I'm coming from JF 1.5 and since he has stopped developing I thought I better go to a new ROM, what do you guys recommend? How stable are the Hero ROMs for every day use?
I would go with the latest cyanogen stable mod which is 4.04.1 one I believe, there are too differant threads for expermental and stable. My opinion is that I would not use a hero for daily use, too slow, pretty but some people say they have fast heroes
I would try either cyan or xrom. If you want to try hero I would go with jacxheroski but no matter what size swap you have you will get SOME lag and calls will come in slowly, it is all personal opinion though so you will have to see what fits you best.
I went from JF 1.51, to a Rogers, and then went from that to Cyanogen. I'd go to Cyanogen and stay there. It works well and is very fast.
Cyanogen is where it's at. I'm using his 4.1.1 experimental with no probs, but the stable is most likely safest 4.0.4.
whats a rom? is it like a firmware?
I suggest xRom, Quick, simple, easy to use and fast as hell.
jadi929 said:
whats a rom? is it like a firmware?
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its a magical rock
brian_v3ntura said:
its a magical rock
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hero roms are fast and stable enough(for some people) however the maintainance and cutbacks such as no bluetooth, dim leds , and not being able to have many apps running are not worth it(for me at least) if you want a good stable rom i would recommend any of cyans stable roms however on weekends i do usually flash to a hero rom to see the progress that has been made
and yes a rom is like a firmware
A rom is a modified build of android based off a stock system with tons of good stuff like superuser and unicorns. The word roms were used back when we were are little kids using windows mobile and it just has stuck with us. I would have suggested xrom but that requires the danger spl but since it was asked what's a rom, I didn't think it was a good idea
Ps.. yes I said unicorns, mine has unicorns, if your's doesn't, then you got ripped off.......I would ask your rom dev for a refund
I finally took the plunge Sunday night, going from JF1.51 to CM4.0.4, and I couldn't be happier. It's like a whole new phone!
I installed the latest CM recovery image manually, then installed CM Update from the market, ran it, let it do its thing, and viola!
so i am just wondering what will happen if say the G2 does get gingerbread and I am Running CM 6.1 RC2... will i get the update, or will i have to go back to the stock rom to get it to work with the phone... assuming CM 6.1 wont work with 2.3 right away?
I agree OTAs are always blocked especially in CM6, I wonder if Gingerbread will be called CM7?
since CM has been going up in version for every other release of android then i would say it is safe to say that gingerbread will become CM7
g_grey said:
since CM has been going up in version for every other release of android then i would say it is safe to say that gingerbread will become CM7
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Pointless argument:
True. But Eclair (2.0/1) was 6.0, and Froyo (2.2) is 6.1. So if Gingerbread is really 2.3 as suggested, then it'd make sense that it be 6.2.
Either way, it doesn't matter
ffff00 said:
Pointless argument:
True. But Eclair (2.0/1) was 6.0, and Froyo (2.2) is 6.1. So if Gingerbread is really 2.3 as suggested, then it'd make sense that it be 6.2.
Either way, it doesn't matter
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No, you're wrong.
Donut was CM4.
Eclair was CM5.
Froyo is CM6. When cyanogen updated to 2.2.1, that may have been why they changed it to 6.1, don't quote me on it though.
So it makes sense that Gingerbread will be CM7
haha whoops, got my version numbers mixed up for a bit. It's been forever since I wasn't on cm6. My bad
To answer the OP: yes, ota's are blocked in cm. A rooted build will be out within the next day of release, and might work over cm without a wipe. Sadly, cm7 on the other hand won't be out for a little while after gingerbread source is released.
tazz9690 said:
No, you're wrong.
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NO you are!!11 dot
I have the same question... But the difference is that Im running Virtuous 0.7.0 (I really like the Sense on my G2)... so, If Gingerbread is released... Will apply to my phone, even if im running that awesome Virtuous ROM? or I have to do what @aad4321 replied earlier??
I wouldn't worry. A CM Gingerbread build will be out long before a carrier OTA...unless you're on a Nexus One!
I've been using Micromod's v.19 GB ROM for about a month now, however, it's becoming more apparent that it's not very bug free as I use it more. The bugs seem to be increasing, I get more app crashes and weird bugs the more I use it.
