Weather animation - HD2 General

Hi everyone!
I found the weather animation very useful due to my agronomic specialty. So I can quickly react on the situation.
Is it possible to make it repeating constantly (as one animation gone so it repeats right after) ?
P.S. Just in case - I have Cookie`s Hometab and CHT Editor installed. So maybe it can have some special adjustments.

I am intrest in that to..

The device should lock and turn off the screen after a short time (due to battery saving), and whenever you unlock the device, it performs the animation.
So it happens exactly at the moment you need it. Isn't that enough? Unless you want to keep the screen always on. (mobile phone is not constructed for that. It could simply overheat after a while, even with this fast processor.)
Besides, I personally would say that your profession is too serious to rely on this kind of service.
Even if it is accurate enough for your area, it fails sometimes to update the weather for hours. (search for numerous posts on this forum that are regularly appearing on this subject).
I would rather find a few (not one) good independent services covering your area (make sure that they are not using the same source), put them on the firs quick link positions on the home screen and make my judges based on the conclusions drawn from watching them all.
But that's just me...


MDA Questions after a week of use...

I recieved my MDA last saturday, and since then, have been trying to figure everything out. After multiple calls to tmobile, and even a trip back to the store, i'm still stuck with a few questions that i cannot seem to get answered.
1. The MDA came with the default Tmobile theme which works fine in portrait & in landscape, as well as the default blue Windows theme.
However, I have tried to install multiple themes(including some from microsoft themeselves) and i have one annoying error! Whenever I use an "installed" theme, the portrait screen looks fine, but when I open the keyboard...there are two large greyish/white gaps on the side of the theme.
Ex: I'm using a green theme. When in landscape mode, i have a single green square in the middle of the screen with a strip on either side(left or right)
2. My phone is HORRIBLY slow when and if ANYTHING 3rd party is installed. I've tried today plugins that control the memory usage(figured that would help)...however, it just slowed things done. My phone usually runs at about 14mb Free Program Memory, out of the total 44MB(This seems horrible...with just the default programs installed*for the most part* and maybe agile messenger running.). If i install a today plugin, or a game...this drops below 10mb. Therefore, phone usage can be very aggravating. I cannot think of any other way to increase this memory expect for ONE thing. Would it be possible to transfer ALL programs, applications, etc to the miniSD Card(i have 1gb now, with a 2gb in the mail). This way...i certaintly would not be topping out the usage of the card, and hopefully I can free up alot of space on the phone.
3. As we all know, the packaged IM programs are AWFULLY slow and inconsistent. After a bit of research and trials, I have settled on using Agile Messenger. I'm loving it...expect for a few things.
The MAJOR problem I have with it, is the pop up notification. Its annoying to be surfing the web or playing a game, just to have a pop up tell you that you have recieved a message, EVERY TIME you get a new message(which can amount to a great deal in a short time). I've looked all over for a setting, so unless I missed it, is there any way to shut this off?
A side issue with this program, and also the connectivity of the phone is...:
(even WITH the GPRS hack*always on*), I still lose connection(with 2-4 bars of signal) and therefore i get signed off of Agile, rather often. This isnt' such a problem with me, as seeing it takes a short time to log back in. However, when you look at the conversation from another person's point of view...all you see is
"Soandso" Logged off
"Soandso" logged on
(not sure if that last part was a question or a statement, but if theres an answer, i'd like to hear it!)
My girlfriend has a sidekick, and I LOVE the feature of being able to set phone profiles for specific times of the day. Especially during school, it'll go silent, and the second we are out, its back on normal. I have downloaded PZP to try and fix this loss of luxury. However, I personally don't find the program to be very consistent. Sometimes, it seems as if say my "school" profile is fully functioning, while other times, it really doesnt. Call me crazy, but I have taken a shot in the dark and ventured to say that if one touches the volume button on the phone while the phone is on a specific will throw it out of its cycle. If anyone has some hints/comments/suggestions of their own on this program or other favorites...I would love to hear from you.
5. After I went about and downloaded the Eten dial pad skin, I noticed that all of my contacts were unable to receive contact photos. I quickly realized that any contact that was saved on my SIM card from my previous phone was stuck in this predictament. However, if i were to create a new contact account, it quickly allows me to customize them alot further. Therefore, i was curious if there was any way to transfer my contacts on my sim card>my phone in a fashion that the phone will accept them.
I'm sure i'll think of more questions(these are just the ones that I havent been able to answer after days of searching :-D)
Thank you so much in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the speed of the HTC Wizard is very slow. That was my problem too.
for question no. 2:
Moving the apps to the card will result in more free space on the phone, OK, but running the apps from the card will also result in low speed, because the card is slower than the main memory. So I think you won't get more speed by this.
Try to overclock the device with OmapClock. My device works like a charm with 264 MHz (original was 180 MHz).
Use a tool like FreeUp RAM, which is part of the SK-Tools-package.
Running OmapClock and freeing up the RAM from time to time brings significantly much more speed. There is almost no waiting time if you click on an icon. You can even run Skype with OmapClock (many other users do so).
I have seen tidbits about overclocking through my endless searches the last few days. I've always heard that you have to be careful if you overclock a device, such as a phone. Has anyone had any known issues with the overclocking? Are there risks in having the phone run at that speed all the time?
The Wizard isn't slow. Install a Qtek rom without branding, and it will be much faster.
even the sales associate at tmobile seemed to think it was slow. Upgrading to a different ROM sounds ok, but i'm trying to keep everything via tmobile. thaks for the tip though.
Im looking to get the Tmobile USA MDA, but after reading posts like this Im alittle afraid.
I need to run TOMTOM on this device and thinking that this might bring the device to a halt. Now Im starting to think that maybe I should get the 6700. Please let me know what you found out about making MDA faster. Thank you.
TazMan1688 said:
I have seen tidbits about overclocking through my endless searches the last few days. I've always heard that you have to be careful if you overclock a device, such as a phone. Has anyone had any known issues with the overclocking? Are there risks in having the phone run at that speed all the time?
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There have been long discussion about what is safe with the Wizard on this forum.
See, for example,
Also, the SmartsKey app automates startup of OMapClock.
(It has a number of other uses as well.
Hope this helps.
