What's the 'People' tab for? - HD2 General

OK, this is possibly going to be a very silly question, but please take me seriously (I guess the reason for this question is that I'm a new HD2 user, and so I'm still trying to set it up "just right")...
When I discovered that the contacts on the "People" tab are automatically sorted (alphabetically) and cannot be manually reassigned... I made this face:
What's the point of having a fast-dial tab if you cannot assign it the way you want to?

Shaamaan said:
OK, this is possibly going to be a very silly question, but please take me seriously (I guess the reason for this question is that I'm a new HD2 user, and so I'm still trying to set it up "just right")...
When I discovered that the contacts on the "People" tab are automatically sorted (alphabetically) and cannot be manually reassigned... I made this face:
What's the point of having a fast-dial tab if you cannot assign it the way you want to?
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They're not automatically sorted alphabetically. I don't know what you've done to make it like that because there's no sorting option. Have you installed anything recently?

the people tab is there so you can put who you want where ever and choose call or txt option it should be in the order yu put them

johncmolyneux said:
They're not automatically sorted alphabetically. I don't know what you've done to make it like that because there's no sorting option. Have you installed anything recently?
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When you add them, they appear to be in the order in which you put them in... but if you restore contacts via synch with Outlook, they're in alphabetical order.
In either case, it seems impossible to rearrange them, which is why I'm baffled; does the system assume someone will fill that list perfectly on the first try?

the same if you use PIM Backup... i hate that too...

ccezar2004 said:
the same if you use PIM Backup... i hate that too...
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personally dont see the point in the people tab anyway

Shaamaan said:
When you add them, they appear to be in the order in which you put them in... but if you restore contacts via synch with Outlook, they're in alphabetical order.
In either case, it seems impossible to rearrange them, which is why I'm baffled; does the system assume someone will fill that list perfectly on the first try?
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So it's restoring from Outlook that is the problem then. You suggested that the tab itself was re-ordering what you did!
Yes, I'm afraid you're stuck with that. The people tab is somewhat lacking in some areas. That's why most people don't use it and just use the home tab instead. At lease you can rearrange the quicklinks on the home tab (with mods).

johncmolyneux said:
So it's restoring from Outlook that is the problem then. You suggested that the tab itself was re-ordering what you did!
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Apologies; on reflection, I see it may have seemed that way.
Yes, I'm afraid you're stuck with that. The people tab is somewhat lacking in some areas. That's why most people don't use it and just use the home tab instead. At lease you can rearrange the quicklinks on the home tab (with mods).
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So I'm not alone in feeling that it's usefulness is limited. Cookie makes this such a far better deal...
I wonder if it would be possible to substitute the People page for a page of "cookie" links... While this one is kind of useless, tabs are generally cool.

Shaamaan said:
When you add them, they appear to be in the order in which you put them in... but if you restore contacts via synch with Outlook, they're in alphabetical order.
In either case, it seems impossible to rearrange them, which is why I'm baffled; does the system assume someone will fill that list perfectly on the first try?
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ahh now you mention it, some months ago when i set mine up, the next time i restored the order changed, but its not alphabetical, its based on with think is the contact reference number. it hasn't changed since.
in the registry, find
and you will see what i mean.
i'm not at a pc so i can't examine what the numbers are.

I just use QuickLinks now - but if you want the tabs to stay in the right order, sync using the MS My Phone app - I'm pretty sure they come back exactly where I put them

I have found the registry link to keep your favourite contacts in the same order after a hard reset. Will post it in the new forthcoming update in the hints and tips thread tonight.


Wirelessly Sync folders on PC AND WiMO?

