How Quick Will This Device be Superceded? - EVO 4G General

OK, so like nearly everyone else on this forum, I'll be first in line for an EVO. This is a beast of a phone, nothing like it (state-side anyway). How long do you think this will last?
What device will leave the EVO in the dust? How long will it's reign last?
Because of the required spec's, I would think that Windows Phone 7 devices will likely be the first to smoke it, specs-wise. However, it seems MS went all Apple-walled-garden with 7, so I don't see WP7 beating this anytime soon. Considering the state of the Windows Marketplace vs Android, I say no competition.
Apple's new iPhone will surely be amazing, software-wise. But again, the walled-garden approach will leave it behind.
Finally, AT&T and Verizon seem at least one year behind Sprint in 4g deployments.

khov07 said:
OK, so like nearly everyone else on this forum, I'll be first in line for an EVO. This is a beast of a phone, nothing like it (state-side anyway). How long do you think this will last?
What device will leave the EVO in the dust? How long will it's reign last?
Because of the required spec's, I would think that Windows Phone 7 devices will likely be the first to smoke it, specs-wise. However, it seems MS went all Apple-walled-garden with 7, so I don't see WP7 beating this anytime soon. Considering the state of the Windows Marketplace vs Android, I say no competition.
Apple's new iPhone will surely be amazing, software-wise. But again, the walled-garden approach will leave it behind.
Finally, AT&T and Verizon seem at least one year behind Sprint in 4g deployments.
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I say 6 months? At least before a significant development, like dualcore processors.

mrono said:
I say 6 months? At least before a significant development, like dualcore processors.
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Dual core processors are extremely unlikely for at least a year or two. Not only would it make phones that much more expensive to produce, but today's battery technology simply hasn't caught up to the major advances in processor technology. Batteries are struggling to power a single core processor to this very day; said batteries couldn't dream of powering a dual-core phone for any reasonable length of time.
In any case, if the Evo is going to be beaten by another phone, it won't be for a while. The only things that could take it over are the new Snapdragon 1.5 Ghz and Intel Moorestown 1.5 Ghz processors coming later this year. There's absolutely no way a bigger screen size could be even considered, since the Evo is pushing it already. A 4.3 inch AMOLED screen would be quite nice, but not enough on its own to replace the Evo.

Mecha2142 said:
Dual core processors are extremely unlikely for at least a year or two. Not only would it make phones that much more expensive to produce, but today's battery technology simply hasn't caught up to the major advances in processor technology. Batteries are struggling to power a single core processor to this very day; said batteries couldn't dream of powering a dual-core phone for any reasonable length of time.
In any case, if the Evo is going to be beaten by another phone, it won't be for a while. The only things that could take it over are the new Snapdragon 1.5 Ghz and Intel Moorestown 1.5 Ghz processors coming later this year. There's absolutely no way a bigger screen size could be even considered, since the Evo is pushing it already. A 4.3 inch AMOLED screen would be quite nice, but not enough on its own to replace the Evo.
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its actually a 4.3 TFT screen.

80s_kid said:
its actually a 4.3 TFT screen.
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Which is why he wasn't talking about the EVO

mrono said:
Which is why he wasn't talking about the EVO
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yep. very true. my mistake lol, i havent slept today yet.

nope, not CPU's
I agree with the above comments, dual-core CPU's won't become prevalent in mobile devices until batteries improve significantly.
My guess is devices with discrete graphics boards, like the iPhone (has had for years now!), will trump EVO, though only for gaming purposes. I'll stick with a PSP for mobile gaming.
Besides, a 1Ghz+ processor should easily handle any video you can toss at it. My TP2 with a 526 Mhz processor + CorePlayer handles movies saved on my SD card just fine, full-screen.
Maybe truly integrated video calling? Not through a third-party app like Qik, or even Skype (though Skype on the EVO would be awesome), but an actual native function/app on the device. Instead of dialing a username, just dial a number, and if the device is video-capable, you get an option on the screen to answer with voice or video.

It will depend on far to many factors to quantify.
Doo you dig the big display? For those that do perhaps the only devices they will look for in the future will be 4 inch plus in size. Depending on how the evo and hd2 sell we may see many more our we may see less.
Those that want a physical keyboard may not even feel the evo is a contender and may wait for a galaxy s pro to fill their super phone.
The integrated graphics are inferior to the ipwn so those that want 3d gaming will feel the draw of that device or wait for the rumored psp phone.
Processor speed will be trumped probably by the iphone hd and if not then shortly after. The difference will be miniscule but it will get trumped.
storage? Android had lagged most other device for a long time with it's reliance on sd cards hopefully froyo will get more onboard memory like the iphone.
So it will depend on peoples needs as to when the evo gets trumped. For many the evo is far from the best device for them. For many it is totally drool worthy.

Hardware wise, this phone will be hard to beat in the immediate future. From what I understand is that Sprint allows users to upgrade after 1 year (if applicable) so that could be nice.
Only thing I am worried about is getting root or getting 2.2 in a timely fashion. Being a G1 user I haven't had to worry about it since rooting came pretty fast which has allowed me to install pretty much any ROM out there, not having to worry about when I am going to get 1.5 or 1.6 or whatever. I have read on how the Droid or Hero took a couple of months to get 2.1, they get it and then 2.2 is announced. Gingerbread is confirmed to be released sometime Q4 2010, I would hate to get 2.2 right when Gingerbread is announced. I will rage.
edit: I don't believe the A4 is faster than Snapdragon. I think the test results that are out there is due to the fact that Apple OS is a closed system, it also doesn't multitask. Because it can load pages faster, doesn't mean it is better technically. Until it can be tested on a neutral OS (which won't ever happen), it will never be a good benchmark to compare the two.

christmas some one will release a phone for the holiday rush. its gotta happen. my guess is at&t its probably there turn for the xmas phone of the year.

khov07 said:
I agree with the above comments, dual-core CPU's won't become prevalent in mobile devices until batteries improve significantly.
My guess is devices with discrete graphics boards, like the iPhone (has had for years now!), will trump EVO, though only for gaming purposes. I'll stick with a PSP for mobile gaming.
Besides, a 1Ghz+ processor should easily handle any video you can toss at it. My TP2 with a 526 Mhz processor + CorePlayer handles movies saved on my SD card just fine, full-screen.
Maybe truly integrated video calling? Not through a third-party app like Qik, or even Skype (though Skype on the EVO would be awesome), but an actual native function/app on the device. Instead of dialing a username, just dial a number, and if the device is video-capable, you get an option on the screen to answer with voice or video.
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the SnapDragon dual core processors are more efficient then their single core variants we use now since they use a smaller manufacturing process. find the source yourself, i'm not working that hard.

Hmmm...a source link for that info?
Doesn't matter though - most apps on PC's don't make very good use of multiple cores, and we've had those on desktops for many years now. Will mobile app developers make better use of them, once multi-core mobile devices become prevalent? Some might, others will ignore.
Think about it: what kind of cpu-intensive apps will we run on a mobile platform, that will benefit from multiple cores? No doubt mobile processors will continue to get faster, more cores, more cache, etc., but how much will we really do on a mobile device?
Question: why wouldn't mobile processors top-out the way desktop processors have? Folks can run the same basic apps on today's desktops (word processing, web browsing, email, etc.) as they can on desktops four years old.
Perhaps, as crazytalk states, the real developments in mobile processors will be focus more on efficiency than raw speed.
What say you?