TazMan1688 said:
My girlfriend has a sidekick, and I LOVE the feature of being able to set phone profiles for specific times of the day. Especially during school, it'll go silent, and the second we are out, its back on normal. I have downloaded PZP to try and fix this loss of luxury. However, I personally don't find the program to be very consistent. Sometimes, it seems as if say my "school" profile is fully functioning, while other times, it really doesnt. Call me crazy, but I have taken a shot in the dark and ventured to say that if one touches the volume button on the phone while the phone is on a specific will throw it out of its cycle. If anyone has some hints/comments/suggestions of their own on this program or other favorites...I would love to hear from you.
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There is a known problem with backlighting. See
Also, check to see what events PZP is handling for profile-switching. For example, if you have calendar-based or time-based rules, they may switch your profile without you doing anything. Go to Settings, Control to see what you Switches you allow. Or check Time and Calendar for your profiles under the Configuration option.
As much as i'm sure overclocking the device may help, especially in my case. I'm just not sure if its worth the risk. Kind of hard to explain to Tmobile why the phone decided to overheat. Seems overly risky to make such an expensive device, run at higher speeds than its DESIGNED to do. But i'm still not sure, it almost DOES seem worth it...decisions, decisions...
Yes, Thank you for clarifying that...I mostly meant, the inconsistency of PZP with the timing of profiles. It seems as if the program will "switch" to the correct profile, but i don't always see a change in the operation of the device itself. Ex: I have it set to go to school mode at 7:30am, this past week(since its spring break, i've noticed that my incoming calls all had the normal ring volume, as well as system tones, etc...
Although it "says" ""School"" i don't really know if its truely in that mode?!
On this note, i have a question about setting the times(which is what i really want to accomplish). My phone goes to LOUD around 5:30am, School at 7:30 am, Normal at 1:55pm, and Quiet at 4pm.
Nooow, do i have to put two times in the school profile such as 7:30 am-1:54(5)???? so that it has an entire time interval...or can i just tell it when to start, and the next profile will automatically kick in and stop the previous.
Also, does putting the phone in standby or shutting it down have any effect on the profile??
I'm sorry in advance if i'm asking very basic questions, i've just been searching for a long period of time, and i usually can't find a specific answer to my question. So I decided I would spend the time to actually discuss MY problem, with hope someone can help. Again, sorry for any inconvienence or redudant questions.
TazMan1688 said:
As much as i'm sure overclocking the device may help, especially in my case. I'm just not sure if its worth the risk. Kind of hard to explain to Tmobile why the phone decided to overheat.
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I have a german T-Mobile MDA Vario (= HTC Wizard) and I'm overclocking it permanently with OmapClock and SmartSKey. There is no overheating as far as I can say/feel. I can speed up to 264 MHz (original = 180 MHz). If I try more, the device softresets itself without any damage or loss of data. It's a kind of security mechanism. Of course, battery life is a little bit shorter when overclocking it. But I'm sure, slightly overclocking doesn't damage the device! Maybe the lifetime of the device will be a bit shorter, lets say 6 months in 5 years, but you won't realize that, because you won't be using your device in 5 years. You will sure own some other phone when the CPU dies. Together with the tool "FreeUp RAM" (comes with SKTools), I can reach a comfortable speed for everyday use. But never forget: The Wizard IS quite slow, compared with other devices. You can find smart workarounds for that, but don't close your eyes on that fact.
For running any GPS navigation tools I would consider buying not a Wizard, but a much faster device, if you would ask me. I'm using my Wizard only for addresses (~ 700 items), calendar (~ 1200 items) etc., and without overclocking and using a program like Pocket Informant 2005, that would be an annoying, maybe impossible thing. At the beginning, I had to wait almost 10-15 seconds until e.g. the month overview was created. Switch to the following month - wait again. Choose a specific day - wait again. Oh my god! That needed more patience than I had.
Are you running a basic install without all the phone networks customisation bloat?
you can do this by hard resetting (you will loose data doing this) and then doing a softreset when the customisation dialogue pops up after setting time zone etc.
this will speed things up over an install with tmobiles bloatware. I run tomtom and my device is in general as reponsive as the magician it replaces.
good luck with your phone
So guys based on your opinions and experience is it worth for me to get the MDA or should I go with a different carrier and a XV/PPC-6700 ?
Hi yozh,
I don't know the 6700-device at all. Maybe we don't have it here in good old Germany, or maybe under a differnt name. Does it have a bigger display (better for navigation)? Does it have a faster CPU? Then take that one! In my eyes I would never like to use the Wizard for navigation. It's only a better phone, not more, not less. For all other purposes I would buy a bigger machine. I do not want to talk bad about my own device, I have bought it and I use it and it's OK for the everyday things I do with it. It has nothing to do with "I'm proud of my device", like some people seem to be here. It's a phone, man, not a Ferrari or a Rolex. You would tell yourself lies, if you would call the Wizard a powerful device. I had a Palm Tungsten T5 before, and THIS is a powerful device. 2600 items in the calendar (true!), and the reaction time was half a second if you tap on the screen! You can go and have a coffee if you do that on a Wizard.
Just think about it. If you buy a Wizard, try it for a day and then write to me what you think about that phone.
Mh. My english should be better, I know.
Just my 2 Cents!
Hi well the 6700 is the apache I belive and the CPU is 416mhz but its not a "dual core" everything else screen adn such is pretty much the same. Thanks for the reply
SO any one on this forums can recoment apache over MDA ?
yozh said:
Im looking to get the Tmobile USA MDA, but after reading posts like this Im alittle afraid.
I need to run TOMTOM on this device and thinking that this might bring the device to a halt. Now Im starting to think that maybe I should get the 6700. Please let me know what you found out about making MDA faster. Thank you.
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See my posts on regarding processor speeds and TomTom.
Wow really TOMTOM runs better on the MDA then on a 400mhz DELL ? Then Im set defenatly getting the MDA, I like GSM network provide3rs better anyway and plus there are so much choices with the phones. I wish I was able to aford the JASJAS that looks really good.
Also don't forget that when you 'close' an appliation it does not really close, it just goes in to background, thus slowing the system down.
Check out your running processes and close all the ones that are not needed or load an app that really closed things.
TazMan1688 said:
1. The MDA came with the default Tmobile theme which works fine in portrait & in landscape, as well as the default blue Windows theme.
However, I have tried to install multiple themes(including some from microsoft themeselves) and i have one annoying error! Whenever I use an "installed" theme, the portrait screen looks fine, but when I open the keyboard...there are two large greyish/white gaps on the side of the theme.