So here's what I want to do:
I have a folder on my pc with files in it. I want that to sync that with a Cloud storage type system online. Then I want a folder on my Touch Pro 2 to sync with that online folder. Now I know what your thinking and before you flame me with stuff like dropbox, sugarsync, mesh, myphone etc... they can't do that. They sync from pc to online just fine, but then on the tp2 I have to navigate to the web to retrieve files, or with sugarsync there is an app to install and I can load the app and download the files to a folder that way. I don't want to do that. I want a folder to always stay sync'd. I've search all over and can't find that kind of functionality. This would be real handy in a scenario where i need to constantly sync 5 or more phones together with multiple pc's. I don't want to tell the user, ok go to www.getdropbox.com or load this or load that...
I hope I am just missing something and it does exsist.
Live Mesh does exactly what you are talking about. Just leave it running if you need it constantly updated rather than just when you run it. That is the exact purpose of Live Mesh...
Nagrom Nniuq said:
Live Mesh does exactly what you are talking about. Just leave it running if you need it constantly updated rather than just when you run it. That is the exact purpose of Live Mesh...
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Unless i missed something, then it only works that way if your able to install mesh and sign in on your phone. I didnt think they were accepting anymore ppl for testing on mobile devices. I installed it and checked just to see. Without this, your forced to grab files from the web.
I can't get the live mesh program to work on my Sprint Touch Pro 2. It lets me enter my login info and then crashes while logging in. Is there something I'm missing?
hperry said:
I can't get the live mesh program to work on my Sprint Touch Pro 2. It lets me enter my login info and then crashes while logging in. Is there something I'm missing?
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No clue about why it would crash. It doesn't matter anyway, you can't use it. It's closed to new people.
Anyone have any thoughts about the actual topic of this thread? There has to be a way... No one needs to do this?!
igl007 said:
No clue about why it would crash. It doesn't matter anyway, you can't use it. It's closed to new people.
Anyone have any thoughts about the actual topic of this thread? There has to be a way... No one needs to do this?!
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It's not closed. You just need to activate your mesh account for windows mobile which involves clicking on a specific link. I did it and I got the client installed and working. Works great! But wouldn't want to deviate from the actual topic of this thread...
hperry said:
It's not closed. You just need to activate your mesh account for windows mobile which involves clicking on a specific link. I did it and I got the client installed and working. Works great! But wouldn't want to deviate from the actual topic of this thread...
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How would that be deviating? If there is a way to get into Mesh and it's not closed, that would potentially directly solve the original post.
Found link:
I will report if this works. Thanks!
it definitely worked for me. you'll see that windows mobile becomes an option in your mesh after visiting this link. but getting the program to validate on your device (touch pro 2) is hit or miss. i just had to try it many times and finally it worked. then there is also an issue of the program crashing upon startup that i mentioned above. i've narrowed that down to being related to the memory card. the program will start if i remove the memory card prior to executing it. i can then put the memory card back in while the program is in the login screen and it works. still trying to find a better solution. let me know if you have any luck.
hperry said:
it definitely worked for me. you'll see that windows mobile becomes an option in your mesh after visiting this link. but getting the program to validate on your device (touch pro 2) is hit or miss. i just had to try it many times and finally it worked. then there is also an issue of the program crashing upon startup that i mentioned above. i've narrowed that down to being related to the memory card. the program will start if i remove the memory card prior to executing it. i can then put the memory card back in while the program is in the login screen and it works. still trying to find a better solution. let me know if you have any luck.
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Been playing with it all night. So far it's working flawlessly. No crashes at all. I have a 8gb storage card. It's sync'd to and from 1 other verizon phones, and 4 pc's... It's cool, you take a pic with your phone and voila it's on my wife's phone too, as well as the mobile picture directory at home. Would love to help you get it working too. Have you checked out this forum?
You can also use Remote Touch. It doesn't sync, but it does allow you to transfer files remotely, back and forth from your desktop and your phone. And of course, you get the added benefit of controlling your desktop remotely with your phone.
When I'm in a hurry to leave the office I'll queue a bunch of files in RemoteTouch and have my phone download them while I'm on the road.
igl007 said:
Been playing with it all night. So far it's working flawlessly. No crashes at all. I have a 8gb storage card. It's sync'd to and from 1 other verizon phones, and 4 pc's... It's cool, you take a pic with your phone and voila it's on my wife's phone too, as well as the mobile picture directory at home. Would love to help you get it working too. Have you checked out this forum?
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Can you tell me the exact phone you have? Is it the Verizon touch pro 2? Maybe it's my brand of memory card? It's definitely good when it's working.
Also, did you have any trouble validating the phone on the mesh? Took me several attempts and it seems other people had the same issue. I have been to the site you linked a little bit but maybe more research is in order.
hperry said:
Windows Live for mobiles not closed to new people.
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Yes it is.
osirisHTC said:
Yes it is.
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If you're going to make up a quote for me, at least use proper grammar. When I made that post 6 months ago, it was still open.
osirisHTC said:
Yes it is.
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I had no difficulty just now (14 Feb 2010, 22:54) setting up a mesh including my desktop, notebook, and Touch Pro 2.
mstevens said:
I had no difficulty just now (14 Feb 2010, 22:54) setting up a mesh including my desktop, notebook, and Touch Pro 2.
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can you tell me if the live mesh client is running robustly on your touch pro2? i had tons of crashes the last time i messed with this. haven't tried it since. most of the problems i had are documented in this thread.
For the op, there is a Schaps Network plugin, http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=67564. It may do what you want, too. Not sure. Just making a suggestion.
hperry said:
can you tell me if the live mesh client is running robustly on your touch pro2? i had tons of crashes the last time i messed with this. haven't tried it since. most of the problems i had are documented in this thread.
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No, I certainly couldn't say "robustly." It's more like "haphazardly."

