ADB in Win 7 - Hero CDMA General

ADB was working for awhile then quit.
Can someone please help me?
In command prompt it says "ADB is not an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"

Do you install the Sync software?

laufine said:
Do you install the Sync software?
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Yes, I've tried it with and without.
I recently deleted the Sync, should I reinstall it?

I'll post the drivers. Here is the link.
You can try manual install the drivers.

Hero's Hero said:
ADB was working for awhile then quit.
Can someone please help me?
In command prompt it says "ADB is not an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"
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You have to either put it in your path, or cd to the directory where adb is contained.
cd \android-sdk-windows\tools
Then run your adb commands. That error message you're getting is because the OS doesn't know the adb executable exists.

smw6180 said:
You have to either put it in your path, or cd to the directory where adb is contained.
cd \android-sdk-windows\tools
Then run your adb commands. That error message you're getting is because the OS doesn't know the adb executable exists.
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i was just about to type this up then saw this as the last post. Good work man

laufine said:
I'll post the drivers. Here is the link.
You can try manual install the drivers.
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I have all the drivers

smw6180 said:
You have to either put it in your path, or cd to the directory where adb is contained.
cd \android-sdk-windows\tools
Then run your adb commands. That error message you're getting is because the OS doesn't know the adb executable exists.
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I have them in the path, but no beauno

Hero's Hero said:
I have them in the path, but no beauno
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Where is your SDK installed to?

DevinXtreme said:
Where is your SDK installed to?
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It's in C:/

Hero's Hero said:
It's in C:/
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And you've tried running this before any adb commands, right?
cd C:\android-sdk-windows*\tools
*Or whatever you named that folder

I've Had this issue. I Had to un-install the sync And sdk. Then install them right back on lol.Reloaded the vista drivers then Im back Tim. That is if its a Driver issue
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App

Do you still need help with this? I can help you out

regaw_leinad said:
Do you still need help with this? I can help you out
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Yes I do.
Would really appreciate it.

It seems you're on your way to receiving help. However, if you're still in limbo, locate your android folder or adb executable, right click, copy the location, and paste it into a follow-up reply. This is with respect to the diagnosis process.
Either way, I hope you're headed in the right direction to solve your slight dilemma.


Mac os x Adb problem

I downloaded and installed the latest mac intel sdk 1.6 to link with my new rogers magic which is running 1.5. I unpacked everything and restarted my computer. I also enabled debugging on my Magic 3g. When I plug my Magic in, I open terminal in su (root) and once inside the folder, i try running the "adb devices" command however it doesnt work. I get "bash adb command not found". Any ideas from the mac users on here?
should I install the 1.5 sdk, not that it will make a difference since I cant even run the command in 1.6?
any ideas?
Are you putting ./adb devices or just adb devices? because the ./ is very important
tristyB said:
Are you putting ./adb devices or just adb devices? because the ./ is very important
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.... I am a moron. thank you. I was to excited!!!
ryrules1 said:
.... I am a moron. thank you. I was to excited!!!
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It's fine, it happens to all of us!
The other options is to add your <android_sdk>/tools folder to your path. That way, you don't need to cd into the folder and use ./ can just use adb from anywhere in the prompt.
Google around but I believe you need to add a line like this:
export PATH=<android_sdk_location>/tools:$PATH
to your .profile file in your home directory.
where <android_sdk_location> is where you extracted the sdk.

Unable to "push su" in rooting my Xoom (push: not found) - any ideas?

