Can't access to bootloader !! - HD2 General

Hi all !
I can't enter the bootloader screen (screen with blue, green and red stripes) by pressing the volDown key after a soft reset. The phone simply boot on the rom and don't let me see the desired screen.
Is someone can help me to retrieve access to the bootloader screen ?
ROM EnergyRom GTX [13th may 2010]

it shuold be as simple as holding down vol key when powering it you are doing.

u really shutted it fully down and powered on again? or just softreseted via software?

I have tested the two solutions ... I also turn off the device for one day and turn it on pressing the volDown key ... the result was the device booting normally !

Fl3eK said:
I have tested the two solutions ... I also turn off the device for one day and turn it on pressing the volDown key ... the result was the device booting normally !
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mmh.. and if u want to hard reset ur phone? i mean.. when u press both, volume up and down at the start.. does atleast the hardreset screen appear?

No It change nothing ... I really can't access this screen anymore. I try also to upgrade to HSPL 2.X but the issue persists

Oo thats weird.. for what do u need the screen anyway?
i would flash a new rom maybe.. so the prob could be solved that way, but i really dont know if that will help >.<

try it with the battery cover off to get a better press
power off
press and hold and keep holding vol down
press and release power KEEP PRESSING VOL DOWN
only release vol once three colored screen shows.

samsamuel, I flash my HD2 more and more but since I test the radio 2.10.50.XX, the device just boot normaly and it not let me enter the bootloader screen (I keep the volDown key during booting after turn on the device like you said)
Darksorrow, I need to get back to radio 2.08.50 because the 2.10.50 sucks my battery very quickly ... :'( I'll try to flash the device with an other ROM ... with luck It could give me back the access to bootloader ...

the rom can't affect the bootloader in the same way that your installed operating system on your pc can't affect the bios.
even if you wipe the rom completely you can still enter bootloader.
anyway best of luck.
edit - in using same radio as you.

samsamuel said:
the rom can't affect the bootloader in the same way that your installed operating system on your pc can't affect the bios.
even if you wipe the rom completely you can still enter bootloader.
anyway best of luck.
edit - in using same radio as you.
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Thanks for the information and after flashing I understand that the bootloader still unavailable by pressing down the volume down button ... Is it possible that this was and hardware problem even if volume keys works well in Sense?

Fl3eK said:
Thanks for the information and after flashing I understand that the bootloader still unavailable by pressing down the volume down button ... Is it possible that this was and hardware problem even if volume keys works well in Sense?
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Its possible, but unlikely.
I dont mean to sound like i dont believe your results, but i cant help the feeling that you arent doing it right.
Every post so far where someone couldnt enter bootloader / start a hard reset has been down to the order of pressing and the length of the press.
Its usually that they are
1 - pressing and holding both power and vol
2 - releasing vol down when they release power
3 - not pressing vol hard enough (this is where the battery cover off helps, it allows the button to press more firmly.)
4 - pressing power before they press and hold vol.
all of which will fail to enter bootloader.
ill repeat the process, just for clarity.
power off the phone
press hold and keep holding 'vol down'
tap and release power BUT keep vol down pressed
release vol down when the three coloured screen appears.
any more than that i cant suggest, sorry.

Here you go. Give this a shot. Run the cab on your device and there will be a shortcut in your start menu to take you to bootloader

It works fine. Thank you.

zelendel said:
Here you go. Give this a shot. Run the cab on your device and there will be a shortcut in your start menu to take you to bootloader
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Thanks a lot this work for me too !
@samsamuel : I understand the way you explain me Even if I kept the vol down touch after powering the device I just see the device booting on ROM ...

I have one more question, do you think I can perform a format (with MTTY) considering the fact that I can't access to bootloader at startup ? I hope this work but the risk is that I can't never install a ROM after formatting if I still can't access to bootloader by pressing volume down at startup ....

Thanks Zelender, the file works wonderfully. ...and yes, I'm sure I was using correct procedure to enter bootloader as I had done it before.

