pulling certain parts of web page from http response - Android Software Development

I wanna write a vBulletin viewer for android since we're lacking one atm, but I'm having trouble figuring out how I would pull the information I need to display from the web page i.e. the thread titles, post content etc. I've looked at the vBulletin docs but I haven't found much, and I'm sure android must have an html parser that I'm not finding. Does anyone know how I might go about this?

download the page then parse the file...

Yea, that's a really obvious solution that never occurred to me. Thanks :-D
But since the HTML is being generated, how would I access it from inside the program?

v1nsai said:
But since the HTML is being generated, how would I access it from inside the program?
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Err... what? How do you want to download it and still don't have access to it?

Brut.all said:
Err... what? How do you want to download it and still don't have access to it?
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lol right.
You would have to download the whole page to ur program dir(or some temp dir). then open up the file and search out the the information u want. DL'ing the whole page could be time consuming tho, but its the only real way if the website doesnt offer the information in an api.

I think I'm gonna try the rss feeds, seems like most vbulletin forums have rss feeds for each subforum


Improved Opera 8.xx homepage: Add yours here

Here's a modified homepage I did for Opera. Looks best at 75% zoom
Supports many* search engines with one elegant dropdown (ie javascript page) - enter keywords and select engine (else press enter for Google as default). Makes Opera a far more useful tool. See list below.
Bookmark areas divided (you can change headings)
Area for built-in opera functions (eg opera:cache) for which I'd love some additions
If anyone out there is good at javascript, else has a history of collecting Opera widgets/bookmarklets that work under JS, it'd be great to start collating bigger n better homepages in this thread.
To install
Backup original home.html if u r worried this will not be nice, else just extract the home.html as another name and change Opera's homepage
Simply extract the files to \Application Data\Opera\startpage
Edit the home.html to insert your own bookmarks (either as text file else in html editor - it's easy)
*Search engines covered: Google, googleZA, google Images, Dictionary, Thesaurus, Quotations, Law dict, Medical dict, Encarta, How Stuff Works, WorldAltas, NationMaster, FactMonster, Wikipedia, Mythica, Britanicca (crap), Amazon, Song Lyrics/artist/titles, IMDb, Jokes (down so not tested). Can add anything else to this script without screen clutter - but that's all the truly useful stuff I could think of. If u want more, post the search string for me (ie the URL)
Forgot to attach zip - sorry. Improved search engines whilst I was at it tho.
This is amazing! Thank you for taking the time to do this. I was even able to cut and create it into a page suitable for my PIE homepage!
wow! didn't think PIE would support such javascript - thought that was one of the things that made Opera so cool. Good news tho - perhaps ppl have other PIE homepages they can post here for us to benefit from.
Just SuperDuper !
Many Thanks for this
lulugirl896 said:
This is amazing! Thank you for taking the time to do this. I was even able to cut and create it into a page suitable for my PIE homepage!
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How did you do that ?
fantastic job dude
i love the homepage
i was just wondering what the purpose is for secure bookmarks?
what is different about it? and how does it work?
Bartjan said:
fantastic job dude
i love the homepage
i was just wondering what the purpose is for secure bookmarks?
what is different about it? and how does it work?
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Cool - glad it's appreciated.
Actually the only clever part is the search engine, rest is a simple table with dividers for whatever headings you want (ie copy the divider as many times as you like). In my case I keep all my https bookmarks separate (webmail, 3 banks, server admin, etc etc). You may prefer "News", "PPC", "Personal" or some other structure.
another search engine
First of all, many thanks for this homepage, it's what I've been dreaming all along... almost
Now, to make it perfect, I would need to change/add some other search engines, such as the portuguese "yellow pages", wich url is www.pai.pt.
Also, I would like to know how to set the bookmarks in the homepage.
Can you explain how can I do that? I have no experience in programming, but I believe these tasks are simple enough, if someone can explain them step by step.
