This happened to me twice today, and started today.
The problem is I see togglewifi in my notifications which means wifi is turning on and has not connected. Then i see GPS icon trying to get a lock on. The wifi eventually connects and after a while GPS icon is gone.
Note: this only started today and task manager only has these programs running at the time: Hello aim, Market, Messaging, Weatherbug, Wall calendar, ToggleWifi and Task manager.
PS. GPS is off for weatherbug and I remember updating Skymap, HadyCalc, and shopsavvy today. It is annoying because it will drop my AIM connection from transitioning 3g to wifi.
Anyone have a solution?
It is ShopSavvy. It installed a service with the latest update. Apparently you can go into the settings and turn it off, but I just removed it because it pissed me off that it would do this without warning.
daveid said:
It is ShopSavvy. It installed a service with the latest update. Apparently you can go into the settings and turn it off, but I just removed it because it pissed me off that it would do this without warning.
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Thanks, It seems it is shopsavvy and I disabled it. However I'm with you that it irritate me a bit that they would turn on wifi even though I am connected through 3g.
Ditto on shopsavvy, thats a very annoying "feature" they added. It took me a while to figure it out for myself as i had just rooted my phone and was installing all my apps over.
I thought I was going crazy...thanks, I'll get rid of shopsavvy and hope they ditch the feature, seriously how often do I find myself using the program in an area where it can get a gps fix anyways?
good find
i've been wondering about the wifi turning itself on, too.
I been having the same problem thank god i found this post cause its been getting to me and i have been wondering if its effect the battery life. Well will disabling my location in shopsavvy fix this problems?
Yes, just be sure to reboot the phone once you have disabled it. I believe the developer posted on another forum that you need a reboot to get it to stop.
i noticed this too a while ago
I was wondering what had happened. Just recently rooted and was hoping that it was not something pertaining to that.
BTW... I am new to the forum...
The plethora of information available as well as the minds associated with XDA is unreal! Thank you all for your insight!
The GPS on my phone has not been locking since I flashed CM7. I searched through some fixes but none seemed to help. I went back to the backup I had before I put CM7 on and the gps seemed to lock just fine. So I tried to flash while it had a lock but still nothing. I even tried using the GPS status app and that did nothing. Any other fixes that could help? Thanks
Have you tried flashing a different kernel? Maybe x99's or scaryghoul's as they are aosp roms their in the dev section. Always wipe your dalvik-cache b4 you flash a new kernel,I have very few issues when I do.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA Premium App
My GPS actually locks instantly after I flashed CM7 and x99
I have only one problem. Sometimes it'll lose a signal and will never get signal again on its own.
The quickest and only solution (that I know) is to quickly exit Navigation, then go in and tap on the most recent trip and voila, instant GPS lock again.
Not a huge problem, but a weird annoyance.
doratheconquistadora said:
My GPS actually locks instantly after I flashed CM7 and x99
I have only one problem. Sometimes it'll lose a signal and will never get signal again on its own.
The quickest and only solution (that I know) is to quickly exit Navigation, then go in and tap on the most recent trip and voila, instant GPS lock again.
Not a huge problem, but a weird annoyance.
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I assume you mean Google Navigation? If so I think that is a problem with Google Navigation itself. I have the exact same issue on my stock but rooted Shift. It will lose GPS lock, usually within the first couple of minutes. It then is never able to reestablish the lock on its own. If I exit Navigation and go back in, or turn the GPS off then back on it gets a lock and keeps it.
