[PROBLEM] HELP NOOB cooked rom stuck at first boot - Windows Mobile

i have cooked my first rom for the Topaz i have used the latest official build 21887 from htc.
it builds with no problem i have attached the build log but it gets stuck at the first boot.
i have made very little changes to the rom..
it starts to boot but as the bar across the bottom gets to the end it freezes
anybody have any ideas as to what i am doing wrong..
could it poss be that i am putting the new programs in the wrong ..
thanks in advance

Lets take a look but it seems that is not the first splash screen buddy if you have aany animation screen like a bar fill the bottom... is the htcanimation app disable that in your rom
i will se your build log

Seeing your buildlog seems that you missed the wince.nls file...
Processing "WiMax_Connecting7_Mask.bmp" as file
Processing "WiMax_On.bmp" as file
Processing "WiMax_On_Mask.bmp" as file
Processing "wince.htm" as file
Processing "WinCeFunkSuppM.dll" as file
Processing "windiag.dll" as module
Processing "wingding.ttf" as file
Processing "wininet.dll" as module
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I will sugest you to read tutorials and threads about not booting roms we have many here everybody founds in that threads the answer why their roms dont boot

thanks for the quick reply.
can you please post me a link to the best tutorial.
as i can't seem to find the info i need.

check the main stickie bud it has all links you want


[GUIDE] ~~[★The Complete Leo Flashing Video Guide★]~~ [Update 14/03/10]

★Useful Links★​ Official HSPL Thread - Bepe [The Actual HardSPL]​ Written Flashing Guide -Mskip [The Best Written Guide Around]
Official Rom Thread -L3v5y[Get All The Offical Roms (And SPL's) Here!]​ Official Radio Thread -Kholk[Very Useful Collection Of Radios]​ Custom Rom Mirrors -zzattack[Useful For A Good List Of Roms With Links To The Original Threads+Fast Downloads]​MTTY Thread - MysticGenius [Bad Flash? Constant Hard Resets? Check Out This Thread From MG!]​
★I Appreciate Comments, So If This Thread Helped You At All, Or If You Have Some Constructive Criticism, Then Post A Reply Letting Me Know★
★Hopefully this compilation of videos
I've been working on for the last week
or so should help you in any of your
queries about using HardSPL. Its designed
for complete noobies which dont know the
first thing about flashing.★
★Once you've watched a few, you will begin to
learn the different acronyms and be able to
recognize certain words and phrases in the
flashing process, but for now, heres a short
word list to get you started.★
★[Word List]★
LEOIMG.nbh/ruu_signed.nbh/[Randomname.nbh] - These are all the actual roms, the things you need to flash, usually they are called one of the first two names, but some rom chefs give their own names to the roms, but you can always distiguish which file you need as it will always be a "nbh" file and will always be the largest file in the archive/folder
SPL - Secondary Program Loader: Loads the actual OS. (The SPL is what lets you flash the different aspects of your device, however the stock SPL is 'CID Locked' which means only official releases from HTC can be installed.
HSPL - A 'custom' SPL created by the dark forces team (bepe and cotulla), this is CID Unlocked and it lets you install custom roms and flash any radio. The reason it is called 'Hard' is because it stays on your device after a flash, unlike 'Soft' SPL which is removed after a flash.
RUU - The official 'Rom Update Utility' from HTC which is used to do all your flashing from your pc, its essentialy a nice user interface for the SPL
CustomRUU - The custom Rom Update Utility from the dark forces team which is designed to be used with the HSPL
ROM - An operating system build from HTC, updated to bring you the newest functions and fixes
Custom/Cooked ROM - An operating system build built on a stock rom, these are created by 'Chefs or Cooks' who use 'Kitchens' to design their own roms to release to the community, these are usually alot better than stock roms and contain lots of custom tweaks from others in the xda community.
[More knowleadgable members please correct me on things I may have got wrong/ used the wrong termonoligy]
[Disclaimer: I will not be held responsible for any damage that may be caused to your device, and be warned flashing HardSPL WILL void the warranty on your device, however it can be removed, thus unvoiding it]
Ok onto the videos!