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Themes built for portrait screens look wrong in landscape view. Easy solution: build a theme that works in landscape view. The Guava Bubbles theme works fine in both because the background image is larger than portrait size.
TazMan1688 said:
4. My girlfriend has a sidekick, and I LOVE the feature of being able to set phone profiles for specific times of the day. Especially during school, it'll go silent, and the second we are out, its back on normal. I have downloaded PZP to try and fix this loss of luxury. However, I personally don't find the program to be very consistent. Sometimes, it seems as if say my "school" profile is fully functioning, while other times, it really doesnt. Call me crazy, but I have taken a shot in the dark and ventured to say that if one touches the volume button on the phone while the phone is on a specific will throw it out of its cycle. If anyone has some hints/comments/suggestions of their own on this program or other favorites...I would love to hear from you.
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I use PPC-Profiles-Pro, but you can't slave this to a time. Besides, I'd rather just put it on Silent mode by holding the connection manager button for three seconds (top left side button). Otherwise I use PPC Profiles to switch from Work (BT) to Home (Wifi, no BT) to Sleep (No Wifi, no BT, no email alerts or reminders, just ringer). Walking into a theater, I just go to silent mode.
bilbo_28 said:
Also don't forget that when you 'close' an appliation it does not really close, it just goes in to background, thus slowing the system down.
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I know. I'm using MagicButton. And OmapClock with SmartSKey. And FreeUp RAM. In deed, I do almost EVERYTHING to make my device run faster.

GPS Today

GPS Today
I am very impressed with this program so far. Found it at
Like Google Maps but with a Today Plugin.
Works easy and fast!!
Try it!
Sounds cool, I'm trying it now. Here's a link to the full page with the description:
Application Description
GeoTerrestrial GPSToday is a lightweight today screen plugin that will allow you to utilize the full capabilities of your device.
* It utilizes intelligent algorithms to always maintain and display a fix on your position right on your today screen, without draining the battery.
* Always see your full street address, not just geo-coordinates.
* Currently WORKS in the US only!
* Slide the red icon over to the right to start the GPS in continuous mode, or single-tap the red icon to start the GPS in quick-fix mode.
* GPSToday always shows the distance to the nearest contact from your device's address book.
* Single tap to create a new contact with your current location as the address, or save the current location as an existing contact's address. Imagine not having to type the full street address on the PPC keyboard!
* You will never need the stylus to use GPSToday!
* Speed, heading and satellite data is shown clearly on the today screen whenever the GPS is running.
* In-pocket tap protection. A single tap on the today screen only operates the GPS in quick fix mode. To fully start the GPS in continuous mode requires an iphone like sliding motion, guaranteeing no pocket accidents.
* Single tap from the today screen to access fully draggable online maps!<
* Always see all your address book contacts on the map. Just tap a contact to quickly call/email or send sms.
* Single tap from today screen to quickly do a yahoo local search around your current position and see the results on a live map. Just tap a result to call or open the website.
* High quality Yelp Reviews for local search results!
* Fetch the full street address for any point on the map.
* GPSToday automatically disables data access when your device goes into roaming mode.
* And many more features.
* Best of all, its free!
Update Description
Added Note: Currently Works in the US only!
i'm trying t too
I'm really curious how can it be "without draining the battery" when internet is active and gps is active. If those two features are active then battery must be drain more than normal usage. Hopefully, someone can measure it. If it is true, we can have GPS open all day long without worry about battery drain and in the same time no need to wait for "cold" boot and have instant gps when open tomtom or other gps application.
I had it on my device for the last few days and while it does offer direction, speed, etc it does consume battery life. It stays active and when it hits open sky, begins the search. Several trips home from work monitoring my speed yielded a very warm battery...
I'm really curious how can it be "without draining the battery" when internet is active and gps is active. If those two features are active then battery must be drain more than normal usage. Hopefully, someone can measure it. If it is true, we can have GPS open all day long without worry about battery drain and in the same time no need to wait for "cold" boot and have instant gps when open tomtom or other gps application.
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There should be no extra Battery drain with GPS on because GPS doesn't require the transmitter to be turned on like the internet access does.
The receiver in the unit always stays on (so you can get calls) so receiving satellite data doesn't require any more power than normal.
The internet connection DOES drain the battery though as it needs to turn on the transmitter each time it sends data.
i used it this morning and last night.
first off, it leaves the data connection active while it updates your location/address so yeah, it drains the battery. i lost 10% or so in about an hour of constant use. but keep in mind that also had the screen on while i was watching it. next, its a little buggy because, for me, it would stop GPS'ing when the screen shut off and once the screen came back on, it would get the sats for about 20 seconds then stop. i have to go into the map, choose MORE, and chose run GPS to make it stay on. all in all, its a really neat app, i love the speed part.
I just found this the other day and tested it. One problem I had was I had to go to the map to keep my connection open. It kept turning on and off until I clicked on the map and it didn't turn off afterwards. I didn't have to keep it open. I just opened and closed it. It seems to get a pretty quick connection when outside. It seems to be a memory hog I think for what it does. I start at 11 mb with just this on the Today screen using NexVision rom, which I usually started at 15. I like the plugin. I wish it didn't use at much ram as it does.
OK.. I might just be lame but I ran the cab on this.. Did the soft reset and there is nothing installed for it.. In my programs there is no listing for it and on my storage card (where I installed it) there is only a listing for a help file that does not open...
Any ideas??
RevSand said:
OK.. I might just be lame but I ran the cab on this.. Did the soft reset and there is nothing installed for it.. In my programs there is no listing for it and on my storage card (where I installed it) there is only a listing for a help file that does not open...
Any ideas??
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NM... just installed it to the device and it works.. hmmm not a fan of it there but it will have to do...
Asphyx said:
There should be no extra Battery drain with GPS on because GPS doesn't require the transmitter to be turned on like the internet access does.
The receiver in the unit always stays on (so you can get calls) so receiving satellite data doesn't require any more power than normal.
The internet connection DOES drain the battery though as it needs to turn on the transmitter each time it sends data.
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If you delve a little bit deeper into how GPS receivers work, you'd understand that it actually does draw quite a bit of power. Also, the mogul does not use aGPS, which uses the cellular tower information to help get a faster fix without as much effort on the part of the GPS chip. Your explanation of "The receiver in the unit always stays on (so you can get calls)" doesn't make any sense in this case since the technologies do not rely on each other.