I just started trying Google Navigation. I have been using Telenav since getting the Shift about 2 months ago. With Telenav I never lost GPS lock.
i've found, atleast for me, that this tends to happen when i have GPS off, then turn it on to use it and open telenav and it just cannot find a GPS lock. so i leave GPS on and reboot my phone, open televav back up and it finds a GPS lock pretty quickly. it's like if i turn off GPS, i can't get it to work again until i reboot my phone...
needless to say, GPS sucks ass on this phone. i've never had a phone with GPS problems like this one. but other than that, everything is perfect.
mine happens when somebody attempts to call me, the lock disappears. after i ignore the call, like others have stated it locks on instantly when i go back into navigation. but i do prefer telenav over google... traffic is on point :]
i've been having gps issues, i think its a bug in google maps. havent had time to test root on it yet
It seems like nothing wants to work. I installed the x99 kernel and my GPS will still not connect. It seems like it will only connect when I'm on stock. For some reason I cannot get it to work with CM7.
Look up the ##gpsclrx# fix. I don't remember all the steps but it requires you to reflash a Sense rom, dial ##gpsclrx#, enter your MSL (found via MSL Reader on HTC devices), reboot, maybe clear cache, and then reflash your rom of choice. Fixed my CM7 gps issues (even with the MSL "password" prompt telling me that the password was wrong).
Nan to stock . Use GPS on stock leave it on. Nan to or redownload cyanogen and GPS will work. Happens to me when first putting in a rom sometimes.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
Caromsoft said:
I assume you mean Google Navigation? If so I think that is a problem with Google Navigation itself. I have the exact same issue on my stock but rooted Shift. It will lose GPS lock, usually within the first couple of minutes. It then is never able to reestablish the lock on its own. If I exit Navigation and go back in, or turn the GPS off then back on it gets a lock and keeps it.
I just started trying Google Navigation. I have been using Telenav since getting the Shift about 2 months ago. With Telenav I never lost GPS lock.
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I have this exact same problem with Google Navigation. It "loses the lock" after a few minutes like clockwork, but I can get a perfect one again right after, making me believe that it is the application and not the GPS. Is there any fix to this?? It really is annoying.
spenzher said:
I have this exact same problem with Google Navigation. It "loses the lock" after a few minutes like clockwork, but I can get a perfect one again right after, making me believe that it is the application and not the GPS. Is there any fix to this?? It really is annoying.
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I also have the same problem. Would be interested in a fix because it's very annoying.
i came from 4.2.1. updated to 4.2 and now my tablet wont stop saying searching for GPS (i am indoors and no GPS lock can be found).
nothing has changed, i have the same APPs haven't removed or added anything except updating via OTA yet now after the update this searching for GPS wont go away and i have to toggle it off now.
i have always left GPS and Wifi on with 4.2.1 and didnt have this problem and its draining my battery so i disable GPS.
anyone else see this on theirs?
1) turn GPS off
2) download gps status
3) wait until you are outside and stationary
4) turn on GPS and run gps status to see if you are getting any kind of fix on satellites.
Zillow (an app in the Play Store) causes this on my device. If I force closed it, the GPS icon would go away. If you're not using Zillow, maybe another app is the cause. Try force-closing anything you think might be using GPS
while google nav is running in background (searching for gps..) Hit the home button Go to settings . Toggle gps Of then back on..
You might have to then exit google nav off then back on.. Sometimes it will take a few tired..
This randomly happens to me sometimes if i start google Nav with the gps enabled.. Was present in 4.1.2 after the latest maps update .
I had the EXACT same problem.. I had updated in my "bunker" where I work (no GPS signals get in here) and until it finally got a signal it tried for like 2 hours. Once it did it, it was happy.
I really, really wish there were some way to see GPS usage history. There has got to be a way to do that. A log of what apps used the GPS, how long, etc
Same here. I also noticed this today and the battery drained quickly. It looks like the Weather Channel app was causing it in my case. It had an unusually large share of the battery consumption (according to the Android battery monitor) and uninstalling it seems to fix the issue (will take another day to confirm). This was working fine on 4.1.2.
Mine also has gone AWOL. I tried the on-off trick, all styles, but no joy (and waiting 2 hours was not a possibility... I needed it there and then).
