Remote Desktop: Saving multiple connections - HD2 General

Hello all,
I use the remote desktop on my HD2 to connect to different servers/PCs for clients that I support, but it appears that it only saves the last used connection details so I have to enter the 'computer' name and login details fresh each time I want to connect to another system...
The computer entry box appears like a combo box with the drop down arrow but I have not found a way of making it store multiple entries... I've searched the forums and elsewhere but have not found the same question asked (and therefore answered) so figure either most people only ever connect to the one system or I am missing something so blindingly obvious that no-one else has needed to ask so I must be an idiot...
Anyone know how to save multiple remote desktop connection entries? Thanks in advance for any pointers.


Develop a Remote control client on PocketPC? Anyone up to it

As I'm reading the threads I see over and over "what is this value", "please upload this file", etc. Is there a remote client like PCanywhere, telnet, Timbuk2 that would allow poepl on XDA to give up control of there machines for guys like itsme or others who have developed tools without even touching a device.
Any way to do this over the internet with home routers and everything else in the way?
We could do this by going PC-PC with timbuktu and then controlling active sync to load or pull files. How could you find the IP address through the router? With ipconfig -all all I get is my router assigned IP with no indication of how to access the machine from the internet.
Anyone know a way to do this?
What´s wrong with "Pocket controller"?
There is no other program that has it´s superb features.
You can completely remote controll your XDA/XDAII/XDAIII.
If you are asking to remote controll an xda thru the internet, id say forget
about it. It´s to complicated and to bulky to use. And by the way, what is it supposed to be used for?
If you want to remotely control your computer with your XDA thru the internet, there is good software for this already.
My wife had mapopillis installed on her phone and could not get it up and going or get the GPS to show her position: I would like to have a program icon that she can click on which would (automatically) connect to the internet, display an IP address of her connection and activate remote control. I would then use the IP that she gives me to log onto her phone and setup and test her Mapopillis and GPS.
All I get from her is "I don't know, it just doesn't work" and I can't debug much with this response.
What would be nicer is to have the IP address automatically SMS'd to my phone when my number was preprogramed in. This way her required actions would be less. She just wants me to make the thing work.
here's another vote for Pocket Controller.
it truely is a wonderous utility packed with cool features
no need for anything else !


Hi forum,
I have a WiFi Connection in my office premisis & was womdering if I could create a VPN or a similar p2p connection between my laptop & my universal...
Any comments or ideas..
yes you can
but not an activesync connection.
you basically have to get on the WIFI network (VPN not necessary unless you are external of the network and/or behind firewalls).
then its a question of what you want to do, the WIFI network gets you on to it using WEP or WPA SPK I think (we use WEP at home and work).
if you want to connect to your laptop, create a mapped drive then you can copy and paste backwards and forwards.
you can run terminal server to control your PC or connnect to a terminal server, or connect to SBS with administrator priverlidges.
The question is, if you connected, what do you want to do. You cannot activesync, but you might like to try streaming music or other bandwidth consuming activities...
got your PM.
Question: If you created the connection using WIFI between your laptop and your PDA, what do you want to do/achieve?
PS morphosin
Please please please stop using "help guys" as your heading. Refer here:
Particularly point 2.
This is at the beginning of every forum topic.
Hi Simon... The reason i was wanting to connect my laptop & my ppc through Wifi is that i cannot activesync (like you already know).
I was thinking maybe i can have a data trasfer between the devices if nothing else.
Is that possible?
If not, what can the connection be used for?
Thanx buddy,
Activesync cannt be done over WIFI, 2003 allowed it not WM2005.
You can share a folder on your PC, and thus place files in and out of that using WIFI. Generally though, I found it more efficient to use an SD card with a USB memory reader to transfer files, much quicker read/write. Usually I want to put pictures or videos back the other way anyway. some pc's and laptops come with memory card readers anyway.
ON your PC' find a folder, right mouse click and share it with a share name. Make sure you know the name of the machine, eg my computers name is TLA-DELL1 for work, and home is the name of my daughter. If you havent named your machine it will have some dodgy obscure pathetic name issued by the manufacturer. You can get this from system in control panel.
On your PDA, start your WIFI.
Using Resco explorer hopefully you have it, map a net work drive. You can try the standard file explorer, but I dont like it. Total commander can also do it. In the share address use:
note the double backslash.
Enter usernames and passwords as appropriate.
Now, the pain in the arse bit.... do you have a firewall? This is where it can get tricky.
The other thing you can do is if you are running XP Pro (if not, I recommend it), you can also go into control panel > system on the tab called remote connection, you can tick a box that allows you to take control and use your machine on your PDA using Terminal Server. This allows you to access all the resources and facilities that your machine has as if you were sitting at the console, including the power and processing speed of your computer.
Only downside, the screen is much much smaller than your computer, so getting around it can be painful.
Once you have enabled your machine to allow the connection, its simply a matter of starting wifi, programs > terminal services, and enter the IP address or computer name of your laptop to connect to it, and it should open then a log on name for you to start using your machine.
A further feature, which I dont use and cannot advise how to, but read about it here, is to "stream" mp3's from your laptop to your PDA so you can play music on your PDA based upon music on your machine rather than having to copy it.
In relation to sending files to your computer, if all else fails, I ahve two extra email accounts on my PDA a hotmail account, a POP3 account, and if in times of need, a GMAIL account, all of which allow me to email particular files anywhere I want using any WIFI connection. I use this when all else fails.....
Hence my question, what did you want it for....
Dont worry mate, we'll get there... one day. We just have to challenge MS, and what is life without a challenge or 100 from MS.