Actually, I would say October, not Christmas. Christmas is usually too hectic for companies to release brand new flagship devices which is what would be needed to supercede the Evo. And I do see a dual core phone coming out around October. I think something is going to surprise everyone in October but that's expected. 6 months is sadly the shelf life for phones these days.


due upgrade in August - which Android handset?

upgrade time is august 2010, so am starting initial research now!
have the G1 - am a convert to the android os now - am more and more on google (the dark side!?) and want to stay on the same os (or another google developed one).
Can anyone give me a heads up nwhat is due for a summer release (or earlier) that is a handset that is going to kick frikkin ass?!
wisdom highly appreciated!
put it this way dude, we just started getting rumors about the nexus one two months ago. theres no possible way we could know what kind of cool gadgets we'll be seeing by august. doing research now wouldnt do you any good whatsoever.
thanks for that.
just looking at the nexus one - looks like i need to 'mature' and face up to the future being (real) keyboardless - read that there was a survey where they compared iphone k/b with a regular pda one and there was no speed slowdown on the the 'real' one.
well, looks like it's early days and the handset releseases between now and summer might be numerous!
Yea it seems a lil early to start your research.
Well good to start waking up to the tech changes, looks like things have changed since G1 days.
Nexus does look slick, I'm wondering what could be even better thasn that.
cheers gang.
I'm due for my upgrade in October. I decided three months ago I'd do my research in October.
little_rock said:
there was no speed slowdown on the the 'real' one.
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Right... because a real keyboard will be *FASTER*, not slower.
A few points;
- testing typing speeds using test subjects who don't know the location of buttons (i.e. inexperience) will only give you invalid results.
- you ever notice with a dream, that even though you have both, that you STILL switch to the real keyboard occasionally? Probably every time you need to type more than about 10-20 characters. This is because fake keyboards are uncomfortable and inconvenient.
- fake keyboards are difficult to use since you MUST LOOK at it -- a real keyboard can be used by feel alone. Note: It is considered extremely bad practice to type while looking at the keyboard -- you're supposed to look at the screen/paper (in the old days) and watch the words as they come out, not at your fingers.
- ever try mixing letters and symbols using a fake keyboard? You need to constantly switch between multiple keyboard layouts.... the "letters" layout, and the "numbers"/"symbols" layout(s).
Note also that the GN1 is *just one* device. Take as an example the motorola sholes -- its pretty similar to the GN1, but has a real keyboard.
Hey guys,
resurrecting this post because it's not long now before I'm due an upgrade!
I've been tracking the nexus 1 - cant see anywhere it saying its coming to T Mob (who I really would like to stay with).
In your opinion which is the downright bestest android powered handset out there?
Saw my buddy's HTC Desire the other day it looked kickass!
Ideally I like the idea of getting os updates straight from google, ie without having to manouvre round waiting for htc to stich together Sense happy andoid updates.
what are your thougts guys?
for what its worth
i went to radio shack on saturday for the free upgrade(tried to get the 3g slide for free) and the tmobile rep(not a radio shack employee) said the HD3 would be out by christmas. HD2 only running android. He was speaking pretty assuredly about it.
I told him I'd believe it when I saw it. =P
Its all about the Dell Streak for me. I was eagerly awaiting, but skipped, the Nexus one knowing that it would be playing catchup in less than a year, and viola here we are, 1.2x GHz devices are already coming down the pipe and 2GHz chips (Nvidia Tegra anyone?) are already being shipped to manufacturers with some promising products by year's end.
I'll actually be buying the Streak outside of my upgrade (meaning the regular price) use it lovingly for a period of time and sell it for near what I paid for it and leveraging my upgrade for the 2.xGHz near-desktop-spec uber resolution devices coming out in 2011.
G Zero said:
Its all about the Dell Streak for me. I was eagerly awaiting, but skipped, the Nexus one knowing that it would be playing catchup in less than a year, and viola here we are, 1.2x GHz devices are already coming down the pipe and 2GHz chips (Nvidia Tegra anyone?) are already being shipped to manufacturers with some promising products by year's end.
I'll actually be buying the Streak outside of my upgrade (meaning the regular price) use it lovingly for a period of time and sell it for near what I paid for it and leveraging my upgrade for the 2.xGHz near-desktop-spec uber resolution devices coming out in 2011.
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1GHz vs 1.2GHz.... the difference is NEGLIGIBLE.
2GHz nvidia.... hmm let me think about that for a minute.... NO. nvidia is NOT open source friendly. They should be avoided like the plague. They are also TERRIBLE in terms of manufacturing quality (their chips fall apart due to heat/cool cycles), and they are TERRIBLE when it comes to EFFICIENCY (their newest GPUs won't just cook your breakfast, they'll burn down your house while they're at it!)
Just thought I'd update this thread - Am plumping for the Desire HD methinks.
if Droid X was going to be released in uk this century it would be a tough call... but it doesnt look like it is for now..
so DHD ere we come"
lbcoder said:
1GHz vs 1.2GHz.... the difference is NEGLIGIBLE.
2GHz nvidia.... hmm let me think about that for a minute.... NO. nvidia is NOT open source friendly. They should be avoided like the plague. They are also TERRIBLE in terms of manufacturing quality (their chips fall apart due to heat/cool cycles), and they are TERRIBLE when it comes to EFFICIENCY (their newest GPUs won't just cook your breakfast, they'll burn down your house while they're at it!)
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They're talking about Tegra, not Fermi... And the GPU problems was only the mobile 8600 chips for LAPTOPS, not desktops or Tegra. It was simply a bad run, all manufacturers go through this, including Nvidia's main competition, ATI (early 4XXX series anyone?)... I think you don't entirely understand what open source is, the only thing about Android which is open source is the base OS, everything else is closed (IE: all the hardware and their drivers)...
Tegra is very promising and absolutely smokes both the Snapdragon and Hummingbird in terms of power efficiency, and GPU speed. The problem right now with Tegra is the actual CPU is a fair bit slower than both the Snapdragon and Hummingbird, but considering that it will be able to offload CPU tasks to the far superior GPU VIA CUDA (Its currently not able to), it should hold its own very well once they refine the software.
In the end, we need much better battery life more than anything and that's what Tegra is bringing, I can't wait until they start sticking Tegra into smartphones.
d3v14n7 said:
They're talking about Tegra, not Fermi...
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Comparing engineering QUALITY here.... fermi makes heat like Chernobyl when it should be running MUCH MUCH MUCH cooler and wasting less power. They have no excuse except poor engineering. If you aren't smart enough to make a desktop discrete GPU run within sensible bounds, how can you possibly make a handheld super-efficient handheld chip run any better? Answer is that nvidia lacks the combined intelligence to make ANYTHING RIGHT.
And the GPU problems was only the mobile 8600 chips for LAPTOPS, not desktops or Tegra.
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No, it was across ALL their products, but most NOTABLE in their laptops because the temperature swings are more dramatic where the cooling is much more limited.
It was simply a bad run, all manufacturers go through this, including Nvidia's main competition, ATI (early 4XXX series anyone?)...
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No, it wasn't a bad run, it was a BAD MANUFACTURING PROCESS.
** which they never actually fixed.
And there were no such issues with R700's. There were some problems with the R100's or possibly R200's though...
I think you don't entirely understand what open source is, the only thing about Android which is open source is the base OS, everything else is closed (IE: all the hardware and their drivers)...
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YOU are apparently the one who doesn't understand open source or the nature of Android. Just because SOME DEVICES ship with some BLOB components does NOT mean that ALL MUST. Take Android on OPENMOKO for example: FULLY OPEN.
And do you realize that the kernel driver for adreno has ALREADY BEEN RELEASED OPEN SOURCE by qualcomm? That is FAR FAR ahead of nvidia in terms of open source already.... More is probably on the way (after all, AMD has released the programming docs for R300 right through R800, which covers the IP in adreno 2xx), but sometimes this takes time.
Tegra is very promising and absolutely smokes both the Snapdragon and Hummingbird in terms of power efficiency, and GPU speed. The problem right now with Tegra is the actual CPU is a fair bit slower than both the Snapdragon and Hummingbird, but considering that it will be able to offload CPU tasks to the far superior GPU VIA CUDA (Its currently not able to), it should hold its own very well once they refine the software.
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1) Tegra is GEFORCE 6 -- no CUDA.
2) Tegra isn't a phone chip -- it is a TABLE/NETBOOK chip... so it might be a bit less power hungry than, for example, a powervr SGX, but against an adreno on similar manufacturing techniques? Not a chance!
3) Tegra may perform better than some OBSOLETE qualcomm chips, but compared with one of equal generation, i.e. MSM7230, and Tegra starts to look stupid.
4) The results you've no doubt seen place Tegra about 5-10% ahead of QSD8250 with ADRENO200, but the MSM7230 has an ADRENO205, which is 400% faster than an ADRENO200. Combine that with the fact that the 7230 is a 45 nm chip where the 8250 was a 65... you can only legitimately compare things of equal technological age. In other words, I DON'T CARE if a tegra is faster than an 8088! They're separated by 30 years of advancement!
The 7230 power consumption is FAR FAR FAR less than the 8250... so any comparison between... for example, tegra2 and MSM8250 is MEANINGLESS.
In the end, we need much better battery life more than anything and that's what Tegra is bringing, I can't wait until they start sticking Tegra into smartphones.
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Have you even bothered to look up the HTC VISION's expected battery life? HTC is claiming standby time of 430 **HOURS** -- near 18 days of standby! GN1 was 250 hours, or just over 10 days, so whether these numbers are accurate or not, I think we can figure on a 72% improvement in running time.
Oh, and did I mention that the VISION comes with a SMALLER BATTERY?
So... with equal batteries, the VISION would jump up to (430/1300)*1400=463 hours = 85.2% more efficient!
Hmm... tegra anyone?
Old news.

