Crashes/Reboots when using Maps/Navigation/GPS - Nexus One General

Hi Everyone,
I'm just received my AT&T Nexus one last night. I'm upgrading from a Touch Pro 2 and was excited to try Android. However, I have already encountered a very troublesome and annoying issue with the phone. After setting the phone up with my Google account I proceeded to start to become familiar with the phone and programs on it. One of the applications I was interested in using was Google Maps and navigation. I opened the application and browsed around the map for about 30 seconds until the phone spontaneously rebooted - showing the 4 color X logo for about 2 minutes and then continuing to boot into the operating system. I wasn't sure what happened so I tried to continue using the phone as usual, but this quickly became rather frustrating.
I had been able to use all the other applications on the phone without any issues. However, any time I opened the Maps application for about 30 seconds or so the phone would reboot. Sometimes it would come back into the operating system but other times it would sit at the 4 color X screen for at least 5 minutes before I pulled the battery to reset the phone. After this happening a few times I decided to try a factory reset on the device. Again, after this had finished and I used the maps application the phone rebooted after about 30 seconds of use.
This morning I was hoping my luck had changed and I wanted to see how the navigation application worked. I set the phone up to navigate to my workplace and began my drive. However, as I feared, the phone promptly rebooted after about 30 seconds of use (those 30 seconds seemed promising, if I could actually use the phone). The operating system came back up and I decided to give it another shot. Unsurprisingly, the phone once again rebooted after about 30 seconds of maps/navigation use. Even more frustrating, upon reboot the connection to the cellular network does not always come back online. Sometimes turning off the phone and turning it back on again works but other times I have to power off the phone, pull the battery and SIM for at least a minute, and try again.
This problem is extremely frustrating since the rest of the phone seems to work properly. I can use all of the other applications, send email, SMS, make calls - all the other things I would want to do on the phone. However, the maps and navigation feature was a huge draw for me to this phone and I am very frustrated that it is not working properly. While trying to figure this issue out I have already done 4 factory resets and even tried using the maps application before setting up my Google account, but I have not been able to find anything to keep the phone stable while using maps/GPS.
As of right now the phone is sitting back in the box ready to be shipped to Google/HTC/whoever support (if they ever get back to me). This is one of the most frustrating experiences I've had with a phone, and coming from a Windows Mobile user that's saying something. I tried to do a lot of searching online but couldn't find anyone else who had the same kind of problem that I was reporting. I have two friends who also own N1's (on Tmobile) and they have had nothing but great experiences with them. Does anyone know of what could be causing this issue and any way to fix it?
Thanks in advance!

That is crazy! Sounds like a bad lemmon... more likely the maps program didn't install correctly when it was flashed at the factory... have you tried using it with GPS turned off? This would isolate the issue to whether it is the maps app, or the GPS unit itself.
In either case, I would have the phone warranty swapped. Even if you could just re-install Google Maps, and it would be fixed, I would still be worried it was something more substantial. If you wouldn't be worried, and a re-install of google maps fixes it and that is good for you, there are places to get the .apk for google maps. I am at work, so no link is possible to a download for the google maps app on my end right now.

I agree that there is probably something wrong with the hardware. I did notice that there was a maps update available in the marketplace (sometime between the 2nd and 4th factory resets) but upgrading didn't seem to make a difference. I have contacted both Google and HTC support hoping that they will offer me a replacement device. However, I'm worried that the US holiday on Monday may slow my progress on the issue.
Thanks for the tips anyway!

Welcome! I would just demand that they declare it Dead On Arrival... that way they will ship you a brand new unit, then you return yours in the pre-paid packaging they send you. You probably won't get it until Tuesday/Wednesday because of the holiday.