Thanks again
EDITED: Ok, I've managed to understand the bookmarks. Now I only need some assistance in geting the correct url to query a search engine, like the one I've mentioned above. Naturaly, the simple page url is not enough, but I can not find what's missing. Can someone help? TIA
Attached is an update with more search engines and links.
The update has a whole load of new ideas - largely set up for for SA but there's a guide below on modifying to your country. Let's add to this list please, and PLEASE post your country-specific pages in this thread:
Normal searches (google, google images, google maps)
SA searches (google ZA, DSTV guide, resturants/nightspots, Braby's maps (serious Java works in Opera 8.60! AWESOME!!!), postal codes, Braby's business lookup, Ananzi shopping
Reference searches (dictionary, thesaurus, quotations, law dict, medical dict)
Encyclopedia searches (several)
Entertainment searches (Amazon, Songs by lyric/artist/title, IMDb, Jokes 1/2 both work well)
Bookmarks PDA
Bookmarks South African (exchange rates table, MyBroadband, ACSA flight schedules and late arrivals (useful!), venue search, current local movie reviews, netflorist, Yellow and WHITE pages!, CIPRO company search, SARS VAT number search) Could not turn last few into search items for drop box I'm afraid
Place for personal bookmarks (banking, share trading, webmail, etc)
Opera internals (History, cache, about, Bookmarks as text file, PPC browsing) If anyone knows the javascript for opening a bookmarks page that would be great cos text page is crap - I only did it cos cut-n-paste may be useful!
Future bookmark ideas (largely ZA):
Taxi booking
Local car rental firms
Local airline schedules
Booking for local hotel groups
Local auction sites
Locla Lottery numbers search
Property search
School friends search
vmiguel: editing is easy as you are finding - open in an html editor or just a text editor. Text may actually be easier cos the html editor will probably not render the CSS correctly.
To add search engines, surf them in your PC and note the URL when you search for a word like 'MYSEARCH'. Somewhere in the URL you will see a bit that says &xxx=MYSEARCH where xxx is usually q or query or keyword or something similar. You'll get the plot. Make sure this bit is put at the end of the URL, and remove the MYSEARCH bit. So, the URL will be:
The script will ad the entered words at the end.
Some tips:
Ignore other &... items
Remove any keys or session ID's that have complex strings
Don't miss the & before query unless...
..after the page URL should be a ? - all parameters follow this. So if query is the only parameter, it will look like htttp://www.searchengine.com/search.html?query=
Thanks a lot, I'll try it, and get back with a portuguese homepage!
EDITED: sorry, no & or = symbols, the resulting url, after performing a search is http://www.pai.pt/search/mysearch.html
"Mysearch" is a false query, because there is no portuguese company with that name, but if I perform a search for a existing company, as "Norma Básica", the result is similar: http://www.pai.pt/search/norma_básica.html
Any ideas?
vmiguel said:
Thanks a lot, I'll try it, and get back with a portuguese homepage!
EDITED: sorry, no & or = symbols, the resulting url, after performing a search is http://www.pai.pt/search/mysearch.html
"Mysearch" is a false query, because there is no portuguese company with that name, but if I perform a search for a existing company, as "Norma Básica", the result is similar: http://www.pai.pt/search/norma_básica.html
Any ideas?
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Yep, it's a *****! Actually, it's a rather clever search page that remembers your recent inputs and allows you to select them from the drop box and a mouseover popup. Impressive. It works if you append .html to the string generated by the script, but I can't think of an elegant way to make the script do that for some sites and not for others. Think you'll have to do the same as I did for our SA yellow and white pages; just do a bookmark to that site rather than use the drop box. Sorry.
hrb said:
How did you do that ?
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Once I had my links all set up for Opera, I cut and pasted the links only and then used the instructions here: http://msexchangeteam.com/archive/2004/03/03/83349.aspx The javascript wont work, but at least you will end up with the same links in PIE and Opera, and you wont have to re-type!
Good enough for me. Thanks again, for such a great idea!
you are great !!! it makes opera much more useful now~~thanks a lot

Surveilance Video Feed via Java on the PPC???