[Note/Update: In one or more of my videos I say that this will not work locked phones (as in, bought in a contract) this is wrong, HSPL does allow you to flash new roms on to contract phones (for example: flash a custom rom onto a tmobile phone) However it will not unlock the deivce]
1. How To Install HardSPL
[LINK][Estimated Time:7 Minutes]
Description: This video is intended to run you through the very simple process of flashing HardSPL to your device.
Useful Links
¬HardSPL Thread
¬Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 32 Bit
¬Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 64 Bit
2. How To Flash a Custom Rom Via Active Sync (USB)
[LINK][Estimated Time: 10 Minutes]
Description: This video is supposed to show you the process of flashing a custom rom to your device using the supplied standard mini usb cable.
Useful Links
¬Direct Links For Most Custom Roms
¬Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 32 Bit
¬Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 64 Bit
3. How To Flash a Custom Rom Via Micro SD Card
[LINK][Estimated Time: 15 Minutes]
Description: This video is supposed to show you the process of flashing a custom rom to your device using the supplied standard micro SD card.
Useful Links
¬Direct Links For Most Custom Roms
¬Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 32 Bit
¬Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 64 Bit
4. How To Flash a Stock Rom
[LINK][Estimated Time: 10 Minutes]
Description: This video will show you how to install a stock rom back to your device, so it is just like the day you got it.
Useful Links
¬Official Roms
5. How To Flash a Radio
[LINK][Estimated Time: 7 Minutes]
Description: This video is supposed to show you the process of flashing a stock radio to your device.
Useful Links
¬ Radios
6. How To Uninstall HardSPL (Install a Stock SPL)
[LINK][Estimated Time: 25 Minutes]
Description: This video is the longest and is supposed to show you how to remove HardSPL from your device (usually done when sending the phone in for warranty)
Useful Links
¬Official Roms (For Stock SPL's)
7. How To Flash(Install) A Custom Splash Screen (Thanks jeckyll for the first splash screen and teaching me how to do it)
[LINK][Estimated Time: 5 Minutes]
Description: This video is very quick and will show you how to install custom splash screens (the initial SS with the htc logo and white background)
Useful Links
¬HD2 Bios Splash Screens
¬How To Create A Custom Splash Screen (Thanks pof)
8. How To Flash(Install) A Stock Splash Screen (Uninstall Custom Spash Screen) (Thanks 6Fg8 For The Stock Splash Screen)
[LINK] [Estimated Time: 5 Minutes]
Description: This video is very quick and will show you how to install the original splash screen (the initial SS with the htc logo and white background) over your custom one (will get back warranty)
Useful Links
¬HTC HD2 Original Splash Screen (Thanks 6Fg8)
9. How To Perform A Task 29 Without MTTY(Thanks Doloop For Making This, and ShaDrac for repacking it into an easier single exe)
[LINK][Estimated Time: 7 Minutes]
Description: This video will teach you how to perform a task 29 on your Leo without having to go through the arduous process of installing all the drivers ect for MTTY. Task 29 formats your phone for a cleaner flash
Useful Links
¬Task 29 Thread
¬MTTY Thread (For Reference)
If Any Video Links Are Down/ Do Not Appear In Your Country, Post A Message In This Thread And I Will Try And Have It Up ASAP
(Stickied 26/1/10) Thanks
Recieved Donations [/COLOR][/U]
Turborider - 14/03/10 (Thankyou Very Much )
Top Tips, Useful Things & F.A.Q's!
For The REALLY Lazy Man - A Folder Which Already Contains The CustomRUU,
Just Drag And Drop Your Rom File (.nbh) In Here And Run The CustomRUU! **Download** (Extract The Folder From The Zip File)
Making any changes to your phone using HSPL WILL void your warranty, and even if you remove HSPL and, for example, you have a custom rom still on your phone, your warranty will be void. However you can revert anything you do with HSPL thus getting back your warranty, I will make sure each method is on this thread, just make sure to revert everything changed with HSPL before you remove it.
