Hang up with Power button - Legend General

is there a way to hang up a call with just pressing the Power button ?


reconfigure the power button??

is there any chance to give some other button abilitiy to be a power button? because my x1 fall down,and now power button is stuck in,and i need to press him realy hard to power on x1.maybe some register tweak,i don't know.

Why cant I access tri-coloured screen?

I have tried literally 100s of times but no matter what I do or how long I hold down both the volume down button and the power button I never get to the tri-coloured screen. Is there any reason I wouldn't be able to access it?
Are you holding down the volume down button and the power button at the same time? If so, only hold the volume down button and briefly touch the power button. What I mean by briefly is a quick press and continue holding down the volume button until you see the tri-colored screen. If that doesn't work, you may want to post your question here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=505377. You will get some excellent help there. Good luck!
Just remove the stylus

volume button as power button

Hi all,
my power button is defect, my idea was to use my volume up button for power button in windows for getting it out and into standby,
Anyone have any idea how i can realize something like that?

possible sollution for end/power button issue

Just got an hd2 and it had this problem where when pressing power button touch screen does not work
Here is what to do press power button fast swipe finger on screen to see if it start to work or press power button hard maybe power button is dirty
Post your results

Turn On Blackshark 2 without power button (Problem at power button)

My blackshark 2 have problem in power button, can we Turn On Blackshark 2 without power button?
I have the same problem, somebody help?
i also having issue with the power button but it works when i press it little hard ..