This might not be completely Wizard related, but thats what I have so I'll shoot. I was wondering if anyone had any idea on where to start looking for an ap to view Video Feeds from Security Cameras that are normally accessed via a Java Applet in IE. Like is there possibly a Java app that can display a feed that would be seerate of PIE? Maybe a program that can be changed or slightly modified?
The provider/manufacturer of the equipment doesn't offer anything. Their newer equipment uses ActiveX Controls rather than Java so maybe an upgrade could help? Any ideas/help would be appreciated.
The Company has a Demo of the Java Applet that is used to view the feeds. Same as we use for the bar but we only have 9 feeds. Viewing one feed at a time would be perfectly fine and probaly desired on the smaller screen.
See the demo here... Java VM Page. Login for the Demo is admin : admin
Any Ideas??
Cliffs: Can anyone think of a way to view the feeds in the demo above on a PPC? Java VM related...
ANy good places to go for Java related resources for the WM5? I would like to at least play around with it. Maybe try to tweak and work up a different solution. Any help would be appreciated.
pookrat said:
Maybe try to tweak and work up a different solution. Any help would be appreciated.
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I'd just hold out for a real browser than can display your java-based feed. Never fear, one's coming...
See: Skyfire.
Take a look: http://webcam-holmes.en.softonic.com/pocket
If your desired feed is actually a "Webcam" then this might be the ticket for you...
SkyFire looks promising. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Maybe a Beta a little early?
pookrat said:
Maybe a Beta a little early?
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Good luck. I think they've passed them all out already, and the licenses are utterly non-transferable, so any beta copies that have been shared out have been unusable by anyone but the authorized recipient.
There's a thread on this board (somewhere, you search...I don't want to) that includes a copy. Your mileage may vary, but I don't think anyone's been able to use it yet.
One last note of caution: Skyfire's license agreement clearly states that they can, if they wish, capture all data transferred to and from (this includes keystrokes, BTW) websites. Privacy on their browser is not reality. This means, for example, if your camera feed was providing illicit or illegal images (like a voyeur cam in a public restroom, for example), they can, and presumably will, point the finger at you. This may change in the future, but hey, they've gotta protect themselves, if they're acting as a go-between for the web and dirty, untrustworthy end-users.
pookrat said:
This might not be completely Wizard related, but thats what I have so I'll shoot. I was wondering if anyone had any idea on where to start looking for an ap to view Video Feeds from Security Cameras that are normally accessed via a Java Applet in IE. Like is there possibly a Java app that can display a feed that would be seerate of PIE? Maybe a program that can be changed or slightly modified?
The provider/manufacturer of the equipment doesn't offer anything. Their newer equipment uses ActiveX Controls rather than Java so maybe an upgrade could help? Any ideas/help would be appreciated.
The Company has a Demo of the Java Applet that is used to view the feeds. Same as we use for the bar but we only have 9 feeds. Viewing one feed at a time would be perfectly fine and probaly desired on the smaller screen.
See the demo here... Java VM Page. Login for the Demo is admin : admin
Any Ideas??
Cliffs: Can anyone think of a way to view the feeds in the demo above on a PPC? Java VM related...
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Most Java VM's for Windows Mobile are not robust enough to handle Java webcams. At least that's been my experience. I have a Toshiba IK-WB11A webcam in my house. It also uses Java and I've tried PIE, Opera, Minimo, and other WM browsers - none will work.
The only work around I'm aware of is to deconstruct the Java Script to see where / how the webcam is streaming the "video". I was able to do that by loading up and opening all the HTML pages that my webcam served to my PC browser (Firefox > View > Page Source). Typically the video stream is in fact just a JPG that's refreshed every fraction of a second. Once you identify the JPG path / name you can open it directly. Or if you're ambitious you could create your own simple HTML page, add the JPG image, and add some code to auto-refresh in PIE. Something like this code should do the trick...
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10;url=http://path/to/my/image/page.html"/>
Ok I am looking for the same thing mate and doing a little search for web goodies to work on the phone . If anybody has any ideas or software let us know.
wyzepro said:
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Nice link I will test it out .

{REQ}Awesome application Request_Using a Barcode and automatic Torrent Download...