So I just got to one of the final steps in rooting my xoom, but for some reason, when I enter the "push su /system/bin/" command, I get a "push: not found" response. I'm completely stuck at this step...anyone have any ideas on this one??
Was adb remount succesful before you tried?
joeski27 said:
So I just got to one of the final steps in rooting my xoom, but for some reason, when I enter the "push su /system/bin/" command, I get a "push: not found" response. I'm completely stuck at this step...anyone have any ideas on this one??
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I ran in to this. Make sure your Xoom is not on the lock screen. Should be good to go.
PaulG1488 said:
Was adb remount succesful before you tried?
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Yes, adb remount was in fact successful.
Edit - now I'm getting "cannot stat 'su': No such file or directory"
just to be clear, is it supposed to be:
adb push su /system/bin/
adb shell push su /system/bin/
syntax is "adb push ..."
bcgaynor82 said:
syntax is "adb push ..."
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thats what I thought, and when I do this I get the "cannot stat 'su': No such file or directory" error message.
I have no idea what's going on here. Its almost as if I dont have the xoomroot files (including su) in the correct place, but they are there in the SDK tools folder as they are supposed to be. UGH!?!!?
joeski27 said:
thats what I thought, and when I do this I get the "cannot stat 'su': No such file or directory" error message. ?????
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Make sure that one of the following is true:
the files you want to push are in the same folder as adb
adb is in your path and you are in the directory that the files are
Also make sure you are running this from your computer and not the Xoom, although it sounds like you are bumping into one of the two scenarios above.
nindoja said:
Make sure that one of the following is true:
the files you want to push are in the same folder as adb
adb is in your path and you are in the directory that the files are
Also make sure you are running this from your computer and not the Xoom, although it sounds like you are bumping into one of the two scenarios above.
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yes they are in the same folder as adb, and I'm in the adb directory while in terminal. still getting the same error message. I'm so lost on this one.
Is there any chance that the unlock didn't take? Though I can't see how it didn't - I went through the entire procedure, answered all the prompts during fastboot, and it did erase/reset the tablet afterwards, so I'm guessing that isn't it.
joeski27 said:
yes they are in the same folder as adb, and I'm in the adb directory while in terminal. still getting the same error message. I'm so lost on this one.
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Any chance you can screenshot your sdk tools folder
They're supposed to be in the 'platform-tools' folder, not tools. The files go in the same folder as adb so it knows where they are.
PaulG1488 said:
Any chance you can screenshot your sdk tools folder
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Screenshot of my sdk tools folder:
EDIT: heres the link:
Elysian893 said:
They're supposed to be in the 'platform-tools' folder, not tools. The files go in the same folder as adb so it knows where they are.
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I know, but I had already moved adb into the tools folder earlier on. So they are in the same folder.
send a screenshot of everything in your command prompt if u can please
PaulG1488 said:
send a screenshot of everything in your command prompt if u can please
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here's the screenshot of my terminal:
Do you have the 3.0 sdk installed
Wait I see the problem after you remounted you have to direct it back into your tools foledr before doing the adb push command
PaulG1488 said:
Do you have the 3.0 sdk installed
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all I know is that i have the latest sdk installed, but are you referring to something additional to that? such as "SDK Platform Android 3.0, API 11, revision 1" ?
joeski27 said:
all I know is that i have the latest sdk installed, but are you referring to something additional to that?
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After u did adb remount it took you back to your main folder make sure you direct it back to your tools folder then run the adb push command and problem will be solved
PaulG1488 said:
After u did adb remount it took you back to your main folder make sure you direct it back to your tools folder then run the adb push command and problem will be solved
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So I just did the remount again (successfully), and now instead of just entering "adb push ...", I would need to do what?
EDIT - just tried this, and got this result:
Joseph-Olesweskis-iMac:~ olesweski$ /Users/olesweski/Desktop/android-sdk-mac_x86/tools adb push su /system/bin/
-bash: /Users/olesweski/Desktop/android-sdk-mac_x86/tools: is a directory