To prove my point:
Turn off the cellular radio on your phone in the comm manager. Turn on Bluetooth. They both use a receiver, however bluetooth uses far less power than the cellular radio. Your battery will last longer. The GPS radio also uses power, perhaps less than cellular, but more than not using it at all.
BOTTOM LINE: Leaving GPS on will eat your battery. Period.
it's a today plug in. if it doesnt show up, reinstall it to your device
This program makes my mogul really slooooooooooow...
hmmm, I was really trying to prevent downloading on device but i'll do it and hope all works.
Update. I now see the gps but my phone is slow as dirt. Cant even click on Start or anything....whenever I receive a new message I get same issue...bout to soft reset again to see if it works a little better....
seems to be running better just needed time to boot up I guess....should we be changing anything on GPS settings? I feel like I just got a new toy man...
Seems like a cool new toy.. I cannot wait to get outta the cave I am working in right now and see how well it really works with a sat signal...
Dishe said:
If you delve a little bit deeper into how GPS receivers work, you'd understand that it actually does draw quite a bit of power. Also, the mogul does not use aGPS, which uses the cellular tower information to help get a faster fix without as much effort on the part of the GPS chip. Your explanation of "The receiver in the unit always stays on (so you can get calls)" doesn't make any sense in this case since the technologies do not rely on each other.
To prove my point:
Turn off the cellular radio on your phone in the comm manager. Turn on Bluetooth. They both use a receiver, however bluetooth uses far less power than the cellular radio. Your battery will last longer. The GPS radio also uses power, perhaps less than cellular, but more than not using it at all.
BOTTOM LINE: Leaving GPS on will eat your battery. Period.
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and besides that, even if the gps doesnt need extra power to recieve GPS data it still has to do something with the data, that means the processor is running, stuff is being written to and from RAM, then displayed on the today screen, all this takes more power that doing nothing
anyway, i ended up having to prime the GPS with google maps to get this thing going, and the today plugin flickers rather annoyingly (and its definately eating the battery, i got it charging now but its charging up a lot slower than usual)
hmm, i have google maps on my laptop for mobile. I will attempt to install later. as far as the gps working, I was driving to work and it showed me how fast I was going and how far i was from work. I didnt even put it to search for work but it must have found the address somehow in my phonebook?
I'm lookin at the program and its linking to an Autozone that is 5,397.7 miles away from me. I know which one they are referring to since i saved that name and number but i'm pretty sure its closer than 5 thousand miles from me...WTF
i'm still trying to learn how to use this...
program seemed REALLY cool.. but while it was installed and looking for a signal it seemed to REALLY lock up my phone... I could not do anything on it for a couple mins. I will keep an eye out for a newer version when it comes out since I did really like the concept of this program...
Thank you
Hi all,
First, its wonderful to see so many positive comments about the software just days after its first release. Now we know we are on the right track!
Secondly guys, apologies for the bugs/issues you faced, or are still facing. This is still version 0.9, so its actually a beta release (not that that's an excuse!). Also please excuse us for the lack of documentation.
About the "without draining the battery" part, I agree the language is somewhat confusing. It was meant to compare with the consumption that would occur if the GPS were actually running all the time. You'll agree that if you start up the GPS at 8:00 in the morning on a typical Phone-PDA and leave it running non-stop along with an active internet connection, it will not last until noon. With GPSToday one can get the same benefit throughout the entire day. There have been some inconsistencies though, with some users reporting almost no perceptible change in battery life, and some being seriously affected.
Please note that tapping the red icon on the today screen is intentionally meant to temporarily start the gps, obtain a fix if available, and then stop. To start the GPS in continuous mode from the today screen itself, drag the red icon over and drop it onto either of the two icons on the right. Once you are done, you must remember to stop it by repeating the same gesture. Also, try this once if the automatic mode is not able to get a fix the first time you go outdoors.
Memory: our tests indicate significantly less than 1MB consumption when the map window is closed, and about 1.5 Mb overall when the map window is being actively used. We agree this is a bit high (but nowhere close to the 4mb one of you is reporting). Some of this is also an offshoot of the fact that it uses up only a tiny amount of storage memory, < 200kB. Nevertheless, expect to see ram usage being reduced significantly in later versions.
Lastly, please fetch the latest version 0.9.1 which fixes some battery life issues and other minor fixes, from Pocketgear at Make sure the download filename is GPSToday091.CAB. We recommend a soft reset immediately after installtion. We also promise that from v 1.0 onward soft resets will not be required!.
GT, Inc

[Request] Car Alarm type app for G sensor

This is a bit of a cool gimiky app well it's like 2 apps in one.
Anti theft so if your phone is moved (Picked UP) it makes a car alarm sound and if you put it down it makes the Blip Blip sound to say it's armed.
And the other is a sort of fun mode so if it is moved It will play pre recorded sounds like "Oi put me down!"
I suppose you could call it a warning mode.
Has anyone thought or is thinking about making this?
i geuss it would be very basic to make...
i dont programm, so here is the way i think it could be programmed..
make a programm wich when it runs polls the gsensor, when it detected a change greater than normal when lying on youre desk, or a change of orientation, it would play a wavefile...
that for the alarm part...
the activate could be accomplisched in the following way...
when activated the gesensor is detecting movement because you are handeling it...
when de device is still for a 5 seconds or so.. it plays the blibblib file, and then starts the polling of the sensor above...
to make this complete it would be neccesary to enter a simple pincode to deactive the alarm sound...
i actually tried to get into programming to make this.. but my efforts where came not even close... as long as i cant programm in basic, im lost
anyone with a bit of spare time who could code this?
Good idea
Its an Idea a friend suggested.
It sounds like a really easy app to make but as I don't make apps for mobiles yet I wouldn't know how to build one
I could help with the GUI interface.
the rules would be simple.
when the phone is jogged for about a second play a warning sound.
Then the phone is picked up and jogged violently play the alarm sound looping.
when the phone settles down again play the rearm sound.
The guy who did the lightsaber app could whip this one up
Sounds fun and useful espescially at home where kids tend to touch everything and move things around..
Hope this gets wind
Will it cost much battery?
I guess...
I don't think it will cost much battery, provided you don't keep picking it up!
it just polling the gsensor... that shouldnt drain too much...
anyway, when i leave it lying at my desk its most of the time thetered anyway...
graficly it dont has to be very much...
This could be a very funny and useful tool!!!!
Have a barking dog noise when the phone is touched.
Have a woman screaming when the "alarm" is set off...