Call screen on hero

I've recently got my g1 replaced with a htc hero and i love it in almost every way except for the dialer which i HATE!
Now maybe i'm being an idiot but i can't seem to stop my call button bringing up the dialer, I'd like to see my contacts, or groups or generally anything but that hideous dialer. I almost never call numbers not in my contacts. Can this be changed, or can i use something like acontacts - i don't really like it but it's a step in the right direction however installing it previously call asked me what i wanted to use and i can't work out what settings need cleared to let me change this. Many thanks
That pad is not only for dialing numbers, it works as a T9 contacts search by any part of name, surname, company, inicial, etc. - try it. I think that this very dialer is the best thing of the HTC Sense and the best thing that could have happened to Android.
Also try selecting a result with the trackball and then scrolling sideways, notice the numbers changing (if a contact has more than one).
If you are aware of this functionality and still want to change it, maybe somebody else will help.
I was not aware, but really i think it looks hideous. I'd rather not have it personally. It may look ok themed but... can you recommend a decent theme i can steal one from?
If you don't like the dialer just go into contacts instead and choose who you want to phone from there
peterc no offence intended but why would you even bother replying if you have nothing useful to say? I'm perfectly capable of using other applications or opening contacts directly my question related directly to the 'call' button.
I suggest you read your OP again. You asked (and I quote) "I'd like to see my contacts, or groups or generally anything but that hideous dialer. I almost never call numbers not in my contacts. Can this be changed"
And my answer is yes it can - don't use the dialer, access your contacts directly, and you can then call them directly from that app. I did not know from your question whether you were an experienced user or a first timer that had just got the phone did I? Many new users do not know many of the basic features of the phone, such as using the contacts app, and are looking for help.
But hey don't worry .... now I know that you are so knowledgable that you obviously don't need my help, I will not bother trying to help you in the future
peterc10 said:
I suggest you read your OP again. You asked (and I quote) "I'd like to see my contacts, or groups or generally anything but that hideous dialer. I almost never call numbers not in my contacts. Can this be changed"
And my answer is yes it can - don't use the dialer, access your contacts directly, and you can then call them directly from that app. I did not know from your question whether you were an experienced user or a first timer that had just got the phone did I? Many new users do not know many of the basic features of the phone, such as using the contacts app, and are looking for help.
But hey don't worry .... now I know that you are so knowledgable that you obviously don't need my help, I will not bother trying to help you in the future
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Have you seen this part though?
Now maybe i'm being an idiot but i can't seem to stop my call button bringing up the dialer, I'd like to see my contacts, or groups or generally anything but that hideous dialer.
pauliusba said:
Have you seen this part though?
Now maybe i'm being an idiot but i can't seem to stop my call button bringing up the dialer, I'd like to see my contacts, or groups or generally anything but that hideous dialer.
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Yes I did see that. And, referring specifically to the last part, if he (or she) goes into "People", he will see his contacts, and he can then list them in Groups, and he can phone any of those people without going into the "hideous" dialer. So I reckon my suggestion was valid for that bit too.
But at the end of the day if somebody has any better suggestions, which at the moment nobody appears to have, then I am happy for the OP to try those instead of my useless one.
peter i'm really not trying to pick a fight but what are you arguing about. My question was, as pauliusba understood related to having my 'call' button launch another application. Your suggestion was entirely unrelated to the call button.

THinking about moving to android, few questions...