The future of the Nexus S

Every day new smartphones come out. Faster phones. Better phones. Slicker phones. Especially since Google introduced Android, the smartphone market has got a big boost. Before you know it, your o so special phone isn't so special anymore. You are getting more and more jealous, and then you can't resist anymore. After using phone 1.0 for half a year, you decide to buy phone 2.0, which is faster, better and slicker.
This is probably a recognizable story for some people. Still having the same phone after two years is not done. Besides, getting jealous is inevitable. The trick as a manufacturer is to create a smartphone that is special enough to last even if there are other phones that are faster, better and slicker. Inventing such feature is very hard. If you bring a phone on the market with a dual-core processor today, you can't expect it to be special after a year.
Remaining special is a very common problem for smartphones. You can't prevent phones from getting more advanced technology, but you can try to delay the 'aging' for as long as possible. People will always be complaining though. And within this forum, I've seen this attitude more than ever. For the Nexus S, the 'aging' seems to begin even before the phone is for sale. A 1Ghz processor isn't very special when dual-core's are lurking around the corner. Therefore, the most common question on this forum is 'which phone is better, the Nexus S or ...?' The snag is to buy a smartphone that will last as long as possible. This topic is about the question how long the Nexus S will last.
Speed is the most important feature of a smartphone. We don't want lag. We want fluent animations, fast multi-touching and smooth browsing. The 1Ghz processor in the Nexus S is certainly not new. In fact, the Nexus One even had a 1Ghz processor, although that was a Snapdragon, and not a Hummingbird. Where the processor in the Nexus One was something new, in the Nexus S it is not so special anymore. Yet the Nexus S is very fast, certainly faster than the Nexus One. It is the fastest device on the market, for the moment at least.
This year will bring us a lot of dual-core phones. Will the Nexus S be outrunned? I don't think so. It is already fast. There is no feature that really needs a stronger processor. Maybe battery-life will be improved with dual-core, but regarding speed, I am not worried. The only thing you need a better processor for, is games. It is going the same way as it did with computers. You don't need quad-core to browse on the web, use Google Maps or edit a Word document. The only reason computers are getting faster and faster is because of the gaming industry. It will go the same way with smartphones. I personally don't need to play big games on my phone. Why would I want that? The screen is too small, and a touchscreen isn't very gaming-friendly. Besides, I have a Xbox 360 at home. I only want to play games like Angry Birds, and Worms on my smartphone. Games you can play in the bus, train or while waiting.
I would rather see every single flash game on the internet playable on my smartphone, then better processors to be able to play games that are more fun to play on my Xbox 360. At the moment there are no features that need a dual-core processor, at least not for me.
You can't be special with speed. If you bring out a 2Ghz dual-core device, you can be sure that within a couple of months somebody else will also bring a 2Ghz dual-core smartphone on the market. An option is to invent your own screen. Samsung has got his 'Super AMOLED', for example, and Apple got the 'Retina' display.
The Super AMOLED on the Nexus S is pretty good. Vibrant, high-contrast colours appeal to a lot of people. Sure, there are some (including me) who like the sharper and more realistic LCD, but you can't say Super AMOLED isn't beautiful. The Nexus S has actually two versions, also one with Super Clear LCD. This is nothing more than a pimped S-LCD, but it's pretty nice, looking at the Samsung Wave II.
But new displays continue to be invented. Super AMOLED plus is coming, as is Sony's 'Reality Display' with Bravia technology, and LG comes with the crystal clear (at least, that is what they claim)
NOVIA display. Whether these displays are really that nice remains to be seen. You can name it whatever you want, in most technologies I don't see much difference.
Is there any threat for the Nexus S regarding the display? Not more than for any other device. The Super AMOLED and the Super Clear LCD are both very good displays, and I don't see anything special enough invented in the next two years that makes the display of the Nexus S look rubbish.
As already mentioned, more than ever people seem to complain about the Nexus S. Complaining stems from dissapointment. Dissapointment stems from expectations. And the expectations of the Nexus S were pretty high. This was mostly due to the fact that it's a Nexus, an Android's flagship. The Nexus One had the same expectations. At that time, the whole Nexus-line was unknown, but it was known that the Nexus One would be a 'Google phone'. It was assumed that this possible iPhone Killer would have top-notch hardware and would be very special. The Nexus One was a good device indeed, but not so special as previously thought. There is, of course, a small group who loves the Nexus One, and I may be one of them. But it didn't have the kind of specialty that people where hoping for.
Being special doesn't seem to be the point for a Nexus. I think it's supposed to draw a line. A Nexus shows what Android is capable of at the moment of sale, but that doesn't mean that it got to have the latest hardware.
Anyway, the same mistake people made with the Nexus One, is now made with the Nexus S. The expectations where just to high. I don't think you need the latest hardware to make a good device, but if you don't come up with something special, people will be dissapointed.
P.S. I'll finish this topic later
I think you're missing a key point: if you're a device manufacturer, you prefer that people buy your new products every six months rather than every two years. They only make money when you buy a device. Not that I think there's some massive conspiracy to keep phones behind the cutting edge, but if there were some way they could make a phone so fantastic that you'd never want another phone again, I doubt they would want to sell it.
for what i use a phone for, the ns hardware should be fine for quite a while. android software is what i don't want to be outdated on. shouldn't be an issue with the ns.
you forget that those dual core phones wont be out for 3 or 4 months
To me, it seems like you wrote that whole essay trying to justify your purchase.
zorak950 said:
I think you're missing a key point: if you're a device manufacturer, you prefer that people buy your new products every six months rather than every two years. They only make money when you buy a device. Not that I think there's some massive conspiracy to keep phones behind the cutting edge, but if there were some way they could make a phone so fantastic that you'd never want another phone again, I doubt they would want to sell it.
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It's not a conspiracy, it's called business sense. There's little money in making and selling a perfect, everlasting product. That is the reason incandescent light bulbs last only 1000 hours and inkjet printers screech to a halt after exactly 5000 pages. It's planned obsolescence.
It's also the reason I went for the Nexus S. It doesn't come with planned obsolescence. Google will keep the updates coming much longer than any manufacturer or carrier. If Samsung had updated my I5700 Spica to Android 2.2, I wouldn't have bought the Nexus S. I would even have been willing to pay for the OS update.
Mokurex said:
To me, it seems like you wrote that whole essay trying to justify your purchase.
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To me, it seems like you're trolling.
shrivelfig said:
To me, it seems like you're trolling.
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How so? All he does was saying, "Oh there will be phone with better processor & display than the nexus s but i don't need it." You might not want a quad core processor in your pc, but is it better than a dual core? Yes. So what's the point of this?
Mokurex said:
How so? All he does was saying, "Oh there will be phone with better processor & display than the nexus s but i don't need it." You might not want a quad core processor in your pc, but is it better than a dual core? Yes. So what's the point of this?