Imagine you are standing in a store looking at DVDs. You photograph a barcode with your phone and press a couple of buttons. By the time you make it home, the movie is waiting for you in your torrent client.
This is the link for the app which is available on Android. I wonder if anyone could come up with something like this.
and VERY legal indeed...
While it is a clever idea, that kind of talk really isn't allowed here.. I think this thread will be closed!
thats amazing.. wonder how he is getting away with that!
not that i encourage illegal behavior or download anything illegaly, but i would love to see someone get something like that working for winmo too (not that i would use it)!
Illegal downloads
Its not like im encouraging illegal movie downloads. Just because a shop is providing bullets and guns doesnt mean that they are encouraging shooting and killing...
I think this would be a wonderful app and could have many uses other than illegal movie downloads so take a chill pill...
Yes, the implications are incredible. I'm sure there are *many* other uses other than illegal movie downloads, I just can't think of any right now.
Oh wait, got one! Music download?!
Hardly saying I'm against it, but do you really think this is the place for you to request an app which would make you a trigger-happy barcode reader?
other possible use
instead of having it take you to a torrent of the movie you can you use it log you dvds or cds to make a list of all your dvds or possibly use it with microsofts netflix app to add the scanned dvd to you rental list
Think outside the box lill fella there could be a lot more uses than just piracy... I saw the video on youtube and was very impressed so lighten up and go BUY a dvd or something if it makes u happy...
I already downloaded a torrent client on my mobile and am able to download content from many sites... Its called winmobile torrent if anyone is interested.
Please posts messages regarding development or alternatives to this rather that sarcy comments from now on.
Dashraider that is an excellent idea...
Yeah, lets NOT discuss the legality of this application, in stead lets find out how to get this on our WM phones
To get it to work we would at least need
1. A barcode reading Lib, open source/free
2. A way of searching barcode number -> title
Google-ing for both ...
Mr_Gee said:
Yeah, lets NOT discuss the legality of this application, in stead lets find out how to get this on our WM phones
To get it to work we would at least need
1. A barcode reading Lib, open source/free
2. A way of searching barcode number -> title
Google-ing for both ...
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Try Koushik Dutta's Windows Mobile Bar Code Manager and API.
Another possible use:
It scans the barcode, then identifies the product and checks online for different prices. So you can find the lowest price or whatever.
Thanks for your help on this guys...
Mandragore said:
Try Koushik Dutta's Windows Mobile Bar Code Manager and API.
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I could only find the barcod creation part..
But... we could already start with just typing in the number
the rest could/would be automatic
jmckeejr said:
Another possible use:
It scans the barcode, then identifies the product and checks online for different prices. So you can find the lowest price or whatever.
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Just an FYI there is already a WM program being developed that does this called Barcorama. It's a little crude in the fact that it doesn't actually "read" the barcode, it just searches a predefined string using the barcode numbers that you photograph, and opens a browser page with the prices.
You can edit the search string as well, I think it defaults to a Google Shop search, but you can make it search Amazon/Whatever fairly easily.
To take this a step further, basically what I imagine the general workings of this application would do would be something of the following.
Using pretty much the same foundation as barcorama you would take a pic of the barcode, but instead of displaying the pricing page it would instead parse the data for a title of a movie/artist/etc. This operation would likely be hidden to conserve resources. Beyond this you could take the data that you got from searching the UPC and then plug that into a torrent search site such as isohunt, and have it grab whichever torrent has the closest match or best seeds.
The problems would be that while you could do all the steps on the PPC, I'm not exactly sure how you would get the .torrent opened on your PC without some sort of remote feature/LogMeIn etc. which are probably difficult to integrate into the application.
An additional problem would be that the application would have to judge which torrent from the tracker is "best" to download which would probably have to be handled by some combo of which torrent has the most seeds and which most precisely matches the data it acquired from the barcode.
I'd imagine that this project can be done without too much trouble, but it will probably take awhile to work out the bugs/fine tune the search/etc.