Hi guys and gals,
Im thinking about moving from WinMo to Android. I was thinking about selling my Touch Pro 2 and buying the Galaxy S I9000, while waiting for the real treat Epic 4G come to Europe.
If you could help me with few questions...
I dont use any Google services, no gmail as I rather use myowndomain.com... I want to sync with Outlook via usb; contacts, calendar and tasks... Is there good sync software out there?
The main reason for me to have a brick for a cell phone, is that I dont need always have a laptop with me. This brings me to opening and editing office apps; I found "Documents to Go" that seems to be OK, anyone using it?
To me its also important to automatically sync folders while syncing with Outlook, any good programs for that? Ive been using MobSync with WinMo and I guess it could work with this too? I found also Microsoft SyncToy, never tried it though...
Can I get my tasks listed on Android today screen like on WinMo? I need to have be reminded of my tasks, otherwise I would spend ½ of my day reading at XDA and not doing any of the things Im supposed to do...
Any comments and help is appreciated... Thanks!
i'm myself a WinMob convert.
I also use myOwnInsertDomainNameHere.com for my own business, however i use google apps, and i control my domain via Google.
Google Apps is free and easy to use, you gain all the great benefits, you should consider switching.
You can still use your own Exchange or whatever server you happend to be running, it doesn;t really matter, you don't really need Google to use Android
but using Google, will make the convert a heck of a lot easier, else you'll need to figure out a way to export / import your contact list to your new android phone.
by far the best and easiest way to sync contacts between WinMob and Android is via Google Contacts
you do not need Google Apps for that, just a generic Gmail Account.
Loco5150 said:
This brings me to opening and editing office apps; I found "Documents to Go" that seems to be OK, anyone using it?
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It comes with ThinkOffice, which is pretty much the same as Docs to go.
AllGamer said:
you'll need to figure out a way to export / import your contact list to your new android phone.
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I found HTC Sync, but it seems only to sync contacts and calendar.. I read that it should work on Galaxy too. Cant test it as I havent bought the phone yet.
The more I read in to this the more I get the feeling Android is not for me. I really hate any company trying to force me to do anything.
Loco5150 said:
I found HTC Sync, but it seems only to sync contacts and calendar.. I read that it should work on Galaxy too. Cant test it as I havent bought the phone yet.
The more I read in to this the more I get the feeling Android is not for me. I really hate any company trying to force me to do anything.
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Htc sync works with samsung galaxy s too? Do you have a link to where you saw that? This is one area that piss me off a great deal, that I'm not able to sync my contact and calendar to my outlook on my PC. Had to manually reenter my calendar each time I do a hard reset now, and not all my contact records go over so now I only have partial picture. I have no intention of handing over my private data to the cloud.
I donwloaded htc_sync_2.0.33, found it right away with google. If you cant find it send me a PM and ill send you the link.
Samsung galaxy is not the same phone as galaxy S, but still it looks promising. Ive no idea how to make it work though.
if you use outlook a lot, you might find that samsung kies is not very good. It have a lot of problem connecting to your phone, let alone syncing with Outlook.
I would assume that if HTC Sync works with one Samsung Android phone it works with this one too...
Android seems like an nice operating system, but I aint about to transfer all my life to google. Im little paranoid like that, I dont think its a good thing to have a company in control of wast ammounts of people's personal stuff.
Dont get me wrong. I have no secrets and I know if someone wanted to they can get my data just as easily even if Im using myowndomain.com, but just the thought that so many people have their personal stuff at Google's servers make me feel little uneasy. Who knows what they decide to do with them in the future.
Glad you're not sleeping. How your calendar and contact could be used?
How about:
- government forcing google to hand this data to them, to find out what you were doing via your calendar?
- criminal taking the personal details of your friends and steal their identity, then commit all sorts of crime with it?
Syncing over the cloud is okay for business I guess. For personal use? No thanks. Nothing to do with whether I've anything to hide.
Yeah and you don’t even need to think about it on the personal level…
The thought of one company having the personal emails, appointments, contacts and everything of millions and millions of people makes me sick. Maybe even whereabouts (using Google maps! Haven’t looked at it, but I would assume they have the access to this info too)
Just knowing the greed people have, I see this type of thing bring problems in the future. Im not saying Google has a hidden agenda now, but who knows what and who will be running the operations in 15 years or something.
I don’t mind Google selling their operating system that has an option to use their services, but when they make it mandatory, there’s a problem.
Even if google is really not evil, what's there to stop evil people from hacking into their server? Google couldn't stop the Chinese and Russians from doing that in the past, and certainly won't be able to in the future.
I have a winning bid on Galaxy S closing soon... I made it yesterday before really reading about the android enough... I kind of hope that I wont win it, I probably only have to sell it if I do.
But if not android then what? WinMo7 seems to be a failure in many ways what I have read about it (which is not much though have to admit and I could be wrong)
I really hope Nokia gets their act back together and make their Symbian^3 / Symbian^4 operating systems GOOD... I read that Nokia made a deal with Microsoft to start having Office on Nokia phones, that with the real FREE navigation (Google maps is not free navigation, you need data, when out of your own country your better off hiring a personal chauffeur). If Nokia makes good hardware with the things mentioned above, they could be on their way again... If not, I dont know... The idea of using WimMo 6.5 much longer does not feel like a reasonable choice either.
Uhhhh, I am the proud owner of a new Galaxy S
Loco5150 said:
Uhhhh, I am the proud owner of a new Galaxy S
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Congrats! and welcome to the club
yes, WM7 sucks big time, i saw videos of it, it was all over the news yesterday.
and WM6.5 is not that great either if your device is already on WM6.1 it's just some interface change, and API coding change.
Nobody dares to suggest the most obvious option which I'm taking?
eaglesteve said:
Nobody dares to suggest the most obvious option which I'm taking?
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Please do..?
Loco5150 said:
Please do..?
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Haha. You know that will start a war here. Just check all my previous posts.
Haha ok, iPhone... Well I want to use Office and also like I wrote before, I definitely want a HV keyboard and was just thinking of getting Galaxy S as a temporary phone before getting the Epic 4g when it arrives to europe.
Im not a MAC person... I feel their products are mainly for people who really dont know how to use computers etc. I bought an iPod for my girlfried for x-mas sometime ago... I dont get that, it makes you to sync everything with itunes, haha, well I would prefer drag n drop the album I want to my player. Now that she's getting annoyed by iPod/iTunes all her albums are in iTunes and i dont know can she get them back to normal mp3 anymore.
I think this is so funny and there is a small truth in it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL7yD-0pqZg
Congratulations for winning the bid anyway, hope you like it. BTW, have you really owned all those truckloads of phones before ? Hahaha, which one had the longest life?

