Can we flash Nexus CM themes on Desire CM ? - Desire Themes and Apps

Is this possible?

I also want to know about this...

no, you need to do it manually, because some files in framework-res are only for the nexus one, so you can only wait the porting or you need to modify the framework-res.
(sorry for my poor english)

cgimc4 said:
no, you need to do it manually, because some files in framework-res are only for the nexus one, so you can only wait the porting or you need to modify the framework-res.
(sorry for my poor english)
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I tried a Nexus One CM Theme on my Desire CM and it worked perfectly.

Jeppfi said:
I tried a Nexus One CM Theme on my Desire CM and it worked perfectly.
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me too..but first make a back up.
and check if the cm versions are the same.

Jeppfi said:
I tried a Nexus One CM Theme on my Desire CM and it worked perfectly.
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Any chanse you can say wich theme and a link if possible?

infexis said:
Any chanse you can say wich theme and a link if possible?
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You can use Nexus themes, but not ROM's!


[IDEA] - Porting Launcher2.apk from MIUI to other roms

Hi all,
Due to some issues with Market etc, I had this thought that maybe the best elements of MIUI could be taken from the ROM and ported into ASOP or some other rom e.g. Cyanogen.
Is this possible anyone think?
where do you want to port to? Froyo?MIUI is a Froyo dude, to Sense rom?does it necessary?
chrisvuong said:
where do you want to port to? Froyo?MIUI is a Froyo dude, to Sense rom?does it necessary?
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The Launcher UI to another ROM base I mean chris
I know MIUI is based upon AOSP Froyo, I am on about taking the UI elements from MIUI but putting them into a ROM we can develop with e.g. source code available, fix issues e.g. market displaying incorrect, so on and so forth.
mobiousdigital said:
The Launcher UI to another ROM base I mean chris
I know MIUI is based upon ASOP Froyo, I am on about taking the UI elements from MIUI but putting them into a ROM we can develop with e.g. source code available, fix issues e.g. market displaying incorrect, so on and so forth.
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ah, okay got you ^^.
mobiousdigital said:
The Launcher UI to another ROM base I mean chris
I know MIUI is based upon AOSP Froyo, I am on about taking the UI elements from MIUI but putting them into a ROM we can develop with e.g. source code available, fix issues e.g. market displaying incorrect, so on and so forth.
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What happens if you just install MIUI Launcher2 on another rom? Should work... may need to be resigned that's all though I think.
djmcnz said:
What happens if you just install MIUI Launcher2 on another rom? Should work... may need to be resigned that's all though I think.
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ForceClose errors.
I'd like that too. And maybe the scrolling behavior too, which I tried by copying the xml's in the anim in frame-work res folder but nothing happened. Maybe someone knows how to?
when i install the apk of the MIUI Launcher Astro says that it can't install
iDanceĀ°-->ra1n said:
when i install the apk of the MIUI Launcher Astro says that it can't install
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Tried just pushing the Launcher2.apk with adb?
Here is the signed APK if anyone needs it...
P30TiP said:
Here is the signed APK if anyone needs it...
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and this works on other ROMS e.g Folder actions, widget editing mode etc?
Let us know
mobiousdigital said:
and this works on other ROMS e.g Folder actions, widget editing mode etc?
Let us know
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Nope, don't think so. To be honest, I haven't really tested it myself. I just provided the signed APK if needed for people.
P30TiP said:
Nope, don't think so. To be honest, I haven't really tested it myself. I just provided the signed APK if needed for people.
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Right I see!
I'd love to have all the components of the miui launcher but without that dock and dialer..I'd much rather have the sense dock/dialer/launcher on the miui rom..that would be perfect but i cant imagine that ever happening lol I love the folders,editing mode,notification panel,scrolling,and lock screen of the miui, huge improvement over the aosp imo
civicvx94 said:
I'd love to have all the components of the miui launcher but without that dock and dialer..I'd much rather have the sense dock/dialer/launcher on the miui rom..that would be perfect but i cant imagine that ever happening lol I love the folders,editing mode,notification panel,scrolling,and lock screen of the miui, huge improvement over the aosp imo
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Yea it would be nice to see the code commited for it
i would love to get the Mms.apk from MIUI ported to the stock rom. Its so much better
drzplaya1121 said:
i would love to get the Mms.apk from MIUI ported to the stock rom. Its so much better
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Maybe but not the place for that discussion
Anyone think we will see the source code for the Launcher released to Cyanogen any time soon?
That system + him would be something special!
lo.. u guys have so much dreams!! Like me hahha... i tried to install launcher2.apk from adb nd it says invalid apk.. so i think its up to devs to do that lol.. nd i like all miui mods to be on cm7 based roms or cm7 .. i like miui but it has to much bugs on it so i m now on mexdroid mod aio htc glacier
MIUI Launcher is apart of MIUI ROM is very hard to port it to another rom , and also we don't have MIUI source code...
Wow you really dug this one up from the grave. Oct 2010? But someone did make a copy/theme of the MIUI launcher. Check out

Miui development..