Constant Phone/Touchwiz reboots - help if you can

Hello everyone, I've got an interesting problem that I want the experts here at XDA to help me troubleshoot. Feel free to ask questions as I know there's probably a million variables at this point with stuff installed, uninstalled, gps, root, task killers, etc.
alrighty with that said, I did the e-wrecked gps fix (changing the operation mode and server location+port). That seems to work great in terms of time to lock on my position as well as improved accuracy. Over the next couple of days I noticed some really choppy and lengthy phone start ups after the fix.
Eventually it got to (and currently is at) a point where it kept rebooting the phone, or at least touchwiz. It would load up, scan media, search for the network, do all the start up stuff, then lock up, and turn the screen off. Hitting the lock button/power button does nothing while it resets itself. Then it resets to the lock screen, the screen lights up and it goes into "searching" for the tmo network while doing the storage preparations, and other boot up stuff. It does not restart from cold (with the vibrant, tmo, and galaxy animations, only the lock screen and OS boot process)
Anyone else got any funky restarts going on, for whatever reason? I basically want to start seeing what would trigger this behavior. I started uninstalling stuff one by one trying to figure out why its doing that but sometimes it boots up fine, sometimes it boots but doesn't ever find tmo's network, and sometimes it just does the above.
1. It will always boot up fine if the SIM card is out.
2. The last time it did it was today while I was at work, listening to music while the phone was charging. Im noticing that the phone gets pretty hot while charging and really hot if you're using while its charging (getting apps, surfing the web, playing games, etc)
So any thoughts from the tech gurus here? anyone have similar behavior in the past on other phones? is the heat affecting the sim card negatively? I can (and have) put my simcard back in my treo 680 backup phone with no issues whatsoever.
New observation, it consistently does the reset process as soon as the "Adjust Time and Date" as it registers/syncs with the network.
UPDATE: so, i did some research, ended up at the setCPU thread and saw that when set to OnDemand some people's phones experienced similar tendencies. Problem is, mine was already set to auto-detect and "Conservative". I un-checked start at boot, and tried again. Same problem. I uninstalled setCPU completely and my phone appears to be back to normal.
I'll update again if anything changes.
so one of the things that i removed during my troubleshooting was my corporate exchange account. When i added it back. it did its initial sync fine and gave me my calendar and contacts. I then rebooted and the problem came back.
I removed the account and rebooted. it went through two cycles of the restarts and on the third one, it worked. I left it alone after that.
I then was showing my friend some things (browser differences) and had 3 browsers open. It froze as i went to close Dolphin HD. Rebooted and now its back to the cycle.
Mine did this also. Installed several apps, woke up to find a slow phone. Resets galore. A quick reset to defaults and app restore fixed it, sans setcpu of course.
From XDA App on SGS-Vibrant
my phone resets itself also as described above, but not really doing anything in particular. i dont have a whole lot of apps installed. i even was using google maps the other day and after it started up the screen went black and the device was unresponsive until the screen came back and it said searching and the media scanner was running.
well first off thanks for responding lol. i thought i was by myself out here.
secondly, i found that if i leave it alone and let it go through its cycle, it does eventually boot up ok (this is recently, before, it was endless). i havent restarted my phone (im afraid to lol) since it did it on its own yesterday (showing my friend the browsers).
since yesterday, i've used it for navigation (motonav), serveral installs, downloaded podcasts, rss feeds, etc and its been ok (even while charging and wifi on). again, havent actually restarted it since yesterday because its actually functioning for once.
Lastly, i unchecked the auto update time and date from network in the settings just to see if that makes a difference because based on previous expereience that is the point where it freezes and resets. Thanks for chiming in and let me know if there's any other advice you have
I'd suggest a reset as mentioned above.
Been checking out this site for awhile but this is my first time posting, today my phone started to have this problem and it just bootloops touchwiz if i have a simcard in the phone.