Messed up my Nexus 4 :(

Guys i have a problem...
I wantes to delete all data on my N4 and start again with a fresh device, My phone is rooted and i had an custom rom installed, i deleted all data pictures and everything else, after that i also formated the sd card, cache etc etc and thats where it went wrong Now i can go into cwm but nothing more... when i reboot i see the black screen with google on it and after that nothing happens...
How can i solve this problem? I hope that i didnt bricked my phone
should still be able to mount usb storage in cmw, that or push files using adb, if you can get into recovery then you can always get your device back
I just helped a user with the same problem yesterday.
Here's the link with steps how to push a rom to your phone with adb:
can you get into fastboot? if you can then all you have to do is follow this thread:
coffmad said:
should still be able to mount usb storage in cmw, that or push files using adb, if you can get into recovery then you can always get your device back
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No, you can't mount USB in recovery. The Nexus 4 does not use UMS.
Ok thanks for the fast reply, im gonna try to push a rom with adb.
''I know you don't have a rom on your phone. This is how you can push one to your phone.
You must be booted in recovery
Put the rom in the same directory on your PC where you have adb.exe
Open up the command prompt from that directory. (hold shift and right click--then choose open command window here)
Then type the command-- adb push /sdcard/
The file with push to your phone and then your can select it and flash it from recovery''.
I see this in another thread, Where can i find adb.exe? Im terrible with computers...
Adb is part of of the platform tools for android. Since you unlocked and flashed a custom rom you should have it on your computer.
If you need it, it is located as an attachment at the bottom of this post:
I got the attachment, its called platform tools v16, i dragged and dropped an rom in that platform tools file and after that i dont know what to do...
''Open up the command prompt from that directory. (hold shift and right click--then choose open command window here)
Then type the command-- adb push /sdcard/''
This is what i dont understand.
Mr Djoegoe said:
I got the attachment, its called platform tools v16, i dragged and dropped an rom in that platform tools file and after that i dont know what to do...
''Open up the command prompt from that directory. (hold shift and right click--then choose open command window here)
Then type the command-- adb push /sdcard/''
This is what i dont understand.
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Extract the files in that .zip into a folder and name it something like "Android."
Move the into that folder as well.
Then do the shift and right click and open the command window pointed to that directory. (as I explained above)
Make sure its connected properly and there isn't a driver issue by typing the command: adb devices. If it returns your serial number you are good to go. (If not, you need to install the correct drivers, which are linked in Section A of the post I linked earlier.)
Then type the command. adb push /sdcard/
When i type adb devices i can see my serial number and recovery after it.. when i type ''adb push /sdcard/ '' i get a message cannot stat '' No such file or directory
What am i doing wrong?
Edit: hahahaha i see what i do wrong
Are you actually typing "" ?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Mr Djoegoe said:
When i type adb devices i can see my serial number and recovery after it.. when i type ''adb push /sdcard/ '' i get a message cannot stat '' No such file or directory
What am i doing wrong?
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You replace "nameofRom" with the name of your ROM your trying to push
moses992 said:
Are you actually typing "" ?
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hahaha Yes!
@El Daddy: Thanks for your help Im gonna donate a bottle of wine :good:
Mr Djoegoe said:
hahaha Yes!
@El Daddy: Thanks for your help Im gonna donate a bottle of wine :good:
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Thanks for that. Unneeded, but very appreciated!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
You certainly haven't bricked it. The fact you can get to recovery means, you can get to fastboot. Simply open fastboot and reflash stock and be more careful next time

Having trouble locking bootloader!