I'll try the apps suggested, but as Gps is a core service, and one Google relies upon, it's disappointing that this crops up after an update to 4.2.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
szeiger said:
Same here. I also noticed this today and the battery drained quickly. It looks like the Weather Channel app was causing it in my case. It had an unusually large share of the battery consumption (according to the Android battery monitor) and uninstalling it seems to fix the issue (will take another day to confirm). This was working fine on 4.1.2.
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Thanks for bringing this up. I was having this problem, and I have The Weather Channel too so I went to uninstall it and right when I did the GPS notification went away. It's looking like it may be a problem with the app then and not the GPS. Maybe something changed in the background and they have to make some modifications to the app to fix it.
I reinstalled TWC and when telling it to find me through GPS on the first run, it doesn't seem to want to get my location. I did it indoors before so I don't know why it wouldn't pick it up now. But at least it doesnt seem to be constantly accessing the GPS. I was going to do a factory reset to figure out if it was a problem with the system update itself but I'll just chalk it up to an app problem right now.
It's strange though, in 4.1.2 I don't remember getting any notification that the GPS was searching\locked on unless it was Navigation or Maps doing something. Either way, I dislike this new GPS notification thing overall. On the other hand, it's a good thing that we know the GPS was being used improperly. I hope they update The Weather Channel app soon. Weather Underground is slow even on the Nexus 7.
I'm having the same trouble after the update.
I left The Weather Channel uninstalled and had the GPS on again... still a lot of usage so I've just turned the GPS off until I need it. This is very unnecessary though. It has to be something in the operating system (I don't have any apps running in the background that should be using it so much when fine location isn't required).
Has anybody else tried a factory reset to see if this alleviates this problem? I really don't want to be the first and then lose important things I have saved to memory. :/
In 4.1.2 when using Navigation, GPS would be lost at times. Firing up GPS Test Plus would show no satellites, then rapidly find them, and suddenly Navigation would work again. I sometimes had to toggle GPS, sometimes didn't.
In 4.2 so far, I've had GPS vanish in Navigation, and stay vanished in GPS Test Plus. Toggling GPS doesn't seem to help. Rebooting is required to locate the satellites. Annoying.
About to delete 5gb of data to see if my 16GB model will magically speed up from the constant heavy lag.
A factory reset seems to have fixed my GPS problem.
same problem.i found a advertisement module in heywire caused i force closed heywire,it is gone.before that,it continues for 7 hours.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
zhj said:
same problem.i found a advertisement module in heywire caused i force closed heywire,it is gone.before that,it continues for 7 hours.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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Sorry for the bump but it seems even after uninstalling The Weather Channel and the factory reset I still get GPS activation for a long time from time to time. I seem to have found the process in the battery usage that's causing it. "Fused Location". Not sure what uses this or what it is, it has an android icon. I force closed it and GPS stopped searching. Probably not a permanent fix. I sent feedback from the OS on this process.
I've seen this in 4.2 on my Nexus 7 AND my Galaxy Nexus.
Not nailed it yet, one culprit was Shazam (turned off Location in the settings for that and it went away)
Checking my Battery stats again, Shazam is on 12% and I've not even run it! Gonna remove the homescreen widget, see if that helps.
jmbillings said:
I've seen this in 4.2 on my Nexus 7 AND my Galaxy Nexus.
Not nailed it yet, one culprit was Shazam (turned off Location in the settings for that and it went away)
Checking my Battery stats again, Shazam is on 12% and I've not even run it! Gonna remove the homescreen widget, see if that helps.
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i suggest you to to Settigs -> Apps -> Running (Tab)
Individuall kill/stop the application that you think might have caused the problem..
You will eventually know which Apps has caused it because the GPS icon goes away after you killed the erring application...
