Noob here need some aps pls help - Click General

i was using a jade it is a Winmo and i just got my tattoo
i had these applications : word,XL, Adobe reader and Notes
i dont see them on the tattoo can some one kindly guide me on getting the same on this phone as these are very import for my day to day biz
Note : i did search i did not find anything is why im asking for this help
thanks in advance

haree said:
i was using a jade it is a Winmo and i just got my tattoo
i had these applications : word,XL, Adobe reader and Notes
i dont see them on the tattoo can some one kindly guide me on getting the same on this phone as these are very import for my day to day biz
Note : i did search i did not find anything is why im asking for this help
thanks in advance
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Dude, we are always pleased to help you, but please for future questions: use topic titles that already describe your problem in a few words...I've seen quite a lot Threads of you having just "Noob here kindly advise" and similar topic titles...just remember for the future please
Download Documents To Go (Full Version, look up some ware* sites)...there you'll have Office 2007 read/write support AND a PDF reader in one app...

TheSSJ said:
Dude, we are always pleased to help you, but please for future questions: use topic titles that already describe your problem in a few words...I've seen quite a lot Threads of you having just "Noob here kindly advise" and similar topic titles...just remember for the future please
Download Documents To Go (Full Version, look up some ware* sites)...there you'll have Office 2007 read/write support AND a PDF reader in one app...
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hi buddy for ur info u should know that i genrally dont like to was threads pls chek the jade thread u would see that i have created a sticky that says all jade questions and that i have also given various links to noobs but in this forum i did not see anything and i did give many Pms with no reply except for one Person so i dont like wasting threads but im not getting help
see below link ud get what im saying
link :

I'm not referring to the fact that you open new threads for your questions - this is no problem at all...just try to describe your problem in the topic title already so that the most competent person can give you the answer

TheSSJ said:
I'm not referring to the fact that you open new threads for your questions - this is no problem at all...just try to describe your problem in the topic title already so that the most competent person can give you the answer
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ok i got it thanks buddy and sorry for misunderstanding what u meant

Thanks a lot guys u rock
i just wanted to say thanks to the few guys who had helped me
BIG THANKS TO dejandekic TheSSJ
AND manuvaidya

That's our holy mission!
Pleased to help dude


Please Read

Sorry to be a pest everyone , I'm new on this so please excuse me if my question sounds stupid.
Can I install a cingular/AT&T Rom on an MDA Vario II?
Note: The Unit has been CID/SuperCID unlocked.
Thanks you all in advance
directly answering your question would only perpetuate your pestering. you can find your answer here
allaccessdeals said:
Sorry to be a pest everyone , I'm new on this so please excuse me if my question sounds stupid.
Can I install a cingular/AT&T Rom on an MDA Vario II?
Note: The Unit has been CID/SuperCID unlocked.
Thanks you all in advance
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I appreciate you're new here and we welcome newcomers, but please do not give new threads titles like "Please read". Always give a brief/concise indication of the problem - this helps when people are doing searches later. Also all threads have equal priority and if we think we can help by looking at the thread title then we will open it, so pleading does not encourage us to look. In fact it can turn some folks off.
This forum has two search facilities one on the brown bar near the top of the page and a different type in the Google Search sticky post.
Here endeth the lesson
Go forth read, learn and enjoy.
Thanks for the lecture Mike ....well understood.
Can I please get an answer now?... I have a feeling it can be done I just want to know for sure.
Thanks ya'll
dude, if you click the word "here" in my post it will take you to the answer. also, if you click on the secret in my signature it will take you to the same answer. we all try to be self-sufficient around here, so Im not trying to be a jerk. if we spoon feed you the easy stuff you will never develop into the 'contributing' member that we all hope to be around here.
Apparently Mike's lecture wasn't 'well understood' because if it was then a very simple search would have provided you with all the answers you need.
So in answer to your question - yes you can.
Now I know your next question is going to be 'How' - the answer to that one is mrvanx's guide.
We've all been guilty of being new and also of flaming noobs, but when you've read a few threads you'll realise everyone's frustration at seeing this type of question again and again and again..... Also, I know the XDA search function isn't always good, but just by reading Mike's sticky, third from the top on this page, you'd have found a better way of searching.
Go on, don't be shy, and try it now it's amazing what you can find...
allaccessdeals said:
Thanks for the lecture Mike ....well understood.
Can I please get an answer now?... I have a feeling it can be done I just want to know for sure.
Thanks ya'll
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pls help

Hi, as i am new here, can someone please show me the correct link for HTC universal CID unlock way, and its latest version?
Also, are there any good window mobile 6 for HTC universal that allowed video call released?
Thanks dude...
Did you read the forum?
unapproachable2kx said:
Did you read the forum?
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I understand you expect everyone new to read everything available on the subject before asking for help on some stuff that's been talked about very much,but please understand how hard it is for newcomers.I bought my UNI 7 days ago and i'm in the same situation,but i read a lot every day,i wanted to learn how to safely flash it to 6.1.The more i read the more i am scared and understand less and less.There are so much names and terms and stuff which makes us dizzy.I posted once for help,i got instructions but was not enough.I decided not to flash,i'm not capable.But i read still everything on that subject.Even though i'm an advanced pc user i have difficulty to get this new stuff straight.So i understand that sometimes someone just got to simply ask. Thanx for understanding
It's all in the wiki. You don't need to read everything. Just what's relevant to you at that particular moment in time. Then when you want to do something else then read up about that.
Oh and WM6 on the uni does NOT support videocall.
Off you go and enjoy.