Have a GPS tracker tool triggered once this program is launched.
Have the camera activate once the alarm goes off
Have the phone shut off with a special lock code when in "scream" mode.
So it's agreed. then.. who can we ask to make this?
norkoastal said:
This could be a very funny and useful tool!!!!
Have a barking dog noise when the phone is touched.
Have a woman screaming when the "alarm" is set off...
Have a GPS tracker tool triggered once this program is launched.
Have the camera activate once the alarm goes off
Have the phone shut off with a special lock code when in "scream" mode.
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Diamond's battery is only 900mAh, if GPS and camera are turned on, it will cost too much battery.
Athough Gsensor and Lightsensor cost little battery, but what I thought is, if the system should be always turned on (when screen is off)?
I don't know much about that, just guess~
Who can answer?
Good idea! Here is the car-locking sound!!
djfuego said:
This is a bit of a cool gimiky app well it's like 2 apps in one.
Anti theft so if your phone is moved (Picked UP) it makes a car alarm sound and if you put it down it makes the Blip Blip sound to say it's armed.
And the other is a sort of fun mode so if it is moved It will play pre recorded sounds like "Oi put me down!"
I suppose you could call it a warning mode.
Has anyone thought or is thinking about making this?
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(You sould change the title of your topic to get more intrest, like g-sensor car alarm?)
Dev note
The application could be set to activate when the backlight is inactive.
in a similar way to the S2unlock application in that respect.
Can you poll the G sensor less frequently to save battery life? every 0.5 seconds
I can't see how running this as well as other apps will kill the battery any faster than if you where playing Teeter for a long period.
i`m with stupid
nobody who has posted here seems to have programming skills(incuding myself), but the idee is imho a good one..
we just need the app to do the basic alarm thing wich i posted already.. choosing youre own sounds for the different events would be nice tough...
i have no problem to manually activate the alarm(an thus it doesnt need to be "silent" in the taskmanager, otherwise the thing would go off in my pocket when i walk around.. just start teh exe and its active... when enter the correct pin it shuts down again..)
it could be possible to trigger an event, or a external program whenever a alarm is given.. this makes it easier for other developers/user to add functions they need, like a gps logger or wathever.. it doenst need to be hardcoded i mean... just a event trigger to an choosable exe would be suffient...
in the meantime ill keep dreaming sombody does have the time...
but i think it would be a rather popular app when developed, a have seen already many question for software like this...
ill try to clarify in the hopes somebody gets inspirated
- start software
- 10 poll sensor for 5 seconds.
- 20 if valeus differ too much then goto 10 else goto 30
- 30 play sound1 (beebbeeb)
- 40 poll g sensor
- 50 store valeus x-y-z in file/memory Z
- 60 poll sensor, valeus x-y-z.
- 70 if valeus polled differ more compared to memory play sound2 (alarm) else goto 60
- 80 execute external command
- 90 if alarm is ringing execute pin-routine, if correct pin is entered terminate alarm exe
mah, i told you im not a programmer...... but hopefully it will clarify my idea about this software
furtermore.. changing the topictitle into [REQ] CarAlarm-like software would be more suited as topictitle
I've posted the GUI for the app
Great! Keep up te good work!!
the gui is just a grafical representation on how WE think it should work...
so far no-one has posted who is willing to code..
Is there nobody who wants to try to make a application?
Very good idea..I let my phone always behind on my desk and i am thinking that somebody looks into the phone. This is very usefull to protect my phone..
When is the program ready?
Hi there! I have a little experience with .NET CF programming, and took a look at this thread... Any way, this is my first post on this forum
I think this application is not so hard to program.. The only problem would be that in the Stand-by mode, the G-sensor cannot be polled (correct me if I`m wrong). All the applications are suspended (except for the notifications and usual phone processes).
I think the application would work OK if the alarm is triggered when the phone is picked up from the initial place and woken up from standby mode (e.g. if an unwanted person tries to take a look in your phone ).
This surely saves a lot of battery than preventing the phone to enter standby mode plus polling the G-sensor often).
So what do you guys think?
[Edit] I just found another way to poll the G-sensor every x seconds. The application can be opened even in stand-by mode, check the sensor values, then go back to sleep.
I´m currently working on this gadget but there are/were quite some problems:
1: The diamond has to stay on under all circumstances! If it goes into the suspend mode, the alarm program will also suspend and therefore stop polling gsensor values. This is solved.
2. How to disable or turn off the alarm? I decided to integrate two ways of handling this subject: 1. you can choose to turn it face down and the triggered alarm will stop, respectivly the alarm system will be disabled. 2. You can enter a self-chosen PIN. The problem with this is, that when the alarm system is active and you choose to enter the PIN to disarm it, you have be quick (3sec) otherwise the alarm will go off. If I wouldn´t handle it this way, a thief could snatch the phone and try to enter a PIN while pausing the alarm system doing so.
3. And this is point unfortunately is still not solved: I don´t know how to disable the hardwarebuttons (power, volume, home ...) of the diamond.
4. When finished I want to make a cab file from the project, so that installing is made easier.
So right now the gadget works, but problem No. 3 remains. If you do keep the diamond in a pouch or case it works ok but if you leave it uncovered, someone who tries to steal it, can disarm the alarm system.
Therefor I´m not really satisfied with my work so far and I don´t have much time around this time of the year because I´m married, have a little daughter and still need to do christmas shopping; then come the festivities...
I guess if I can manage to control the hardware buttons I can post the completed project sometime in January.

10 things that I hate about Gingerbread!

I really wonder why there is none of such thread here!
Gingerbread unfortunately brought only bad things to my Nexus. I already forgot why I was so crazy about installing it.
What feature did it introduce again?
Okay the response is much better and everything seems faster...but with lots of bugs?
That screen off animation? Seriously?
Things that I hate now:
- Battery Time: this is bad, can't even run half a day with lot of usage, b
efore I could listen to mp3's one day, ie. more than 4 hours without any
- Camera: either Cam or Video, the application crashes after I take a photo or video and then I can not connect to it anymore
- Gallery: often crashes, especially if you have an online photo account connected
- unlock screen: I use a pattern, often there is no overlay of what pattern I drag, still the screen can be unlocked
- Market: even if automatic updates activated, it only updates if you open the market and go to the "my apps" tab
- 3G and Wifi: if you are connected to wifi more than 15 minutes and then disconnect from it you do not get any 3G, you have to go to airplane mode and back, this bug appeared ages ago and was fixed, now back again...tells you a lot about their merging control, ie. sucks
- notification led: you know...