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Of course it's better, but more important is how MUCH better it is. Where do you need it for?
Oh and by the way, I do not own a Nexus S
I agree that this is a great phone and will be for quite a while. The things that I will be looking for in my next phone, which will likely replace my G2 before this, is a better camera, 5mp is good, but not great, especially once theyre on a computer. I know some people will say well if you want a better camera buy one, and I do have an SLR for real picture taking, but the technology is there to put better cameras in smartphones and Im glad Sony is trying to incorperate that.
Aside from the camera im not sure what else could really make me think 'this phone isnt good enough'. Of course I'll still probably buy 3 more phones this year because I really enjoy trying the latest and greatest in phones but for the average person I think this phone is more than good enough to last the 2 years of their contract.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Androyed said:
Of course it's better, but more important is how MUCH better it is. Where do you need it for?
Oh and by the way, I do not own a Nexus S
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You said yourself that technology is moving at a very fast pace. Even though android right now doesn't take advantage of the these dual core processor, how would you know that google wouldn't optimize future version of android to fully take advantage of the dual core. This would render device with these newer processor, a faster and smoother experience. With that in mind, saying that dual core processor is not needed isn't exactly a future-proof way of thinking.
ps. I apologize for saying that you're trying to justify the purchase if you didn't own one in the first place.
Mokurex said:
You said yourself that technology is moving at a very fast pace. Even though android right now doesn't take advantage of the these dual core processor, how would you know that google wouldn't optimize future version of android to fully take advantage of the dual core. This would render device with these newer processor, a faster and smoother experience. With that in mind, saying that dual core processor is not needed isn't exactly a future-proof way of thinking.
ps. I apologize for saying that you're trying to justify the purchase if you didn't own one in the first place.
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You are right, of course they will optimize it for dual-core. But the question is, do you need it? If your device is already super fast, will there really be a big difference with dual-core? What is faster than super fast? So, untill they bring out a feature that really needs it (except for games), I don't need dual-core. Because the Nexus S with 1Ghz is already amazingly fast, with virtually no lag.
One thing I see people overlook is that the nexus s is indeed a Google phone with updates straight from Google,all of Google's mobile division is behind this phone aswell as the nexus one. I dont know about you but I'd rather have the support of Google making updates for my phone first and having their Dev teams useing the phone I currently have (nexus s) than having a shiny new LG 2x with the oh so great tegra 2 which is the fist iteratation of dual core tegras and with that a little unproven and android isn't really optimized for it yet so it really has no ground apart from Smoother gaming,video play back and web browsing. In the end I would love a dual core nexus but you have in your hand I phone that can do almost everything your p.c can is that something to complain about?
Androyed said:
You are right, of course they will optimize it for dual-core. But the question is, do you need it? If your device is already super fast, will there really be a big difference with dual-core? What is faster than super fast? So, untill they bring out a feature that really needs it (except for games), I don't need dual-core. Because the Nexus S with 1Ghz is already amazingly fast, with virtually no lag.
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If the nexus s will always be on 2.3 then yes the hummingbird processor will be plentiful. Did you see the new honeycomb ui that google demoed at CES? That fluid looking ui seems to use more processing power than even the live wallpaper on stock 2.3 launcher. When the nexus s gets honeycomb, will if still be super fast? What about ice cream? If let's say android 4.0 implements more eye candy, im sure it won't be as smooth anymore compare to these new dual core.
This is assuming you won't change phones when these newer version of android comes out.
Mokurex said:
If the nexus s will always be on 2.3 then yes the hummingbird processor will be plentiful. Did you see the new honeycomb ui that google demoed at CES? That fluid looking ui seems to use more processing power than even the live wallpaper on stock 2.3 launcher. When the nexus s gets honeycomb, will if still be super fast? What about ice cream? If let's say android 4.0 implements more eye candy, im sure it won't be as smooth anymore compare to these new dual core.
This is assuming you won't change phones when these newer version of android comes out.
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You think upgrades only make things more processor intensive? Check out Windows 7 compared to Vista plz.
Jeez guys.
First off. Tegra2 is barely better than the Hummingbird. These aren't super phones. They're just great. Wait for the dual core snap dragon and dual core orion. Then Hummingbird and Tegra2 will both be "weak".
Yes, upgrade from vista to 7 isn't more processor intensive, but we're not talking windows are we? I'm sure all of us here can agree that from the video that google posted, honeycomb will use more cpu than gingerbread.
Btw, we're not arguing, it's called constructive argument =)
Mokurex said:
If the nexus s will always be on 2.3 then yes the hummingbird processor will be plentiful. Did you see the new honeycomb ui that google demoed at CES? That fluid looking ui seems to use more processing power than even the live wallpaper on stock 2.3 launcher. When the nexus s gets honeycomb, will if still be super fast? What about ice cream? If let's say android 4.0 implements more eye candy, im sure it won't be as smooth anymore compare to these new dual core.
This is assuming you won't change phones when these newer version of android comes out.
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Um that was the tablet version of Honeycomb I am pretty sure the phone version will be different. And I am pretty sure that google is testing all of their future updates on the Nexus S until a new Nexus device is released so all future updates will be optimized for the S...
yea dual-core phones are coming out but so what. I'm good with my nexus S which will do jussst fine. I can guarantee you the next nexus device will pack a dual core processor. Until then, i'll keep nexus S and purchase the G-slate.
Having used the NS for the last 3 weeks, it clearly is a step up from the N1 in terms of performance. The screen is absolutely great and the extra real estate is nice to text on, but my biggest beef with the phone is the build quality.
Clearly, Samsung and Google could have done more. I would have been happy using the NS for the next year if Samsung would have used the material of their new phone, the Infuse, on the NS.
SupaDupaFly24 said:
Um that was the tablet version of Honeycomb I am pretty sure the phone version will be different. And I am pretty sure that google is testing all of their future updates on the Nexus S until a new Nexus device is released so all future updates will be optimized for the S...
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Exactly. And untill then, the Nexus S will be just as good as those dual-core phones, at least for me. Of course, when a new Nexus is released, it will be a lot faster. I think even after a new Nexus is released, the old ones will still get updates for so long they actually 'update' something, and don't make the device slower.
Not only you should buy a Nexus because you get updates fast, or 'normal', as I prefer to say, but also because it just works well. The Nexus S has the same processor as most Android phones, but yet it manages to be a lot faster? It's not magic. It just works well.
Until an android pure phone comes out I don't even look at any of them. I would rather buy a WP7 then a UI and bloatware.

