unable to make calls-dailpad locks up! - HD2 General

every time i go to make a call, the on screen pad locks up. it doesnt matter if i type a number in, select from the contsct list or use the recent call log, they all lock up as soon as i press the talk button on the screen. tried with the hardware button but he same thing happens, the whole phone locks up and i have to reset it. after several resets is might work, or im presented with the 4 coloured blobs that rotate. sometimes i have to wait 20-30 seconds or anything to happen and it might dial, or sometimes ive waited 5 minutes for it to start dialing. im using generic HTC rom 1.66, on an unlocked handset (factory unlocked) on t-mobile UK. ive tried reflashing the phone and it resolves it for maybe a week, then the problems start again. this is now my 9th re-flash!!

still have this issue, although its a lot better since upgrading the radio to 2.11 and using CleanEX DsE v15 ROM. interestingly, if i delete all my text messages, the problem goes away!

when you bring up the dialpad, or open it by clicking a contact, it loads the call history and message history and what not into the offscreen pages. maybe its that taking time to load,, are you one of the "save all 6000 texts" and make 100 calls a day type users? that would explain why hard reset cures it for a while.

i am a heavy txt user, and what with the misses beiing on t-mobile, i call her a lot (its free for me to call her). i have now started archiving my messages on myphone, i think part of the issue was i would delete the messages, then myphone would download them all again. issue seems a lot better, but i still think with a 1ghz processor, i should be able to store my messages on the phone without it locking up


Problems ringing people back

This seems to happen quite often, I ring one of my friends and he doesnt answer (i hang up when it hits voicemail) .. because hes sometimes left his phone in another room etc.. i ring back but it just hangs up straight away. Says dialing for a split second then hangs up. Ive tried ringing back for a good while, its not a delay on o2 as it stays the same till i soft reset.
Any ideas?.. im using the latest rom from o2
I don't know what causes it, but I think what you've described happens to me every now and again. Not very often, but by coincidence it happened yesterday.
You try and make a call and it immediately plays the hangup sound and the call is aborted. A soft reset cleared the problem for me and always has in the past. I would be very interested to find out the cause.
I get exactly the same problem quite frequently, i found the only way around, other than a reboot, was to manually dial the number rather than use the speeddial or phone book,
O2 have really got to do some debugging of the firmware on these things, At the moment i certainly wont be keeping it once my 12 months contract is up in 4 months time

8525 stops responding for 20 seconds

Every so often, I will make a call and either try to end the call, or try to enter numbers in, and nothing will happen. Changing the volume doesn't work either. No matter how many times I press the end key, nothing happens.
Then, about 20 seconds later,l the phone will respond, and the call will end.
Do I need to do a warrany exchange?
Oh my god Harlen, I'm having the EXACT same issues. It either won't end the call, or I cant pick up a call. Also sometimes I cant pick up a call waiting call, and sometimes when the call finally ends I get a loud busy signal. Maybe its a problem specific to owners in CT
I thought it was specific to the new ATT Rom that I flashed to last week, so I flashed yesterday to Black 3.0.1, and it does the same thing.
Hmmm. I thought it was the new ROM too. What programs do you have installed. Maybe we can find our common problem app.
LegolasTheElf date and time
WM VI Black VIjay555 Utils
HTC X button 1.5
MT Software Today Agenda
MisurdaSoft Search Today
Kyphur Hold Comm Button Toggle
Cingular Wap/GPRS settings Cab
All we have in common is bandswitch... hmmm. I dont know what to say. All I know is if these issues keep up, I'm headed for another hard reset.
What programs are you running? Always looking for new things to run.
I will try uninstalling BandSwitch to see if that does anything.
What ROM are you using now?