- apps: there are a lot of apps running even though I never used them since restart (see it in a task killer app)
- gps: on a random bases it tries to lock even though no app that uses gps is running
- phone reboot: it even rebooted without any notice two times since I installed it
(- Contacts: I still can't enter a simple thing like a birthday on an expensive phone like this)
MOD EDIT: Borderline trolling removed. If you switch OSes, that's your own choice. No one here is stopping you.
Got any troubles? Tell here.
DarsVaeda said:
1. Battery Time
2. Market: even if automatic updates activated, it only updates if you open the market and go to the "my apps" tab
3. notification led: you know...
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4. Blank keyboard- fixed by switching to another keyboard and back again, or a reset
5. Blank Launcher- fixed with reset
6. In the stock SMS app a long press>delete conversation doesn't always delete the selected conversation; sometimes you have to do it twice.
As far as battery goes, my display is still the thing that takes up the most battery (which is normal) but I had been experiencing severe declines in battery life. Does the switch to 32-bit color require more processing power and therefore battery?
I *#*#4636#*#*>phone information and saw it was set to WCDMA preferred. I remember playing with the option when froyo came out but didn't remember what it was set to (Maybe Gingerbread reset the option...?). I changed it to GSM PRL (Auto), and have experienced increases in battery life, as my phone isn't hunting for 3G all the time- it uses a service provided list of tower locations.
The LED REALLY bugs me.
Hate about Gingerbread
No trackball wake
Juice Defender Doesn't work (but Green Power does - works well but with less flexibility than JD)
Short battery life
Useless keyboard selection gimmicks
- Market: even if automatic updates activated, it only updates if you open the market and go to the "my apps" tab
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Well, glad to know mine isn't the only one that does this!!
On Froyo I would wake up in the morning to freshly updated apps that had updated automatically over night.
I have not had this happen a single time on Gingerbread, and nearly every time I go in to the market there are updates waiting.
What is the point of the automatic update feature when it doesn't work???
NexusDro said:
To be fair, the OP did mention about switching to Apple.
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GldRush98 said:
Well, glad to know mine isn't the only one that does this!!
On Froyo I would wake up in the morning to freshly updated apps that had updated automatically over night.
I have not had this happen a single time on Gingerbread, and nearly every time I go in to the market there are updates waiting.
What is the point of the automatic update feature when it doesn't work???
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auto update never worked for me, even in froyo.
-Battery with CM7 roms
-Trackball wake blocked in non-CM7 roms
-More difficult to mod themes like statusbar (before we just had to change a png and now we have to edit a bunch of files)
So in summary GB roms are still not stable and complete, they have either TB wake missing or poor battery life too
My annoying issues?
- 2 second mic mute after I answer a call
- stock launcher choking after a while
Less annoying ones:
- Market does not automatically update apps
- gps activations without an apparent reason
My annoyances
In no particular order:
The cursor select triangle not lining up with the cursor
Launcher unresponsive/vanishing
Lockscreen pattern not showing (as in the OP)
Phone randomly stays awake at night
GPS turns itself off
Not able to view an apps wakelock any more
USB mount screen shows 'turn off' even when it isn't mounted (UK issue)
USB debugging icon doesn't appear, or doesn't turn off depending on how you enabled it
Exchange push is just crap now, I swear it's getting worse by the day
DarsVaeda said:
- Battery Time: this is bad, can't even run half a day with lot of usage, b
efore I could listen to mp3's one day, ie. more than 4 hours without any
- Camera: either Cam or Video, the application crashes after I take a photo or video and then I can not connect to it anymore
- Gallery: often crashes, especially if you have an online photo account connected
- unlock screen: I use a pattern, often there is no overlay of what pattern I drag, still the screen can be unlocked
- Market: even if automatic updates activated, it only updates if you open the market and go to the "my apps" tab
- 3G and Wifi: if you are connected to wifi more than 15 minutes and then disconnect from it you do not get any 3G, you have to go to airplane mode and back, this bug appeared ages ago and was fixed, now back again...tells you a lot about their merging control, ie. sucks
- notification led: you know...
- apps: there are a lot of apps running even though I never used them since restart (see it in a task killer app)
- gps: on a random bases it tries to lock even though no app that uses gps is running
- phone reboot: it even rebooted without any notice two times since I installed it
(- Contacts: I still can't enter a simple thing like a birthday on an expensive phone like this)
I think there is more if I think about it.
Seriously thinking about switching back.
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While I'm not a big Gingerbread lover at all, here are answers to some of the points:
Battery time is fine, at least in freshly installed ROMs it far exceeds what Froyo mastered.
Camera is your own problem - you didn't update radio, or your update went bad.
Gallery never crashed - again, your own problem (you get the feeling now, right?).
3G and WiFi - again, your own problem. No bug.
Apps - and why do you care? Isn't the "DO NOT USE TASK KILLER" thread clear enough? 150-200MB free RAM aren't self-explanatory?
Due to your comments, you might really consider switching to Apple. It would be beneficial both for you and for this forum.
Or you could back up user data, wipe, install new radio and bootloader, load fresh Gingerbread ROM (NOT CM7 or CM7-based), and have most of your points addressed.
Now, having said that, if you want a much better overall feel - install Froyo-based Desire port, or if you don't have any use for Hotspot - DesireHD port. I hate using barebone Android after some experience with it.
have you guys heard about Cyanogenmod ROM? I am using CM7 RC4 and I have no problems that anyone mentioned in this thread....
Maybe you haven't heard that your experience not necessarily represents anything.
For me (and another 2 guys that asked me to reinstall other ROM on their Nexus Ones), CM7 was a huge, awful pile of bugs. Starting with the ill-famous "wonk".
Plus, again, after having some SenseUI I don't really want to go back to plain Android, and wouldn't suggest it to anyone looking for a good overall experience.
I have an occasional problem with the application tray where it stutters, flashes and doesn't scroll properly. It seems to happen only after exiting certain apps, and needs the launcher to be force closed to fix.
xxlikquidxx said:
have you guys heard about Cyanogenmod ROM? I am using CM7 RC4 and I have no problems that anyone mentioned in this thread....
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Exactly my experience too. Absolutely brilliant ROM.
Jack_R1 said:
..after having some SenseUI I don't really want to go back to plain Android, and wouldn't suggest it to anyone looking for a good overall experience.