Hey everyone, was hoping for some help here. Just sold my 6P and need to return it to stock and relock bootloader. I had no issues flashing all stock images but when I go to issue the command "fastboot flashing lock" I get this Not sure why this is happening but any insight would be appreciated, thanks.
Triscuit said:
Hey everyone, was hoping for some help here. Just sold my 6P and need to return it to stock and relock bootloader. I had no issues flashing all stock images but when I go to issue the command "fastboot flashing lock" I get this Not sure why this is happening but any insight would be appreciated, thanks.
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That means your adb/fastboot isn't up to date, it doesn't recognise the command.
Heisenberg said:
That means your adb/fastboot isn't up to date, it doesn't recognise the command.
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Thanks for the reply Heisenberg. I had a feeling that was the issue so I updated everything on my Ubuntu machine and its still not working. I have an older windows laptop that I'm going to try on next. I have a feeling there are leftover bits of the old adb/fastboot.
Triscuit said:
Thanks for the reply Heisenberg. I had a feeling that was the issue so I updated everything on my Ubuntu machine and its still not working. I have an older windows laptop that I'm going to try on next. I have a feeling there are leftover bits of the old adb/fastboot.
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How did you install adb/fastboot on Ubuntu? If you're using the package that is in their official repos it won't update properly, you need to download the SDK package and install it that way.
Heisenberg said:
How did you install adb/fastboot on Ubuntu? If you're using the package that is in their official repos it won't update properly, you need to download the SDK package and install it that way.
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Yea, that's how I updated. I'm not sure, I will try the other method and let you know.
Triscuit said:
Yea, that's how I updated. I'm not sure, I will try the other method and let you know.
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Grab this zip:
Create an SDK folder in your /home directory and extract the zip there. Once extracted open the tools folder and then run the Android program (this is the SDK manager). Install the platform-tools package and now you'll see a platform-tools folder in the SDK folder that you extracted the SDK zip into. Within this platform-tools folder are adb and fastboot. You need to open a terminal window from within that platform-tools folder (right-click, select open in terminal), then prefix any command with "./" so that it's using the fastboot within that directory and not the Ubuntu one. So the commands would be like this:
./fastboot devices
./fastboot flashing lock
Heisenberg said:
Grab this zip:
Create an SDK folder in your /home directory and extract the zip there. Once extracted open the tools folder and then run the Android program (this is the SDK manager). Install the platform-tools package and now you'll see a platform-tools folder in the SDK folder that you extracted the SDK zip into. Within this platform-tools folder are adb and fastboot. You need to open a terminal window from within that platform-tools folder (right-click, select open in terminal), then prefix any command with "./" so that it's using the fastboot within that directory and not the Ubuntu one. So the commands would be like this:
./fastboot devices
./fastboot flashing lock
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Thanks very much, this is just about what I did, but I will try it!
Triscuit said:
Thanks very much, this is just about what I did, but I will try it!
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No worries, let me know how you go.
Heisenberg said:
No worries, let me know how you go.
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Well I ended up using a windows laptop that has never had adb/fastboot installed on it. Followed your guide to the word.....and boom locked bootloader. Thanks for the help Heisenberg.
Triscuit said:
Well I ended up using a windows laptop that has never had adb/fastboot installed on it. Followed your guide to the word.....and boom locked bootloader. Thanks for the help Heisenberg.
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Cool, glad you got it done.

How to use SD card as adoptable on LG K8

Lately I've bought LG K8 but it doesn't have much memory, so after installing few apps and updating stock apps there was about 1.5 GB remaining. Also I have an 32 GB SD card and I found that on android 6.0 SD could be used as adoptable storage so it becomes internal.
how to make SD card become adoptable I searched for that option everywhere but couldn't find it, is it possible that I can't do that even I have android 6.0?
i rooted my phone but link2SD and Apps2SD show errors with partitions please help!!
It works but use it with caution, you have been warned:
I found and tried this method, and it works on my Lg k8 K350n:
I did the ADB terminal commands to enable adoptable storage back in December last year, there's not been any problems at all since doing it.
One question that I have though, my phone has downloaded a software update:0
Version V10f-Feb-17-2017, Size 383.84 MB
If I choose to install this update will it mean I have to go through the ADB terminal commands again to enable adoptable storage again?
elderduke said:
I found and tried this method, and it works on my Lg k8 K350n:
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Hey can you tell me how to run the adb.exe file? For me it just flashes a window command prompt and then force closes, tried running with administrator and through cmd, still not running, please help
Xydia15 said:
Hey can you tell me how to run the adb.exe file? For me it just flashes a window command prompt and then force closes, tried running with administrator and through cmd, still not running, please help
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Open CMD and then navigate to folder where ADB.exe is located, and then use command you like.
Professor Woland said:
Open CMD and then navigate to folder where ADB.exe is located, and then use command you like.
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Yeah still, it flashed a window then closed i tried using adb devices
Professor Woland said:
Open CMD and then navigate to folder where ADB.exe is located, and then use command you like.
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What do i need for it to work.. Java or something? I downloaded the tools only, should i get the full android studio?
Xydia15 said:
What do i need for it to work.. Java or something? I downloaded the tools only, should i get the full android studio?
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Just download minimal ADB and fastboot from google, unzip them, open command line navigate to folder where they are located and use command you like.
Professor Woland said:
Just download minimal ADB and fastboot from google, unzip them, open command line navigate to folder where they are located and use command you like.
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Oh i did that alright, still clpses instantly..
