Yeah yeah yeah, so, Rotating Dilemma - HD2 General

Please read before throwing the "search first" one liner out at me
Ive searched, ive read,
The problem is, sure i can add things to rotate in BSB tweaks, but my problems are a little more tedious.
With most roms comes rotation of the pictures and music tabs, and so on.
But alot of stuff i want to rotate, such as input for setting up email, so i can type it in with the bigger keyboard, signing in on the data services page in all those and so on.
Basicly i want everything that can rotate, to rotate, (heres where the but comes in)
BUT, when i add things like this to rotate it ends up adding manilla which ends up making the pictures and music tab rotate twice putting them upside down.
I want everything to rotate but what the heck, i dont want upside down stuff too
Ive used g-config and BSB in all of the NRG roms on the tilt2 and now on the hd2 and always does this

I would suggest you delete all the rotate instructions in BSB Tweaks and use a tool called Gyratur instead.
Hope this helps.

I only added a couple apps in BSB to rotate. I would need to stop the pics and music tab to stop rotating and then rotate them by adding manilla (i think it shows up as start) to rotate.
Will deleting all the lists in BSB stop the music ad pics tabs from rotating? I dont think it will. Im not sure how to stop them. I think i tried gyrator not to long ago and got the same result, double rotate in music and pics tabs

No no no...
use this program, the default to portrait, run the "Show Apps Name" tab and add each program, along with its desired rotation. Make sure to select enabled and run at startup.

telegraph0000 said:
No no no...
use this program, the default to portrait, run the "Show Apps Name" tab and add each program, along with its desired rotation. Make sure to select enabled and run at startup.
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Ive actualy tried that before and just to satisfy i installed it and guess what, yup, music and pics tabs roate twice, so they are upside down.

Not good. Rotating on the lock screen unlocke the phone and then the app i guess crashed as it wouldnt rotate again

carhigh said:
Ive actualy tried that before and just to satisfy i installed it and guess what, yup, music and pics tabs roate twice, so they are upside down.
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go to exceptions in changescreen config, if you see manila, (hold down and then delete). Make sure that default is only the vertical (straight up, portrait) is the only one checked!

I removed manila and still had the double rotation with music and pictures tabs in sense. I rebooted the phone, just so you know. Maybe i have to kill all the rotations listed in bsb tweaks that comes in the rom?

Great, nothing at all on the exceptions page and portait only as deault. Now my all messages page and inside a text convo it rotates landscape and then goes right back to portate.

Just what i figured. No way to disable sense default rotating of the music and pics tasbs and enabling everything to rotate with something else

Have you tried changing the registry setting relating to music and album rotation then setting it to rotate with an app?

No, but i guess ill go looking into that now. And disabling htc messaging rotation too.

Id love to find a solution to this too but from what I've read it seems everyones stuck with the music/pictures problem...
I found a reg entry which im pretty sure enables/disable the album rotation but I couldnt see anything relating to the music tab.....
Someone must know if this will work or not..............

carhigh said:
Just what i figured. No way to disable sense default rotating of the music and pics tasbs and enabling everything to rotate with something else
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I have everything rotating, file explorer, coreplayer, calculator, word, excel, all without rotating manila home...are you trying to rotate everything+manila rotated as well?

telegraph0000 said:
I have everything rotating, file explorer, coreplayer, calculator, word, excel, all without rotating manila home...are you trying to rotate everything+manila rotated as well?
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Anyone can get apps rotating! And without rotating manila home!!
Yes i am trying to get everything to rotate without any of the sense stuff double rotating. The most important things id like to rotate are pages where you click and sign in on things like the facebook tab, email setup and so on. I dont really care about rotating anything you listed that you have rotating. Those can easily be rotated with bsb tweaks and some other apps


telegraph0000 said:
I have everything rotating, file explorer, coreplayer, calculator, word, excel, all without rotating manila home...are you trying to rotate everything+manila rotated as well?
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I want everything automatically rotatable as well except for manila home, BUT I do want the option to (with long press send key for example). Is this achievable?