Can I flash backwards? as in - From 1.61 to 1.48. Yes you can, you can flash any rom to any other rom with HSPL (thanks mskip for filling me in )
Always back up your phone. I recomend SPB Backup, it can backup not only contacts, but your whole system (programs, reg tweaks ect) however you may encounter problems if you try to restore everything, because the backup may have been made on a different version of manila/windows mobile
Hard resetting after a flash is usually recomended, it will optimize the rom
Always bare in mind the 2 main different manila versions (2.5.XXXX), 1921 and 1922. 1921 is the older one and so has more mods and tweaks designed specifically for it. 1922 is the newest and not yet totally stable version which doesnt support much yet, (however patchs and updates are starting to surface such as one for HDWall and 25 Shortcuts
If you are getting good signal ect with your current rom, make sure you take note of the radio version, it may be a good idea to back your old radio after flashing a rom if signal is not as good
Usually you will not have to reapply HTC hotfixes as most cooked roms include them in the package, however make sure there arent any recent updates which may not have been cooked in.
Side Note: All camera tweaks from xda users are usually pre cooked in aswell. (Talk about instant meals!)
¬More To Come Over Time
~~~[★Useful Pictures★]~~~​
[Taking requests]
A Healthy HSPL'ed Bootloader​
well done mate this thread will help alot of plp,nice one
3. How To Flash a Custom Rom Via Micro SD Card
[LINK][Estimated Time: 15 Minutes]
Description: This video is supposed to show you the process of flashing a custom rom to your device using the supplied standard micro SD card.
Nice work, but i dont agree with this video.
you DO NOT have to format the SD card every time you flash.
you just copy it over and and start the flash!
Nice vids though, just abit misleading! and to be honest takes a long time, I have 4Gb of data on an 8Gb card, for me to copy it off, format, flash and copy it back would take the best part of 90 mins!!
SiliconSquirrel said:
Nice work, but i dont agree with this video.
you DO NOT have to format the SD card every time you flash.
you just copy it over and and start the flash!
Nice vids though, just abit misleading! and to be honest takes a long time, I have 4Gb of data on an 8Gb card, for me to copy it off, format, flash and copy it back would take the best part of 90 mins!!
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Huh.. It takes me with my 16gb one about 5 seconds to quick format once Ive dragged things off, Ive heard it is a safe bet so Im gonna leave it like that unless loads moer people feel the same way, Thanks though
To the OP,
Well done for putting these videos up. Should help a few people to better visualise what they need to do.
@ Silicon Squirrel,
You may be right re your point on formatting but I see it as good practice as it forces people to double check that the card is formatted in FAT 32 (a common problem).
wacky.banana said:
To the OP,
Well done for putting these videos up. Should help a few people to better visualise what they need to do.
@ Silicon Squirrel,
You may be right re your point on formatting but I see it as good practice as it forces people to double check that the card is formatted in FAT 32 (a common problem).
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Thanks And yeah thats a good point
wacky.banana said:
@ Silicon Squirrel,
You may be right re your point on formatting but I see it as good practice as it forces people to double check that the card is formatted in FAT 32 (a common problem).
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Ok, but once you have done in once you dont need to do it again!! the card doesnt just randomly change file system while in use!!
so yeah i agree format it ONCE the first time you do it, other than that it is a waste of time!
I have never in 15 years of using computers and flash memory EVER heard of that!
[★] said:
Huh.. It takes me with my 16gb one about 5 seconds to quick format once Ive dragged things off, Ive heard it is a safe bet so Im gonna leave it like that unless loads moer people feel the same way, Thanks though
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Dont get me wrong, it was a constructive criticism.
maybe you could note the fact that they only need to do it once, the first time, to make sure the file system is FAT32. then they would save much time in the future!
Also i wasnt saying the format would be long, i was meaning the copying on and off that is a ball ache!!
SiliconSquirrel said:
Dont get me wrong, it was a constructive criticism.
maybe you could note the fact that they only need to do it once, the first time, to make sure the file system is FAT32. then they would save much time in the future!