I have a similar situation, but I have a Nexus One. I know this is not the area for the N1, but this is the only place where someone is having the same issue of not being able to go to the bootloader. I press vol down while hitting power button. This would always give me the boot loader menu, but instead it just boots to the OS.
Any way I can regain access to the bootloader, because my os is messed up and my radio isnt operating.

Hum ... I just process an task 29 via MTTY and the result is .... "phone sent for repair" so for those who have the problem, DO NOT EXECUTE TASK 29 or you'll have a blank phone and you'll can't install new ROM.

I can't return to winmo rom.
zelendel said:
Here you go. Give this a shot. Run the cab on your device and there will be a shortcut in your start menu to take you to bootloader
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I've the same problem as Fl3ek : I flashed a nand android rom with magldr and I can't return to bootloader mode and I can't make a hard reset. The only thing working is magldr but only for flashing nand android roms (i tried 3 of them : they all work ).
Is there an APK like ? Or a program to flash or activate bootloader in nand with magldr ?
I tried quick boot with bootloader option but it does'nt work.


help! need to go back to stock spl but volume down+power bootloader not working!

i need to send my hd2 back for repair but unfortunately i can't get into the bootloader! volume up / down buttons do work when im in windows mobile, but when the phone is switched off, i press volume down + power button once and the phone just boots into windows mobile.
is there any other way to restore your phone to the stock spl?
You need to press Vol UP and PowerOn, not Vol Down
skycamefalling said:
You need to press Vol UP and PowerOn, not Vol Down
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tried that too, unfortunately not working ...
skycamefalling said:
You need to press Vol UP and PowerOn, not Vol Down
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On my device it is PowerOn and VolDown. But I have to press and hold the VolDown button till the device is in bootloader mode.
Best regards
Taken from one of the many tutorials on here...
"*Go into BootLoader Mode (turn off phone, then press and hold the VOLUME DOWN then Press and hold the POWER button. After about 3 seconds the tri-coloured screen should appear)".
Do make sure you are pressing the volume down button hard enough AND for long enough.
wacky.banana said:
Taken from one of the many tutorials on here...
"*Go into BootLoader Mode (turn off phone, then press and hold the VOLUME DOWN then Press and hold the POWER button. After about 3 seconds the tri-coloured screen should appear)".
Do make sure you are pressing the volume down button hard enough AND for long enough.
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tried it but still doesnt go into bootloader mode... i have managed to go into bootloader mode before (with several htc phones i have owned), but i think something is broken this time (my hardware sendbutton also is not working any more, that is the reason why i need to return the phone).
pitchbend said:
tried it but still doesnt go into bootloader mode... i have managed to go into bootloader mode before (with several htc phones i have owned), but i think something is broken this time (my hardware sendbutton also is not working any more, that is the reason why i need to return the phone).
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Try running the attached EnterBootloader.exe from your HD2 (unzip, move .exe to phone, run).
JayVee said:
On my device it is PowerOn and VolDown. But I have to press and hold the VolDown button till the device is in bootloader mode.
Best regards
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Sorry then, Vol UP has been my other phone I haven't flashed the HD2 via SD Card yet.
I just can think that you do not press the Vol DOWN button hard enough or long enough. You have to press and hold the Vol DOWN button and switch on the phone, then lift the power button while still holding the Vol DOWN button.
Hi all
wacky.banana said:
Taken from one of the many tutorials on here...
"*Go into BootLoader Mode (turn off phone, then press and hold the VOLUME DOWN then Press and hold the POWER button. After about 3 seconds the tri-coloured screen should appear)".
Do make sure you are pressing the volume down button hard enough AND for long enough.
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pitchbend said:
tried it but still doesnt go into bootloader mode... i have managed to go into bootloader mode before (with several htc phones i have owned), but i think something is broken this time (my hardware sendbutton also is not working any more, that is the reason why i need to return the phone).
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This what I do to go into bootloader mod in my HTC HD2 Leo :
Press together VOLUME DOWN & RESET RED BUTTON - under batt. metal cover -
after few seconds the tri-coloured screen appeared
add ; 4 all ; if for any reason while you are in bootloader - tri-coloured mod - and want to go back to normal ,
just press RESET RED BUTTON , your device will reset .
hope this will help . . .
meptik said:
Try running the attached EnterBootloader.exe from your HD2 (unzip, move .exe to phone, run).
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thank you, with this file it went into bootloader mode, but somehow my hardware-buttons seem to be broken (in win mobile all of them beside the send-button work), when it says "Press power buutton to start update image", I press the power button, but nothing happens!
I guess thats it, no chance to restore SPL and no chance for warranty any more .
pitchbend said:
thank you, with this file it went into bootloader mode, but somehow my hardware-buttons seem to be broken (in win mobile all of them beside the send-button work), when it says "Press power buutton to start update image", I press the power button, but nothing happens!
I guess thats it, no chance to restore SPL and no change for warranty any more .
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Hmm, very weird.
The actual keys are obviously ok - they're just not handled while in bootloader. I'm not sure what exactly is responsible for that, I assume it's not the OS, so perhaps SPL or Radio?
Not sure if it would make any difference, but perhaps you can try reflashing the HSPL (or maybe a different radio?).
pitchbend said:
thank you, with this file it went into bootloader mode, but somehow my hardware-buttons seem to be broken (in win mobile all of them beside the send-button work), when it says "Press power buutton to start update image", I press the power button, but nothing happens!
I guess thats it, no chance to restore SPL and no chance for warranty any more .
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when its asking to install the rom (in bootloader) hold down volume up (or whatever key it asks you to press to install) REALLY HARD,
another suggestion, take off the back, the buttons seem easier to press when the back battery cover it off
maybe this will work
1. On the Home screen, slide to the Settings tab and then tap Security > Factory reset.
2. Enter “1234 ” and then tap Yes.
If your power button does not work it will be impossible to flash from SD card and this is the only way top reflash a stock rom = the only way to uninstall HSPL.
But if this is the power button, then how do you already power up your device ??? Is this your reason to send it to the repair?
You seem stuck in a button my friend...
g3k said:
If your power button does not work it will be impossible to flash from SD card and this is the only way top reflash a stock rom = the only way to uninstall HSPL.
But if this is the power button, then how do you already power up your device ??? Is this your reason to send it to the repair?
You seem stuck in a button my friend...
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it is a real wierd problem, i can switch the phone on with the power button and when it is turned on, all keys work beside the talk(send) button. but i can not go into bootloader mode and power button / volume down button to confirm / cancel update when entering bootloader mode with bootloader.exe don't work.
you should really try to reflash radio and hspl again. if you can power on the device the hardwarebutton must work. looks like a software problem...
have you check that you vol down button is working? it happen to me before,
maybe you could contact the hspl maker if he can help you? i have in my mind that he could "hack" the procedure to NOT ask for SEND key press?
Thanks for all your replies. I left the phone off for about 4 hours charging. I switched it on press the vol down button and it worked! How weird / lucky. So I flashed a new rom and I am working again.
Thank you so much for you time.
One last thing though, now in WinMo the vol up and vol down work and the power button work. But the other 4 hardware keys don't, they just force the phone into vibrate/silent mode. When I get a phone call it also turns the volume down/off/vibrate.
Maybe a hardware failure?