Motion Sensor in all apps

Is there any way to make the motion sensor working in all applications?
I really would like the screen to be turned also in the acrobat reader for example...
Gsensor is the solution....
The GSen is indeed a good app to do the trick on the HD. Take a look here (also to download):
I guess there will be more apps for it, but don't know them yet.
Gyrator 2
Some say it's better.
GreenFrog said:
The GSen is indeed a good app to do the trick on the HD. Take a look here (also to download):
I guess there will be more apps for it, but don't know them yet.
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Exactly what I was looking for!
On my HD I cannot have Gsen launch at startup as I get an error message about it not being able to access the G-sensor.
I have to wait for TF3D to load and then load it manually. Not a biggie but a niggle - but less of a niggle than not having my screen reorient as I need it.
Insaneboy said:
Gyrator 2
Some say it's better.
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Yes, it is. More flexible, comfortable und stable.
Is there a way to get Gyrator to autostart?
Another thing is that when I push the -close all programms- button. It closes Gyrator as well. Is there a way to keep Gyrator running on the background?
Auto start and stop it closing
I couldn't get on with GSEN and had similar problems launching gyrator at start up....
so I wrote the simplest Mortscript....and attached it.
Just edit the script (if your Gyrator is intalled elsewehere, otherwise leave it), and copy a shortcut to the script to your startup folder.
Change the delay time till it fits for you.
You'll also need to download and install mortscript, but it's extremely useful & free!
As for stopping it closing, click the tools (the spanners) in the HTC task drop down (where you go to close all apps) and set gyrator2 to exclusive.
Job done
Both apps work fine for me.
The only problem I have is within opera.
If I turn the screen, then opera turns, but then in the next second it turns back to portrait.
Opera is excluded from doing anything in both apps.
(Off course I only use one app at the time)
Any help for that?
no problem with opera here, using gyrator. turns screen in every direction i turn the device, except upside down.
gyrator works fine, although if you lock the device it will rotate your today screen as well. a bit annoying when the device is in your pocket the wrong way, answering a phonecall is kind of a challenge.
Still the same problem:
Using gyrator with the default settings, my Opera Browser first rotates to landscape when turning the device to landscape as it should.
Then after 2-3sec it rotates back to portrait even if the device is still holded in landscape.
Any idea?
ulischultz said:
Still the same problem:
Using gyrator with the default settings, my Opera Browser first rotates to landscape when turning the device to landscape as it should.
Then after 2-3sec it rotates back to portrait even if the device is still holded in landscape.
Any idea?
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Well Opera can be rotated with the motion sensor by default, try adding it in the Gyrator exceptions.
Insaneboy said:
Well Opera can be rotated with the motion sensor by default, try adding it in the Gyrator exceptions.
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It is in the exceptions by default.
No help with that!
I tested both and Gyrator 2 is better as GSEN
More reactive
ulischultz said:
Still the same problem:
Using gyrator with the default settings, my Opera Browser first rotates to landscape when turning the device to landscape as it should.
Then after 2-3sec it rotates back to portrait even if the device is still holded in landscape.
Any idea?
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I have the same problem!
Any solution yet?
Gyrator 2 was working fine but now I have a strange problem with it. After a softreset everything works as should, but for some reason after a little while whenever I turn the device in lanscape the creen reverts back to the TF3D tab in portrait that I had last used. Is it a setting that does this? When I disable gyrator 2 everything is fine, but then not everything rotates as I would like it to.
I have added two execptions to the standard ones, the today screen and the incoming call screen.
If anybody know an answer or has (had) the same problem I'd appreciate a fix/solution.
Or MobileMagic:
Which does not have issues with Opera...
And allows also to force apps to certain rotations....
But every app has its pros and cons...
Being a Newbie to winmob (formerly UIQ3) I am finding that Gens is OK on mosts screens but not on Home Page and the other TouchFlo screens. Am I doing something wrong - or probably stupid?
I was having lots of problems with all my apps. They seemed to only rotate sometimes, and I couldn't have the device even slightly flat or the rotation wouldn't occur.
I just was playing around with gyrator 2, went into edit event for (disabled) opera, orientation and checked all but the last two options and hit apply.
Opera is still showing as disabled, but what a difference!
Rotates really quickly, and when almost flat as well!

Question - How to stop rotation bug?