Also i wasnt saying the format would be long, i was meaning the copying on and off that is a ball ache!!
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thats true, it IS a ball ache xD
Good vids and just to echo an above post that seeing it being done makes it so very simple and thanks very much, it certainly helps new people like myself get to grips quickly.
I'd just add in a couple of vids you might want to add a bubble of 'connect via active sync'
About the format thing, meh!.. you get a 2gig card with the phone which is useless really except for rom stuff and the like. I wouldn't bother moving stuff around, just swap the card over.
humungousfungusamongus said:
Good vids and just to echo an above post that seeing it being done makes it so very simple and thanks very much, it certainly helps new people like myself get to grips quickly.
I'd just add in a couple of vids you might want to add a bubble of 'connect via active sync'
About the format thing, meh!.. you get a 2gig card with the phone which is useless really except for rom stuff and the like. I wouldn't bother moving stuff around, just swap the card over.
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Ok I'll get on that soon,
And yeah, I just use the 2gb one that comes with it too
Very helpful and clear videos
Thanks alot you just helped a noob here thanks
I think that this thread deserves a sticky.
Yep i vote for sticky aswell. admins please sticky this extremely helpful thread
gsingh7 said:
Yep i vote for sticky aswell. admins please sticky this extremely helpful thread
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Fatherboard said:
I think that this thread deserves a sticky.
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Glad it helped
Most of the thanks should go to mysticgenius and mskip for teaching me though
[★] said:
Most of the thanks should go to mysticgenius and mskip for teaching me though
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Whoop +1 for MG!!
although, you put the work in on this thread, and the vids are cool so you deserve credit too!!
Peace bro
Thanks man

[Release] [Kitchen] - SuperJustKitchen v0.9 - Engage!

SuperJustKitchen v0.9 Released.
Go to my site: http://justkitchen.info to get the updates and the info. It takes to long to update every device's forum that is supported, and I plan to support all devices, eventually.
Word of warning:
Not all EXT's have been tested or modified for the every device. Please test test and test and then let me know which packages don't work and what YOU've done to fix them. (I don't have time to fix ALL of them by myself.) Some packages will only be compatible with some devices.
(I'm no longer updating each thread separately for each device but just updating my site and posting the release info here. I will only update each thread to say that a new version is out.)
Before using this kitchen, you MUST read the whole thread. Any questions that have been answered will be ignored. This is your only warning.
I am not responsible for any damage that may be done to your phone with a ROM created in this kitchen.
I am not responsible for any damage done to your computer.
I am not responsible for anything... at all.
Introducing SuperJustKitchen!
​ SuperJustKitchen is based on [http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=843218"]airxtreme[/URL]'s osKitchen Zero. All credit on for the kitchen backend goes to him.
A completely stripped ROM. (Work in progress for some devices.)
LZX and XPR compression (Also option for No compression.)
Auto clean files that are language specific or DPI specific that your ROM does not need
Auto port missing language MUI files
Automatic rec'loc'ing for devices without native 6.5 nk's
6.1 and 6.5 support
Auto XIP and SYS porting
Auto NBH packing
Tool to convert OEM packages to EXT packages
Auto file conflict fix (don't have to removing older file that conflict (not that there are any. )
Save custom ROM settings (for cooks for multiple ROMs)
Cook multiple languages at the same time with the same ROM settings (Have to add language support yourself. I removed the required MUI's a while back because they made updating the kitchen and adding devices a nightmare.)
MUCH better organization of EXT packages
Active development instead of a program that is no longer being developed
Cleaner and easier to use interface
A built-in and customizable Tutorial section
And more!
Builds included
21056 - WM6.1
23658 - WM6.5 with new redesigned GUI
At the moment, this is an ENGLISH (WWE) only kitchen. This might change...
NOTE: In order for me to keep track of whether my time was well spent or wasted, if you use this kitchen to make a ROM, please either include SJK in the name or just mention that it was SJK cooked in your ROM's thread.