It works fine without a simcard but my problem is it will not let me turn of auto update of time and date, i have tried disabling this setting and it just enables itself again. I have also noticed that if I started messing around with time and date settings even without a sim touchwiz reloads once. I guess im gonna give a reset a go.
martin0641 said:
Mine did this also. Installed several apps, woke up to find a slow phone. Resets galore. A quick reset to defaults and app restore fixed it, sans setcpu of course.
From XDA App on SGS-Vibrant
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heygrl said:
I'd suggest a reset as mentioned above.
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sorry, noob question (i came from winmo and a touch pro 2), what does "a quick reset to defaults" mean? is that like a factory wipe i.e. phone will be brand new again, gotta root again and reinstall everything, change settings, etc?
jblade1000 said:
sorry, noob question (i came from winmo and a touch pro 2), what does "a quick reset to defaults" mean? is that like a factory wipe i.e. phone will be brand new again, gotta root again and reinstall everything, change settings, etc?
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Root will stick but settings and apps/app data will be gone. It briefs you on what is and isn't lost when you do a factory reset.
Smae problem, its setcpu!
SetCPU with any settings will do this.
It needs an update, the auto detect some how loses and
will set the cpu to 19mhz max and min.
This is too slow to process. I rebooted and pressed settings and uninstalled it
while I could. Seems to behave once out of touchwiz.
For me it was another app not setcpu I never used it. After i did a reset i restored all my apps with titanium backup and once i restarted my phone it looped again. So i did another restore and left off all the apps that i installed right before the problem started and so far i think for me at least one of these caused it
Google maps update
google translate
the extra language pack for translate
barnacle wifi tether
hero of sparta
these are apps that I installed right before the problem happened and without these my phone works fine I am going to see if i can find that one that caused my problem.
It's not the maps update because my phone works fine with it.
It was hero of sparta a gameloft game from there web market funny thing is its suppose to work on the vibrant while dungeon hunter which works fine would only give nexus as a check out option. Anyway im going to try to get a refund tomorrow.
I get the same touchwiz reboot but for me it has only ever happened while using google maps. I do not use set cpu, but I have applied the gps fix. It is more than a little annoying. I have done a system wipe but the problem persists.
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yes, if you have setcpu, uninstall it - its buggy with the galaxys
- sometimes you can't wake your phone (if you set a screen off profile), forcing you to do a battery pull
- constant launcher restarts
Judgement5 said:
For me it was another app not setcpu I never used it. After i did a reset i restored all my apps with titanium backup and once i restarted my phone it looped again. So i did another restore and left off all the apps that i installed right before the problem started and so far i think for me at least one of these caused it
Google maps update
google translate
the extra language pack for translate
barnacle wifi tether
hero of sparta
these are apps that I installed right before the problem happened and without these my phone works fine I am going to see if i can find that one that caused my problem.
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and this is why i started the thread, to make sure i wasnt all alone. i have everything you have installed as well, but it was doing it before i picked up hero of sparta (and nova, and asphalt 5, man those guys make some good phone game lol).
anyways i just installed barnacle wifi tether yesterday so thats not it either (at least for me). That leaves the google stuff, out of the apps in your list, all of which were installed when i first got the problem, and are still on there after I've removed setCPU
heygrl said:
Root will stick but settings and apps/app data will be gone. It briefs you on what is and isn't lost when you do a factory reset.
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ok so, contacts, text messages, etc stay? Meaning if i do a factory reset, root stays, and all app stuff can be taken care of by, say, AppBrain since it has a running list of everything installed and knows where to get it to install it again? I apprecicate the advice, but this would still be a last resort sort of thing. my phone has worked fine for the past few days but I also havent restarted it yet either
just a quick update, my phone still does this if i reboot my phone (which is never now that i got my 32gb sd card), but for the first time ever hero of sparta caused it to happen while the phone is on. I uninstalled it so we'll see.