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Just lost all credibility in my book...
I would suggest the OP decides what features he/she wants in a ROM and then try a few different ones out. There are plenty to cater to all tastes and i'm sure they'll be able to find one that works well for them.
1. exchange sync stops syncing without any reason. can't start a manual sync. only reboot of the phone helps for a short period of time. needs a fix very urgently.
2. TINY TINY notification icons...the worst idea google had for the GB update. i cannot see the difference between the gmail and exchange mail icon on normal usage in example.
There are some more points which i also mentioned in my blog about gingerbread for nexus one:
Thread Cleaned
Let's play nicely in here and keep this on-topic. This is not the place to discuss other operating systems. This is about issues pertaining to the OTA Gingerbread updates.
Your loving moderator.
One bug and one annoying change:
- The instability of the launchers. I hope they address this.
- The inaccessible GPS toggle. Tasker can't access it and neither can the toggle widgets. Why did they change this?
my mms sometimes does not send if i configure 2 APNs (one for mobile data and one for mms), while i disable the one for mobile data...
it's working fine on Froyo and CM6 before
benjatt said:
- The inaccessible GPS toggle. Tasker can't access it and neither can the toggle widgets. Why did they change this?
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Auto brightness adjustment no longer fades, now it just jump straight to the target brightness which is quite abrupt visually.
And of course... trackball wake is gone.
I concur with these points:
- Battery Time: this is bad, can't even run half a day
- Gallery: often crashes, especially if you have an online photo account connected
- Market: even if automatic updates activated, it only updates if you open the market and go to the "my apps" tab
- GPS: on a random bases it tries to lock even though no app that uses gps is running
- Creating shortcuts on desktop: sometimes you can't drag/drop icons to the desktop or to a different spot on the desktop.
- The cursor select triangle not lining up with the cursor
- Auto brightness adjustment no longer fades, now it just jump straight to full bright or full dim.
As for the people suggesting we update the radio and try different roms, while that is primarily what this board is about, it doesn't "solve" anything. This is a stock Nexus One with official everything. If it doesn't work then it doesn't work.

[HOW-TO][NEWBIE GUIDE] Optimize & proper set up your Galaxy S6 Edge (stock firmware)

[HOW-TO][NEWBIE GUIDE] Optimize & proper set up your Galaxy S6 Edge (stock firmware)
As I've read across this forum and on several specific threads related to usage, battery life and so on, as well as discussing with some of my friends having a S6 or S6 Edge, I realized that most of the people don't really know how to properly set up their phones or how to use them efficiently.
OK, I get it, this is a fancy phone, not every owner is a developer or tech guy so it might be that many choose it based on the looks and don't really know how to optimize it...then they start complaining about different things like lag or battery drain not knowing that most of the problems are caused by miss-usage or improper setup. Of course there are bugs too, nothing is perfect. Of course there are many firmwares available and some are market or carrier dependent so some features or settings might be missing from some of them or even work differently.
What I will try here is to provide some guidelines and tips for setting up various things on the phone in order to maximize it's battery life and for a better usage. I will also make some recommendations based on my experience, tests and usage that might not apply to everyone. Use common sense and logic to apply similar settings in your particular case. Don't come screaming that you made that or that and now something is not working.
And YES, I know there are similar guides like this posted over the Internet and I'll probably make similar recommendations here too but I couldn't find such a guide here on XDA that is particular to this phone (if there is a better one than you might as well ignore mine).
All these things I'll describe below are applicable to any STOCK, NON-ROOTED 5.1.1 firmware and won't break warranty or your phone.
Now that was a long (and maybe unneeded introduction) but I thought to write this for everyone...let's start.
Model No.: SM-G925F
Android: 5.1.1 r2 (LMY47X)
Baseband: G925FXXU2QOI7
Kernel: 3.10.61-5672012
Build date: Fri Sept 4 2015
Carrier: Orange RO
First I would like to say some words about the display. We have a great display, high resolution and it is most likely the biggest battery drain factor. There are two major things about it that you should keep in mind and will help you to get a better battery:
1. It's AMOLED...that means that the black pixels on it will consume no power because are not lit. Studies showed that even if not completely black, AMOLED displays use less energy if the displayed picture is darker compared to a lighter one.
2. The brightness level. Most people use it on "auto" or high level settings and this will be a major drain factor.
You can drastically lower the battery drain caused by your screen by selecting as much as possible dark (black) backgrounds and/or themes. There are some nice ones available in the Theme Store (my favorite is the Dalkomm Coffee Theme), that make most screens and menus dark/black. Also choosing a dark wallpaper for lockscreen/homescreens will help.
Don't use screen brightness at maximum...never. You don't need that in 99% of the cases. Also you won't probably need the automatic setting either since most of the people are spending most of the time indoors (either at work or home). A low manual setting will be fine most of the time, I have it set up at about 20% and only need a brighter one when going out. At that time I just tap on "auto" and it'll increase based on ambient light level. So you don't even need to tweak it alot every time. Find a low manual setting that's fine for your eyes and just tap on "auto" when you go out in sunlight.
Another battery drain factor is your multiple connection/radios features. In most cases you use just several: Mobile Data, WiFi, GPS/location and BT (when applicable). That means you should turn off all the others you don't use...NFC or BT (when not connected to a headset or car-kit or not listening to music). I don't listen to music and don't have a BT headset so I mostly not using BT (just when I'm in my car) and almost never use NFC so I have both disabled and I enable them only when needed via the Quick Settings.
WiFi should also be properly setup otherwise it'll have impact on battery. It was incorrectly assumed or considered that keeping WiFi on all the time will drain battery faster. That was proven in different tests that's not true and in fact keeping WiFi on all the time won't make a big difference and in some cases was even better than to turn it off/on. I think is something similar with the car engines that suck more fuel when started that when running at idle. The major power drain is not when WiFi is running while is not connected to any network, but when the WiFi radio is powered up. When is on and not connected, it's going into a lower power state so the battery consumption is negligible.
I had a case with one of my friends that had WiFi setup to turn off when display was off...wrong choice, he got about 30% battery drain overnight because instead of having it connected to his home WiFi, the phone was using his 4G/LTE connection to make all the background sync/updates. That was eating his battery and also his data plan. After setting WiFi to "always" his overnight drain lowered to as little as 2-3%.