Will you be ditching your HD2 in summer?

check this out...QUAD CORE Android Cpu is coming!!
Love my HD2....but this is tempting!!
Prob' end up keeping my HD2 and go begging on streets for spare change towards my quad
Iunno, saying devices packed with such a cpu by summer is sort of a stretch for me.
When was it, last year? At the CES, where nvidia showed off tegra 2 devices, and now a year later, devices are finally coming out with the tegra 2.
I mean atleast last year, they had devices packed with the tegra 2 to display how fast and efficient it was, but now, all they have is the chip to show us. It just doesn't sound to me devices with tegra 3 will be ready by summer of this year, maybe near the end of the year there will be devices.
However, onto the topic of the question of whether I will "ditch" my hd2 by summer. I wouldn't say ditch, for I plan to keep it for playing around with, however I will get a new phone, prolly.
Devices in mind right now optimus 2x (the big possibility of the camera lens getting scratched is scaring me), samsung galaxy II (iunno, seeing as how they aren't known for their support) and maybe even the atrix 4g (the inablilty to truly root the phone is biting at me)
Just wished HTC released a device on the same league with optimus 2x and etc. Then I'd be sure of which device to buy...
I will definitely still keep my HD2 but I will also start looking to buy a new phone around that time. The specs on the new phones are just mind-blasting (Russel Peters joke).
Probably keeping my hd2 for another year until my upgrade hah.
Well, one thing is for sure, i'll be very pissed at nvidia, for releasing such an awsome SoC.
I mean it took two years for smartphones to catch up the the HD2, and you're telling me that right when dual core processor tablet/phones are going to be released, a phone/tablet with 4 cores and what, with 1.5ghz for each core, is going to be released.
It justs pisses me off that if i buy a new phone now, at the end of the year, a phone that greatly surpasses it will be out.
But at the same time, the idea of quad core devices being out at the end of the year still seems too much a stretch to me.
Kailkti said:
Well, one thing is for sure, i'll be very pissed at nvidia, for releasing such an awsome SoC.
I mean it took two years for smartphones to catch up the the HD2, and you're telling me that right when dual core processor tablet/phones are going to be released, a phone/tablet with 4 cores and what, with 1.5ghz for each core, is going to be released.
It justs pisses me off that if i buy a new phone now, at the end of the year, a phone that greatly surpasses it will be out.
But at the same time, the idea of quad core devices being out at the end of the year still seems too much a stretch to me.
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i think we all have a love/hate relationship with how quickly our phone technology moves. luckily, we all have hd2s which is still a phone many others wish to be.
I'll keep mine till next year,and change it for upcoming HTC Revolver
They didn't say anything about the htc pyramid. That's definetely what I'm getting.
Ill be keeping my hd2 for sure...with webOS development possibly around the corner ill never ditch this phone...!! U can do too much with it..!! Ill definitely be copping another phone by summer tho..that's just what I do haha...HTC_PYRAMID..??
Sent from my HTC_LEO
The "quad core" is nothing but another cortex-A9. Nothing special here.
One single-core a15 at ~2ghz can mop the floor with what will likely be another 1ghz "multi-core" processor. And for what? How many apps do you know are multi-threaded? In terms of "snappiness" and response time, how are the 3 other cores going to miraculously take over or "share" a bottleneck process?
This is utter ridiculousness. There's a reason Qualcomm (and many phone manufacturers) are completely nonchalant about sticking in their a9-based 1ghz chips in phones for the indefinite future -- because in terms of general responsiveness, efficiency and clock speed of an individual core are all that matters (a case can be made for "background processes" hogging CPU time), and for games and other intense applicaions, the GPU is all that matters (in which case the 12 core GPU is a huge asset).
4 cores... probably at all at a low clock speed sharing the dated a9 architecture. If a company is willing to squander these kind of resources for PR and press coverage, fine. But if they seriously think they can compete with a true a15, it's a good thing for everyone companies like Qualcomm are playing it safe and investing in the newer a15 architecture. If a9 was 15% better than a8, then a15 is over 300% so. Choose your poison.
Yeah I'm deff getting the htc pyramid. I'm going to give my hd2 to my gf
I got my hd2 as soon as they came out last may so I will probably be holding onto it until I'm eligible for an update.
With all these fast stable nand builds coming out and a 4.3in screen, why get rid of it?
I bought my HD2 off of eBay (it went surprisingly well!). I did that specifically to play with android builds and to not be trapped for 2 years when the technology seems to be moving pretty fast.
What I REALLY want is better battery life without a quasimodo hump!!!
Keeping my HD2 until it DIES! ...
Question remains: what kind of software support will be created to show-off Quad-Core beauty??? Let me guess: NONE! Therefore, it will be the same all, same all... Only thing we may see is the 3D and graphics effects that are a real eye-candy... nothing else, as current phones can do about everything phone should do
True, no app will be designed yet to show its true potential. The same goes for all multi core processors. But remember, HTC, LG, Samsung and Motorola knows this. That's why these phones are marketed for people who want to future proof themselves.
E.g. The HD2, was marketed to the same type of people and arguably the best phone in it's time in terms of specs. However, we all know that it didn't live up to it's full potential cuz of it's winmo, now don't we? But now with android ported, and android catching up to speed with 1gz phones, the HD2 is finally proving how powerful it can be, which is two years after its launch.
Plus even if the system doesn't recognize the other cores, as well, cores, they still help in the processing, like little maids. So it's not like the other cores aren't being used or are gathering dust.
My HD2 will be replaced in November, i have the device 2 years then.
I must say i dont rly think about changing right now, cause i dont find any other device beter then the HD2, best device arround even till this day (imo).
Expecialy with the setup im running now.
LG Optimus 2x looks nice/promising, but in November we will probably even have more kinds of next-gen devices, ill be watching the news
I'm sticking with my HD2 as long as there are no other newer phones which gets this much support and different OS builds. What I've read, there are not single one device which would be a lot better than HD2. Leo's hardware are almost as good as every other phone on the market. So its no point buying a new 500€ device just to have a little bit better performance and worst of all it could turn out to be a model which doesn't get as much tweaks and support as HD2.
normaly i upgrade to a new phone every year.
but this year.. there i just nothing wich is a REAL upgrade to the HD2.
yes sure, the Desire HD, the Incredible S.. cool devices, yea
but not really worth an upgrade
all the other new dualcore devices?
i dont want to go samsung.. so no galaxy s2 for me
i dont want to go LG, never.
only option would be the Atrix, but that one has aaaaawsome locked down software, so **** OFF
im staying with the HD2 till a device gets released wich is REALLY worth the upgrade
quad core be very good
I'm going for a SIM only plan for one year that will more than halve my monthly payments.
There is no phone out there that makes me think an upgrade is worthwhile for the extra spondoolies.
Viva la HD2

[Q] Potential !