Vibrant Google Maps Problem

I've had my Vibrant since launch day and coming from the G1, I'm absolutely blown away.
I do have on gripe though and that's with Google Maps.
At first, like many, I have/had GPS problems (poor/slow/no connectivity) which was seemingly somewhat corrected by the fix in this forum (thanks!).
I'm still having another problem though. About 1 out of every three times I open google maps, the phone begins to locate via GPS then freezes (zero functionality). A few seconds later the screen is black with the soft keys lit up. I've had this happen upwards of 20-30 times now. Holding the power button to kill the phone is necessary. The reason it seems like Google maps is not other GPS app has done this.
Today, using navigation, it was working good, until I lost GPS signal (due to river bluffs), and Maps never re-acquired the GPS signal, although a quick check using GPS status revealed a full lock. I had to close (task manager style) maps and re-do the navigation. Then it worked fine again until all of a sudden it locked like usual and completely froze. Hard re-boot, reopen maps, froze, hard re-boot, reopen maps, froze....and this happened 4 times before I was finally able to get in and kill the navigation request. Of course by this time I had missed my turn by about 2 miles.
I also thought it was latitude (before today's incident), since I had never used latitude on my G1; but the girlfriend got a Vibrant (her first smart phone) so we tried out latitude for kicks. But after trying it with Latitude on and off, there doesn't seem to be any ties as if will freeze both ways.
I've also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Google Maps updates three times now with no changes.
Talking with a guy at the T-Mo store today was no help, other than he said a fix was coming within days to correct the GPS connectivity issue. For my problem though, which the phone faithfully recreated in-store to him (much to my pleasure) he recommended a new phone.
I'm not too crazy about getting a new device or doing a master reset (since I've heard this has helped some folks), so I thought I would ask for any suggestions from this fine community.
Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
EDIT: Just enabled SkyHook out of curiosity, and I haven't been able to replicate this problem yet since doing so. Even doing an immediate operation upon opening Maps its ok. Inside house got a 10m lock withing 15-20 seconds every time. I'll keep trying it some more tomorrow.
I have the same exact problem and it just recently started... want to see if anyone else has a fix or an idea.
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timafey said:
I have the same exact problem and it just recently started... want to see if anyone else has a fix or an idea.
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Same exact problem? Frozen with black screen shortly after opening?
Have you both tried a reset? This is due to the GPS because the phone will get overwhelmed when it can't get a GPS lock.
I have noticed when my wifi is on I cannot receive a gps lock. Once I turn off wifi the gps is functional and will lock quickly; ~10 secs. I still may only lock 2-3 satellites indoors and accuracy is about 20'.
Also I am using the stock GPS settings.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I had the issue with google maps and gps when turning gps on will freeze the phone and if it happened that the phone screen is locked you are sol.haven't had the issue since the reset though.
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I had this problem as well. Maps and sometimes Navigation would lock up my phone entirely, just as you described. I did a Factory Reset and that fixed the freezing problem, but my GPS problem was still there. I finally did an exchange and the new phone seems to be working better. I'm crossing my fingers that it will remain that way.
Same exact problem here. It happens with and without the GPS fix applied. I think the only solution is to wait and hope Samsung addresses the bigger GPS issue as I am sure it is all related.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I have the exact same issues with my phone locking up.
I'm going to do a master reset when I get home from work. If that doesn't work, I'm going to exchange the device at T-Mobile (and hopefully extend my 14-day period, while we wait for the firmware fix).