Mogul Messaging Program Issue

Just got a Mogul a few days ago...the problem is my text messaging program opens up randomly for no reason, when I don't have any new text messages.
It's annoying because it'll awake from sleep mode even though there's nothing to check.
A hard reset didn't take care of this.
Any ideas?
Is the messaging screen that appears the last thing that was on the screen before you shut it off?
It might be turning on because of other reasons, and just happens to always be on the messaging app.
Never thought of that...I'm currently on hold with Spring customer service. Been on hold for about 30 minutes, so I'm guessing it'll be another 3 hours before someone answers.
They said it's not a known problem, so they're just sending me a new one. Gay.
Do you have add the Threaded SMS application to your phone? Because my messaging used to pop up randomly too but after I got rid of the application, it stopped.
Just put your phone upside down next to you while you're sleeping avoids getting woken up when the phone wakes up.
Most cdma windows mobile phones wake up when switching tower too.. So if you're in a fringe area with bad reception, it may frequently wake up when it hops from one tower to the next.-mark
My phone will jump into analog every now and then and the backlight will come on for a few secs when that happens. But my messaging window doesn't pop up. My only problem with that is my texts that come in will not be in order recieved, even when that option is checked.
I am having the exact problem, I am using Shogunmarks threaded SMS program and every few minutes or so the mogul wakes up off batt power and the only app running is messaging. Going to uninstall and try another version.
If you settle on a version you like, let us know. I have uninstalled that one too.
I also have the Shogunmarks threaded SMS program installed. I don't have any problems with it now after running it for a few wks. My texts are in order and my backlight only comes on when it's in and out of analog.

Mogul is so slow it's crawling!

I updated to rom 3.35.651.2 (official rom) about a month ago. I added all my warez and tweeks. Everything was working awesome until about 5 days ago. Now it's all FOOBAR.
I have to soft reset my phone several times a day (more than 5) just to make it usable. Else it just stalls and the screen shows bits of different things thats going on.
For example, on the home screen, i try to open a txt msg, and it shows the body of the txt msg, but the top and bottom bars of the home screen. That's it. It lags so bad only a soft reset will correct it.
I'm not sure what's going on but i read a while back others were having similar issues with the update. Did we figure out if that was a bug or is it just a few unlucky people?
I run memaid to clean it up and it still doesn't help. I was using spb back up but that doesn't work on this rom either, it just hangs although it appears to create a file, and the file is then unusable (the backup).
What are your thoughts?
Just so you have a better idea of how bad it is, i just made a call using one of the spb phone suits. It's the picture calling deal. I click on the tab to show the pictures, i click on the picture and the phone dials and the call goes through.
The problem is that unlike it did before, i can't even pull up the call status screen, which would normally come up on its own. During the call, i can't even switch to it, it's stuck on the home screen.
The call ends, and all you can see is the same thing since the call started, the selected contact highlighted. And it's stuck there!
Any ideas?
Flash a DCD titan [6.1] rom.
Dunno what you did, but it seems to be the installation [update of registry] that causes the phone to become so damn slow. Custom roms are lean and mean.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking of doing but i'm a noob with the custom roms. I read up on them when I updated to the latest official rom, but i was confused
I guess i'll have to try to figure it out again.
Thanks for the reply.

tmous hd2 lockups, have to reset 5 times a day

i am getting some lockups on my hd2.
i have had it for 4 days now and it seems to be getting progressively worse.
it seems to have something to do with texting.
when i text there is a long (20 seconds or more) pause before you can enter text.
sometimes after sending texts it wont go back to the home screen.. the phone then will lockup with only the start menu showing..
at this time nothing works.. i have to reset the phone via the HD2SoftReset button i installed from the HD2Tweak program.
any ideas on what is going on?
I had the same problem as you before. I fixed it by deleting my txt from time to time. So you don't store too many of them on your phone.
thats crazy, i never deleted the messages from my tmo 3g dash and it never crashed
hope they fix it soon with fw update
aarons6 said:
thats crazy, i never deleted the messages from my tmo 3g dash and it never crashed
hope they fix it soon with fw update
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yea, it's weird. somehow it takes awhile for hd2 to load previous text messages.
its entirely the fault of the sense messaging app.
keep your messages to around 100 in and out and you will be fine,
or disable sense messaging and use standard 6.5 threaded and you can keep them.
not a great fix but still a fix
Ditto! I'm having the same issue - locking up and freezing... Augh!
I do not have any text messages on the phone and I get dropped data connections all day. If I power cycle it does come back. It also seems to have an issue with updating my "Current Location" on the home screen. All of the other locations weather update but the phone just can't seem to figure out where it is.
Any ideas on this one?
i was having those same data issues i just called t mo and they provisioned it properly. have you done that yet/