NOTE: This kitchen assumes that you know how to flash through SD, recover from a bad flash and are able to backtrack your steps to figure out how you broke your own ROM. If you do not understand these, please learn them first. Do not PM me asking me. I have written numerous walkthroughs on all these except on how to backtrack your steps. For that, just remember what you're doing as you do it and keep backups.
If you find any issues, PLEASE report them to the bug tracker in my website. It will help me make this kitchen better!
thanks i will try....
oh!!!!! it takes a long time as Compaed to earvius kitchen.....also i am not able to flash .nbh file it stops at 1% in ruu and then device restarts.......
Not working
indresh88 said:
oh!!!!! it takes a long time as Compaed to earvius kitchen.....also i am not able to flash .nbh file it stops at 1% in ruu and then device restarts.......
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same here...the final ROM when flashed says image corrupt
Same here all the rom file made by sjkv0.8 gives unflashable rom.
Something might be broken then. I changed the executable last minute. What size is the NBH you are all producing?
ivan the output nbh size is ok it seems for a lite rom it produces about 56mb and remember the one nbh u provided for testing is also having prob it says its corrupt.
help me...SJK won't cook
i cannot make it work...
i get an error while cooking about some files (ringtones) not able to be copied and then hangs.
i tried it on Windows7 and it says that the some payload.nb file is not found in temp folder.
gui-wise/appearance wise...this is the best kitchen ever!!
can someone please tell me where i went wrong? i download four files from the SJK website: ext package, sys package, opal package and the SJK package and extracted to the same folder.
v0.8.1 - Fixed unflashable ROM bug
Thanks ivan now finally i can use sjk v0.8 (now 0.8.1) after using sjk 7 for so long time.
Fixed LZX
still gives an error...
ivanmmj said:
Fixed LZX
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last night, i cooked 3-4 times using different settings, compression, rom version but it still gives a flash write error for me
cooking works fine except for some errors regarding some *.wma ringtone files inside SYS/PhoneRedist folder not being able to be copied (i overcame them by deleting)
flashing goes upto 100% (i used RUU via the usb cable) but the device reboots and goes to tri-color screen and says Rom Code Error.
btw...do i have to re-download every thing (SYS, EXT, *device_specific*) and the SJK_0.*.* or just the single SJK_0.*.* file?????
+1 Exactly same result since v8 and above
freelancer81 said:
last night, i cooked 3-4 times using different settings, compression, rom version but it still gives a flash write error for me
cooking works fine except for some errors regarding some *.wma ringtone files inside SYS/PhoneRedist folder not being able to be copied (i overcame them by deleting)
flashing goes upto 100% (i used RUU via the usb cable) but the device reboots and goes to tri-color screen and says Rom Code Error.
btw...do i have to re-download every thing (SYS, EXT, *device_specific*) and the SJK_0.*.* or just the single SJK_0.*.* file?????
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No, if you already had the *_0.8 for all the files, just download the SJK_0.8.3. If you didn't have anything, download EVERY file that's not device specific and your device's file.
You're getting a flash write error?
Still error
what might be the problem????
flashing goes upto 100%, device reboots and goes to tri-color screen
and displays a "ROM CODE ERROR".
i tried all compression methods including UPX on EXT packages but same problem.
freelancer81 said:
what might be the problem????
flashing goes upto 100%, device reboots and goes to tri-color screen
and displays a "ROM CODE ERROR".
i tried all compression methods including UPX on EXT packages but same problem.
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I think I know what happened. Please hold while I work with airxtreme to fix it.
gooooddddyyyy....i am looking forward to it!!!
Try this:
Please let me know ASAP if it works.
thank you for your promptness...i will surely try and let you know.
freelancer81 said:
thank you for your promptness...i will surely try and let you know.
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Did you ever get a chance to try it out?