[HELP] Can;t get into boot loader, phone is working though

I have a weird thing going on with my HD2.
When I soft-reset and hold down the vol down button it refuses to go into the bootloader screen, also when I try and hard reset it.
The phone boots just fine and the vol up and vol down buttons work just fine.
Any ideas?
Manos_Arriba said:
I have a weird thing going on with my HD2.
When I soft-reset and hold down the vol down button it refuses to go into the bootloader screen, also when I try and hard reset it.
The phone boots just fine and the vol up and vol down buttons work just fine.
Any ideas?
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From my knowledge you have to use both down and up volume buttons to get into bootloader screen.
By just keeping volume down it's doing hard reset.
Someone correct me if im wrong.
gjizaqin said:
From my knowledge you have to use both down and up volume buttons to get into bootloader screen.
By just keeping volume down it's doing hard reset.
Someone correct me if im wrong.
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not needed to do it for a while but im sure its just the down key
It is just the down key, when you press down and up volume buttons then power button it gives you the option to Hard Reset.
vol up+down = hr
vol down = boot
there is a program that reboots your phone and enters boot screen. try it! it is called enter boot or something like that.
another idea is flashing another radio and/or hspl2
Others have correctly told you that it is only the volume down button to boot into bootloader mode. Switch the phone off and then while holding in the volume down button, briefly tap the power button (still holding the volume button in).
Another option if this does not work, from a downloaded rom file, run the CustomRUU.exe. It will unpack a number of files in the folder you are running it from, one of which is named EnterBootloader.exe - copy this to your sd card and run it.
You know I think it is a bit more sinister than that. I think the hardware buttons themselves are ceasing to function.
Like the the phone hardware button doesn't work in WM now.
I flashed a stock ROM and that is even worse, the vol up/down don't work either.
See the attached picture - I changed to the Titanium screen and see at the top where is has "Start". I guess that only appears when the device is doing something, like when Sense is loading. I assume something has gone wrong.
Maybe I should MTTY and see where that takes me.
Any other advice would be welcome and I understand that any actions I take on my phone are my actions and no one else is accountable.

how to boot in to tri color bootloader

after flash andriod rom use maglrd 1.11 , i cant boot in to tri color bootloader , i try hold down vol button and power button but alway boot in to maglrd , please help , i need find out how to boot in to bootloader ?
Power off your device and hold "Volume Down" and Power on the device till u get the tricolour screen.
i try that but just boot in to maglrd not bootloader
I've tested it yet and it works for me!??
- Shut down ur device
- press the volume down button (hold down all the time)
- short tap on the power button and release it (still holding volume down)
still the same boot in to maglrd
I think you're holding the power button too long.
Hold down the volume down and press the Power On and release it while still
holding the volume down.
Works for me.
i just tap the power button
same here
I got the same problem I was going to flash a new radio and start over with MAGLDR with a new nand because the call key isn't working since i started using namd versions, last night i spent like two hours trying to get my phone in Bootloader Mode with no luck
hope some one can help
Vol down and power. odds are your not holding it right. If it dont work, then your stuck with Magldr.
Why are you even holding the power button?
To get to the RGB Bootloader:
Turn off Device
Hold Volume Down Button
Turn on Device - DO NOT HOLD the POWER BUTTON
LiFE1688 said:
Why are you even holding the power button?
To get to the RGB Bootloader:
Turn off Device
Hold Volume Down Button
Turn on Device - DO NOT HOLD the POWER BUTTON
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That doesn't work for me and i can't have a hard reset neither.
I always go back to android.
I just can change nandroid with magldr 1.10 : i can't come back to winmo : android works well but I need some winmo programs.
You sure you doing it right?
You release the power button when the HD2 vibrates but you still hold on to the Volume Down button.
I play with this HD2 all the time, switching from WinMO6.5 to Android SD, and Android NAND, as well as Clockwork Recovery NAND.
If I want SPL3.03, I go into Recovery Mode with leoimg.nbh file.
When I want to go back to Android, I do recovery back to 1.66 to recover back to SPL 1.42 so I can flash back HSPL 2.08
Have not met an issue yet.
Yes i just tap the power button and still just go to magldr
yongh said:
Yes i just tap the power button and still just go to magldr
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Do you even have HSPL installed???
Yes other why i cant flash to andriod la
Research more stuff
MAGLDR is not boot loader
Bootloader = phone off, volume down + power button
MAGLDR - Phone will be off + hit power - it will turn on in MAGDLR
P.S. If installed correctly
can someone please help me,i installed maglrd 1.11 for install android, when
restart its come up to htc logo in white screen only i can go in to bootloader but nothing i can do,i installed hspl, i dont know wht to do now.
perhaps your volumedown button does'nt work properly.
Take the back off the phone,
take the battery out,
wait for a few seconds,
put the battery back into the phone,
leave the back off the phone, so that you can feel better that you press the volume down button correctly
press power button only once and very briefly
this should work, I had the same problem