Sorting Contacts by last name?

I am coming from an iphone 3g, the atrix is my first android phone, Is there a way to sort contacts by last name. From what i was reading , sort by last name is possible with 2.2, but i cant seem to do it, does motoblur not allow it?
lvmike said:
I am coming from an iphone 3g, the atrix is my first android phone, Is there a way to sort contacts by last name. From what i was reading , sort by last name is possible with 2.2, but i cant seem to do it, does motoblur not allow it?
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Wow, thanks for bringing this up. Same problem here too, even the geeks at the AT&T store couldn't find a way to sort by last name. I still have the blur launcher.
This is VERY annoying. Is there a different contact manager we will need to use?
Never used motoblur but when looking at your contacts if you hit the menu button do you have any options to change how they are displayed?
Dell Streak powered by Streakdroid 1.7.1 v6
Sorty by last name was added in 2.2 sometime, perhaps after the build on the atrix.
Unfortunate as I also prefer sort by last name.
It's not in Contacts>Menu>More>Display Options?
PersonOfKnownOrigin said:
It's not in Contacts>Menu>More>Display Options?
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No it is not. Under the More menu lists "Share name cards" and "Import/Export" only!
It is hard for me to believe that the entire Google & Dev team forgot to code in this feature in Android or Motorola didn't add it.
Thats been standard on most phones for years.
Makes you wonder what other features they forgot to add...
Wow, Motorola is just racking up the stupidity arguments. I just found this thread because, I, as well am so use to sorting my contacts by last name and of course in addition to a signed bootloader the Atrix also has no way to do this. I honestly can't believe Motorola would over look something so damn basic. They really need to get their act together when it comes to software.....
I am coming from a Tilt2 and used to sort by "file as". I have contacts that I want to organize by company name; any clue how to do this?