In some regions/carriers there are 2 other settings that were proven to help battery life: WiFi calling and VoLTE. I don't have either of them but based on different articles and what people say, they surely help with that so don't forget to turn them off if you don't use these features.
You might also want to try turning off "Always allows scanning" and "Smart network switch". I have the second turned off but I keep on the first one. Basically the first option tell the Location service to use WiFi for locating the device even if WiFi is switched off (by the on/off switch) so that means the radio is active. Second option should make you switch faster from WiFi to mobile data in case the WiFi signal is not strong enough or fluctuating. In my country there are plenty of WiFi hot-spots and they have mostly good connections so I don't use this feature.
Well here the opinions are split but I am currently having it ON all the time and Location Service is set to "high accuracy". I personally haven't noticed such a major difference with or without it so I preferred to let it on as it is used by many apps or services. You can try to set Location to "wifi and cell only" but don't think that will bring you a major benefit.
Well this is an important one. I've initially started to turn off/disable/uninstall everything I don't need or use. This can be done mostly from the Settings - Applications - Application Manager or if you want to go further, you can install Package Disabler Pro from PlayStore, about which I'll detail later.
Now why we should do that? There are lots of apps, processes and background services running on our devices that take care about all the things we do on the device. The problem is that ALL are using resources: processor time, memory, space and so on. In the end these are translated for a user in LAG or battery drain. Of course we cannot kill everything and I learned long time ago that installing Task or memory managers on Android it's the worst thing you can do. Android it's smart enough to take care better about it's resources and processes (at least to a certain point) and keep killing a certain process won't give you more battery life but will eat more of it in the end,
What I wanted to say is you shouldn't start disabling, killing or blocking everything cause you might end up with an unstable or not properly working phone (case in which only a factory reset might help). First of all look at the ALL tab in Application Manager and try to identify what you don't need or use. For example I'm certainly not using some things like: music, books, news feeds, Samsung's keyboard (I use SwiftKey), the TouchWiz launcher (I use Nova), health services or whatever, S-Voice, S-Health, S-Finder, I don't have any smartwatches so I don't use any Gear processes, fancy device wake-up functions (like wave gestures) or animated wallpapers either.
So after all considerations above, you decided that you can safely disable some apps/processes. All good but you'll quickly learn that some of them cannot be disabled via Application Manager (the "disable" button is grayed out). Now what? Well here comes handy that Package Disabler Pro that I've told you about in the beginning. That app is able to disable ANY apps/processes on your phone, including those that are protected and cannot be disabled via the normal way (and yes it can do that without being rooted). The downside of it is that you must be careful what you choose to disable not to have something that is needed for the normal functionality or the apps you're currently using. The app has also a backup/restore function (via an xml file) for saving the list with apps you have disabled and easily import them back after a factory reset for ex. I've added to this thread my list of disabled apps as it is exported by the application (just unzip and copy the file on the root of your internal memory and it can then be imported in the Package Disabler app)
Another important thing is WHAT apps you're using. I know that socializing and social networking are some of today's most trendy things but keep in mind that some of the apps used for that are not so well made. An example could be the Facebook app/messenger which are reported to drain alot of battery. RSS feeds, news feeds, multiple weather apps or widgets, all contribute to battery drain and lag. Don't install several apps/widgets for the same purpose (like several calendar apps or weather apps). Each will take resources and won't have an added value. Want to use another weather app/widget than the one coming with the phone? Fine, install it...but don't forget to uninstall/disable the built in one or others that do the same thing. Same goes for keyboard for ex; I use SwiftKey for years and got used with it. For me it's better than any keyboard that Samsung might put on the device, therefore I've disabled the standard Samsung keyboard. I also don't like TouchWiz launcher and use Nova that offers me much more flexibility so...I've disabled both the "easy" and "regular" TouchWiz launchers. I went to the point that I've even disabled the different embedded font types, you have 5 of them and I doubt someone uses more than one at a time.
So as you all can see it's not only a matter of setup but also a matter of usage. When you have a device you have to use it properly otherwise it'll not perform as you expect. Imagine a car that has a manufacturer fuel consumption value of 5.5 liters/100 Km....that's under certain conditions not on ANY type of driving. Fly with 200+ km/hr on a highway and I'll guarantee you won't have 5.5 liters/100 km consumption. That doesn't mean the manufacturer has lied or mislead you. Same goes with a phone, if you don't know how to use it and optimize it, you'll have a bad experience.
I work in the IT industry for years and I mostly laugh when I hear someone advising somebody to reinstall the operating system to solve a problem. Same goes for "factory reset" for a phone. Yes, this method works some times but that won't solve the root cause of an issues if you're using it the same way. After several days it'll perform as bad as before and you'll just say that "factory reset" did nothing. Of course it didn't...YOU have to do something different, not the phone.
Now I apologize for the long post and I do hope that at least some will learn to better manage their devices and to understand what they're doing not just running certain commands or procedures blind. Both S6 and S6e are great devices but we should learn how to properly use them in order to benefit the most from them...otherwise we just come here asking for help or mumbling about what crap devices they are.
Thank you, I will check to see if I get an improvement on the standby battery drain.
Your part about not setting the screen to Auto is flawed. You mention that we are mostly indoors, and you don't need a brighter screen for that. Auto mode also knows that and sets the brightness lower. It already does automatically what you do manually.
Tnx. And yes....keeping screen at 20% brightness and just switching to auto when in outdoors works great for the battery life.
ArmedandDangerous said:
Your part about not setting the screen to Auto is flawed. You mention that we are mostly indoors, and you don't need a brighter screen for that. Auto mode also knows that and sets the brightness lower. It already does automatically what you do manually.
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Not quite, I've tested it. If you're on "auto" and use a lower setting on the slidebar, in a dark room the screen is too dark, you'll have to turn off "auto" and the manual brighteness set on the same level will be much higher than on auto.
Now if you have such good eyes and you're able to use "auto" in all cases with the slider at 20% that's good for you...unfortunately I am not so that's why I use it as I've described. The point is that "auto" mode consumes MORE battery regardless of how it's set, than a lower 'manual' mode. So I preffer to have it like this than to use auto all the time.
Thanks for the awesome guide. I'll start disabling some useless processes and see how my battery life is working. Anyway without much editing the battery of S6Edge is pretty good. I can use it a whole day and still 19% remaining. As a comparison I wasn't able to do it with my S3 having to recharge it 2 or even 3 times at day.
Again, thanks for the guide!
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