ActiveSync every 5 minute

Hi, new to the form. This is a useful place!
Am with O2 Mini S, 1.5.70, AS 4.1, XP sp1, Oulook 2k3.
Does anyone notice AS runs every 5 minutes? I first tried the Add Server Source hack by WM5 Axim users, but didn't work. I couldn't find any registry entry that relates to the sync frequency.
Apart from suffering the unplug usb and wizzard freeze problem seen here. AS syncs every 5 minutes really annoys me. I need to rely on AS's tcp via bluetooth to use networking on the device and AS is heavy weight process.
So far, I have some solutions:
1. kill the wce* processes, which leaves the device connected (TCP stack still works, USB charges) but AS on the desktop says disconnected. Your wizzard's AS will still TRY to sync every 5 minutes, but it'll return quickly because the desktop ain't listening. But remember to double click AS on your desktop when you need to sync stuff again.
2. Replace the useless MS bluetooth stack with the widcomm stack taken from the Atom? Then use the PAN profile for connection. Disconnect PAN and run AS via bt from the device when needed. (But PAN on PC is not always possible as company laptops will almost certainly not allow internet connection sharing, never mind allowing you to have BT PAN enabled in the first place)
So afterall, does anyone know how to re-enable manual syncing? Some registry hack? AS 4.x is such a big step backward, I already have to disable firewall and VPN service from my company laptop when connecting, AS 3.8 was so much better when I was with an ipaq or SP3i. May be a sticky with enough post on it to get M$' to fix AS.
There are numerous threads relating to AS 4.1 and starting every x mins .... Please try to search next time....
Anyway, the simplest way is to create a dummy server entry in AS (On the mobile device) then when creating it uncheck all the "MAIL / NOTES / ..." entries in the advanced section. Once the Server has been created you can modify the server sync to set it to never.
For more info have a look through this forum for other threads on AS 4.1.
sorry if that has been talked about alot before, I suspected it. But I did a search before and couldn't find related stuff on this site, plenty of firewall/VPN stuff found which I also had a problem with...
The Add Server Source hack has been widely referenced in the dell Axim WM5 forums. As I mentioned, it didn't work for me, my ROM is very recent, as the phone is new for two weeks. I couldn't find any entry in the device registry that suggests it will run at any schedule! Although I can see peak time settings...etc but none of the scheduling options in registry.
Am really wondering if this is a problem with the specific ROM.
Yeah, I aplogise, am I bad, didn't read all your post....
Have you got any other apps that try to update regularly like Weather plugins etc?
I can agree with humps on that.
I've got a new k-jam and tried to stop AS4.1 from syncing when not connected to pc, by creating a fake server then through options setting it to manual sync.
No luck however as it still comes up in the list of running programs whenever i check :evil:
fix for constantly syncing when USB-connected
Sorry in advance if this isn't the right place for this.
I was so mad about Activesync 4.5 re-syncing during two out of every five minutes when connected via USB that I implemented a workaround that might prove useful to others as well. The result is that you can click an icon on your desktop computer and instantly change whether your handheld willl connect to its partnership for syncing or as a guest for doing other work (or just charging). Most of my data syncs wirelessly with an Exchange server anyway, and MightySync and PocketController function independent of the ActiveSync partnership. Ah, the peace ;-)
Here are the steps:
1. Change HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\GuestOnly to "1".
2. Export HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\Partners\[your device's partnership key] to a .reg file with name like "partnership.reg".
3. Create a batch file or script to stop WCESMGR, import the .reg file (regedit /s = silent) and restart WCESMGR. Name it like "partnership.bat".
4. Make a copy of the .reg file, edit it to *delete* the reg info (place a minus sign inside the beginning bracket of each key/subkey name), and name it like "guest.reg".
5 Create a new batch file or script to stop WCESMGR, import the guest.reg file and restart WCESMGR. Name it like "guest.bat".
6. When you execute "guest.bat," your device's partnership is deleted, and with the "GuestOnly" key enabled and no partnership found, ActiveSync will connect it as a guest without asking. After you execute "partnership.bat," ActiveSync will be ready to recognize your device on connection and sync.
7. Now, create a batch file or script that allows you to choose which .bat to execute, so you have one thing to click to go back and forth between connection types.
As will be obvious, I'm not a programmer AT ALL. I use pskill to clobber WCESMGR, and CHOICE.EXE copied form Server 2003 to choose connection type. It could be done more elegantly...but it sure works.
Only caveat: Later changing of syncing settings might require re-export of .reg key and recreate/edit of.reg-delete file.