I love this phone, but if these problems can't be fixed, I'll go back to the stone age.
I'll report back with the master reset / phone swap success rate on my end.
Ditto here. Happened to me last night.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
+1 here. Although I never had a problem with Google Maps/Navigation. It's My Tracks that caused the phone to lock up when recording a track.
medler said:
I have noticed when my wifi is on I cannot receive a gps lock. Once I turn off wifi the gps is functional and will lock quickly; ~10 secs. I still may only lock 2-3 satellites indoors and accuracy is about 20'.
Also I am using the stock GPS settings.
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I have the same issue with "use wireless networks" enable. And wifi turned on... Something wrong with gps and wireless... I have applied the fix...
Now with wireless off I still have an issue:
Gps Test is taking 20-30 seconds when GPS has not been used in awhile. After the first lock, it then only takes 2-5 seconds for a lock.
So what's going with then initial lock?
yeah, the screen turns black and cant do anything... So Factory reset seems to fix the problem? is that the general consensus?
I have the same issue after doing a factory data reset. Just fyi.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Same here. Even after factory reset, it still does the black-screen crashing act. It's quite annoying. Actually, that happened to me while typing a text message. Samsung messed up royally. The software on this phone is pure trash. I really like this phone, but the issues are just pathetic.
I'm having the same problem on my Vibrant. It has happened before and after a factory reset, before and after the GPS fix. Without the GPS fix, I couldn't even lock onto a satellite. After running Google Maps for a few minutes, the screen goes completely blank. Sometimes, it would reset itself. Sometimes, I would have to hold the power button for a few seconds to get it to reboot. Hope they fix this soon. This makes the GPS completely useless for this phone.
Etrnaly said:
I'm having the same problem on my Vibrant. It has happened before and after a factory reset, before and after the GPS fix. Without the GPS fix, I couldn't even lock onto a satellite. After running Google Maps for a few minutes, the screen goes completely blank. Sometimes, it would reset itself. Sometimes, I would have to hold the power button for a few seconds to get it to reboot. Hope they fix this soon. This makes the GPS completely useless for this phone.
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I haven't tried the factory reset, but for everything else mention my vibrant has acted the same exact way.
I've had the same issue on both the pre-release ROM and the shipped ROM. As others have said, it seems to cause problems with all of the Google Maps-based apps (Navigation, Maps, and My Tracks). You loose signal and next thing you know, black screen with the buttons lit up.
I'm waiting for an opportunity to test it with Maverick and Trimble Outdoors to see if it's just a Google-app problem or not.
Also, a master reset (aka wipe) didn't influence it one bit. About the only thing I didn't try was removing the bundled-in maps apk and replacing it with a market one.
Report these issues!
+1 Just wanted to add that everyone should report this issue (and ALL others ie. compass, GPS, dropped calls) to T-Mobile and most importantly, Samsung. I am now on hold with Samsung level 3 tech support to update my issues with the phone. The more they hear from us, the more likely they are to come out with proper fixes in a timely fashion. If these issues stay on the forums and nowhere else, we're SOL. Do it now!
UPDATE: Eric, a L3 techie, was very appreciative of the info I gave him regarding the inaccurate GPS, GPS crashing, and compass issues. He did state that these were becoming common complaints. The compass issue was said to be less popular but he was able to reproduce the inaccuracies I and many others have, so that's a good thing. He did not have any info regarding a coming fix on anything. Regarding dropped calls (which could be a radio problem) he said, as I assumed, that it is probably a service issue that T-Mo should be notified of.
I and most others have no problems with dropped calls but the only time I get that dreaded screen is when I mess with lbstestmode
Sent from my SGH-T959