Hi guys
Does anyone know if there is a fix for this bug as mentioned on the Gyrator website help page? In fact, does anyone get this bug or just a special few??
Q. When I rotate to any new orientation, the phone application pops up, or the today/manila screen appears?
A. As you'll probably know, orientation is disabled by default on the Diamond, because the HTC developers are either too incompetent, or lazy, to build applications which are orientation aware. As such, strange things happen with either Gyrator rotates the screen, or you use any other application to do the same thing.
ed.dark said:
Hi guys
Does anyone know if there is a fix for this bug as mentioned on the Gyrator website help page? In fact, does anyone get this bug or just a special few??
Q. When I rotate to any new orientation, the phone application pops up, or the today/manila screen appears?
A. As you'll probably know, orientation is disabled by default on the Diamond, because the HTC developers are either too incompetent, or lazy, to build applications which are orientation aware. As such, strange things happen with either Gyrator rotates the screen, or you use any other application to do the same thing.
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Yes, it is a PITA. I'm using a file called "rotator-netxscale-2003-4k-v420". It brings up a box on top of other apps to change the screen around. I have it programmed to the down volume button with AEBplus. The trick is never to switch the screen orientation while in TouchFlo3D. If you start your app first then activate the above program to change the screen it is all good, if you go to the TouchFlo 3D is not a happy camper. Unlike the normal WM Today Screen, TouchFlo3D Home is allergic to landscape.
I use Gyrator2, and TouchFLO is disabled by default in the settings, preventing it from being re-oriented if the device is turned. If you do a little searching, you'll find more threads that can help you configure Gyrator2 to stop the phone app, including incoming calls, from re-orienting. Plus, you can add any app you want in the settings. One I added was the Bubble Breaker game, which would restart a new game automatically if you turned the phone...
The same thing can also be done with MobileMagic.
Just deny auto rotation to the the apps that do not like
to be rotated or that rotate them self, like Teeter.
Thanks for the info chaps but i think that there is a bug in the system which SOMETIMES pops up the phone or manilla when i rotate an app (opera or tomtom mainly) from portrait to landscape using any method (gyrator, gsen or handymenu). It seems that these apps (phone, manilla) dont like any change of orientation even when they are in the background and opera or tomtom is rotated.
I have changed the gyrator2 .ini file to make no apps rotate except the ones i want to. Not even that works........
Any more help please?
Hmmm, donĀ“t have that Problem. Dunno why, but it works as it should.
Hi, just found a bug using gyrator on my new touch HD when typing a message in landscape mode. The dot (.) and comma (,) are inverted, so trying to type one of them gives the other as a result. Haven't yet tried without gyrator if the keybord gives the same problem, and will post it here later on.

Accelerometer Home Screen Rotation

I've searched the xda-developers > T-Mobile USA HTC HD2 > T-Mobile USA HD2 General forum threads for an answer and also popped into Google for a few rounds of "Guess your real search terms", but haven't found anything yet.
I would like to see a true Accelerometer-based rotation for our phones, especially the Home Screen.
Yes, I am aware that many of the programs like the camera, SMS, Opera, etc. have this availability, but I was thinking of something more like what the iPod Touch / iPhone can do.
Does anyone know if this is in the works by htc?
Is this something that could possibly be done in a kitchen?
BsB Tweaks will work, however it will break the nice cover flow of the pictures and music Tabs.
RKnight1983 said:
BsB Tweaks will work, however it will break the nice cover flow of the pictures and music Tabs.
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Yeah, not so much.
If you're using several modified versions of Manila files, it will not "break" the scrolling or screens at all.
Sense 2.5 supports landscape orientation, just NOT for devices without hardware keyboards.
Anyway, yeah... I've used "BsB Tweaks v1.6" to support landscape orientation for all of the Manila home screens. The only screen that has issues is within PEEP. Nowhere else have I come across issues while using landscape mode.
I've used the "Rotate Screen" program to change between Landscape and Portrait, but that's not what I was looking for.
I want to be able to switch between Portrait (0) to Landscape (270) to Portrait (180) to Landscape (90), back to Portrait (0 or 360) just by turning the phone.
If you've ever played with the Album on an iPod Touch, you'll know what I mean.
Basically, if I turn my phone sideways, the screen should shift to match as Landscape (270), then if I turn it so that the speaker is down and the mic is up (90), the screen should be upside down, portrait style, all the way around until I return my phone to the usual mic-down, speaker up portrait style, effectively making a 360-degree turn, with the screen following all the way.
I realize this is probably complicated to read, it was certainly hard to write
search for a cab file here on xda called "total landscape".
ryan562 said:
search for a cab file here on xda called "total landscape".
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I was under the impression that "total landscape" only worked for 0 and 270 and had to be done manually. Am I mistaken?
If you have NOT seen this yet, then I'm sure you'll be able to appreciate it.
It's pretty sweet...
ChangeScreen v2.78
I wish they were still developing it.. but unfortunately as is it doesnt work too well for my TMOUS HD2...
shame that..