Hey guys,
The setting:
So lets say hypothetically, the boot loader is cracked and we have custom Roms along with custom Kernels.
What is the potential of this phone?
...More specifically, do you guys think the Atrix will be at the top of the mobile world for years to come and be able to match up against newer dual core phones such as the HTC Pyramid, EVO 3D or the new Samsung and LG phones?
Would it be a worthwhile investment?
I'm curious as to whether this phone, if unlocked, will be the standard phone to compete against. Will all other phones coming out still be playing catchup?
I understand the specs, and understand that phones evolve rather quickly.... just curious as to others opinions and their view of the potential the Atrix has.
And lets hope the boot loader gets cracked soon
Tech moves so quick that by the time the HTC evo 3D and pyramid is released, there are going to be better phones then that.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
That's irrelevant. With your logic, we should never get any phone because there will always be better phones.
I'm asking how long this phone could be considered one of the best if its unlocked.
It has a great battery, and specs that no phone has matched, even phones that are soon to come out.
veshio said:
That's irrelevant. With your logic, we should never get any phone because there will always be better phones.
I'm asking how long this phone could be considered one of the best if its unlocked.
It has a great battery, and specs that no phone has matched, even phones that are soon to come out.
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it will be just like any other high end phone. old after 6-10 months.
neer2005 said:
Tech moves so quick that by the time the HTC evo 3D and pyramid is released, there are going to be better phones then that.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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I'm completely with you on that
veshio said:
That's irrelevant. With your logic, we should never get any phone because there will always be better phones.
I'm asking how long this phone could be considered one of the best if its unlocked.
It has a great battery, and specs that no phone has matched, even phones that are soon to come out.
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Stuff gets more advanced. Theres no stopping it, theres no way to jump ahead. And theres already stuff about the quad core cortex a9 saying it could come as soon as Q3.
I think the Atrix could be a decent on top phone until 2012 max. Then it's most likely to be murdered by another really awesome phone.
Like other have said tech advances so fast now. with in 10 months there will be something as good if not better along. For example check this out
some time next year we will most likely see quad core phones on the market.
Yea i understand that. I mean it relatively... as in if the phones is on top for a good couple of years, i consider that very good.
veshio said:
Yea i understand that. I mean it relatively... as in if the phones is on top for a good couple of years, i consider that very good.
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well from what I know and I could be totally wrong. The next phone that will be on par spec wise with the atrix is the samsung galaxy s2. It will have 1gig ram also and run the same dual core the atrix has. Not sure the resolution of the screen. The camera is 8mp vs the atrix 5mp and the screen is 4.3 vs 4.0 inches. So I guess you can say the atrix will be king of the hill for another month or so. I'm not sure when the s2 comes out but I have heard it might be in april or may.
I think the Atrix is a good platform for "potential" simply because it has everything everyone else is working towards PLUS a big 1930 MAH battery. We can learn to tweak things down the road, but that is one big battery considering how slim the phone is.
Quad core? If you ask me that's unnecessary. A mobile OS doesn't need that much power, just slim it down. That's the problem with the Atrix, it has MotoBlur which handicaps it. What we really need are better batteries, more memory, and a better NETWORK. The Inspire runs just as quick as the Atrix with a single core and less RAM because Sense doesn't cripple it. I had an Inspire and Atrix side by side and I could hardly tell a difference.
And all this hype about what these processors can do for gaming, that's just senseless. We're talking about 4 inch screens and it's still a phone.
live4nyy said:
Quad core? If you ask me that's unnecessary. A mobile OS doesn't need that much power, just slim it down. That's the problem with the Atrix, it has MotoBlur which handicaps it. What we really need are better batteries, more memory, and a better NETWORK. The Inspire runs just as quick as the Atrix with a single core and less RAM because Sense doesn't cripple it. I had an Inspire and Atrix side by side and I could hardly tell a difference.
And all this hype about what these processors can do for gaming, that's just senseless. We're talking about 4 inch screens and it's still a phone.
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Your forgeting one big factor. There is not a OS that supports dual core yet. Once one comes that that utilizes both cores you will see a huge difference. The way I see it cell phones are only about 5-6 years behind PC's. With the popularity of them its only going to get closer. Look at the atrix with some rooting you can use it as a pc once its plugged into a tv/monitor. You are going to see more and more things like this until their is no difference between the two. Who knows 5 years from now in stead of having a pc at home we will have our phones. Just plug it into a tv grab a key board and mouse and do everything we do now on them.
aszrael1266 said:
Your forgeting one big factor. There is not a OS that supports dual core yet. Once one comes that that utilizes both cores you will see a huge difference. The way I see it cell phones are only about 5-6 years behind PC's. With the popularity of them its only going to get closer. Look at the atrix with some rooting you can use it as a pc once its plugged into a tv/monitor. You are going to see more and more things like this until their is no difference between the two. Who knows 5 years from now in stead of having a pc at home we will have our phones. Just plug it into a tv grab a key board and mouse and do everything we do now on them.
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Good point. I forgot GB is optimized for dual core phones. I just don't see those split second differences being a deal breaker for me. I would rather my data over the network move faster (without a tiered plan as well). I'm not much of a gamer either so I'm a little biased in that respect as well.