Need help...don't wanna screw up

I purchased a Tilt about 2 weeks ago. I want to install Flo Cube on it. Is it compatable? If so, how do I go about installing it? I have searched the site for days and have found where to get the cab files and such, but no instructions on how to install it. This is my first pocket pc, so I know very little about them. If someone could help me, it would be greatly appreciated.
Read this and the search will help you if look the right way.
ow... installing it won't hurt your device.
oh god, this is not true ? you post on xda deveolpers that you donĀ“t even know how to install software on you device? And therefor you open a own thread ? ARE YOUR REALLY SURE THIS IS THE RIGHT WEBPAGE FOR YOU ?
i won`t tell you because i can`t believe this . SO Start you PC, open your Browser, got to google and search "installing cab". ANd READ first Thread, and i hope you dont need another five days for that.
And again for beginners PLEASE post your Questions where you found the application !
bluemetalaxe said:
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I would say:
I've been wanting to put this link up for a while, got it from kyphur's sig.
Original poster, you must see this! It will answer your questions!
Don't believe I am writing this but I am just about to defend the OP a little bit.
To his credit he did say he had searched before posting. We all know how imprecise searching can be on here.
I guess he hadn't taken the time out to read the forum rules or get a feel for the environment on here before posting in the develpopment area of all places (oh dear).
To the OP, I had similar worries about wrecking my device when I started on here so I understand your concern. Best thing to do is to search for the Flo Cube thread and post in there if you can't find what you are looking for. Alternatively PM me and I will see what I can do to help.
If you do PM me please say thanks afterwards. I have helped no end of people this way and they simply use me, abuse me and pi$$ off without a word of thanks. Highly irritating.
wacky.banana said:
Don't believe I am writing this but I am just about to defend the OP a little bit.
To his credit he did say he had searched before posting. We all know how imprecise searching can be on here.
I guess he hadn't taken the time out to read the forum rules or get a feel for the environment on here before posting in the develpopment area of all places (oh dear).
To the OP, I had similar worries about wrecking my device when I started on here so I understand your concern. Best thing to do is to search for the Flo Cube thread and post in there if you can't find what you are looking for. Alternatively PM me and I will see what I can do to help.
If you do PM me please say thanks afterwards. I have helped no end of people this way and they simply use me, abuse me and pi$$ off without a word of thanks. Highly irritating.
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And on behalf of Kdillard, I thank you for your help.

spl need the link

can anyone give me the link to show me how to download the new spl thanks
tato22 said:
u guys here boyyy i did look i didnt see it maybe if u guys were any help then ill ask for it to be close but all ya do is cry i asked in a nice way and this is what i get
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Waaaaa. Sorry, do you need someone to wipe your butt as well? So if you "looked", how come I found it through a simple search and you didn't? What search terms did you use: "Help me interweb! Where is the SPL?!"???
Read the rules:
You want help? This is what I used as search terms: Haykuro SPL*
tato22 said:
u guys here boyyy i did look i didnt see it maybe if u guys were any help then ill ask for it to be close but all ya do is cry i asked in a nice way and this is what i get
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yes .. you asked very nicely .. kudos .. you also defied the "gods" of xda when you ignored their warnings about starting new threads .. as a side note .. i think most people here respond very well to PMs for questions like these .. there are also .. hmm .. i count five (5) references to haykuro and his builds in just the first two (2) pages of threads .. any one of those threads would be filled with knowledgeable people in the world of haykuro would could answer a question like this posted in that thread .. no need to start a new thread .. thus the mention to move this thread to one of those already in use
so i'm trying to cause a fuss .. but the rules of the forum were placed there for a reason .. cluttering the front page with questions is not necessary
Thread closed.
WARNING TO ORIGINAL POSTER: Please search (by using the built in search, the google search, and browsing the forum) for your problem first. This is your first warning and the next time it will result in a one week ban.
Let this be the lesson to all others.

im a noob need some advise pls

i just bought my Jade today its called touch 3g in my country ie India
im not new to the forum i had a gene and got it changed today
can some one kindly give me the various sw available for this phone and the link if possible pls
Thanks in advance
if you want all kind of software, check,
they got everything you need.
My advise for a GPS software is igo Amigo (from there), its the easiest to install
@Qabooz Thanks
at last one helpful person in this entire forum so many people have seen this and not one reply thanks for ur kind reply
Note : i was a gene user and in the gene section people hare very very helpful
here i realy dont see the same
Qabooz said:
if you want all kind of software, check,
they got everything you need.
My advise for a GPS software is igo Amigo (from there), its the easiest to install
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Haree, you have a point, i read your request too....but it was very general.....there's so much software compatible with this WM6.1 device, i don't think that differs very much from what's out there for the Gene.
Might as well have given you this answer though instead of just thinking it....
r u looking for any specific software? or did you find the things you needed already?
@Nirak Thanks
thanks for ur reply well as i was a gene user i spoke to some of my pals at the gene section and they said that all SW that works on gene does work on the jade so i have got what i needed as of now
but one small comment no offense but this is what i feel
i have been in this forum for around a year and i feel that in the gene section people are very very helpful and a lot of action happening their i mean in terms of SW ROM available u can get all u want for gene in the gene upgrading section(chek it u will understand) for gene
but here i really don't feel the same (so many have viewed this & only 2 people have come forward to help)
but then i just came here i need to make friends right
hope i made one in u
Nirak said:
Haree, you have a point, i read your request too....but it was very general.....there's so much software compatible with this WM6.1 device, i don't think that differs very much from what's out there for the Gene.
Might as well have given you this answer though instead of just thinking it....
r u looking for any specific software? or did you find the things you needed already?
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haree said:
hope i made one in u
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lol....sure you have, glad you found the SW you need!
take care,