Landscape on sms

anyone know how to get landscape mode on sms ,lets say i tilt the phone it goes to landscape mode for typing and viewing and when i tilt it back to portrait it goes back to normal.
I believe BSB Tweaks can do this. Check it out.
I thought they did rotate on sms out off the box
try bsbtweaks or gyrator
I thought they did also but I know that some of the custom roms did not enable that which resulted me to switch it by using BSB tweaks. As mostly I did not want the actual homepage to go into landscape mode also so couldnt use the roms advance tools.
jeff7790 said:
anyone know how to get landscape mode on sms ,lets say i tilt the phone it goes to landscape mode for typing and viewing and when i tilt it back to portrait it goes back to normal.
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The attached cab will give you portrait rotation, but it'll do it on every tab not just messaging, so you decide if that'll work for you or not.
sirphunkee said:
The attached cab will give you portrait rotation, but it'll do it on every tab not just messaging, so you decide if that'll work for you or not.
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I had tried this cab before and it messes up the Photos & Videos tab badly.
What happened is that in the Photos & Videos tab, the photos are presented in their correct respective form i.e. portrait will be shown as portrait whilst landscape will be landscape.
After this cab is installed, when one slides to the Photos & Videos tab, it is blank and left in a hung state. The bottom menu options from your last tab location may also be lingering there.
I am sticking to the manual rotation mode via 1st button press.
Zentury said:
I had tried this cab before and it messes up the Photos & Videos tab badly.
What happened is that in the Photos & Videos tab, the photos are presented in their correct respective form i.e. portrait will be shown as portrait whilst landscape will be landscape.
After this cab is installed, when one slides to the Photos & Videos tab, it is blank and left in a hung state. The bottom menu options from your last tab location may also be lingering there.
I am sticking to the manual rotation mode via 1st button press.
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This doesn't seem to happen on the Tmo stock ROM, the 2.10 one anyway. However, it does cause the pics and music tabs to display in landscape in the same style as they do in portrait (with vertical scrolling instead of horizontal)...but other than that, it works fine even on those tabs.

[Q] Is it possible to turn off screen rotation completely?