-Edit: After rereading this I came up with an idea for a workaround to get the file to the PC. It's only an idea like I said and would require additional development, but I'm just planting the seed for the more creative minds to bloom.
Basically the steps would be the same as above, but when you reached the point where the .torrent has been found, have the program save the .torrent to a temporary directory, attach it to an email document, and email it to an address you would input. You would probably have to run an app always on the PC that would watch your email, and open any .torrents that came in, I'm not sure how difficult that would be.
I think something like this is the easiest way to do this, but anyone can feel free to chime in with tweaks/new ideas
Scorpion360 said:
Just an FYI there is already a WM program being developed that does this called Barcorama. It's a little crude in the fact that it doesn't actually "read" the barcode, it just searches a predefined string using the barcode numbers that you photograph, and opens a browser page with the prices.
You can edit the search string as well, I think it defaults to a Google Shop search, but you can make it search Amazon/Whatever fairly easily.
To take this a step further, basically what I imagine the general workings of this application would do would be something of the following.
Using pretty much the same foundation as barcorama you would take a pic of the barcode, but instead of displaying the pricing page it would instead parse the data for a title of a movie/artist/etc. This operation would likely be hidden to conserve resources. Beyond this you could take the data that you got from searching the UPC and then plug that into a torrent search site such as isohunt, and have it grab whichever torrent has the closest match or best seeds.
The problems would be that while you could do all the steps on the PPC, I'm not exactly sure how you would get the .torrent opened on your PC without some sort of remote feature/LogMeIn etc. which are probably difficult to integrate into the application.
An additional problem would be that the application would have to judge which torrent from the tracker is "best" to download which would probably have to be handled by some combo of which torrent has the most seeds and which most precisely matches the data it acquired from the barcode.
I'd imagine that this project can be done without too much trouble, but it will probably take awhile to work out the bugs/fine tune the search/etc.
-Edit: After rereading this I came up with an idea for a workaround to get the file to the PC. It's only an idea like I said and would require additional development, but I'm just planting the seed for the more creative minds to bloom.
Basically the steps would be the same as above, but when you reached the point where the .torrent has been found, have the program save the .torrent to a temporary directory, attach it to an email document, and email it to an address you would input. You would probably have to run an app always on the PC that would watch your email, and open any .torrents that came in, I'm not sure how difficult that would be.
I think something like this is the easiest way to do this, but anyone can feel free to chime in with tweaks/new ideas
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I'm actually writing an app to read UPCs and search Amazon prices...
Mr_Gee said:
I could only find the barcod creation part..
But... we could already start with just typing in the number
the rest could/would be automatic
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Sorry, didn't check the API code for scanning barcodes..
Mandragore said:
Sorry, didn't check the API code for scanning barcodes..
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Geen probleem ;-)
This could be an option :http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=368798
I need to look into it, and see if I/we can use it,
I also think we can use amazone.com for the dvd info
I just need to look in to the placing of the nzb/torrent
but we're getting there
winmobile torrent seems cool, but i dont really understand the point of downloading huge files over edge to your mobile, would make more sense if it synced with your computer like in the video so it would use a higher bandwith
I've always been interested in creating a barcode reading program.
Before my two kids came along and took away all our free time, my wife used to collect coupons. She would put them all in a index card holder and reference them whenever she was buying something. The most time consuming part was keeping up with the expiration dates and what each coupon was for, then compare them to fliers from the supermarkets.
My idea was to barcode scan each coupon and have an online database of what the coupons were for, how much off, expiration date, and barcodes of products the coupon was valid for. I know that supermarkets have such a database but it would be great if it was available online somewhere.
Even as a community effort (users scan a coupon and type in the applicable info then upload and share with everyone else), this would be a useful little program.
In this economy, we can all use an app like this, can't we? My Wife and I used to leave the supermarket with a shopping cart full of food and personal hygiene products having only paid $3 - $10 bucks.