This worked for me. The problem App was "Perfect World Clock"
That solution is rather clunky. I have created a couple of simple Tasker profiles to get rid of this annoying notification. Works flawlessly for me. What it does is it shuts off GPS when the screen turns off, and restarts it after a short delay when the screen turns on. The delay is the real key here, as it circumvents the initial GPS search and, hence, no annoying message. Google Maps and Google Nav are not affected, as the GPS is always on when the screen is on, i.e. GPS is on whenever it is actually needed and off only if it is not needed. And, these profiles do not significantly impact battery, as they are Event triggered rather than State triggered. In fact, it probably saves battery, given that it turns GPS off when it's not needed. There are two profiles needed, which I have called "GPS Suspend" and "GPS Restart." Their associated tasks both utilize the Secure Settings plug-in which is needed to turn GPS on or off. As you will see, I have also added "If" conditions to each task's GPS command, to ensure that the command is executed if and only if the screen is in the correct (on/off) phase.
Here are the profiles and their associated tasks...
Profile: GPS Suspend
Event: Display Off
Enter: GPS Suspend
A1: Secure Settings [ Configuration:GPS Disabled Timeout (Seconds):0 ] If [ %SCREEN ~ off ]
Profile: GPS Restart
Event: Display On
Enter: GPS Resart
A1: Wait [ MS:0 Seconds:3 Minutes:0 HConfiguration:GPS:enabledours:0 Days:0 ]
A2: Secure Settings [ Timeout (Seconds):0 ] If [ %SCREEN ~ on ]
Try it and see!
Having a weird issue with the GPS on my AT&T LG G2. Phone is unrooted on stock firmware. The GPS icon will randomly appear in the nav bar. Sometimes when I check after that, it will be turned on and I can toggle GPS off. Other times it isn't on by the time I check it. I always leave GPS off for the battery life savings. I've tried doing a factory reset and immediately disabling Google Maps. This seems to keep it from happening, but once I re-enable Maps, it will again start randomly turning on GPS. Even after disabling Maps at this point, it still does it. Only a factory reset then immediately disabling Maps seems to keep my GPS off. Any ideas?
I've noticed this as well. I keep mine on but it location icon started flashing earlier in a phone call.
No clue why that would be.
talonted said:
Having a weird issue with the GPS on my AT&T LG G2. Phone is unrooted on stock firmware. The GPS icon will randomly appear in the nav bar. Sometimes when I check after that, it will be turned on and I can toggle GPS off. Other times it isn't on by the time I check it. I always leave GPS off for the battery life savings. I've tried doing a factory reset and immediately disabling Google Maps. This seems to keep it from happening, but once I re-enable Maps, it will again start randomly turning on GPS. Even after disabling Maps at this point, it still does it. Only a factory reset then immediately disabling Maps seems to keep my GPS off. Any ideas?
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fr4nk1yn said:
I've noticed this as well. I keep mine on but it location icon started flashing earlier in a phone call.
No clue why that would be.
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carrier iq
talonted said:
Having a weird issue with the GPS on my AT&T LG G2. Phone is unrooted on stock firmware. The GPS icon will randomly appear in the nav bar. Sometimes when I check after that, it will be turned on and I can toggle GPS off. Other times it isn't on by the time I check it. I always leave GPS off for the battery life savings. I've tried doing a factory reset and immediately disabling Google Maps. This seems to keep it from happening, but once I re-enable Maps, it will again start randomly turning on GPS. Even after disabling Maps at this point, it still does it. Only a factory reset then immediately disabling Maps seems to keep my GPS off. Any ideas?
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Had the same issue, it's something called carrier IQ that tracks you without consent. Fortunately you can remove it with root access. There are a couple of threads in the qa and general sections which address this and solving it. Search for them and youll be on your way.
In on Verizon. It wasn't reported to have that and I did run a check, which was clean, just to make sure.