[ISSUE] Nexus S having nightly "sign-offs"

Most of us here love our Nexus S phones. We love Android 2.3's speed and the neat little TV effect when we lock our screens. Since Friday morning, (Feb. 11th) my Nexus S seems to be having another TV effect: nightly "sign offs."
It does not matter if I was charging the phone or not, the phone would just stop working. The strip of touch buttons along the bottom of the phone could be lit or unlit, but the screen would just turn off and no button presses would wake the phone. If I plugged it in to a computer, you could hear a "device connect" noise and see the Android hard drive appear under the Device Manager in Windows.
All of this means that the Nexus S was powered, but not responding. It would not reboot itself, and yes, I have experienced the reboot issue. This seems to be a separate issue. This only seems to happen after midnight.
The only solution is to pull out the battery and reboot it manually.
If my Nexus S is still on when this silent crash occurs overnight, my battery could be completely drained by the time I wake up, making me plug it in AND requiring a battery pull.
Has anyone else had this issue occur? According to the Android Market, I've only updated a few programs recently, one of them being Twitter.
Some Recently Updated Programs: (most recent first)
T-Mobile My Account (to 5.0.15)
Google Authenticator (installed, 0.54)
Google Goggles (to 1.3.1)
Twitter (to 2.0.0)
Amazon MP3 (to 1.8.30)
Google Books (to 1.1.4)
System Info:
Stock, unrooted Nexus S
Launch day unit
T-Mobile USA
Android 2.3.2
Baseband I9020XXJK8
Kernel [email protected] #1
Build GRH78C
When I woke up on Friday, I called Samsung and they did note the issue under my phone number. I will call them again Monday and let them know I'm still having issues.
Any help/suggestions from the XDA community would be appreciated.
Thank you!
Just checked this morning, (Monday) and I had to pop out the battery to turn the phone back on. Before I went to sleep, my battery was at 100%. When I woke up and booted the phone up, it was around 30%. A 70% drop in 8 hours. Time to call Samsung again.
No one else is having this issue?
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Sounds like either a defective unit, or messed up software.
Try doing a factory reset and use don't install many apps and see if that resolves for problems for a day or 2.
Well I had a strange issue that I had never seen before... at around midnight last night both my NS and my gf's went into bootloop at the same time, it was freaky. We're both on CM7 but hers is an older build and mine has netarchy's but it's never happened before... pulling the battery and powering back on fixed both phones but it's still very weird.
I have never actually called the manufacturer before about any issues with a device. Do they do anything for you? Or help you in any way?
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Samsung suggested that I do a factory reset and then if that does not fix the issue, then I'll have to send the phone into them. The tech I got on Friday was more knowledgeable than the one I got today. I'm going to backup my data and then do a factory reset, making sure not to "pull" my data from Google's servers.
Man, not doing that is going to suck.
I am also using Google Voice for my voicemail. Just wanted to throw that out there in case any running services or something is causing all of this. I'm thinking that the new version of Twitter is causing this, as it's baked into Android now and there was an update recently. Thoughts?
Here's a small update on my issue: it seems to be software-related. My Nexus S crashes during the day as well, requiring a battery pull as described above. Disabling sync does not solve the issue, so it doesn't seem like it's coming from that area. What would you guys suggest my next place to look be?
Well, have been having almost the same issue for the past two days. Go to bed with 57 & 63%. Get up in the morning and the phone is dead. Not sure of the exact time it.passes away, but yeah.
Can't understand why the phone has to drink while I sleep.
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Same prob, only intermitant though. Im using rc1 now, with no custom kernel.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I've been having the same issue since the 13th of Feb. At first it would freeze only overnight. Now, since the 14th it freezes while asleep 4-5 times a day, and the only way to get it working is to do a battery pull. I've tried to remove recently installed apps and widgets, but that has made no difference. I really don't want to have to do a factory reset, especially after I've been reading on google forums about other users not noticing a difference after a factory reset. This is getting ridiculous.
Unrooted Nexus S
Android 2.3.2
Baseband I9020XXJK8
Kernel [email protected] #1
Build GRH78C
T-Mobile US
Agreed. Mine started to freeze during the day as well, requiring a battery pull. Do you have the new Twitter installed? Do you use Google Voice for voicemail? I'm trying to pull together some common threads. It's definitely software related.
Edit: OK, now this is just stupid. It seems like I'm freezing up every half an hour by now. I pull the phone from my pocket to check on something and I push the power button. The lockscreen shows, but the screen and touch buttons don't respond. Battery pull is the only option.
Yes, I do have the new Twitter installed, and yes, I do use Google Voice.
It seems to be happening more often now for me as well. Sometimes it takes two to three times for it to fully restart and get to the home screen, or the lock screen, and sometimes it will wake and then freeze on my pattern lock which also requires a battery pull.
I've starred a few forums on this same issue on the Google support forums, I hope others do the same to show support for a quick fix.
Last night I had the battery at 90. Switched of Wifi, Data and Sync.
Got up this morning and ... no probs The battery dropped to just 88!
BTW. I have got a stock unrooted phone with no Google Voice or twitter so, could not really be a problem related to that.
I use the app addin timer to run stuff at particular times. Other apps that I downloaded are calcbuddy, barcode scanner (which I think is pointless and going to remove), pure messenger, calwidget, appbrain (again, did not like the new updated one), aTakephone, Flip4Silence, CoPilot, Fast Reboot, Docs to Go, Skype, Remote Desktop, StockIndia, Tunein Radio and Widgetsoid.
Thanks for letting me know the apps you have installed. The only common ones between us are:
Barcode Scanner
Barcode scanner is actually useful. (QR Codes, etc.) Skype may have something to do with it as it does integrate itself with data sync. Thoughts?
In order for this theory to hold water, your phone must:
Crash and require a battery pull to be responsive
Have Skype installed
Edit: My phone was crashing so much that the "first time/welcome" wizard was coming up. Swype, Facebook and GMail were crashing left and right. Time for another Factory Reset....
Edit 2: The phone has SOMEHOW survived a Factory Reset from the normal phone menu AND the Recovery menu! WHAT?!
My Nexus S is going back to Samsung for repair. *sigh* I wonder what they'll say caused the issues?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Now, today, the phone doesn't get passed the initial "Google" screen. No matter how many times I pull the battery, plug it into a charger or usb port, it does not go past the first google screen. Very disappointing.
Can you get into the bootloader menu? (Volume Up + Power)
Yes, that allowed me to get to the bootloader menu, but I couldn't do a factory reset, it just sat at the screen with the android and an exclamation point inside a triangle. I then did a battery pull, tried a normal restart and got to my home screen.
Glad to hear that you got in. By the way, once you get to the exclamation point screen, you can push Power while holding the Volume Up button to bring up a menu.
Cool, thanks for the help!!

