.
2.3 Flaming / Lack of respect: XDA is about sharing which does not involve virtual yelling (flaming) or rudeness. Flaming or posting with a lack of respect is not acceptable. Treat new members the way you would like to have been treated when you were a new member. When dealing with any member, provide them with guidance, advice and instruction when you can, showing respect and courtesy. Never post in a demanding, argumentative, disrespectful or self-righteous manner.
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Please Post All Questions In The Q&A Section.
They do not belong in the General Section.
If you are missing your threads, this is probably why.
They will be moved or closed depending on their material.
Per Rule 15
15. Keep posts/threads on-topic
Whilst a minor amount of off-topic posting may be overlooked, the general rule is your posts / threads must be relevant to the Forum / thread in which you are posting.
•--->General Forums - For news and announcements relating to your device.
•--->Q&A Forums - For all question threads / posts. If there is no Q&A forum use the device General Forum
•Accessories subforum - For posts related to accessories relevant to the phone model
•Development Forums (ones with the word development in the title) - For developers to post release threads e.g. ROMs and Kernels including modifications to Kernels, Bootloaders, ROMs, etc.
•Themes and Apps Forums - For themers to post Themes and App. announcements & discussions including modifications made to Apps and Themes.
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And I'll just leave this here for kicks.
10. Help others if you can.
If you see posts from others where you can help out, please do. This place exists because people are helping each other, and even if you are relatively new to the matter, there's probably already quite a few people newer than you that would benefit from what you've learned. Don't be shy.
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^^^^ Thanks @Woody for this addition, I can stop biting my tongue hopefully now! I for one know that my first post on XDA was one of those "panic and post" classics!..........and I am eternally grateful that I was helped rather than being shot down in flames.
Any parent will know that encouraging people/youngsters whilst also steering them in the right direction, is infinitely more favourable than scolding and put downs.
We, as members of a community, should nurture talent, not discourage it and personally I would hate to think that I had tried slamming the door in the face of a potential upcoming Chainfire.......that would be very embarrassing.
Nurture the future
Learn wisdom from the past.