Here's my light flashing after turning the screen in th change the channel.
talonted said:
Having a weird issue with the GPS on my AT&T LG G2. Phone is unrooted on stock firmware. The GPS icon will randomly appear in the nav bar. Sometimes when I check after that, it will be turned on and I can toggle GPS off. Other times it isn't on by the time I check it. I always leave GPS off for the battery life savings. I've tried doing a factory reset and immediately disabling Google Maps. This seems to keep it from happening, but once I re-enable Maps, it will again start randomly turning on GPS. Even after disabling Maps at this point, it still does it. Only a factory reset then immediately disabling Maps seems to keep my GPS off. Any ideas?
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Not abnormal at all. This happens when your device needs to refresh locations for multiple apps to work efficiently. We are not alone. Android thing.
What have you guys done, that BIG BROTHER is keeping tabs on ya lol
Sent from my LG-D800 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
talonted said:
Having a weird issue with the GPS on my AT&T LG G2. Phone is unrooted on stock firmware. The GPS icon will randomly appear in the nav bar. Sometimes when I check after that, it will be turned on and I can toggle GPS off. Other times it isn't on by the time I check it. I always leave GPS off for the battery life savings. I've tried doing a factory reset and immediately disabling Google Maps. This seems to keep it from happening, but once I re-enable Maps, it will again start randomly turning on GPS. Even after disabling Maps at this point, it still does it. Only a factory reset then immediately disabling Maps seems to keep my GPS off. Any ideas?
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Try disable location reporting in Settings. Also, there's a good chance Google Now! is using to access your whereabouts, unless your really want those cards, turn Google Now! off (voice search still works even after that). Look around Maps settings too, and if you see location sharing or let Google use Maps data or something like that, turned that off too.
merlen said:
carrier iq
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Click to collapse was happening to me as well until I installed Disable Service, and went in there and nuked the CarrierIQ services. No more random GPS.
Sent from my LG-D800 using xda app-developers app
cj31016 said: was happening to me as well until I installed Disable Service, and went in there and nuked the CarrierIQ services. No more random GPS.
Sent from my LG-D800 using xda app-developers app
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This is how I fixed it, too. If you can't figure out how to remove CarrierIQ then you can just disable it after each reboot by going to settings->apps->running->android system->stop.
bryanhayn said:
This is how I fixed it, too. If you can't figure out how to remove CarrierIQ then you can just disable it after each reboot by going to settings->apps->running->android system->stop.
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it seems to be working this trick i ve done 3 factory resets till read this hopefully i solve that issue with GPS,but it turn on again F*ck this **** im going to sell this phone
Rebel Fox said:
it seems to be working this trick i ve done 3 factory resets till read this hopefully i solve that issue with GPS,but it turn on again F*ck this **** im going to sell this phone
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maybue its network problem,and i have the same issue with GPS,it turns on when make or recive call.i went to mobile company they told me its not just me with this problem,there where many others with the same issue,when i get back home i switch my phone from dual mode network to GSM, wasn't turn on during make or recive call,for now it seems problem is been fixed,so it worth to try this
bryanhayn said:
This is how I fixed it, too. If you can't figure out how to remove CarrierIQ then you can just disable it after each reboot by going to settings->apps->running->android system->stop.
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I'm having the opposite problem. When I enable my GPS, after about a minute, it turns off. It used to work fine.
I have a Samsung, but I simply can't find my issue anywhere and I ran across this thread and I'm just praying someone might have some idea what's going on. It's frustrating!
Howdy. So I've got a t-mobile S6 running Looper 2.0, 5.02, rooted. The problem I'm having is that my GPS will not activate in any kind of navigation app, specifically Maps or Uber until I actually start performing turn by turn directions. The location indicator will only show in the status bar when doing so. Clicking on the target reticle does nothing. Maps has full permissions for location (checked in app ops) as does Uber. The damn phone just never turns the thing on. Once nav starts though, it's fine.
I've tried reflashing the zip, wiping data, etc. Nothing seems to help. It's gotta be something I'm missing, and I can't find any hints or tricks no matter what I google for. Anyone have any ideas?
Ugh, can a mod move this to the regular S6 QA forum? Not sure how I managed to post in this one.