I just wanna ask u all developers . Is the development project for miui rom have been started or not..
I like miui interface much attractive then that of cm7.
Or is there any theme of miui for g3
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App
If I'm right, and correct me if I'm wrong, the guys over at Greenmods are doing a port.
You should check it out!
dympy said:
If I'm right, and correct me if I'm wrong, the guys over at Greenmods are doing a port.
You should check it out!
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yeah ... jasux , pauri and all have started the porting work!.... but most probably it will come after marcellusbe's cyanogen port only!
anant.0097 said:
yeah ... jasux , pauri and all have started the porting work!.... but most probably it will come after marcellusbe's cyanogen port only!
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Yep we are porting it and if we get all working before cm7 we will most likely release it with froyo and later with GB, and yes it looks awesome
Can we get some preview images
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App
jazux said:
Yep we are porting it and if we get all working before cm7 we will most likely release it with froyo and later with GB, and yes it looks awesome
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Now that is good news...... btw i read in thread that you guys are porting only some of the MIUI apps and theme and not the entire framework.... but the rom is based on AOSP...... so won't the samsung modified froyo be a problem for the base rom?
anant.0097 said:
Now that is good news...... btw i read in thread that you guys are porting only some of the MIUI apps and theme and not the entire framework.... but the rom is based on AOSP...... so won't the samsung modified froyo be a problem for the base rom?
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We are porting all MIUI frameworks (.jar files and the theme) also the apps and thats it... But the thing is that MIUI get its looks from framework.jar files and everything except firmware will be ported. lockscreen, launcher, apps, notification bar, theme, scripts these are the main things we are going to port
And if you want screenshots just google MIUI
jazux said:
We are porting all MIUI frameworks (.jar files and the theme) also the apps and thats it... But the thing is that MIUI get its looks from framework.jar files and everything except firmware will be ported. lockscreen, launcher, apps, notification bar, theme, scripts these are the main things we are going to port
And if you want screenshots just google MIUI
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Excellent ...... all the best.... and count me as a tester if you need one that is!
Will be happy to help in anyway i can...... btw is there any other way that i can help?
Jazux I am talking of screenshots of ur ported version..
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App
Google it he said.
Porting is just make it suit for a different phone.
Vermillon said:
Google it he said.
Porting is just make it suit for a different phone.
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absolutely true!!! thanks for that
jazux said:
We are porting all MIUI frameworks (.jar files and the theme) also the apps and thats it... But the thing is that MIUI get its looks from framework.jar files and everything except firmware will be ported. lockscreen, launcher, apps, notification bar, theme, scripts these are the main things we are going to port
And if you want screenshots just google MIUI
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So you won't make a MIUI'port base on gingerbread ?
Darius_AWS said:
So you won't make a MIUI'port base on gingerbread ?
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it will be based on marcellusbes AOSP android 2.3 (if he gives me the permission to use it)
I hope he'll allow that !
I'm looking forward to your rom !
Got u now jazux..
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App
Vermillon said:
I hope he'll allow that !
I'm looking forward to your rom !
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just got the permission to use marcellusbes AOSP 2.3 gingerbread as a base
Good luck for your project
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App
I wish you good luck as well, and I can't wait.
jazux said:
just got the permission to use marcellusbes AOSP 2.3 gingerbread as a base
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Hurry up dude !
Vermillon said:
Hurry up dude !
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:-D we have to wait for AOSP 2.3!!

HD2 NDT Ginger rom

I am currently using Langthang's Miui 2.3.7 with i phone 4 theme.
I found this rom with a great theme in the video:
Does anyone one know how to get the exact them in the video and what do I need to download ?
tried asking the maker of the video?
Richy99 said:
tried asking the maker of the video?
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I did some days ago but reply. I know there are add ons. But which ones are for that rom?
xda_apprentice said:
I did some days ago but reply. I know there are add ons. But which ones are for that rom?
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That's CM7 ROM, if you use MIUI ROM you can download Go Launcher EX from Maket
langthang said:
That's CM7 ROM, if you use MIUI ROM you can download Go Launcher EX from Maket
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Thanks Langthang. Keep up the amazing work and looking forward to your next masterpiece
xda_apprentice said:
I did some days ago but reply. I know there are add ons. But which ones are for that rom?
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hey! I currently use this rom and have been doing so since the last 5 HD2 doesn't heat up as much as it used to do with some of the other roms that i tried.
Great work Langthang...looking forward to your next release!

Desire C - possible port for ICS?