[SOLVED] Is there a max number of modules to be cooked in EVK? [ROM Stucks]

hello chefs
yet another question from me
i use ervius kitchen to make blackstone roms
we dont have official 6.5 kernel bt we do have one from da_g wich works real nice
my problem is the kitchen is setup to have 650 modules
is there a way to update that number to say like 700
cause i have 649 modules
i just tried to update some packages and i came to 656 wich gave me a rom that hangs on the screen ''preparing youre device first use bla,bla,bla''
had this a couple of times and i thought upping the modules the rom can handle to 700 is easier then looking to refille some modules as htc is making more modules wich every new rom build:-o
thansk in adnavce for any answers
I dunno if your Blackstone is the same as the one in this post , but i would search better in future
af974 said:
I dunno if your Blackstone is the same as the one in this post , but i would search better in future
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thansk for the answer but i think you misunderstood me
i already use the 6.5 kernel but its limited to 650 modules
my question is is there a way so it can handle more modules?
miniterror said:
thansk for the answer but i think you misunderstood me
i already use the 6.5 kernel but its limited to 650 modules
my question is is there a way so it can handle more modules?
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I have 685 already in my ROM.
The actual module count doesn't matter; it's the memory allocated to Slot 0 that matters. If you have too much allocated for modules (maybe 10 MB or so), then you'll run into out of memory issues. You need to check your memory map in your build-log to see how many modules (if any) are allocated to slot 0. Your problem may be coming from somewhere else.
I don't think I'm the only person who's confused by this:
we dont have official 6.5 kernel but i think this doesnt really matter
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followed by this:
i already use the 6.5 kernel but its limited to 650 modules
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If you have a 6.5 nk, maybe you should edit the first post. It doesn't make much sense.
sorry my fault
gonna edit the first post
forgot to say we dont have a official 6.5 but we do have a 6.5 nk from da_g like posted above
as for the buildlog i only have one with 649 modules and from what i can see 0mb is located
i would ahve to check with the dll's recmodded again to see what happens then
for now i will attach my buildlog maybe you guys can see something strange besides a lot of overwriting
Memory Map...
SLOT 0: 0x02000000 - 0x018b0000 (END: 0x00060000, 0 MODULES)
0x02000000 - 0x01fc0000 - ROM 0
0x01f80000 - 0x018b0000 - ROM 1
SLOT 1: 0x04000000 - 0x02021000 (END: 0x02020000, 213 MODULES)
SLOT 60: 0x7a000000 - 0x78da0000 (END: 0x78020000, 57 MODULES)
SLOT 61: 0x7c000000 - 0x7a022000 (END: 0x7a020000, 228 MODULES)
RAM IMAGE: 0x80000000 - 0x803e6560
RAM: 0x803e7000 - 0x80475000 - Used for kernel modules
0x80475000 - 0x83000000 - 43 MB free
edit: and a buildlog with 656 modules wich hangs at the screen ''preparing youre device for first use bla,bla,bla''
the same packages refilled works but still i think i will short of modules soon with one left
You have a module that must be recomdded then.
I would suspect NtfConfig.dll in the Notification Enhancement package then.
That one is a known issue that hangs the ROM at that screen.
RecMod that file and then you should be good.
rgb-rgb said:
You have a module that must be recomdded then.
I would suspect NtfConfig.dll in the Notification Enhancement package then.
That one is a known issue that hangs the ROM at that screen.
RecMod that file and then you should be good.
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that is refilled
the only thing in there not recfilled is NotificationRes.dll
and in my other notificationenhancement that one isnt refilled either:s
besides notification enhancment there is coming in the kitchen as new packages htcmessage, resourceproxy, text selection and usb to pc pop up
edit:also when i open up erviuskitchen and load a rom and press other
the section max numbers of modules is set to 650
i tried to put it to 675 but also the same result
edit2: lol i forgot to attach the buildlog:S
smoked a little to much i think
will make a new one as i just deleted my trashcan
mmmm it seems that your new PKGS has something wrong.. maybe a bad module or a bad entire PKG or regs try to undo the changes you have done since your roms works, then try to add one pkg by one
Mod edit: And yes the thread name has no sense.... iw ill change it
Only thing I could advise is:
- Go back to the situation it did work building ROMs and flashing it
- Update packages one by one, building and flashing making sure it boots
At the moment you have a non-bootable ROM you'l know what packages makes the ROM unbootable.