When it comes down to it, I just want a phone that works and I can use it heavily without worrying about charging the battery. Is that too much to ask? I'm also afraid that all of these fads like 3D is going to convolute what is really important in a phone.
The atrix has the best battery of any phone I've had so far. With a good amount of use. Net surfing texting emails I still get 18+ hours out of it with 20% still showing. I'm at 13 hours since I unplugged my charger and I'm still at 40%
aszrael1266 said:
The atrix has the best battery of any phone I've had so far. With a good amount of use. Net surfing texting emails I still get 18+ hours out of it with 20% still showing. I'm at 13 hours since I unplugged my charger and I'm still at 40%
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I'd be careful of the update. I was getting similar battery life as you with 5-6 hours of display but now I struggle to get 24 hours with 2 hours of display (and I had to remove some apps like Beautiful Widgets and had to turn off my syncing).
My point on the battery life is no one (other than Apple) is trying to improve battery tech. I had the iPhone 4 before the Atrix and I was easily getting 40-50 hours of use and it only had a 1420mAh battery
aszrael1266 said:
well from what I know and I could be totally wrong. The next phone that will be on par spec wise with the atrix is the samsung galaxy s2. It will have 1gig ram also and run the same dual core the atrix has. Not sure the resolution of the screen. The camera is 8mp vs the atrix 5mp and the screen is 4.3 vs 4.0 inches. So I guess you can say the atrix will be king of the hill for another month or so. I'm not sure when the s2 comes out but I have heard it might be in april or may.
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i gotta disagree, i seriously doubt the samsung galaxy S2 will even be able to compete with the Atrix, for one, it's Super thin so i doubt that battery will even come close to the Atrix(correct me it i'm wrong), another reason which a lot of people don't like.........Samsung. Now i've never owned a samsung phone, but i've read a lot of reviews of Samsung galaxy S owners, and 95% of them weren't good at all, i also have a few friends that own Samsung galaxy S phones and none of them kept them over a month. So as far as the Atrix being old news, i really doubt it anytime this year and may still have some hype 1st quarter of 2012(look at the Evo, so it's definitly possible)
Its the software that can make a device great (40% hardware- 60% software). What good the specs are if the os can't utilize its full potential. One big example is motorola xoom and atrix. Im a bit sad that the mobile phone market is becomming more of a specs/hardware race. And the software is getting left behind. This has been a problem of android. Hope google and its hardware partners(samsung, htc, lg) would put great money into developing better updates for android so it can utilize the whole potential of the hardware rather than continously releasing new phones with premature softwares.
And yeah they should improve battery technoogy too...
G1-8701 said:
i gotta disagree, i seriously doubt the samsung galaxy S2 will even be able to compete with the Atrix, for one, it's Super thin so i doubt that battery will even come close to the Atrix(correct me it i'm wrong), another reason which a lot of people don't like.........Samsung. Now i've never owned a samsung phone, but i've read a lot of reviews of Samsung galaxy S owners, and 95% of them weren't good at all, i also have a few friends that own Samsung galaxy S phones and none of them kept them over a month. So as far as the Atrix being old news, i really doubt it anytime this year and may still have some hype 1st quarter of 2012(look at the Evo, so it's definitly possible)
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and some, like me, think the 4" screen is the perfect size while the 4.3" screen is too big. However, with all future phones, it just comes down to personal preference.
aszrael1266 said:
Your forgeting one big factor. There is not a OS that supports dual core yet. Once one comes that that utilizes both cores you will see a huge difference. The way I see it cell phones are only about 5-6 years behind PC's. With the popularity of them its only going to get closer. Look at the atrix with some rooting you can use it as a pc once its plugged into a tv/monitor. You are going to see more and more things like this until their is no difference between the two. Who knows 5 years from now in stead of having a pc at home we will have our phones. Just plug it into a tv grab a key board and mouse and do everything we do now on them.
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live4nyy said:
Good point. I forgot GB is optimized for dual core phones. I just don't see those split second differences being a deal breaker for me. I would rather my data over the network move faster (without a tiered plan as well). I'm not much of a gamer either so I'm a little biased in that respect as well.
When it comes down to it, I just want a phone that works and I can use it heavily without worrying about charging the battery. Is that too much to ask? I'm also afraid that all of these fads like 3D is going to convolute what is really important in a phone.
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Wrong, wrong and wrong. Where do you get your information? The build of Froyo running on the Atrix has dual core support.
I see no faster on Atrix running Froyo at the moment. The speed is on par with SS GS and NS. But i rely on Motorola because i have had a few SS phones and all of them had hardware/build issues.
I think the phone will be relevant (to us anyway) for around 3 years, same as with last generations top tier phones.
What I think a lot of people here are confusing is, for the most part, relevance aslnd aactual pole position.
You have to talked into consideration how much better tthe next generation phone is, and whether or not that makes the previous generation actually obsolete or just dated.
For instance, I have the Nexus 1 right now and iI got it after I got the Captivate and Atrix. Yes the Atrix is a better phone on paper but it isn't THAT much better to make me want to get rid of my current phone.
I think, logically, that it will be the 2nd generation up that makes the former irrelevant (at this point). The Atrix and dual core phones announced aalready make the first first Gen smartphones (iPhone 1, HTC hero) extremely dated but the latter half (nexus 1, galaxy s, etc) are still relevant ttoday.
Of course you also have to factor in the applications that are being used and the network the phones are on. Right now, this instant, dual core phones aren't needed because of the speed of the network, light usage for CPU for browsing, and widespread video codecs.
Next year that might change.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA Premium App