File Sharing via WiFi - See the *phone* files on the rest of the network

Found lots of interesting little programs for my Windows Mobile phone recently, but one thing I can't find.
I want to be able to access the files on my phone from the network, via wifi (as a normal file share). I know it can be done the other way around, ie I can see files on the network from the phone, but haven't found anything to make the phone share its own files.
Is this possible? Can't see any particular reason why not - networking obviously works the other way, I know you can get http and ftp servers for the phone. Am I just missing something?
If there isn't a program out there that can do it, is it because no one's found a use for it and so not developed it, or is there a technical reason why it can't be done?
Any help much appreciated!
google this:
Mocha FTP server

remote data software?

was not sure where this post would go so i put it here.
what i am trying to do is this (i might lose ya, but here we go):
I have a home server located in a not-so-easy to get to place that is running opensuse 10.2 and is headless. there applications on there that i would like to see the status of and also any system events that need my attention. these are not complex items, just stuff like kernel updates, disk failures, file usage, etc. i do use realvnc to access that machine from my main computer to check stuff but that is a bit of a pain in the butt. usually the times i vnc in are when the **** has already hit the fan and i am greeted with a dead connection. and yes, before you ask, this server pc is oooollllld. that is why i put it out to pasture just to host my development websites and music/videos for parties (not worry that stuff is backed up).
now to the point. what i want to do with that info is have it sent to my main pc in general and to my wizard in specific. can this be done? i had tried the sms alert apps and the email alert apps that i found on the opensuse forums but they are cludgey and not very detailed and sometimes false positives like if someone (me) deletes a file(s) on purpose i get an alert for each damn thing that gets moved or changed.
so to sum up: i would like help developing a package to send system alerts (temps, hd usage, kernel panics) to my wizard while my wizard is connected to my main pc by usb or when my wizard is on my locally secured wifi network. can this be done?
i see 3 stages here
1) the opensuse machine must run a system event logger (has this already) that can broadcast over the net certain stats (havnt seen this)
2) the main pc will have a client "listening" for these events and routes the information to the wizard either through usb or wife re-routing (this can be done for syncing data over wifi/bt/usb so the protocol is there)
3) a listening app on my wizard to recieve the info sent to it by the main pc. this application will not be on all the time (like when i am not that case i use the opensuse email/sms app) but only when it is within wifi range or is docked to my main pc.
i have found several temp monitors for linux that do log data or that allow other apps to hook into it. filesystem errors can be handled by the overall system health apps as well. i can send data to and from my wizard with a little rinkydinky test app i wrote but the problem seems to be the transfer of system level data to a remote machine. the only problem i am having is connecting all the pieces.
any help or pointers would be welcome. not asking for handouts but help or else i wont learn much in the process =)