I know it takes a lot of time, but I think it's the only way to troubleshoot this issue.
i dont htink there is a max, it just increases the file size, and as long as ur not over the internal memory size, ur fine
The other thing you could do is just post the group of packages (and/or just the modules) that you include that result in a non-booter. Someone here might be able to point out the problem. Also, check your build-log for any errors or over-writes. Post that, too.
+ Que PPC said:
mmmm it seems that your new PKGS has something wrong.. maybe a bad module or a bad entire PKG or regs try to undo the changes you have done since your roms works, then try to add one pkg by one
Mod edit: And yes the thread name has no sense.... iw ill change it
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sorry for the wrong name
english isnt my native language and try to type the best i can
as for th rom not booting it isnt treu
with the new packages i can get a booting rom
all i have to do is refille modules in those packages so i get under the 650 and the rom wil start
i also tryed with a few refilled to 651 and again it hangs at the screen where it says preparing youre device for first use
EpiphanyNL said:
Only thing I could advise is:
- Go back to the situation it did work building ROMs and flashing it
- Update packages one by one, building and flashing making sure it boots
At the moment you have a non-bootable ROM you'l know what packages makes the ROM unbootable.
I know it takes a lot of time, but I think it's the only way to troubleshoot this issue.
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look above
as i wrote there the rom can boot if i put down the modules to files and go under 650
SiL3nTKiLL said:
i dont htink there is a max, it just increases the file size, and as long as ur not over the internal memory size, ur fine
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Farmer Ted said:
The other thing you could do is just post the group of packages (and/or just the modules) that you include that result in a non-booter. Someone here might be able to point out the problem. Also, check your build-log for any errors or over-writes. Post that, too.
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as for the size i think i have enough spare
i module isnt much bigger in size then the dll file itself or is it much bigger?
just checked mine and it says i have 298.89 mb total storage memory
40.70 mb in use of storage memory
and 258.19 mb free of storage memory
for program memory
total 191.05 mb
in use 125.45 mb
free 65.60 mb
as for a new buildlog i will make one when im back at my own computer and post the packages that wont work when they are moduled(they come this way by the dump program)
anyway thanks again for all the help trying to sort this out
as said here in this post i will attach the ext packages i want to add like they are default
the way they are posted here is the way i get them from the dumper and never had problems before with the dumped packages
this way i have 656 modules and the rom hangs at preparing youre device for first usebla,bla,bla
if i refille all modulles in those packages i get a working rom
with the modules refilled i have 649 modules
also attached the buildlog from the booting and the non booting rom
thansk again for looking
miniterror said:
as said here in this post i will attach the ext packages i want to add like they are default
the way they are posted here is the way i get them from the dumper and never had problems before with the dumped packages
this way i have 656 modules and the rom hangs at preparing youre device for first usebla,bla,bla
if i refille all modulles in those packages i get a working rom
with the modules refilled i have 649 modules
also attached the buildlog from the booting and the non booting rom
thansk again for looking
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Your prob is here:
Processing "dump\NTFConfig.dll" as module
You did reversmode also NTFConfig.dll
Cloudyfa said:
Your prob is here:
Processing "dump\NTFConfig.dll" as module
You did reversmode also NTFConfig.dll
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verry verry strange
now i had a booting rom with 655 modules:-o
only ntfconfig refilled and the rest in the packages have been modules
dont know why its works now as i tryed it with only that one refilled and the rom hang(i know that could be the bugger but with that one refilled it didnt work either so i thought it whas the modules not possible of going over 650)
maybe a bad rom build that attempt
thanks to all of you guys for helping me
That is a known issue in EVK with that particular module. Drove me about nuts until some kind souls on this forum helped.
jwzg said:
That is a known issue in EVK with that particular module. Drove me about nuts until some kind souls on this forum helped.