Magldr 1.12 instalation problem

I wanted to ask if someone clashed with problem like that and knows how to solve it. I had 1.66 rom eastern euope and installed 2.08hspl, tried to install latest magldr and I am guessing problem occured because I didnt installed latest radio. Now when I am turning on the phone it shows white screen and green logo and stuck. Tried turning of the phone and holding - volume button when turning on that didnt make any difference can someone help me to revive my phone ?
So you tried to get into bootloader, but the thing is you have to try harder.
Bootloader should work just fine.
So again, turn of your phone. while the phone is turned off, keep the vol down, and press the power button.Release the power button, but keep the vol down pressed.
You can try the other way: hold the vol down pressed and reset the phone(red button on the back).
If you want to use the SD card method to flash something you still have to enter the bootloader, so you must keep trying.
Forgot to ask: did you manage to enter the bootloader or not, cause you only said it did not make any difference????.What does that mean?
I already trying to enter bootloader for the five hours, so I guess it's impossible, also tried that thing with red button it didnt load up that bootloader screen. The thing is that holding volume key down didn't work for me before to get into bootloader even when the phone was ok but it did install all roms which I tried so I didnt think that this would be problem either apparantely it is... Maybe youu have some other suggestions how to fix it ?
If you can make the pc recognize the HD2 then you can flash anything.
But i think that this is only possible in bootloader or windows or android.
So this is a problem.
No ideea for now.
Anyone help???
But you *do* push both vol. down and power buttons and keep them pushed until the screen turns on, don´t you?
I didn´t get into the bootloader as long as I didn´t kept both buttons pushed long enough... had to learn the "timing" kind of...

Trying to enter bootloader, goes to reset instead

I'm trying to get my hd2 to stay on the tri-colored bootloader screen but it quickly goes to a white screen that says "this operation will delete all your personal data, and reset all settings to manufacturer default. Press VolUp to restore manufacturer default, or press other keys to cancel".
Pressing volup and other keys does nothing. I assume this is because I have CWM installed and im using an android rom.
To clarify: I can boot CWM and my android from nand, but I am trying to run task 29 because my rom is messed up and I can't get the bootloader screen to stay. It thinks I'm trying to reset the data but I'm not.... Any help?
jeffrey92 said:
I'm trying to get my hd2 to stay on the tri-colored bootloader screen but it quickly goes to a white screen that says "this operation will delete all your personal data, and reset all settings to manufacturer default. Press VolUp to restore manufacturer default, or press other keys to cancel".
Pressing volup and other keys does nothing. I assume this is because I have CWM installed and im using an android rom.
To clarify: I can boot CWM and my android from nand, but I am trying to run task 29 because my rom is messed up and I can't get the bootloader screen to stay. It thinks I'm trying to reset the data but I'm not.... Any help?
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Vol down and power button
Thats what I'm doing and it results in what i described in the first part of my post.
ive tried all sorts of button combinations and none work
Throwin this out there but could ur vol+ button be sticking???when u do vol +/- ull get that screen
i did a button test and all the buttons work like they should, except when i press vol up nothing happens but when i press menu it registers both menu and volup
but yeah volup by itself does nothing...
In order to get to the reset screen you must be pushing the Vol Up + Vol Down + Power on. To get to bootloader it is only Vol Down + Power on. Make sure that you press at the bottom end of the Vol button.
Ok so that means my volup is stuck or malfunctioning. Any ideas on how to remedy this?
Apart from getting a service, No. Sorry.