What Topic Do I Need To Tackle To Develop This Kind Of App?

The harvard university android app from google play store. (I can't seem to post any outside link yet for this account)
I want to create one for may school but I'm just starting to learn android programming, so guys I need your help on the topics that I need to study to create an app like that. I greatly appreciate any kind of comments. Cheers!
clonedaccnt said:
The harvard university android app from google play store. (I can't seem to post any outside link yet for this account)
I want to create one for may school but I'm just starting to learn android programming, so guys I need your help on the topics that I need to study to create an app like that. I greatly appreciate any kind of comments. Cheers!
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Fragments, ListViews, JSON parsing (for communication with the web server to download news etc), Android SQLite databases (I suggest using this to store the information from the webserver locally so the app does not require a constant internet connection to view a news article for example), Google Cloud Messaging notifications, notifications, encryption.
There are lots more but these are some of the main ones. In addition I would not advise trying to copy the "look" or aesthetics of the Harvard application as it frankly looks disgusting, whoever designed that needs a course in UI design
any book suggestions?? im only studying at home and wanted to start studying android app development
m0nm0npalam0n said:
any book suggestions?? im only studying at home and wanted to start studying android app development
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Android Application Development for Dummies and Learn Java for Android Development are 2 that I have in ebook form, though I can't say I've used them much as I don't really learn by reading books, more like looking at the source code of other apps and messing with it to see what happens
Android Application Development for Dummies goes through a wide range of topics including widgets, SQLite storage, possibly SharedPreferences (can't remember), ListView etc but does assume that you can at least follow what the sample code is doing - the sample code is commented but if you have not done any coding at all before then you probably should learn the basics of Java before reading it
Jonny said:
Android Application Development for Dummies and Learn Java for Android Development are 2 that I have in ebook form, though I can't say I've used them much as I don't really learn by reading books, more like looking at the source code of other apps and messing with it to see what happens
Android Application Development for Dummies goes through a wide range of topics including widgets, SQLite storage, possibly SharedPreferences (can't remember), ListView etc but does assume that you can at least follow what the sample code is doing - the sample code is commented but if you have not done any coding at all before then you probably should learn the basics of Java before reading it
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thanks man! this really helps
Jonny said:
Fragments, ListViews, JSON parsing (for communication with the web server to download news etc), Android SQLite databases (I suggest using this to store the information from the webserver locally so the app does not require a constant internet connection to view a news article for example), Google Cloud Messaging notifications, notifications, encryption.
There are lots more but these are some of the main ones. In addition I would not advise trying to copy the "look" or aesthetics of the Harvard application as it frankly looks disgusting, whoever designed that needs a course in UI design
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Thank you very much for the reply, I'm really thankful for the information that you share. Can you please clear this one for me?
I suggest using this to store the information from the webserver locally so the app does not require a constant internet connection to view a news article for example
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clonedaccnt said:
Thank you very much for the reply, I'm really thankful for the information that you share. Can you please clear this one for me?
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When you get data from a server to an Android app you use php for the server code - for example you can use php/mysql to run a search for calendar events in the database and return those events. Then you need to use php's JSON encode function to send the data in a JSON array.
The output should look something like this - this is the output of the calendar database for my school:
http://wgsb.cobainschofield.com/android_db/get_calendar.php (note this is not the live schools site, its the test server the guy who maintains the live site allows me to mess with err use).
You would then use a JSON parser class and an AsyncTask from within the app to "download" the content of the JSON array and then display it in a listview or textview etc.
Now obviously to get this information requires an internet connection yes? So every time someone wanted to check for an event on the calendar or read a news article for example they would need a working internet connection to receive the output of the get_calendar script, this is inefficient and bad design as it does not allow for offline viewing of the data.
Therefore what you can do is use androids SQLite implementation to create a local sql database then the first time you need to get the data from the webserver, you connect to the internet and get the output of the php script, the using the JSON parser class you store the information in the sqlite database then get the information from the database to display to the user.
By this way users can view news articles or calendar events offline and you only need to connect to the internet to refresh the information
I've uploaded screenshots in the attachments of how I've done it for my school's app.
That made it clear! Thank you very much.

[Q] Android studio xml pull parser

I have been trying to find out how to parse TechCrucchs rss feed and use the information in my android app.
The problem is that I the information I find is either outdated, incorrect or just incomprehensible. So how do I get and use the information from this feed?
Pauly69 said:
I have been trying to find out how to parse TechCrucchs rss feed and use the information in my android app.
The problem is that I the information I find is either outdated, incorrect or just incomprehensible. So how do I get and use the information from this feed?
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I played around with an RSS reader app, and I used this tutorial http://jmsliu.com/1390/rss-reader-app-android-tutorial-1-listview-and-arrayadapter.html which worked for me.
Check HTTP request code (urls and parameters). Maybe, you request wrong data (e.g. wrong date, period or some other param).