Hello everyone
I noticed that Desire C was introduced.
It's hardware looks very similar to our old Hero.
I'm curious, would it be possible to port ICS + Sense. Not sure about the ARM (6 or 7?)on the Desire, I remember that this caused problems in the past.
What do You guys think ?
I think that it's not possible. We have from where to port ICS - Eris, HeroC.
But why did you do a thread in Development Area?
Hi there
Yeah, it should be general or qa section, I was so hyped by the possibility of port, that I posted without thinking.
Sorry about that, can someone move this thread to aproptiate section?
Sent from my Hero using XDA
I don't agree, I think this could be possible for many reasons. But what I can say is that if the devs of the Samsung galaxy ace are capable of porting sense 4 to their device, I see no reason ( except ram) that could make us think that the port is impossible
To finish, many people say that ics is in a way lighter than gb, in general. So there is only a sense port remaining.
But as the specs are quite similar...why would it be impossible?
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA
I think this will be same like with explorer sense 3.5,it will be ported sooner or later...
slobo2712 said:
I think this will be same like with explorer sense 3.5,it will be ported sooner or later...
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That's exactly what I thought about
I like you slobo lol
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA
lolo7291 said:
That's exactly what I thought about
I like you slobo lol
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA
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lol, gay! =)
in other hands, there are few devs left on the old hero. who will port it? no one!
Guys, the DesireC is the Eris. Or have I missed something?
The DesireC doesn't have a Sense ICS build, they have an AOSP build. Our AOSP build is ported from theirs.
stritfajt said:
Guys, the DesireC is the Eris. Or have I missed something?
The DesireC doesn't have a Sense ICS build, they have an AOSP build. Our AOSP build is ported from theirs.
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the Desire C is a brand new phone heres a youtube video
This is only for developers if they still have here RUU from desire c
slobo2712 said:
This is only for developers if they still have here RUU from desire c
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I'm taking a look at it right now
Edit: Weird. system.img is 798MB large and I can't seem to extract it... Where did you find this RUU?
stritfajt said:
I'm taking a look at it right now
Edit: Weird. system.img is 798MB large and I can't seem to extract it... Where did you find this RUU?
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I found it here there is guy who extracted it with ext2explore in kitchen,but yes that will be problem it's relly large srecno
extracted it
all files together are about the 470mb
EDIT: removed a lot (apps) now it is 297mb
will try to remove some more files..
nickholtus said:
extracted it
all files together are about the 470mb
EDIT: removed a lot (apps) now i have 297mb
will try to remove some more files..
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hoho This forum is incredible Everybody together we have infinite intelligence.... Limits exist only in our mind
I greet your work, developers
aleksandar.1 said:
hoho This forum is incredible Everybody together we have infinite intelligence.... Limits exist only in our mind
I greet your work, developers
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yes, I think we're not a lot on this forum but we know we're a good team together ^^,
Look, personally, I would never have thought that ICS would work on our little hero.
But if it runs as smooth as i'd like it to be, I think I would reconsider the fact I want a one x
Can't deodex it
why not.
change api level to 15
nickholtus said:
why not.
change api level to 15
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Why deodexing it? It's already deodexed for most apks
I'm trying to cook it a bit but this ROM is so HUGE!!
I just can't believe it would be possible to flash it in system/app
I think we'd better try to have as a base the modules from the working ICS, shouldn't we?
Hey hey!! I cleaned up the System/app folder and now it's size is...144MB...without mail, and without calendar...what a shame!!
But System/ stills 376MB...we're almost there!!
We need to be less than approximatively 190MB (accepting the fact that we will need custom mdt partionning)
lolo7291 said:
Why deodexing it? It's already deodexed for most apks
I'm trying to cook it a bit but this ROM is so HUGE!!
I just can't believe it would be possible to flash it in system/app
I think we'd better try to have as a base the modules from the working ICS, shouldn't we?
Hey hey!! I cleaned up the System/app folder and now it's size is...144MB...without mail, and without calendar...what a shame!!
But System/ stills 376MB...we're almost there!!
We need to be less than approximatively 190MB (accepting the fact that we will need custom mdt partionning)
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I got the whole /system down to 270MB. But I had do delete quite a lot of APKs... I don't have time to work on it more right now though, maybe later.
I got rom size araund 160 mb but can't install it,i think problem is in update - script maybe...

4 way reboot on tilapia 4.3

im running a stock based 4.3 rom on nexus 7 3g, and i want to know if there is a 4 or 3 way reboot avialable.
tomer007 said:
im running a stock based 4.3 rom, and i want to know if there is a 4 or 3 way reboot avialable.
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I think is not possible if you are using the stock rom.
szabadgy said:
I think is not possible if you are using the stock rom.
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why? i think i can add somthing to the framework to make it work like in here
tomer007 said:
why? i think i can add somthing to the framework to make it work like in here
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ok, you need this rom
because this rom is deodex
szabadgy said:
ok, you need this rom
because this rom is deodex
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oh my bad i forgot to mention, i own a nexus 7 3g not grouper
tomer007 said:
oh my bad i forgot to mention, i own a nexus 7 3g not grouper
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sorry i have N7 wifi (grouper). I dont know the solution of your problem