From Tilt 2 (or Windows Mobile 6.5 with Sense) to Quantum

Thread dedicated to the initial challenges when changing from a Tilt 2 to an LG Quantum.
Why is this thread needed?
AT&T insurance for the Tilt 2 is now sending the LG Quantum as a replacement.
The phones are hardly comparable. Windows Phone 7 is vastly different than Windows Mobile 6.5. It is not HTC. Does not have Sense.
Windows Phone 7 has some very annoying characteristics that can be avoided if you set things up with specific care and knowledge originally.
I just got me replacement phone today. I will continue to update this thread with information as I find it. Hopefully it will help others in the process, since there will be more of us as insurance replaces people's phones.
Tips from day 1 of use
#1. Your intial live account can not be changed without a hard reset. Do not use an old hotmail account as you Windows Live ID. Create a new one. I recommend one that you will only use for this purpose. If you need to change it, you must wipe your phone (hard reset) to replace this. Your primary hotmail account cannot be removed and there is no way to not sync the contacts from it.
I recommend telling no one this id. Do not use the email for anything. Include some number or something, so it will not be guessed. do not store information in this account, such as emails or contacts, if it can be avoided. Plenty of other options like gmail for this purpose.
#2. Common email domains are easy to setup. Even custom ones are. But it first will try, then let's you configure.
#3. There is a list that has settings. Swipe from right to left to get to the list. Then go to settings. Now you can change things how old of emails to get and how much of it.
#4. Open an email with an attached pdf. Get the viewer. better to do this earlier than later when you need it. By default, the phone has no ability to view a pdf. The pdf viewer lets you do this.
#5. Stop looking for tasks, you won't find them. They don't sync with Exchange.
#6. There is not a built in twitter app. I am downloading moTweets, because I liked that before. I am using the Try option. There is also a free Twitter and a free Foursquare.
Looks like there is some map software. Not sure if it costs money yet.
Not finding Bing or Google Maps.
Bing is built in. just press the button in the lower right. Not sure why that is the only way to launch it though.
#7. Installed Zune with no issues on Windows Home 64 bit. It updates the software on the phone. You do not loose settings during this. Not like a ROM flash. Synced Videos, pictures, and music.
#8 Blue tooth paired easily. Remember most devices are 0000 for the pin.
#9 Found my WiFi and I connected it fine.
#10 Uninstall the bloat that AT&T puts on. It's not much, but you don't want apps that cost a monthly fee when free ones exist.
First impressions after 1 day
Allthough the look and feel is not customizable, it is very consistent.
A few things are not 100% obvious, but once learned is not difficult.
Things do just work.
Very fluid display. Nothing lags.
It's easy to get your stuff onto it. I need to still test copy and paste with Office.
I was thinking that I would be totally unhappy with the phone. But, I think it might just be doable. A non technical person should have no trouble with this phone.
Marketplace has alot of free apps.
Day 2
Not all clock alarm apps are equal.
Big Clock, which I downloaded from the marketplace failed to wake me this morning.
Tested the normal Alarms this morning and it did work with the screen locked.
As always test your alarm before you need it.
Annoyed that there are no snooze options. Just 5 minutes.
Glad Mango is coming soon. Mango gives all the snooze options we used to have.
Back in Windows Mobile 6.5 Digital Outcast gave us the snooze options that we were used to. M$ had taken them away.
For Win Phone 7, I haven't found a short term solution to this yet. Going to have to wait for Mango.
Liking the OS more and more. Marketplace makes the downloading and installing of apps very painless. Wish it was more clear about what has live tiles though.
AccuWeather weather app appears to be live. LG Clock and Weather does not appear to have a live tile, but lets you put in multiple cities.
Wish I could find the HTC tile with weather and clock. HTC Hub is not it.
Post #5
Intended to later have more info.
I like to have 5 posts of each thread I create.
As a potential future WP7 Device owner, I can't think of a better thread to follw than this one, so on behalf of myself and other TP2/Tilt2 owners who may one day move on, thank you very much for creating this thread...a lot of people move on from a deice earlier than the majority but don't leave the majority much of anything to work with in regards to what to move on to or to stay away from, or how to dial in the new device a better way than what the manufacturers have configured, so this thread is indeed very much appreciated...at least by me, and I am sure others as well.
While you will be missed in the Energy thread, I'm glad I have someone familiar to work with the new OS so should the time come, I will be versed as well as can be on what to expect, and do or not do...thank you for all you did for us with the Rhodium, and thank you in advance for all you will do for the WP7 community...you better the community here wherever you go or whichever thread you are posting in ....
Now for my first WP7 noob question...can the live tiles color be changed...and are there alternatives on this device to the live tiles?
GT247 said:
... Now for my first WP7 noob question...can the live tiles color be changed...and are there alternatives on this device to the live tiles?
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Yes. They can be changed, but you get to change them all from 1 color to another.
slide the panels to the left. This now shows a list. Slide down to settings.
In the section titled Theme, tap it and pick a different color.
Other tiles, like music and video, and pictures get the image from what you have played or viewed.
The Me tile gets it's image from Facebook.
And apps can choose to follow the theme or provide their own image.
For the pictures tile, you can manually set it, by: "Open the Picture hub and tap and hold on an empty space and you'll get the option to select the picture you want." source of quote
End of day 2
Realizing that I do not dislike the phone or Windows Phone 7. This is very hard to admit.
With Windows Mobile 6.5 and 6.5.3 and Sense 2.5 with Cookie 2.0. It was fun figuring out all the ways to make the phone do what it should just do. With Windows phone 7. It just does them the way it is supposed to do it. It might not do it how you are used to it doing it, but it does it and it does it well. It can't do everything you're used to it doing, but it does what you actually need it to do and want it to do.
I was expecting to be extremely disappointed in the phone. But I'm not. Things work. You rotate to landscape. They still work. Energy Roms are much prettierand NRGZ28 did a fantastic job at making it do what it should do.
But Windows Phone 7 does a great job.
The things it falls short on will soon be corrected with Mango.
And no M$ did not pay me anything for this post. I am totally surprised that I would feel this way after just 2 days.
I suspected this would be the case....when everything runs faster and smoother and better without having to tweak it to do so, and the initial worry of not being able to tweak to your hearts content to make something you want to work work...when that worry wears off because you dont have to tweak it...well...when any worry wears off and you realize the new phone with the new OS actually really does improve a lot of things.. when everything opens up as your finger is leaving the screen and just starts doing what it's supposed to do...really...how can that be beat?
I'm glad you're giving us positive feedback, as I knew everything would run butter smooth, like yourself, I had reservations about liking the new platform and the new appearance and other changes you're going through with the new device could be overcome by functionality (lol)....
Yep....Mango should come out and lock you in my friend...I imagine after that you'll be glad that usb port died (just please, if you do end up happy about it, don't tell me so...cuz I'm bummed it happened still lol)
I'm curious as you explore...if there will be little things wp7 doesn't have, that the old winmo did...as I have two android devices and the tilt2, I'm finding some things lacking in "the other OS"...little settings (that are sort of kinda actually big deals, to me) are missing...one is...on the tilt2 I can select to show my caller ID to everyone, noone, or just to contacts...can you do that on the Quantum? Have you noticed a need to wonder how ram is controlled? Have you tried opening a zip?.....I'm happy you're on wp7 now (kinda)....I will want to buy a wp7 if someone I trust tells me theye tested it out, put it through it's paces and that it's a solid performer that's user friendly that I can count on to keep me connected to my customers and employees calls and messages and navigates me through my day and gives me awesome browsing and streaming media over the net between my appointments...yep...I'm paying attention to your thread my friend...my usb could go any day too....lol
Thought I found something that I could not do
Thought I could not accept an appointment from Outlook.
In the email, there is a link that takes you to your calender. You accept it from the tentative meeting. I like this better, because you can actually see what your day looks like when accepting it.
Have not found a free twitter program with a live tile.
For weather, the only free one with a live tile update seems to be The Weather Channel. Weather bug does not show anything on the tile. AccuWeather is not updated live.
As plain as the tiles look, they are clear too read. And everything scrolls so fast and smooth. I'll take plain with function for that responsiveness any day.
GT247 said:
I suspected this would be the case....when everything runs faster and smoother and better without having to tweak it to do so, and the initial worry of not being able to tweak to your hearts content to make something you want to work work...when that worry wears off because you dont have to tweak it...well...when any worry wears off and you realize the new phone with the new OS actually really does improve a lot of things.. when everything opens up as your finger is leaving the screen and just starts doing what it's supposed to do...really...how can that be beat?
I'm glad you're giving us positive feedback, as I knew everything would run butter smooth, like yourself, I had reservations about liking the new platform and the new appearance and other changes you're going through with the new device could be overcome by functionality (lol)....
Yep....Mango should come out and lock you in my friend...I imagine after that you'll be glad that usb port died (just please, if you do end up happy about it, don't tell me so...cuz I'm bummed it happened still lol)