I don't need it, and it's a pain in the a$$ because I often read mail and surf the web before I go to sleep, and laying down with the phone will sooner or later make the screen rotate. Sooner (like at once) with mail, later with websurfing (because I have set the rotation check to a long time on Opera). But can I get rid of that unwanted bull completely and totally? Cab, reg hack, burying a dead cat in a churchyard on a Thursday with full moon, any method will be appreciated!
Mastiff said:
I don't need it, and it's a pain in the a$$ because I often read mail and surf the web before I go to sleep, and laying down with the phone will sooner or later make the screen rotate. Sooner (like at once) with mail, later with websurfing (because I have set the rotation check to a long time on Opera). But can I get rid of that unwanted bull completely and totally? Cab, reg hack, burying a dead cat in a churchyard on a Thursday with full moon, any method will be appreciated!
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Try changescreen and set it to display only in portrait mode.
There is an option in BSB Tweaks to disable rotation. I have it disabled too, however it still rotates in Opera. I'm still trying to figure out how to kill rotation for that program.
kabuk1 said:
There is an option in BSB Tweaks to disable rotation. I have it disabled too, however it still rotates in Opera. I'm still trying to figure out how to kill rotation for that program.
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It seems like the only workaround to the auto-rotate in Opera [9.5/9.7] is by going into the registry:
HKLM\Software\Opera\GSensor\IdleTime = [enter a large number, like 5555555]
The large number you enter (IdleTime) is the time (in ms) it takes for the screen to change in orientation.
EDIT: Another way is changescreen. If you add opera9 as an exception and set it to display only in portrait mode, Opera will not auto-rotate. It worked after I added it to the exception list and soft-reset.
Thanks! That worked! I have been using that idle time trick before, but that meant that even at the highest setting it would rotate before I went to sleep... And the mail/SMS app I couldn't stop rotating with BSB tweaks. Now it rotates for half a second or so the moment I turn it before it's going back into the correct mode. I would of course like to avoid that as well, but it's a lot better.
Mastiff said:
Thanks! That worked! I have been using that idle time trick before, but that meant that even at the highest setting it would rotate before I went to sleep... And the mail/SMS app I couldn't stop rotating with BSB tweaks. Now it rotates for half a second or so the moment I turn it before it's going back into the correct mode. I would of course like to avoid that as well, but it's a lot better.
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You could go in the registry for changescreen's idle time -- the lower the setting, the less "accidents" I have with the exceptions rotating in different ways:
HKCU\Software\idevelopstuff\changescreen\Delay = 50 (my setting)
**my changescreen delay time matches my phone's Gsensor's polling time**:
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\GSensor\PollingInterval = 50
I hope that helps.
That's weird. I don't have that setting, only five other settings (ReOpenSip, PocketOffNoLight, ScreenOffNoLight, VibrateOnRotation and ScreenOffOnFaceDown). Should I add that setting?
Mastiff said:
That's weird. I don't have that setting, only five other settings (ReOpenSip, PocketOffNoLight, ScreenOffNoLight, VibrateOnRotation and ScreenOffOnFaceDown). Should I add that setting?
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I suppose.
I'm just wondering why you don't have it.
In the changescreen app this is what I have checked:
[B]General Tab:[/B]
-Run on Startup
-Portrait, Landscape (left), Landscape (right)
[B]Advanced Tab:[/B]
-Sensitivity: slider is all the way to the left.
Then I press Save. Then I have that "Delay" value in the registry.
We definitively have different versions of the program, because there is no such slider on my advanced tab. I have one called 2.5, dated the 13th of March 09. What's your version?
ive tried turning mine off, but its very difficult, havent found a solution, ended up bricking my phone once lol
Mastiff said:
We definitively have different versions of the program, because there is no such slider on my advanced tab. I have one called 2.5, dated the 13th of March 09. What's your version?
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Oh, that's why!
I'm running the latest (maybe the final) build -- 2.78. I attached it for your convenience.
Thanks, that helped! I thought the version at the top of the thread was the latest... Silly me. But if I put the delay time any shorter than the 250 ms that's the fastest on the slider it will stop reacting. I will try to experiment with changing the time on the polling interval for the sensor. It's 200 ms on my HD2.
Edit: Setting both sensor polling and Changescreen delay to 50 ms made the flash to landscape and back to portrait go much faster, but it didn't dissappear completely. Still, this is a lot better than having to exit Opera or the tmail program to get the screen the right way again. Thanks!
Why not try downloading and installing the HTC update for the Car Kit Mode.
Then run NaviPanel (in the Windows folder). In the options you can set it so that it stays in either landscape or portrait mode. Select the Home hardware button to continue reading e-mails or whatever.
Sounds interesting, but does that mean that it has to rotate first, and then I have to press the hardware button? If it does, the Changescreen works better because I won't have to press anything, only wait for a few tenths of a second before it pops back to the correct portrait setting.
you could try touch tools
there is a rotation manager within this set of tools, you can add and also remove programs from the rotation list.
I know opera is in the list as i use touch tools but i wont delete it as i use the rotation.
Hope this helps
Thanks! That was the perfect solution! I simply deleted everything that was in the list, and now it seems like nothing rotates!
Mastiff said:
Thanks! That was the perfect solution! I simply deleted everything that was in the list, and now it seems like nothing rotates!
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awsome glad that helped