Restart/Boot Issue Help

Hello all,
I have checked around and have tried some suggestions on the forums, but here's my story in detail.
I bought this focus from an ebay store. Was told aside from physical damage it worked as expected.
I got the device, and plugged it in to charge, after which it turned on no big issue.
Tried setting it up and turned on wifi (no sim or microsd in the phone since I got it). And it first crashed around setting up wifi, but I thought it was because I hadn't given the battery enough time to charge. Left it over night.
What happens is this, when the phone soft-resets (through updating via Zune for eg) it goes into a weird boot loop, going to the samsung logo then off and on again. I've seen the problem before and suggestions and no follow up anywhere to what may have worked.
I tried the suggestion of putting back what would have been the original ROM but still, the same issue.
It happens during updates and anything that would need a soft reset. The phone at times also crashes and restarts itself when using the camera or maps. HOWEVER, when it crashes here, it reboots no problem. And depending on the length of time it's been on or left alone, when I try an update, seems o be a 10% chance the first reboot (the one to download the update to the device) seems to go through, but the next to finalize never does.
I am starting a new topic mainly cuz of the lack of final resolutions and also because my problem extends to these weird crashes in the maps and camera apps (maybe something to do with enabling location?) to see if anyone has any advice.
I have tried the rev1.3 US rom, I have wiped the phone, and such. I would love some help as the seller seems adamant the phone was perfectly fine before sending it off, and while i've escalated it to ebay, I'm still waiting around.
EDIT: Should note also, the phone is easily picked up on Zune, but not Kies. Not sure if that means anything.
I would suggest returning the phone, I'm not aware of any resolution for these issues.
*sigh*, Was hoping there was something I missed in the search. Guy doesn't want to take it back, raising the issue to ebay. Thanks.

Random reboots/restart...what's the latest on how to fix this?

My stock S7 exhibits random reboot behavior. 1-2x per week. Once in a while it happens 2x in one day. Once it a while it happens at the most inopportune time, like when I'm trying to take a picture of an event. When the reboot occurs usually it boot loops several times (and the phone gets warm while this is happening) and then finally stops. For the first year or so of owning the phone, no reboot problems. I did see the unmounted SD card notification issue that others reported (with a Samsung SD card). A while after the nougat update and after the 1 yr warranty period of course....random reboots. Also after the boot loops stop and I'm able to use my phone again, my Spotify login is lost and I have to re-download my playlists that I had saved locally. This is a real PITA if I'm traveling and not near any wifi connection.
Any ideas?
I've done the following:
- factory reset twice
- removed the SD card, not using it anymore -> I could consistently get the phone to reboot when scrolling through my pics in google photos. I do not get this behavior anymore with the sd card removed
- install a minimal amount of apps
I've read countless search results from Google search results and nothing has solved my problem. I'm past the 1 yr warranty period. I called a local shop and was told the cost of replacing the mainboard pretty high, I'm better off just getting a new phone...which I would like to avoid. Today I disabled the built in weather app to never refresh. I have little hope that this will fix my problem, we'll see.
I don't have any launcher apps. No games. Basic apps like Bank of America, Evernote, Flixster, Spotify, Swiftkey, Todoist, Logitech Harmony, etc. I disabled the built in Amazon app and installed the Amazon app from the google play store.
I have the same problem. Also after almost 1 year I am now getting random reboots. Especially but not exclusively uwhen using google maps. Mine is still under warranry.
Update: did a factory reset via recovery, working fine again.
Overnight while charging, my phone decided to bootloop until the battery died. Woke up to a warm phone that would not power on for about 20 min. I put the phone on a gel ice pack and now it's finally on. Uninstalled and disabled a bunch of apps, always on display, bluetooth etc. Just need this thing to stay alive until I can trade it in for the new Pixel.