I haven't tried a ROM based on the CM7 nightlies yet. Does anyone have a recommendation for any of the Gingerbread custom ROMs?
Iggy82 said:
I've been using Micromod's v.19 GB ROM for about a month now, however, it's becoming more apparent that it's not very bug free as I use it more. The bugs seem to be increasing, I get more app crashes and weird bugs the more I use it.
I haven't tried a ROM based on the CM7 nightlies yet. Does anyone have a recommendation for any of the Gingerbread custom ROMs?
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I've been tempted to move to LeoGingerBread ROM. It's based on AOSP with CM7 filling in the missing parts and is customizable through leoparts. Seems to be a complete package.
So flash another rom and see for yourself..
Micromod is a nice rom but has got a lots of bugs and is not as stable. Now answer to your question - it's really a personal preference, I am using CM7 nightlies since a month, its been improving and updating almost everyday, getting better with each iteration. Again, its a personal preference, but why don't you just try downloading those roms with gingerbread and try them for a few days one by one... may be you will find one which suits your needs.
I find CM7 really slow, compared to some Froyo ROMs (i.e. Enomther). Even LeoGingerbread is slow, as it includes CM7's framework (as of the actual version).
Iggy82 said:
I've been using Micromod's v.19 GB ROM for about a month now, however, it's becoming more apparent that it's not very bug free as I use it more. The bugs seem to be increasing, I get more app crashes and weird bugs the more I use it.
I haven't tried a ROM based on the CM7 nightlies yet. Does anyone have a recommendation for any of the Gingerbread custom ROMs?
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I've been very pleased with Micromod's Gingerbread Custom CM7 Mod. The only issue I have is occasional resets, but it sounds like that's a problem with other CM7 ROMs as well.
BTW, does anyone know if FM radio is working on any of the other CM7 Gingerbread ROMs? That's the main reason I chose Micromod's version over the others.
Using Leo's ROM now. Wait for 0.9.2 and flash (currently there's a bug in Apps2SD). It's a mix of AOSP and CM7.
Didn't encounter any weirdness yet.
bigmout said:
I've been very pleased with Micromod's Gingerbread Custom CM7 Mod. The only issue I have is occasional resets, but it sounds like that's a problem with other CM7 ROMs as well.
BTW, does anyone know if FM radio is working on any of the other CM7 Gingerbread ROMs? That's the main reason I chose Micromod's version over the others.
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I have used radio on my nexus with CM7 nightlies ever since they were launched and with v.37 i am listening to radio right now... 99.9 virgin... seems to be working perfectly fine...
Micromod's Gingerbread Custom CM7 Mod is great stuff...
galaxys said:
Micromod's Gingerbread Custom CM7 Mod is great stuff...
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I'm agree with you. I've been using MicroMod CM 7 v1.3 for almost a month and it works very well. It's too bad that MM left us for another phone :-(
But, thanks for your great effort MicroMod :-D
I personally like Geo's GRH55 build. Fairly stock, but it's speedy and has trackball awake - the only killer feature I needed.
[ROM] Gingerbread (GRH55), Deodexed, rooted, busybox, battery%, TB alert/wake 2/11/11
On the downside, HQ Youtube is not working on it, but it appears everything else is so far.
Since there was no unified thread for this, I created one.
As everyone knows, Netflix is working on the Evo, but only on CM7 and Froyo Sense ROMs.
Those of us with the gingerbread sense (1, 2 or 3) ROMs don't have working Netflix.
I have been reading through the various ROM's threads and it seems that we don't really know what is going on. The app makes it as far as the loading/buffering screen before turning completely white and then goes back to the app home screen.
So I create this thread with 2 purposes
-to keep a central thread that all Evo owners can discuss the issue
-to attempt to find out what is wrong
-to hopefully fix a workaround/fix.
I know we can simply switch to CM7 or rollback to 2.2, but I really like having GB with sense and I'm sure others agree with me.
I agree, On all the Gingersense roms I've tried it does the same thing.
Virus has it fixed for the upcoming beta of his kingdom port.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
i dont know if this has been said but virus kingdom rom's next update will have netflix.... should be ported to all other roms right after iam sure....