I'm curious as you explore...if there will be little things wp7 doesn't have, that the old winmo did...as I have two android devices and the tilt2, I'm finding some things lacking in "the other OS"...little settings (that are sort of kinda actually big deals, to me) are missing...one is...on the tilt2 I can select to show my caller ID to everyone, noone, or just to contacts...can you do that on the Quantum? Have you noticed a need to wonder how ram is controlled? Have you tried opening a zip?.....I'm happy you're on wp7 now (kinda)....I will want to buy a wp7 if someone I trust tells me theye tested it out, put it through it's paces and that it's a solid performer that's user friendly that I can count on to keep me connected to my customers and employees calls and messages and navigates me through my day and gives me awesome browsing and streaming media over the net between my appointments...yep...I'm paying attention to your thread my friend...my usb could go any day too....lol
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I had no idea that you could control the caller id being sent on a per contact basis with the Tilt 2. I imagine it was just inserting *82 or something before dialing. Ultimately the carrier needs to handle the *82 since they do know your number when sending from the tower to the rest of the phone network.
Still early in the testing.
I don't know WP7 settings, on the tilt2, to control caller id setting, I go to start menu>settings>personal>phone>services and then from there I can select "call barring" "caller id" "call forwarding" "call waiting" and "voicemail and text messages"....once an item is highlighted I can click "get settings"...once "get settings" is selected it checks the network settings and then displays the current setting on the network...on the TP2 caller id settings they can be changed on the network from the device...I'm hoping this is possible on WP7
Another question I have is if pinch to zoom works in emails and other apps, not just the browser
GT247 said:
I don't know WP7 settings, on the tilt2, to control caller id setting, I go to start menu>settings>personal>phone>services and then from there I can select "call barring" "caller id" "call forwarding" "call waiting" and "voicemail and text messages"....once an item is highlighted I can click "get settings"...once "get settings" is selected it checks the network settings and then displays the current setting on the network...on the TP2 caller id settings they can be changed on the network from the device...I'm hoping this is possible on WP7
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GT247 said:
Another question I have is if pinch to zoom works in emails and other apps, not just the browser
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pinch to zoom works when reading emails, but not when replying or text messaging.
found the setting about sending caller id on the Quantum
Settings - Apps - Phone. You can pick send to everyone, no one, only contacts
when the device is on a call does the lockscreen lock the buttons and touchscreen? ie: is it a waste of time to try to lock the device while on a call? lol
GT247 said:
when the device is on a call does the lockscreen lock the buttons and touchscreen? ie: is it a waste of time to try to lock the device while on a call? lol
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The exchange server that I use for work pushes a policy forcing the phone to lock.
Pressing the power button on the top not only shuts off the screen but it also locks it.
When I answer the phone, it is easy to unlock, if I want. Just slide up, and enter the code. Then I can do anything while on the call.
The proximity sensor disables the touch screen when you have it by your ear, so you don't actidentally hang up.
Something the phone does not have is physical talk and end buttons. But, I honestly have not had a need for them.
Custom Ringtones and Alert Sounds
Although it's real eay for a developer add ringtones to their device or for anyone that has unlocked it. It is annoying that they have locked this down.
Mango is supposed to allow custom ringtones, so just need to wait.
Supposed to be on September 15th.
Wow...ringtones are locked down? Amazing....really. Please don't think I'm knocking them for doing it, I'm sure there's a reason for it, I just find it surprising is all. Have you examined the GPS Capabilities?
GT247 said:
Wow...ringtones are locked down? Amazing....really. Please don't think I'm knocking them for doing it, I'm sure there's a reason for it, I just find it surprising is all. Have you examined the GPS Capabilities?
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GPS works great.
Good news is that the LG Quantum has a built in reg editor. Kind of clunky. Nothing like the good old Total Commander or Dot Fred Reg Editor.
And the location of there is an app the runs on your computer to make a xap files for ringtones.
And you can then sideload the xap onto the device and the ringtone remains.
First you need to unlock the device.
I have not unlocked mine yet. I should be able to unlock with just a few reg ediits. Haven't done it yet though.
On the 15th Mango officially will be available, and that allows custom ringtones without any hacks.
Some Good threads
Use your Windows Phone as a thumb drive.
Registry mods for WP7 - NoDo
Custom Ringtones
mp3 files work just fine, at least with the NoDo 7392 update.
All the built in ringtones seem to be mp3 as well
Lot of good links here