SGS2 vs world (SGS2 owns all)
Next match up
SGS2 vs laptop.
I crown it Samsung Galaxy S Jizz.
At least the other phones don't self combust
Or having a 1/2 day battery life...
DocRambone said:
Or having a 1/2 day battery life...
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Thats what I was kind of getting at!
tameracingdriver said:
At least the other phones don't self combust
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ok that made me laugh
DocRambone said:
Or having a 1/2 day battery life...
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what are you running on it causing it to die in 1/2 day?
ph00ny said:
what are you running on it causing it to die in 1/2 day?
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A samsung stock rom.
At least the other phones wifi works properly
ConceptVBS said:
Next match up
SGS2 vs laptop.
I crown it Samsung Galaxy S Jizz.
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Galaxy S2 is a sorta a fail in my opinion actually or should i call it a midstop in a right direction
1) First bad graphics choice. mali400 is much weaker than Power VR543 (so chances are this time iphone will have better graphics especially since it's software will be build specifically for it). If they go for mali t604 next year it will be roughly 20 times more powerfull (5 times mali400 core to core)
2) No 3D (not completely necessary at the moment since software needs to be optimized for it first, but certainly not future-proof).
3) Same cheap plastic iphone-like design (least make it something different for once, i like optimus 3D design for instance)
4) To take advantage of multicore and it's improved battery life u need Ice cream Sandwich (in ur face) which wouldn't be out now till Christmas and last time i checked Samsung doesn't have good update history and by THAT time u will hearing about quad-core phones being released shortly (just google- already a bunch of rumors about it). What gives the S2 speed at the moment is 1.2 GHz vs 1ghz from the last and EXT4 and other optimization of gingerbread with better drivers
Via twitter back a few month ago samsung was also considering about quad-core and 3d in their next phone, but i also found this topic about Eldar Murtazin which still exists:
As u see it also has some very interesting info about new screen technology and direction that Samsung is heading to, although i highly doubt about 6 month release table (it will most probably be carrier specific, aka galaxy S2 captivate with 4.5 inch screen, 2GHz dual-core, 4g etc for AT&T like Samsung infuse 4G, for Christmas), it certainly gives u an idea that this phone will be outdated within just few month. So whether u like it or not (or ignore my comment), just see for urself next year when u wasted money!
I certainly wouldn't spend 700 dollars on unlocked phone when a better one will be out in 6-10 month
NOW, many of u might say to me that this is either just rumors or that u can't catch up to technology, but this actually quite false.
First of all many of these rumors are originated from information leaked during prototype testing phases.
Second technology moves in steps.
For instance, while we will see quad-core phones next year (and no doubt about it, Sony NGP (not phone) will be first portable quad-core coming out by end of this year already), we will NOT see 8 core phones any time soon since cortex a9 only supports up to 4 cores and cortex a15 only up to 2 in a phone. Also how many laptops have 8 core CPU- most have stopped at 2 or 4.
we already witnessed how mega-pixel race has ended in 2009 since no phones since then went for 16mp or more. In fact Samsung galaxy s went back to 5 after developing 8mp camera phones (innov8 and i8910 HD) for 2 years.
Screens wouldn't go larger than 4.3 inch (otherwise wouldn't be portable), and 1080p video recording is as high as it can get, so in those things S2 maxes out already on what is possible. Also it's 1GB ram should hopefully be enough to run multiple apps this time although not as many as symbian. But it isn't perfect by any means.
Still if Samsung continue to push forward like in S2, their next phone will be maxed out in just about everything that the software will require.
After that it will mostly be smaller cpu architectural changes and while CPU may stay at 4, gpu can go up to 16 cores, however how much would u really need??
this is what i mean by software cause no developer will be willing to develop crysis 2 for phones and sell it for 10 bucks. power 543 is needed for Sony NGP more than anything else. (i still have Samsung i8910 and it can run all the games ur S2 can as long as it's out for Symbian^3)
Xdenwarrior said:
i still have Samsung i8910 and it can run all the games ur S2 can as long as it's out for Symbian^3)
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I feel for you mate, I had that phone for a while, good hardware at the time but symbian kind of made it suck.
Even now theres not much available for it and many of the high end games run pretty badly, I give it to my sister so I still play around with it now and again.
Xdenwarrior said:
Galaxy S2 is a sorta a fail in my opinion actually or should i call it a midstop in a right direction
1) First bad graphics choice. mali400 is much weaker than Power VR543 (so chances are this time iphone will have better graphics especially since it's software will be build specifically for it). If they go for mali t604 next year it will be roughly 20 times more powerfull (5 times mali400 core to core)
2) No 3D (not completely necessary at the moment since software needs to be optimized for it first, but certainly not future-proof).
3) Same cheap plastic iphone-like design (least make it something different for once, i like optimus 3D design for instance)
4) To take advantage of multicore and it's improved battery life u need Ice cream Sandwich (in ur face) which wouldn't be out now till Christmas and last time i checked Samsung doesn't have good update history and by THAT time u will hearing about quad-core phones being released shortly (just google- already a bunch of rumors about it). What gives the S2 speed at the moment is 1.2 GHz vs 1ghz from the last and EXT4 and other optimization of gingerbread with better drivers
Via twitter back a few month ago samsung was also considering about quad-core and 3d in their next phone, but i also found this topic about Eldar Murtazin which still exists:
As u see it also has some very interesting info about new screen technology and direction that Samsung is heading to, although i highly doubt about 6 month release table (it will most probably be carrier specific, aka galaxy S2 captivate with 4.5 inch screen, 2GHz dual-core, 4g etc for AT&T like Samsung infuse 4G, for Christmas), it certainly gives u an idea that this phone will be outdated within just few month. So whether u like it or not (or ignore my comment), just see for urself next year when u wasted money!
I certainly wouldn't spend 700 dollars on unlocked phone when a better one will be out in 6-10 month
NOW, many of u might say to me that this is either just rumors or that u can't catch up to technology, but this actually quite false.
First of all many of these rumors are originated from information leaked during prototype testing phases.
Second technology moves in steps.
For instance, while we will see quad-core phones next year (and no doubt about it, Sony NGP (not phone) will be first portable quad-core coming out by end of this year already), we will NOT see 8 core phones any time soon since cortex a9 only supports up to 4 cores and cortex a15 only up to 2 in a phone. Also how many laptops have 8 core CPU- most have stopped at 2 or 4.
we already witnessed how mega-pixel race has ended in 2009 since no phones since then went for 16mp or more. In fact Samsung galaxy s went back to 5 after developing 8mp camera phones (innov8 and i8910 HD) for 2 years.
Screens wouldn't go larger than 4.3 inch (otherwise wouldn't be portable), and 1080p video recording is as high as it can get, so in those things S2 maxes out already on what is possible. Also it's 1GB ram should hopefully be enough to run multiple apps this time although not as many as symbian. But it isn't perfect by any means.
Still if Samsung continue to push forward like in S2, their next phone will be maxed out in just about everything that the software will require.
After that it will mostly be smaller cpu architectural changes and while CPU may stay at 4, gpu can go up to 16 cores, however how much would u really need??
this is what i mean by software cause no developer will be willing to develop crysis 2 for phones and sell it for 10 bucks. power 543 is needed for Sony NGP more than anything else. (i still have Samsung i8910 and it can run all the games ur S2 can as long as it's out for Symbian^3)
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I'll just have to buy that phone when it comes out then, it's only money bro.
Intratech said:
I'll just have to buy that phone when it comes out then, it's only money bro.
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Lmao awesome answer. I think he's one of these people who never buys any tech cos he keeping thinking a newer one will be just around the corner.
On the point of updates though, who brought the first GB to the market?
Facts: the Galaxy S II is the fastest and most powerful hand-held device ever
, and (this includes the iPhone 5) it is the only portable device in the world than can play 1080p MKV and flash videos as smooth as butter for which the screen size and technology is ideal.
I personally think quad-cores in a cell phone is overkill, anyway. I mean, at present, the Galaxy S II perfectly does the above and multi-tasks and launches apps instantly - how much more can a quad core processor improve on that? Not much as its so fast to begin with. Plus, factoring in the fact that with dual-core even, battery drainage is a problem, i shudder to think how long the battery would last of a quad-core chip, especially if it had a fast GPU.
And on the subject of the GPU, the SGSII isn't targeted at hardcore gamers anyway - it'll do its job if its able to play most big title commercial and casual games well, and it's relative power would ensure future mainstream titles such as NFS would be playable at a smooth framerate- this is it's target audience. Simply put, if gaming is your first priority then this device isn't for you.
A real hardcore gaming phone will be the next iteration of the Xperia Play - with an nvidia chipset and PS2 game emulation and all that jazz - designed specifically for gamers. Just cannot play serious games without a joypad.
Xdenwarrior said:
much crap
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3D is a waste of space, time and money
the sgs2 is much faster than my sgs1 yet both have ext4 and my sgs1* runs at 1.3Ghz.
not bothering to reply to the rest which are pretty much dumb assertions. phones get updated every 6-10 month since 5 years (except the iPhone). Get over it already.
This phone its so fast.. Forget what these videos have say, once you get the phone and see for your self you'll appreciate it more. Sometimes I can't believe this device that its so light and slim is this fast and I actually do think its more comparable to a laptop Than any phone out at the moment. It loads iplayer videos faster than my ps3 and just as fast as my pc. Way faster than my iphone 4 or my brothers desire hd.. way faster.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Xdenwarrior said:
Galaxy S2 is a sorta a fail in my opinion actually or should i call it a midstop in a right direction
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So if it's "midstop in a right direction," what in your considered opinion is the phone we should all be getting assuming we want/need a phone in the next few months? This will be Samsung's flagship on the U.S. carriers for nine months to a year and it hasn't even launched their yet. As fast as technology moves I'm sure the SGS2 will evolve and that there will be an SGS3, but it's not going to be in the next six to nine months. As someone said earlier, if we all wait for the utopian phone we'll die with a TouchPro in our hands.
Don't judge me because i still use a touch pro!
so coming from an atrix (which is definitely underrated once blur is taken care of through TB) would it be worth the 200 or so extra? Im seeing very mixed reviews about this phone as well
blunted09 said:
so coming from an atrix (which is definitely underrated once blur is taken care of through TB) would it be worth the 200 or so extra? Im seeing very mixed reviews about this phone as well
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Well worth it tbh. Came from my atrix, havent regreted it for a second. The atrix isnt in the same league
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
i have been toying with the idea and while i can still get $500+ for the atrix. Nice to hear it from an x atrix user. I just dont know what the best way to get this phone to Canada is.