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well i know that one could give trouble as i have read it many times on xda(thanks for the chefs posting this troublemaker) but when i tried the new packages with only that one refilled i had the same problem so i thought it whasnt caused by it
after that non bootable rom i refilled everything and then it booted
when i checked the buildlog i saw that 650 being low
so i tried another one with that one refilled again and the rest as modules and i whas coming over the 650:-o(and again no bootable rom:S)
think those made broke during flash or build(i have to say my cable looks reall crap with the ends a little broken open:-o
rgb-rgb said:
You have a module that must be recomdded then.
I would suspect NtfConfig.dll in the Notification Enhancement package then.
That one is a known issue that hangs the ROM at that screen.
RecMod that file and then you should be good.
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miniterror said:
that is recmodded
the only file in the not recmodded is NotificationRes.dll
and in my other notificationenhancement that one isnt recmodded either:s
besides notification enhancment there is coming in the kitchen as new packages htcmessage, resourceproxy, text selection and usb to pc pop up
edit:also when i open up erviuskitchen and load a rom and press other
the section max numbers of modules is set to 650
i tried to put it to 675 but also the same result
edit2: lol i forgot to attach the buildlog:S
smoked a little to much i think
will make a new one as i just deleted my trashcan
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I will re quote this message cause seems the first mistake, Glad you have sort it out, thanks to the guys helping Cloudyfa JW and many more this kind of details can be forgoten using Oskitchen cause it recmods automatically many modules to void errors.
Post at the same time... its weird, maybe you have some rewrites
+ Que PPC said:
I will re quote this message cause seems the first mistake, Glad you have sort it out, thanks to the guys helping Cloudyfa JW and many more this kind of details can be forgoten using Oskitchen cause it recmods automatically many modules to void errors.
Post at the same time... its weird, maybe you have some rewrites
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seems like for this kind of trouble i will need to use google translate
major errors in the way the text is set up
sorry bout that

[Q] How To Create A Theme.apk

Hi All
I have the most recent version of Oxygen which includes a "theme picker" app.
Similar to the one found in the HD ROM's it gives the opportunity to change the entire system theme, without flashing a zip. Which is good news
However, I have been trawling the internet trying to figure out how to create the .apk needed to create my own themes, failing miserably.
Could someone with the required knowledge post a tutorial maybe? Or a link to where the info is so that I can do my own research?
i've not installed the test rom so cant check, but does it come with any theme.apk's pre-installed?
if so i'd start by pulling them apart and looking at the .xml and images and change them from there.
str355 said:
i've not installed the test rom so cant check, but does it come with any theme.apk's pre-installed?
if so i'd start by pulling them apart and looking at the .xml and images and change them from there.
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Do you know I didn't even think of that
I shall do so and see what I can come up with
Well I downloaded the Android SDK and all the tools required, then I installed eclipse and started a tutorial on how to build an app - as I assumed this is what I will need to do... but then my brain started to hurt and I needed sleep!

i920 Android Help Getting Stuck on "Jumping to kernel"

Can anyone help me? Ive tried just about every way to install android and it always stops on jumping to kernel?
Just saw this here
If you are i920 owner you need to use uncompressed kernel image, try these:
follow my guide 1-2
download uncompressed kernel image from here
put Image file into root directory of your Omnia's SD Card (Storage Card)
edit default.txt (in your phone!) file and change "set kernel zImage" to "set kernel Image" (notice - no "z" letter!)
follow my guide 3-8 no vaaaaaaaaaaaa
It booted into linux but failed and rebooted.. What do I need todo to the use froyobundle? Since it uses a Zimage
pollardhimself said:
Can anyone help me? Ive tried just about every way to install android and it always stops on jumping to kernel?
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I would like to, but I am unsure how this beta performs on i920, it seems a bit different from i8000 though.
However, here is the link to the MoDaCo Forum on i920, maybe you should check it out because that was the dedicated forum for i920 users on Omnia2Droid.
**Link down at the moment, will update the link once the link is accessible.
Alright thanks Im just trying to get the Andromnia II installed now keeps failing and rebooting
Guess I grabbed a crappy omnia 2 of craigslist.. just waiting on the droid bionic now
Does anyone have the link for uncompressed kernal file for the omnia i920 it is not posted on the madaco link