Does anyone know what the specific issue is?
It is it something that can be fix via flashable zip or does it require significant changes that necessitate a complete ROM flash?
Does anyone know what the fix is or does?
I'd like to try it out and if possible, make it usable on all ROMs, so we don't have to rely on his ROM (not that there is anything wrong with his ROM).
netflix on 2.3.4
Netflix is working on my Evo and I'm running deck's 1.2c, which I believe is 2.3.4 . I'm don't remember re-downloading netflix when i flashed 2.3.4 because I came from mikfroyo's 4.62 . I used TB to restore and it works just fine.
MrReptar said:
Netflix is working on my Evo and I'm running deck's 1.2c, which I believe is 2.3.4 . I'm don't remember re-downloading netflix when i flashed 2.3.4 because I came from mikfroyo's 4.62 . I used TB to restore and it works just fine.
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As I said, Netflix is working on all ASOP, CM7/CM7-derived ROMs. This thread is refering to Sense based GB ROMs for the Evo.
RileyGrant said:
Virus has it fixed for the upcoming beta of his kingdom port.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
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Do u know the ETA for the upcoming beta?
It seems that Virus isn't releasing a ROM with it fixed.
Does anyone at least know why it doesn't work?
There doesn't seem to be much details on this. Virus said that it was too buggy to be released, but details would be nice.
I just installed gingersense b4 yesterday and went to download Netflix and it isn't even coming up in the market
XxBman83xX said:
I just installed gingersense b4 yesterday and went to download Netflix and it isn't even coming up in the market
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I believe netflix took the app off the market so you won't find it there.
Netflix will post an updated version, so its best just to wait, or run an asop ROM if you can't.
for one year I owned Defy. No it broke down and I purchased Defy+. I was very happy with CM 7.2 RC1 ROM. Now I'm in doubts which ROM should I flash. I heard CM7 has problems with camera and battery on Defy+ and in CM9 ROMs doesn't work Opera or Chrome browsers, which is a major issue for me.
Which ROM would you suggest for Defy+ (2.3.5 official ROM)?
javlada said:
for one year I owned Defy. No it broke down and I purchased Defy+. I was very happy with CM 7.2 RC1 ROM. Now I'm in doubts which ROM should I flash. I heard CM7 has problems with camera and battery on Defy+ and in CM9 ROMs doesn't work Opera or Chrome browsers, which is a major issue for me.
Which ROM would you suggest for Defy+ (2.3.5 official ROM)?
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Try the latest cm72 nightly by Quarx, I'm using it on my Defy+, very stable and fast.
I'm running it now. It is really very stable and fast. The only issue I discovered so far is that camera picture is upside down.
javlada said:
I'm running it now. It is really very stable and fast. The only issue I discovered so far is that camera picture is upside down.
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I don't have this issue. Maybe a factory reset or a reflash would help.
nsm1234 said:
I don't have this issue. Maybe a factory reset or a reflash would help.
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great`.nice boat.
I just got CM9 4.0.4 to work and I must say that its great! Well only had it a short time but it looks great its better looks and usability. Only thing swype doesnt work but slideIT does not as good but it works.
Cant comment on to much else ATM, Opera mini next works on it for me, not sure about the full version I mainly access the net at home and opera mini has always done what I needed away from home so I cant complain
is it safe to use CMW with this nightly, if i have rooted stock 2.3.4 ROM? Or do i have flash some kernel before?
Tried MS2Ginger, but it doesnt suit for me ...
You can also use the Whiterabbit, 7.2 cm based
I use MS2Ginger, in my opnion is the best rom...
kelbygreen said:
I just got CM9 4.0.4 to work and I must say that its great! Well only had it a short time but it looks great its better looks and usability. Only thing swype doesnt work but slideIT does not as good but it works.
Cant comment on to much else ATM, Opera mini next works on it for me, not sure about the full version I mainly access the net at home and opera mini has always done what I needed away from home so I cant complain
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You can use Swype beta . It worked for me.
Its free and all it needs is registration. If you get FC's go to manage apps for swype and wipe data and cache.